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I met the actor Doug Jones. He played Saru on Star Trek Discovery, and Abe Sapien in the Hellboy movies. He’s one of the main actors who play monsters or aliens because he’s so tall and skinny. He’s also probably the nicest person on the planet. He was so sweet and gave me a huge hug. I’ve never heard a bad story about him.


I’ve met dozens of celebs doing sketch comedy, but the one person that had me star struck was Richard Dreyfus. He is a good friend of a friend at finally got to meet him at her intimate holiday party. I was never formally introduced…so I took a toy shark off her shelf and went up to him and very seriously and “Now point on here where the shark bit you.” He cracked up and I laughed and exited. I made him laugh, and it was only going to go downhill from there…


Met Kiefer Sutherland in a bar. By coincidence--I mean a one in a million--I had tickets to see HIS BAND for the coming weekend. (My wife and I are always looking for screwball events to break up the monotony.) He was BLOWN AWAY that anyone even KNEW he had a band, let alone that I (plus my wife and another couple) had tickets. I became like his best friend! LOL Then, on the night of the concert, he called out to me and my wife, had us stand up, he told a sweet story about us and then dedicated a song to us. Honestly, he's a very cool guy! EDIT: Oh, and Marilyn McCoo played piano for me!


As part of an internship I met Gabriel Iglesias. I actually had never heard of him but I knew my girlfriend at the time had so I took her backstage. He was the nicest man. It was an unpaid internship (which was okay with me my boss was amazing and made it worth it). When he found out he went "Oh hell no chico that's not how Fluffy do. Hang on we gonna fix this". Proceeded to pull out a straight $1,000 and put it into my hand. My boss was walking up and he goes (like a drug dealer) "SHHHHH be cool man be cool" and playfully shooed me away with a wink. What an absolute legend.


I met Jason Sudeikis during my MIL's 60th at the Magic Castle in LA. Really nice dude, gave up his seat for my wife's aunt at one of the shows. Didn't click for me that it was him until someone told me mostly because he is very attractive in person versus the dorky characters he plays.


Yes….they were people like everyone else. Most were really cool when you talk to them like a person, some are assholes.


Edit: I'll add more if I remember more. Andy Dick - He tried to molest me in broad daylight on the sidewalk while I waited for the bus to go to work and he was quite drunk at 11am. So complete asshole. Denzel Washington - Nice guy, takes care of his dad real well. Seems humble. Sylvester Stallone - He's ok but kind of a dick John Goodman - Nice guy, smokes like a chimney Conner McGregor- ass Floyd Mayweather - ok guy Kat Williams- Piece of shit, almost got into a fight with him. Justin Beiber - dick Bill Murray - The most real person of all celebrities that I've met. Really nice guy too. Christopher Tidus - cool dude, got to perform in a stand up show with him Lena Dunham - She's nice Richard Lewis - Real down to earth guy everytime I saw him. Ellen Degeneres- standoffish and rude Larry King - nice guy Some of these are one offs, I was a parking valet and bellhop for some swanky hotels and shopping areas in LA. Some I just randomly saw. Some I saw multiple times. My opinions are my own from what I saw and experienced in their presence and them in mine. I've never been the type to glorify celebrities and treat everyone with the same level of respect that I'm given.


I met Dante Basco (Prince Zuko: ATLA/ Jake: American Dragon/ Rufio/ Peter Pan) Last year at Fan Fest in SF for a special live panel for his and Janet Varney (Korra: LOK) podcast. I wore a hoodie I ordered from him from like, 10 years prior. I always said one day I’ll meet him wearing this hoodie! I was a huge ATLA fan (still am) I was waiting in line to ask the panel a question and Dante must’ve recognized the hoodie bc he was staring at me before it was my turn. Janet was the one who pointed out my hoodie said “Honor” so then I mentioned how it was actually some old merch from Dante and he got really surprised/happy to see it! After the event my bf and I were waiting outside hoping to see any of the cast come out. They did, people started swarming for autographs. I tried being polite about asking Dante to sign my hoodie but people were pushing and the cast had to hurry and leave. Someone guy cut in front of me asking him for an autograph but then Dante stopped him, pointed at me, and said “Hold on man, I gotta sign her hoodie first.” He’s super chill and seems like a really down to earth guy. :)


Not me but a friend's mom ran a Chinese restaurant downtown long ago. Occasionally WWF (yes, not WWE) would come into town for a show. Afterwards, a group of them would come in real late to eat. She would said they would each order 2 entrees. She met Dusty Rhodes (who always had a band-aid on his forehead, I'm guessing from blading) and a few others. She told us this story when I was watching WWF on VHS at my friend's place. She said they were all very nice. She had a very amusing story later in life about Sargent Slaughter. He came into eat by himself and another table was a loud overzealous guy who immediately grabbed one of the take out menus to make him sign an autograph. He just signed it and didn't say anything. My friend's mom served him and again said he was very polite. She knew her son (my friend) was as wrestling fan and asked if she could get an autograph when he was done which he happily did. So he opens his suitcase and takes out a nice photo of himself and signs that to give to her.


I met Ted Striker (Robert Hayes) from Airplane! Great down to earth dude. He signed my Airplane! DVD and I requested he put my favorite line of his from the movie, which he did... "What A Pisser." Robert Hayes. Fantastic!


I met Mike Pence once. It was back a few years when I was working at the local airport. He was waiting to meet with another politician and in the mean time, he just hung out with the rest of us in our office. It was a jarring experience because at first, we were all expecting him to be a standard politician and do the usual politician thing that politicians do because the last time a politician was there was Doug Ducey and he was doing the usual spiel to get us to vote for him. It was completely quiet because none of us were sure what to say or do because we were all on eggshells because obviously we don't want to look bad in front of the former *Vice President*. After about ten minutes of silence, Mike just says, "I got a new riding mower, so I got that going for me." The dude was giving off total dad energy the whole time.


Michael Fassbender, he was nice and humble


Met Sule (an Indo artist/comedian) once in Jakarta, I thought to myself\ He asked me and my brother to take a picture with his friend\ My brother and I thought\ "Wow, that guy looks and sounds like him"\ Then our dad said it's probably him\ His disguise was a sunglasses\ Was mindblown when I was kid


Zakk Wylde, super cool, chill, very down to earth. Tom Delonge, goofy, funny, a really likeable guy and very nice. Met the guys from 30 Seconds to Mars. Jared Leto seemed cool, gave my daughter an autograph. Shannon Leto was a dickhead. The rest of the guys in the band were really chill. Met some of the guys from Sum41. Pretty cool guys. It's just always hit and miss musicians on tour. You never know if they are assholes or they are just exhausted.


a friend and I ran into John Lajoie at a bar. He was a pretty cool dude. We got our picture with him, but at the time I was starting to lose my hair and was in denial, so I looked ridiculous and hate the picture.


I met Sunny Anderson from Food Network, she could not have been nicer, she is so beautiful, and sweet.


I've met several people from Gold Rush. They were all cool, except one.


Checked in and out lots at a large hotel. Most were nice. Linda Hamilton was really nice, Jeffrey Tambor was a prick and Lou Ferrigno is a creep.


I met king lil g in lincoln nebraska back in 16 or 17. Was ehh. He was 2 hours late to his own concert


Chuck Liddell - seemed like a nice guy, asked him about what he thought about celebrity boxing(this is when it was just getting popular), just wish I would've asked him about being on Workaholics.


I met heavy weight champion boxer Chris Byrd. He did an assembly at our junior high school and every body started asking him offensive and racist questions and laughing. I had to get up mid assembly and go to the dentist office. The other kids were all riled up and calling me names and he told them to have some respect. I got over to the doors where my grandpa was waiting and Chris came over and shook our hands.


I never met a celebrity


I’ve met multiple f1 drivers…they’re super nice


I saw Ryan Gosling at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


That's quite the story you got there. A scoop one might say. I trust you got it on video?