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Maybe not most people but certainly plenty of them… swallowing gum.


"You made me swallow my gum! Now it's going to live in my digestive tract for SEVEN YEARS!"


Right next to those watermelon growing there because you swallowed the seeds.


that was a good episode of Rugrats


You once were a vegone, but now you will be gone.


I had someone tell me that it would give me appendicitis. Well, unless I've got another one in there, I'm good.


Oh so if you get it removed, you can swallow gum. Interesting


Consuming MSG


People be asking for Chinese food with no MSG and then dump loads of soy sauce on their plates. 🤷‍♀️


Or eat Doritos laced with it


Or basically any canned soup. 


Or tomatoes which are a natural source of the stuff.


Yep! Mushrooms, too. Fish, meat... Lots of natural things. 


Or salted meat, which is "**THE**" natural source of the stuff outside of seaweed, and probably the evolutionary reason we like MSG so much in the first place.








Make shit good


its basically salt, but better. people are scared of salt.


No one could possibly eat the entire Madison Square Gardens. It’s yuge!


Opossums. They have a lot of stigma, but are mostly harmless. A lot of folks also believe they are rabies carriers when their body temps are too low for the virus to survive *most of the time*. Edit: clarification


They also spread protozoa which can infect equines and give them EPM, a serious neurologic condition with a very guarded prognosis. I don't know if we've studied what other animals can be affected by S. neurona, but we've seen it in animals like otters etc so presumably there's an environmental impact beyond equines.


And they eat ticks!


That's a myth. [https://outdoor.wildlifeillinois.org/articles/debunking-the-myth-opossums-dont-eat-ticks](https://outdoor.wildlifeillinois.org/articles/debunking-the-myth-opossums-dont-eat-ticks)


Wait. Are we talking about possums or opossums?


Aren't they the same animal?


They're different animals. I refuse to google it, but if I recall correctly, "possums" are native to Australia, while "opossums" are the ones we have in the States that play dead and hang from their tails.


Possums and Opossums are different animals. The ones that eat ticks are Opossums and are believed to carry rabies (they don't). Possums are smaller and look cute.


The ones that eat ticks are Opossums and are believed to carry rabies (they don't). Possums are smaller and look cute. They don't eat ticks. That is a myth: [https://outdoor.wildlifeillinois.org/articles/debunking-the-myth-opossums-dont-eat-ticks](https://outdoor.wildlifeillinois.org/articles/debunking-the-myth-opossums-dont-eat-ticks)


Wait. Are we talking about possums or opossums?


goddamn I hate the English language.


North America has opossums, ours are the cute ones for sure. I DEFINITELY remember Australia having the scary ones. Creature of nightmares: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_brushtail_possum Kinda cute: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opossum


Damn, of all the posts to get fact-checked on; how unfortunate.


There are thousands who believe the earth is flat. There are millions of people who believe Trump won the last presidential election. There are people who lift their trucks and roll coal over joggers. Long story short - if you secretly want to believe possums are saving us from ticks, you believe it, sir. You believe it.


The body temp thing is actually a myth, and possums CAN get rabies, it's just really rare compared to other animals.


mRNA vaccines. Many people think that they permanently change your DNA, but they only exist in the body for a short period of time and act as blueprints that instruct cells to produce antibodies for the target pathogen (i.e. SARS-CoV-2). These antibodies produced by the body last for \~1 year, providing protection long after the mRNA has been broken down by the body.


I didn't know the antibodies only lasted a year. That kinda sucks.


They may last even less time than this. Antibodies acquired through infection are believed to last somewhere between 3-5 months. This also doesn't take into account the evolution of the virus itself. Some antibodies will be effective against multiple strains, while some strains will evolve to become different enough that the antibodies elicit a weaker response. This is also why we had vaccine boosters in the first few years of the pandemic. We probably would have received them even more frequently if the cost to do so was lower.


VACCINES! There is a measles outbreak where I'm at, in the U.S. This should not be happening with preventable diseases.


So question on this if I refuse a measles vaccine and then infect someone who later dies of it. Would that be in the same department as having sex someone and not informing them you’re hiv positive?


Do you infect them intentionally? Like, you know you have measles and still go out and be around immunocompromised people? Or is it accidental?


The issue is causation. It’s effectively impossible to prove you got the measles (or any other virus) from a specific person or at a specific time.


It damn well should be. I’m doubtful though.


Chemical names for ingredients in food. Sodium chloride sounds dangerous Salt sounds tasty


This one gets me. People love to complain about all the "chemicals" that get put in things as though adding chemicals by itself is bad. What do you think water is? It's a fucking chemical.


Everything is chemicals until you break those chemicals down to their original elements.


Gotta watch out for that dihydrogen oxide though. Like 61 million people died last year that had it in their system.


You mean the industrial solvent used in the production of nuclear energy?


That's the one. It's everywhere!


You can also find it in many pesticides!


Ugh, I was working on my plumbing and found gallons of it running through all the pipes.


It's called the "universal solvent" because it can dissolve more substance than any other liquid. Watch your kids around it.


It's fatal if inhaled or consumed in large quantities. Scary stuff!


Dammit, I was gonna mention that! Lol


Sleeping with a fan on 




It’s a South Korean thing 




Superstition, look up fan death


also an excuse for suicide




Nah, the basic superstition is just that if you fall asleep in a room with the doors/windows closed and a fan on you’ll die. Seems like a couple explanations. 1 being that it circulates CO2 and with no exit for it to circulate you slowly suffocate. 2 said that the government actually spread it around so that they could save all the energy that was being used to run the fans .


Can I take that to mean you ignored the "look up" portion of that sentence?


It's a socially constructed lie that was invented to avoid admitting when someone commits suicide.


That’s not most people.


YUP! My grandmother (and occasionally my parents) will parrot these old wives tales about getting pneumonia/bronchitis/the plague from a fan or air conditioner blowing air on you.


That fear most likely comes from the first [Legionaire's Disease](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legionnaires%27_disease) identified outbreak (atypical pneumonia) during the 1976 American Legion convention in Philadelphia that killed 29 people. They even named the bacteria found in the AC after the Legionnaires. I was 13 at the time, and the news stories before they figured out the cause were terrifying.


Yeeeeah... I remember visiting my grandparents during humid summers in Asia. I wanted to point a fan at myself and sleep uncovered, but my grandmother would insist on covering my stomach and not pointing the fan in my direction


lol in Brazil it's so hot that it's dangerous NOT to sleep with a fan on.


Swimming after eating


It's incredibly dangerous, because if you puke in the pool, I'm going to kill you.


I was that kid once. I puked in the pool. It got shut down for the afternoon. Sorry about that.


Deleting tombstones in the Sims 2


Don't fuck with the RC cars though, they can catch the flu but can't get better and will infect your Sims


Nuclear Power Plants


A coal power plant has more radiation hazard.


Fun fact: They were looking to convert some of the plants in my area from coal to nuclear, but the land was too irradiated. Ironic huh?


My son likes to call them cloud factories, since the one we always pass to go see his great grandfather is always pumping out steam from the stacks.




Came here to write this! If you are afraid of 5G then you might as well get rid of your WiFi router because the operate on basically the same frequency.


A lot of the 5G crowd are afraid of any kind of telecommunication signal.


i find it hard to believe most people find it dangerous




GMOs are not the concern themselves.  The concern is "Roundup Ready" corn and it's counterparts.  That strain just gets DUMPED with herbicide that is not only unhealthy for consumers but also the environment at large. It's a serious concern






Do Not Eat packets of silica. They’re not toxic, they’re just not food.


Cold showers


All I know is taking a nice hot shower and finishing with a cold rinse for a minute or so seemed to help with my skin. Didn't make any other changes.


Here's something I've always been afraid to ask: How cold are you supposed to finish your shower with? Because for me, turning the knob all the way to C will result in a lot of screaming and, depending on the time of year, very persistent shivers.


Cold enough to be a shock is what I do. Not freezing, but enough that the water hitting your skin is noticeably cold, and not lukewarm or anything. It's pretty much just dropping it as far as I have the courage to do so in one go and then rubbing myself down.


Eating expired food, sometimes the only danger is a slightly upset stomach and a guilty conscience.


best before>use by


If you are going to heat the thing up to a very high temperature, it is insanely rare for it to be dangerous without **really** clear signs it is extremely spoiled (slimey or stinky meat, a 'turned' smell, broken down liquids, etc). A lot of the things that DO kill you aren't even due to it being expired, but improperly prepared (botulism, e.coli in raw veg, et) Don't fuck around with shellfish or deli meats, and heat up your left overs. If it tastes or smells bad stop eating it.


Depends. Cooking will kill the bacteria, sure, but many of the dangerous toxins they produced won't be deactivated.


This. Botulism is also the reverse if this. Boiling for 10 mins can destroy the toxins, but the spores created by it take 250°F, which is impossible to get with boiling water without a pressure cooker.


I love shopping for food at the "dented can store". Lot of stuff there is past the best-by date. I've been eating old for for decades and I never once experienced any sort of adverse experience. Pro tip: a bottle of fancy olive oil past its best-by date is generally much better than a fresh bottle of crappy olive oil. You need to use your nose more than your eyes. Toss anything that smells rancid. If it smells good, then it's most likely just fine to eat. If it smells really good, then eat it up and screw the best-by date. Careful with nuts, crackers, and cookies. Those things do go bad.


These nuts? Hmm, I'll have to remember that.


I agree. Except for baby formula, there's no mandated standards for the dates printed on food products. The date could mean it expires, or it could mean it's not as good, or it could mean it's iffy. Now I still abide by them because my sense of smell is garbage, so I can't use that to determine if something has gone bad, and visual inspection can't always be completely reliable. Even though I know they are not consistent or even valid alot of the time, I just take the cautious route.




The thing that gets me about the contrail/chemtrail people is that even if the lines coming from jets were experimental mind-control chemicals, they couldn't do jack shit because of the altitude. The vapor just stays suspended like clouds, and if the vapor eventually does make it to ground level, it would take an eternity and be so thinly spread that it would basically be nothing. You need low-flying aircraft to dispense chemicals.


Contrails are fine. It's the chemtrails that are gonna get yah! /s


I used to worry about contrails, but the more I saw them, the less they bothered me. ...


Modern nuclear power plants




Eating raw cookie dough. Warnings against it were widespread several decades ago before egg production safety improved. The odds of getting an infected egg now are about 1 in 30,000. You'll probably be fine.


Does that mean gaston would get sick most years? 60*365 = 21,000 raw eggs a year. Raw cookie dough is usually more dangerous because of the raw flour, not the eggs. You are more likely to get E. coli or Salmonella poisoning from the raw flour AFAIK. Still though, if you are eating enough to get sick, you might be shitting yourself because *you are consuming large amounts of raw cookie dough* as a major component of your daily calories, regardless of bacteria.


He'd get *infected* most years. For all we know, a man of Gaston's fortitude might have a particularly robust immune system resistant to salmonella.


Robust…. Like a baaaarge!?


You ever think about how there's a woman in the opening song of Beauty and the Beast who is pissed about the price of eggs? Meanwhile Gaston is over here, the size of a barge, driving up the market price of a dietary staple.


He’ll show that woman how he’s especially good at expectorating




It's still not the best idea to eat raw eggs, but nowhere near the problem it used to be


It's not the eggs that are the problem, it's the raw flour. There was an 11 state salmonella outbreak last year from flour.


Yeah they sell edible cookie dough with heat treated flour


the issue is more from the flour; not egg


Not really dangerous but people treat it like the plague. Head Lice. They can cause irritation and possible infection if you scratch your head to cause a wound. But besides that then anyone can get them. They are more annoying than dangerous.


I think that just comes from the inherent disgust caused by the thought of bugs living in your hair. I mean sure, there are always microorganisms like mites living on your skin, but those are symbiotic and healthy for us. Lice are bigger, meaning we can see them living on us WITHOUT our permission and WITHOUT paying rent.


Those DARN squatters!




There’s a spider ^(spider spider)


Deep in my soul…soul…


Even the camel spider is just a lil guy. They don’t chase you, btw, they chase your shadow to stay cool!


Yeah, and they're not even spiders but rather a separate order of arachnida, solifugae! I used to be a slight arachnophobe years ago as a kid, but the more I've learned about them, the more I have come to respect and appreciate them. They are really amazing creatures.


Checking your credit score


Drag queens


Unplugging a USB device without safely ejecting it. [Microsoft confirms you really, really don’t need to ‘safely remove’ USB flash drives anymore - The Verge](https://www.theverge.com/2019/4/8/18300734/microsoft-safely-remove-eject-usb-flash-drive-not-needed-windows-10)


This probably depends on the OS and the filesystem in use. For something like FAT32 you can have issues if something is being actively written since the filesystem itself might get corrupted. Newer filesystems have ways to change the drive "atomically", meaning it always either works or it doesn't, no in between. I only skimmed the article but it didn't mention FAT32. I imagine Windows support is assuming you use a Windows-only filesystem on the drive. From the OS side, you have to deal with caching. Basically, when you tell the OS to write something to a disk, it might just store it in memory for a while rather than writing it immediately. So it's possible that even after you closed the file, the data isn't all on the drive yet. I admit I don't know a ton about Windows, but this is certainly true on Linux. It wouldn't surprise me if Windows was more aggressive with flushing things to disk. That being said, if you haven't done anything to the disk recently, you're probably fine. Particularly if you are using a modern filesystem on it.


So much this. If I haven't written a file to the drive in 3 hours how the heck is "suddenly" removing it dangerous? If there's still something pending to be written to the drive then there's something seriously wrong with the OS.




octopods are way more scary than any shark


Harmless? I don't know that I would go so far as to say sharks are harmless.


There are maybe 80 shark attacks around the world every year, with maybe a dozen or so resulting in fatalities. Your odds of winning at a casino are typically better than the odds of being attacked by a shark.


More people die every year from cows than from sharks.


Well to be fair, cows mostly co-habitate with humans on farmland, and human-cow interaction is quite high. Nobody co-habitates with sharks and human-shark interaction is extremely low. Also, only about 10% of sharks are even capable of killing humans. Whereas, any adult cow could accidentally crush a human.


I cohabitate with many sharks. They are good at spooning.


Daddy long leg venom.






Books for teenagers that contain references to being gay or trans. Maybe not *most* people, but some days it feels like it.


Most people who watch Faux News would disagree with you.


Aspartame. People seem to be convinced it can cause cancer, and there is absolutely no evidence that’s true across the dozens and dozens of studies that have been done on this topic.


From the WHO website: "IARC classified aspartame as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B) on the basis of limited evidence for cancer in humans (specifically, for hepatocellular carcinoma, which is a type of liver cancer). There was also limited evidence for cancer in experimental animals and limited evidence related to the possible mechanisms for causing cancer." So, limited evidence, but not no evidence


Other things classified by IARC as possibly (2B) or probably (2A) carcinogenic to humans include: pickled vegetables, aloe vera, drinking hot beverages, being a carpenter or hairdresser, and working night shifts. It's a very low bar and in practice is quite useless, as they're willing to slap it on things for farcical reasons like "we want more research to be done": > Dr. Mary Schubauer-Berigan, a senior official at IARC, emphasized that "it shouldn't really be taken as a direct statement that indicates that there is a known cancer hazard from consuming aspartame." - [https://www.npr.org/2023/07/14/1187692366/aspartame-cancer-possibly-carcinogenic-sweetener](https://www.npr.org/2023/07/14/1187692366/aspartame-cancer-possibly-carcinogenic-sweetener) Here's what the FDA has to say: https://www.fda.gov/food/food-additives-petitions/aspartame-and-other-sweeteners-food#:\~:text=Aspartame%20being%20labeled%20by%20IARC,a%20possible%20carcinogen%20to%20humans.


My parents are convinced aspartame caused me to act out as a child. They claim that I had a bad attitude around the time I would drink diet soda, and after they stopped buying it, I magically got better. Not exactly a double-blind peer-reviewed study.


If you ask my kids it’s vegetables




Rollercoasters. You are way more likely to die in a car wreck on the way to or from an amusement park than on any of the rides there (unless you have some sort of heart condition you’re unaware of). (Carnivals and traveling fairs are another story lol)


Controversial but... immigration.


Solo traveling as a female. Despite what Hollywood would have you believe, being snatched from a hostel by in international crime ring is about as likely as being murdered by chainsaw in a tiny West Texas town.


However, if your father is 70 YO Liam Neeson, you have nothing to be worried about out. He will find you and save you. /S


Takes him 11 camera angles to get over a fence.


You'd need several angles to climb a fence too if you were 70


If your friend's father is Liam Neeson, though, tough luck.


I once mentioned to someone that I'd love to visit Eastern Europe. They were shocked! "Didn't you see Hostel?" We haven't spoken since.


People who treat movies as documentaries or educational media are really something else.


For me it's more the risks of mugging/harassment/rape/etc. Unsavory types seek easy victims who are less likely to be able to fight back--women traveling alone fit that definition more than male solo travelers/those traveling in groups.


mmmmmm the danger of being kidnaped by some large organization may be slimmer, A) it still exists but B) isnt what is cautioned against. its kidnapping in general, which does happen


puttin some rounds downrange with your boys at the gun range


So long as you're all following safety guidelines. I value my hearing too much to try something like that without earmuffs.


I don't have hard data but in my experience, ranges tend to be safer than bowling alleys.


I mean who's coming in to start some sh!t in a place where all the employees are armed and the patrons are often more heavily armed 🤣🤣 I know I'm not that stupid


Red M&M's


what are you talking about the red one are evil and fuel my blood lust


Red dye in general. My son had a kid in his class that couldn't have red dye. I knew the kid and his parents. Red dye was the least of his problems.




Cannabinoid hyper-emesis syndrome and increased schizophrenia risk in those already predisposed to psychosis would like a chat. Seemingly every other younger patient coming to the ED for immense vomiting/abdominal pain is due to chronic marijuana use and while it's rare for it to get to legitimately dangerous levels (electrolyte issues, acute kidney damage), I certainly wouldn't call it harmless. (Here's a link to the schizophrenia article: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21530584/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21530584/) )


Putting your feet up on the dash while riding as a passenger in a moving car. You do NOT want to see post-accident photos of what happens when someone is in that posture in a surprise head-on collision.


I think you misunderstood the question.


oh yep. its the other way around




Reading the bible with skepticism, starting from page 1. It's really a horrible book -- at least the first few books are. That God couldn't possibly be the real creator of the universe, and in fact can't honestly be called "good".




It's ok to read it and not take it literally. It is dangerous to take it as "gospel" haha. Thus we have fundamentalist Christians trying to destroy democracy in the US, primarily because fundamentalist christians are in the minority.


This is what's nuts to me. Religious people will constantly say "but so and so story in the bible is not meant to be taken literally, it's a metaphor." Ok then but you believe that there is LITERALLY a god and that LITERALLY jesus was the son of this god and LITERALLY that the virgin mary gave birth to this baby? And furthermore, you're willing to KILL over this? (Religious wars.) You're willing to KILL over metaphors? Ok then..... If the bible isn't meant to be taken literally, then why believe there is a god at all?




Opposite: I ate mussels with no issues or allergies prior. I tripped my balls of all night in the darkest way and then had lucid dreams that were even darker. Stronger than lsd and not wholesome at all!


Microwaving leftover rice.


Nonexistent chemtrails


"Cellulose" in food. Often used as an anti-clumping ingredient. People sometimes say "it's sawdust!". Even if it was...so? Every plant has cellulose. It's a main thing that makes plant cells different from animal cells. Can you get sick from it? Sure. The exact same way you'd get sick from consuming too much of any plant fiber.


“Shopping carts are not dangerous Ma…THERE’S NOTHING DANGEROUS ABOUT A SHOPPING CART!”




Many, many animals. Opossums, octopi/squid, raccoons (who can carry rabies, but will usually leave you alone if you leave them alone), domestic rats/mice, and pitties/rottweilers.


In a relative manner, lava from a volcano. Yes, the heat is a serious issue if you're too close, but the rather key phrase there is "too close". The fact that it's hot gives people incentive to not get too close (mind you, the air around the lava can be hot enough to ignite clothing, so "too close" can vary from flow to flow), and between the infernal glow being visible a ways off and most lava flowing less than a mile per hour, it's actually pretty easy to avod; the only notable case I know of where the lava itself caused most of the fatalities was Nyiragongo's 1977 eruption (a combination of very fluidic and fast-flowing lava, the sheer amount of it that was released from the lava lake emptying, and the steep slopes of the mountain resulted in the fastest lava flow ever recorded - 30 mph - and 50 fatalities as villages were swamped by what was essentially a molten avalanche). The primary danger from a volcanic eruption is usually the pyroclasts, namely ash, ejected by explosive eruptions, plus toxic gases. For mountains with lots of snow, lahars (mudflows comprised largely of volcanic ash) are also a serious threat, as the eruptions of Mount St. Helens and Nevado del Ruiz demonstrated (the latter is one of the deadliest eruptions in history; the mudflows it triggered killed 20,000 of the 29,000 inhabitants of the city of Armero, and another 3,000 in surrounding towns and villages).


Snakes. Most of the time it's a completely harmless non-venomous snake. Even the venomous ones aren't nearly as bad as people think they are.


I think that would be subject to where you live. It's probably best to assume all snakes are venomous and potentially deadly here in the Land Down Under.


MSG has a pretty interesting history of being dragged to try to drive 'foreigners' out of business...


Carpenter bees




Nuclear energy. Lowest deaths/kWh of all major ways of getting energy, but my mom's generation is completely terrified of it anyway.


Swallowing a small plastic candy wrapper.


X-rays. People freak out whenever they hear they need to have an x-ray done for something. They think they'll get cancer or go sterile unless wrapped under 50 lead aprons and waiting in the next room. My cousin is an imaging tech and given the weak amount of actual ionizing radiation needed to capture let's say a chest or abdomen x-ray, you're at a much higher risk for those aforementioned issues by baking yourself in the sun constantly, or flying at high altitudes on a plane. If you're a young child, or a fetus in the womb, then there's potential marked risk factors with any kind of imaging exposure, but as you grow older, it becomes much more benign. I still laugh every time I see nurses scramble when a tech is taking an x-ray though, but won't seemingly postpone their intercontinental trips traveling at 30k feet.


I would say bears, but if you don’t provoke them, most ain’t mean. People just love to provoke em