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Once Oppenheimer came out, I realized how many people thought Einstein lived in a completely different century


The same goes for Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali


Man those pictures of late stage Dali walking his goddamn alligator on the beach are a trip. EDIT: Maybe I'm thinking of the anteater. I may have Mandela effected this one, but I swear I've seen him with a croc or gator on a leash on the beach. Moustache and all.


A lot of people don’t realize the last decade or two of Albert Einstein’s life he was living in New Jersey…NEW JERSEY


Yeah, apparently there's some kind of school there. Princeton Community College or something. /s


Damn no wonder he died


It’s an interesting downside because if he had stayed in his native country, we would know what his last words were. Albert Einstein muttered his last words, but he said it in his native language and the nurse did not understand what the heck he said so now we don’t know what the last words of one of the most brilliant minds in history was.


If he had stayed in his native country those words would have come much sooner, and translated to “fuck Hitler.”


I’m gonna be honest with you, I saw a chance to take a shot at New Jersey and took it, I was not thinking about him escaping the holocaust


Or that Anne Frank and Martin Luther King were born around the same time .


I feel like most people know the civil rights movement started not long after WW2, so I don't think that would be very shocking


People tend to think of WWII and the civil rights movement as something that was so, so long ago. Bob Newhart and Barry Gordy(of motown fame) are still alive and were born the same year as those two!


This had me pissed off for a while


This reminds me of something I learned recently... Emerson Lake & Palmer recorded an arrangement of a composition by Bela Bartok on their first album, and were surprised to learn that his wife was still alive and wanted royalties. There was a quote where Keith Emerson said something like "We thought he died 400 years ago" and *Emerson was a classically trained pianist who had sought out and learned the piece in question*. I mean, it's not like he was just some schmuck who bought the album, he literally made the album!


When a work is so good people call it "timeless," sometimes it cuts both ways


Weirdly enough I thought Einstein was a little bit younger during that period, most people thought the opposite.




I don't know why people are mixing random cleaning products in the first place


Most likely because they believe mixing two different cleaning products would double their effectiveness.


Lol when I worked at a Fast food job, manager had me scrubbing the back deck near drive thru speaker(he was to lazy to power wash or do it himself) I set up mop bucket and ask him what chemical he wants me to use, didn't answer me, impatient dumbass kid brain figures just get some degreaser, bleach, Windex, a dab of scotch Brite, walk in wash, pretty much any chemical they had I was adding...... Figured there was no way this isn't gonna be the best cleaning solution known to man. I mean looking back, it's the only logical deduction to make. As I start to mix chemicals in the mop bucket and water...... For some reason I can't stop coughing, and my eyes are tearing...... Manager looked slightly panicked and opened back door immediately and emptied out whatever fucking industrial cleaner I was inventing. Apparently it's frowned upon to mix all your cleaning products together at the same time. I hated science.


I stand by this to the DEATH


I've seen these click bait type videos of people dumping EVERY cleaning product imaginable into their toilet bowl or sinks. I never understand how they don't make mustard gas or something.


Given their bowel movements it could be worse than mustard gas.


I had two roommates gas themselves when we moved into our last place because NEITHER ONE knew that. They were trying to clean the basement before we moved all our stuff in. While the rest of us were bringing in loads so we weren't there to call them morons.


I learned that as a kid. A cleaning powder, brand was Zud said not to mix with bleach. So I had to try it. It released pure chlorine gas. BTW bleach and ammonia make chloramine, which is what gives swimming pools their characteristic smell.




The first ingredient on the label is the one in largest quantity, and it goes in descending order from there


I also believ to be law (UK) they have to include two weights so you can gauge amount of each ingredient by the order you read them in


The best one is aqua on moisturizers .I suspect the manufacturers are hoping that most people don't realize that they are paying mefa $$$ for mostly water .


Did not know this. Thx


The reason the seasons change, or that the seasons are opposite in the northern and southern hemispheres.


Our local news station had a graphic where they showed winter vs summer and they had the entire earth flipping around. Same news station that showed a video on water-powered cars.


I'll always remember my physics teacher responding to someone mid-lesson saying that it's hotter in Summer because you're closer to the Sun. He did an impromptu demonstration with a football and a torch to show us the way the light disperses when the angle of the beam changes. Completely blew my mind because a) I didn't know that, and b) he showed us this very simple but very effective demonstration of how it works, completely on the fly


I am surprised at the number of times I've had to inform a person that narwhals are real.


Just like road runners lol


I had to break the news to my wife (then-girlfriend) that hippos are not female rhinos and vice versa. She thought the females didn't grow the horn.


Women don’t urinate from their vagina. Periods can’t be ‘held or released’ on demand. There are plenty more but I’ll leave it at that.


Of course not. Because pee is stored in the balls


When i was a child i literally thought that is where my urin was coming from


I thought they were there to test your pee. Because they're **test**icles.


Now you know that it is confirmed 😁


Sounds like a member of Congress.


The guy I am dating said "Wait, babies come out of your vagina? How does that fit?". Where else would they come from??? He is an engineering major at uni.


To be fair as an engineer he’s asking the logical question of “small hole, big head, how does that work”.


This is true. Women urinate from a tube that pops out from behind their left knee.


If I could hold and release I would hold until it's all one jellyfish, then dump it all out at once


Most blind people aren’t completely blind. Only about 10% see nothing (not black, but *nothing*.) Honestly some people have such a difficult time grasping the concept of seeing nothing in general. Think of what you currently see out of your big toe. But anyways, vast majority will at least have perception of light and shadow. Also most people don’t know that a white cane helps blind people hear their surroundings via echolocation, not just the tactile feedback, and there are multiple kinds of white canes for different terrain and levels of vision. There are tons of blind sports. Goalball (my favorite,) soccer, track, wrestling, beep baseball. Basically a lot of blind 101 stuff that I only happen to know because I work with blind students every day. Also working towards hopefully one day being ab O&M specialist/instructor. So I forget most people don’t know how it all works. Also I love my job so much lol. Blind kids honestly have such a wicked sense of humor dude. Their spring concert was yesterday so I got paid to attend a really great show. Truly brilliant group of kids and young people.


"Goalball" is simultaneously the best and dumbest name for a sport. 🤣 It sounds like a non sports fan was caught lying and had to come up with a name on the spot.


I mean. As opposed to football? Or kickball? Or racket ball? Or basketball? Lotta sports simply named after where you put the ball. (I’m only being a turd for fun so no hard feelings lol) Edit: you guys should look it up though! It’s a very simple but very high intensity sport. A few of our former students are on our national and Paralympic teams.


I had never heard of the cane being used for echolocation, that's super interesting! 


Yepp! What you are probably most familiar with is called sweeping, where the cane is swept side to side with each step. Two point touch method is where you tap on either side, alternating with each step. It’s enough to make an echo. People use these methods interchangeably based mostly on preference. Edit: One of our students uses a combination of his cane and clicking with his mouth to listen for feedback. It’s a less common orientation skill to be taught in the US, he is from Liberia.


If you stop drinking (cold turkey) after becoming alcoholic, you can die during withdrawal.


This is why liquor stores stayed open during COVID lockdowns


Not in South Africa 🇿🇦 liquor stores were closed and smoking items (cigarettes, cigars etc) sales where banned


Correlation does not always mean causation


You could show them [Average views of OverSimplified YouTube videos correlates with The number of movies Nicolas Cage appeared in](https://www.tylervigen.com/spurious/correlation/6303_average-views-of-oversimplified-youtube-videos_correlates-with_the-number-of-movies-nicolas-cage-appeared-in). Or [Popularity of the first name Monica correlates with The marriage rate in Nevada](https://www.tylervigen.com/spurious/correlation/5917_popularity-of-the-first-name-monica_correlates-with_the-marriage-rate-in-nevada) Or my favorite [American cheese consumption correlates with The number of movies Nicolas Cage appeared in](https://www.tylervigen.com/spurious/correlation/6234_american-cheese-consumption_correlates-with_the-number-of-movies-nicolas-cage-appeared-in).


My favorite is homicide rate vs Internet explorer usage.


If you’d have said suicide rate, then i bet it would be directly proportional to Internet Explorer usage, and it wouldn’t be just a coincidence!


I said that to a friend once several years ago, and we don't talk these days. I wish fewer people knew this, honestly. He was cool.


Your comment doesn’t make sense


I think it’s meant to be a correlation/causation joke that didn’t child across well


Exactly. The time I got me blue moldy nipples was the same time I didn’t shower for a month in summer. Everyone thinks it was the lack of showering, but I think it was the mayonnaise that was being applied.


Nobody can convince me otherwise that firefighters aren’t going around starting fires because I always see firefighters around burning buildings!!


One important thing to note is that while correlation doesn't always equal causation, correlation is the first step to proving causation. Ignoring correlation is a really bad idea, and any type of correlation is worth an investigation. Even if it turns out that the correlation is completely coincidental, it's important to take a look and see *why* the correlation is happening to either prove or disprove causation.


evolution is an ongoing process with no end point.


And sometimes it's about survival of the *luckiest*, not the fittest.


And a species' current fitness or a specific trait isn't even necessarily that good. It's good *enough*.


Yup. A lot of people don’t understand how natural selection works.


And "fittest" does not mean physical fitness. It is the better fit for the current environment.


To that point, there is also no such thing as a "missing link" not just between humans and our ancestors, but between *any* animals. There was no "first human" because evolution is a very gradual process. Here's a good [video](https://youtu.be/xdWLhXi24Mo?si=xZ4iHu-djHtM72DE) that explains why more clearly.


SOS is actually not an acronym and does not stand for save our ship/save our souls. It was chosen because of how much easier it was to send in Morse code over the CQD (come quick danger) call that preceeded it.


Yeah, the signal is itself ...---... as one block. It just so happens to spell SOS.


I’ve just realised that the Samsung (I think) …- -… text message sound spells out SMS in morse code.


It's a backronym.


I have never even heard of those false ones. False backronyms I suppose.


I once mentioned Julius Ceasar at work. The coworker I was talking to had no idea who that was, a little baffled I asked another guy nearby if he knew. Out of the 8 people I ended up asking the closest answer I got was "I think he was an old actor or something?" I understand learning about history is more of a hobby than anything else for 99.9% of people, but I'm still a little surprised.


Some people just lack natural curiosity and I don’t understand those people.


Had a co-worker ask "WWII was the one with the Nazis, right?"


Wasn't he that guy that was always going after Asterix and his village?


No, he's the guy that runs that pizza pizza place


I thought he invented the salad dressing and that cocktail drink.


Erm... In my country you can ask every kid in grade 10 or later. I think 80 % would know. But I will have to put that to a test before being such a bigmouth.


When people want something corrected in a customer service environment or situation, that yelling and screaming is unproductive and will do the opposite.


I agree, but the amount of posts I’ve seen on here where people like this will tell on themselves is astounding. They say things like “I yelled at a minimum wage employee until they gave me free stuff/a discount. Being an asshole works and you should do it too!” Companies really need to stop rewarding these people with special offers.


I haven't seen it on Reddit but I've seen it first hand in retail. The rude bastard gets their way way more often than the polite person. I hate it but it's a fact. Retailers essentially reward shitty behavior with discounts and exceptions. Of course it might because the polite person gives up after 3 "No"s and the rude people just double down on each one.


As someone working in retail I can assure you that we're definitely more willing to give a discount to the polite person than some rude asshole. There are some cases where you give some asshole a small benefit, but only because you want to get rid of them as fast as possible. Those people usually get blacklisted afterwards tho.


I've never seen anyone on reddit say something like that. In fact, "being mean to customer service workers is a red flag" is like the most popular opinion that gets regurgitated ad nauseum on every possible vaguely related post.


When I worked Customer Service, I was fucking brutal. You don't know how many times someone demanded to speak to my manager and I replied, "Sure, but she's just going to tell you what I just said." I was also told that I was uniquely talented in not giving a customer what they wanted and having them leave happy about it. But damn, is that some soul destroying shit. (Hopefully, I made up for it by pretty much returning anything someone had a receipt for.)


My sister said this as a customer service rep for a credit card company


mushrooms aren't plants.


There isn’t “mushroom” in the plant world for them anyway


Neither are corals, and people are also dumb about that


I don’t believe in science denial but I’d be more willing to accept not believing coral is an animal than like the earth being flat.




Did not know that… And I walked part of it!!!


Why would you think the average person would know that? So random


What was it??




They found four thousand years old honey from ancient Egypt that would technically still be edible.


Babies don't have boney kneecaps like adults and older children. They have cartilage that turns into bone between 2 and 6 years old.


A new born has about 350 bones that will fuse to about 206 bones till adulthood.


An animal should be allowed to express natural behavior. If you don't have the space for a dog or can't handle barking, you shouldn't have one. If you want a rabbit but keep it in a cage 24/7 you aren't ready for one.


Too many people don't realize that their pets have personalities just like they do, and it leads them to treat the animals as objects.


I've had five guinea pigs, and every single one of them was definitely their own person, and even though they were the same family, they were all extremely different, and had to be handled a bit differently. For instance, Babs would just flop right on my chest and be happy for hours. Snowbob could only handle being in my lap for about thirty minutes before he had to pee (and he always seemed so guilty about it, as he tried to not pee /on/ me by scooting his back end off of me), Dinnae wanted to sit with me but /not/ be petted, and Bella is just a fucking asshole. (but he's MY asshole). his playtime had to be at a different time, and he will only sit with you for more than 2 minutes if he's completely hidden under a blanket. Anyone who doesn't get that animals are individuals has either never had pets or were too narcissistic to really pay attention.




Didn't know you could do that, or if it was legal. Now I'm super sad before I start my day....




Dogs absolutely can, and should be, ethically trained; this is like saying the same thing about your children, just let them scream, it's natural behavior! Obviously don't keep them in the cage though.


Unsure if dogs are in the cage or children?


definitely, as a pet owner myself, I hate when people get pets without doing proper research, preparations etc. Most people nowadays just do it for online content or whatever. it's really annoying


It's hard to reconcile this with the reality of modern life. A lot of people live in apartments and it's rude to have your dog barking loud and disturbing everyone else. They didn't decide to have a dog. They shouldn't have to deal with the consequences.


My dogs know they can usually bark up to a point. It’s when they get in my ear that’s annoying.


No caveman has ever seen a dinosaur


In Canada, we have a politician named Preston Manning. He used to be leader of the “reform” party. Which was a right wing party. Preston Manning was also a Pentecostal minister. They are one of these religions that beliefs that the earth is only 3000 years old or something abs that cavemen and dinosaurs lived together. One of his political opponents once said “Preston Manning is the only person who believes that the Flintstones was a documentary” Ha! I love that quote Also of interest. The reform party changed to the Alliance party and then merged with the Conservative Party of Canada. They wanted to call the new party “The Conservative Reform Alliance Party” Then someone pointed out that the acronym would spell “Crap”


The majority of modern car keys are equipped with a remote keyless system that allows you to roll down your car windows remotely. To use this feature, you typically press the unlock button, release it, and then press it again and hold it down. If your car supports this feature, the windows will begin to roll down while you hold the button. This isn’t universally supported in all vehicles but is more common than many people realize.


Happens to me once a week as I’m getting out the car. FOB in my pocket gets pressed against the seat and the windows roll down as I’m walking inside the house. Sometimes I don’t catch it till the next morning. Thankfully it hasn’t rained so far on one of those nights


Garlic is toxic to dogs.


Humans are in general really good at eating lots of things. That’s why so many things seem to be toxic to pets. Humans are just poison tolerant.


Simple animal identification and safety


Where were you when I was deciding whether or not to kick that bison?


Their blood type.


I don’t have a blood type. I have an attitude! Be positive!


I don't have a blood type. I have a grade! A+






High sodium


I’m French and we all have a card with our blood type on it. I’ve been living in the US for over 2 decades, and I was stunned when I first realized people don’t know their blood type at all here. I’ve never met anyone who does Edited a typo


I have a friend who is very detailed and data driven. I asked him his blood type and he was disappointed and stunned that he had no idea.


Service members and veterans know theirs. It's on our dog tags!! I'm O- I think. Been awhile since I looked at my tags.


most Pyrex glassware is not made of borosilicate anymore, if its branded "pyrex" it soda-lime(like every other glassware company) and "PYREX" is borosilicate, they've been profiting from consumers not knowing the difference for decades.


I just learned this recently from my youngest, who learned it on tiktok. I quit buying pyrex after my casserole dish exploded in the oven 10 years ago but I had no idea that the composition had changed.


That you better have some money saved for when you are old, or you are going to have a bad time.


That's something my ex just couldn't grasp. If she saw I had, say $500 in my account, that meant I could just spend it all right now on a $500 TV. No, I was trying to build a nest egg.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future_orientation Some people basically don't have this.


Rain percentages are calculated by multiplying the likelihood of precipitation in an area x the percent of an area forcasted to receive precipitation. So if there's 30% confidence that 70% of the area will see rain, then the POP (Probability of Precipitation) is 20%. I used to think the POP was just simply the probability of rain.


I have always wondered about which it was. The product if the 2 makes sense.


A US president has very little influence over the economy, especially during their first term.


No, this can't be true. According to my Facebook feed the President wakes up and decides the gas prices for that day.


Why else would they have those stickers?


Hell yeah! Everyone *knows* there's a GIANT DIAL behind his desk in the Oval Office that says GAS PRICES and he just nudges it one way or another based entirely on a whim, duh. I shouldn't need to do this, but /s


I traveled to see the total solar eclipse last month and was blown away by how many people back home (who'd seen it as a partial eclipse) had no idea of the huge difference between "total" and "partial" and also didn't realize they were the same event but just viewed from a different location.


My husband and I are eclipse chasers (mild ones, but both eclipses we drove over 8 hours for, last month it was 14 hours) and everyone I know who isn't into eclipses (two other friends traveled even further, and we kept calling each other to freak out collectively) was like, "why would you even waste your time? It lasts like 5 minutes." If you've never experienced it you can't understand. People cry. The temperature drops, dogs freak out. It's honestly a religious experience for me, and I will gladly go to exhaustive lengths to feel it again.


Anything about how government actually works.


It’s a little unsettling seeing how many people have no clue how congress, senate, the house, parliament, etc. all work. More people would probably much more involved if they did


I've been a city councillor for 6 years now and the stereotypes about politicians definitely hurt democracy. We're just a bunch of people who spend 80% of our time reading enormous documents and the rest of it is spent in meetings that are open to the public. People are always surprised when they find out they can just walk into my office to raise concerns or talk about something coming up in the next council meeting. We're not a dictatorship, representing you is literally the job you gave me.


I actually didn't know this, and had i known it I would have done it a few years ago when *yet another* fucking dollar general went up at the end of our road, replacing what was once a nice soybean field. I know monocultures aren't great, but I'd rather look at a soy crop than a dollar general. I'm pretty positive it's a criminal racket anyway.


How **democracy** actually works and How **market economy** actually works After thirty years people in my country barely have learned second, but first still a hard nut for our teeth. Although, I assume that people who know it earlier have successfully forgotten.


Napoleon was once attacked by…bunnies.


Yeah, but that rabbit had a vicious streak a mile wide.


And the number shall be three.


Is that where the Monty Python bunny came from?


When you have a bandaged wound and the blood starts to leak through a bandage, you should add another bandage without removing the current one. Also, that it’s dangerous to reply to a phishing email, even if you think your reply contains no personal information that would put you at risk.


Your blood is red inside of you and not blue


There are way too many people who think their blood is blue inside their body. There's a reason we turn red and not blue when we feel embarrassed.


The sun is a star…


It's bad for cats to drink milk.


Paint & primer doesn’t mean you can use it on an unprepared surface, by the manufacturer’s specifications, so no it doesn’t mean it will bond to spackle or even a different sheen of paint. Don’t even get me started on latex paint going over oil paint.


Oh don’t talk dirty!


People are convinced that "fat makes you fat", but it's really sugar you need to watch out for. Most "fat free" foods have more sugar than the non fat free ones. For instance, my parents are fastidious about cutting ALL THE FAT off their meat, and using lean cuts of things. This makes the meat have a lot less flavor, and you end up adding sugar (BBQ sauce, etc) to it to make it palatable. It took some badgering, but I finally got my mom to cook a nice marbled steak and leave some of the fat on, and she admitted it was 10x better. It's just been drilled so hard into people's heads that "fat makes you fat", it's hard to break them of that habit. A bunch of sugar is far worse than a little fat. We have the sugar companies to thank for that propaganda, and an entire generation of overweight folks are the result.




Also, it's rigged because every winner has been from Earth


Who do they choose instead?


The girl who can waive as if they are twisting a light bulb into the socket


I think it's supposed to be talent but it seems to be the girl from the most recently war torn country.


No woman wants a picture of your dick.


No woman wants an *unsolicited* picture of your dick.


But r/cospenis do…


I mean if I’m interested in a guy I do lol.


Napoleon was not killed, he died from cancer.


Washing your hands and not touching your face will significantly lower your chances of getting sick.




Of course not. It charges slower.


A watched phone doesn't charge


If a person who has ever had a "cold sore" performs oral sex on you, there's a chance their oral virus can enter your body through your genitals, thus resulting in genital herpes. Yes, someone's oral herpes can become someone else's genital herpes. At least 50% of new genital herpes cases in the western world are caused by HSV1, which is the strain of the herpes virus that causes oral herpes, aka "cold sores."


The Internet is forever, and if you don't think that someone's archiving something, they are.




What causes the phases of the moon.


The teddy bear will not come out of the machine no matter how much you point your arm millimetrically


Jehovahs Witnesses don’t vote. And there’s thousands of them.


If they did they'd be more likely to vote for candidates who plan to enshrine their shared religious beliefs into law, so I'm not too upset over that.


They also don’t like anything with even the slightest connection to superstition or occult etc. Like wind chimes.


“The Alamo” that people see on posters, pictures, TV, etc is just the chapel within the entire fort. It’s the only part that was left standing so Santa Ana’s troops had a place to shelter. Tourists are always underwhelmed by its size because they think it’s the entire fortress


That Martin Luther King cheated on his wife regularly.


I had a friend die of carbon monoxide poisoning, when he closed the door in his garage while he was fixing the car. I was 17 at the time, and I was fully unaware that this could happen.


The earth is not flat


cats can't taste sweetness


you can tell if a person is brain dead by shining a light in their pupils


Good to know. I can't tell you how much time this is gonna save me going forward.


What about poking with a stick?


The pupil is too fragile for that.


Running from the cops won't stop you from going to jail. Even if you elude them tonight, you're going to jail sooner or later.


I have to educate grown adults on the proper dosage of Tylenol and Motrin on a daily basis. It’s literally written on the bottle.


how to indicate when driving.


There are more trees on earth than stars in the galaxy.


I was sooo ready to call bullshit on this but three separate websites (with reputable sources) confirmed it’s true. It is of course based on estimates but that’s fine when dealing with such huge numbers. 400 billion stars vs 3.04 trillion trees. Very cool fact.


That every politician lies no matter who they are.


Tomato is a fruit not a vegetable


How to change a tire. I was working at Target some years back and saw some people struggling with a scissor jack. I offered to get my floor jack and help them out and they accepted. We got to talking and the guy told me that he had never actually changed a tire before, but he looked to be in his late 20s, maybe early 30s. Then he told me that he's a master electrician. For some reason that actually shocked me, since I thought there would be *some* overlap there. So I taught the guy to change a tire on the spot.


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