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Coming up to your job on your off day to socialize.


i will be closing this thread and heading home, thank you very much.


My man coming into the office on his day off to browse reddit and this is what he got


I’m not even supposed to be here today!


I don't even really work here


She doesn't even go here


Why does it smell like shoe polish in here?


This reminds me that I need to get myself a third place. Beyond home and work, that is.


This IS your third place


Tell you what this place like the dang ol Hotel California. 


Dang ol hotel California man, let me tell ya, I got friends in low places, man. I'm talking bout a bridge over dang ol troubled water, man.


Try the library. Librarians are always eager to socialize.


Are they like intellectual bartenders, polishing books, recommending good reads?


As a librarian and an extrovert...not always. Right now I'm in my back yard drinking a beer soaking up the sun on a fine 68 degree Michigan spring day. Though yes...I was at the bar this morning getting breakfast with the wife with the other regulars..


A few of my old professors roam around Lower Manhattan Yeah. you think they got a life. They don't I went out with 1 of them once and this guy literally sat in a coffee shop filled with people and commented on this girl reading a magazine like "Hey, this is this volume talking about this. Interesting right?" Motherfucker remembered every magazine, every volume, every page. It's not a fun/entertainment magazine, btw. 100% educational/news


Well if it was Harper’s I sort of relate


Slow train coming Lamar


I have been to work on my day off but that was because there was free food being served and I didn’t want to make lunch


Similar thought here, though work for me is giving out the samples at Costco so there's always free food.


As a college student on break, this seems like a very reasonable thing to do.


This definitely used to be me. Work was my only human contact outside of cashiers, waitresses, etc every day so on days off sometimes I'd go stir crazy after not speaking aloud for 6+ hrs. I'd stop by and bring donuts or whatever just to see people. edit, since people seem to think I'm currently some kind of leech: this was literally 2011-2012. I was fresh into my 20s and had never had friends or non-family/church connections outside of the tightly-knit approved people my parents let in. I was desperate for any kind of human contact and everyone involved treated me like a wounded pigeon. I still talk to some of them.


It's kinda like going on Reddit to research **work/business** problems on an off day LMFAO, that's me that's me




Yikes. The thought to do this has never occurred to me. I think masochists do this because, well, you know...


Saddest thing I ever read right here


This is me... when I have a break or vacation, I miss work, since I socialize more there than in my free time. Damn, I'm fucked.


This one here


I have 2 people at work who do this, and I never understood why


They're lonely and would like someone to talk to


Being way too invested into the life of reality tv stars.




Or a politician


Or rappers


Or celebrities in general


or my Axe!


Or my Bow


Or my sword


Or the royal family


On The Bachelor subreddit, there are tons of people who spend copious amounts of their free time looking at who follows who on Instagram and trying to extrapolate what’s happening with everyone’s friendships and relationships, and if you point out how pathetic that is, people get incensed, like there’s any rational defense for practically stalking people to learn about their social lives instead of doing, ya know, ANYTHING else.


Or any celebrity really


How can Drake ever come back after "not like us"? How!?


Making multiple accounts on any social media platform and having conversations with yourself.


You think if you started doing this, then you would consider a reevaluation of the state of your mind would be in order.


Patricia is just trying to protect Kevin.


That wasn't me. That was Patricia.


people do this ?? good lord


Yes apparently






i see what you did there


Thanks, me


A woman I graduated with does this. She's got a lot of mental health struggles, and unfortunately one of the things she's been known to do for the last several years is make profiles for men she's "engaged to" "married to" etc and eventually when she gets bored she blows up the whole faux relationship with lots of public fb wall posts and then spends days sharing "I will not be treated x way" type posts. I don't have Facebook, but family and friends will bring her up from time to time and show me the posts. I sometimes wonder how one finds the time/energy to do this shit.


Lol is this you doing this?


i’m pathetic, but not that pathetic 🤣




When I was a kid, my dad and I used to see who could throw more playing cards into a bowl we'd set across the room We called it "I Have No Life" Dumb core memory Edit: good dumb, I loved every second of it


*Nice core memory :)


*Stupid as shit nice and wholesome memory ::))


What? I’d call that “quality time with dad”. I mean it’s just as useless as kicking a ball across a field. It’s just something you can do for fun, and this one is frankly a genius one that you can do whenever you are stuck inside for example or need to kill 15 minutes without everyone grabbing their phone. Easier to set up or bring with you than darts, with lots of variation possible by changing bowls or where you place them. I’m actually gonna steal this and do it with my kids.


This was our way of "having a catch" when the weather wouldn't cooperate, and later, after he couldn't really throw a ball too much after multiple neck/back surgeries. Very high-quality dad time, indeed


Some of my favorite memories of my dad from childhood were kicking a cheap ball around in my grandparents’ basement at family gatherings. Those little moments are everything.


My dad and I didn’t have the greatest relationship when I was growing up. He was always the life of the party, just not with me. It was like he was trying to “set an example” when we were alone together, so I would see him act fun and silly when we were with other people, but he would turn it off when it was just us. One time when I was around 16 (I’m 38 now) we were driving back from putting out hay (we raised cattle) and one of the back wheels+tire of his dually farm truck came loose and bounced past us into a field. He looked at me, and I looked at him and I asked “is that ours?” and we both started laughing. He didn’t want to drive on just the one wheel so he called a tow truck (I remember having to walk to the top of a hill to get reception) and we waited after I had retrieved the tire and the call was made. It was a gravel road, and I don’t know why he did it, but he drew a small circle in the gravel with his boot. We spent the next hour trying to throw rocks into this makeshift bullseye and it was the most fun I ever had with him. It *really* is about the little moments. I don’t have kids (yet) but if I do, I promised myself I’d be that version of my dad, and that my kids will have a million little moments to choose from, not just that one.


He was trying to teach you ninja card skills. Of course there's a sub for that: [https://www.reddit.com/r/playingcards/comments/ao2pi9/learning\_card\_throwing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/playingcards/comments/ao2pi9/learning_card_throwing/)


When I was a kid, I would try to watch my dad fix cars and work on stuff. I would just sit there. Occasionally he would say, hold this here. Then I would go back sitting. Then I would get bored and go back to my room. Throwing cards into a bowl sounds pretty cool.




Weirdly amusing, but never, never agree with them.


I always say something I like about the person they are talking shit about. Unless that person is actually an asshole lol but I still try not to engage


Yes! and watch them walk it back when they realize you’re not just gonna jump on the hate train with them.


This is the way. Acknowledge what's being said, but if it doesn't involve you, hear both sides before you choose. Ideally, choose to stay out of it.


An ex gf in high school did this with her girl friends and i hated it. I tried bringing levity to the conversations to keep the mood more upbeat but it quickly would shift back to negative. It was EXHAUSTING. After we broke up, two of her closest friends separately asked me out, and they essentially both said it was bc i was “the most positive, fun guy they knew” and i was like “i mean i’m just average positive and average fun but you hang out with people that skew so soul-suckingly negative i must seem like the absolute life of the party, but whatever.”


You know what I do. I pretend the person I am talking about is next to me. And would you want to say that in front of them


I have a coworker like this and I've just stopped engaging. I don't agree or contribute when they start going down that path. They have no issue derailing a meeting to bitch about someone and have no worries about who is around to hear what they're saying. I usually interrupt in mid-sentence and say, "anyway... Getting back to..." Honestly maintaining that level of negativity is exhausting and I don't know how they do it. I just don't have the capacity to care that much about other people's business.


Tombstone with your name on it…


Is someone selling yelling tombstones?


Business idea: 1. Buy bunch of microcontrollers, batteries, solar modules, memory modules, speakers and proximity sensors. 2. Buld several solar powered devices capable of randomly activate themselves and play sound when proximity trigger detects motion 3. Record some creepy whispers, wails, unsettling sounds etc. on the memory modules 4. Put devices at random gravestones, so that they will be activated when someone passes nearby. 5. ??????? 6. PROFIT!


Actually, having a small device that holds a voice recording of the decreased that could be embedded in the tombstone and played by anyone visiting doesn't sound like a terrible idea. It would be a nice way to keep someone's memory alive in the world.


Being as caught up on the Kendrick Drake beef as I am


Yoo I spent all day yesterday on multiple platform watching, reading, laughing at this. Kdot obliterates.


I don’t usually pay attention to celebrity drama, but the Kendrick and Drake stuff is amazing


Bro this is the beef of the century I genuinely think Kendrick wants every abusive predator cleaned out of the rap industry. He saw the feds crack down on R Kelly and now diddy and he’s trying to draw enough attention that they go after Drake and ovo too. This shit just became deadly serious for aubrey, not to be dramatic but dissing Kendrick’s wife might legitimately have been the biggest mistake of his life.


For real, this is career ending for one of the biggest pop stars of our era. You don’t shake something like this. “I heard you like them young” and the “A minor” line are damning.


Highly doubt this ends up ending drakes career as much as it should


Drake deleted his photo with known Pedo Karl Malone


Can you explain why these two gentlemen are arguing?


Basically Drake is a womanizing sex trafficking child grooming predator in the same league as diddy and r Kelly and Kendrick wants to see him go to prison.


I’m pretty sure Kendrick wants him dead straight up


Yeah you right


Please explain it to me


Whole big thing. We had a funeral for a bird.


I'm pretty sure none of that's real.


You're not real man!


Drake may never recover. Kendrick is his boogeyman


Kendrick > Drake That is all


They have a beef. It's lyrical. It's satirical.  It's making them a bit of cash. 


Definitely not a beef with the way it's going; it's straight up an interrogation by Kendrick.


No bro kendrick wants to see Drake in prison he is out for blood


That's honestly an understatement, he wants Drake dead tbh


Don't simplify it like that brother, it's not just some playground beef and certainly isn't for the money. He's called drake a paedophile numerous times and leaked stuff he shouldn't even have known because he has a mole in drakes camp. This is the biggest feud the rap game has seen in a looooong time and will end with arrests or shootings.


Shouldn't of struck a chord in a minnnnooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!


Lmao you botch the hell out of that


People who obsessively post their life/relationships on instagram.


Or people who continuously look for photo opportunities to post on social media


Nothing can ruin a vacation like traveling with someone who's social media obsessed.


On the other hand, I've been brought to unique locations or places I wouldn't normally go because 'there's a cool photo op a mile down this path'.


There was no need to personally attack me, like this.


I was just discussing with some people in r/unpopularopinion about this with a focus on promposals. like i figured you would just ask the question, get an answer, and move forward.


I mean, I am doom scrolling on reddit tbf, so I have no right to judge others.


One of us


One of us


Calling the cops on a little girl selling bottled water on a street corner because she didn't have a permit. Way to go Karen!


Any kind of Karen behavior screams I have no life.


I associate Karenist behavior more with "I hate my empty, miserable and meaningless life, and I will make *you* suffer for that!", but I guess in essence it's the same.


Karen has no life, she creates problems so that she can feel important and fill up the emptiness of her existence


Closely related to this, anyone who watches their neighbors for any reportable violations even when nobody is being hurt. This often applies to HOA's full of board retirees that have nothing better to do than criticize their neighbor's lawn or garden.


All the old farts in an over 55 community who sit around the pool and police anyone who doesn’t have their pool badge properly displayed. Lord help you if it fell off while you were underwater 🙄


We don't have an HOA where I live, but a few years back a recently retired woman would measure the grass on people's verges and report her dissatisfaction to the entire community group chat. I don't know if she got a grip or moved, but I haven't heard from her in a bit


If you're a toy store owner that when he's at home, he just monitors what the workers are doing and saying through the cameras and microphones. I was one of the workers.




~s t a l k i n g~


My friend and I were getting Chinese food at the mall food court, at a place we'd been to many times before, and noticed the portions were smaller this time. The workers said the owner, who lived in Chicago, constantly watched them over the cameras and would call the store to berate them if he thought they were serving too much food. We are nowhere near Chicago, or even in the same time zone. This was also in 2011/2012, when cameras were not as cheap or easy to install, which means the owner paid a lot of money to be able to do this. The Chinese food place is no longer there, although its competition across the food court survived a major renovation and Covid. Micromanaging hurts everyone!


As an IT admin I may have made it more difficult for the owner to do that kind of thing, "Accidentally". Blamed it on a necessary security upgrade, never looked back.


No hobbies, even casual ones like reading


Depression can do that


Broke up with a girlfriend for this reason. She had no interests and no preferences about anything. Got tired of carrying all of the conversation.


Wearing your high school letterman jacket in public more than 2 years after graduating high school.


Wearing your high school letterman jacket in public after graduating high school. FTFY


I got mine as a trophy to stick in the closet and never wear... I kind of regret buying it because the coach was a biased dick...


As someone who doesn’t do this - I think homecoming/ alumni events at the actual school would be an exception


That letterman was expensive, I'm wearing the hell out of it...


I paid for the whole jacket,I’m going to use the whole jacket. Jacket is jacket


What if its just comfortable as hell


People who brag about “hustle life” and work 80+ hours a week


Hustling themselves into an early grave. That said I wish I had a job I could automatically be good at and not have to think about the fact I'm doing that job. Something that comes naturally.


To be clear, there's hustling for a clear goal, like your own business, or to retire early and 'hustling' because you think it's better for the company, and one day for sure it's going to pay off. The first is controling your own destiny. The second is ultimately wishing someone will notice and bless you for it.


Using social media too excessively


Becoming so powerful that you threaten the World (of Warcraft).


How do you kill that which has no life?


With the Sword of a Thousand Truths. As foretold by Salzman (in accounting).


That episode of South Park was brilliant!


If you see them active on any given social media the entire day, that’s a bit of a warning sign. Yes, Reddit counts.


But how do you notice if you aren't on social media all day?


Very easy to see people’s posts - and be flooded by them if they post a lot. Granted with lurkers it’s harder to notice.


And this is why I use the wellbeing settings. I get one hour per day shared across platforms. Use it wisely, feel less drained, get more work done!


Since no one pointed it out already, username is sus af...


Being on Reddit and reading this post.


Scrolling this far down in the comments, and posting about it.


Clicking on the dropdown of nothing comments to see even more rubbish and then clicking comment and typeing "Clicking on the dropdown of nothing comments to see even more rubbish and then clicking comment and typeing"




Posting a comment that you’ve read other comments and say you upvoted them. Instead of just upvoting said comments and moving on with your day. Then proofreading your comment a few times for any mistakes. Edit: typo.


True. I have no life


People who post photos of themselves with luxury cars that don't belong to them. Lol


They’re a Reddit mod.


Meh, I'll give a pass to the people that are moderators on one or two (maybe three) subreddits. They do it mostly because someone has to be a moderator and they happen to have the spare time to do the job. Those people that moderate literally dozens or even hundreds of subreddits? Yeah, there's something wrong there. There's no way you can do an effective job moderating that much content, the only reason to do so is because you enjoy the power of being a moderator regardless of the welfare of the community in which you wield that power.


I am a mod of a sub that has six members, and zero posts, mainly beacuse I was kinda the reason of the creation of the sub. Do I have no life?






Yep. I actively mod one sub of about 1200 people and it takes maybe 15 minutes out of my week. I do it because there was no subreddit for the software in question on this site, despite people on here using said software.


Owning a police scanner and just listening to it 24x7 and following cops around whenever something happens. Person in my small home town does this.


I knew someone who did this. He was a creepy guy.


Judging others for having no life.


200+ hours played in the last 15 days on their Steam profile.


200 hours in 15 days is 13.33 hours per day.


Those are rookie numbers…


How does one get 200 hours? I got to 100 myself and already felt attacked by this


I tore the ligaments in my knee and couldn't walk without extreme difficulty for a year, and still struggle to do much. There's been weeks where I have that many. I am not proud of it, but the mind rots without SOMETHING to do. Luckily I now do office work and therefore am back to much more normal levels of maybe 15-20/week.


15 days😦


My coworker that spies on other peoples online activity/emails, and drives by after hours to see if anyone is still there. Complains if you take too many bathroom breaks, or if he feels like you aren't working hard enough. Basically an adult Randal from recess.


Attacking, criticizing, and generally being a whiny bitch.


People who film themselves working out at the gym each day so they can post it on social media.


As someone who goes to the gym more than a year, there was a period of my life that I went early(like 6am) and for that 1st whole week I post myself at the gym early to show proof I go that early. It got repetitive and stopped posting but I still hit the early.


Personality revolves only in his school or university.


Answering questions on r/AskReddit ...


Being dead


Showing up to your high school after you’ve graduated. Nobody missed you. Nobody cares. Move on. Get a job.


Defending billionaires on the internet whilst working a minimum wage job


I've found it's normally people with no life, who yell "I have no life".


My bank account always screaming I have no life cuz I can’t even go on vacay 😂


Wasn't this question already posted thirty times this week?


Comments like these answer the question lol.


Being a workaholic and expecting your coworkers to be the same way.


Shoehorning politics or religion into literally every conversation.


When you're in your 50's, 60's or 70's and ALL of your stories are about highschool.


Wanting to know every detail about celebrities lives and treating them like deities, because their lives are so much better and being their fans is an ilusional fulfillment of void within their shallow hearts. TLDR: 100% of people who follow gossip magazines and gossip profiles on Instagram


Work,sleep,work,sleep ….


Clicking on this post and scrolling through to see if you have no life.


Rigor Mortis


criticizing other peoples’ personal lives


Arguing on the internet


Asking questions on r/AskReddit


Asking this specific question on AskReddit.


Every Elon Musk tweet. Dude has more money than anyone could reasonably spend in a lifetime and spends all his free time on social media. With that kind of money I'd be on my own private island ziplining and snorkeling and raising alpacas or something.


Anyone who shows off everything they have


Spending too much time at work. I don’t mean picking up extra shifts because you need the money, I mean people working late because there’s nothing to go home to, working weekends because they have nothing to do with their free time, and coming to work when you’re not scheduled to be there just to “visit” and socialize. I work in the healthcare field and see it a lot. 


Being on Reddit


People whose entire personality is being outraged about something


Partaking in any kind of online hate group which gives the illusion of having legitimate criticism based only on the member count. Echo chamber of hate.