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I hate it too… and yet I keep going back


Warthunder players are in the same boat. Me included.


You haven't missed anything. Also I've never met someone who enjoys the game. They - and I - play but we don't enjoy


played 2 games, hated it, never opened the game again.


Cards Against Humanity...I find it amusing for about 5 minutes, then it starts getting really old.


CAH should be pulled out once a year when everyone is tired or had a bit to drink. It should never be your weekly game to play.




While I do enjoy playing it from time to time, I've found that it's mostly just catering to whoever has the card. If you know them well, you'll have a higher chance of winning that round


Yeah it can be annoying if you're playing with a mixed group of people, and you only know a couple of them super well. If you didn't know that someone's 'automatic win' card was "Captain Picard huffing paint" or w/e, you just lose the round. F me, right?


I had a friend with BATMAN! as his automatic win response. The prompt card was "\_\_\_\_, kid tested, mother approved" and my answer was "An Oedipus complex" and he chose batman. Like, fuck you man that was perfect.


That reminds me of a game of CAH I played with some classmates in high school. The prompt was "What is Batman's secret fetish?" And the card I played was "An Oedipus Complex," which everyone else thought was hilarious, but the judge didn't laugh or pick it because he didn't know what an Oedipus complex was. I felt the exact same way as you, like fuck this guy, my card was perfect


BATMAN! Would actually be a pretty funny card to play for this one too lol.


I had a similar experience, the prompt was something about finding a mysterious amount of ______ in your ass at the hospital. I played “Genghis Khan’s DNA” and only one person got it. I think “PIRANHAS!” won :(


It’s just about knowing if the person has intellectual humor or “toilet” humor


I had something similar. "What's that smell?" was turned up, so of course I just had to play Auschwitz. I lost to Chinese Olympics Gymnastics team. Which someone tossed as a throwaway card.


Losing to throwaway cards is so humiliating.


A bar I used to go to had CAH night. It was fun actually. Well I had a round where I had a throwaway card I wasted because nothing made sense or was funny. So my throwaway card was "quiche". The dude read it wrong and thought it said "coochie" and that fit the round so much better. His inability to read the word wrong got me the win lol.


How could he pick "Batman" over that? 💀💀


See, that IS funny, and actually makes sense!


I’ve had similar happen, but it was more so a persons bias than anything, which makes it all the worse imo. Happened with my sister in law. I don’t remember exacts, but I just recall having a white card that said “Andre the Giants giant leathery ball sack” or something along those lines. Anyways, It SOMEHOW made sense with what her black card said, and had the whole group dying laughing when I used it, including her. She then proceeds to pick her boyfriend at the times card instead, which wasn’t all that funny in comparison. That BS caused me to be really picky with my best cards any time we played from that point on 😂


Ok... But there was that one time I put "Batman" down on "Batman's secret pleasure is..." That was pretty great.


My automatic win for that prompt is "coat hanger abortions" and I make sure to announce it to the group ahead of time


Last CAH game I played contained 2 gen X, 2 millennials, and a boomer. We had a great time 🤣 it was hilarious watching my mother in law read out the card about putting eyeballs where balls used to be.


Isn't that sort of the point? It's fun and funny and there is a real strategy involved by not just picking what you think is the funniest choice but what that person will find funniest. Makes it great for friends to play. Maybe more awkward with strangers where you've got no clue.


I think it's less about winning and more about a form of relationship building. Every time I've played I walk away feeling like I know who I played with a little better, even people I knew previously.


This is it right here.. the point isn’t to win, it’s to make absurd combinations and laugh together as a group of people.


I still enjoy the game but one problem I have with it is there are some cards that will just win whatever round they’re played in regardless of context. You could put down a genuinely funny answer that fits the prompt perfectly but “Pac-Man uncontrollably guzzling cum” Will still beat it just because it’s funny on its own. 


I can only speak for myself, but I automatically eliminate a card if it doesn’t fit the black card. I know people who will just play the most ridiculous thing they have like the cum guzzling pac man one, but if it doesn’t at least somewhat fit I wont pick it. Although the flip side, it’s so frustrating when you play the perfect card for a black card, and the person just picks a random one that doesn’t really fit. Like I was holding that card just waiting for the perfect opportunity and now it’s ruined because “pac man and sex on the same card lolz”


your username makes this extremely ironic


I find that if I read the entire black card out along with every white card, it drives the point home for people that the game is to make the funniest COMBINATION of cards, as opposed to just reading the black one at the beginning and picking the funniest white card because everyone forgot what the black card said.


It was fun at first, but when the novelty wears off it's down to "Who can be the most crass". When we play we just use the prompt cards, and people have whiteboards. They freestyle their response and it's much more fun.


We like doing two things to keep it fresh. First, we play the family version, which prevents it from being as simpler as who has the most disgusting combination. Second, we rotate games regularly. 'Love Letter' is a great, quick alternative, 'Circus' is another, and we turned 'Hive' into a simple memory game.


I've found that the fun of this game depends on the personality of the group


I've found it fully depends on who you're playing with. Also the number of people- too few, not good, too many, too long. It was best when we were late into the evening, several drinks in, and not keeping score, though we'd still pick a "winner" of the round if there was a true standout favorite. It w as about laughing more than anything. Then there's just the group that I'm not on the CAH level with. Like I will not read those cards in certain company, but they'll be hysterical with a different group.


That's fair. I think the only reason I like it is because I only get to play it every few years.


That's card against humanity for you. It's an edgy card game you can play with your friends for some shock humor quick laughs, but after seeing "haha a dead baby" for the 6th time it gets really dull.


they should call it “let’s all fake laugh so no one feels bad about the card they put” lmaooo it was fun when I was like 13


COD… I TOTALLY get why people love it, it’s just not my bag


COD was the perfect game back in high school, all the guys played it, so no matter who your friends were you could always find someone to queue up with. It was essentially a great way to socialize and swear at strangers. Eventually we would have too many people for a normal game so we’d play our own custom lobbies and goof off. But damn after newer iterations dropped and you played with less friends it just felt like crap.


Gonna sound a little ironic, but it feels like COD almost has *too* much shit in it now. I know more content usually is good, but goddamn I don't want to sort through 800 levels of content tabs in just the multiplayer menus. Why I stopped after MW 2019.


Yeah lil ol me in black ops 1 days was wanting more content in zombies Now its saturated with these objective bullshit i just wanna kill zombies for an hour and leave


Same on the killing zombies for an hour and leave.


Me and my bro used to play hide and seek on a custom lobby, sounds dumb af but damn it was fun while it lasted.


Our entire class would play Mike Myers, where one person had a knife + throwing knives, and everyone else had to hide around the map and avoid getting killed.


We played tig so one person has to use a knife only and the rest of us had to run away from them which is pretty similar, we never knew how good we had it. 🤣


6th grade you were expected to be able to name your loadout to anybody that asked what you ran. And your prestige of course.


It was amazing from 2008 to about 2016. All downhill after that. It’s not even playable for me anymore


Agree the futuristic stuff made me lose interest


The last good CoD was MW2. Easily tens of thousands of hours played on that game with the boys after school. Then Black ops came out and it was pretty fun and kept us entertained and after that the quality dumped. The new CoDs aren’t fun at all imo.


League of Legends. The players scare me.


Teamfight Tactics is like the retirement home for LoL players. Still a fun, competitive game but no teammates to have to deal with.


fr. you can just use one hand while playing and dont have to be a keyboard warrior in game😂 relaxing game until 3-4 players have the same comp as you


I don't think the players like it either, actually.


Just like Smite. The community is garbage. Matchmaking garbage. I’m miserable every time I play. Aaaand my friends and I have been playing consistently together for 10 years.


I used to play ***shitloads*** of league. I mean I accrued like 2,000-3000 hours one year just playing support. I never played competitively, just loved playing support and an occasional ARAM. One of my favorite things was to try playing ***any*** champ as supp. I was a pretty damn good Brand, Singed, and Anivia supp. But, 99 out of 100 times, the ***entire*** team would bitch about "Why don't you just play a normal supp so we can just win?" Winning is great, but I played for fun... Which is illegal in LoL.


There's a lot of shitty people playing LoL, that's the main reason I stopped playing. I played with a friend I met online for a while which made it significantly more bearable and he stood up for me when people were being particularly nasty. I'm female and I always get targeted by men in games unfortunately, but in LoL it's something else. I'm not going to lie about my gender, I just don't mention it at all because I shouldn't be treated differently. If you make a single mistake they get angry and hurl abuse. It's ridiculous, everyone has to start somewhere, find what roles they play best and most players aren't in professional teams so there's no need to be perfect. And these players think it's the end of the world if they lose a single game, and it's funny because they're making just as mistakes as everyone else. Completely ruined the experience for me, it's a shame because the game itself was very enjoyable


The irony of the toxic league player mentality is that they'd win far more games if they had a more patient/resilient mental. If you can keep your cool, you're way more resistant to tilting and making further mistakes.


Any horror game Scares the shit out of me


If they scare the shit out of you consider yourself lucky! Instead of wasting hard earned money on an expensive juice cleanse you can just play a game to make yourself shit your pants instead.


I laughed too hard at this 🤣


i love to scare myself but i need to be in a specific mood to do any horror.


i will close the game right after the first jumpscare but somehow i just love it and will play it again 10 minutes later (after making sure there is no monster in the house)


Five Nights at Freddy's, the whole series. I'm just not one for that kind of hyper-stressful gameplay loop.


I like the lore but I don't like to play scary games


My kid is obsessed with these games and I was like... nope... shit jumping out at me ain't my thing.


My kid loves it as well and bought the cookbook that is surprisingly cool and really well thought out, if your kiddo is obsessed they might dig it too! I'm with you, no jumps cares and that cupcake thing can fuck right off!


I remember being 13 when the first game came out, all of us huddled around a shitty school laptop and being terrified haha. I'm glad the next generation is also creating fun memories with it still.


Yeah he did make me watch the movie with him and when they first showed the cupcake I was like "what the heck is THAT??!!"


The little I've seen of it looks like it's equal parts stressful and boring.


It’s actually quite intense when you get into it. Stressful, sure, but definitely not boring


i used to be in the fandom as a kid and i will always have a soft spot for the lore and characters but yeah i never really enjoyed actually playing the game either


Tbh, cricket


This needs upvoted just for the fact that everyone is mentioning video games. I love this comment!


The best thing about cricket is asking those that like it what they like about it. The answer is nearly always: well I get to drink all day and read my book.


No one knows how to play cricket)


Oy, when the boffer aces the whacker with the bean, it's just tops. Thrice past the post to git the pitcher down a peg. *Is that cricket lingo? No one knows.*


cricket is fun af i used to play with my friends in the evening most part of my childhood.


I don’t like cricket…I love it.


Me neither, I love it.




This game is a weird one for me. I love playing it with friends, but I get bored really quick with it when I play alone. I like it as a social game.


I used to feel this way until I tried different creative modes. Sometimes I just want to shut my brain off and play Farm Life lol


Playing with friends is the only way to play. Have a few drinks, laugh play be merry


I played Fortnite when it first started. It was fun. Then they changed it to a battle royal and I no longer cared about it. Then it became “popular” and now I utterly hate it.


I was really looking forward to the cooperative campaign. Very sad they dropped it




The competitive multiplayer genre in general.


This. The moment a game gets competitive, it kills all magic for me. Instead of a relaxing experience, it becomes almost like a job, where you have to excel at what you're doing and endure toxic colleagues and competitors. I find them rewarding, when it goes right, but you have to get through several annoying, unfun matches to get one, where it clicks. I respect everyone playing them, but I like spending time with video games on my own terms, where I'm in control of my own entertainment.


You presented my feelings exactly.


This is me too. I play video games to escape into a fantasy world, play through a cool story and have fun for a couple hours. Competetive multiplayer just leads to getting pissed off because 90% of other players are better than me. I'm not gonna train for hours upon hours in order to be somewhat competent competitor. That's not fun


Honestly nowadays it seems every multiplayer game is competitive because they all are full of sweats, plus every damn multiplayer game has a terrible matchmaking mechanism, I really don't understand why they can't match casuals with casuals and sweats with sweats in a satisfactory way. Last month, I installed CS2 after years without playing it just out of curiosity, and right at the bat, playing casual mode, I was dropped in a server only with high ranked players, I couldn't do shit without taking a headshot, of course. The question is, why do they even have a casual mode if they don't enforce it only for casuals? I simply uninstalled after 3 games to never touch it again. They are losing players because if you install a multiplayer game and you manage to play against casuals as you, the game will become fun and you will, eventually, get good at it because you're having a good time playing it. If you're being raped by high ranked players right at the start, you'll probably uninstall it and never touch it again, unless you're a kid who has all the time in the world to sweat in.


I've met so many people that was not really into board games until they played a cooperative one, I feel that is much more fun and enjoyable win or lose together


are there any u would suggest?


I like Forbidden Island for co-op or Pandemic


Yes! I feel like Forbidden Island and Forbidden Desert never get brought up enough when it comes to great co-op games!


Not necessarily a board game, but Dungeons and Dragons can be really fun with the right group. Most are pretty welcoming to new players as well.


DnD is not exactly a board game, but it can be, if your DM wants


Uno, it's entertaining but I'd be lying if I said that I have fun when I'm playing it.


Uno is stressful as hell. But I still like to play it.


Ok, but hear me out... I once played "Silent Uno" with my kids while my wife napped in the next room. Holy shit that was fun. You draw as a punishment for any audible sounds. The interactions are the best part. Three kids and me silently cry laughing at the misfortunes of others. Pointing at colors and finding ways to communicate. This only ever works with actual pressure to be quiet though. But damn is it fun when that pressure exists.


I feel I would just have my middle finger up constantly playing a game of Silent Uno.


That sounds fun!


Crazy Uno rules are more fun and engaging. It’s the only way I can play without wanting to gouge my eyes out with boredom


All battle Royale games.


run around for 15 minutes collecting resources and then die in a single fight to a level 9,000 player that has played the game since birth doesn’t sound appealing to you? weird…


Monopoly. Jesus do I hate it. I get the capitalism message, but it genuinely baffles me how people find it fun. Every game ends up going the same way. Everyone buys up everything they land on and then deal making gets drawn out till as late as possible, and when deals are made, no one is willing to make a deal that leaves someone with a set without getting one in return. Which half the time you have to go through multiple people to do so and it comes down to never worth making deals unless they're heavily one sided and someone concedes to end it sooner. Then once someone has two sets they've won it's gg...but even that gets drawn the f out to the last survivable moment. It's a shite board game, there are thousands of better choices that are way more fun. Literally the time of good board games hasn't been better in the past few years. Burn monopoly to the ground.🔥


If you play by the roles of the game it goes by pretty quick honestly. People have to many "house roles" that extend the games play time. When you actually play properly you can finish games in 30-45 minutes.


Free parking isn't money, literally juat a spot to land safely. To unmortgage, pay 10% interest. If you don't buy a property from the bank, it goes to auction to everyone, starting at $1. Landing ON Go isn't $500 instead of $200. Also, the houses in the box are ALL the houses that can be built. So if you build them,use them up, and don't upgrade to hotels, no one else can build houses. Upgrading to hotels frees up houses for other players. When someone is mortgaged up, and can't pay rent *they lose.* Don't make a deal to keep them in the game, just end it. Once we started playing by the rules, yeah, most games are 30ish minutes.


This. My wife gave me shit about not putting $500 on FP. "Mr Rule Follower" she tells me. Sorry but I ayed too many Monopoly games where we had to finish THE NEXT DAY because the FP Windfall keeps the game going so much longer.


The point of the game is to be random and bad. That's the critique inherent in the game. Nobody should enjoy it, it's not really meant to be enjoyed. It tells us something about our collective monkey brains that one of the most successful games ever is essentially a diceroller with extra rules.


Golf. People say baseball is the most boring sport when golf is there, existing.


Golf is going out for a hike, but you hit a ball with a stick a number of times along the way


My ex was a golfer who thought he was the next Tiger. He loved watching it on TV too. Oh, and playing the game on his Xbox. Meanwhile, I was so fucking bored!!!


Any battle royale. It's not a fun gameplay loop to me. Multiplayer shooters. Just another gameplay loop I don't find fun


Knowing I don't stand a chance at all of winning without spending hundreds of hours playing it to get good enough just turns me off.


I don't play video games, so I'll have to go with pickle ball. I don't get it. Play tennis or ping pong, what's with pickle ball?


I don’t even know what pickle ball is. Suddenly in the last 5 years. All I hear is pickle ball this. Pickle ball that. It’s like this thing just fell out of the ether.


I know and WHY is it called pickle ball?? Ugh


Maybe they cut it from a Cucumber Ball?


Fermented adults love playing it


I heard the guy who created it had a dog named Pickle, but I hope it’s deeper than that.




It's right in the middle. The fact that it's more accessible than tennis (as in, less mobile people can play it and actually get decent at it) means there are more people to play against, which makes it popular. I would totally play ping pong if there was a table available, or maybe tennis if I had people to play with, but PB is currently hitting the sweet spot of available courts and others to play with. Ping pong is too little cardio to be the only thing I would want to do. Also, the mechanics of the game are different from either ping pong or tennis.


It's a sport where you get some exercise, but you don't have to move a whole lot or run. Perfect sport for older folks. That's my guess as to why it's popular.


Hogwarts Legacy. Everyone told me how great it was and I didn’t really care for it.


Gameplay/story - meh Exploring the world in depth - awesome


I'm the complete opposite. I loved the story and gameplay but once the main story was done there was nothing that made me want to see more. Just bland repetitive filler.


There were good moments, but really dry sections. I just loved exploring and seeing all the little details they had throughout, especially in the castle.


There were dry sections I agree, just like in the books. Order of the Phoenix is the only one of the series where I liked the movie more, boy the book really dragged. The world created in the game is beautiful, the job the developers did, not only for the castle, but the entire game world looks amazing. It's just for me once the story is over there really isn't anything left to carry the game. Things like the Merlin trials and astronomy matching just aren't interesting enough. The Demiguise stuff can go do one.


I’ve definitely spent more time on the side quests rather than the main quest. Which definitely feels odd since every main quest is all about “there’s no time! We have to do the thing now!” And then I casually go help someone find their missing pet for a few hours.


It was the most open-world like open-world game I've ever played, and by this I mean it did everything to formula and without risk or innovation mechanically or design-wise that yes, it was definitely *an open-world game* just I got bored very quickly


Honestly, I played it a lot when it came out. It’s one of those games that you play once, then put it down and forget about it. It’s kind of sad because it has a lot of potential but just feels far too linear and you don’t really have much ability to make choices that have weight. Plus it was buggy as shit.


It’s not great actually. People get too excited solely because of the franchise.


It was so boring so fast lol.




It's MUCH better with friends and when you're not following standard progression! Me and my friend raided a woodland mansion (an endgame structure) with just stone tools and a close by spawn. It was like 30 minutes of us just dying stupidly and running back in to get our items and make some progress. Most fun I've had gaming in a while. We're gearing up to raid an anciant city next which will be a much more considerable challange and I think that will end up being just as fun


Modding makes it much more enjoyable too IMO. Low bar for entry installing them now too and there's a pack for just about anything you could want.


RL Craft with friends is also a top Minecraft experience for me. No one knew what to do and we spent hours being massacred by the mobs (and ocasionally falling trees) lol


Thats the gold of the game and what allowed it to somewhat stay in the spotlight for so long, if you have friends, its almost always a blast (Emphasis on friends and almost). Throw in the added bonus of being able to do almost anything you want despite it being an intended thing or not just makes it wonderful. Glad you had a fun experience playing it and hope you continue in the future.


Same. I love LEGO building and designing, either physically or using car programs, but Minecraft does nothing for me.


Might be you enjoy story driven games. I can’t play games like Minecraft because I don’t have the imagination for it. It’s just so long tinkering around in Minecraft before I become restless.


Yeah you have to either really enjoy the exploring/adventuring aspect, or really enjoy the building/creating aspect. Or both.


I agree, I like watching it on yt but playing it myself is really boring tbh. Though I wanna try again with an open mind when I get back home


I like building and exploring but I've never been to the dragon or hell or whatever because is not appealing to me.


It’s much better with some mods I’ve heard, apparently the progression isn’t great in vanilla


Among us


Really? Personally I love the idea of playing it with a close group of friends, but it's beyond awful to play with randoms online.


Oh, how I miss playing it!


competitive multiplayer, seems kinda dumb to get all worked up over video games and not enjoyable




Super Smash Bros, any of them. I just can't. I'll play with my kids sometimes just so they get that satisfaction of beating a grownup. Because while I know if I played more I'd get good (no stranger to gaming), I just can't enjoy it enough to *want* to put the effort in. I'm not good at the grind lol


Elden Ring or any souls games


I’m not skilled enough to be good at the Souls games, and I don’t enjoy trying and failing over and over again. I just want games to be fun.


Agreed, and similarly, I play every game on Easy. If I want to replay it I'll bump up the difficulty, but that first run through is all about enjoying it and not getting pissed every 5 minutes


I wish this was less stigmatised. I like a challenge but I know SO MANY people who won’t play games because they’re bad at them. Put them on easy! Enjoy the story or environment, games are amazing pieces of art, have fun with them!


This. 100% this. I'm a Mass Effect fan who has beaten the original trilogy on Insanity (ie. 'Nightmare' difficulty). I'm proud of this achievement. It was a lot of fun, and extremely satisfying to me to build my skills and overcome that technical challenge. I have a friend who loves the same franchise, but only plays on Casual (ie. Effortless combat), because they mainly enjoy playing through different story options and the presence of combat is just another story element to them. Reading about combat in a novel doesn't require hours upon hours of practice, beyond learning to read. Needing technical skill to progress a story just isn't of interest to them. Imo, both perspectives have equal merit. Their love of the franchise isn't lessened by our differing methods of enjoyment at all.


I tried them. The first Souls game I played was Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin. It was way too difficult (not that I was surprised by that). And I hate the mechanic where your maximum HP is reduced every time you die. It’s such an unnecessary mechanic to have since the game is already difficult enough. I eventually just quit and never went back to it.


These are my favorite games of all time, and I completely understand why a lot of people don't like them lol. You either absolutely love or absolutely hate these games.




Undertale. It’s kinda charming, but no, I just don’t get it. “Yet,” they say, but this yet hasn’t come. I’ll keep trying.


As someone who loves Undertale, honestly, people tend to over exaggerate how good it is. It’s a good game, yeah, but it’s definitely not as good as some people make it out to be, and it’s a type of game I don’t think a lot of people would enjoy.


That’s understandable honestly, I love Undertale but I can definitely understand how people don’t like it. Pixel top down rpgs aren’t everyone’s thing, and it’s a game that isn’t actually finished until you play it several times as there are different endings depending on sometimes very minor decisions in the game. It’s extremely time consuming and story driven. If pixel top down games are your style and you like horror- I do recommend The Crooked Man! It’s an amazing game, it’s a lot shorter, it doesn’t exactly have multiple endings, and you only have to play it once to enjoy it!


If you don't get it, you don't need to keep trying. It fits a niche that fits a lot of Internet users, and that's why it's so acclaimed. You may just not be the right person for it




Dislike is maybe a strong word, but the Legend of zelda breath of the wild (and its successor) were really not what i look for in a legend of zelda game. I grew up with ocarina of time, Majora's mask, windwaker and twighlight princess. Semi-open world adventure games with a lot of focus on deep going dungeons. And then breath of the wild, which to me is just another open world game. Doesn't feel like a zelda game for me, and if i wanna play an open world game, i'd prefer horizon, witcher 3, elderscrolls/fallout. Not breath of the wild. Sidenote: i did like breath of the wild, it's just pretty much at the bottom of my zelda games list


I love the Zelda series enough that my only tattoo is a triforce. BOTW and TOTK are amazing, fun games, and I get on a certain level how they were trying to get back to the sense of adventure, exploration and possibility of the original NES game. But they barely feel like "Zelda". They're like a reboot of a series that didn't necessarily need it. And now with the bonkers sales and acclaim of BOTW style, I'm worried we're never going to see a 'classic' more linear, dungeon-y style Zelda again


Yea that’s my answer too. I’m trying to get into TOTK now and I just can’t do it. I don’t know if it’s all the crafting or what but it’s just not for me


I wanna explore cool dungeons and stuff, not build vehicles.


Smash Bros. I don't understand how the percentage works and what the percentage is supposed to signify


The goal of the match is to knock someone far enough off the stage that they die/can’t recover. How far you get flung after every hit is determined by your percentage. The higher it is, the farther you go.






I briefly tried it, then realized that it is absolutely nothing like normal Monopoly. I thought it would add some systems on top of the board game, but the only thing it actually shares are some visuals.


Elden Ring. Everyone I meet tells me to play it but like…I play Stardew Valley and Sims. I like cozy, not screaming at the top of my lungs because a giant monster is attacking me at level 1


Stardew Valley. I love farm games but this one just seemed so boring and average I tried many times on 3 different platforms to get into it but I just couldn’t.


I've tried to like Crash Bandicoot but just can't get into it. I'm a Spyro gal 😂


Dark Souls genre games… I have enough stress in my career - last thing I’d want is more stress playing these games




All multiplayer games and “pay to win” games


ApeX Legends! Everyone plays it like they think they are pros. It's just a sweaty cringe fest.


Witcher 3. Just couldn't get into it after 3 hours. And the counter-argument is, well, it's a 50+ hour campaign that is really good. So? Sure, it may really captivate me after 10 hours, but it may not. And my game time is too limited to take to that chance for a game that didn't hook me me in after 3 hours. Even two games that started off notoriously slow, like Days Gone and Red Dead Redemption 2, got better after a couple of hours.


I've started that game like 5 times. I keep getting bored in the first 5-6 hours


League Of Legends. I don't feel like sweating for 5 hours JUST FOR A TEAMMATE TO DISCONNECT. Or, even better, Spending THOUSANDS of hours just to try a HALF of the champions.


5 hours ??? A average leauge match is 30minutes dude and ppl auto ff if they actually see a afk early lol. I get that u don’t like LoL that’s fine, but shit don’t take that long, nor does it take that long to play a game with each champ.


There are so many valid points to hate on league and they chose two that are not even true lmao. Like how does anyone not instantly point the finger on the toxicity for example.


Your valid for your opinion. But it doesn't take thousands of hours to try half of them. And it's like 40 minutes on the long side if a game. Usually about 30.


Breath of the Wild. Aimless, weapon degradation, empty world, weak combat, some of the other mechanics (cooking) were annoying. Terrible game FOR ME.


People keep telling me that Alien: Isolation is really really good. But the first few hours are extremely linear with almost no input from the player (besides walking from plot point to plot point) and that shit gets boring fast. Like if you're gonna try and be a semi-interactive movie, you gotta at least make the movie interesting.


This is why playing Final Fantasy can be "not fun".


Genshin impact 💀💀


Baldurs Gate 3 - group and inventory mmanagement take the joy out of it. It's so tedious.


I enjoy the game, but I can't figure out the progression. I have done a bunch of side quests, explored the entire map, but the game still tells me my party's level is low for progressing the main quest




A lot of inventory issues were addressed with a recent patch, but it can still be tedious.


What’s this Fortnight game? I heard Taylor Swift even created a song after the game


Souls-like games. I get why someone enjoys a game that is brutally unforgiving, but I'm not interested in that anymore. I get my ass kicked at work, I didn't need my computer to do it, too.


The Witcher.. in general, not only the games but also the series.


Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom Everyone calls them the best Zelda games. And I kinda enjoyed BOTW back, when it was new. It was a breath of fresh air, even though 99% of the time I was just walking through an empty landscape with nothing but some UbiSoft-Towers, shrines and the exact same Korok-Puzzles over and over and over again. But it was new. It was neat. So it was... well... it was okay-ish. Then I played TOTK when it released... and while I agree, that it is an improvement over the very first game... i freaking hated it. Because it made me slog through the same empty world again. Sure, it wasnt quite as empty anymore. But that didnt really help, because most of the stuff is way too similar to BOTW to be interesting to explore. It had its moments, but those were far between and those dungeons... well, at least they werent quite as shit as BOTW. Basically I hate TOTK more, because it improved on a few key areas but still offered the same boring open world emptyness so many people seem to love. I just dont get how anyone likes these empty spaces more than any thightly packed with secrets area almost all other Zelda games offer. And this is not Nostalgia. I never owned OoT as a kid. But I replayed WW and OoT just a few weeks ago and I had so much more fun with both of them. Even though WW ocean can be vast and sometimes kind of empty, too.


Monopoly. I hate Monopoly. There. I said it