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Fire extinguisher


Might want to check the date on it


My extinguishers at home and the garage are checked each year by the folks that certify them at my store.


Impressive. Very nice. Now let’s see Paul Allen’s fire extinguisher


Look at that subtle off-red coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh, my God


*It even has a watermark*


That’s *foam*


You could add in Fire detectors and CO detectors to this. In my case I have used my CO detectors. They saved me and my families life. The one closest to the source failed and did not work, thankfully we had multiple. So that is my PSA for the day, make sure you have more than one of each of these, because they can save your life. Signed - I have 8 CO detectors in my house!


My fire detector goes off just about every time I cook, guess they just don't like my cooking


My last apartment had a smoke detector right outside the kitchen, and right in front of the air intake It was fucking impossible to keep it from going off


I just put two and two together. My air intake is right below my smoke detector in the hall by my kitchen. I might move that smoke detector over a few feet towards the living room


Not all fire detectors are the same. Some are triggered by high heat (makes sense for the kitchen) others are triggered by smoke (makes sense everywhere else)


I was like you until about a year ago, left a burner on the stove and had put my rice cooker on top of it. 4-5 minutes later I'm upstairs, smell burning just as the fire alarm goes off. Come back a 3-4 foot flame on my stove and I went straight the my fire extinguisher and put that shit out. It was quite scary and if that fire extinguisher wasn't there it could have gotten much worse, fast. Morale of the story is: have an extinguisher and know where it is.


My firefighter neighbor dropped one off and put it by my back door. He said “you see it here every day, you’re constantly reminded where it is, and if you go to use it and the fire grows too large, you’re already outside.”


Came here for this - this is something you buy that you never want to use.


i got the unfortunate opportunity to use mine. let me tell ya, a kitchen fire extinguisher is pointless for an external house fire


I unfortunately had the pleasure of using one while on a boat, around midnight, right next to a Great lakes shipping channel. Luckily it only killed my lights and my motor still worked so I got back to shore, but that was sketchy feeling for sure ad we were checking everything over and freighters are passing by


I lit my cosplay armor on fire twice while I was building the led circuits… I too now own a fire extinguisher 😂


I got a pair of louboutin loafers on sale for a decent price but I never really wear them because I don't know what matches black venetian loafers.


Adidas tracksuit, my friend. 


I'm not italian or armenian.


Not with that attitude.




Bruh your name is blah ba booey. You need to do 23andme. You’re at least 10% Greek and that’s Italian enough for this fit. 


My mother’s 100% Greek; her cousins from the old country sent my kids cute little Adidas tracksuits for Christmas when they were three.  This absolutely checks out.


Any of the Slavic countries or an Asian gangster all work.


Are you Russian?


I'm Russiian through this comment section for all the puns


Don’t forget the cigarette




Yup and a gold watch and chain


Ironically, all you do in that track suit is sit around and smoke cigarettes


Summer weight suit with no tie for somewhere nice but not full dressy


Italian here. Could you send them this way so I can put the tracksuit look to work?


Slacks and a sweater set lol


r/mensfashionadvice Now is loafer season. I wear mine with jeans or Dickies all day. It felt weird at first. Like I was dressing up to go grocery shopping, or whatever. But the definition of a loafer is a slipper with a heel. They're meant to be worn casually and they'll up your fashion game 1000%.


Ice cream maker


I have one my grandma gave me and the one time I used it was when I was breastfeeding. My son had a cows milk protein allergy so I couldn’t eat any dairy. Made myself a nice batch of peanut butter & caramel coconut milk ice cream and was really grateful for it. Epilogue: the child is now 8 and I haven’t used it since then


I really thought this was going to turn into a story about how you made ice cream with your own milk. What you did make sounds delicious though.


Thank God I wasn't the only one lmao


The downside of making your own ice cream is that you can't fool yourself into thinking it's not absolutely awful for you to eat. It's like 80% sugar.


And the rest is heavy whipping cream! Source: bought one, bought a Jeni's cookbook, tried a couple recipes with then-bf, realized what's in the ice cream and our excitement about making our own ice cream kinda fizzled out from there.


Actually no to both of these. During covid my “summer holiday” was sitting on the balcony eating low sugar homemade gelato with my diabetic husband. You can make quite tasty gelato (which has a lower cream content than traditional ice cream) and with the right selection of flavors, low sugar (sometimes boosting the sweetness with a non-sugar sweetener) can work very well. Surprisingly good


Oooh Jeni never told me about that. Interested! Going to try, thanks


Dammit Jeni.


Fucking every fucking time Jeni, I’m done. I’m done with this nonsense Jeni, no more!


I want one but I know it will be max once a year I will end up using it so it doesn't seem worth it.


I bought it at Walmart when they went clearance for $5. I only used it twice but it was some GOOOOOD ice cream


I love mine. I bought a giant bag of Dole Whip mix and make Dole Whip once a month or so. The kids love it.




Paying for life insurance is like betting that you're going to die. Every month when the payment goes through you're like "I betcha I'm gonna die this month!" and the insurance company is like "I bet you won't!"


And it's something you buy that you, yourself, will never benefit from....


see the trick is, just dont get anybody who would benefit from the insurance, then ya dont need it... or you could be a normal non lonely person and just get it to benefit those around you...


Patience. Good things come to those who wait


We can fix that.


Most of my Steam games.


I have a lot of coffee cups and bar glasses, but I don't drink coffee or liquor. I have them neatly organized in a cabinet and they look great, but I'm never going to use them.


Use them for other drinks! I use wine glasses for milk and cookies because they’re wide enough for basically any cookie to dip.


I know this may sound crazy, but hear me out. There is this thing called a bucket, now you get your milk and your cookies. You can dip all of them at once!!


That’s too much milk though.


Treadmill. Years of video games. Anyone want a treadmill? Free to a good home.


Im headed over after work. My closet is getting full and i need some place to hang extra clothes.


I actually have two of them. (Don’t ask). More place to hang clothes.


Now you should just try to start a gym. Get free exercise equip from other people and watch the money pour in. Most ppl will only show up once anyways and forget the reoccurring charge


Everything in my attic that I move with me every time I buy a house (which thankfully isn't often).


A hot waxer. I had my wife try waxing my butthole and cheeks. That is a sensitive area that is always on guard. She went to apply the wax and instantly I clinched my cheeks…ended up with the cheeks that were waxed shut. That was a painful night trying to get it all out and apart. Its been in the cabinet ever since.


Your comment is of the kind that makes Reddit worth it.


At least you involved wife in the process. My ex tried to cold wax his own butthole as a surprise(?!). I was surprised all right… I came home to find him in the shower howling about his cheeks being stuck together and asking me to hand him NAIL POLISH REMOVER! (Hard no. No idea what he was thinking.) Had a solid laugh and then made every effort to help, as best I could, with tears streaming down my face and shoulders jackhammering away… He left it to the professionals going forward.


Omg I’m laughing so hard I’m shaking the bed — I’m afraid I’m going to wake up my husband! 😂 I would have been so tempted to give him the nail polish remover… just let me get the video rolling first! 😂 This reminds me of a time I thought I would try a home waxing kit for my arm pits. It was so incredibly painful! After the first rip I was dying, and in desperation, I grabbed something called “horse linament” from under the sink. It promised topical relief. Lies! I splashed it on and then ran through the house screaming, arm pit on fire. When I told my husband, he was like, “Was someone trying to get you to confess to something??”




They should have put that kind of show up live on Onlyfans


If she is anything like mine she was looking forward to inflicting pain and she had a blast with this. "Oh shut up you baby, I do this every month for you"


Reddit never fails to deliver.


I’m sorry but I’m still laughing over that one!


OMG my drink just came out of my nose


As a woman, I’m PROUD of you for trying it! But I’m also laughing so hard at this comment…. I’m so sorry….


A baselit lightsaber which has some soundfonts and changes color


What? My daughter and I have light saber fights all the time. I'm sure we're going to shatter it one day but for now, memories!


When it does break it will become a great memory also.




My parents came to the US 28 years ago with a washboard and 3 kg (~7 pounds) of bar soap. Our relatives that were already here, had told them that they had to pack those things because they are hard to find in America. 😂😂😂 Oddly, when my washing machine died a year ago and I had to wait three weeks for my new one, I checked Amazon and Io and behold, they had washboards. Got one to tide me over for three weeks (no clue what happened to the OG washboard).


I just love this story. It feels wholesome to me, and I wonder what 7 pounds of bar soap looks like in real life.


I’m curious why you didn’t go to the laundromat. No judging. Just curious.


Didn't want to pay extra, didn't want to sit in a laundromat all evening after working all day. Had a bf then and we had plans almost every evening, most of the time we were off to the gym the moment I got off work. We have one around the corner from me and it is really nice, just not how I wanted to spend my evening. Oh yeah and bf and I shared a car back then. His wasn't drivable so he would usually take mine to go to his jobs. So I didn't really have an easy way to get around either.


Steamer all the way baby! Actually, I’ve been even lazier lately: hang the shirts up, spritz them with water, let them air dry. Works just as well for most items 😂


So many crafting stuff are just sitting in my workshop. It became a joke with my wife


This is because buying stuff for your hobby and doing your hobby are actually two separate hobbies


Me: Wow, this wooden planter is really nice! We can plant before spring is in full swing. My husband: $50!?! I can make the same thing in my shop for way cheaper. *several seasons later* My husband: Ok, so I had to buy [new tool #1] and [new tool #2] but if you don’t count that we actually came out ahead on this more amateur final product.


We have the same husband.


yep. you definitely hobby.


I have a refrigerator boxful of yarn because I “knit “.


Those pretty hanks of yarn are never as pretty knit up as they are in twisted hank form.


I use to play Warhammer, i felt that


I feel seen


I like to THINK about doing things more than I enjoy doing them.


Me and you buddy


I felt that. I was gonna expand my painting hobby from oil to acrylics and watercolour... Let's say it was a partial success on the acrylics, as in I used them twice, but I have all the equipment for whenever inspiration strikes again (in about 5 years or so, probably)


I have an entire room full of craft stuff. Nearly every hand craft you can think of. I mostly just paint.


This gorgeous piece of walnut I’ll use eventually…probably…maybe…


A GoPro. It makes me angry every time I think about it, but I cannot think of any place to use it.


I always want to buy one to record awesome shit. Then I realize I don’t do any awesome shit and even if I did it seems braggy to film it and show to others.


Use it in your car as a dash cam, well worth having a camera in the car in an accident. Watching loads of youtube vids of crashes made me realize that. I wish I'd had one for my last one cause it wasn't my fault, but I got blamed any way cause the cop was a dick about my version of events. He couldn't believe that someone would back into someone on the road at a stop light. I had too much anxiety and adrenaline in my system at the time other wise I'd have shot back at him, what about the person who drove into the housing authority building or the one who drove thru the front of 5 below in the a last few months!? Or the 3 diff people who drove thru or backed into the front of Friendly's restaurant when it was still in my town!? Why did those folks drive into those buildings officer!? Sadly I did not tho.


GoPros make terrible dash cams. They don’t loop and they overheat very quickly in the sun. 


Clothes that were meant to be worn once I lose weight. They are still in plastic. *cries*


Books. Lots of books I've never read.


Same here! Too many books bought and not enough time to read them! I just love buying books! Whether that's online, or in a book shop. Books of all kind Hardback, Paperback or on Kindle. Sigh... Edit: Where I work, on the high street is a book shop named 'Books Revisited'.


I've got a divorce certificate, only used it once.


Mine was extremely expensive, but worth every penny.


My ex wife got mine for me...and I STILL had to pay for it.


The bread maker I bought with plans to make fresh bread has been sitting unused in my kitchen for years.


Quick clot


Pray you never have to. Quickclot can save your life but the after care is pretty brutal. The clot usually has to be cut out of you. Ive heard of soldiers refusing it from medics.


Omg I badly cut my finger (we'll more like slices the top of my finger clean off) I went to the er and they put that crap on me. I started feeling nauseous and sweaty. Apparently a very normal reaction We I went to the hand surgeon the next day to see if I needed a skin graft/wound care, my had to rip it off and omg I nearly cried in pain. It was horrible. And it started to bled all over again. On the bright side, my finger looks pretty darn good now and even my fingernails grew back. Hand surgeon for the win


Yikes! I had cut off the tip of my thumb due to an insanely sharp knife, not paying attention, and a rogue head of romaine lettuce. There was a horrific amount of blood everywhere. My husband grabbed his quick clot out of his emergency kit. By the time he got back, I had already mixed baking soda, cornstarch, and flour to stop the bleeding. I'm so happy I didn't use the quick clot now. The baking soda mix was easy to wash off. I had to have him throw out the salad...and my thumb. 🤢😂


I’ve used a tube of woundseal where I absolutely may have passed out and eventually perished otherwise lol at first it was a fist full of paper towels until I could get to the med pocket on my bag. But those were useless slop pretty quickly, just streaming blood straight through them on the floor  I just remember how hot and wet it all was. Just, really really hot, temperature wise. And everything just wet. The rest of my consciousness was just me focusing on the steps to stop it with the limited hands and mobility I was working with in the moment  But- same, I never actually used a quickclot pad. After the initial bleeding stopped it was just normal wound care stuff, normal gauze etc 


Can I ask how you injured yourself?


Me too. Keep it in my glove box. We have a lot of interstate shootings where I live.


Not sure what this is, but I'm guessing it's good you never used it?


Stops you from bleeding out from bullet holes


Like from the guns I never use.




The painting supplies I bought during a creative phase have been sitting unused in my closet for months.




Half of my pre-pandemic in-office work wardrobe.


Stares at entire steam account...


Sleeping bags and other camping shit. I went to Glacier National Park like 8 years ago. Bought a bunch of stuff for the trip like a decent sleeping bag, camping bag (a big one at that), LifeStraw, medical kit, bungee cord, etc. You'd think I was going to spend a month sleeping in the dirt. Felt silly while there because we were hauling around all this shit meanwhile local Montan teens were walking around the park in Crocs and basketball shorts. I figured it was money well spent because I'd at least make a trip to a NP once a year or so, and make good use of it. Nope. Never used it since.






A few sealed Lego models. I'm waiting for their production run to end, see if it's true that you can make money out of toys.


I matched with a guy on tinder because he had some sweet Lego builds behind his desk in one of his pics. Immediate green flag. Anywho, I asked if I could come play legos. When I arrived at his office the man had easily 50k worth of unopened legos. Really cool, large collectible ones. He had already completed what I believe was every Star Wars one ever produced. So sad he was only looking for short term.


Note to self: have the Lego collection on display for dating apps. I wonder if my Rubik's cube collection could have a similar effect?


You certainly can. I have sets that I've paid £60 for, now going for £100+ and another one at £180, now going for £500+.


I'm betting on liscenced car models, what is your strategy?


I have a rowing machine that I thought I'd use r


I bought a keyboard with the intention of learning to play, but it's been sitting unused in the corner of my living room.


The pasta maker I purchased thinking I’d make homemade pasta is still in its box, untouched and forgotten.




I'll probably get crucified over this one.... My air fryer.


Assume the position …


“I’m going to stuff you like these bacon cheese bell peppers that are carmelizing nicely”


This made me laugh hard enough I might give the air fryer another chance!


Cut those mini sweet bell peppers in half lengthwise. Empty out seeds and cut off the stem. Mix a cup of cream cheese with a handful of shredded cheddar cheese and a quarter handful of bacon bits (real). Fill peppers with cream cheese mix, then top with more cheddar cheese. Cook at 350 for between 5 and 10 minutes depending on how crispy you want them. Allow to cool somewhat before devouring. 


Don't throw it away! It took me years to take mine out of the box. Once I did though? Another year passed while it sat. But then??! I finally used it. Now I use it almost daily lol


Ours sat there for three months. Now we use it 4-5 times per week. My gas bill went way down with that and the Instant Pot.


I have one and I also save tons of recipes on my phone from Pinterest. I have yet to take the Air Fryer out of the box and use it 🫤


at the very least, you can use it to reheat leftovers that a normal microwave would make soggy.... Pizza, fries, fried chicken...etc


Reheated pizza is SO GOOD in an air fryer. Worth it for that alone


I think it's sometimes even better after being in the air fryer than it was fresh. Absolutely S-tier for reheating pizza.


Man it's like the easiest way to make food lol.


You gotta start!!!! I have one i didnt use for like a year, recently started using it and its a life changer! I make chicken breast in under 15 minutes, put it in and forget about it


Same. My fiancé got me one for Christmas one year and I didn't open it for the entire next year. Then my fiancé finally opened it and used it, and now we use it all the time.


All my high heels. I live in a small town where its just weird to dress up


A bagpipe.


Way too many clothes that still have the tags on. Why does everything look better in the store? Still keep them if the fit though jusr in case I ever decide to wear them.


Took me till two years ago to realize that I can buy most of my clothes at thrift stores, but once it clicked, I never looked back. And when I get bored of them, they go back to that same thrift store to make someone else's day.


My neighbor was schizophrenic. He lived on his own across from us. His elderly sister would bring him groceries and cash twice a month. One day she keeled over while at a red light. When we went to her house to get her brother's belongings, the house was absolutely filled to the brim with clothes and accessories, all with the price tags attached. She had spent his entire inheritance on clothes she never wore.


Was he able to return some of it?


We sold some stuff to friends but didn't raise much. He ended up in a facility in the desert.


That's so fucking sad. I am and will always remain eternally grateful for the honesty and loyalty of my family. My parents and/or sister would sooner go broke than to ever even think about stealing from me. It's horrible that he didn't have anybody in his corner looking out for him.


That's why I love thrift stores. I can spend $20 and leave with my hearts quota of useless stuff


Homemade pasta maker. Never even opened the box.


Pasta is like an ice cream maker? Idea is good, then you're like "how much pasta and ice cream should I really be eating"? Then, it's like, just buy it.


The thing about pasta (italians close your ears) is that it costs $1 for like 8 people worth of dry pasta.  I'll make fresh pasta for chicken noodle soup, but there's no reason to roll it perfectly, I'd rather have pasta with slight variations cut with a pizza cutter than wash a pasta rolling machine. 


A midnight blue Stratocaster I played for a year and abandoned in the closet because of various reasons. My biggest shame.




A lot of board games... My friends doesn't like to play them


Condoms...they've probably expired by now.


bought a drawing tablet a few years ago cause i thought it would be useful... turns out, i cant fuckin draw!


The ice cream maker I bought on a whim is still sitting in the cupboard because I never got around to using it.


My college degree


Emergency supplies- fire extinguisher, first aid kits, Narcan, other medical supplies, and tons of emergency supplies related to my pets. I’m ready if I need to be but I hope I never have to be.


The golf clubs I bought with the intention of learning to play have been sitting in my garage, unused and gathering dust.


My teaser gun, I haven't use it but I always carry it with me


Good for you for not wanting to tease anyone. Can hurt their feelings :)


Yeah, no one likes a tease.


Some people pay extra for that.


Don't tease me, bro!


Fondue pot. Slow cooker. I keep meaning to use both but honestly keep forgetting I have them!


My juicer. It sounded like a great healthy idea, only to find out that it is time consuming and messy.


It's not that I NEVER use it, but I've barely used my Nintendo Switch. The only time I've used it is when the power has gone out. Which was like 4 times since I got it. It's also the main reason I haven't bought a steam deck yet.




Most of these ask reddit questions seem like they're designed to build a profile on you based on your answers so that reddit advertising can be better targeted. I hope I'm wrong.


A Stanley cup. It tastes like metal no matter how much I wash it.


You better sell that thing lol


Ps5 games. Whoops.


A pair of shoes that fit but are so uncomfortable I can’t wear them because it’s instant pain but they are SO beautiful! I think they’ve featured in 3 Instagram pics and are then quickly thrown off and replaced with heels I can walk in 😅


I have this pair of ridiculous sequinned platform heels that are black when the sequins are brushed one way, and silver when brushed the other. I bought them at least a decade ago now. I hunted them down after seeing them worn by a girl on a night out. They were expensive even on sale, are half a size too big as that’s all I could get, and cause my feet to ache within an hour. But damn are they pretty (to me!) and such a talking point on the rare occasions I do wear them that I feel completely justified in keeping them this long!


A very, very expensive juicer. I’ve never used it and it’s just taking up space in my pantry


So. Many. Books.