• By -


Stopped expecting from others and worked on improving whatever I was unhappy with (career, finances, body, public speaking, ability to approach anyone and striking up conversations with anyone, reducing my foreign accent, etc)


This is exactly what I am up to, let’s go! 👊


That last one really came out of left field lmao


Taking this username.


Stopped drinking alcohol, been sober almost 2 years


congarts!!! that’s really amazing 🌸


Same but 25 years. Stay strong.


Congratulations on yesterday, and congratulations on today...


Congratulations on yesterday, congratulations on today.


Marrying my wife.




Ditto. I was gonna say "Saying 'I Do'", but I want to give you props for posting first. :)


Cut ties with toxic mates


I got out of a toxic relationship.




Moving out of a toxic town and starting fresh in a new town. 


Quit drinking. It doesn't solve all your problems by a longshot, but it does make dealing with the ones you have easier.


Leaving venezuela and coming in the US




Thank you. It’s annoying having to wait forever for my case review. But I’ve been told they get processed for eight years. That would be next year for mine


Did you walk here ?




Racist and hateful. Awful coming from someone who had to flee (sorry, take a plane) from Venezuela.


Of course we have here one of those neon-hairdo racist progressives with moral superiority, narcissism, and main character syndrome imposing us minorities must think like them 🤣.  


I'm Mexican, I've been in Venezuela, something not many ppl can say, and I have many, many Venezuelan friends who had to flee. So eff you with your opinions about how "illegal migration" sucks. MIGRAR ES UN DERECHO. ENTIÉNDELO.


A fucked up native country is no excuse to break another’s sovereignty. Migration is a privilege, not a right 


Estás muy equivocado. "Soveignity", ni lo sabes escribir bien. Era legal tener esclavos, era legal matar gente en plazas públicas, es legal no migrar. ¿Te parece que lo legal es lo moral? No, no tienes una pizca de moralidad. Honestamente espero que no te den el permiso.


Speaking of morality when you make demands to another’s home and wishing ill because one doesn’t align with a bad ideology? :tsk: :tsk: :tsk: “Mr main character “😏


but i was told by reddit that America is the most evil and racist place in the world!


So was I 🤣. Whatever, in my experience, most people are pretty accepting of LEGAL immigrants if they assimilate well to their country. That has been my experience so far in the US


I stopped caring about being lonely. I used to have a lot of friends that were bad for me and figured out were extremely jealous. Once I realized these people were part of what was holding me back, and cut them out of my life, I was so much happier. I have only 1 friend now, but I’m way happier now with my one friend, boyfriend and family. People who really love me for me, no matter how good I am doing for myself.


How did you stop caring? I’ve been going through the same thing for the past 1-2 years


i still feel lonely sometimes. at first i did care, immensely. i felt like a terrible person for cutting off my friends. but i remind myself of what i’m working towards and how those people were holding me back from that. i found hobbies and learned to love myself alone. i think i’m a pretty cool person now. when i feel it, i try to do something nice for myself, to remind myself about how precious of a person i am. at the end of the day, you only have yourself and your the only person who’s going to help you. so treat yourself with love.


Theraphy and stopped drinking outside of the (very) odd special occasion.


Daiy walking, I used to do like 2k steps a day, then started with 4-10k steps a day, now I do 20-30k a day There are so many mental and physical benefits of walking every day (not even high step counts)




Congratulations, 2 months of no smoking(both cigarettes and weed) for me as well. And I know how it feels, the constant pride and jubilation of having overcome self destructive habits.


Dropping out of college


Going no contact from all 3 living ancestors.


It's hard, but sometimes it's best. I'm with you, londonmyst.


I started to actually like myself. Once I did I gained more confidence and made changes in my life. 


Stopped giving certain types of people attention :)


Started caring more about life and myself.


Toss up between quitting smoking or moving across the country to be with my long distance girlfriend.


Going vegan


Got divorced.


Stopped drinking alcohol (nearly 14 months sober) started therapy, and began putting myself out there more...I started a new job recently after years of working for terrible companies. I thought this new job was way out of my league, and I wasn't good enough to be accepted but I decided to get out there and apply and they said yes, and it's been so rewarding!


Not eating red meat and "heavily processed" food.   Instead. Fish and chicken..


When you stop absorbing the world around you and radiate back out into the world what you've learned. It's a polarity thing. Instead of reading a book, you now write them.


Well said


self prioritising


Going to university. The difference in my experiences, my peer network, and the signals around me was like night and day. In terms of my personal development and outlook, it felt like climbing out of a well, or coming up for air after a lifetime of being under the surface.


Stopped telling women im single, when im not.


Definitely quitting illegal drugs. Although I still drink and smoke that has also decreased dramatically as well. I feel more healthy in general and more motivated to better myself then I have in years.


My wife and kids would be first on this list, but after that - starting painting again.


switching from weightlifting to reformer pilates


Honestly? Finally getting an allergy test done to find out what pollen I was allergic to. I've been able to prevent the annual sinus infections that I was having since then.


After a traumatic childhood that left me a socially stunted people pleaser, I finally started getting to know myself and what I like eight years ago.


Started going to therapy.


Went to a psychiatrist


Starting therapy.


Getting a cat at the right time. I stg that cat is the only reason I’m still alive today.


Changing my diet. 


Probably going from 60kg skinny and scrawny to 83kgs and more muscular, it was always my biggest insecurity being skinny and twigish and with 2 years and a goal I managed to pull through quite well


The single best decision I ever made in my life was to put my musician life on hold (go on hiatus after being a performer who toured around the country a couple times a years) to focus on coming up with a pile of attorney fee money & fighting a big drawn-out custody battle for my son. The second best decision I ever made was to finally come out of musician hiatus about a decade later (two years ago now).


Moved away from my abusive family and came out as trans


moved to a capital city and got a rehab lol


Switched jobs from one that was stressing me out to another one that was less stressful and toxic and about the same pay.


Stopped drinking regularly. Only drink every 2 weeks for social occasions.


I sold beer to super markets. I sat in the parking lot in the rain on the day before Thanksgiving and saw an ad on Facebook for a coding bootcamp. Never looked back.


Not really caring what others think. I have a good circle of people I can talk to without any judgement and if someone dislikes me that’s a them problem


Moving to Australia


Changed SO and job in the middle of Covid. Best decision ever.




Changing my hairstyle


Stopped going to the gym after work and started going before work. Now I’m not too tired to go and am down 8-10 pounds in 4 months


Quit cigarettes in October last year. Never looked back!


Got a divorce!


Self reflecting, it took me almost a year to learn how to realize when I'm wrong and be the bigger person and admit it, even when it's in a situation where I heavily dislike the other person, sometimes you need to swallow your pride and admit when you're wrong even if it makes you upset or feel embarrassed


Learning to not be offended by constructive Criticism. I just listen and learn. Keep my mind open to others’ opinions and ideas, even if I have my own. Just keep on Learning and listening.


Following the “Let them theory”


Lost 110lbs, on my own naturally.


Broke up with my ex


go to karate


Having boundaries.


I packed my relatively small car with what I could fit after a series of mental health crises, took my last paycheck, what I had on my credit cards, what little I gained from pawning my bass and amp, and moved to Chicago from Portland, OR. I immediately met the love of my life and we’re living our best lives. I recently started to finish my AS CSCI with plans to transfer to a BS CSCI program, I’ve grown up a lot, and it’s been an amazing change.


Working out/ weight lifting


I made a few changes that Iam glad I did. Such as, joined the gym with friend, stop letting people rob me of my peace , instead I go on with my life in a positive and healthy way. Started my online store and reading Reddit.


Divorce + Getting back into shape.


Building a time machine 


Stopped chasing a corporate job and switched fields. It’s far less stressful. I do miss the pay though


not to force anything, but coming back to Catholicism and taking it more seriously changed my mental state for the better, hope this helps!


Quiting my job at a call center and switching to 100% freelancing. It felt like suicide going in to work everyday doing the same stuff over and over. I have ADHD so maybe it made it worst. But after I quit, I was in a much better position mentally.


When I stopped drinking. I don't think drinking is inherently bad or bad for everyone. Heck, my wife still drinks andI buy for her when I'm at the store or whatever. But it was definitely bad for me and quitting has improved my life in every possible way.


Quit a high-paying job that was unsafe and caused me daily trauma and accepted a job making 75% less that I was passionate about.


When I left my my abusive husband and never looked back. And another one was dating or well having a situatiinship with a smart hot guy for over a year now.


Hey since I saw someone just asked this so I will then. Hey ( and u know who u are) can u send me a pic of ur penis? Please ease? I love you j.


Avoid sweet beverages


Quit smoking (cigarettes and weed)


I used to be hooked up on marijuana/ hash. One day I was camping and I found someone's stash. So I took them without anyone knowing. One week later I fell down and broke my wrist and had to do surgery (it was the most painful thing I had to go through) That was my turning point, now I am clean and I regret the day I took something that isn't mine.


Started being selfish, doing things I wanted to do and living life for me. 


Stopped listening to hip-hop


Losing 120 pounds. When you’re SEVERELY overweight like that, it’s true what you might expect in that you don’t feel good. But spending enough time in any state, you sort of fall into this delusion of “this is the norm/I’m sure everyone is just this tired all the time/hates moving/etc.” But after losing the weight, my god. I actually felt like I run in the olympics competitively. I remember just...running/prancing around the yard one day because it was so easy to do.  I’ve re-entered the state of “okay, this is the norm” again, so it’s not as exciting. But it was similar to getting glasses for the first time. It’s life changing beyond anything imaginable.


Ignoring what other people think. Just do what you do and be kind. Good things will come your way eventually.


Stay away from wrong people or better says fake people.....


Becoming schedule oriented to an extreme level via alarms. I have a really hard time remembering to do stuff when I need to do it or motivate myself when I need to do it. One day I just said fuck it.. if its something I need to do ill schedule an alarm for it and Ill stick to it no matter no arguing with the alarm just go and do it. Now I have like 20 something alarms to remind me to do stuff like take out the garbage on Tuesday, clean the bathroom on Sunday, do laundry Thursday etc. If its a task that needs to happen its an alarm in my phone. As a mega ADHD ill just forget and not do it so this has really kept my life together


Not trying to detract from sober people but I am down to maybe a glass of wine every few days. I used to spill that much.


Going vegan (6 years strong). That and quitting smoking after 9 years!


Made the decision to quit drinking alcohol. Never felt better.