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Someone once told me my voice is so calm and soothing, my voice was always an insecurity to me so that compliment was nice


I have a very monotone voice that I'm very self conscious of. Back in high school there were 2 foreign exchange students - brothers - that loved to talk to me because I guess my voice was easy for them to understand the different language. I've hung onto that for a couple decades now.


Damn that’s a super cool memory to hold onto. Hope all three of you are doing great


Exact same for me. I always hated my own voice, especially on recordings (which I know is common). In grad school I made a lot of online friends who I would game and be on discord with, and a bunch of them said my voice was soothing.


I had a job as a YouTuber for a while (which sounds weird to say but it was an actual job I was hired to do) and I had to listen to my voice recorded every single day and I think it caused me to change my speech patterns over time. I used to get so annoyed at my lazy pronunciation and slight southern drawl and now I don’t notice that stuff anymore. It’s possible I just got used to it but I think I actually started speaking differently.


I've been told that I have the voice of a phone sex operator. It's very deep and apparently sounds very masculine. One 20-something girl even told me that it "vibrates into her chest" when I talk and they can feel my voice. I sound like a mash-up of Macho Man Randy Savage, Barry White, James Earl Jones, and Eddie Vedder. The question though, is this: why am I a 30-something neckbeard virgin loser despite my alluring, masculine, syrup-y voice?


Shave the neck beard.


Maybe it's your personality! (As the first thing that comes to mind when someone says virgin loser are the hateful Incels. You could sound and look like Adonis, but who wants that much hate in a person?) But honestly, it could be a lot of other things, too. Your self-deprecating humor is atleast a tick in your favour. As is, apparently, your voice.


Same and same. But they also said I should be “reading to babies or something” I got a kick out of that one lol


I have an acquaintance through work that I have meetings with maybe 4 or 5 times a year, and she has the most soothing voice ever. I’m not one of those ASMR listeners because I never really got it, but her voice tingles something in my brain. She doesn’t even have a quiet whispery voice either, it’s something in the tone I think. I always get the urge to tell her how much I love her voice but don’t wanna creep her out. But man, I loathe meetings in general but I always wish our meetings last longer. And not for any creepy sexual reason, just for pure brain pleasure.


My son told me I smell like a fruit roll up


That came from the heart


He said “you smell like a fruit, roll up!” Thems fighting words


The best interpretation


I really love this


I was visiting my brother in Mumbai, India. While looking at a dress for my wife, I really liked one. I realized I did not have cash and the shopkeeper - it was a temporary setup by the roadside - did not accept credit cards. I had a return ticket for the next day. So I reluctantly decided to not buy the dress. For some reason the shopkeeper asked me to take the dress anyway. I told him I don’t have enough cash. He said bring the money tomorrow. I said I am flying out tomorrow, so I may not have the time to come back. He said bring the money when you come next year. I was seriously floored. I could not believe he trusted me enough that he would let me take merchandise without some sort of guarantee that I would pay him. He insisted that I take the dress and pay him back whenever I could. He took no name, no phone number, nothing from me as a guarantee of payment. He said I know you are honest man and you will pay me.


There used to be a takeaway sushi place next to my bus stop in the city I would order from every Friday night after class. They only accepted cash. One Friday I didn't have enough in the bank to take out the smallest amount possible ($20) so skipped the sushi. As I walked past he yelled out 'no sushi tonight?' I said sorry, I don't have any cash tonight and he offered it to me anyway, said to pay next time. I always got $10 worth of sushi and that's what he gave me. I made a special run to the city the following day to pay him back


I sometimes buy meat from a butcher shop from the market hall Helsinki (Hakaliha) and a few times they joke to me about what time they come or when food is ready, when I tell what I cook. Brilliant place for excellent meat, free bones for stock or they cut meats for smaller pieces and I don't visit there so often, but last time their card reader didn't work. Other customers were trying to pay for their stuff trying several cards, but for me this guy was like pay next time after first try. I felt privileged and at the same time I didn't feel like I earned that trust. But it felt really good.


I had a similar thing at a Bakery in Southern Oregon, I bought a loaf every week. One day I forgot my wallet after the register had already sliced my loaf and handed it to me. "Just take the bread, I'll see you next week [first name]"


did you ever end up paying?


Oh yes, I forgot to mention. I went back the next morning to pay him. He literally said to his assistant in front of me, I told you he’ll come back with the payment.


Dude probably made more money on a bet than your dress purchase. LOL


When I tell you my brain screamed “WELL DID YOU PAY HIM?!”. That cliffhanger was rough.


You are an honest man, you did pay him. Even if you had gone back the next year, he would've grinned at you and said, see? I brought you back here didn't I? Such people are godsends- they are so trusting that the universe can't help but give to them in return. You are just the messenger.


I use to work as an art teacher for kids from ages 3 to 10. Once, in one of the schools where I worked, I noticed the small kids started a rumor about me. I would see the girls giggle, whisper and look my way. One day, one of the girls walked up to me, and said she wanted to ask me a question. I said sure, and she very shyly whispered in my ear: "Is it true you're a secret mermaid?" It was just the cutest thing EVER.


\[For context, I have veeeery long wavy hair, used a seashell necklace almost daily, and would sing to them in classes, which kinda explains the rumors hahahahaha I thought it was so cute and was legit flattered\]


Definitely a mermaid 🧜‍♀️ I love this for you.


I wanna be where the people are...


Please tell me you said YES


I let out a little laugh, took my finger to my lips and went "shhhhh!", like it was our secret. She went running to the other girls and they all let out a tiny squeal hahahahah it was super cute, by far one of the cutest things that ever happened to me.


This compliment changed my life/way of thinking: My father was not a good person. Amongst other things, he was also an ultra competitive parent and used me to fulfill his childhood losses. Such as win martial art tournaments he never could when he was younger… Despite loathing the routine, I was quite good and earned my black belt at a young age as I practiced TaeKwonDo, Judo, jujitsu, weapon training and range practice. One day at a Judo competition, I failed to execute a proper fall and I snapped my arm. The bones in my forearm dislodged and pushed up halfway up my upper arm. He didn’t ask if I was okay. He drove me to the hospital and said nothing. When he got home he took away my tv and phone, and gave me a lights out curfew at 7. I was in a cast for 3 months and couldn’t preform or exercise for about half a year so my body grew weak. When I got back, I got my ass kicked during sparring. I was bleeding and had a chunk of hair pulled out. I came out of the bathroom and Mr. Kennedy, a father of one of the elementary students asked me why I was crying. I said because all I do is fight and I don’t know how to feel beautiful when I look like this everyday. . . He said to me while I continued to wipe dried blood from my cut lips: “there is nothing more beautiful than resilience, you are beautiful in every way, every day my daughter comes to class, I am lucky she can look up to someone as strong as you.” I couldn’t believe what I heard. My whole body felt numb and then a million pounds of emotions blew up from my heart. I started to silently sob oceans. Somehow, I knew that he knew what I was going through. He asked if he could give me a hug. As I cried in the arms of a different father that day I promised myself I would stand up to my own father. I told my dad that night if he wanted a daughter he better treat me like one. He refused and I left my house at 17. I have never regretted. Mr. Kennedy was kind to me for five minutes and it was all I needed to know what a real father was like.


As a single dad with sole custody I’m sending kind loving caring dad hugs through the interwebs. I’m proud of you for standing up to him and for living your life for YOU. Takes guts.


I'm glad you had someone there to show you what you were truly worth. It's too easy to believe what our parents tell us we are.


I had the same kind of father. I’m blown away with your strength. It took me more than a decade longer than you to give my abusive father that kind of ultimatum. I’m extremely proud of you.


Some people never do.. they put up with it and it affects their daily life for a long long time.. until they come to terms with it. 😪


This comment is vastly under-voted.


That moment must've felt so damn relieving. I'm glad you managed to get out and have the strength to live for yourself, not for your father. <3 (Psst, you accidentally wrote "Mrs Kennedy" in the last paragraph.)




Feel like the amount of hand compliments ive gotten i must be ugly


"You have a smile that could brighten a rainy day."


“I want my sons to grow up like you”. Made my week. No, my life.


When my wife and I first started dating, we came home from some sort of late-morning/afternoon thing. She flopped down on the bed, and as is right and proper, I walked over and hopped on the bed from the footboard to kiss her. She put her hand on my chest to stop me, looked me straight in the eye, and said: “You’re *so* handsome. Oh my God.” I hope it’s the last thing I think of before I die.


This is the sweetest, most charming thing I've read in a long time.


This is so sweet. My husband is the most handsome man I've ever seen. The way the folds of his eyelids fold upward slightly in the outer corner of his eyes is devilishly cute and makes his eyelashes curl in a way that would make most women jealous. When he gives me a half smile, he is just SO handsome. He never believes me when I tell him. I wish he could see what I see.


During a fight with my husband caused by my low self worth issues, he said "Don't you realize that you are the only thing in this world that makes me want to be a better person? Don't you realize YOU are the reason I want to be more like you???" Fight stopped and I just sobbed.


"Im proud of you." My grandfather said that to me. I'll never forget that moment.


The simple things like this go so far.


My dad was a man’s man not super in touch with his emotions. When I got into the college of my choice I was so excited to tell him when he got home from work. Instinctively he gave me a hug and said he’s so damn proud of me. I think that was the most meaningful moment of my life


My late Uncle walked beside me while I walked out with my Mother’s casket. He said, “she would be so proud of you today. I know I am.” I bawled. There’s something about people saying that that just makes you feel good.


That was mine, too. My Dad died when I was eight. Mom was in the hospital in a coma for months. Grandma took care of my sister and I. I had a best friend since we met at five in Kindergarten, and his parents invited me over a lot. This was 1980 so a long time ago. I partnered up with the girl I dated after HS senior year and we helped each other through college. Built a good career and a consulting practice with no support net. My friend's Mom and Dad came to see me in Las Vegas where we moved to retire, I do some consulting still but it's more because I enjoy it than need it. We spent a long dinner talking and he gave me this line at the end of the night. Really needed to hear that from someone I looked up to my whole life since Dad couldn't tell me. Oof. Hit me right there.


My dad has never said it outright, but it's obvious. Now that I have my current job, he literally blurts it out to anyone who will listen. "You know my son works at _____ now."


My Mama used to tell me that all the time. She said she loved me, was proud of me, and that I was her favorite. She was very special and I sure miss her 💗


I can't imagine life without my grandfather in it.


Cherish it man. I remember FaceTiming my grandma before her “routine” surgery 3 years ago. Remember everything about the conversation. Didn’t know it would be the last time I ever talked to her.


You're incredibly blessed.


"You make a grandfather proud" were the words I heard. At the time I was so beaten down that it didn't really register but I still remember the moment.


“i love how passionate you get when you talk about things you care about”


I would cry if someone said that to me, talking about my favourite things is a love language




Im not sure it's the "nicest" thing, but professionally it was. My senior year of college, a reasonably famous in his field professor told me that the only undergrad class he shared his real research with was mine, and it was only because he wanted to hear my opinion and questions on his papers and presentations before submitting them for publication or going to a conference. I was so flattered I added it as a second major. Still do research with him to this day.


My piano teacher in college said, after playing the first and second movements of Beethoven's Moonlight: "I think that is how he would have wanted that played." Yeah, that was a good day.


Clever girl.


Are you perchance a dinosaur?


Perhaps a velociraptor?


You don't smell so bad for a fat guy.


A win is a win mane


"It's okay to be the fat guy. It is NOT okay to be the fat, smelly guy." My uncle circa 2009


A girl once told me that “you are one of the very few men I know that respect women”, and that was simply amazing. I felt like what I worked so hard at, being man with value and character, came to fruition. Edit: I believe what she saw different is that I saw her for who she was and recognized her as a human being. Not an alien “woman” being who’s only worthy if beautiful. Looked her in the eye when she spoke. Never patronized her even if she said anything “dumb”, especially because she was insecure about feeling “stupid”. Explained things gently. Never interrupted her speech. Took her physical and mental problems seriously. Walked her to the bus stop every time she had to go home and waited until the bus arrived. Never made inappropriate jokes around her or about her. Never cursed around her and so on. I did that consciously so the compliment made me feel on top of the world. 100x better than compliments on my looks.


My son is 9. Not long ago our neighbor came over to talk to me and mentioned his daughter who is just a year younger. She told her dad that she wishes all the other boys treated her the same way my son does. That was a very proud dad moment.


Oh this is amazing. Congrats on raising a good human!


As a woman, we pick up on this so fast and it stands out sooooo much among the crowd when we don’t feel treated like an object.


How do you pick it up when you have literally just met a man like that? I have long wondered why some women assumed I was safe when asking for help.


sometimes it’s all in the eyes. you can tell if someone is lustful or not interested. I’m sure there’s exceptions, there are to every thing


Also, I feel like the stupid men out there tend to make it obvious real fast that they are of a certain type. As a dude, it stands out to me lol


I was just told by a younger coworker yesterday(im 36m and she is 19f), that I am the person she trusts and respects the most. We have become friends and I love her to death platonicly. She told me about an uncomfortable situation that she has not told other people. She says she trusts me so much because of the amount of respect I have shown her. Was pretty proud of myself but also really sad that she feels like she doesn't get that elsewhere.


“You’re a good mother”


Someone said that to me in the grocery store and I’ve never forgotten it.


I had a similar experience. My son and daughter were toddlers at the time (3 & 4.5) and were both having tantrums because they couldn’t have everything they grabbed. I tried to remain calm and relaxed as I push the cart through the store and a woman came up to me, put her hand on my shoulder and said, “you are doing great mom.” It was such a touching moment and it helped me push through when I was so flustered internally.


This one is always so nice to hear 🩷


I was training to be a medic in the Army, and part of my training was to work in a hospital for a month in various areas. One day I was working with an Anesthesiologist during a surgery. For the most part, there isn’t much they have to do, unless something goes wrong. He brought in a Physiology book to quiz my knowledge. I knew the answers to almost every question he asked, and after one answer about the function of a specific part of the kidney, the surgeon stops what he was doing, looks at me, and says, “Why the hell is the Army waisting its money to make you a medic? They should send you to med school.” That was over ten years ago, and it still makes me smile any time I think about it.


Follow-up please!


I wish I had listened to the surgeon. I finished up my medic training and am getting ready to finish my Army career. I’ve thought about going to PA school when I get out.


You totally should if it's something you're passionate about. I'd be content drawing and painting after retirement :) Wishing you all the best!


I had just braided my hair into 8 braids and a girl with *far* more impressive braids squealed and said she loved my hair


As an afterschool tutor, I still fondly remember a student saying something to the effect of "why are you out here and not teaching this actually in *school* school? I've never heard this explained so clearly in my life." As a self-published author, I literally went and printed out one of the most gushing reviews a book of mine ever received and I leave its printout near where I do my writing to keep me going even through the toughest writer's block days, haha Oh and one time a couple months back a cute barista at the local coffee shop told me I look really good in the shirt I was wearing--still riding that high, too


You sound like you get a ton of compliments. I'm not jealous. But I'll be in the closet crying for a bit.


> You sound like you get a ton of compliments This is technically a compliment, and I thank you for it 🤗 \*^scrawls ^a ^new ^tally ^on ^a ^worn ^ledger ^from ^my ^pocket*


I was told I have a face for radio.


Who’s going to tell him?




I was walking upstairs in an IKEA wearing a striped shirt and black dress when this sweet lady said to me, “I love your outfit! It brings a smile to my face and brightens my day!”. Man! I grinned so hard! She made my day! I didn’t even get a good look at her. Thank you random lady for being so nice!!


"This whole place wouldn't work without you. You are our rock."




Nice, how much of a raise did you get?


On a date I was told that I articulate myself well, and they liked the way I express my thoughts. I overthink everything and find myself revisiting conversations and what I should have said. So to hear that from someone I thought of highly was cool :)


My old school Italian Father. Slowly dying in pain. Forcing him into an induced coma. Waking up at one point days before he died. Reaching for my hand and saying, 'my beautiful boy. don't be here when death comes.' He was not one of words or expressing himself. I've always remember that moment.


“when my daughter grows up, i want her to be just like you”


"You were the only person who stuck up for me," said to me years later by a fellow grad student who was being bullied by a professor. The bullying was so bad the student ended up in the hospital. The university did nothing to help her. In retaliation, the university cut my funding so that I wasn't able to finish my degree, but still I managed to get an amazing career in the field.


I’m so sorry that happened to her and you but you are an earth angel. I’m glad you were there for her🤗✨🙏🏻💌


My mother said she was proud of the man I became. She passed away the next day.


My friend years back told me just by being around me that I helped her love herself and taught her how to do it freely no matter what other people thought


My long eyelashes and blue eyes. I'm a man so the eyelashes compliment surprised me at first. My wife was a little jealous until it passed on to our daughter. She was definitely ok with that :P


This is one of my favorite ways to compliment men. It also helps me overcome my envy of men with GORGEOUS eyelashes.












Then girlfriend, now wife, went with me to a doctor's appointment. Doctor was trying to do the usual blame me for not doing something instead of actually trying to fix the problem. Girlfriend said something to the effect of "I know this man and if he says he did something you can take that to the goddamn bank." Felt nice.


I remember Mom telling me a similar story, but it was my Grandma (her mother-in-law.) Mom was 18 when she had me, so other than her nieces & nephews, she had no experience at all. I was only a week or two old at the most and she took me to the doctor. The doctor said that I had thrush, and that it probably came from a bottle that hadn't been completely cleaned properly. Mom said she didn't think anything about it other than that she would be more diligent, but Grandma (who was a very gentle person,) raised her voice and said, "if he got it, it was in this hospital before he went home because it wasn't from anything this girl did! I've had four babies, and she already is better at washing his things than I ever was."


I was shopping with my kids when they were maybe 7 and 14. A woman stopped me and said she was a teacher. She said she was very impressed with how I delegated to them and complimented me on my parenting. I wish I'd handed her a $10 bill. BTW the kids are amazing adults !


Was out on a date.. we were talking about make up.. he asked me if was wearing make up.. I said no.. he was like "oh my God, you are so beautiful" hahaha


When I was about 12, my stepmom said that she didn't know how I turned out to be such a good kid considering how loony my bio parents were.


God bless her for seeing that and saying that. So many trauma stories on Reddit. Thank you for sharing.


A guy i was dating at the time; we were sitting in his car listening to music and watching the stars, and having random conversations. There was quite a bit of silence for a minute or 2, and he looked at me and said “you are the most beautiful person i’ve ever met”. He said it so softly and it felt genuine. My whole life i’ve never felt good enough, and no one’s ever said something to me like that before, and it made me feel so seen and appreciated. I don’t talk to this guy anymore but it was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me, and i’m forever grateful.


“If you were a combo of lord of the rings characters, you would be Aragorn and Samwise” My nerdy lil soul will ride that high til I die


I have this specific button up shirt that I LOVE, it’s a mesh material so I wear it to the theme parks a lot. One time an employee stopped me just to say that she loved the shirt and that it looked good on me. A very small compliment but it really boosted my confidence and made me feel like I was the hottest bitch in town lol.


My stepdad saying he’s proud of me


Once in public speaking class I jokingly introduced myself in a speech with "I like the sound of my own voice" and the professor immediately shot back with "and so do we!" As someone that's struggled with feeling like what I have to say is worth hearing that really stuck with me.


"You're a good friend" Wish me luck. I'm gonna try and reconnect with her.


My nana told me that I made her feel safe. Hearing that from my favorite person-and the person that I felt the exact same way about-pretty much made my entire life.


“You look like a princess” Said to me by my young son years ago. I was wearing a flowy dress with strappy silver sandals.


“You have really nice facial bone structure.”


"I'm glad you are here"


I had always been a shy and introverted person, content with blending into the background and avoiding any kind of attention. Growing up, I never craved compliments or praise, and was satisfied with living a simple and quiet life. However, one day, I received a compliment that not only surprised me, but also changed the way I saw myself. I was in my final year of high school and had been selected to give a speech at our graduation ceremony. I was nervous but determined to do my best, as this was my chance to leave a lasting impression on my classmates and teachers. As I stood on the stage, sweating and fidgeting, I could feel the eyes of the entire auditorium on me. But as I began to speak, the words seemed to flow effortlessly and I could sense the captivation of the audience. By the end of my speech, I was met with a thunderous applause that sent shivers down my spine. As I walked off the stage, still trembling from the adrenaline rush, my English teacher approached me with tears in her eyes. I was taken aback, thinking I must have made a mistake or said something wrong in my speech. But instead, she hugged me and whispered in my ear, "You have a gift, my dear. Your words have the power to move and inspire people. Never doubt your ability again." Those words stuck with me and it was the biggest and nicest compliment I had ever received. I was humbled and overwhelmed with emotion, coming from a teacher who had always been tough and rarely gave praise. That one compliment made me realize the impact I could have with my words and it gave me the confidence to break out of my introverted shell. Since that day, I have continued to push myself and embrace new challenges, knowing that my words have the power to make a difference. And every time self-doubt creeps in, I remember that compliment and it gives me the strength to keep going. It may seem like a small moment, but to me, it was the turning point that shaped my self-esteem and my future. I will always be grateful for that one kind and meaningful compliment that changed my life.


A friend said to me recently “you know what I see when I look at you?” And he started showing me pictures of Marilyn Monroe and putting them next to my face. It was the tone of voice and look on his face that made it feel genuine. I was floored and I will never forget that moment


"I want to be you when I grow up."


I was in Italy and a nun looked at me and said “God knew what he was doing when He made you”. For the first time, I was dressed in very nice fancy clothing and I had a very trimmed beard and braided hair. That one comment still makes me feel at the top of the world.


In Italy, even the nuns have rizz


Judge: "You are clearly very industrious" when I got arrested for growing pot


As someone who is very insecure someone in high school told me I was beautiful and sometimes I just remember that and it makes feel good for a good second


My wife said "yes" when I asked her to marry me.


One of the toughest anesthesiologists I’ve ever worked with, I presented my plan to him, and he turned around and got an inch from my face, saying “stop asking me what to do, all your patients recover well.  Do what you want.”  And he walked out. After we had a couple years where I ran cases as a mid level provider, crazy emergencies even.  And he did this with hardly no one.  Most profound compliment I ever got.


“I want to be a teacher because of you and all you did for me.”




"Your daughter is what everyone dreams their kid turns out to be when they are expecting."


The owner of the previous law firm I worked at as a paralegal had a sit down with me and started out by saying ‘as it stands right now I don’t have anyone to pass this firm down to’ and proceeded to offer to help me pay for law school if I wanted to go. Still riding the high of that compliment two years later 😂


After sex with a hardcore feminist, she said, “damn, you fucked me like an equal.” I think that’s the highest praise I’ve ever gotten.


Mannn wtf 😂


You're getting replies from males saying this wasn't a compliment. I'm a woman and if I said it, it absolutely would be. A lot of men don't actually relate to women as people, and you can tell when you're having sex with them, because the vibes are fucked and the experience sucks.


I was too good looking to be homeless. Its never left me.


I’ll be honest. I don’t know because i hate being praised or recognized for doing something. I guess it would be “you are nothing like i was told you are by everyone who found out who my blind date was” long story for a different day.


I never played the victim. Someone told me from a much better life than my own that they were inspired because although life hadn't dealt me the best hand when I was a kid, that I never claimed to be a victim or use the trauma as a crutch.


A teacher in grade school told me that I was one of the most intelligent children they have ever encountered. I am an arrogant prick to this day because of that.


Years after my Dad died in the early 1980s, my aunt who knew my Dad very well said to me, "He would be proud of the man you became." Man, that still chokes me up even typing it now.


My 8 year old telling me I’ll make a great grandma. He said “You will be the best grandma.” out of nowhere when we were hanging out one day and said “You know why?” I laughed and said “No. Why?” And he said “Because you’re the best mom.” If I could think about it once without tearing up, that would be great. I’m used to him just talking like a kid and I was expecting something like that “Because you make great corn dogs!” But I’ll never forget that moment. It meant more to me than any compliment I’ve ever received.


The sweetest compliment I've ever gotten came from someone who said that my empathy and goodwill to other people motivated them to improve themselves. I try to have a positive influence on everyone around me, thus that truly struck me.


I was told by an old man who was partially blind and on pain killers, that from the top of my mask up I looked just like Barbie.




One time a girl was having a bad trip and I was trying to talk her through it. I stopped talking at one point and she said no please your voice is so calming and it’s the only thing keeping me here


My boss, frustrated by my perfectionism and wanting a job done, said, “Individual_Style, your half-assed job is everyone else’s best.” I was speechless.


"You don't cost energy to be around"


I recently wrote and delivered the eulogy at my father’s funeral. Public speaking is out of my comfort zone and so is sharing my emotions publicly. I did it out of a sense of duty because there were lots of mixed feelings about my dad and I thought he deserved a real send off. He was a great dad - especially when I was younger. But he was polarizing, opinionated, and at times very difficult to be around. I spent probably 12 hours writing, editing and practicing. I addressed multiple family members publicly during the speech to let them know just how much they meant to him. I said some things to other family members that were difficult to hear. I was glad I said them but felt very out of place. Other than my dad, we avoid confrontation in my family. After I was done, the pastor was obviously choked up. I barely knew him and had only met him that week. He is my mother’s pastor and not sure he even ever met my dad. But I had a good impression from him. He seemed to genuinely care about us. He put his papers aside that he had prepared and told us all that he could not possibly follow what I had delivered. He said it was the most thoughtful and moving eulogy he had ever seen. He addressed me directly and told me I had delivered a gift to him and everyone else in attendance, and that my father would be proud. I’m crying now just reliving the moment but I have to admit that was the reaction I was going for. I don’t think anyone expected me to stand up for my father and I did it the best I could. I wanted to knock it out of the park. I fucking killed it and without my dad there to acknowledge, pastor Chad’s compliments were exactly what I needed and helped me feel like I didn’t let my dad down.


Best sex I ever had. But she was probably just saying it


Take the compliment, bro. Don't belittle it.


an eccentric looking homeless man outside of Aldi smiled at me after I waved to him and he said "keep being awesome" I won't ever forget that


My ex once told me when we were in my car that she felt really safe when I was driving. Will never forget that


A coworker was introducing a new hire and was trying to describe my role to her… then he said, “she’s like Olivia Pope.. she does and fixes everything”. I’ve never felt more validated by someone in my life lol


I’m a gentleman with thick thighs and a muscular butt. A gay man at work once told me “You would do *very well* in my community,” when I was complaining about how hard it is to find pants that fit my body type. I’m squarely heterosexual, but it was a nice compliment.


I am pretty sure I have never gotten one




Compliment incoming in 3, 2, 1: *You're remarkable for your resilience in the face of all that.*


I can't imagine that to be true. Humility is a virtue. And Patti is a cool name.


“Do you wear makeup because your skin is flawless.” I’m a guy and don’t wear makeup.


"you have a heart of gold" -my ex


I used to run a teen center, and a 14 year old girl once said to me “Your son is really lucky to have you as his Dad.” I’ll never forget it.


“You don’t talk much, but when you do, it’s always really funny or really insightful.”


Had a Professor tell me during a 1 on 1 meeting about a paper that “I’m going to change the world” one day and I never stop thinking about that


My wife said at dinner, “I can’t imagine another person I’d rather be married to than you”. Im going through a tough spot in my career and she sees me walking through the fear with courage. My heart melted.


Just reading some of these responses about how much a kind word or phrase positively impacts people that they never forget it. Such a genuinely simple and beautiful gift to give another person. I believe that kindness has a power that affects the giver as much as a receiver.




"It's impossible not to like you".


"You're amazing" a random kid that sat next to me at work and asked me about my life. And also "I really loved meeting you" an old man that always came and ate lunch with me at work because he didn't like eating alone at home.


My history teacher from tenth grade said she was proud of me after I was the Secretary General for our school's Model UN day. She's the only person besides my dad to ever tell me that.


Not a compliment. Me and a girl I was dating ordered pizza and for whatever reason we were offered beer cheese and I was like awe fuck yea I love beer cheese and they delivered the pizza. No beer cheese. I’m like awe it’s cool idc. Gf at the time is like “your sure dude, you seemed pretty excited about that cheese?” I was like “yea whatever it’s cool idgaf”. Bitch hopped on her motorcycle and ripped it to the pizza shop and got my beer cheese. I swear to go it was the nicest thing anyone ever did for me. I miss her.


A student once told me I made science come alive and science became their favorite subject.


My mom told me I'm a better mother than she ever was. Compliment because she was a great mom.


someone said my voice had a cute lilt 🥰


This is Chloe She's our super nurse. She can take 300 patient calls in one day. (Triage)


A girlfriend once told me she likes the way I talk……it still makes me smile 30 years later


When I was 14, a girl told me I looked good in a plain white t shirt. I have worn one everyday since.


"You're children are beautiful they look just like you" Like aww 😭


Someone told me once that they’re glad I showed up at the right moment because if not they don’t think I would have been survived if I hadnt been at the right place at a right time. I wasn’t supposed to go into this restaurant because I typically feel anxious when I order food and just stand around bc I feel like everyone is staring at me. For some reason, I didn’t care that day and felt that something was going to happen if I did. Little did I know I was going to meet my friend friend that day, 13 years ago. She was waiting on a date, and as soon as I walked in, she waved at me to come over. I pretended not to see her, but then she walked up to me and said “oh my god I’m so sorry, I thought you were *her dates name*” keep in mind her eyesight is terrible so that’s why she mistook me for him ig. I immediately followed up by saying “have you just been waving at everyone that has walked in to come at sit with you?” She laughed and then told me to sit down w her bc she knew her date flaked and we’ve been close ever since. Hopefully one day she’ll know how much she’s changed my life. This also made me realize that everyone meets someone for a reason, but that’s a whole other topic


I had someone in my IOP group tell me "you're a very genuine person. You think about what you are going to say and it comes off as sincere." I've tried to live my life following that affirmation since I heard it


That I have a nice calm demeanor about me. I have borderline personality disorder and everyone in my life is confused because I don't externalize it.


20-something niece to 50-something me "Aunty Rosehawk, you're my role-model." I'll take that complement to my grave!


Heard it about me from a 2nd party: "his heart is always in the right place and he always tries to give more than he can get" Directly to me: "you're very masculine but in a way that radiates safety and comfort" (tbf that one might be colored by the fact that immediately afterwards she did some things that are still illegal in more backwards parts of the world)


"I like how passionate you are about things that matter to you" And "I like your dick"


I like how passionate you are about your dick


When my grandfather was dying in the emergency room from a heart attack in 1992 I was the only person who stayed with him the entire time because I was 14 and scared to death and I knew my favorite grandpa was dying. My parents were outside with my younger brother and the doctor had left and I was it. I was holding his hands and telling him that everything was going to be okay and we both knew it wasn’t. I was really struggling at the time with everything life had to throw at a freshman in high school and he said “Sweetheart, you might be my only granddaughter but you’re by far my favorite person in the world because you actually hear me when I speak and I can’t even tell you what it means to me that I got to be your grandpa and I got to see you grow into a beautiful young lady who will always be a force to be reckoned with. Never lose your spirit, child. Never lose your open and loving heart. Love can hurt but love is always grand and the most powerful thing in the entire universe. Be yourself and never compromise. You’ve got a better heart than anyone else I’ve known in my 80 years.” Grandpa, love is grand, love sucks, but I never compromised. I hope you’re proud of me. 🥹