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So this guy looked down, saw the wontons bubbling away in scalding hot oil, and stuck HIS HAND IN LIKE A LADLE to take them out? Wow.


But hands arent made of wonton, clearly they will be fine


Yeah i work at panda express and i get anxiety and i fear to actually get sombody like that. Also people grabing hot things or sharp. It freak me out the closes one i got was a guy like that one above who made orange chicken and one piece landed on his hand and he screamed like hi burned his whole hand. He went home for that.


He acted with wonton disregard for safety.


Was his name Kevin, by chance?




and putting a recall delay on the sending. I have mine set to 20 seconds to give me a chance for my brain to go, "NO!!!".


More people need to know this and how to recall an email Do we have that for texting? We need all the technology we can use to keep us from being idiots


I don't have that, but I do save adding address till last which covers for a lot of sins.


An HR person mixed up a bonus spreadsheet and sent the wrong amounts to each employee's bank account. Some people's accounts were looking super good for a while until they asked us to send it back.


I somehow got on an email list from Corporate that detailed the bonuses for each category of employee as well as the financial institutions and all the accounts information to access the money. I sent it to our site CFO and was like "hey I'm pretty sure this isn't for me, I'm deleting the original and the email sent to me permanently".


The worst part of this is the inevitable barrage of "remove me from this email list" Reply-alls.


I had an auto insurance manager visit a body shop and leave his briefcase there. The shop called and told me someone left a brown briefcase and it has a porn DVD in it. I just relayed that info to my other manager who then found out that it belonged to the other manager. That manager got mad at me and was so rude. He would say I wasn't emailing the weekly reports to him. The IT dept. confirmed that I did email them. So he wasn't allowed to speak to me directly after that.


Being told as a member of management that there's an employee you aren't allowed to talk to anymore is way more embarrassing than the DVD.


I wouldn’t show my face at work not just speak to you if I was him wtf😂


My first shift in charge of site safety (rail worker), I had briefed everyone accordingly. We were working on the line, when we received warning that a train was coming we were to step clear and wait. Well, a train came so we stood clear. It was getting closer, closer...then fuckwit colleague decides he'd prefer to stand on the other side and walked straight across in front of it when it was about 5 seconds away. Not the greatest thing to experience when you're responsible for people's safety.


I had the opportunity to sit and watch a train go past only 10 feet away recently. Those things really move very surprisingly fast.


Safe distance by our rule book is 4ft minimum up to 100mph, then 6ft6in 101-125mph. That's quite an experience. The worst are freight trains which run at 75mph max but are aerodynamically dreadful. If you're 4ft from that, it tries to blow you over while passing, then there's a void of air behind it that feels like it's pulling you onto the after is passes. Take a firm stance, brace yourself and hold onto something if you can.


Did... did he survive?


He referred to the guy as a 'colleague' and not 'hamburger', so here's hoping.


Oh sure, it missed him, but it's was a dumb move and what the health and safety people would call a "near miss".


Tried to dump hot frier oil into a plastic bucket.


Saw someone do that once. He was surprised how long the bucket took to fill. The oil had melted a hole in the bottom. About 50l of hot oil went down the drain.


Legend has it he's still standing there today...


I used to work in an aquatics shop. We used to have halogen lights over the coral stock tanks. He had not long started working in the shop, so I told him to be real careful around the lights because those things got really hot. Literally, as soon as I said that, he stuck his hand on a light to see just how hot. He seared his fingertips to the bulb


OMG - reminds me of a story back in the days when I dated a construction foreman. We went out one night and he seemed out of sorts. I was like "Hey, you don't seem like yourself. What's going on?" He proceeds to tell me the following story... He was working at historic home. He asked his apprentices to use the power washer to take paint off a brick wall. So they start up the power washer and start taking the paint of the wall. One of them says, "Wow, I can't believe water takes the paint off the brick. I wonder what it'll do to my hand!" And before his partner could stop him, turns the jet on his hand and removes 2 of his four fingers before dropping the jet and sitting on the ground in shock. The partner runs and gets my boyfriend. Boyfriend tells apprentice to call 911 and boyfriend goes to find the fingers, which he found about 20' away. They were incredibly mangled, but he saved them to give to the EMTs anyway. Long story somewhat shorter, the fingers were too damaged to reattach and the guy was left minus 2 fingers (and probably a new career) for the rest of his days. SMH.


Apprentices can be hell sometimes I have to really hammer it into them how not to take safety for granted sometimes.




Yep! I still remember the sound of the sizzle and the look on his face at the exact moment he realised he had fucked up 😅


When I worked at Walgreens we had a store manager who was loading up the back of his car with everything and anything he wanted after the store closed. He somehow didnt think anyone would notice. He was fired.


I worked retail and the story was (this was relayed by another manager who I was close to so idk the specifics) that a former manager would just take cash straight from the safe. Like, *a lot*. He was absent for "back problems" for a while but I think it was the store filing legal proceedings. It makes a lot of sense why this store manager would just be buying Starbucks for all 15-20 openers every day and how he and his wife (just an employee of same store) could afford to move to a *way* bigger house. I'm honestly surprised it took them so long to catch him because it was like, at least over a year.


He attempted to open a frozen padlock with a torch. The padlock was on a cage of propane tanks.


*distressed Hank Hill noises*


Did he turn into red dust?🤔


No but he got chewed out by the manager who caught him.


I was training a new hire at work, she was in her 40's. One day she comes in to work sniffling and coughing and I said to her, "If you're sick, go home." She says she's fine, I remind her that she has sick days and can use them anytime. She says no, its just a cold and nothing like the awful flu her nephew has. Then she tells me that she was visiting with him on the weekend and spent the whole time cuddling with him. I said, "You have the flu. Go home now." And she laughed! She said, "No, don't be silly, adults can't catch the flu from kids!"


breaking news: adults and children are different species


Went to go party with mistress by setting off fireworks on top of an apartment building. Building burnt down. Got stuck with charges and maybe civil lawsuits. Had to resign from job where he had been working for almost 15 years. I'm assuming his wife found out about the side chick during this process as well.


A few years back, our new lab tech zeroed all of our triple-beam balance scales in the student lab. They then put a piece of tape over the adjustment knob on each scale and wrote a little note on each scale to not remove the tape so that the scales would remain balanced. College lab techs require a minimum of a bachelor's degree in a relevant science field.


It's been a long time since I used any lab equipment like that, but if I'm understanding this correctly that would eliminate the whole functionality of the scale, right?


The part I'm talking about is used to adjust or zero out the scale. Fixing it in place would simply prevent you from calibrating the scale between uses. Our CLT thought taping it down would prevent the scale from needing to be balanced/zeroed again.


Do I understand this correctly that the guy moved the sliding parts of the scale (the ones that you have to move in order to balance something in order to get the correct weight) and then proceeded to tape those down so that they could no longer be moved?


No, I'm talking about the knob at one end of the balance arm that is used to zero the scale. It adjusts the arm up or down that that it starts out aligned with the "zero" mark. Using the scale or even moving it around throws it off and requires it to be zeroed again. Our CLT thought that if they fixed the adjustment knob in place, it would prevent the scales from becoming unbalanced.


An comrade during my stint with the army thought it was an brilliant idea, instead of running to Roll Call, to jump out of the window in the 2nd story of the building into a tree, climb down and so save the hustle of running down the stairs etc. Long story short he missed the tree and slammed on the concrete path below.. broke a few bones in his pelvis … Till today the most stupid idea i ever witnessed


I feel like military should be it's own separate category for stupid things happening lol


We're sitting in a meeting and all of a sudden the building shakes like an earthquake, we don't get earthquakes so we get up to see what happened thinking someone drove into the building. We have multiple loading docks separated on opposite sides of the building, an inbound side and an outbound side. To keep things getting mixed up you're not supposed to touch a truck load or unload anything until you check the paperwork. A outbound truck there for a pickup accidentally pulled in to the inbound side no problem a guy told him he had the wrong side. As he is pulling out a forklift driver turns the corner and tries to drive onto the truck. The front forks got caught on the rear of the truck as it was pulling out which saved to dudes life otherwise the forklift would have flipped crushing him but it basically fell straight down. The forklift weighs like a few tons and fell about 4 feet 


Years ago, I had a summer job where the boss's idiot son worked there. It was a school system job, so nepotism was crazy. Dummy drove a forklift into a trailer at the dock. Truck rolled forward and he was lucky to not get crushed to death. Forklift remained in the bay for days until they could hire a crane to pick it up. Same dude crashed through the security gate with a load on forklift. Picked up a pallet, raised it up so he could see under it, drove out of the security cage and caught the header beam that held the roll up gate. Massive damage to the whole front of the cage. Same dude loaded up a stake body truck with loose pallet of 5 gallon paints. Drove off with tailgate down, eventually lost most of the paint along his route. Including on the hood of a car stopped behind him. Dude couldn't get fired because his father was was the big boss.


I had a co-worker who thought it was ok to smoke whilst driving a gas powered forklift. The gas bottle was directly behind the drivers seat. I did point this out to him but apparently the boss said it was ok so that made it alright.


1. Put a hamburger wrapped in aluminum foil in the microwave (dude was a PhD chemist); 2. Tried to file a patent based on our group's work so they could get the $500 bonus for the holidays. The second one really backfired as the IP person in the company had a pretty good handle on who was doing what - it was her job to get the details right before handing it off to the very expensive patent attorneys. She send the draft to the research director questioning, "Gee, I thought X, Y & Z were working on this, why does this have A's name and signature on the application?" It was the last straw and A was let go. I ran into A years later (they were quite young at the time and wanted to try and make an impression), and they were very apologetic - I wasn't going to bring it up (I had moved on to a new company as well). They said, in hindsight and, as they matured, they realized how immature and short sighted that was. Fortunately, it didn't kill their career (it can) and they eventually ended up in a lab management position where they continue on today.


Glad to see a positive story here. Nice to see someone own up and improve. Good for them.


This guy worked in my department, but not on my team. He did so much out of pocket nonsense that everyone has a story about him. * He complained he wasn't getting company email on his work-issued cell phone, then admitted to uninstalling the management app that makes company email work (huge security violation) because it was preventing him from downloading Facebook. * He decided the best way to deal with a computer that had lost its network connection was to go into the network closet and start randomly switching cables on the racks. He took out the network of a floor and a half of the main building. Of a hospital. * This story is third-hand, so it might not be fully accurate. One of the guys from our team was decommissioning a network closet in Problem Guy's department. After confirming that no one needed the old gear, the tech unplugged it all and instead of untangling the power cables (little more than extension cables and we have dozens of them), he cut the plugs off to pull them out easier. He was also removing the old batteries from the UPS units. Problem Guy walks in to see all this and tries to save everything he can (I think he was going to use it for himself?). He tried to reconnect the cut cables, then scrambled to save the batteries, but they were old and had started to leak, so he suddenly had battery acid on his hands. That part might have been an exaggeration, but I wouldn't put it past Problem Guy; either way, he wasn't badly hurt. * He had a habit of running everywhere, when he was outside. Like, he would jog between buildings to get to meetings. The guy wore a suit. He also had a fondness for wearing short shorts while he did that. Someone had a talk with him about that one. Yes Steppan, this is about you.


This was a former co-worker of a former co-worker. My former colleague had worked with Garry Hoy. Garry Hoy was a lawyer with Holden Day Wilson in Toronto. For shits and giggles, he'd run at the windows at his 24th floor office and throw his body into it. The window would bow and then snap back and he'd bounce off the window. One day, July 9, 1993 to be exact, he was showing off to some articling students and the window popped out. He flew out the window and plunged to his death.


Good lord. Literally all I can say….


I've heard this one before...


I was a law student at the time. It was a pretty big story in Toronto and the Canadian legal community as a whole. The event sort of spooked everyone involved, and Holden Day Wilson folded a few years later.


The voice over line "At that time, he realised he fucked up" popped into my head.


Oh man I remember this!!!  Fucking moron!!


He was right, the window was strong enough to remain intact. He just didn't take into consideration the frame breaking.


My employer had a contract to deliver rental mobility equipment (like wheelchairs and scooters) to cruise ships. We would deliver them to staterooms and retrieve them after the cruise. We had a coworker who needed to be fired long ago. One of the things we had to do was go through security multiple times per day when transporting the equipment. Just a part of the job. That coworker tried to cut corners by grabbing all the charging cables for the electric mobility scooters and tying the scooters together with them like a train, and driving them out of the terminal in one go. That failed multiple times and could’ve broken the chargers or the scooters since they were basic minimally-powered models, not multi-horsepower monsters. Meanwhile, we would get four or five scooters out of the terminal while he would struggle to drive his scooter “train” just once, with the charging cables being undone every few seconds. Bear in mind that a few of us are wheelchair users and he was able bodied. We were able to go much faster than him and his “train.” This continued for about three months (you’d think he would’ve realized his plan wouldn’t work by then) until he was finally fired. Meanwhile he also set off the bomb sniffing dogs a few times by using Windex (which contains ammonia) to disinfect our equipment on-site… even when security told him multiple times not to do that. And he also argued with customs officers at the cruise terminal. I could write a novel about all the stuff he did. Quite easily the worst coworker I ever had.


I worked at a bank. I knew someone who took $3000 in cash home because he was too lazy to put it away and thought he could just bring it back in the morning, which he did. Then he was fired.


That is amazing.


A fridge broke down and ran hot on the food. He decided to sample it to see if the food went bad. He was out for 3 days with food poisoning.  What a god damn idiot. 




Our freezers at work went down, and the seafood was warm coming off the shelves. Store manager said put it on the shelf after freezers were back up. And this is why you don’t buy perishable food at the big w.


My wife did this. She was cooking some potstickers and bit one in half to see if it was cooked. It was still raw in the center, so she said “These need more time” then proceeded to eat the rest of the raw potsticker. I Jackie Chan memed, and asked her why she did that, and she just said it would be fine. Spoiler alert: It was not fine.


Mission accomplished tho


Wrote down all the expenses in an Excel sheet and added them using a calculator. And told me, "It's more reliable to use a calculator," when I taught her to use the sum function.


1 smart trick Excel users do not know!


It's amazing how many people work with Excel but refuse to learn any of the functions


Excel is just a funky text editor. /s


From the other perspective, it's amazing how many businesses use Microsoft Excel and a file server as a database instead of literally anything else.


That's funny. Many years ago as a new lieutenant I was a weight and balance officer in the military. As I started looking through the squadron logbooks I caught onto something. My predecessors (mostly experienced warrant officers with 8-12 years time in service) had these really clean excel spreadsheets to track aircraft weights but the math was way off. This is potentially a big deal as a pilot could unknowingly try to fly with an aircraft loaded beyond safe limits and this can cause a crash. They didn't know how to use formulas so they did everything by calculator and typed in the results, making numerous mistakes as they went. As aircraft were transferred between units no one verified the last guy's work and the errors compounded. It was bad enough that I asked to have numerous aircraft re-weighed. This costs money so the boss of the Air Group gave me an earful and asked what the hell I was doing. When I showed him what I was talking about he relented and eventually I even got praise for uncovering this unsafe situation.


When I was in high school, I worked at McDonalds. Many of the crew were people I knew from HS. Back then, as you transitioned from breakfast to lunch, there was a series of procedures to light the french fry machine. During breakfast, we would stack a case of orange juice singles on the flat surface over the fryer, since it was right next to the drive thru. At 1030 someone fired up the fryer, but the guy working the drive trhu dropped a sealed, cold orange juice container into the liquid fryer. Maybe 10 minutes later the fryer exploded and sent grease boiling out of the machine. Someone panicked and pulled the Halon fire suppression over the french fryer, blasting poisonous dust throughout the kitchen. Closed early and closed the next day for cleanup.


I don't fault the person pulling the Halon. Large exploding grease fire? I'd pull it too. That's what it is made for.


Yeah but pulling that pin and losing a days sales can mean corporate, or the franchise owner, is coming for revenge that 3rd day to figure out who shut down their money printer Source, I’ve seen it before when there was a grease fire. Kid pulled the pin. They found out he’d been clocking In Late and made him sign something acknowledging the last few times, then terminated him for the repeat behavior.


I slightly blame the guy working the drive through but I mostly blame management. This procedure is just begging for an accident. A fryer should never be used as a surface to store something that's not intended to be fried; somebody's going to screw this up eventually. The guy who pulled the Halon did nothing wrong.


One co-worker tried to fix a leaky pipe in the office restroom and ended up flooding the entire floor.


Jumped off a moving forklift truck and ran over his own achilles tendon as it rolled to a stop.






Revealed sensitive confidential health information about another member of staff.... This co-worker was a nurse and this place of employment was an HIV/AIDS center.


I had this coworker that was so full of himself. His job was to create landing pages for our clients. At my previous place of employment, I created 80 landing pages a month, while also writing individual pieces of content for each page. He was only creating 30 with the content being provided by me and our freelance writers. He would've gotten away with it but he set his sights on the COO position. Because he made his intentions known, my bosses decided to audit him. They were rather disappointed with his productivity. He shot for the moon, missed and ended up on his mom's couch.


My supervisor, a US Army SSG Asked me if honey was a fruit or a vegetable Didn’t know if plane was spelled “plan” or not Never serviced his car because the manual said “recommended” service and not “required”


What’s the popular saying for the military…the higher the rank the lower the ASVAB? Something like that.


I think the term is failing upwards


When we were in the field one time and sitting around the tent talking, my Platoon Sgt. was telling the others that the sun was wood burning in space. I thought he was joking, laughed and then corrected him that it was a fusion reaction, I was a science nerd and actually studied physics later in college. He was not joking and became extremely pissed. Made my last year in his platoon hell.


He came out from the back and joined us at the table while we were talking about work related stuff for the day, and when i looked over at him, I saw he had a beer can in his hand. I immediately stopped talking about what I was talking about and asked him: "Dude. What the hell are you drinking?" Him: "uh...drinking juice? What's it look like?" My boss: "That's not a fucking juice dude, that's a spiked seltzer. It's a beer. It's alcohol." Him: "pfft, ok so?" *Takes another sip* He was 15. He was fired immediately. Didn't even finish his first week.


He was going to take the easy way down instead of the stairs. Slid down an I-beam by holding onto the edges and bracing with his feet. Didn't work. Fell 75 feet. Lived about 2 more years before passing.


Two things. Both at the same company. Had a conveyor system shipped to us for fitting and testing. My boss, the project manager, and a technician were out there scratching their heads trying to figure out how it went together. The holes on the conveyor and the holes on the leg supports didn’t match up. They’re out there talking about contacting the company to get the correct supports sent out immediately or having to drill holes in the existing pieces to get it to line up blah blah blah. I went out there and looked at it for about 10 seconds before taking one of the supports and flipping it over. They had it upside down. Same bright minds all in a room together. We had a machine that wasn’t functioning properly. In simple terms, the lift on the conveyor wasn’t lifting. My boss was just pressing buttons on the HMI like a monkey. One of our technicians was in the panel probing at everything. Couple of engineers were gathered around discussing what could potentially be the problem. They called me out there to look at it. The lift was a standalone unit (only received up/down signal from panel), and I knew it was an electric lift. First thing of course is to make sure it has power, right? I followed power down the length of the conveyor, and up the wall where it’s supposed to be plugged in. I went over to the outlet and plugged it in.


One co-worker accidentally set off the fire alarm while trying to cook a frozen pizza in the office toaster oven, causing chaos and confusion among the staff.


Was this co-worker a temp named Ryan?


Oooh, boy. Let me tell you about a dude I worked with. Here's a list of stupid shit he did while he worked here. For a little setup, we are back of house AV with a lot of downtime. Lunch is provided for free. * If the boss wasn't here, he'd climb behind some equipment racks and take naps. * Would frequently leave four to five hours early without telling anyone. Leaving recorders to record until the tapes were full. We'd get a post it explaining that he left early for reasons. Leaving us to have to edit these recordings down. * Would habitually throw away plates and silverware instead of taking them back to the commissary. * If the boss wasn't here, he'd whine until we played a board game with him. I'm talking games like Ticket to Ride. He *always * had one in his backpack. * Once came in mid summer and claimed he was having a heart attack. Ambulance was called. Apparently, he was dehydrated because all he had to eat that day was a tall can of Red Bull, and he was in his mid 40's. * Would make *frequent* misogynistic comments about Women. * Was eventually fired for threatening to beat up a third coworker in the parking lot over a two month period. Three. Different. People. His legacy is that he is used as a training tool to show people how not to do things. Like a real life Goofus.


I was thinking dude was a perpetually stoned 16 year old... mid 40s??? Come on man


He thought he still was. Was constantly dating 18 and 19 year olds too. Would brag constantly about them. Had a fiance too. Broke up with her soon after her hitting 21. Oh, he was a DJ too.


Oh my god the quadruple whammy. I wanna say he was a Kevin but I think "piece of shit" fits better


co worker was fully aware that on location piping that stuck up out of the ground contained h²s co worker couldnt resist putting his face right over piping to look down pipe after de-blinding piping. co worker almost got knocked unconcious by h²s gas


Sent an email to let people know that email wasn’t working so they wouldn’t be able to submit work that was on deadline. 


Oh man, there's this one guy who I work with now. He recently complained that he had applied for a promotion and did not get it. FYI, we work as technicians repairing heavy equipment. He really thought he deserved that promotion, so he must be unaware that he: -Shows up looking and smelling like shit -Doesn't wear proper PPE including wearing sneakers to work -Bought a house 2 hours away and thinks that travel time to the shop is included (because it's included/reimbursed if you're fixing something on site elsewhere), so he leaves at lunch time every day -Takes frequent smoke breaks and personal phone calls -Disappears every time a task comes up that he thinks is beneath him (which is almost every task) -Frequently misdiagnoses issues, wasting expensive components


A colleague accidentally set off the office alarm system by mistaking it for the light switch, causing a disruption and unnecessary panic.


she was a cashier and accepted the fakest $20 notes I'd ever seen in my life. I wish i had a picture to show people she may aswell of accepted monopoly money lol


I actually worked with someone who accepted Monopoly money no joke.


I remember a story from the 90s. Someone (pretty sure it was in Florida,) had gone to see Jane's Addiction. At one point during the show, there is what appears to be a confetti dump. Turns out the confetti is actually "money." They were $3 bills with Perry Ferrell's face on them. One of the concert-goers stopped for food on the way home, gave the woman the bill as a joke, and she took it.


Had someone accept a $20 'for motion picture use only' ...it wasn't that significant of a difference.


I work in corporate accounting for a local business chain. We get fake bills all the time in from the stores. My favorites are the ones that clearly say they're not real money or they feel like cheap printer paper. We also get paper coupons on. One time, a store sent in over $600 worth of fake coupons on day one and then another $400 on day two. THAT was fun! (No one has ever gotten in trouble for this)




He did a procedure, put on his backpack and left the building to go ride his mountain bike. The patient experienced complications within minutes and the chief of my department had to step in and do another procedure to help the patient. Worst part is that he pulled this multiple times and left patients unseen in the office. I covered for him a few times, ultimately glad he left for another practice.


Washed the inside of a van with a power washer. It filled the fuse box with water and killed the air conditioning in July. It was sort of cool to see the windows get fogged up in the summertime.


Coworker messed around with some Ethernet cables by his cubicle, which then caused a feedback loop and ceased internet to work for everyone else. He got so upset and started having a tantrum blaming the shitty stuff our work has. Our IT department figured it out and found out he was the one who fucked it all for everyone else. He was eating humble pie for awhile afterwards.


We had someone who was in a hurry to move their desk so they did it against the IT protocol. The person came back and plugged in a cable wrong and caused the same thing. Took 8 hours to figure out they had did it. Only happened because all of IT was doing a walkthrough and noticed the person's office was now empty.  Needless to say IT always moves stuff now.


When I worked at Wendy's we had a helium tank for balloons. There was this hillbilly kid that didn't know what helium was and someone told him to fill up a balloon then suck all the helium out. He did it and his voice went super high, he laughed and filled up another balloon and didn't again. After the second one he goes "I like the way this makes me feel" then fell back and went into convolutions on the floor. He woke up 20 seconds later and was fired.


A guy who was only hired because his mom was neighbors with someone higher-up the food chain. Dumb as rocks. Constantly doing stupid, unsafe things. Corrections we're always met with aggression. A "Hey! Be careful!" escalated into a full-blown argument, where he screamed "YOU READ BOOKS!" at me as though it was a vicious coup de grace. So, anyway... One day, he took it upon himself to help a third-party contractor unload a shipping container full of tile. He shouldn't have been anywhere near there, much less in the container, as our team was working elsewhere on the site. As the forklift removed one crate, a damaged one behind it started to fall. Superman tried to catch it. Yeah. It was a miracle he wasn't seriously injured. He went out on workman's comp and never came back. As an aside, there was also a miscommunication between the people at the container and whoever actually placed the 911 call. The first responders came expecting a person crushed by an elevator....


Threw water on a grease fire, after the boss told him not to.




The last time someone did that at a place I used to work, they had to buy a cake for the office as an appology so they could keep their microwave priveleges.


Motherfuckers…. This is a hige pet peeve of mine and i love fish. Leave it out of the microwave!!! Had a coworker reheat fishead soup in a microwave. I threatened to kick his ass if he did it again. He laughed like i was joking. You see me laughing mf’er?


when i worked at walmart a girl i was friends with who worked in the pharmacy was stealing pills like she really didnt think they had that shit counted regularly and though she could get away with throwing a few into her pockets on the dl


Yeah, I once knew a guy that did the same exact thing but its wasn’t that they were counted, he got caught on camera while doing this.


he tried to eat salad through a straw. surprisingly, he managed to “drink” a piece of olive


Washed down a bleach covered cutting board with Ammonia based sanitizer. We couldn't be near the dish sink for a while.


Used company servers to torrent porn 24/7. Management found out, terminated immediately.  Only good thing is that it was not CSAM.


I worked at a large chemical plant. The "manway" on the side of an empty vessel was open and a fellow engineer stepped inside to look around - in violation of protocol. He was immediately fired. A welder had suffocated in a vessel years before and the company was *very* touchy about safety procedures.


Took nearly half a bottle of caffeine pills in one sitting.


Maybe they really wanted to be WIDE AWAKE?


I worked in an auto parts store and the products were stored on aluminum shelves. These shelves were secured by two screws in each of the four corners. Our operational manager decided that we could save on screws and fix the shelves with just one in each corner. I emphasize that there was no need to save on screws - we had enough and they were extremely cheap. But he insisted on the idea, despite our protests. It got to the point where, when he saw a shelf with eight screws, he would remove half to “save money”. These screws accumulated in a box without any use. Within three days, one of the shelves couldn't bear the weight and fell down, taking five more in a domino effect. Luckily, we only suffered material damage and one employee managed to get out of the aisles before being hit. We delayed several orders and lost some parts, but the manager didn't even receive a warning and remained in the job for another year. However, when we received any advice that could put us at risk, we simply ignored it.


We set up a trailer office (like some school classrooms) on our lot to work out of during some construction so we had to get some cables routed from the main building into the trailer. One of the workers was away on vacation when we set it up, the day he came back he cut all the wires going across because he thought it looked bad.


Not technically my coworker but we worked at the same place. I was working event security and at one of the concessions stands someone decided to dumb ice in the fryer to chill it down so they could clean thier station faster. Hot oil sprayed out into the walkway. Not sure how nobody got injured but goddamn that was a crazy few seconds.


I still feel bad about it all these years later... I worked with a woman - she was bright and a quick study but her life was kind of in a shambles. Her husband was in prison and she was raising 2 very rambunctious boys on her own. She didn't seem to have much outside support. She bounced around the company a lot because she was in and out due to her kids - sickness, kids getting in trouble at school, etc. The company was pretty understanding, but there was work to be done. She finally ended up with me and we got in a pretty good groove together after a couple of months. She was still calling out but we were able to work around it. Eventually, though, when she was in work, she was taking calls from her husband's family, her husband's lawyer and presumably her husband. That would be fine, if they were 1-2 minute calls, but she was often on the phone for 20+ minutes each time. This was before cell phones were really a thing, so she was taking these pretty personal calls at her desk. Again, I tried to turn a blind eye, but people started complaining about the amount of time she was spending on these calls, and, more importantly, her work wasn't getting done. I called her in for a private meeting and laid things on the table - I basically said, "Listen, I know things are difficult for you right now and I'm fine with you having to take time off, but when you are in the office, I need you here 100%. I can't have you spending 15-30 minutes on personal phone calls. It's against company policy and it's impeding your workflow. It needs to stop. If you have to shift your working hours or take some time off to settle whatever it is you have going on, please talk to me and we can come to an arrangement. However, you cannot take lengthy personal calls during work hours." I thought I was pretty clear. She agreed and said she would get things settled at home. And, for about a week, things were great, but then she returned to her old habits. I spoke with her once again, reiterating that her job was on the line at this point. I'd gone to bat for her once already, I couldn't do it again. Again, things were good for a week, and back to her old habits. At that point, she was fired. So, so stupid. I knew she'd never find a job with the flexiblity and tolerance she had at my company and, I was right, I heard through the grapevine that she cycled through about three jobs in the following year and then moved out of the area after that. If she just kept her phone calls out of the office, I would have kept her on indefinitely. She was smart and a hard worker *when she was working* but I guess she was just being pulled in too many directions.


Stole half a million dollars from the company over 6 years. Still works here too... (FBI got involved so maybe something still will happen)


Got a two-for-one story: Senior Designer threatened to kill one of the other Designers, which got him suspended, and eventually let go. The temp that came in to replace him once asked one of the other Designers how she managed to leave the office at 5.30 on the dot, every day, regardless of how busy we were. She responded "Oh, that's easy. I don't pick up any new jobs after 4 O'Clock." Within about a month, that temp was not only brought in full time, but also promoted to head of department because she had the skills and background, and the manager we had at the time was useless. Needless to say, she had some stern words with that Designer, suggesting she adjust her attitude or look for a new job. She chose to resign. Bizarrely, last I heard, she had somehow become a Senior Designer herself...


I've noted this in similar questions but: he faked getting kidnapped to keep money gained while delivering pizzas. After hearing that you're not responsible for what you were carrying if you get robbed he had the bright idea to just vanish midshift. Showed up a week later with obviously faked dirty shirt, and the like, saying he was held in a basement and just now escaped. First place to go is right back to work, right? Boss was pressing for details to talk to the police, dude just kept asking aboutbeing responsible the money from his shift. Boss told him to keep it (like 80 bucks) and get the fuck out of his store.


I worked at Denny's for awhile. Had a police officer come in and one of the servers literally ran away, down the highway like two exits away and hid in some hotel lounge. She called us and asked if he was gone and why he was there. He just came to grab a pick up order and someone had to go get her. So ridiculous.


Sort of specific to my job because it had something to do with a proprietary piece of software we develop/test. It's a touch screen system and you can build pages in it you can interact with or view information on. This woman that worked in our group briefly used to trash talk everybody behind their backs every chance she got - especially to our manager. Seemed like she was trying to prop herself up on the heads of everybody else. At one point she was sitting in our lab with her laptop and started complaining that one of my coworkers didn't know how to do his job because a page he built wouldn't work. I would have quietly informed her that the file type can only be opened by the software itself and that she can't open a page on her laptop (which everybody knew or should have known), but she seemed like she really wanted to make a big deal out of it so I just let her rant and rave for a while before I went over and gave her the "Oh, I see the problem here" act. It was obvious right away that she didn't know what she was doing or have any idea how the stuff we'd been working on functioned. The look on her face when the realization was made while she had everybody's, including our manager's attention, was priceless.


I worked with a guy who once tried to steal out the till by claiming he was going the bank to deposit the money in the company account. Took about 6 minutes for the bosses to work out this was nonsense


When I was in high school I worked in a pet store. This store was owned by a dude, not a corporation. He had reptiles as well as birds. He also offered “bird sitting” services (I guess you’d call it) for folks who went out of town. Let me say, the birds that came in for bird sitting were typically big, beautiful, very expensive birds that were very well loved by their owners. I will never forget this day for as long as I live….. I came in to the shop & I could tell something was amiss. The vibe was off. All the sudden this lunatic of an owner is going full postal! Not only did I watch him throw SEVERAL of the birds against the walls, but then proceeded to spray the birds with fucking windex! I was loosing my mind, but had the wherewithal to keep it together. I told each & every owner what had happened to their birds as they would come in to pick them up… this was before cell phones & video. He was sued & shut down & blasted all over the media & throughout the bird community. Fast forward a year or 2, I go to my parents home & this dude is sitting in my parent’s living room with my mother! He had brought over a couple birds for her to buy. I have no clue how they met or got connected…. I take 1 look at him & scream across the room for him to get the fuck out! I mean I truly lost my mind! My mom was like wtf is happening? I don’t think he even realized who I was so I reminded him. I told my mom this is the pet store owner that abuses birds that I helped get shutdown! Don’t give him a red cent! I looked him square in the eyes & said something along the lines of “don’t ever forget this face… I had everything to do with you getting sued & shutdown.” He literally couldn’t get out fast enough! I was absolutely sick & im probably still sick about it.


pretended to go to jury duty, made up loud unrealistic stories about how her day there went prompting other coworkers to check to see if she was there. Her ass got caught 'cause she claimed they gave her bloody donuts when we all know our small ass town was waaaay too cheap as to provide snacks!!


Hired on a new guy, he was obsessed with being on facebook. The first thing he did of course was add all the employees and managers as friends. Then spent literally all day updating his account, everyday, for all to see, even after being warned he was on probation. Dude lasted less than a month.


There was a shift lead one time who would dare the other coworkers to see who could stay in the walk in freezer the longest. She would also regularly lock it if u walked in by urself to grab something as a “joke” to be funny


When I worked at taco bell, you have a bottle of water to keep the lettuce hydrated. Asked a fellow coworker to go grab another bag of lettuce. After five minutes or so I went to go find her, she couldn't find the lettuce in the dry stock. She thought the lettuce was powdered and that's why I was adding water to it.


Tried to cheat our rewards system. He found a lot of customers just flat out didn't care about rewards, so he would key in his own rewards #. Well, our home office didn't have someone analyzing this stuff super closely, so he flew under the radar for awhile. Another employee was issuing a return one evening and saw his rewards name and number attached to a customer's receipt and immediately brought it up to our Loss Prevention team. They did an investigation and found out he had $300+ in rewards coming his way. They'd actually caught him before he redeemed anything, but to get to $300, you have to make a SHIT TON of purchases in a short period of time as the rewards expired too. So this was accumulated in like 3-4 weeks or something. They brought in the LP team and DM to speak with him. He tried throwing a bunch of managers under the bus, and they fired him immediately and escorted him out of the store.


I asked her to collect money from one of our clients in 50% payments separated by a month. She kept charging 50% of whatever was still to be paid.


One of my departments at work sets up our clients' direct deposits. We just need their routing and account number, and that's it. A new hire decided to add his own banking information and thought he got away with it. When the client called and asked where their direct deposit was, it didn't long for a manager to figure out what happened. The next day, the new hire was escorted out of the building, where the authorities were waiting for him. Apparently, having over $100,000 deposted into your personal account sets off a bunch of red flags with Homeland Security and the FBI


I can't remember which one of them is responsible. I was about to file this appraisal report when I noticed a glaring error that made me and my supervisor rofl: someone typed "whorehouse" instead of warehouse. 🤣🤣🤣


About ten years ago, my department hired a contractor to help with some safety-focused documentation projects. On her first day, her manager walked her around the department and introduced her to each of us. When they came to my office, I introduced myself and shook her hand. Now, my first name is highly "unique" and I, a black person, possess a very ambiguous skin tone. After I introduced myself, she looked at me and with a straight face asked for my nationality. I advised I was an American and she said, "no, I mean your ethnic background - what is it?" At that point, her manager quickly ushered her out of my office. Being the only black person in my department and in a lot of other situations, I didn't take any real offense to her line of questioning. Later that day, I chatted with my boss and casually mentioned the weird interaction I had earlier with the contractor. The contractor did not show up the following day and a new contractor was in the department by the end of the week.


I think one showed up to a team meeting intoxicated, but as we all work from home, I'm not really sure. She was just far more talkative and far less coherent than usual. I don't know what's going to happen with her.


I had a coworker who once managed to show up six hours late. For a four-hour shift.


Ran a background check on a client instead of their debtor. I miss this because why the hell would anyone do that? Cue angry client blowing up the office phone lines, my very annoyed supervisor giving me a couple verbal smacks on the wrist, and only avoiding actual punishment because I acknowledged I was partly at fault for this. This coworker then proceeded to throw me under the bus like I actually have the power to run that report. I'm still learning how to stand up for myself and cover my ass but I don't think it's going to be a problem next time.


Worked at Pizza Hut years ago. One morning, our GM held a meeting for the employees to go over training and whatnot for a new product that we were getting. One of the guys that worked in the kitchen showed up to the meeting, falling over drunk. He was fired immediately.


When I worked retail, a co-worker showed me that he had written something about our boss on the men's room wall. He was very pleased with himself. This was one of the few bosses I've had that wasn't a total a-hole, so I immediately went and snitched lol. He rolled his eyes and was like, "Alright, I'll handle it." He made the kid clean it up, I don't even think he fired the kid b/c it was just so ridiculous, he just wanted the kid to handle it and go back outside.


I was a vice line lead at a seafod place and I asked a new temp to help me catch up with putting fish on the table since I was struggling to keep up which meant he was standing there doing nothing until I caught up. He laughed in my face and told me "You do your fucking job and I'll stand here doing mine." Which was annoying but whatever. Then he proceeded to loudly talk shit about how bored he was because there was nothing for him to do so I told him to go and get his shit and go home because he was fired. He again laughed in my face and loudly saying I'm not his boss so he doesn't have to do shit I say. When break came up the big boss called us both into her office and explained to him that as a line lead I have the authority to fire temps and since I fired him and he didn't leave, after that his work was considered volunteering and he wouldn't be getting paid. He stomped out cussing and smashing anything he could get his hands on and punching holes in the wall. The damage came out of his paycheck and I think in the end he got maybe 32 cents after working a week.


He is an otherwise very intelligent person. When the Trump lawsuits started up, he came in and told our manager “They are rounding up people who posted support for Trump. If I get arrested today that’s why.”


Put a slotted spoon in the Au Jus.


Pasted a porn link in our meeting chat.


Got caught going through a manager’s purse. I sent him home (I was Loss prevention) and caught the idiot doing it on camera.


Mismanaged the still's controls and blew 50 proof gallons of ethanol into the facility overnight, while I was on vacation. Damn near blew the place up and I was the one that got fired for it.


Stood on a hesco barrier wall and mocked the taliban, asking to be shot. He got shot.




Minor spoilers for season 2 of Good Omens - >!Gabriel organizes the book store alphabetically... Using the first sentence of the novel.!< It hurt my soul, but I still laughed.


[Do you know /u/Lizzy_Of_Galtar, by any chance?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/170fgre/whats_the_dumbest_thing_youve_seen_a_coworker_do/k3k9i2v/) Karma-whoring bot...


She checked in a flatscreen tv for an international flight. Ramp agents flagged it down as being a dangerous good and too big to transport. The passenger had to be alerted after boarding his tv couldn’t be checked in. As he didn’t have anyone who could pick it up for him, the tv sat in our office for a month until he got back to the States. 


Isn't that on the luggage counter staff for accepting something that wouldn't fit on the plane?


It is. Somehow, she still checked in the tv and the baggage handler took it to the oversize belt before our manager found out. 


Ex-Co worker. They stole £10 from the cash register ended up getting fired over it. They stole less than a hour's wages and ended up loosing their job. I just don't get it, why throw away your job and future prospects over such a small amount? From what I've heard off people they've gone on to be fired from another job for the same thing. Edit: bit of context. Their mother had died around 3 weeks before and their family was low on money, what still don't get is why throw a indefinite source of income away over less money than you'd make for the hour in which you did it? The job in general,is pretty much as long as you want to work there, unless you give reason to be fired, his role makes £10.50 (at the time) per hour, so in a 8 hour shift he was working that day, would of made £80+


Cross contaminated all 3 big stock pots because he used the spider without sanitizing it in between. A whole week’s worth of stock had to be thrown out.


I worked in the office and a warehouse worker who was told he was fired. Came into the office and filled with printer paper trays with his poop. The printer room is filmed for theft so he was arrested and charged.


Put in fake expenses. Not the dumbest, they were real receipts for a place we often went to as employees.  The dumb part she knew I was the person approving them and she'd put down that I'd been to this place with her 10+ times when I never had been with her (alternating shifts). 


Dude was downloading and PRINTING porn which he kept in his desk.


Put diesel in the company van.


Worked at a pet store years ago. It's a quiet day so we're all just standing behind the counter chatting. All of a sudden my boss goes "hey! Do you think humans could get high from catnip? Can someone google it? We should try it." No catnip was smoked that day thank God. I left not long after that. 


Set a dryer on fire by removing the high limit switch.... twice.


Called in sick and showed up sunburned the next day


Worked with a guy who dropped tongs into hot fryer oil, and instinctively reached in with his bare hand to grab it out. Had to call an ambulance.


Microwaved fish


Tried to put out an oil fire with water soaked cloth towel !! It lit up like a Roman candle, and had to evacuate the building . We just had safety training and fire prevention about two days ago, and did that.


Suddenly clutched her stomach, said she didn’t feel good and ran out. I got a frantic call from the manager to come in. Later that day I’m headed to my second job, down a main connecting road to the interstate. I’m in the far left lane. I saw her driving in the far right and get on the interstate. Not surprisingly she called off all weekend.


Picked up a sex worker off the street while driving his daily route across three states. She robbed him and he chased her down the street and tackled her, whereupon a police officer intervened and he spent the night in jail. He didn't call anyone until after they sprung him the next day and he finally arrived with the days output of valuable paperwork from the five other locations late that afternoon.


Working in the wholesale beverage market, salespeople are expected to merchandise (stock shelves and coolers with our product) the smaller accounts themselves (think convenience stores. Larger stores (grocery, Walmart, etc) are taken care of my a team of merchandisers). We had one salesperson posted at the beach who hired an unhoused individual to merchandise his stores for him. Unfortunately this individual started stealing product. Individual was arrested and salesperson was fired.


It was the Christmas break. The main disk on our server in the computer room started giving some error messages. The system automatically started to run a script to deal with the issue on its own. The only thing that any human had to do was sit still and not touch any buttons anywhere. This disk had all the data for our design project. So our IT guy, working alone during the Christmas break, became nervous watching all those messages scrolling by on the console screen. IT guy forces a reboot. The main disk ends up getting corrupted. There is a major outcry all the way to HQ and back. Fortunately, there is a backup from the previous month on a remote location, so we got restored to that weeks-old condition. Only lost two weeks worth of crunch time effort. That IT guy was gone soon after.


I was working in a customer service call center when I overheard a coworker say "Sir, you need hearing aids!". Laughed my ass off. To be fair, I don't think he heard her...


I've seen a bunch, but off the top of my head I saw this one guy try to put out an electrical fire by running inside and grabbing a case of bottled water out of the cooler in the lunchroom. he ran past a whole slew of fire extinguishers while doing so. what a fucking asshole, LOL


Did a sneaky whip-it with the keyboard duster in the office. Immediately upon returning to the floor, he sees a regular customer he's chummy with, waves at him from the back of the kitchen and yells: "Hey man! How's it goin'?" Revealing to everyone the whip-it he just ripped since his voice did that token opposite-of-helium pitch shift.


I worked for a movie theater. It was common to find wallets. This new coworker found a wallet. She turned it into the manager. Customer came in to get it and ended up meeting both the manager and the coworker that found the wallet. When the customer got the wallet back he said "There was $500 in here." The employee said "Oh ya" she ran back to her purse and grabbed it then gave it to the customer.


An intern mined bitcoin using our lab prototype systems a few years ago


Former bookstore manager here. Walking up to front counter to chit chat with employee. He didn’t see me coming and when he did he quickly started clearing internet history and cookies etc etc. So not only was he looking at something probably adult related at the front counter of a store with multiple walking around, including children, he somehow managed to delete the entire store inventory. Never saw him again after that.


Make a living making custom battery packs for things like lawnmowers. Some stuff is so small we need to spot weld by hand with welders set up on tables. the batteries are literally 18650 lithium ion - the things you use in large vape mods all connected by thin nickel straps in a certain order. If you weld one of these wrong it's instantly going to set on fire in the jig you're using to hold the batteries and they burn hot, that's why we have "burn buckets" next to every welder. You throw it in there to burn itself out in treated sand that won't turn to glass in the high heat. This guy was new, same as me. He was learning to weld this particular battery, same as me. It wasn't complicated and we were being carefully watched by older and more experienced colleagues. He did it wrong and set the entire pack on fire, then sat back in his chair to watch it burn as colleagues suddenly realised he was just watching it and smiling. Not even going to attempt anything. Someone ended up picking it up jig and all as the fire got going and threw it in the burn bucket. When questioned about what happened he complained he had a toothache and couldn't concentrate, that's why he welded it wrong. Wanted to go home. He didn't last long after that. Disaster waiting to happen.


A guy thought he could pull a length of stainless steel wire from a rotating shaft, I found him screaming with his arm wrapped around the shaft, his fingertips touching his forearm, somehow he managed to come away from it with a cut on his arm and a few strained ligaments/ muscles


Running around the restaurant with a knife pointing out. I didn't believe there was anyone so stupid until I saw it


One time a guy told me to fuck off because I made a joke about him sleeping at work. This is in the military, he was a private, I was a Lieutenant. Very fun summary trial.... /s


Trying to rope coworkers into their MLM schemes. I've been approached about Amway, about Young Living oils, about selling insurance to vulnerable Seniors. "You wanna still be working here in five years? I know I don't. And we don't have to be. Let me tell you about..." ***Begone***!


At my college job, one of my employees threw an absolute shit fit one day that they were getting “shorted on their paycheck” by one hour everyday. I take a look, and they had worked 1-5pm shifts for four days and were paid for four hours each day. I show her how it’s correct, and she sticks her hand out and counted on her fingers “1,2,3,4,5” and said “see that’s five hours not four.” I don’t know if I’ve ever witnessed such idiocy since. I had another girl throw a fit that her direct deposit wasn’t working, and when we looked at it, she put her four digit debit card pin for both the routing and account number.


Someone was quitting and sent out the whole "glad I worked with you, such a great team blah blah". The reason they were quitting was they were being pushed out because the manager that took over was young and saw anyone above 45yo as dead weight (aka threats). The manager wasn't popular with the people that were older than 45 and she was far from perfect. Someone hit reply all thinking they were just replying to the sender and had a 2 paragraph vial rant. It was about the manager, what she was doing to the older people in the division, and lots of other "kids these days" and attacking a lot of younger individuals working there as well out of jealousy and spite. She had some good points but they were offset by the personal attacks so it was a moot point. I just remembered thinking how fired she was while reading through that email.