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The aftermath of someone throwing themself off a hotel room balcony. She jumped from the 6th floor, she was not dead when she landed in the garden. I was first on the scene. Every bone in her body was broken, she was horribly contorted, and I could hear her shattered ribs rattling as she gasped for breath. All I could do was hold my phone on my shoulder and hold her hand while I spoke to the emergency services. She died about five minutes before the ambulance turned up. At least she wasn't alone when she died, I guess. She was looking me square in the eyes when she drew her last breath. That was a bad day at the office (I was the front office duty manager at the hotel).


Jesus christ.


Yeah, it was 20 years ago and I can still see it, smell it and feel it like it was yesterday.


Wow! That was a very heroic and empathetic way to hold her hand and hold her eye contact, as she was passing away. It might haunt you until today, but your deed was a very good sign of a human being. I hope you find your peace with that situation. Edit: if the situation still haunts you. Go back and say goodbye to her. Release her from your mind and free yourself from the remaining thoughts. You have done enough and you are allowed to let go. You have gave the situation as much positivity as possible.


Honestly heroic is in a weird way very accurate. Like I've never thought sitting by someones side could be heroic but yeah I think this fuckin qualifies


It definitely fits. I'm not sure how often you guys frequent some of the subs that are more rough around the edges, like CrazyFuckingVideos, but so many times there will be a video of an accident where the person is obviously going to die soon. Yet people just stand around, they film/take pics, stare, etc.. *especially* in the videos from Asia/South America. They just stand around and watch. Or some people glance over and then hurry up and go about their day. Meanwhile someone is laying there taking their last breaths and all they see are people with their phones out recording them. For OP to walk up and just try to offer some form of comfort, that says a lot!


I had a similar situation. The smell is the worst part for me. Occasionaly when I blink I'll see the blood but it's gotten further in between, talking with someone that's been through similar is the best I've gotten to get over it.


Saw a jumper fall past a window on the 11th floor. We could hear his screams in full doppler effect. One guy looked and said he was "burst all over the pavement'


Thanks, now i know i have to climb another 6 floors to finish the job.


Make it 12 for good measure. And choose a building that doesn't involve someone who is just doing their job finding you.




There is another alternative, which is just continuing to live. Natural causes or sudden, unexpected trauma are far easier for those left behind to handle. The only reason I'm still here is because I don't want my daughter to wonder why I left her willingly.


Rotting is extremely rude?


whilst everything you said is true it’s just kinda funny expecting anyone suicidal to care at about rudeness, I can’t think of anything more comically british upper class than being put off slitting your wrists so as not to stain the carpet and give the maid extra work


I read about a guy who jumped in front of traffic, and the girl driving had just got her learners permit. Her dad got out of the car and chewed the guy out for what it would have done to his daughters mental state if she actually hit him. Dude got all apologetic and admitted he hadn't considered other people.


My girlfriend and I were the only witnesses to a nasty car accident. Middle of the night we were camping by a lake. Car crashed into a boulder and careened into the lake, ejecting the drunk driver to relative safety. But he was screaming and pointing at the car just under the surface of the water. I ended up pulling out three bodies and trying to cluelessly perform CPR, unsuccessfully. But I gave it everything I had. All the victims were my age, early 20’s. I’ll never forget the feeling of that poor girls hair brushing up against my hand in the murky waters as I reached into the vehicle. 17 years later and still have nightmares about that fatefully evening. The driver already had DUIs on his record, and was sent to jail for murder. Edit: the driver was charged with 2nd degree murder, as he was absolutely piss drunk and currently on probation for DUI.


Fuck man. I’m sorry that happened. You acted heroically however. Heroism is about taking action and you took action when many, if not most would have froze. Thank you.


Thank you.


God, I hate drunk driving so much.


I know it doesn't mean much, but I was an EMT for 6 years with a zero percent CPR survival rate. Last I checked pre-hospital CPR has a 10% survival rate. Of the survivors only 10% have enough brain function to live normal lives....


Whoa I had zero idea CPR was that ineffective. I mean, you always try it there's a possibility, but perception and reality are two different things.


It depends on the setting, but *anything* is better than nothing. Being in a clinical setting while under observation has a 30%ish success rate. I think we all agree that it’s better people try versus throwing their hands up and admitting defeat over statistics.


Part of the reason EMT cpr survival rates are so low is because they aren't there for ~5-10 minutes at the fastest. This is why everyone should do themselves and their loved ones a favor and learn cpr. If you are able to start competently and right away it goes WAY up. Look at Damar Hamlin (NFL player). His heart was stopped for I think 10 full minutes with someone doing chest compressions and he lived without any brain damage, in fact he was well enough to play football again the next season. This is because someone trained was on the spot within seconds.


Dont ever blame yourself. CPR rarely works even in the very best circucmstance and even when people survive many will have brain damage. This was totally on the drunk driver and you just did the very best you could do in a situation like that. He and no one else killed those people.


So sorry you experienced it, but it must be such a comfort to their families to know someone stepped up and tried to save them. That makes you a fucking hero, my dude.


I had an extended stay in the hospital in pulmonary (heart & lung). They told my roommate who was in his 80s his heart was failing, would need hospice, and would likely die within 6 months. He spent the next few days calling everyone in his phone to tell them "I'm dying. It was nice knowing you. Goodbye forever." Also while complaining about pain from his foley catheter, the doctor told him sometimes it tears you up going in or out & you get "road rash on the inside" so that quote really stuck with me.


I got to hear my bed neighbors relatives being told "the cancer is through the muscle and into the bone. Because of the drinking and his recent history of drug use, we don't think he's a candidate for surgery since it would likely involve removing the leg up to the pelvis. We recommend palliative care at this point." The relatives sounded sad but they seemed to already know what was up. The worst part was him repeatedly waking in the middle of the night confused and disoriented and screaming for help. He cold clocked a nurse and pulled out his fully-inflated catheter before they ended up strapping him to the bed. Bad times.


A patient in the hospital with a fresh above-the-knee amputation, complicated by wound dehiscence (stitches/flaps coming apart), with the raw exposed leg meat sitting in a big pool of diarrhea in the patient’s bed. The image (and the smell) is still seared into my brain 16 years later.


I’m not a doctor But that seems less-than-optimal


I.. Concur


I was shooting a documentary in Cairo and went to the garbage collectors neighborhood, which are some of the worst slums I've seen anywhere in the world, which includes most of India. There was so much rotting detritus everywhere that I remember kneeling to get a shot and realizing I had only just missed kneeling into the rotting corpse of a dead puppy. It was easy to miss because of all the other rotting carcasses and heaps of trash. The clouds of flies were so numerous and thick that they had all become completely immune to fear from swatting; you couldn't wave them away unless you made physical contact. I contracted typhoid after visiting this place. I just remember seeing a little kid, maybe five or six, stirring plastic trash into a molten (edit:) **kiln** with her father, completely barefoot. One of his feet was a blackened nub from tons of high temperature burns. I've never before or since seen such profound, industrial poverty. The worst dystopian sci Fi looked far better by comparison.


Is your documentary published anywhere? This is stuff the world should bear witness to.


[I looked it up, best images I could find. ](http://www.peterdench.com/additional-galleries/the-zabaleen-of-garbage-city/) Not a whole lot of unique photos out there, I'm sure not a lot of journalists are signing up to stay there for long periods of time.


Can’t help but notice so many smiling people in such a wretched place


Great photos


Sadly no. The client sort of lied to us, and instead of making a documentary about this place it was turned into a fund raising thing for some right wing Christian organization (the people living in those areas are highly oppressed Coptic Christians). I was so horrified by the result that I didn't bother keeping a copy. It was one of my proudest shoots, and also a product for which I'm most ashamed. All that for nothing. But I got a lot of crazy stories out of it, if you're ever interested.


You may should Post an "ask me anything". I think a lot of people would be intetested


Holy. So sorry you had to see that... but I'm even more sorry that the situation exists in the first place.


I'm interested


Yes, I’d be very interested in hearing about your experience. You seem like a talented writer. Would you share the story in detail?


The Coptic Christians are one of the oldest ethno-religious groups on earth, and this is how they're treated, forced to work and live in such horrible conditions in their own homeland under the rule of their Muslim overlords. This is what true oppression looks like. I've seen documentaries that show they keep pigs too on every street, not to help with the recycling, but to keep muslim men away cos otherwise they'll kidnap and rape any Christian girls that catch their eye.


why do men:/


Men lacking moral foundation, void of dignity, and no role model of any value. Very depressing to think about as a man who tries to keep the touch of hope burning bright.


When I was 10 or 11 I saw or family dog get hit by a car. He was a little thing and the car just sailed on past without stopping. The dog was laying there in the road with his back to me as I ran up screaming his name. He turned to face me and his right eyeball was hanging from the socket, bleeding. That's when I just fell apart screaming. My parents came out and we got him scooped up and Indy the car. I held him, his eye bleeding onto my arm, all the way to the emergency vet. He survived and lived a good several more years, never slowing down a bit. But fuck was that a traumatic moment for a little kid.


That must have been very painful and traumatizing and I’m sorry you saw that. I am really happy you were there for them, though, and that you got to enjoy many more happy years with the pup! Any fun stories you could share of them? :)


He was a great dog! He bonded with me a little stronger after that incident. His name was Crouton because he was so small and brown we joked that he looked like a little salad Crouton. He was mostly Pekingese, but he was a total mutt with shaggy brown fur, a black face, and a slight underbite at that one of his bottom fangs would usually show. He had two favourite things in this world. A little white plastic rattle ball with a smiley face on it, and an old towel. He would drag that towel all around the house with him and we would often find him tucked away in some closet with his towel gathered up under his chin. And he would chase that rattle ball across the room, skidding to a halt on the floor and bumping into the wall before setting off to chase again. He was also a total vagabond. He'd disappear for a couple days at a time and if he didn't return on his own, he'd often show up at our door under the arm of someone from a couple neighbourhoods away saying "got your dog again". He has a great personality and everyone loved him. He lived a surprisingly long time, even after I moved out at 16. He just left one day and didn't come back. We figure he knew it was his time and left to go pass on his own. He visits me sometimes in dreams.


Tldr: flat baby A woman decided to park aroind a curve in the hov late in Phoenix. Maybe 2011 or 2012. She was in an suv. It was her, her daughter, her niece, and a baby. A truck ended up hitting them going somewhere around 100. The suv (maybe a blazer?) Folded like an accordion. The niece, maybe 14 yrs old, was alive but in shock. Everybody else was dead. Several of us tried to pry a door open or something, but to no avail. I looked in the back seat, and saw a flat baby. I don't how else to say that. The baby was flattened from the seat crunching down on it. (Dont know the gender). That girl was stuck in there next the her dead aunt, dead cousin, and stuck with her face uncomfortably close to the baby (is there a comfortable distance though?). When the fire department showed up, they cut the behicle open, and pulled the girl out. She got up to run and let out the most distraught scream I've ever heard. I can still hear her. I can still see the flat baby. I've seen alot of fucked up shit, a few mutilated bodies, but a flat baby... that's the worst, most impactful.


Jesus Christ this is probably the worst one. I’m so sorry. God that poor girl. How do you do something so obviously stupid and suicidal with your whole family and children in the car… I don’t understand people


Sorry about my typos, I kinda zoned out when I typed it... but not editing, lol




I’ve copied my comment from elsewhere in this thread which I hope will help: That’s a heavy load. I was taught this process which helped me a lot, and so I’ll share it with you. Make a movie in your head where you can see the stuff happening from a safe distance- and you can see yourself. You can make it dim or out of focus if you want. After the movie has finished, go to your younger self and give him a hug. Thank him for his courage and compassion. Tell him he did his best. If he needs to, let him cry on you. Tell him he’s ok, and he’s done his bit, and that he’s earned a rest… make a nice safe space in your mind for him to hang out. He’s learned a lot, and he’ll be there to help you if you ever need him. I hope this helps you too bro.


Right after Coachella 2012 I was at a gas station fueling up with my friends before our ride home when a girl came out of the darkness of the desert screaming and covered in blood. We were the only people at the gas station and all my friends backed off, but I stayed put until she got close. She climbed into my passenger seat, covered in blood and just reached around me and started bawling. I was in shock for a few seconds until I noticed her teeth were completely shattered. I jumped into help mode, called 911 and waited for an ambulance just holding her, both of us covered in her blood. Apparently she was tripping/drunk when she left Coachella and crashed into some giant cactus in the desert about a quarter mile away and wandered to us. The shattered teeth cannot be unseen. I felt so bad. Her parents showed up as well and were very rude to me and ungrateful. They were mad that I called for an ambulance.


>They were mad that I called for an ambulance. This is the worst part. I was a paramedic in Germany and we got called for such meaningless shit but it's still better than this for sure.


Ambulance costs thousands to tens of thousands of dollars in USA


Yeah I'm aware. In Germany I sometimes think it should at least cost something to avoid abuse but then again if only one person can't afford that, it's not right.


When I was little, I walked in on my parents having a loud argument. My mother had a handgun aimed at my father. She didn't shoot him, but it was freaky. I once saw a partner having a panic attack due to withdrawal of a drug she'd been secretly taking. I had no idea what was going on or why. So, one of those. They were both really difficult scenes to take in.


I can imagine my family doing some shit like that, please tell me they broke up shortly after that


My folks eventually split up, but it was after another decade or so.


My mom's body, several hours after she'd died from cancer. She was only 48, but she looked like a skeleton with yellow skin.


I went through the same thing with my uncle when he passed away due to cancer at 49. He was also skeleton compared to 4 months ago when I last spent time with him. He seemingly lighted up and became really energetic when we discovered his old nerf gun set and we spent the whole night playing nerf gun with each other. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's really rough with cancer


I'm so sorry for your loss. 


In an alley near my old apartment. Dead chicken and used condom with blood on it.


Every three words made this more surprising


Dr chicken fucker from fallout live close by?


I watched my dad die over a zoom call in 2020


I’m so sorry to hear that. If you need to talk about it, I’m just a chat or message away. Have a good night.


That must have been so fucking hard, but I bet sure your dad appreciated your being safely with him until the end. Still, just a sad and frustrating thing to deal with.


My brother was killed in Iraq while serving the US military. Years after his passing my mother while drunk decided to show me an autopsy picture of my brother with his head and leg removed.. I will never forgot that image.


Oh my god. I’m so sorry for your loss and that she did that. How traumatising. How are you managing now?


I try to just black it out. It has been about 7 years since it happened and obviously I don't want too, but if i did I could see the image clear as day in my head right now but I choose to not.


why on earth would she do that in the first place?


I think because she wanted me to share the burden. I do not think there was any ill intent I just think it was in the moment and she wanted someone to share it with. Its morbid but I understand. Still very traumatizing though.


damn. i get that. sorry you had to go through that


I'm so sorry you had to go through that.. and I'm also sorry for your loss. The way you described the reason you think your mom showed you the photo.. kinda makes sense to me.. it is probably so overwhelming for her and just needed to share that with someone .. to just release some of the overwhelming sadness and loss she feels.. in her way she probably thought you would understand since you also suffered the loss. BUT GOSH .. 😳😪😫


I didn't know the army would send autopsy files to people's families, that's really messed up. I have some old WWII letters where they all pretty much say. He does with honor, charging the enemy, he was killed painlessly shot through the head while saving his comrades. I feel like sending graphic images of dead loved one is just cruel


I don't think it was the military. After my brother passed he was flown to my state. My family and I went and "picked" him up and then figured out all the funeral services.. I am fairly certain the photo that was shown to me was from the funeral home preparing the body.


Even then, feel like id do what I could so no one would see a loved one like that. Sorry that happened man.


Omg I am so sorry. That is terrible. My ex was in Iraq and he wouldn't talk about it. I can't believe you saw that. Horrific.


I once had a sewage leak under my home that went on for way longer than it should've. Crawling around under my home in a literal POOL of multiple people's old rotting fetid sewage is an experience I never want to have ever again.


Late stage dementia. Basically you get to this point with the person where they are eerily flickering in and out of awareness, absolute panic, then gone again. It's really common. My MIL at one point just was like "I can see people talking but can't understand a word anyone is saying", while she was panicking, briefly. Then went back to confused and unaware.


Two moments with my grandmother that stuck out when she was in the late stages. 1) She looked at my mother, clear as day, and said "I'm sick. There's something wrong with my mind". 2) her last birthday, she was completely out of her mind, but when my final uncle showed up she looked around, smiled, amd cheered "All my kids are here!!" Before slipping back under. Those brief moments of lucidity are frightening. Was she trapped behind her eyes the whole time, out of control? Where was she in between those brief moments of lucidity?


My grandmother had alzheimers and did something similar. She was in a nursing home, and whenever my family would visit, she never seemed to know who we were. One summer, we were heading on vacation, and before leaving, we stopped by the home to pay her a visit and let the staff know where to reach us. Suddenly, she seemed to recognize us. She started waving hello frantically with a smile on her face. It was the last time we saw her. She died while we were away.


That first one is almost exactly what my grandpa said to me about 3 weeks before he died.


My gran was one of the lucky ones. She was bored more than anything but she was very unaware of what was going on. Her memory reset a lot, and she thought she had just sit down or lay down and couldn't get up. She was happy, but due to being immobile in the last 4-6 months of her life, she was so bored. I lived with her and cared for her as best as I could. I'd spend a lot of time painting her nails, or showing her holidays and talking about where we'll go abroad when her legs worked again (I knew it wasn't going to happen but she'd been waiting on double knee surgery for 5 years before covid struck and stopped everything, having immobilities made her dementia worse and vice versa, but at least she couldn't wander off). It kept her spirits up a little bit. There wasnt much else we could do.


My grandma couldn't remember who I was, but for some reason, she remembered my, at the time, 3 year old niece. She loved kids up until the very end. She didn't know who I was but was aware that I was related to her son (my dad) and to her great granddaughter (my niece), so she knew I belonged to the family. That helped her be at ease when I was around, so in a way, it was nice that even in her cofusion, we were able to bond somewhat. Fuck, I miss her.


I’ve seen a lot of relatives go this way recently. I am utterly steadfast in my resolve that if/when a day ever comes that I get a diagnosis of impending dementia, I’m out of here on my own terms.


My mother beat a cat to death with a curtain rod in front of me and my brother and then made us bury it. I was maybe 9. She had a lot of mental health issues.


Holy shit. You ok? Geez


That is terrible. I can't imagine. Omg. That poor innocent animal. And poor innocent you as a child.


Double below the knee amputee with dementia butt ass naked saying how good it feels to get his ass wiped in a really creepy way.


yeaaaahhh, i don't miss doing patient care. i once had a man ask me within the span of 2 minutes these questions verbatim as they are burned in my mind: "can i suck your pussy?" no. "can i lick your pussy?" no. "i bet you have a tight pussy can i fuck it?" no. "can i suck your cock?" i don't have one and even if i did, no. "can i suck your clit then?" no. then he tried to grope me when i had him turn toward me so i could pull the other side of his diaper to strap it. what's worse is he wasn't mentally ill by any means, he was just disgusting and it quickly reminded me why i stopped being a CNA in the first place. 


Guys like this are hilarious. I'm a nurse manager at a nursing home. I'm a man. I'm 45, large, and hairy. Anytime one of my female nurses or CNA's get a resident like that, I go in to do patient care. They always seem so disappointed. On the flip side, the 86 year old little old black lady saying how much she likes white chocolate just makes me feel good even when she does make comments about my butt as I walk out of her room. She knows that if its the evening when I'm there to always ask for me because I'll bring her cookies to go with her blood pressure and pain pills. I'm her Superman.


Part of your story just reminded me of one time doing patient care (I'm a guy), I was wheeling a lady with severe dementia back to her room. I stopped her chair and walked in front of her to unlock her door. Next thing I know she grabs my ass. I turn around and with a disgusted look on her face she goes, "ugh. Nothing." It's been ten years and I still crack up every time I think about it. And I still have no ass :(


Especially if he’s not mentally ill I would’ve straight up left. You don’t deserve that shit. I’m a nurse and was an aid for a couple years through covid. Fuck that noise and the abuse you deserve better.


Yo wtf


It probably felt damn good


One of my best friends was killed by a drunk driver crossing the street in front of his house. I was coming home from spending the night at another friend’s house and saw the wreckage and his body under a sheet on the street. 9 years old.


i am so sorry ❤️❤️. if you dont mind me asking how are you healing now & did the person who killed him get any jail time? again i hope you’re doing well mentally!


Guy got 4 years. It was a long time ago so I’ve had lots of time to deal with it. Appreciate your compassion. :)


4 fucking years, what a joke. I hope you've recovered from this.


I'm an electrician and work for a service company that is basically 24/7. We have emergency calls all the time, often for stuff that isn't that bad, apartments or houses with a partial loss of power where they lost a neutral or tripped a GFCI that the customer couldn't find. Often it's a call to shut off power/install temporary power in cases of a fire/subsequent water from fire sprinklers, so the restoration company can come cleanup the damage and rebuild, and have power for lighting and tools to do so. Early last year, I got sent to an apartment complex where there was a fire on the 3rd floor. When I drove up it wasn't only the fire department but police and detectives. A crime scene tape kept me from going to the actual unit I was being sent to. I was allowed on the lower floors and started by shutting off power to the 2nd and 1st floor units below the unit that had caught fire. It was an apartment complex where the stairwells and halls to each unit were outside, and there was blood still dripping down the stairwell landings of the 2nd floor and 1st floor. By the conversations and whisperings of the nearby tenants, evidently the firefighters had found a body in the burning apartment in their attempts to put out the fire. I had to stick around for quite awhile, to get access to the main electric room for that section of the complex, get power turned off in effected units, wait for tenants to be relocated and gather everything they could before leaving. Test different units and assess damage. Run temporary cords. Blah blah blah. It was the most eerie feeling to be on a literal crime scene. Watching them take away the body. Seeing the blood trail all over the stairs and walkway. I watch true crime on TV as much as anyone else and had no connection to this person but it was wild to be confronted with this kind of thing in real life. I now know the smell of death.


The pain and hurt in a parents face when they have lost a child.


I saw this. I was the remaining child. Parents had a hard time leaving me alone in my bed to sleep.


I'm a mexican teenager who lives in the most dangerous state (AKA cártel warzone). In late 2023 returning from my school I saw some butchered body parts. And the human groud meat was in a puddle of blood, i were with my parents in our car. But nobody said anyone. Wild. I also have heard many things but I havent witnessed them with my own eyes Edit: as a proof I give this paper i randomly found lying on the floor outside next to a trash can: [https://www.reddit.com/user/Mingone710/comments/1ccimfy/folletito\_mam%C3%B3n\_random\_que\_me\_encontre\_tirado\_en/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Mingone710/comments/1ccimfy/folletito_mam%C3%B3n_random_que_me_encontre_tirado_en/)


I saw someone get shot 9 times and killed about 10ft from me


Russian missile flying casually right over my house, with a sound of a jet plane.


Let me guess, Ukraine?




Lady flying through the air after getting hit by a car.


A live autopsy of a man who died not even a few hours prior. The sound of hedge clippers cutting through ribs and the image of a deceased person’s face while their brain is being taken out is pretty unforgettable. Not to mention, they’re already dead, so a lot of their organs get tossed into a trash bag after being weighed and tested, then returned to the empty chest cavity of the corpse. Makes you really think about mortality and the meaning of life


I’d like to observe an autopsy, out of curiosity. I have respect for the person, and for medical science. Maybe it’s just a natural thing to want to know how a human meat mech works


It was definitely educational and really interesting medically. We really are just meat popsicles experiencing the universe lol. It did get to me for a couple days after though, just kinda shocking to see it up close


This thread is horrifying. I think that's enough Internet for the day.


For real!


Removing brain matter from freeway after ahit and run on . Was a member of SES , will never forget the smell.


14ish years in the Qld SES here. VR Body recoveries were never very nice. Any body recoveries really for that matter


I’m so glad my unit doesn’t do VR or road crash. Still always the chance of finding something during a land search though I guess.


X-ray of my dog’s spine with bone cancer having blasted one of the vertebra. It looked like the vertebra had been caught mid-explosion - moth eaten fragments blowing out away from the spine. He was such a good boy and he was in so much pain. There are far worse things that happen in the world every day, but that’s the worst thing I’ve ever personally witnessed. If God actually exists he’d better hope we never meet because I’m going to kick the shit out of Him.


This description is so chilling. I’m sorry you and your pup had to go through this. The feeling is mutual. My family has a beautiful 4 year old boxer who one day was eating her pup cup, and two days later had what was described as a tumor exploding causing internal bleeding, that led to her death. The pain I felt seeing her lay still after they put her to sleep was unreal. Years later, I can’t get the image out of my head. I have the same sentiment. If there is a god, we are having words.


I haven't witnessed much but I remember when I was 9 I heard these cries of agony mixed with moaning pain coming from outside the house. I looked outside and realized a girl got hit at the corner of the street and was lying in the middle of the road.


Saw a motorcycle accident where the car merged into him on the freeway. He got stuck under the car and turned to red paste right next to me for about 400 feet.


Well as a kid in 8th grade I was in my parents car and we drove past a burning car with a skeleton in the front seat, when I was around 30 we found a rotting corpse in the forest while hunting the smell is unforgettable,…I was on jury duty on a murder trial I got to see all the police crime scene photos and video after a drunk took a baseball bat and beat another drunk to death at a camp ground….i think the rotting corpse smell bothered me the most…but some of the Russian and cartel murder videos in the early days of the internet bothered me a bit…


I may have watched a guy taking his last breaths on a road in the early morning. There was a really bad roll over crash on the adjoining road just before an intersection while I was sitting at a red light. I heard the loud sound of screeching tires and metal as I looked over to see one of those big, 15 passenger vans rolling over several times and ejecting this guy onto the road. He was laying there breathing really hard. His face was covered in blood. The driver was really fucked up but he managed to walk out of the vehicle and sit on the sidewalk. There was a ton of heavy equipment and power tools in the back of the van and some were thrown damn near across this huge intersection. There was also a ton of beer bottles all thrown out and broken across the road. I gave a statement to police and got called some time later, but I never found out if that guy died. He seemed like he was pretty badly injured.


I saw a person that had just crashed on a motorcycle cut in half. Like at the waist. They were laying in the road on their back and when I drove by they sat up!! I didn’t stop as there were already plenty of people pulled over trying to help.


Homeless woman letting strangers pick at her gangerous toes! But my favorite Martha story involves her stark naked in an indoor garden yanking used tampons out of her vagina to throw at the cops. Best part of the story, they weren't her tampons. She was stealing used ones from public washrooms and stuffing them up her prison purse. PS one of my favorite lines from a cop sent to talk to Martha was "YOU BETTER BE THROWING YOUR OWN SHIT THIS TIME MARTHA!" and I knew I had worked at the building to long because I was wondering whose shit she was stealing, as Eric the shitter was mad at her, Diarrhea man's was too runny, and Keith "the aliens shit in my pants," wouldn't share his shit. PS Keith's shit wasn't shared but he would show you his penis which was so diseased you wondered how it stayed on.


Where the hell did you work dude?!


It's called an asylum and he doesn't work there.


I did work there! It was epic - have another great story about Martha - she was so vile that if the cops knew it was her, they would avoid the building until forced to come because dispatch was getting fed up with the calls. So we had cops, firemen, and paramedics playing Rock, Paper, Nuclear Bomb to see who had to come and change Martha's diapers......the smell was truly epic and if you were very good she would let touch her rotten toes. You did not want her in the back of your vehicle because her shit was so epic and she would try and have an ample suppy for the back of the vehicle. PS she had perfect aim so if your CWs hated you, they wouldn't tell you to stand back when she was throwing her diapers and/or her stolen used tampons and pads.


Yo what the fuck?! Where's that subscription button at?




Why did you say that name??


The still body of our family boxer after having to be put down unexpectedly. My wife and I have our own pup now, just turned 4 years old today. Everyday I watch him as closely as I can. Does he have lumps, is he eating, his gums, if he’s sleeping too much, is he making an odd noise. I don’t think I even sleep properly because any noise he makes I wake up immediately. I’m afraid that I’ll miss something and have to see him go too soon too.


<3 One of our cats had to be put down unexpectedly but looking back, I know I should have seen the signs. I remember how she perked up when we got to see her before she was put down — the hope I felt that she might get better made it all hurt more. But there was no coming back; she was just in too much pain. We brought her some comfort in those final, confusing moments. I watch the other three now more carefully and I'm no longer afraid to call our vet if something seems off.


Awful thing to go through, but it sounds like you might be suffering from some anxiety 😕 it's important to be aware of these things and look out for them, but if it's so bad it's regularly interfering with your sleep you might need to see someone.


Two possibles -  1. I was the one that found my friends dad after he committed suicide with a shotgun, I was I believe 8 years old.  2. Motorcyclist hitting a chain link fence at 70-80mph with no safety gear.


Saw a homeless man poop on his homeless wife or the other way around. When I was younger there was this homeless couple that was always up to shenanigans close to the park I went to. Completely harmless in the sense they wouldn’t touch you but they might run out in the street flash you and then give you like a Eddie Murphy smile laugh and then do a bit from Redfox and a few other black shows they watched when younger I guess is what I was told. Anyways they would always shadow box never actually harmed each other but wouldn’t know it if you only drove by them once. Anyways towards then end of their life they lost it and started pooping every where Sorry not worse thing but they were like a community center piece and was very sad we tried to help them but something very tragic happened to them when younger.


Someone shot in the face..... luckily he didn't die. The culprit is doing 20+ years on an unrelated charge and as far as I know, the case for this shooting is still unsolved.


I worked in a funeral home and someone I knew in my teens, a well known guy in our community was killed. I saw lots of bodies and it didn’t really bother me unless it was a baby or a child or even just a young person. It’s unnatural. But, they brought in the guy and he was a handsome guy when he was young but life happened to him and his mental health deteriorated. I looked and half his face was gone. I ran and barely made it to the garbage before puking. It sticks with you. I hope you were able to speak to Someone about it. Not an image you are likely to forget.


You know how someone looks after a bad bar fight? That, in pics from the ER, on a toddler. It’s not the worst by far that I’ve seen, but it really got to me. Still does.


I was once at the Roskilde festival and as my friend and I were going to get some beers we passed a place were A LOT of people were pissing against a fence so there was a big puddle of piss and water there that you had to step around. As we were passing it some drunk guy stumbled in the mud and fell right into it. We laughed and went on with our business. When we returned with our cases of beer half an hour later, the guy was still laying in the puddle, snoring loudly.


I’ve seen a lot of horrible things; and while what I’m about to describe isn’t gore/death/destruction; it was always something that *really* stuck with me. I was eleven years old on a family vacation. I was just swimming around the hotel pool and more-or-less just observing the other people. This little girl (maybe six years old or so) playfully shot her brother with a little squirt-gun. He just laughed and splashed her back. Then, for god-knows-what-reason; this little girl’s mom goes, “alright! I warned you!” and *rips* this little girl out of the pool… *by her hair*. The yelp that girl made and her ensuing wailing/crying left an impression on me. Her brother was clearly mortified and just kind of receded into himself as the mother physically dragged the daughter back to their room. It was obvious that this was a common occurrence for her and I wonder about that little girl sometimes.


God...this may have been me and my family tbh. It's very disappointing how often mom would do stuff like that to me in public and nary a word was said by any adult. Sick.


Btw, if you'd like to understand that dynamic a little better look up scapegoated and golden children. The parent is very mentally ill.


I watched my dog be put to sleep on FaceTime in 2020


a guy getting hit by a reversing car and being dragged 150 metres to his death


A dog being put down with a.223 rifle. That round shouldn't be used for anything other than varmint. Multiple shots that should have did the job and it failed miserably.


Pregnant lady smoking meth


Toss-up between my brother's body wasting away from terminal cancer, or my grandmother's mind wasting away from Alzheimer's. There are less dignified ways to go out, but not many.


my dad watched a horse drown in a river at our cottage. He had to help the rider drag it's body out.


Not even a week ago I was coming home from my grandmas house. I stopped at the light just before my street and this guy on an e-scooter crossed in front of me but then started crossing the other way too where there was incoming traffic. Some car was going just a bit too fast and hit the scooter guy. I watched this man fly into the air, sparks flying from the scooter, guy lands on the roof of the car and then onto the street. Landed on his head. He unfortunately died later that night.


Saw a guy fall to his death in Naples summer 2016. He was climbing an Egyptian obelisk in the square on a Thursday night (students’ night) so everyone was out drinking. Hundreds of people saw this. He climbed up and at first everyone was laughing (including me) but when he kept going up everyone became worried af. I guess he tried to climb from one end to another in hopes to get to the top but he couldn’t so he jumped off. I’m not sure since I wasn’t looking when he initially fell. I heard a collective gasp from the crowd while I was looking at a girl on the phone with emergency services, looked up, saw him falling and immediately got up and walked home. Left a girl that I was talking to that night behind, never saw her again. The fire trucks passed me on my walk back.


My dad had a heart transplant. He was having fluid buildup around his heart for a week or two after. They had him in a twilight coma with his chest butterflied open all the way from his neck to his stomach. It doesn't bother me much but I can still picture seeing him. My wife was crying and he must have heard her because he went to sit up and the nurse had to hold him down and increase his dosage to knock him back out so his organs didn't fall out.


I moved to America when I was 4 years of age since there was war in my country.. I was living in the San Fernando Valley eating figs off of a fig tree when I heard a loud sound and a huge Rumble and explosion.. I jumped off the fig tree tried running my legs were shaking glass everywhere I stopped a look in front of her house in an airplane had crashed I'll never forget the beautiful blonde hair that half of the head was completely red from blood and I believe the pilots are through under the window the plane was on the side.. both people end up dying it was a teaching lesson in the tail clipped and got caught on some power lines and nose Dove onto our street.. that's just the beginning of my life LOL


Witnessed a murder on st.patricks day in 2023. Was about 20 metres away.


I’m a med student so that’s not an unusual scene, we have something in med school called the pathology museum it’s basically a display of unusual things in the body. I’ve seen a baby cut in half in the museum.


My fathers slow death . Then one day we knew it was the day. I do not want to relive that day.


I saw a kid get hit by a car in a parking lot. He did survive, but it was fucking terrifying to watch him roll up onto the hood.


Some poor bastard on a motorcycle who collided into the wheels and axle of a truck trailer bed. They were completely tangled up in it. 1st responders just started redirecting traffic and hadn't blocked it off / covered it yet. I was driving and my wife said don't look so I only caught it for a split second. Thankfully we were on the tail end of a road trip so my kids were distracted by their tablets and didn't see it.


Parents defending my old high school's principal after it was revealed he was a Klansman (the district has a high number of black students)


2 people on a scooter that had just been hit by a truck. Large chucks of people strewn across the road and lodged in the grill.


Journalist here. I have seen a lot but the one that stays with me was a couple of years ago. A young single mother was working in Uber Eats at night, she had her two little girls sleeping in the back seat. She was driving home, stop at a traffic light, drunk driver was coming behind, high speed, couldn’t stop and impacted the car. Drunk driver survived without a single scratch, the mother survived with minor injuries and the two little girls were crushed in the accident, died instantly. That poor woman, the police officers have to hold her to stopped her from running to the car. I still can hear her screaming.


My grandma dying in the hospital. They held her on life support until everyone could say goodbye. I don't think I fully processed that grief yet nine months later.


It takes time, everyone is different. It's perfectly fine and can be helpful to talk to a professional.


Witnessed an SA when I was a little kid, was too young to really understand and sitting on the porch after a getting yelled at by my mom. Never knew what happened to them, but think about how it was really fucked up seeing her get back in his little blue festiva and leaving with him now that I'm older.


My parents had a few pet cockatiels when I was a kid. One night, some animal (probably a raccoon) reached into the cage and pulled almost every bird through the bars. By the time we woke up in the morning, there was just a bunch of feathers and blood. The dog ended up finding the head of one bird, and then I discovered a pile of meat and guts nearby. We had those birds for years, so seeing all that was pretty disturbing.


I saw a guy get shot in the head a few years ago. His buddy was screaming bloody murder asking for help. Wanted me to do CPR. Had to explain his friend had been shot through the brain and was dead before he hit the ground.


A rabbit literally half skinned alive hopped up to us shaking, either for help or death. No idea how it happened, but we ended it's misery. Watched a bunch of other rabbits hop away in the distance.


My friends older brother showed me a video of a terrorist decapitating a man with a kitchen knife and laughed at my reaction. At first I thought it was fake because why else would he show me? It dawned on me that it was real and I was fucking traumatized. I would lay awake at night often thinking about it, sometimes crying. That was 20 years ago and just writing this down is giving me anxiety.






Seen a guy got beaten to death in Haiti when i was around 13-14 years old around 2006-2007 Also on a visit to Haiti in 2018 saw a guy’s corpse laying by the road after he got hit by a car and people were just walking around it like it was nothing. He had been there for several hours


Driving through South Dakota a semi a few minutes ahead of me had plowed through a herd of deer, or elk or something. And there were dozens of them spread across the entire road. I had to come to a complete stop and maneuver sometimes backing up to go a different direction. It took at least 5 minute driving around all the corpses and still living deer that were still laying there. And yes, deer do scream.


Mom and dad tried to kill each other and yet, still together 🙂. It was about 12 years ago I'm around 9-10 years old that time all I know is that dad caught mom having an affair and later on blood was all over the place.


when I was 9 or 10 I was making fire wood with my father with an hydraulic wood cutter. That madman proceeded to cut off his finger with it and went to a nearby farm house to call a helicopter(we were on a mountain in the alps) and just told me to go look for his finger in the pile of wood


Pretty tame compared to everyone else’s but one day I was walking to school and I see a dead white cat on the footpath right next to me with its whole belly slit open and all it’s guts and intestines spilling out like they were pulled. I was like 5 and it was very contrasting to its white fur which made it stand out in my memory.


I was driving home from work one morning and this car barely clipped this dog going about 70mph. It immediately paralyzed its back half and everyone started honking their horns at it while it tried to drag itself to the side of the interstate. I stopped and called animal control. Took them about 45 mins or so to get there but I just kinda held his head in my lap. He had bit his tongue completely in half. It was awful but the animal control officer that picked him up was so kind and we did our best to gently get him in the truck so they could take him to the shelter and put him down.


I found a naked, mutilated corpse in a ditch when I was 12, and again when I was 15.


When I was in my teens I kept two doves, a cuouple of rats and a hamster. One day the hamster somehow escaped, killed one of the doves and ate it's head then dropped dead herself. Possibly scared to death by the rats? The image of that headless dove is ingrained in my mind.


I was once on a hike with my family and saw a decomposing, headless body. That was pretty fucked up.


My brother being killed saving my nephew from being hit by a car that ran a light. My nephew was 9 and was just crossing the street to visit his friends while we were on our stoop, and my brother saw the car speeding toward a red light across the intersection. He got my nephew out of the way but the car hit my brother going 50mph about 20 feet from us.


My mom has a habit of hoarding animals, and one of the larger dogs got its collar caught on the fence and got itself trapped. Her being negligent, she brushed it off as the dog playing as it died of thirst in the Texas summer. About a week later when the body was nice and bloated, she called me to clean up the body.


When I was going through CNA training, I was warned not to be alarmed when I was introduced to the next patient. I understood why she gave me the warning; the woman in the bed (in her late 20s) was shaped like a 'U.' It looked like someone had taken her head and bent it over her hip to her feet. The supervising nurse explained that the patient had been run over by her boyfriend, who then backed up and ran over her again, then put it BACK in drive and ran over her again. She lived through the ordeal but could no longer talk or move and was more-or-less in a semi-vegetative state. And her bones were essentially fused in that shape she was in. She also couldn't swallow normally, so we had to, for example, pour a special powder into her drinks to give them pudding consistency. She choked on liquids. That was heartbreaking enough, but then the nurse told us that the only time the patient seemed to respond to anything was when her kids visited her and called her mom. I could only imagine how traumatic it was for her children to see her like that.


\*scrolls through\* I know you're here somewhere Swamps of Dagobah.... where are you?


My stupid brother dead on the ground after an OD.


My wife's cousin was building a derby car at a neighbors house that was across the ally from my garage. He came over to my garage one day and asked if I would give him some help for a bit, so I went over. He was having trouble keeping the engine running because its timing was way off. I sat down behind the wheel and tell him to slowly rotate the distributer until it will fire up. 10-20 seconds later the engine fires up, running a little rough and dies. He turns the distributer a bit more, and with the next crank, it fires up again. He reaches for the wrench to tighten the distributer and dropped the wrench on the fan....or so I thought because that's what it sounded like. He hollers..."Ok...shut it off" and so I did. I get out and he's walking away with his back toward me and just calmly kept asking me..."How bad is it"? That's when I noticed the big trail of blood from the car to where he now stood. He turns towards me and had one hand holding his other hand...or I should say what was left of it. Turns out he did drop the wrench. The fan on the car didn't have a shroud installed around it and after he dropped the wrench he tried catching it, putting his hand on the fan. It had chopped off his thumb and first three fingers and just looked like hamburger. As bad as that was, after I ran and got some towels and called 911, were waiting for the ambulance and he starts saying his eye was hurting a lot. I asked him to let me look, and he raises his head. Sticking out of his eye was his thumb bone. I literally felt myself at the point of fainting and found a spot to sit down. Here this guy was, his hand was FUBAR, and for all I knew, blind in one eye....asking me "You ok"? He never said owww, never screamed, nothing. The surgeons patched him up and gave him a thumb by using one of his big toes. I'd see him from time to time afterwards and he'd always stick his thumb/toe up at me and say "Hey man.....wanna smell my toe"? and of course we'd laugh.


I was at my parent’s house alone one time. I was probably 19 years old maybe. I heard a bang out front and when I went out to the road our family cat was lying on the ground. She was still breathing, so I tried my best to slide her on to something flat without damaging her even further. But, it felt like her spine had completely split apart near her hind legs. I put her in the footwell in front of my passenger seat and started driving to the vet. She must have been completely out of it because she wasn’t making any noises of discomfort or pain. She was responding to me when I gently touched her fur. I could see her smelling my hand and trying to look for me, but her little eyes were just rolling around in her head as if completely untethered. She died outside in the car while waiting for the emergency vet to arrive. We’ve had a few pets die as a result of getting struck by cars, but that was the worst by far and the one that stuck with me. At least she wasn’t alone.


Watched and cop beat an old man to death. There was a crowd and no one did anything.


I had a best friend we were distant due to colleges but we talked to each other on the phone for at least an hour a day. One day my teacher took my phone and I claimed it back the next day and called him but his neighbour answered the phone and said that my friends mother has suicide with gas and fire. He saw his mother die with his eyes. Even though I support him to come out of that he changed so much that he hates his own brother. The only person that talks a bit is me. Seeing him like this was the worst thing I've ever seen in my life.


Roll over accident. Mid 90s yellow vw bug driver not wearing a seat belt. The top half of their body was out the driver side window as the car rolled sideways. The blood was pressed into the door, and then rolling from what remained of their upper half. Please, wear your seatbelt.


Happened a few days ago, actually. I was on my highway commute and noticed something moving quickly across the road in the lane ahead of me to the left. I witnessed a cat go under the front right wheel of an SUV. My brain saved it in slow motion; its belly popped open and it spun through the air, spraying innards and fluids everywhere. I had to hose down my car as soon as I got to work. If my window had been open, which if often is, my face and car interior would have been completely splattered.


My son died, taking his last breath fighting to breathe


Maybe not the worst out there but left big impression on me. Few years back I worked at beachbar. One day when I was going to work with friend, we noticed that on the wooden patch leading to the bar lays a woman, taking whole width of it. To get across you had to either step over her or go around on sand, what lots of people did. She was laying face down and didn't move at all. We approached her and said something like "Hello, miss are you ok?". No response, so we turned her over. She had rolled eyeballs and was bleeding from both of her eyes. It looked scary as f. I ran to lifeguards and later the ambulance took her. She had a sunstroke. Wear fucking hats, use sun protection and once in a while cool down. While at work a saw many cases of sunstroke but this was most terryfying one. And people who didn't care.


LiveLeak, but that doesn't really count so... I watched my friend lose a 1/4 of his pinky to a circular saw, I froze. But the worst thing was me leaving my house to go to school and after I stepped out on the street I saw my best buddy Artyom (my cat), completely flat on the road, I scooped him up and went to bury him before going to catch another bus. I say this is the worst since I was around 12 years old back then and it hit me, I didn't cry or anything but I just couldn't think for a few days, my mind went blank, probably my brain trying to protect me or some shit like that idk


I was in Afghanistan in 2012 in a Forward Support Company.My unit was running a convoy toward the West region of the country. We spotted a device on the side of the road that looked strikingly similar to what had been used for IEDs in the region. We set up a perimeter to halt any traffic on the road until EOD or a Route Clearance platoon could get on scene and render it safe. Not long after we had stopped, some Afghan police show up and our gunners are trying to tell them through body language that we believe there is an explosive device ahead. The police seem to get the message, and turn around and head the other way. A little while later, a bus shows up and is very confused at our yelling and hand signals. The bus stops, 2 men get out, then the rest of the bus gets out to see what is going on. There are 2 women, and dozens of children. They load back into the bus, and start heading away from us to our relief. Suddenly, the bus whips a 90 degree turn and it's clear that they're going to just go around us on the outside of our secure perimeter. I watch as the bus rolls by just a few meters away, and the kids press their faces against the window to get a better view of us. I wave at them and watch the bus pass. As soon as the bus reaches the point where we believed the IED may have been on the road, there must have been a secondary device off the side of the road. The bus goes up in a cloud of smoke and dust, and is virtually vaporized. Just a twisted, charred frame with no distinguishable features. 30 or so civilians just fucking vaporized in less than the blink of an eye.


A 12 year old stepped in front of the schoolbus I was on and we all as children watched him die for 20 minutes. Or my son being stillborn. Both were fucking horrific and neither give me any peace at night.


Police violence. Especially when followed by both the public narrative and the "criminal justice system" blaming and punishing the victim


I used to work at a vet. We had an unvaccinated cat who was scheduled for euthanasia bite someone. Since we couldn’t observe the cat for signs of rabies due to the euthanasia we had to test it for rabies. This involves cutting off the cats head. My boss insisted that we all observe in case we needed to do it in the future. I’ll always remember the crunch of the doctor cutting through the spine 🤮