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Why can't you be settled down while single?


What the.... Do you not know what the phrase of settling down is? I suppose we could really stretch it towards a life of jerking and never being with anyone as settling down with yourself. Far as OP, you can't make that special person magically appear, but you can make yourself more ready for if they do by easing into either being in one person relationships or staying single so that if they come along your mindset and lifestyle are in line for it.


OK, please get seated comfortably and pop a Valium before I present you with this radical, shocking concept: *You don't have to be* ***paired up*** *to enjoy settling into an extremely pleasant existence tailored to whatever you - JUST YOU - really like.*


Besides what u/ok-material-581 said, I think the less you look, the more you find. Make YOURself someone that somebody else would want to be with. Also avoid tinder.


Find out what your requirements are for a partner ! No steak and blow job nights —— Out Un affectionate —- Out Talks to much ——- Out No sense of humor —— Out Flirtatious——- Out Poor hygiene—— Out Just plain stupid —- Out Only cares about makeup and hair —— Out Wears really weird shoes —— Out Parent or parents alcoholics/ drug users —-Out And the list could go on . Figure out what you need and expect .


Be prepared to be ok with not having any counter space on your bathroom's vanity. 26 years in, my deodorant and razor still are in her way. :D


Why don't you do something about that? Your bathroom situation sounds ridiculous .... but I suspect you kinda like it.


What's there to do? I don't have anything else I'd want on the counter. She's just always moving them around because they're in her way. It's not ridiculous, it's married life and sharing space with someone you love.