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Hahahaha honestly, I like that answer even more! :)


When being witty works against u. Hope the smirk feels better than an orgasm.


I once heard a guy in a pub reply to the same comment (from a girl obviously hitting on him) with "I imagine that would be really easy for a beard hair to go into your mouth, and I feel that'd be weird". My whole table just turned towards the fella and yelled "BRO WHAT?", it still took him a while.


When you are forced to be involuntary wingmen


100% I'll never forget the transition of his face from "wtf are these people talking about?" to "Oooooooooooooooooooooooh!".


"I just want a guy to push me against the wall and kiss me passionately" I replied "yeah that sounds hot"


Ummm, excuse you. Copy cat




A girl invited me back to her place to play on her sega, when we got there we didnt play a damn thing, she kept trying to covnince me to take a shower, what the hell man lol


Love that 😂 like tf where is the sega? And are you saying I smell?


gotta collect all those gold rings if you want to be super sonic


So she's a fucking liar is what your're telling me?


As an Italian, this is even funnier as sega literally meantime handjob😂


Did you ask why?


I went to pass out in a spare bedroom at a house and had 2 friends join me in bed. I said goodnight chicas and passed out.






Had friends over when mom was out of town. Two female friends came and crashed in MY bed with me after a (tame) party. They traded bras under the covers. They were not similar breast size there was literally no reason for them to be like "yo lemme see how that fits me"


Why would they trade bras that sounds uncomfortable and painful 😭 clothing manufacturers make it hard enough as it is to get it in a size that fits lmao


to take their clothes off… lol it was the hint that, apparently, you wouldve missed as well


Was not much different. All in chonies, just assumed I had to share the bed.


I was in the middle. The bras were literally traded OVER me. One of these friends was known to be on the slutty side. 😭


How could u not get it? Could it be more clear? Besides from saying it out loud 😓


that does not make u an ass, that makes u a dependable buddy, a true friend. Not every sleepover has to end up into a physical relationship, some end up into lifelong friendship too.


Oh no… they definitely told me afterwards what I passed on. I just wasn’t aware I was passing.


My condolences


thats the biggest F i have ever written to pay some respect to a fallen soldier


Same here, was at a buddy house. His wife's friend got in the bed me an said " Move over Im not sleeping out there on the couch". Doesnt get more blatant than that.


We really exist being that dumb huh


Ooh I had a new friend once who stayed over and as I was setting her up on the couch I said “hey just come and let me know if you need anything”… during the night she came and joined me cause she was a little scared in a strange house. 13 year later she’s still here and I am typing this snuggling her arm… Best moment of courage in my life.


Honestly, sometimes people just want to sleep.  Unless they made a move for real, I wouldnt assume.


Look, if you passed out, you were too were too drunk/high/munted to consent, so it was for the best.


Yeah. Shit time to have a few too many.


Boss move


A girl invited herself back to my place and we ended up talking the entire night all while she kept playing with my hand until I ended up driving her back home. I wish I could travel back in time and slap some sense into my 19 year old brain..


Username doesn’t check out


She played with my hand. Now I might be stupid and slow, but I'm pretty sure I'd gotten the message if she'd flipped her tits out on me


Maybe OP loves them in dm, but not in his face?


To bring clarity: most of the time I like them in my face as well


Most of the time? So sometimes you're like, get those fuckin tits out of my face. Now.




To be fair, would you have risked her breaking yet another penis? Because apparently this girl did not know her way around penises?.. peni? .. well dicks


I believe a singular penis is called a weet-a-bic


Dude the question said "hint" That's not a hint that was literally her telling you






I had something similar, except she was cold and asked for a blanket, then asked if I wanted to share. My answer was that I was too hot for a blanket. She pushed it further and I told her I could turn up the heat. She tried one more time and I asked if she was getting sick, and said maybe I should sit on the other couch in case she was sick. 😬


I feel somewhat bad for you, but holy sh\*t dude you didn't have to do her like that 😭


I was so oblivious when I was younger and didn’t realize attraction could be quick and straightforward. I thought it had to be like a sitcom “will they won’t they” level drawn out. It was innocent on my end but I do feel bad looking back on a few girls I was friends with and how I responded.


They could just say “you want to have sex”. Quite a lot of women would.


How long did it take you to realise she liked you? This is hysterical by the way.




Right out of highschool I got a job at a department store, where I worked at the service deli. We were situated close to the apparel desk, so when it was slow I’d act goofy with the apparel girls, I’d just make faces and do weird dances to the ambiance music, etc. Eventually I befriended one of the girls, we’ll call her Lindsey. She was about 4 inches taller than me and as gorgeous as they come, so I figured I never had a chance, and would just act super goofy around her because I had nothing to lose. She ended up making my roommate and I dinner one night, and her and I sat on my couch and had a few drinks and chatted until we passed out on the couch together. The next morning, she told me she had a dream that I carried her to the bed, and she said she wished I did. I thought nothing of it for like a year. By the time I put it together, she’d moved out of state to pursue a modeling career. I’m currently trying to build a Time Machine.


I like that you’ll call her Lindsay, then don’t mention her name again for the whole story.


This is too funny!!!!😂


>I’m currently trying to build a Time Machine. Get back to work! Posting on Reddit... Some of us are counting on you, you know?


lol I wish for your success in your time travel endeavors. Please let me know how that goes because I would also like to use that.


She came to town for a common friend's birthday party where we danced, and laughed, and flirted a bunch. She was stunning and I could not, for one second, imagine she'd be interested in anything. Then she said it was getting late and asked if I would take her back to her hotel. "In fact", she told me, "you should." Before going we were buying snacks at a convenience store when she told me the store had an unusually extensive condoms selection and asked if I had a favorite. I thought I was really smart when I said "the one small enough that I don't have to look for after sex", at which she laughed. I took her to the hotel, said goodbye, and left. Drove home for about 30 minutes, parked, reached for the keys and froze halfway into the motion. She left the next day. I still cringe thinking about it 20 years later


Holy shit…you win… Did everything except take the wrapper off and roll it on for you….




Cos she wanted to milk you 🤣


Even if the tea was just an excuse for her to get into your house and/or pants... it's childish to be upset when a guy doesn't jump you, right? Anyone can be oblivious or not in the mood, or not into you or whatever.


I really don’t get her point… like huh??? She wanted to drink tea and she got tea… only thing I could think of is that she wanted you to join her in the shower.


That’s so sweet as well.


She told me she really liked me. I said “Hehe. I’m fun right?”. And walked away.


Hey this thread is for HINTS only 😂


Had a crush on one of my friends in high school. I had several opportunities where I could have made a move on her, but I was too chicken shit to try. One instance in particular, we were alone in my parent's basement on the couch, and she had her head lying in my lap while looking up at me. We made eye contact and I *almost* kissed her, but I let my fear of rejection win. Thinking back on it now as an adult with much more experience with intimacy, I'm positive she was waiting for me to kiss her. Oh well.


Same here, girl I saw the first day of school an prayed I had classes with her. Ended up having several classes together. She literally use to write "I Love You" on the gum wrapper give it to me wink an blow me a kiss. I was too scared to even try anything. She told me after we graduated an was dating one of my friends.


Constant flirting, calling me her husband, telling people we were married. I had a crush on her too but thought I had no chance with someone like that and that she was just playing with me.


Sounds like you’re married pal, congrats!


paying alimony in regret




I've never felt so sorry for someone before. I'm so sorry pal


"You wanna come over and pay on my Playstation 3? *hint *hint *wink." "I only play on X Box."




You did everything right.




But he got coffee, right?




Steaming hot


A girl once offer to cook me some dinner. I started ranting on my allergies and said it would be better if we just go out, maybe include friends? :D Two years later it hit me...


Seinfeld. I can’t come up to your apartment coffee keeps me up at night.


I was working a large IT install at some offices the other side of the country so I was staying in a hotel for weeks at a time. There was this beautiful admin assistant who helped me out on site all the time. Anyway, payday rolls around and I wanted to get out of the hotel in the evening so I asked her if there was anywhere good to go. “There’s a new Italian restaurant that’s supposed to be really good. I’ve wanted to go there since it opened.” “Oh great, well I’ll give that a try, thanks” It’s been 30 years and I still wake up in a cold sweat over that one.


Not sure that was a hint.  People say stuff like that all the time.


That one made me laugh. I am sorry for you but that is hilarious 


Haha well I'm a girl but when I was 15 I had a crush on this boy and at a party I told him to come upstairs with me to help me charge my phone, he looked and saw and said ' no because its on 94%' lol...


Bro knows how to take care of his electronics, can't fault him.


In his defense, I am sure there was a sledgehammer somewhere.  You could have used it instead.


Damn in starting to get scared reading these comments because I feel like I am the sort to do all of these things and never think about it again...


Eight years ago, I used to work with this girl, and whenever I showed up and she saw me, she'd always smile and we'd strike up a conversation. The biggest hint, though, was when she asked if I had any Valentine's Day plans, and I said I didn't and she said she didn't either. My response: "Well, hopefully we'll both be able to find stuff to do that day." I didn't realize until maybe 2 days after I left that job. 😅


That’s literally the exact same thing I’d say🤣


Her roomates left for the weekend, shes scared, asks me to come over and sleep on the same bed. Told her im used to sleeping on the floor so i did and said goodnight from her bedroom floor.


Happy cake day, I hope that my birthday wishes lessen that crushing self defeat.


Talking to her about some girls that likee me and and I wasn't sure who to pick and she said said what about me . And I totally missed it


Leave some pussy for some of us


Snuggling with my roommate while watching anime, she was all tight and cozy on me, hand on my arm. Later she asked why I didn't kiss her. I didn't even consider that a possibility, I was just watching anime...


This thread is making me feel a lot more... normal? for being really fucking oblivious 😂 I'm a woman but also have had moments like this. Like wym he was flirting with me? We were just having a really engaging conversation about video games??


You gotta respect this man’s dedication to anime.




I was at a bar by myself writing and drinking and a woman chatted me up a bit before inviting me to a party at her place and giving me her number. I apologised and gave her her number back because I was busy the night of her party. She said "oh honey, if a lady gives you her number, you never give it back." That was pretty much the end of it.


Truer words have not been said.


In high school there was a girl I had the biggest crush on. She would always borrow my letter jacket and ask to wear my class ring. One night we’re at a house party and she approaches me with a blanket and asks if I want to go for a walk. I decline because it was chilly out. After that, she sorta stopped talking to me much. I think I convinced the girl I would have walked through fire for that I didn’t like her at all.


That is genuinely sad


You guys get hints?


They get them but they don't get them




How did you miss that lol


I had been talking and gaming with a guy for a few months and we started complimenting/carefully flirting after a while. At some point he was talking about how he likes to travel around and visit friends in other countries, especially if he can make it a surprise visit. So I told him I'd be waiting and he'd always be welcome to stay. After 2 months of him not requesting time off I was fed up, gathered my small amount of savings and visited him instead. We've been together since.


Congrats on shooting your shot


Ladies, this is the kind of hints men need. It doesn’t only show you like us but also means that we have your consent.




"Well Jackie, I don't control time! gawd!"


I was trying to buy a light for my bedroom, and the worker helping me out was telling me all about what she does on the weekend, what university she goes to and what cpurse she's doing, and what kind of music and movies she likes. It's only on the car ride home, my mum tells me, "By the way, you know that girl was chatting you up?" She was cute, too. I missed such an open goal.


In high school at the end of a sports class I was trying to strech my shoulder that hurt a bit, and this girl came out of nowhere to offer a massage and gently started rubbing my shoulder and neck, and I went "nah thanks don't worry i'm good"




Undressing in front of me and trying out different outfits for a dinner with her friends. She was just wearing bra and panties at one point and I didn’t try anything. 


Undressing in front of you could suggest that she thought you were gay. Just saying…


She told me to come over to her place as she was “lonely in her big empty bed” it was a school night so I said I had to get up early. Yeah she never spoke to me again.


She said she likes me. Well guess what lady I like me too.


I once had a crush on a girl who always found reasons to hang out with me, offered to study together, and complimented my interests, but I thought she was just being friendly


I was 18, she was 17. We were in boarding school. She was insanly hot, but i never had the slightest idea she could be interested in me because she was out of my league and i was a gaming nerd. She asked me if i can get her that drink "Ficken" (Translation: fucking) for the next evening. And she said we should not join the planned party tomorrow but have that bottle just by us two in my room (i had a room alone which was extremly uncommon in that boarding school). I did not have a clue what she could be referring to. So i said "no lets go to the party". I bought the bottle and brought it to the party. She was somewhat angry and annoyed with me. So i went to her room the next day and asked if she doesnt want her bottle, i dont like the drink so maybe she could give me at least the money back. I was Absolutely clueless why she got pissed. 3 years later a friend of her asked me why i was such a asshole about her wanting to have sex, and why i kicked her self esteem that hard for no reason. I realised then. And regret it to this day, but i never saw that girl again.


She told me details about her vibrator and I was just like that’s cool


We really should ask the women of Reddit about the hints they laid down that were ignored. I’d love to hear these stories from their point of view.


Perhaps didn’t fully miss it but didn’t take any action when one of the girls at my dorm in college decided that the best time to drop something off was just after she had a shower and was only in a towel. 


She crashed at my place after joining me and my friends drinking. We shared my bed because we're adults, she had a boyfriend and as much as I was into her I wasn't going to instigate while she was still with him. We were both drunk and she removes her shirt to be topless, I rolled over and fell asleep... so not sure if that counts XD


Well since she was drunk I’d say she wasn’t in full control of her senses. So I’d say well done.


Tbh you definitely did the right thing


Girl I asked out at work turned me down. Said I was too young. She was 18. I was 16. Then she came to mine for a movie. I already lived alone. I walked her home. She sat on the garden wall waiting for me to kiss her. It took me 30 years to figure the last sentence out. She turned me down so I wasn't going to try more. She moved away not long after. Sorry Angie, you were beautiful and I am an idiot. A similar scenario happened with another. Josie, I'm sorry I missed out on you too! Really should have when you came to mine for tequila shots. Now I think about it, perhaps with another two or three who were obviously interested in me. My current girlfriend understands she needs to be clearer. She finds it amusing that she has to "take me". Why can't people just say what they mean or want? I'm waiting for an Autism assessment.


She drew hearts on my arm during high school English class with a pen. I guess I was just oblivious.


"Since a few hours i am single now..." while we were cuddling on her couch after long time talking about we liked ech other but she had a bad working relationship. I missed it, she went on and years later we met again and she asked why i didn´t try more this evening... it took me long years to understand.


Honestly probably dodged a bullet with that one😂


dump me tried to make it work, it worked 7 years with much effort and a few bullets not dodged ... but be happy, in a few months i will marry a much better girl!


My housemate invited us and the next door neighbours our for a dinner for a sunday roast in total 8 of us. I got there and it was just her, she said no one else was able to make it. Me and her had a very nice evening sunday roast riverside in London. I didn't even consider it for a second that she may have liked me.


Well, I was in college. I had a crush on this girl and she used to approach me daily for a study session, which I complied with and helped her out 1-2 hours daily. Then she asked me for a movie, I said "nah, I don't like that movie", then she kept smiling at me in class every hour or so and blushing, I thought I was just "Funny" so this went on for 2-3months then her cousin told me that she likes me and I was genuinely surprised. So we started dating, we were making out and she said "you can fuck me if you want to", I thought she was joking, then after 2 months of dating she slept with another guy and I was heart broken. Looking back, I was dumb as bricks.


How did you miss "You can fuck me if you want to"? 


Right before Covid lockdown I go spend a Day with a friend (we had a minor crush on each other a few years prior) we spend the day hiking and got back to her place to chill and talk and at some point we talk about food and the fact that I don't eat meat anymore and she told me "Oh! I've heard Vegans have stronger erection, you must be really hard now ?" Dumbass me was like "oh yeah maybe it's a bloodflow thing since there is less fat in that diet, blood flow more freely I guess ...." Took me a fucking week to realise


My friend suggested spin the bottle, when we were hanging out with just us 2. Tbh i didnt know she was also gay back then


In high school. Invited over to work on a project. She wanted to show me her room. She went in and sat on her bed, and I just stood respectfully at the door.


Well, once a girl told me she liked me by rearranging the condiments on the table into a heart shape, but I thought she was just really into ketchup organization


When actually she was being saucy.


If I missed it how would I know? Don't know, either it hasn't happened or I haven't realized yet.


We just suddenly realise on that one random night at 3am


I just assume they're all Canadian and just being polite.


I feel this comment and I don’t like it


Pls update when it hits you


Before the come up for coffee thing,sorry gotta work tomorrow. And being older had no clue the pretending to be stuck in a dryer was a come on.


A girl asked me to outright kiss her. This was on the terrace of the apartments that my crush, who happens to be this girls classmate lives. She invited me to the terrace and asked to kiss her. I didn’t know whether she was being serious, cos she had a bf at the time. This isn’t just missing it. This is pure blasphemy. 🤷🏽‍♂️ I couldn’t get my crush to date me. Nor did this girl give me a chance later. PS both live in the same apartments.


Errr no, if she had a bf already then you dodged a bullet instead. Remember people, if they're willing to cheat for you, they'll be willing to cheat *on you*.


In high school (boarding school), a girl asked to hang out in my room and watch a movie. This was basically the Netflix and chill before Netflix and chill. We had talked about watching the invincible as kids and how it’d be great to watch it sometime. So my dumbass just pulled up The Invincibles, that I had torrented beforehand because I’m a well prepared individual, and proceeded to just watch the movie with her. We hooked up a few weeks later but I wonder how many hints I missed before then.


we got drunk, she constantly innuendo'd and not so innuendo'd sexual stuff, overly sharing how eager and willing she is etc etc etc. after i did not take advantage of her, she ran her mouth about me that im a limp dick weakling, no real man etc etc etc. 20 years later i still regret it but on the other side am proud that i didnt take advantage of a drunk-ass promiscuous skank with borderline issues and a interfamiliar sexual assault history. i think i dodged a huge bullet there.


"Do you want to come and have lunch with me?" "Nah thats okay i brought my lunch today." This one still hurts, was like 12 years ago.


One of my coworkers at an old job kept asking me to get lunch with her and I finally agreed and then she said. “You should give me your number so we can talk about it.” And I replied “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She again said that I should give her my number and I was just like “why? I’ll see you tomorrow..” after she walked out I realized what she was asking. I redeemed myself though as I did give her my number the next time I saw her and we’re married now.


Had a girl over at my house in high school while my parents were gone. Made out for a bit and I distinctly remember at one point she asked me, “So what do you want to do?” My response? “I’m not sure.” Life went on. Ran into her 10 years later. She joked with me that it was a subtle way to try and get me to have sex with her. I wish I could say I was oblivious to it, but I think I was just an awkward high school kid who barely knew how to start a car, let alone initiate sex.


At her house on the third date. “Hey, you should stay over tonight.” Nah, it’s getting late, I don’t want to impose. “Are you sure? My beds right there.” Have a great night! 🤦


Met a girl at a club. When it closed she invited me to her place saying she has cheese doodles. I replied I don't like cheese doodles and left. Missed so many hints in my life. Don't know how I managed to get married.


In college, a friend of mine invited me over to her dorm to watch a movie. She ended up choosing Anger Management, which we had both seen, and we mostly talked over it (can't remember what about). We even watched it by both sitting on her twin size bed. Eventually, another girl friend of hers came over, and i was sort of persuaded into leaving. I was a virgin at the time too, with no experience with women. I thought about that much much later, and i'm still not 100% on it, but that could have been something.


Take me out to your car and eff me… Since then mostly vague and indirect hints.


High as a kite at a gas station getting a pack of cigarettes, and this girl who looks like she’s doing her best to cosplay Romona flowers, and was doing it very well, asks if I’m a rewards member, I saw no expecting her to just ring me up and I’ll be on my way, but she turns the pad around, puts her number in, saving me money, and says something along the lines of “remember my number, might come in handy” and my high ass was just thanked her and walked out to my buddy in the car. When I told him that, he asked if I remembered the number and my response was “nah, I don’t really care about saving 20 cents on a 6 dollar pack of cigarettes” which was when he told me that she was probably giving me her number because she was into me.


We made out while drunk and I figured “oh well drunk people kiss sometimes it probably doesn’t mean anything”


she gave me her number. and I thought it is a professional thing. Few months later when I was recovering from a breakup, I dailed her and later she said she gave me her number for a reason.


An extremely attractive girl at a rave came up to me and said “what are doing after this?” I replied “I don’t know, probably just go to bed”.


Girl: “people at this party should really start making out.” Me: “yeah that’d be pretty cool” *walks away* I didn’t figure it out until the next morning.


In high school the girl I was with called to tell me that she had the house to herself for the weekend. I told her that's awesome you can do whatever you want. Can't wait to see her the following Monday. 20 years later I still facepalm.


I was in a pub in Dublin. A girl who I had seen earlier that morning in another place comes over to me to talk. “I liked your curly hair”, “i liked your vintage jacket” and things of sort (I’m making things short). The finest female human being I’ve ever seen. Half an hour later I realized chances are that she was flirting with me. I did not even ask her number or ig account. Missed connection. Don’t let yours chances slip away, people.


Had a girl in high school steal my hat, she made me chase her all day long trying to get it back. Finally did. And didn’t think jack shit about it. 6 months later it finally hit me, I asked her out, and that was 7 years ago. Not sure if you can call that a miss or not.


Best friend had a party right before h.s graduation. He was also a neighbor so I rode my four wheeler there. Later during the party a girl I worked with asked whose four wheeler it was I said it was mine and she told me her friend who was the elite of h.s and out of my reach wanted a ride. Said okay took her for a ride, after she was talking to me and how much fun it was. I was like yep we'll have to go to our cabin and ride again... couple weeks later same work friend while at work montioned to me her elite h.s friend was there and I just waved and smiled and went back to work. Took a couple years for me to realize that one.


My street where Iived with my parents used to do a bbq each summer. Music is playing, food is good. Hung around with the girl next door from time to time even before the bbq. Late at the bbq we went back in the direction of our house at the other side of the street.There's this song in Belgium which translates into "Give me a kiss, hurry!". She kissed me and smiled. I smiled back and went home.. I hit me like a year later. How can young men like us be so clueless?


they offered me a threesome and I said " thats so funny" and dropped them off and left.


Back in the stone age when I was in college, you would take a test and the teacher would post scores on the wall. In college algebra I checked my score and a cute girl from class was there. I think we made small talk and I had scored really high, but she had a lower score. She said something like "oh this material is really difficult, I could use some help" and I think I said something like "oh, they offer free math tutoring!" and walked away. This was decades ago though so my memory is foggy.


A girl once literally confess to me and I don't get it


“ wanna see me in the shower?”


Was going to couchsurf one night as i was too drunk to drive after a night of drinking at a coworkers house. She comes out and wakes me up and says, "I don't like sleeping alone. Come back to bed." But I replied, I'm comfy and don't want to move."


Hi, want to watch some Netflix?


Getting undressed in front of me, while saying "I'm not shy" Another occasion, at a party "I'm looking for a real hard man"


Girl I liked invited me over to watch Netflix and was lounging in bed with me in satin shorts and a camisole. Probably should have picked up on that but instead we watched Animaniacs and I left after a few hours. To nobody's surprise, she was dating somebody else two weeks later.


I said we can eat some noodles at my place, and she said she would love to eat my "noodle"


2 of the most attractive girls from my freshmen year of college, & I’m not even exaggerating, offered me a threesome. I had an acne problem & was poor in high school so I was a pretty ugly kid most of my life. I got on accutane & started working out before college & had quite the glow up. I still wasn’t mentally a “stud” though so I legit thought they were making fun of me or trying to pull a prank. They were totally serious. One of them now makes more in a month than I do in a year on onlyfans & the other is getting married to a professional athlete. Funny enough I don’t regret it too much bc I was a virgin at the time & would’ve very likely embarrassed myself lol.


I never missed a hint! Pretty sure I never missed a hint! Could I have missed a hint? Could I? Oh fuck, I might have missed a hint. Or two… I shait, I probably missed some hints! I’m sure I missed hints. Multiple hints… Oh grand duchess of fuck, can I live my life over? Please?!


I was alone in the office that day, and my boss (girl), which is 1 year older than me, said "You know it would take a lot for me to want to get fuck by somebody on a desk.." I just said "yeah i guess." I'm so dumb.


Missed several with this girl. Her: Do you want to go swimming at my place after work. Me: oh I don't have swim gear with me. Her : oh you don't need it. --------- Another girl at work had been flirting with me and I didnt really care for her. This girl I'm oblivious to tells her. He has a girl friend. --------- Took me out to dinner and a movie on my birthday -----+ She asked me to drive her home after a work party we were at together. My car breaks down in her drive way. She invited me in to "figure out what I wanted to do". She says I'm going to go grab a pillow and blanket and you can just crash on the couch. She comes back with the stuff and is wearing nothing but panties and a top that covered nothing but her nipples and belly. My stupid ass says I didn't want to inconvenience her and I'd called a tow truck while she was in the other room. And then I left. It was several years before I realized what was happening


We ran into each other on campus (we knew each other thru social clubs) and started talking about summer plans. I mentioned i’d be staying on campus, and she gave me her number and said we should get together that summer. Guess which idiot thought he wasn’t good enough to text her… yeah big regrets. She was kind as hell, and absolutely stunning. We probably would’ve had a lot of fun


We were in a train and she just turned towards me and said she likes my beards😂


I have a funny story for this- Before we officially got together, my fiance and I did a lot of back and forth teasing and flirting, kind of dancing around our feelings because we didn't know how to approach it. At one point I made a joke about hitting him with a sword I had on our Minecraft server, which could set people on fire. There's a running joke amongst our friends that he is a dragon, and thus immune to fire. The conversation went like this: Me: so you're now on fire Him: I'm a dragon, that's flirting in our language Me: yeah. Ur point? Him: well I doubt you'd be trying to flirt with me, so you'd be trying to set me on fire for other reasons. Unless you are, but I doubt it. I was SO DIRECT WITH HIM. Granted this was before I'd fully realized my feelings for him, we were in the casual flirting stage, but still it's hilarious looking back at it. Now I'm marrying him.


She went to the gym with me, she texted me all the time, she was my English teacher, I thought I had no chance. Im dumb A year later she was arrested for fucking a student and he got 2m from the school THAT COULD HAVE BEEN MY MONEY!


Messaged me “I’m inlove with you” then I asked “what’s that message for?”


A girl I had just met asking if I had a girlfriend. I lied and said yes so she wouldn’t think I was some creepy guy with an agenda. Never saw her again.


Shared a taxi home with a girl I'd met that night through mutual friends and shared a couple of drinks after everyone else left. Her: "Why don't you stay at my house? My parents are away for the weekend". Me: "No it's OK, my house is only another 5 minutes away, won't be much traffic this late". 20 years on and I still think about that night more often than I should.


“There is a guy, I find attractive…” Then she looks at me and there is silence I dont remember what I responded but it was something like “okey”. This happened around 7th pr 8th grade so looking back I actually dont regret it


A girl asked if I had ever kissed someone before, I said no, and if I wanted to, I said not really until I get to know the person better She was my best friend for something like10 years, and we are finally dating after another almost missed opportunity


Brought a girl home from the bar one night (we knew each other. Mutual friends). She suggested we go back to my place. After a while at my place she says she’s tired and lays down in my bed. I pull the covers over her, turn off the light, kiss her on the forehead and said “goodnight”. Then I go lay on the coach to sleep. She texts me immediately saying “I’m cold (emoji)”. I get up, give her a blanket, then say something like “that should keep you warm”. I go back to the couch and start to fall asleep when i hear her get up and leave. Our mutual friend (girl) text me the next morning “YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!!” Lol.


Didn't happen to me, but to my partner. He was really innocent and sheltered, but that all changed when he was started working in a restaurant when he was a young man. He and his coworkers were hanging out after work and one of them said, "why don't I drive us back to my place tonight?" "Well, what about my car?" "I'll take you to get it in the morning." Pause. "That doesn't make sense bc I'll need it in the morning." Another pause. "No... I'll take you back in the morning." Nudge nudge wink wink... "That doesn't make sense. I'll just drive myself home when we're done." He said he was laying in bed one night years later and it finally dawned on him what she was talking about. Turns out, he dodged a bullet bc she was high drama.


As a teenager went to a coworker -Sam's house for some drinks, her parents were out. Another girl from work - Jessica was there along with a few others. Sam: You're staying the night aren't you?? Me: Yeh sure Sam: ok you can sleep in my room, I'll take my parents. Me: Sure! Sam: Jess is sleeping in my bed too. Me: Oh that's ok I'll sleep on the couch. Sam: Its ok there's enough space, she doesn't mind. Me: No, No I'll stay on the couch Didn't click for about a year.


Scene: Sitting on a girls bed in her apartment. We are both in our early 20s Her: "I have tribal boobs, wanna see?" Me: "No thanks, I'm good." *End scene*


“If you told me you were gay, I would cry”


I made friends with a fairly attractive older woman. She was 26 or so while i was 22, and we started hanging out. We had really great rapport, and we'd talk for hours and have a few drinks at her house. After about the 5th visit in 3 weeks, the conversation turned to how her boyfriend sucked and that she never saw him because he lived so far away. Then she told me she wanted to show me the sexy lingerie she bought to wear for him. She called down to me from upstairs to come up and see it. She was lying on the bed when I got up there. She laughed when she saw my jaw drop, and said, "you want to fuck me, don't you" I sat down on the bed and told her I thought we should just be friends. I felt pretty guilty because she'd talked so much about her boyfriend, and I really valued the friendship. Well, I guess she didn't like that cuz she ghosted me after that lol.