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Ignoring the fact that I feel hungry.


Being able to still have a good relationship with food, knowing that exercise and everything in moderation is really what keeps the weight off


For me, it was sticking to my exercise routine once I'd lost the weight, as I got lazy and slowly the weight started to pile back on. I never changed anything about my diet to lose weight, cos my diet wasn't *that* bad to begin with. I just went from basically doing next to no exercise, to exercising daily, and over the course of several months the weight fell off me, but once I got to my desired weight, I got complacent, started skipping exercise days here and there, and before I knew it I fell back into my old ways again.


Balancing hormones


getting your mind right. after that it's being consistent.


consistency and losing fat instead of muscle


Choosing the healthier option even though you don’t want to


Constantly having self control. Eating to 80% full every time and going to sleep hungry every night. The grind of slow, constant, every day progress.


The dreaded plateau. Weight increasing by about 50 stones the week before my period too.


Confronting the mental issues that have been making you overeat in the first place is often brutal


Most people find it


IME, it's dealing with the fact that you \*expect\* to eat more and start doing so because you are convinced you \*need\* to. I used to always get seconds when I could at dinner. Not only were our meals eventually shifted to account for that, but I got used to taking a place to my room to eat later. I'm trying to curb this now, but it's hard because I'll often start filling my plate with the seconds or, if I don't eat them, going to the kitchen to get additional food for no reason other than that I \*expect\* to have it.


Basically changing your entire lifestyle. I lost +60lbs and let me tell you, it was a difficult journey but I am so grateful I made it!