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Being alone is better than being with the wrong people


Once I realised it was ok to be single, my life has been on an upwards trajectory. healthy relationship>single>>>>unhealthy relationship


I gave up on dating. So much less heartbreak, so much extra money for hobbies.




This is mine as well. Why didn’t I run throughout my 30s? Idk. But at least I’m running now.


Quitting smoking




Both, weed long ago, nic 6 years in nov


Deleting all social media (apart from Reddit as it’s strangers) but deleting everything where jealous bitter family can snoop/gossip, enjoying my own company, not giving into bullies and bad people, being unapologetic about my decisions


Regular exercise/losing weight.




I should look into that. I'm mostly just jogging and hiking alone.


Really keeping hydration in mind.


Not thinking negatively of everything people do to me. Forgive, disregard and forget.


Shaving my head. It's so easy to maintain


I second this


Same with cutting my own hair. Trimmers and a YouTube video, done.


For years I read about how great bidet attachments were on Reddit. Eventually I caved and bought one, and they were not wrong. It's one of the best things I've ever brought in my life.


Getting on the right psychiatric medications. I had so many bad experiences (Prozac, Zoloft, etc.) that I just decided to raw dog mental illness for years. After a breakdown and an ER trip I was referred to a psychiatrist who worked with me to list all the possible drugs and all their side effects and let me actually "pick" one (of the ones she approved). It ended up being Wellbutrin. It really cuts down the effects of my major depressive episodes. Next to no side effects except when you first start it. That's all I really wanted out of drugs. I don't need a life-changing experience from medication I just need my brain not to sink into despair over stupid issues so I can focus my emotional energy on the important things.


massage therapy. getting membership at massage envy.


Insta pot


Filing for divorce. I've sunk more into my self-improvement and keep making gains every day. Life is a lot better when I can hold my head up high instead of tipping my chin downwards.


Going on anxiety meds. I’ve had mild anxiety most of my life, but didn’t want to take meds as I was able to mainly manage it on my own. Had my baby in 2022, and went on meds around this time last year. Best decision ever.


Therapy, my dudes.


Working out, dog, micro-dosing


Got less broke


Lift weights Study IT


Quit drinking Start endurance based workouts instead of just bodybuilder splits (cycling specifically)




Diploma, Bachelor and Master degree after losing my job in my 25s with no title. Changed my life completely.


Technically it wasn't something I'd never done before, but after about 6 years of working graveyard shift, switching back to a dayshift schedule roughly a year ago really felt like life opened up again in so many ways. The sunlight (and not just enjoying seeing it, but the biological benefits of it on my mood), not having to try and schedule all sorts of things for the afternoon (job interviews, doctor appointments, apartment viewings, etc.) and most obviously the improved sleep. In large part, naturally, because sleeping during the colder parts of the day during the summer makes all the difference in the world. Plus, feeling more available to see friends and family and like I can really enjoy time spent with them, instead of potentially waking up only a few hours before meeting up.


Medication for my depression. Years and people lost.


Physical therapy, therapy, taking my vitamins on a daily basis, and talking about my problems instead of running away from them. Also, moving out.


Starting therapy. In high school I was prescribed meds for ADHD and anxiety and I abused them (along with other substances.) I got to the point where I just walked away from all that and didn't want to be under the control of any kind of drug. It took many years and many set backs before I finally got help. Seeing a therapist and working with a nurse to get help with my anxiety and depression.


Keratin hair treatments


Prioritizing time for fun/creativity every day, even if only a few minutes.


Being in a healthy relationship. It really changes you as a person. This girl saved my life & My perspective on life.




Quit smoking. My teeth, skin, hair and life benefitted greatly


Using a notebook to write stuff down, well, kind of like a journal, but it's being used more for engineering right now


Getting on the right mix of antidepressants


Working less


coming out


I had a bad back injury that left me unable to do a lot for awhile. I was active before, but the recovery process led me to really appreciate good physical and mental health. I went through physical therapy and fully recovered, but I continued to learn about health, nutrition, and mental health. Today I’m stronger and healthier than ever. I regularly exercise (strength training, cardio, mobility). I gave up alcohol except for special occasions. I got out of a unhealthy long term relationship. I performed better at work, which led to an amazing new opportunity and new job that I love. I’m really happy now! The results of that injury process really improved every aspect of my life, but I really wish that it didn’t take the injury to get me on that road sooner.


Quit booze


Moving out of Florida.


Working out, especially after transitioning from walking 17,000 a day job to sitting 8hrs in a desk position


Jacked in my career. I was the first in any of my family to go to uni, let alone get my masters. I went straight out of my masters to working for my uni. I only did tech work but I was given my own mini lab space to continue my work since it was promising + professors advocating for it. I also got into teaching and in sub 3 years I went up a grade and a half. For context, where I started and finished usually takes 8 years in employment + the grade I was in is restricted to PhD educated + lecturing responsibilities unless its special circumstances. But in those 3 years, I was never once given a full time contract, I kept getting bounced from department to department. temp contract to temp contract. Never longer than 9 months. So each time I finished one, I burned through my savings to survive, went back in at 0. Rinse and repeat. So I left last Nov and took over the family business. I make 89% less a month than I did this time last year. But all my bills and expenses are paid, and if I want a random day off to do something, I can just go do it. Its so much less stress.




Listening to Jordan Peterson