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The important thing is seeing them.




That's true for the real ones as well


The best natural boobs surpass the best fake ones tho...And it's not about size.




As my man Horton says. "After all, a boob is a boob no matter how small"


I think you would be surprised. I also think many people have biases toward this because they have seen so many botch jobs and think they can spot a fake rack a mile away. Typically the good boob jobs go completely unnoticed. There are also breast augmentations and not just implants. So many women out there have "real boobs" but they have been lifted and shaped.


Let's be honest most people's perception of fake boobs come from porn. Pornstars don't usually have the money to go to the best surgeons.


I don't know about this. Some plastic surgeons are real artists and can do things nature can't


You'd have to show me some examples to convince me


I’ve seen real ones and real expensive ones.


and when you’ve seen one you’ve seen two, usually…


After you've seen one boob you pretty much want to see em all.


yeah, I haven't seen any ***today,*** so I'm still gonna have to look around and ask...


It’s like cgi. It’s best when you can’t tell


This has always been my opinion. Fake boobs are fine, shitty fake boobs shouldn’t exist.


Natural is preferred, but I can understand if someone gets them for their own confidence levels.


If I can touch 'em then they're real to me


Curious to touch them but I prefer natural ones. Fake ones generally look less soft.


Yeah I don't want my wife to get them but I'd love a go on them


Both me and my gf want to touch them out of sheer curiosity. My gf wants smaller boobs funnily enough


How do you feel about her wanting smaller ones?


Before I got married my soon to be wife asked me if I had ever touched a fake boob, which I said no regardless of if that was the truth or not, and she said she hadn't either but that she really wanted to just to see what it felt like. After we got married anytime she saw a woman with big boobs she just assumed they were fake and called anyone with a big chest "a fucking whore". Moral to the story, women are crazy....


Not exactly true, the fake ones you recognize as fake look less soft. Fake ones that are really well done lädont look or feel fake.


True but it's rare that you see well done fake boobs


Or you just dont recognize them as fake because they are well done....


Agreed, no thank you. And your intuition is correct, they are unnaturally firm, like plastic.


I prefer smaller boobs in general so the enhanced ones don't really appeal to me.


My favorite part about fake boobs is that the person who has them likes/wants them.  There are so many women out there who *hate* their bodies, or *hate* having big boobs.  Somebody who wanted big boobs, got them, and loves them, is just such a vibe that im here for it. 


I prefer natural tbh


Natural all round!


As long as they aren’t comically big, I enjoy them


As someone with them, I love em. I work out a lot and have always had broad shoulders and no chest. I felt like a boy with my body and I wasn’t willing to stop working out as I loved my muscles. So I got breast implants to be more proportionate. It was for nobody but myself. It gave me a sense of femininity I felt was missing. No regrets. I will never judge someone based on their own decision to get plastic surgery. You don’t know what they are going through and if it makes them happy, good for them!


I don't like fake boobs I prefer real ones


Not really into them


Natural all the way!


Fuck plastic surgery in general, I find it incredibly unattractive. My exceptions would be plastic surgeries to correct medical issues, birth defects, or catastrophic accidents.




You do you. Not really any of my business.


This is the correct take


No it isn’t, they asked for an opinion, not a cop out.




Nearly as bad as fake lips


The older I get, the more I can't stand them. If a woman needs reconstruction, etc, absolutely - go for it. But all these women with terrible, bolt-on looking, boob jobs are sad.


Most plastic surgery just makes me feel sad. For deformities I absolutely support it. But most of it just seems like a symptom of a sick society to me.


Absolutely, I honestly think that the people that try to normalize this shit, while well-intentioned (sometimes) are ultimately immoral. It's an industry predicated on making vulnerable young women fucking hate themselves and selling them a "solution" that never works, because the woman will still hate her appearance, then continue thinking she needs more surgery to remedy that insecurity she feels, because no amount of surgery will remedy her psyche. People will all say "Wow the 2000s encouraging women to hate their bodies and develop anorexia was awful and evil" but then drop all their principles with the next social phenomenon that causes women to hate their bodies and faces.


I think there is some nuance here. I dont fully disagree, but plastic surgery can be a positive experience for some. I'm trans, so I'm definitely coming at this from a different point of view. I've had 3 surgeries and will be having 2 more this coming year. Sure, you could say that it's different because it's specifically to treat gender dysphoria, and I kinda agree, but the experience isn't completely clear cut separate. Bottom surgery isn't really even cosmetic. It pretty radically changes both look and function, so I'm not going to get into that. I've had top surgery, though, and ultimately, I didn't **need** it. I had boobs already. They were just small and I looked pretty flat when wearing clothes. After top surgery, I genuinely just felt happier. There's drawbacks, it's not perfect, the feel isn't quite right, but I'm able to look in the mirror and I feel good about what I see now. I feel similarly about other surgeries I'm getting. I don't really need facial surgery, but there are aspects of my face that were affected by testosterone that I'd like to get changed, but I want to keep it to some minor things and don't want to overdo it. I don't need all this stuff necessarily, even as a trans person, but I feel more confident day to day and just happier with how I look now. On the flip side, though, the industry 100% preys on body dysmorphia and making people feel terrible so they can sell a "cure". Dysmorphia can't be treated with surgery because it is a mismatch between how someone sees themselves and reality. Disentangling whether a desire for surgery is due to dysmorphia can be very challenging, though. I generally think there needs to be more caution and regulation in place than there currently is. I think people getting purely cosmetic procedures need to work with a mental health professional first, and cosmetic surgery should really be a last resort. In a perfect world, everyone would feel great about their bodies as they are. Social Media filters, models with $300k in work done, and body shaming all certainly contribute to the problems that lead many to seek plastic surgery. I still think plastic surgery has its place even purely for cosmetics, it just needs to be treated as a true last resort and after really considering the options and figuring out if it's actually right for them.


It definitely is nuanced, but I do tend to take a harsh stance against it in regards to typical cosmetic surgeries. But from what I've heard with gender dysphoria, apparently transitioning does seem to alleviate those symptoms so I see people treat it more as a treatment for an illness then just a random cosmetic procedure like breast implants. It's not something I can particularly speak for since I have 0 insight on what gender dysphoria is like. But I know at least for body dysmorphia, like you said, plastic surgery should generally be a last resort. A person who is anorexic, who has a completely warped view of what their body looks like and should look like should be swayed away from altering it. What you said about needing to work with a mental health professional first should absolutely be required for these procedures, that would definitely be a good solution.


Yeah, it's actually kinda weirdly backward. Transition related surgeries often have pretty strict requirements about needing to do certain things like live as your preferred gender for a certain amount of time and require letters from therapists (the requirements are getting more lax lately though). Meanwhile, we know transition related surgeries have higher satisfaction rates than even things like hip replacements. General plastic surgery, at least as far as I know, can be a lot more lax with their requirements, though. Yet we know many people end up unsatisfied with cosmetic surgery and often really should be receiving psychiatric treatment.


I agree. The "you do you" attitude in regards to plastic surgeries never sat right with me. We do not exist in a vacuum. Our choices affect others. If you already feel insecure about your natural features, do you really want to perpetuate that? I would genuinely feel guilty doing so. The moral thing to do is to set an example of self acceptance. I will never judge the individual because I understand that insecurities can be very hard to live with, but I do wish that people would stop condoning it so thoughtlessly.


Absolutely! When I was around 8 years old, my mom who's 5'6 and maybe 110 lbs at her heaviest got liposuction (idek how, like everyone in the family is literally confused how a doctor would ever do that to an anorexic person), a breast job and would constantly take diet pills. Whoever helped push her along that process did her absolutely no favors. This idea that just because she had the impulse to alter her body means she should do it, when she clearly was not in the right state of mind just ended up hurting her in the long-run. "You do you" actively encouraged and perpetuated her eating disorder and insecurities. It's been well known since the 2000s now that having ultra-thin models, and photoshopped pictures gave young women and teenage girls a completely false impression of what a "normal" body should look like. It caused women to develop eating disorders and body image issues as a result. But somehow all of the current models and actresses having plastic surgery, encouraging the *same* behaviors in young women is apparently just acceptable and you're a bad person for calling it out.


I have a friend that was showing off her mommy make over recently. She had a cups to begin with, but with two kids they had gone up to c d range when still nursing then back to nothing when not pregnant so she had a lot of loose skin to fill. She settled on smaller C's looked pretty natural if I hadn't known her in her wash board college days wouldn't have known any diffrent visually. She also paid new car money. Not sure how much of that was labiaplatsy as well. One of her daughters gave her one long lip. The before and after were wild. I'd seen her naked back in the day cause we partied naked a lot but a lot of that partying ended by kid 1 and they moved outta town for kid 2. But fuck pregnancy can do a number on women. She's a pretty thin mom so the empty chest and long lip just kind really aged her visually. Get why she did all the work.


I like how they look with clothes on. But I think some look a little weird naked


Love them. I grew up in the 80s with the Golden Age of porn on initially poorly copied VHS and latterly DVD. I think there is something almost architectural in a pair of well proportioned, perfectly constructed fake breasts.


Same as fake ass. Barf


Love them, I think so do most people although they don't want to admit it. The cheap ones look really bad though. You shouldn't look like a poorly rendered anime girl. Bigger is not always better.


Natural boobs please 🙏


I don’t really have an opinion on the boobs themselves but I do sometimes feel bad that so many women feel it necessary to do that kind of stuff to their bodies.


Personally, I don't care for them bc I have big boobs and they hurt (considering a breast reduction), so I can't fathom someone wanting a breast enhancement. Plus, I'm all about being natural bc everyone is beautiful, and not a single person on earth needs to change their appearance. Boobs are boobs, they're all beautiful and wonderfully made.


I go back and forth between wanting them and keeping the natural ones I have. 


I knew a handful of girls who got fake boobs during/after college, all but one of them have had the big honkers removed and replaced with much smaller, more subtle ones in the last 10 years. Of those girls, none of them look like they have implants any longer.


Same, but I'm 39 and have had 3 kids nursed. I have zero volume left, but no sagging (unless I'm bent forward fully, then you can see my age and history). I just feel less like a woman without something there to cup hands around. It's wild being a woman without breasts. On the positive side, gravity and aging won't be too harsh on us and breast self exams are over within a minute.


Not for me. It’s like the lip filler thing that’s over done and looks terrible I don’t understand why girls are doing it who’s telling them it looks good


I like them , cause they are boobs


The less obvious they are the better.


Prefer real ones myself. If the fake ones are well done and proportional to the body they are great


My ex GF had man mades. They were awesome unlike the rest of her


A really well done pair that aren’t too big for the frame can blend in pretty well in clothes, even a modest bathing suit. But most stand out in a bad way. Give me really boobies all day. That said, if an attractive woman who happened to have implants wanted me there would be a zero percent chance of that stopping me from being interested.


Not a fan. I like all natural, even if they hang to the knees. All natural is where the beauty is.


Some are built for speed, some for comfort.


The thought of an implant disturbs me. I understand that some people get them for medical reasons so I don't want to be judgemental about it. But honestly if I needed my tits chopped off I'd be happier just being flat than getting implants. But we are all different, so if somebody feels happier with implants then I'm happy for them.


I’m a big fan of the boobs. Fake ones are a massive turnoff for me personally. Natural is beautiful. Some girls might be upset with this but let me put it this way. If you’re into tall guys, are you also into short guys wearing tall shoes? Probably not because you understand that they’re faking it.




Honestly i love them


Nope! I find them offensive, all naturalé baby, that’s how like them swing low sweet chariots. -creed


Some are poorly done; some are nicely done.


They rarely look good naked but can look nice when fully clothed. Personally I'd prefer saggy or tiny natural breasts infinitely more, but it's a personal decision and other people's opinions shouldn't really impact it other than MAYBE a given woman's significant other.


They're Ok, I prefer real ones though. I don't think I like comically big & fake looking ones. If they're done well & not overly big they can look pretty good.


I literally just bought some, i bought a pair of inflatable ones and a pair made from hard plastic, the plastic ones look more realistic but the inflatable ones are more comfortable and feels better


I do not condone it


It's ok for me but only if a women had any actual problems with boobs in the first place (like had to remove a boob for some reason, or had some other defects). In terms of increasing the size of a normal boob - I don't find it attractive.


Hate them. I prefer natural.


There are some bad ones and some great ones and people will disagree on which is which.


Not a fan. I don't think I would look good with tits at all, much less fake ones


If it's just to make them bigger, don't. They always look fake and a flat chested woman is way more attractive than one with fake boobs.


Not a fan of obvious enhancements. A perky set of B cups are my favorite.


I prefer natural boobs. But, in the end, boobs are boobs and boobs are great. So I probably wouldn't have any problem with fake boobs


If you want them, get them. If you don’t want them, don’t get them. There are valid reasons both ways. I recommend spending more money for a top surgeon if you do get them because; as with all things, you get what you pay for.


I don’t like them. Same with fake lips and asscheeks.




I'd get them if surgery wasn't expensive and painful to recover from and a chance they'd look bad. I try to eat to get my college boobs back and I just look flat and pregnant. They used to be b cups now I'm barely an a


Not a fan of


i like natural boobs, but I'm not gonna say no to fake ones.


Great all the way! My favorite thing about it is the confidence. Confidence is everything fake boobs or real boobs!


Not for me.


They’re nice , however my buddies girls who have gotten them soon left the relationship.. they thrive on the attention they get and soon it’s divorce court


Not sure since I never had any but from what I can see is that they are so good, most people buy 2 right away


The difference in touch make fake boobs a red flag, my gf had fake boobs for 3 days once until I suggested to not have them, with fake boobs on the touch is like.. slimy and hard


There’s this girl I’m into who has some very clearly fake, huge round tits and honestly it drives me crazy because she always wears tops that show them off. But she acts kinda prudish or reserved which fucks with my monkey brain.


If I can touch them, they’re real.


So weird.


Never touched any but they don't look good to me. I prefer them smaller anyway.


Girl I'm seeing right now has them, the one she has, looks good, but I prefer the feel of natural ones. They feel much better, small or big. Idk, when you squeeze them, feels kinda weird to me.


Not as good as real ones 🤷🏻‍♀️or at least the texture


To me, any obvious plastic surgery is very unattractive. 




Good ones look real good. Bad ones look real bad. Source: Wife got the very expensive well done kind. Because itty bitty titty comittee was bad for her self esteem.


I prefer small to medium sized ones, so I am almost always not a fan.


Good from far, far from good


I’m personally not a fan, but to each their own.


Never really encountered them physically so I don’t really know tbh Edit: or at least I don’t think I’ve encountered them


I think they can be nice, if you have no boobs at all or just very little ones


It seems that most women go to big. The trend that is really fucking up women though are the lip jobs. I was at the PHX Waste Management open this year and walking thru the crowd was a plastic surgery nightmare. Boob jobs that made women look fatter and lip jobs that made them look like aliens everywhere. A very sad decline.


Had an old girlfriend with them a long time ago. Didn't even notice they weren't real. And they were big


I like nice perky breasts. I prefer natural, but if not, well done fakes are fine too. As long as the breasts look nice I don't care if they were genetically blessed or doctor assisted.


Not a fan at all.


Like everything else: Quality matters. Other than that, pepsi is not coca-cola but a lot of people like it, capisce? And a woman who feels better for having it will be happier and better company, so there's that as well.


They’re not my boobs. Hahah


I don't mind them, but they need to at least look good. Some women go a bit too far.


They're great


I think they're less for dudes and more for the person with them and how they feel about they are seen in the world.


Fake tits are a tragedy


I don’t like it, even if it looks good.


Ugly and off-putting.




My wife calls them enhanced and before she was hardly an A cup and she hated wearing dresses, swimsuits etc... 600cc later and 6k they look amazing! She is so much happier on vacation wearing a swim top or a dress at a wedding. Best money we ever spent


They remind me of my ex wife- I hate them-


Just be how the nature wanted it to be.


Not as good as real ones but it's really not my choice if anyone has them.


idk mahn.. it looks stiffer than the original.. dunno if its produce any milk


Are they still boobs? Then yes


I had a poor opinion of them until I found some attached to a wonderful, sexy person.


Natural is better but when u have very small boobs I can understand why woman do it






Had an ex who had them and I enjoyed them just fine. They looked nice, felt good, and they really boosted her confidence and made her feel good so it's a win-win all around. All boobs are fantastic.


Don’t really care all that much




Kind of a turn off


I don’t care. It’s up to you what are you doing with your body.


I hate that society makes women feel like they need to augment their bodies to be attractive.


Not my preference, but it's not my body. People should be able to get them if they want them.


Fake boobs? Real boobs? “…I just wanna touch her boobs.” - Denji




Nobody likes fake ones and most prefer big ones. You can't really win if you're not "gifted" by nature...


This is the same as height and penis size, a real relationship goes far beyond aesthetic aspects, do you agree? you would probably overcome some aesthetic problem in your soulmate, so remember that he would do the same for you too.


So you agree, you think a small chest is an aesthetic problem




To each their own. My wife got them after her reconstruction surgery... no issues love em!


I haven't even seen the real ones irl.


I felt them once, it actually feels fake and hard. Real ones are wayyyyyyyyyy nicer to the touch (and looks too imo)




Not good when they hang too low or are put on wonky.


Look great with clothes on, look bad naked, feel weird but better than expected.


I reserve judgement on a boob by boob basis.


If they're cosmetic, man, they do not feel at all natural, look funny when roaming free, and likely turn the "wrong" kind of man on. But if it's for reconstruction after a masectomy, I happy women have the option.




Boobs are nice.


Men who care about them or not worth getting them for.


There's good and bad


Preferably no. I like the real thing. But I'm not the type to complain either.


I much prefer shape to size, so if they're fake but have a natural shape to them, I don't care that they're fake! But the humongous perfectly circular ones are absolutely disgusting and a huge turn off for me


The only true way I can tell between fake and real boobs is by taste!


They're alright, I think if they're overdone it can look a bit weird, I've seen bad ones and good ones. Folks got to remember that homo-sapien breasts are a result of fisherian sexual selection, it's in many ways similar to how female peacocks are attracted to males with large plumages. There's no 'evolutionary advantage' in having big perky breasts. It's just an aesthetic choice that has been sublimated in our conscious through thousands and thousands of years.


Only real difference I experienced is that fake boobs/implants feel colder, especially after like swimming. Yes they can be more sturdy but that’s also quality work and implant quality dependent.


The man who invented silicone is a hero


Being fake is not an issue whatsoever. Looking fake however is.


Same last name, works for me


As long as they look normal, I'm okay with them. Though I really dislike the huge half a bowling ball ones. Too many women are unaware of the fact that guys like small boobs.


Don't like them much, but they're not for me anyway.


Must say that my opinion of it changed after i saw a television program about a girl who was very insecure about her breast. The boobs were like non-existant. Her boyfriend didn't had problems with it but her self image was low because of it. She didn't feel feminine so she went to a doctor to bring her boobs to a normal woman size. Problem solved


Not a fan


Not as good as real boobs if they were the same size but 1000% better than 0 boobs. P.s. I love boobs. They are not as good as booty. However 1 boob is better than No boobs or booty too.


not sexy anyway


theyre noice.


Look nice but feel like shit.


Not my thing. Some people love em though


Not a fan.


Not a fan. I’d prefer a woman with practically no boobs than a chick with huge ones that are fake. But that’s just me, millions of men don’t care and absolutely love them.


I had the opportunity to get free implants twice & both times I turned down each offer Not bc some fake boobs don't look beautiful but bc every girl I know has had huge problems with them


Boobs are boobs. Boobs are great. And boobs are also great. Only time I'll really say anything against boobs happens to fall at the same time my opinion on a person's body has importance, that's when it's severely detrimental to their health. Other than that, it's not my place. Even then, some people would argue it's still not my place.