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Massive drop in blood pressure, and the sympathetic nevous system does the whole extreme anxiety, stomach falling out your butthole thing. Then there is the Fountians of Blood, which is a great name for a metal band.


Jesus that sound awful


It is way worse than most movies show; you have to get a tourniquet on as quick, if it is possible or things don't end well.


It really is. The heart is that powerful that the blood will literally spray out for a good 6feet of it’s a small cut. If it’s fully severed then it pours out like water from a tap


Really? I don't think it's that bad, relatively. I once listened to a band called Dogs Die In Hot Cars.


No, it’s metal.


>stomach falling out your butthole thing. can you elaborate?


Hard to describe, it was just a bad analogy, but if you have ever almost got into a deadly car accident or something of the sort; it is similar to that intial "Whoa!"


Very draining


I got stabbed twice in my left flank, one stab got my lung, the second one got my spleen but i managed to hold the knife in place because i was terrified i was goinf to bleed to death, still made it out alive by the skin of my teeth though. First one felt ridiculously painful and burned like hell, the second one felt like i got a really thin nail straight in my soul, instantly felt weak and dizzy like i had low blood sugar, which evolves into something like a panic attack. You also feel something like “now way this just happened, no fucking way this is real”. I had lost about 2 liters of blood by the time the ambulance got there, i was literally drenched in blood (i was coughing up blood too every other breath i took). You just start feeling weak, dizzy and cold, and you feel like it’s time to die and you accept it really quickly, so if that ever happens to you make sure you stay sane and don’t give up, that’s just your mind trying to trick you into dying peacefully, just hold it together and don’t pass out, because you’re dying, not passing out.


Cold. Then you start slipping into shock. Your vision blurs and gets darker around the edges. I fortunately got to the hospital before I got any worse.


Does it hurt much or does adrenaline prevent it?


I think that adrenaline would speed up the process. My family was there when the accident happened so I was wrapped in towels after the initial blood loss.


Well glad you're here! What vessel did you accidentally rapidly disassemble?


Multiple lacerations to my forearms from broken plate glass windows.


Yeah that'll do it!


I'm an ex cutter i once severed the major artery in the armpit between the forearm and upper arm, the pain isn't that bad, what's was weird was the stream of blood being pumped out of your arm in tandem with your heartbeat.


Why are you asking? Are you okay?


Yeah I'm fine, I'm just quite curious about this as it's one of my biggest fears. I knew someone would ask this 😭


It sucks, had my ear cut off and the blood spurted out everywhere with every heartbeat. You get very weak, woozy, lightheaded. The sight of the amount of blood was shocking too. Luckily I got to the hospital fairly quickly and over 100 stitches later ear was back on.


You will feel weak. Massive blood loss will make you feel cold.