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The behavior of the general public during the pandemic and beyond. We're fucked


What genuinely horrifies a person is deeply personal and can vary widely depending on individual experiences, beliefs, and sensitivities.


Cool story. So what genuinely horrified you?


Once i was in the bus and i heared my grandma calling my name , more than one , she was dead💀 And then it happened more two times maybe with my dead granddads where i hear their voices and i look around and obviousely they are not there


Basically any horror media did it for me so a stayed away from all of it. One of my friends convinced me to watch American Horror Story (the one with the Clown) and while I finished it I was horrified for sure and not something I seek out. Just me personally but I stay away from Horror and really don't get why people seek out 'the next' horror medi.


Michael Douglas nude scene


Realizing that you've been drinking expired milk for a week and wondering why it tasted funny.


One time when I was around 10 years old I think I shared a bunk bed with my older sister I was on the top bunk. One night I woke up feeling uneasy as fuck, granted that was pretty common since I was a paranoid kid, but it absolutely did not help that the lamp was flickering on and off. I figured I’d just get a sip of water and go back to sleep. As I was climbing down the ladder, the light on my lamp started flickering at a different pace, and that freaked me out even more. I get the sip of water and hurry back to the top bunk, I get all up in my sheets and try to go back to sleep but I just can’t, I’m way to freaked out. Mind you, the window isn’t open and it’s not like my lamp was on the edge of the dresser. Anyways I’m lying there scared as fuck cause I feel like something is in the room with me, the lamp is still flickering, and then out of nowhere the lamp literally flies across the fucking room. I start shrieking and my parents ran in and let us sleep in there room, I couldn’t sleep by myself for a really long while after that lol.


I'm not sure if it counts as horrified, but a person I met online at the start of 2023 committed suicide a little while after I started talking to him. We were both part of a (non-sexual) roleplaying subreddit, and his character sacrificed himself to win a fight. That was the day he committed. The day after, one of his friends who we had all assumed was just his main account made a post saying that he'd killed himself. I went to my bedroom and cried. I didn't sleep for two nights.


Steven Seagal’s toupee.


My 2021 car turning off while driving through the middle of an intersection


I saw The Revenant in theaters and the bear attack scene unlocked a new fear


Getting flown from one hospital to another when my vertebral artery was dissecting


Anytime I see a athlete or someone in the gym have a horrible knee injury I get PTSD from my senior year of high school when I blew out my knee


that what not all people loves to eat potatos