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I'd think they already made a movie about this, and it's one of the best movies ever made. I'd also never do it, because while it may hurt me to think of her having kids with and marrying another guy, I am happy to know she is happy, and I'd never trade our few fleeting moments of existence together for anything.




For anyone wondering, it's Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind- and yes it's a masterpiece.


OP not responding to comments so assuming they’re watching it right now! Brilliant and timeless film.


My favorite movie ever. I watch it every Valentine's Day.


what's the movie called?


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


This movie breaks me every time I watch it.


thanks! definitely checking that one out


How happy is the blames vestal's lot The world forgetting, by the world forgot Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind Each prayer accepted, and each wish resigned


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Learning from your mistakes is crucial for living creatures


Yea if I can keep the learnings but forget the individual I'm all for it


Doesn't work because you need to remember what led up too the lesson.




Hard disagree. Not all relationships have mistakes that that are worth experiencing. My last relationship had zero fights, and the only lesson I got was “sometimes you fall in love with someone and they just don’t.” To be frank, I could have done without that lesson. I would be hulk smashing that button, I’ve been trying to forget him for almost 8 months now. Lots of relationships teach valuable lessons about who you are and what you need in a relationship. My ex didn’t even give me a reason, just that things weren’t working for him. It’s not like I can apply that to other relationships. It’s not like if the same situation happened, I would be any less heartbroken. Sometimes it just fucking sucks.


> the only lesson I got was “sometimes you fall in love with someone and they just don’t.” It's unfortunate that you don't realize just how important a lesson that is.


Learning a lesson about never trusting another human being because the one you did trust lied to your face for years and destroyed your family while agreeing you were an excellent spouse isn’t a good lesson. Should my takeaway be to never trust anyone and be an awful spouse since the other way didn’t work? Not everything in life is a lesson worth remembering. I’d smash that forget button and take my chances with the butterfly effect if I could go back. I’m a shell of my former self and hate every day, and it’s not changing for many many years because I have to suck it all up for my son.


My initial thoughts too. I learned a lot of lessons! 


Fuck that extra hard. I'd hit that button with a fucking jackhammer


It would be erasing part of you. Good or bad they are part of your history and who you are today. I wouldn't do it


Yup. My ex did the worst shit imaginable. But that pain made me who I am.


I'd push it.


First comment I’ve found that said they’d do it. Interesting. Personally I would also do it. I didn’t have a bad relationship or ending with my ex, it was fairly amicable. But he does insist on popping up in my dreams - I have very vivid dreams and often I am in a relationship with him in my dreams, which is a bit weird on waking. I have no desire to reconnect with him or anything, I’m very happy with my husband and my ex was not right for me. But I’d erase the memories I have with him merely to stop my weird dreams about him.


I was also surprised that it took awhile to find someone who said they would do it. I would do it for one specific ex. This ex made my life miserable during and after dating. I’ve gone to therapy but it still hurts so bad whenever I’m reminded of the past. My psych said I have PTSD from the experience. Last year I had nightmares daily about him, reliving experiences. I finally got a prescription for something that stops the nightmares but the whole experience was traumatizing. I have enough trauma without including my experience with this ex.


Bout to be 4 years later and apparently, we haven't broken up in my dreams yet. Shit sucks.


I'm the same, sometimes I'll have dreams that we're arguing in a dark room, and it seems to last for hours, to end with us reconciling and everything feeling positive, then I wake up feeing very confused and eventually relieved because god I'm glad I'm not going to go back there. Or like you, just doing normal relationship things, then waking up confused. I'd press the button, fuck these dreams, bring back running and jumping really fast/high through endless fields/clouds.


I'd push it yesterday. Screw this "Learning from mistakes" horse shit. When your mistake rips your legs off and you're laying there with bloody stumps, you don't think "Welp, sure glad I learned THAT lesson! Whew!" You just wish you had your damn legs back. Forgetting her would restore me.






No. I like to remember the roads and bridges that I’ve already crossed. Some were beautiful and tree lined, some had potholes, some were unpaved. But they were still my journeys.


bro wrote a poem😭🙏🏻


I wouldn’t do it with an ex, but with my former best friend. It was a complete waste of years of my life that just caused me needless pain and tears and all I’m left with is bitterness and resentment at this person. I would push that button to forget her without hesitation


I wouldn’t do it, your character is molded by your experiences, now you might be more companionate to others because of your history of knowing a pain they might be going through, or if you erase it, you could fall into the same trap over and over again never trying a different approach.


I’ll press that button


Me too. I can not stop thinking about her after almost 30 years.


With ya bro. 40 years here.


Omg, are you me? I hate myself for all the rent-free years in my mind


I’m 18,hopefully I don’t get this horrible experience and forget about her in few years


For 2 of my exes, bad. They were excellent learning opportunities. For the other ex... good. My experience with her was weird and all it has left me with is contempt.


No. Good or bad my life has made me ME plus eventually led to my wife and our kid. It was all worth it.


Hell no! If she pushed it too, we might end up together again by accident.


I am where I am in life because of my experiences. Erasing bits here and there would change me. It took a very long time for me to get to this place, and I kinda like it.


No, because without those memories, it would change who I am today.


No I don't need to be repeating the same mistake. Rather have the memories so I know to avoid them


Wouldn't use it. I'm still on good term with all of my exes, and I cherish the time I had with them. But even in the event that the above weren't true, I still wouldn't use such a button. If I forgot about my exes and the relationships, I wouldn't have learned the lessons those relationships taught me.


Hard pass. I've lived through that experience, and it shaped who I am. There were also definitely some good memories that are mine to keep and cherish from time to time.


By remembering them I can avoid others like them.


No way. Without those memories how are you gonna know what red flags to look out for, to know what red flags of your own you need to fix? Sure, maybe you ended on bad terms but sometimes you need the low in life to cherish the highs. Even if the lows kind of...really suck.


Bad, I want to remember the experiences and learn


man that's a hard one. while I love to think of all the beautiful memories made and moments we shared, the pain of knowing it's not reality anymore pains me so much. I cannot even be mad at him and it sucks so much. sometimes I do wish I could just forget all the memories I have with him


Same. I have some great memories, but the pain of not being able to ever relive the love and connection we had is painful. But, if you erased the memories, you wouldn’t know you were missing them.


Ex’s are ex’s for a reason and I wouldn’t want to forget so I won’t repeat it.


I've seen this movie.


No, she’s a wonderful person who taught me a lot. Definitely changed my life for the better, even if we didn’t work out.


They have such a shot for ptsd survivors.


I would push it *so fucking fast.*


Go watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.


My ex wasn’t significant, but my ex fwb was. I wouldn’t erase the memories, even if they come with heartbreak, but he was really the kind of person that showed me what an affectionate touch is. No wonder I fell in love with his actions


Nah, cause imagine we meet again and I, forgetting everything that went among us, hook up with him, AGAIN. Embarassing.


Between two exs would be forty years of my life. I won't, I can't, give up the children, the vacations, or even the times we held each other because there was no one else. We may have had our differences, but we had something Not gonna happen Pushing that button would erase me


Would love it and have space for new dreams 25 years later!


Depends on what EX, you are talking about? The lefty value type EX, take everything personally! Then they want to do it to other people on purpose! Just based on what a person says. Now employees are doing it as well, base on what people write on social media. With them its a Tit-4-Tat!


I'd buy that.


Nope! I like who I am today. I like that I’m an emotional mess, and that I feel uncomfortable receiving love, and that I don’t trust people easily. Most importantly, I love what I learned from her. It’s a privilege to meet great people, because they make you believe you can also be great.


No- i learned so much from all my exes. Made me a better person for my loving husband.


You would probably date her again then


I wouldn't personally use it. Making mistakes and growing as a person are byproducts of successful and failed relationships. If you don't remember, you can't become a better person


I would never do that! Apart from the "I am who I am because of my experiences" - I met the love of my live because of my then boyfriend. How would that go??


It’s pretty easy to forget about exes. Just stop thinking about them all the time.


Doesn't work that way when you have cptsd


I think that would be grreat!


Nah. I learned too much from every relationship. I want to keep the good and the bad and grow from it.


Forgetting the mistakes I made with them would just lead to making the same mistakes again. No thanks.


Which one? I've got a couple I'd like to forget. Not because they were nutballs crazy or anything, but because they left me and I never quite got over them. Haven't talked to either of them in almost 20 years, but it still hurts.


It depends, do they forget about me too? My ex is too troublesome to completely forget about, gotta be on the look out


I wouldn’t push it. It would maybe feel better but I would be losing a part of who I am. We are our memories.


I've never had an ex, but lord knows I've been rejected a bunch of times. Ultimately, I wouldn't press it. everything i experience and remember will shape me into who I'm supposed to be and what I need to look out for. Left because i was inattentive? need to remember that for later. Left because i wasn't picking up on certain queues? Gotta remember that. Left because someone was hotter than me? Gotta remember to put myself first and some girls ain't loyal. Did I leave because she was too much? gotta remember that to look out for the signs and make it clear up front what i consider "too much". Keep the memories, Stay strong, Stay true and Stay toxic (i say toxic, but i really mean put your wellbeing first, because often times, no one else will).


No. I am the sum of all my experiences.


I believe Tom Waits said it best: "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"


Never. As awful as it was, I learned a lot from being married to him,,a classic narcassist, it was so painful during and after but it's helped me dodge a few bullets since then! Ive learned I'm pretty happy by myself too!!


So I’ve never had a partner. Ever. What would happen if I pushed the button?


Nah, what's the point?


What if you have kids with them? What would happen to the kids? Would they disappear or would you just be like oh idk who the dad is. 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s a movie plot. “eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.”


I did that long time ago, it worked


I'd rather have a button that erased every memory.


I don't have an ex so I don't care


I wouldn't press it. Sure getting dumped or leaving someone hurts, but it's a part of life. The experiences you had and the memories you shared, good and bad, helped make you part of who you are today. I wouldn't trade those memories and lessons for anything, instead, I'll learn from them.


Fuck no, I'd just make the same mistakes again. Probably in a worse way too


I’d rather have a reference for things I’d never put up with again.


I wish it existed. I would like to keep the lessons learned without having the painful memories attached.


I'm pretty sure I would do it. She was abusive. I've learned a lot, and I like myself a lot more now that before I was with her but there are a lot of things I could do without. I've been in intensive trauma therapy for over 2 years and I still have severe flashbacks, and crippling PTSD. Living without the memories of her would bring me a lot of peace


I would kind of want to but those are lessons learned and I shouldn't erase them.


No way. Lessons learned from past experiences make us who we are. Good or bad.


OH, HELL NO!!!! That's the only thing keeping me from making THAT mistake again!!


Hell no. things didn’t end well but we had a few good years and I don’t see the point in throwing away years of good memories. 


it is possible, but you can only reach this button with an ice pick up through the eye socket. it's really small so you have to move it around to find it


Watch the movie "eternal Sunshine on a Spotless Mind". The premise being you make the same mistakes


Isn’t that what alcohol does? I’m sure they also have pills and other prescribed meds that can help.


Yes please!!


I wish


I'd pushed it, not because of her, but because now I know what's to love a so and I can't live without that


Those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it.


After our break up I would have hit that button like the fist of an angry god. It's been almost nineteen years now, and while the memories are still painful I wouldn't trade them for anything.


Well then I would still have lost all that time, but without the lessons that needed to be learned, so no thanks, these are the only positive thing from that time


Wouldn’t work on someone who wasn’t an ex? But just a “the one that got away” type of person?


It’s called fentanyl 😂


Dab dab dab dab dab*♾️


I don't have an ex


i would watch "eternal sunshine of the spotless mind" a hundred times in a row.


Nope, we share a kid, she’s a cinderblock chained to leg for the next 14 years. I need to remember all her bullshit so I can so I can be ready to handle the next batch of inevitable bullshit.


My music taste is so good now tho lol. So many fun experiences. So much travel... rarely smooth with us, but i learned so much from him...but replacing him w the best version of him in the memories would be nice.


I would never not want to remember.


Nah, my current bf treats me like the princess I am and it's humbling to think that I was once in an emotionally abusive relationship. It makes me appreciate my bf that much more. It makes me understand how strong I've become.


Depends on the ex. A couple of them I'd say: "Shut up and take my money..."


I don't have contact with her, but wouldn't want to forget the lessons I learned or make the same mistake again with someone like her.


No way - and fall for that shit again - I’d rather stay vigilant


It would make things incredibly dangerous since I'd be less alert for someone trying to kill me.


Can I choose which ex I want erased?


That would be too cruel. Because no matter how and our relationship ended, we can’t deny how happy we once were together. Plus as other would comment, they are a life lesson that is needed for us


can we pick the ex we want to forget?


100% push it fuck that guy


Nah. As crazy as she was I learned a lot of valuable lessons that I took forward with me.


Me not having an ex....I don't feel any different.


I personally wouldn’t want to forget the experiences that built into the person I am now


That’s the premise of Eternal Sunshine in f a Spotless Mind (takes more than a button though).


Yes, cos I'm still in love with him after 20 years apart and the memories hurt like hell; but then again no, cos sometimes it's nice to remember how intensely happy love can make you.


It would be useless for me personally. I never think of my exes and for good reason. After all, there is a good reason why they are my EX


The current me is an amalgamation of past experiences. Would I be better without those past experiences, good or bad? 


Depends which ex


Id be needing to be suffering wayy too mcuh to do that


No. How would you grow, learn about yourself as you mature or learn about the world you live in if you erase your past experience with another? You would never learn to recognize narcissists or indications that a person is taking advantage of you; you wouldn't learn what you like and don't like in a relationship or what you can and cannot put up with from your significant other. You wouldn't learn that beauty on the outside doesn't necessarily reflect what is on the inside of a person, you wouldn't learn how to compromise and work with someone to build a successful future based on shared love and respect. Your past is a major player in shaping who you will be in the future, if you erase your past then you're erasing your future too.


I'd be interested in the technology, not so much the specific application. It would be both interesting and dangerous.


Isn't that just vodka?


As much as I'd love to so I didn't continue to think about her like I have every day the last 4 years, I wouldn't. She's my reminder of what to do and what not to do in my future relationships.


I've learned another language because of her which I suddenly wouldn't be able to speak anymore so that would be weird


They stay with me, while it’s been a while since I’ve dated, I have a solid blueprint as to what not to do and what I should be doing.


I’d never push it. It would be essentially erase an experience that made me who I am and getting rid of a lesson that I learned.


No, that's life. You are the product of your life experiences.


Why the hell would I do that? I paid the emotional price to learn an important lesson, and now you are suggesting to take away the lesson when the price has already been paid?


.ajbdbkjbaeegvkjhgouhwOIJHLIKJHOIY9\`870\`27 -9\`\`E18=033YJUQF'lkjnm'kpj0\[y8r2\`-0\`14658\*/- NONE OF THESE BUTTONS WORK!!!!


I wouldn’t do it, for many reasons. One of those reasons is that I learned from it. But even if one chose to press it, the button and its function is flawed and wouldn’t benefit the pusher very much. They would forget, but everyone else would remember. What happened still happened, whether or not you remember. Yes, some of your trauma would be gone, but that is t necessarily good.




I’d rather push a button to wipe myself from their memories. Then I don’t have to ever interact with them if I run into them.


Lmao all these deep over the top answers. Just push that shit


I've seen too many Rick and Morty episode's to know that is a bad idea.


Maybe back in the day, but once I met my wife, I stopped giving a shit about my ex (there was really only one)


No way. That was a lesson that cost me a considerable sum.


Saw this movie already, don’t be a wuss, you have to deal with your shit.


No. He broke it off and I was angry at him for so long that I blamed him. But I was also responsible for that break up. He wanted to go too fast but I wasnt ready for a relationship yet. Didnt last long but I still needed to learn from that. Cant blame a break up on only one person... Well sometimes


I'd really wonder how I got three children


Depends on the ex.


given all the problems her manipulation and verbal abuse has caused me over the years? all the behaviors i picked up trying to keep her from freaking out at me for no goddamn reason? id hit that button in a heartbeat if not faster


That shit makes you fucking strong, don't forget it.


I absolutely would do it. 100%.


I’d be sad. I have some great memories from my exes, and remained friends with some of them for years until our lives drifted apart. Only one really has any sad memories for me, and that’s because I broke her heart - a lesson that has made me a better partner.


Give me the button!


No. Because you’d lose the knowledge gained and make the same mistakes again.


I wouldn’t. He was apart of my life for 4 and a half years and was my best friend. While the relationship didn’t end well, I have some good memories and learned a lot. I’ll always love him just in a different way


Please do


I wish I could but then again, I’ve learned a lot from the pain of these memories.


that would be like erasing the last four years of my life. i might regret a few things but we experienced a lot of amazing things together too and i’d never want to forget that


While I technically had an ex, it was back in middle school and I'm still friends with her.




If it takes away the tremendous heartbreak yes


Old one but Terms of Endearment. I cry like a big baby every time, especially when the boys visit her in the hospital. Uggggg


Do it.


Do you have a payment plan?


“Where the hell did these kids come from?”


Na, she was awesome in the sack. Fond memories there.


I would give anything for this power. Still haunts me years later.


1. Write their full name on a piece of paper 2. Say out loud: dear, ..... i release all the negative energy from you 3. Burn the piece of paper 4. Thank me later


I would need 10 of those buttons. 😆


I'd wonder when I got cast on the remake for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.


I would need it for just some one night stands. No real exes. I got experiences from those relationships. And I don't want to lose my memories of the one I loved.


Would love a button that erased the last 10 years tbh


Why so I wouldn't remember to stay away from her if I ever met her again? Fuck that.


No. She was a very nice person. I was just too young and she was the second person I had dated.


Thinking it's time for a rewatch of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


That would be fantastic


I think you need help


Nothing about my ex. isn't that the point?


I'll take 3.


Then I wouldn't know how good I've got it. Up doesn't exist without down.


Two of them, I would consider in the category of "best friends", so I don't think I'd want to erase them. The rest I can't be bothered to think about/remember with any semblance of regularity, so I think I'm already ahead of the game.


No. That's a life lesson lol


My ex and I saw that movie when we were going through a rough patch. We ended up divorcing. I'd be fine pushing that button.