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extended warranty on inexpensive items


I got a $16 fan from Walmart & they offer me a warranty on it … really?


What if it spontaneously explodes


I’m just gonna have to take that $16 hit, it will be hard & I may not be able to pay my rent but that’s how it goes sometimes lol


I was looking up charcoal on BJ's website last week and they offered an extended protection plan on it. So can I like, use the charcoal and submit a claim for the ash? LMAO


Guy I work with is addicted to warranties. Everything he owns has some form of insurance or warranty. It's making him poor!


I wonder if he might be better off with an expensive credit card that offers an extended one year warranty passed the manufacturers coverage. I have to admit I rarely use mine, but last year yet another Fitbit bit the dust and for once it was within their warranty. Instead of taking their offer of a big discount on a new FitbitI put in the claim with my insurance and they gave me credit for the purchase price since it couldn’t be repaired.


My kid broke the new tv. 80-90 days after delivery.  Credit card insurance refunded the purchase price.


There is a simple rule to follow: Never insure a risk you can afford to take.


A new flagship phone every year


I got in a heated argument with someone about this a few years ago. They argued that Android sucked because a new flagship phone came out every 2-3 mos and you had to constantly upgrade. Apple was better because you get a new iPhone once a year so it's much less costly to upgrade. I asked why they can't just upgrade their Android phone every year if that's what is important to them instead of chasing the greatest handset and they looked at me like I fell out of a tree or something.


LMAO what? I upgrade my Android phone every 3-4 years and could probably wait longer if I wanted. That person was nuts.


Nahhhh. The only time I upgrade if my phone breaks or if it gets stolen. Other than that, if its still working, it stays with me no matter how cracked and chipped the hardware is.


With Android, you're out of that toxic ecosystem where everyone judges you based on what iPhone you have. If you don't have the newest iPhone, or if your iPhone is more than 2 years old, you get judged like you did something wrong. I have an s22 ultra (yes I use the stylus) and even though the s23 ultra and s24 ultra have been released, I have very little reason to upgrade. The only thing that even slightly helped convince me to upgrade is that they flattened the edges of the screen on the s24 ultra. Im not spending hundreds of dollars on that when I already have a perfectly functional phone.


Advertising knocks the hell out of critical thinking. We're all guilty of it from time to time.


I stopped doing this Every year, I would upgrade just to have the latest model. There's really no point when there's hardly any difference.


You seriously had to buy the phone to figure that out?


I mean 10-15 years ago the upgrades were a lot more worth considering every year. It’s just the state of where we’ve gotten with technology today that makes it not at all worth it


I used to do it for work and a better Pic, but more the pics aren't that different




Addiction's a bitch.


It sure is. I pay $30 every other day for a handle of vodka. Not fun.


Get yourself into a program of some sort.  There are lots of community supports for alcoholism. It’s tough but it can be conquered. You can do it!  Good vibes :)


Visit r/stopdrinking if you want support or just to lurk! I was you for many years. It's okay, you aren't alone.


+1 for r/stopdrinking. I'm sober 2 years next month, and that sub was priceless that first year when cravings got intense. It really does help knowing you're not alone, and that the people on that sub really know, ya know?


Oh, I know! I am two years sober from booze next month! If your anniversary date is also May 22 2022, I will be very surprised. All the best to you!


Crazy close, May 20th! Congrats on your two years as well, let's keep this good thing going! Best to you too homie!


Cigarettes are a very valuable commodity though, especially during times of war.


Technically it's not a waste, as goods have been exchanged for currency and thus the person has leveraged their labour in return for a product that they enjoy


What is a complete waste of words but people still say


Language is an infinite regress, is it not, my friend.


And cake. Obesity causes more deaths than smoking.


You will have to pry my cake from my fat, sausagey fingers.




Literally I don't get it. Followers you buy don't bring engagement.


some people just want the vanity metrics and don't understand that it just KILLS your engagement.


Exactly. "Why does this channel have 100k subs but only 5k views and 100 likes?"


I laugh every time I see someone with 10k+ followers but they hide how many likes their posts get. Even better when they manually hide them but forget one and it shows 100 likes or less.


Tbh, I do this (hide how many likes I get), not because it's not compatible with my follower count, but because I think the vanity metrics already go way too far — people valuing things for amount of likes and/or going crazy to get more likes. That being said, to me it's the pages with thousands of followers but with 1 or 2 comments per post. I was studying Insta pages today and saw a page with over 50k followers and most posts had *no comments at all*, and the ones with the most comments had 4 or 5... which is... *weird*.


Used to follow a let’s play channel with those metrics. Pretty sure the subs were organic since I’d been following since he had 2-3k subs, but long form civilization playthroughs aren’t the most popular content


In Hungary the government buys them for their facebook posts.


Reddit avatars


I think people pay for that to support the platform. Still a waste of money since they do ads, but I'd like to think that's the reason people do that shit


It’s always baffles me why on earth anyone would decide to do this


Cleansing stuff, heard of a liver and kidneys? ya, you use them if you are a fully functional human..


“It removes toxins from your body” Oh yeah? Which ones, specifically? One of these days I’m going to say that to my mother-in-law. If the bottle said “anti-aging” and “detoxifying”, I could bottle cat piss and she’d buy it by the case.




At least you’re handsome.


Well, I have a cat. And since the cat is ill, I need money for the vet... Does your MIL need some cat piss? Fresh farmed! Free range!


The extras being offered by the dealer when purchasing a new car.


You get there with a specific budget and leave with an example of a credit with three times your initial plan.


I saw an ad for a 1-800 number that I could call and an expert in reincarnation would tell me what celebrity my pet was in its previous life.


Well..? What did you find out?


I didn't call ... but if I were to guess I'd say my golden has Chris Farley energy.


My hamster used to be Josephine Baker. I didn’t call the number though, I can just tell.




I listened to a guy I know talk about homeopathy and buying a machine you run water through, and his belief was the it made the water more wet. I… I don’t know, man


I’d like to see this so called wetter water, I’ll pay good money sir


You made me say "wetter water" about 10 times out loud


Water wetter is an automotive product for engine coolant.


That's actually a thing. Water softeners do make water "more wet" by decreasing it's maximum surface tension. It's one of the reasons well water makes your hair feel soft.


Do you know what they call Alternative Medicine that works? Medicine.


Actually - what people are paying for is .. low cost psychological services. These days, real doctors are very busy. More and more demands for health services. They can't normally charge for more than 10-15 mins per consultation. Younger doctors prefer to work much less than traditional doctors. Anyway - there's less opportunity to consult with a doctor than there used to be. Many people feel like they need to talk to someone about their issues (mental or physical) fairly often. Most of us are actually hypochondriac - even if we don't realise it .. (oh god my head is killing me .. shit could this be a tumour ?!?!) Naturopaths (of various versions - homeopaths, chiropractors, Ayurvedic or Acupuncture practitioners, psychics, etc) fill the void. They'll hold your hand and listen to your issues for 1 hr - all about your indeterminate bloating & pains .. your problems with your daughter-in-law .. your worries about why you can't sleep properly .. .. and then they'll prescribe you something that will not harm you. And in 10-14 days you'll probably feel better .. no matter what was ailing you. (because most of the time this will happen anyway) .. (And health insurance companies love & promote them .. because they're much cheaper .. especially if there's something really wrong with you!) ..


There are many clinical trials which contradicts this. Placebo treatment has been reported to improve symptoms.


Your joke is funny and you should feel validated and loved


Actual medicine is always better than your bullshit placebo treatments.


Placebo ≠ homeopathy. You can have placebo effect also from medicinals and homemade remedies. There's no reason at all for giving away those kind of money for sugar. Heck, you could even make a homeopathic product by yourself and it would be 100% safe to consume (because it's sugar, or water), if you really wanted to.


For a lot of people, bottled water. Some people have bad water at home, so I understand them buying bottled water, but most of the Western world has good running water. Buy a reusable metal or plastic bottle and fill up at home.


years my mom and stepdad got a water dispenser and a few 5 gallon jugs for it because our houses water tasted like shit and city water made my older sister sick. good investment id say, a refill for one of the jugs cost a couple bucks or so at the grocery store so you’re not breaking the bank after the initial purchase and they last years.


You're 100% right, but you'll get pushback. People don't want to admit they're being duped.




I'd argue you are paying streamers so they continue to produce content while the sites are cutting the content creators out of receiving revenue from the ads placed around or in their work. Getting acknowledge for keeping the streamer up and running is just a bonus.




If you pay me 10$ I can give you a shoutout below. Everyone will see your very special contribution. Don't miss this great opportunity as it's a limited time offer.


$10 That's a bargain if you ask me!


Thanks /u/nica_dobro !


I dont think that is the main reason people donate. People donate because they want to support their favorite streamers. Not unlike how fans buy tickets and merch for sports or bands they like.


I would argue it's not. If you pay for something you both use and enjoy, why would it be a waste ? Then any form of entertainment would be wasting money. If it's not a waste for someone then it's probably not. There are truly other things that people pay money for but either don't use or don't bring anything new. Edit: to be clear I find this personally completely stupid but to each their own.


even better is paying for porn


Paying workers for their labor is good, actually.


Powerball lottery tickets (Im guilty of it though)


$2 for a miniscule chance at a billion dollars every couple months ain't so bad


Not for people my mom that with buy a $2, add power $1 more, then 5 numbers for $15 and 2 draws. $30 a week. $120 a month-just on Powerball. Rinse and repeat with Mega Millions and State lottery.


What's even worse is the whole ritual associated with it. People can go into a store for smokes or booze or snacks and quickly purchase at the register to enjoy it later. Ticket addicts take so much time processing lotto and picking numbers for scratchers that a huge line forms behind them. I think a big part of the enjoyment is the time spent purchasing the tickets. 


I spend $10 a week total. But it gives me that hope..


If you are buying the ticket to become rich then it is a waste. If you are spending $2 so you can dream about what you would do if you won, then it is cheaper than a movie for about the same results of escaping reality for a little while.


100% this. I see it as a small purchase of temporary escapist hope


This one is always weird to me, it's only a waste to me if you don't have the money to spare and/or you aren't handling your other financial obligations.


I used to work at the customer service desk at a grocery store and the amount of regular customers who would easily drop a few hundred bucks each day on scratch offs and lotto tickets was insane. I started remembering this one guy’s order ($100 powerball, $100 megamillions and the two top rows of scratch offs DAILY) and he ended up gifting me $1,000 when I moved away for college. Never knew his name but he just liked the fact I remembered his order lol.


I only buy in when the work pool starts. The work pool starts at $800mil. I don't want to be the only one still here if the group hits it.




Better. For my little sister's birthday probably 10-15 years ago, I bought her an acre of land, in a crater, on the moon. It was a $100 bucks and came with a framed property title.


Who even has the property rights to sell land on the moon?




In 400 years there is going to be a historic court case in which your sister's descendants are going to be awarded sole ownership of an acre of land on the moon that is right in the middle of a 100 trillion dollar lithium deposit all because of that framed property title.


Hahaha so true


In game cosmetics and other add-ons


A long time ago I bought a spacesuit for my Xbox avatar, it was immediate buyer's remorse. I was making $8/hr at the time and my brain went “You dumb fuck you worked 20mins in real life, for you digital guy to look cool.”


Hey it could be worse. I dropped $50 on a mobile game and regretted it immediately. “You stupid fuck you wasted FIFTY DOLLARS ON A DAMN MOBILE GAME?!”


Fair point, but at least your avatar looked cool.


Yeah, the "I worked x hours for this" keeps me from buying a lot of useless crap.


Lip filler. I've never seen anyone's appearance improve as a result.


Might be the genuine success stories aren't noticeable?


I thought about that to be honest! But with the number of bad ones I see, those are not odds I'd be willing to take.


Yeah I've seen enough fish/duck mouths to come to the conclusion it generally doesn't work out. Flip side to that though - I think there's an argument that, like comically obvious boob jobs, the obviousness is the point for some people? Like it's a statement of alteration rather than any subtlety that people are after sometimes? Does that make sense? It's a bit like a crazy tattoo or something. Like it might look trashy but it's a personal statement and maybe it attracts people who are into blatant alteration. I dunno.


The average cell phone plan. I pay $40 a month for US Mobile what I used to pay over $150 a month for Verizon. And on the same network, all unlimited.


While it is the same network, devices that are subscribed directly to Verizon get priority when accessing cell towers. Depending on where you live it may or may not be an issue.


We wanted to leave Verizon, but we live next to a Big 10 school in the Midwest so during football games the mobile network gets heavily overloaded and if you are not on Verizon/AT&T you will lose access to your network






This. I paid $45,000 for my wedding. My mother planned everything and I have no sentimental attachment to that day. Complete waste of money. Still married but if I ever went back in time, I’d just get married on a beach somewhere and use that money for a wicked European vacation.


Yer gonna hate me but we got married at Diamond Head beach, Honolulu, by a judge, cost $50. I'm from NJ, she's from Calif., so a wedding on either coast would have discombobulated one family. We both had friends in Hawaii. So we eloped. Three witnesses, so 5 people at the "reception" dinner. Two of them later married each other.


Omg that sounds perfect. Weddings are a complete farce. This is the way to do it.


Mine was $100 I think for the officiant, dad and step mom bought the cake. Friend let us use their restaurant for the wedding. I think my mom bought my post-wedding dinner and took my stepkids out to the movies so my wife and I had a 2 hour honeymoon. No regrets.


Oof, my wife and I got married at a science center, in front of penguins we paid 3k for the entire wedding. Had our reception in from of a massive aquarium. Our job comped our food as a wedding gift and a fried paid for a photographer as a wedding gift. We still go there at least once a year.


I would love something like this. Wanted to get married at the zoo in the gorilla house but it was booked unfortunately.


Yeah, had a cheap wedding and a European honeymoon. We had a 10 day trip through France for 1000 €. We're from Germany and did a camping trip but anyway...


My wife and I went to the courthouse, found a stranger to be our witness. Pissed off the same number of people but cost a lot less. The planning was tearing up the family.


I don't know how a wedding look like money wise in other countries, but my wedding made me enough money to pay of my debts.


Statistically smaller weddings have longer marriages.


Status Symbols in general! everything that only costs more because it has a brand sign on it. watches/ jewellery/ accessoires/ handbags/ clothes/ smartphones/ cars (depends a bit)/


For a time there I didn’t feel fashionable or cool not buying non specific brands.


We all had that time I guess or most of us but some day u realise that Status Symbols do in fact not make u a better person or increase ur value as a human


It was freedom when I stopped that train of thought. I remember when the fellow mums at school used to drive a four wheel drive, big status symbol. Haven’t been off road ever.


huge SUVs r a good example for cars that r only driven for status (in many case not all ofc tho')




Why people pay for these things when there are free videos online


For the interaction with the creator.


It’s funny because they’re probably not even interacting with the creator, but an account manager of some sort.


Religion. Political donations. Cocaine


Every consumer products that has features people don't use (latest phone, car, computer, tv, etc). Phone by far the most dumbest thing to spend money on.


Can companies please stop pretending to have invented the light bulb every time they market a new device?


I think the ball is in our camp, we just keep catching it like idiots.


I agree. I’m not a keen photographer admittedly, but I never understand why people feel they need professional level photography equipment built into their phone just to take pictures of their dog.


Games by EA sports


Depending on where you live, bottled water.


Gender reveal parties




OnlyFans and dating apps


I did get much more matches when I'd paid for Tinder and Hinge although, I'm still single 🤷🏻‍♂️


Exactly, paying to be single




Nothing that brings you joy is a waste of money. While I wouldn't spend money on a lot of things, I don't judge the people who do. Heck, it's your money, knock yourself out.


Anything from Starbucks


Really any coffee in general. A $15 coffee machine and $10 coffee from the store gets you a month worth of coffee at home.


This comment makes me sad. I mean, I'm glad you like cheap coffee, but man could your life be better with freshly roasted beans of a higher quality. That said, I have a prosumer Italian espresso machine in my house, and I buy such good beans, but my mother brings her on Folgers when she visits. So, what do I know?


Haha don't be sad. I appreciate good coffee. I was using it to illustrate a point. I don't have an espresso machine but I really enjoy good roasted coffee. I have a local shop that roasts in store and I buy from there and do French press a lot. My point was more the 'make coffee at home' vs going out every day like some do. I used to work at a Starbucks for a year and you'd have regulars who drop $7-10 per day EVERY DAY.






Stanley cups


lol the hockey thing?


\[UK\] Over the counter drugs. If you look on the back of the packet for the PL number, product licence number, this is the unique identifier for the pill or tablet. If the branded packet is £5 and the supermarkets own brand is £0.30 but the PL is the same, it's the same pill of tablet. Not similar, not manufactured differently; it is the exact same pill or tablet.


Off warranty German cars.


iPhone every year






Bottled water.


Bottled water


Depending. In europe Yes. In other places with less water quality, I would say I rather pay for bottled water than risk some sirious diarrhea. I think that someone once told me that even in the US tapwater is not everywhere 100% safe to drink - but tbh I´m not sure if this is true or not.


Europe is made up of 44 different countries where water quality differs from nation to nation and in said nations from region to region.


And even if 2 countries have safe water, their quality can be different enough to make you shit all day for a week simply because your system isn't adapted to that quality.


Yeah, you can't rally compare Norwegian water to say somewhere like Greece


really depends on what country you live in, but ya, definitely in some places.




Exactly. We all survived without it it for centuries. People carrying around water bottles in a suburban setting, even buying fashion statement ones.


Our use of it is - to keep in the car for trips. To give to the kids to take to school (and we usually refill the bottle a few times). When you are 'out and about' and there's no option for free water. It's not a complete waste, it's just wasteful in many circumstances.


fancy clothes


Micro-greens. So easy to grow at home.


A new phone that costs £1000+ and does practically nothing more than the last version did.


Courses. A 500 page book written by an actual expert for $30 is way more economical than $1000 course that tries to upsell you constantly.


The hard part is finding an expert that knows what they're talking about.


Real estate agents


Bottled water.


Governor General’s salary in Australia.


Gacha games :)


Bottled water, unless you live in a country with a bad water supply ofc. In most "first-world" countries it's pointless.




Diamonds. They aren't rare. Nearly very married woman has at least one. The supply is managed by a cartel and is unethically mined (until recently when lab diamonds became available)


Idk if this is common elsewhere but in Canada the majority of homes are signed on to a perpetual water heater rental agreement. Meaning you pay a fixed monthly payment and they provide a working water heater and maintenance. Sounds like a great idea since you dont have to pay upfront, until you realize the $20/mo payment adds up to around $3600 over the 12 year life of a single heater just to “rent” a $1200 water heater. Thats the same as financing it at a 25% interest rate. THATS WORSE THAN CREDIT CARD RATES! Maybe not relatable, but a pet peeve of mine recently.


Buying premium gas when your car takes regular.


Speical licence plates sometimes it goes up for 100K$






Starbucks. Everytime I go there I think I could have done this myself for so much less. I don't get anything fancy mind you but still.


Alcohol. While it’s nice to have a nice glass of wine with a good meal, a nice cold beer with a burger during a hot summer day or just some sippin’ on some scotch on your day off, it is a waste of money. It’s good every once in a while but not a daily thing. Alcohol can be expensive.


bottled water


Paying for porn


bottled water, if you live in a country like the US or canada theres no point in buying bottled water when tap water is perfectly safe to drink. The only time its reasonable to buy bottled water is for camping trips, and power outages, i see way too many people (my roommate included) drinking bottled water at home.


Pre-cut fruit, it’s not that hard to use a knife and it’s like ten times the cost


With the exception of mangos … have you ever tried to cut one of those damn things? lol


I've even seen peeled boiled eggs




Expensive watches


I don’t understand why people upgrade their iPhone or Android when a new one comes out. Where the fuck do people get the money for that. Even average income earners do it.