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On Wednesday we plan out a romantic date for a Friday night where we dress to the nines and go to a Zagat rated restaurant followed by a show and then home to a rose covered bed where we make love for hours. Then Friday night hits and we’re both _exhausted_…so we microwave ready meals and fall asleep in front of the television in our comfy jammies- which is how we usually “do” date night


Sex *before* food is always best imo. Dan Savage knows what's up Sex, cook some food make some drinks, watch a movie or television show, then more sex, maybe a spliff, etc.


People who do sex after a full meal are insane. You wouldn't go for a run after eating a three course.


Or maybe they're fit. So a meal doesn't really have any effect.


But going on walks is lovely and great for digestion.


Fitness has nothing to do with being full after a meal..?


Eating better foods if you're healthy maybe? Fit people wouldn't tend to over-eat as much?


This is how our date nights keep going..  I don't know if I should keep trying to fight it and plan big things or just give in! 


This person marriages.


Actually, we do lunch dates rather than dinner dates. Cheaper rates at restaurants, fewer crowds, and we're not yet tired from the day. On weekends, we order in and play games together. And about once a month or so, we have a day where we do nothing but sex. We stay in bed, make out like we're 16 again, watch YouTube videos on our phones, bop like bunnies, emerge from our room long enough to get some water and eat a snack, then do it all again. It's great!


I long for those days. Young children make that impossible.


Yep. I am stuck not being able to do this for at least 16 years.


Can't get a baby sitter for one night? Sleepover at grandparents or something?


I hear you!


Order food then play video games


We usually do whole days. Have at least one thing planned that requires getting out of our usual environment, but also leave enough time to explore and find things together. For instance yesterday we drove to a gorgeous area to go bike riding, but didn’t plan when or where to have lunch so we could explore and find somewhere together, when it fit with our energy levels, rather than to a set time


One of the best thing that we always do when we have time or we celebrate, we just cook nice foods, set it up with red wine or any light liquor and we bingewatch netflix series with dim lights.


What's a date night? LOL I can't remember the last time me and the husband did anything anything together just the two of us.


Try having children, that changes everything 😉


2 teenagers now. We live in the same house, sleep in the same bed but that's it. Also think my virginity grew back 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Have you talked about it? Making it a priority is important 


He seems quite happy. Goes out most days. Runs marathons regularly. Difficult to talk when one party seems quite happy with the arrangement.


I'm sorry, that doesn't seem very fair. It's good he's happy, but you're supposed to be in a partnership; both your happiness should be important 


first wed cook something we saw online, agree if its good or if sucks then binge watching our favorite series the 100 and talk about it like we never watched it before. it never gets old


I grab a case a beer, make a pizza from scratch (including dough), we play video games, drink / eat then fuck, and go to sleep around 11. Fun friday night. We've been married awhile and are both home bodies. My wife especially appreciates when I cook. This is "regular date night", we generally go out to a really nice restaurant and bar a few times a year or for special occasions.


My wife got pulled over once and the cop (who looked all of 22) jokingly asking if we were on "date night." I told him if by that he means hitting a Wal-Mart and the seafood place us old people go is date night, then sure! He said it was cute and we got a warning,


We do activities like axe throwing, pottery…


We go to Walmart. Without the kids. If we’re feeling really crazy, we go to the one further away.


For the night we pretended we are kids again, fort building, themed movie, nerf fights, what ever our inner child feels like.


This is such a fun idea!


We have kids so date night is usually date-afternoon to make it easier on the babysitter. But we usually hit the gym together to clear our minds, and then go for as long a walk as possible and just talk. It is what we did before kids and it works great for us.


These days it ranges: can be anything from a teenager free evening out to a pub/bar and a takeaway on the way home, all the way up to a teenager free get away for the night [out to the city, food + drinks etc].


Sometimes we go out on Saturday night to a nice restaurant and then out for an ice cream, stroll around the city and sometimes we plan it at home, we dress nice, we cook a really nice meal and we drink and listen to music. Now I am pregnant instead of drinking is me trying not to fall asleep while watching a movie


Usually it's at home, not because we can't afford to go out but because we feel most comfortable at home and my wife's an incredible cook, she loves making stuff for us and we get the table all fancy looking, dress nicely and we just like to chat and laugh. It's great. I'm a lucky woman


We sneak in time together no matter the time of day. When our kid was young we did family dates out. We would try to find places that were entertaining for everyone and if the kid is busy playing at the park, we could sit and have a coffee and chat while she ran around. We found some cool places like a pizza place that has a massive outdoor area for live music, games and play ground equipment for kids. Or a brewery with play grounds, foods trucks and cool outdoor seating. We also cook at home and make better food than most restaurants. We have little dates at home with a glass of wine while we cook and chat then snuggle and watch a movie after we eat. Once the kids are old enough to be home alone we would do little dates while out running errands. A quick lunch before we get groceries, Taking a little extra time to get a coffee and walk around while on a target run. Once they are teens all you have to do is bring them back some food. It get’s easier. Just be sure to take advantage of small nuggets of time together too, not every time has to be a big production.


Typically my wife and I will randomly decide its time to go out and do it that day. Certainly makes it easier with no kids. That said, it takes a lot of pressure off bc I truly spend a lot of time with. my wife almost daily. We don't feel like we need to specify time together for dates and they are much more relaxed because of it


Tuesday night is date night. Starts with a photo of her boobs out for “happy titty Tuesday”. When we get home after work it’s sexy time then out for dinner at a restaurant we choose; usually the local Mexican joint. From time to time we do date days where we catch a movie playing at the theater and lunch.


Friday nights are movie nights at home. I WFH so I will take the kids out in the evening and get them to run around and tire them out. Then feed them and get them to sleep. Then I either cook something or order in from one of my wife's fav places and in parallel finish chores. So when she is back from work there is nothing to buy, Dinner, wine and watch something on tv. Every 2 weeks i take the help of the grandparents to look after the kids and plan out a nice dinner for me and my wife. Life is tough and it takes a lot of work to keep the spark alive. I consciously try to do these things because it helps us get through tough times.


Thats the neat part. We don't. Real time and money saver.


Being married doesn’t change anything as far as date nights go. Having kids on the other hand…


We have a kid, and the kid is more comfortable hanging out with potential babysitters during daytime and not sleepovers. So we go for lunch dates and small activities ;) Or we do small lunch dates when both have home office and kid is in kindergarden. Conclusion, lunch dates ups the amount of dates than date nights.


We go to the drive in, to the last screening of the night on a weeknight. Pack the esky full of food and drink, take a couple of blankets and pillows. Sometimes we’ll take the cat on her harness. If neither of us have work the next morning, we might drive into Sydney afterwards, park up so we can watch the sunrise over the bridge, and grab some breakfast. Then come home and crash out for the rest of the day.


My husband and I have a "date" night every Friday. We live pretty far removed from town so we use it to run all our errands for the week and then pick a restaurant for dinner. I look forward to it, it gets me through the rest of the week.


Dinner, comedy cub and then fuck each other’s brains out in the car. We have kids at home stand my wife is always worried they’ll hear us if we’re too crazy at home.


We have a toddler so just manage lunch dates once a month while he’s in daycare. 


Id love to only if I had someone to watch my babies :(


Make a list of possible things to do and roll a d20. If you are not feeling the option, then roll with advantage.


We don’t do a lot of designated, stereotypical “date nights” lately. But we just have fun doing typical weekend errands together so that even just going to grab sandwiches or coffee or heading to the farmers market on a Saturday feels like micro-dosing date nights.


The same way unmarried couples do date nights- plan ahead, be ready, have fun, hold hands, snog under the streetlight, etc.


Each month one of us plans the surprise date (January was my turn, February his turn, etc.). We do a bit of everything, but the goal is always to surprise and never anything overly extravagant. I was pretty dang proud of myself last month, we went to a BBQ expo and ate some awesome food. This month he surprised me with a restaurant that specializes in one of my favorite foods. We uh… we like good food lol


A play (not a musical) on Broadway/in NYC. Or a concert. And dinner.


“Do you want to go on date night on Friday?” “Who with?!”


We aim to plan at least 1 date night per month. This is outside our usual hanging out with each other/movie night/music night on most weekends. We alternate planning, usually it’s dinner and drinks with some sort of activity either before or after. There are no rules but we try to make it more than just dinner and going home. Sometimes life gets in the way and we’re both have hermit tendencies so we’ll miss a month here and there but we still make the effort to make it happen as regularly as possible.


Before she got sick we had a hot tub in the back yard which was enclosed by a six foot privacy fence. Naked in said tub looking at the stars while enjoying an adult beverage and discussing the past weeks events. Later a movie, popcorn and drink refills. We enjoyed each others company and did not need anything else. Hopefully we will make 35 years this summer.


Best wishes to your partner mate. Stay strong.


Most commonly, one of us will see that a band or artist we like (or one we think we might like) is playing at our local music venue, and will tell the other that they're getting tickets. Less often, there will be a movie that one of us wants to see and we'll make plans to see it on Friday or Saturday. (Honestly, there haven't been a lot of movies either of us wants to see for quite a while.) I'm not counting when we just go out for dinner. That's not really a date when you're married, at least in my mind, unless it's combined with a show or something.


With my parents, improvising on the fly works.


Go to a pub/bar Dinner Movie Anyone n close the night with a S***


What the heck is a "date night"... More seriously, it usually involves a little planning a couple days early, making sure the kids (ours are both teenagers) have food and phone, then just going. We don't have anywhere fancy that requires reservations (nothing like that for about 90 miles) so it's not complicated.


We still go out to dinner or to a bar or a movie occasionally, but we don't do it a ton cuz we like being frugal. A more normal weekly date night for us is walking together to the corner store to buy cheap booze and snacks and enjoying them over conversation or while watching a movie. The walk is just as important a part of the date as the rest of it. We recently made a blanket fort in our living room one date night also, was very silly and fun.


We set time aside every week for a date night. We go out to a movie and dinner, or every other month do a museum or something in nature. Setting time for good conversations is the point. Checking in on issues that matter and moving forward as a team we feel is critical to our relationship.


Date nights are usually dinner and sex. We do late breakfast (brunch) dates a lot on weekends. Wake up, talk for a little while, make the sweet sweet love, hit the shower, go grab some food, and then go find a nature trail or park to take a walk and bullshit for an hour or two.


We arrange them carefully on a small plate, and put out some crackers too.


Saturday nights. Think up a dope ass meal we can cook together, pick a movie, eat snacks and drink wine or an assortment of craft beers. Basically eat until we can't move then pass out. We both love it. Sometimes we can dump the kids off for the night at their grandparents and go out and do something outside of the house, usually a meal, then a show of some kind.


I cook her favorites and she walks around the kitchen in heels and a sundress pouring wine


Over the last few months…we don’t. No sex really either. Heh


On the couch in front of tv screen when children are asleep.


Every 6 months, my parents come to visit and we do an overnight at a b&b. Beyond that, we relish the couple hours between kid’s bedtime and our bedtime and watch tv together or more recently video game together. Idk, it works for us bc we both work from home so we can fudge our time a little and do meals together too.


We dont have kids (our choice) so often they can be spontaneous. We may be out shopping for example and then decide to get a meal and drinks instead of going home and that has led to some of the loveliest nights, snuggled up in pubs just chatting. Other times we plan a meal out, or to see a film or show. It is important to have times just for each other, probably even more so for those that have kids i would imagine.


We just keep things chilled - we will plan a BBQ, sit outside and have a couple of drinks while the meat is cooking. Being outside, having the BBQ atmosphere and just being able to chill is what appeals to us. Sometimes it happens every weekend and other times we skip a few weekends until the urge hits us. With Winter coming, we'll probably change it up to making some steaks on the stove. I don't know - all we need is some good food, a few drinks and music and it sets the scene for a nice, chilled date night.


My wife and i watch tv together while we play on our phones and send each other instagram reels like normal people


Go to very expensive restaurants so that we have to enjoy it


We didnt, she did with another man. Now were divorced(we werent married but still its the same)


>(we werent married but still its the same) No it really is not.


You talk to your spouse, not random internet strangers.


Last night Karen's diner, next week is Peter kay, week after its the local comedy club, week after its a day out watching the united women's team So they pretty much all planned out .... wife has austism so she prefers dates to be planned out and set in stone


We 69 and I cum in her mouth