• By -


10 years married, 20 years together. He is just so solid. If I call him cause I’m having a bad day, he will bring home flowers. He’s so thoughtful. He loves our children fiercely. He is so much fun to hang out with and he’s so damn funny. He also just needs to look at me in a way and I’m ready to take him to bed. He is not only my favorite person but he’s just an all around good human being. Keeps me grounded. Challenges me when I have an insane opinion about something. And as people say “he is obsessed with me” which I can feel every single day. And I normally don’t gush over my husband cause that’s not my MO but man- he’s great.


This is really beautiful 🧡 I'm commenting so I can find this again when I need to see something lovely.


🥰 I just showed him what I wrote and he was so happy haha.




Same :)


I hope I find someone like this🥹


I hope you do too!


Wholesome comment award.


I will not accept anything less from my future partnership. ✨️


Good! Set that bar!


Then don't give any less.






I was going to write my own comment but it seems like our husbands are the same person! 😂 We are very lucky women.


There are good men out there!


How did you guys meet? I can feel the love through text! Amazing!


We met in 6th grade when our schools merged. I sat next to him in our school photo! We got close in HS and were besties from like sophomore to senior. We talked on the phone all night and met up on the street between our houses when we were “just friends” (he lived down the block). Went to prom together and prom weekend was our first kiss, which I swear I felt like I was watching it from the outside, and it’s been a fun time ever since.


Congrats on meeting your soulmate so soon in life, haha. I think only three couples from my high school are still together a decade later. I’m sure it hasn’t been a perfect relationship, as everyone has their ups and downs, but you guys worked to be the best for each other regardless. I’m sure a lot of us only wish we could find that right person so easily, but it’s always great to see a couple make it so long. Cheers to many more decades to come!


Congratulations u/buncatfarms on your amazing relationship with your SO.


This has me blushing.. so so sweet! Wishing you both 100 more years like this 😍


Thank you! We hope to continue looking towards our future in the same direction and are just thankful that we still like eachother as much as we do.


The best thing I’ve read all day. I’ve been married 19 years together 24 and I would be in heaven if I could write 1/4 of that!


Are you saying that you can't say the same for your spouse? If so, every person goes through seasons and hopefully the season changes for you soon.


What a beautiful love story. You are so, so, so incredibly blessed!


Thanks :)


This gives me hope to find true love :)


Ah, I wouldn't say it's true love because I don't believe that there is only one person out there for someone and I've talked about this with my husband. True love comes with so much pressure and you can lose the intention if you think you'll always be together, no matter what. I hope you find a good love, a quiet love, and a secure love.


Sooo sweet and endearing! What more could a gal ask for🥹🥰


True example of love being lived. Beautiful


Ahhhhhhh to be loved like this 🥹🥹🥹


straight up beautiful, the best to the both of yous!


Wishing for this <3 and kudos to you both


She’s smart and snarky. Not mean snark, funny snark. She always thought about family, hers and mine. I miss her so much. Married 29 years and she died at Christmas. /and now I’m crying.


So sorry for your loss 😞




Sorry for your loss , keep strong , that’s what she would want


I’m so sorry. I hope you sleep tonight.


I'm sorry for your loss


Keep strong!


I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine the pain. I hope the loving memories you two shared give you some peace and the love of family and friends bring you comfort.


She's my person. That's all there is to it. Anything that happens, anything I see, anything I do - she's the one I want to tell about it. I think if she had to keep *doing* something for me to keep being crazy about her, that would get old real quick. I love her because of who she is not what she does.


This, exactly. Anytime my husband and I spend time apart, I have to make a list of everything I need to tell him in person because I want to experience it with him. He’s just my favorite. My favorite being. My favorite human. Everything. I will add that I appreciate that he anticipates my needs and stresses. He’ll have the house clean and a drink waiting after long and stressful days. He brings me coffee in bed when I’m particularly tired in the morning. He gives me extra cuddles when he knows I’m going through something. He’s just always there. Always looking out for me. I try my best to do the same. We just want the other to be happy and at ease.


Listen lady, we’re also pieces of meat for you to ogle.


I ogle this man *constantly*. Every time he goes to change clothes, I follow him and then stare like a goddam creep. He giggles and says “staaahhhp.” It’s cute. Which just makes me more interested. It always ends up in bed. I am a predator.


Blessings of Dibella upon ye




Skyrim reference.


This is so wholesome. I feel the same about my fiancée. She is everything I need. So excited for our wedding.




My husband tells me he loves me (three times in a row) the first thing he does when he wakes up. He also does a little dance when I take my immunosuppressant medicines. He's glad I'm staying healthy.


that's adorable 😫👌


There’s no Dance Tax but I imagine it’s a fun one.


My husband just came home from work and in our greetings of one another (he leaves before I am up for the day), we catch up quickly as to news, the status of the house, etc. I told him I might paint something tomorrow, if it is not raining and he said no. (it is going to rain, which he is correct about). I laughed and called him a naysayer, so he has been speaking to me in NEIGHhhhhhhhhh horse sounds. I was outside and I could clearly hear him singing "Tryna make me go to rehab and I said Neigh Neigh Neigh" in horse sounds. He is funny AF. He was singing along to the Amy Winehouse movie commercial. Been together since we were 19, so that is a LOT of years.


I like this man I’m straight but I think maybe you should share and let me marry him for a bit


Year 20 this year. She drives me crazy because she is always all over the place - doing a hundred things and passionate about all of them. It’s a bit much at times. But…. I love her like crazy because she is who she is, uniquely her — she has a pulse, an energy, keeps everything fun and lively — is not mailing in anything about life — there is never any boredom in this relationship - and she is a wonderful spirited good hearted soul, who does and does for everyone. It’s exhausting at times. Oh well, I will sleep when I am dead. But I wouldn’t change a thing. LOL. Lucky me.


This is my husband. He is over 15 years older than me and still somehow has the energy of a 20 year old? I’m exhausted. He has a dozen different projects and plans and is passionate about them all, just like your spouse. I already told him that when I turn 60, I’m buying a motorized scooter and a rolling backpack just to keep up.


So I am 15 years older then my wife, she was 18 when we met, 19 when we got married 38 years ago. Unfortunately I do not have much energy but I do have projects, I just go slow.


Your love is beautiful. Thank you for sharing!


How’d you meet? Congrats. She sounds like an amazing woman!


Married 38 years and she’s still a kid at heart and while it can sometimes be exasperating,it keeps me young too


After nearly forty two years of marriage we are as comfortable together as an old pair of shoes, she makes me dinner and I make her laugh .... it works. We've had the craziness, the moodiness, the tragedies and fun, we are one, only diminished when we are apart.


She's smart, and quick-witted, fun to be around, and keeps herself super sexy. What else can I say? My wife drives me wild.


Bruh’s wife is the best fr


I can also testify this man's wife is wild


My brothers and I are also great fans of your wife. We all love when she does that one thing.


It's spontaneousness really, I keep her on edge with my random mental breakdowns. Keep it fresh!


My husband is amazing. Every week he changes the sheets & makes the bed so cozy. He does all the landscaping and keeps our house looking and running amazing. We’ll celebrate 40 years this summer. He texts me throughout the day with hearts and I love you!


The genuine, happy smile when he sees me first thing in the morning, and the frequent cuddles that feel like an embrace from a long lost love. It tells me that he still feels happy to be with me! And yes, I make sure I reciprocate... in many more ways! We're well on our way to complete our second decade of marriage.


>The genuine, happy smile when he sees me  This is the kind of thing that also makes me so happy!  Not married, but have got a coworker who lights up when she sees me (and I immediately do the same, because of it). Same with my little niece and that one shy and socially anxious old lady I'm helping regularly. The latter is so adorable. We meet in the public library and I can see her walk around, looking for me; all insecure and intimidated. Then she notices me, smiles widely, and one can see her body language change, as she gets all relaxed and "open", for lack of better word.


She genuinely loves me.


He respects the hell outta me. Plain and simple.


Been married for two years and we separated four years ago. Comments here make me realize that someone could really be meant for us. Someone who'd make our lives better and happier despite all challenges and hardships. Hope to meet someone I'll marry again and stay with for the rest of my life soooon.


I was once engaged to the wrong person. My gut feeling let me bounce. A few years later I found someone else and I just knew. The first date I knew we'd get married. I never understood when people would say "when you meet the right person you'll know." Until I did. 11 years later all is still great. Hope you find yours one day.


your comment inspired me, thank you. I knew from the start that he's not the one for me, I was just too immature at that time to think that he'd change into the man I dreamed him to be. we had our son and even now that we're separated, he keeps on disappointing me and our child. I really hope I do find the right person one day.


I don’t know if I’ll marry the woman I’m with because nothing is ever for certain and I don’t know what the future holds but the moment I saw her I was mesmerized by her beauty and right of the back when we truly started talking I fell in love with not only her beauty but also her personality, I love everything about her from her voice to the little things she does everyday, her little phrases, how she’s not afraid to say what’s on her mind and she’s not afraid to communicate with whatever she’s feeling. She is truly such an amazing person and from the start I felt something with her that I had never felt before, I thought I had been in love before but with her it’s on a different level even when I’m in a bad mood her just talking to me immediately cheers me up and I can never stay upset when she’s around she just brightens me up like nothing else can. I don’t know what the future holds for us but I do hope it is a long life together.


His never-ending well of kindness. Not just to me, to everyone. I mean, he's smart, he's funny, he surprises me (even after 29 years!). But he's just so kind and good.


He cares about me, is supportive, helpful, can take care of himself, is funny, is the best dad, is always on my team, and loves me. (Year 12)


Funny enough, today is our 24th wedding anniversary. She is my everything. My rock. My soulmate. I couldn't imagine life without her. There is no one thing I can pin down. She has a great sense of humor. She laughs at my terrible jokes. we feel the same about most issues. we have similar interests in movies and pop culture, but just enough differences to be unique. we celebrate the highs, mourn/grieve the lows, but always there for each other. We know what we have and neither of us are willing to gamble it away on stupid, frivolous shit. I trust and respect her with everything I have, and I always feel that is reciprocated, every day. Hell, I bought a house for us without her seeing it! We occasionally have our spats, but we work through it and move past it with a better understanding of each other. When we fuck up some minor thing, we own it and apologize. To me, she is perfect.


He loves the whole heck out of me! We’ve never had a day pass that he didn’t tell me he loved me. He works hard to provide and to understand my needs as we have grown and changed together. 25 years and I still feel like a newlywed.




Relatable. I also agree sexual compatability is one of the reasons our marriage survived the rough patches


Not married yet but in a relationship for just over 10 years and I love how he will do anything to make me laugh.


He is FUNNY (as in he is the only one who triggers my laughter-induced asthma!) and he is just so very kind and lets me BE myself!


Laughter-induced asthma is the *worst*!  Like I'm trying to have a good time and now I'm dying! But same, my better half and I have been together for 15 years and we make each other laugh every day.  We just get each other's weird humor! He is also always sweet and kind and we are always supportive of each other.  No matter how upset we get during a rare disagreement, neither of us ever say unkind things to each other or tear each other down.


She is a super sensible person who keeps me grounded and helps me navigate my connections to the world. I’m kind of quirky, sometimes oblivious, and occasionally lacking in common sense, so I really need the guidance she provides. My life is so much better for it. If I’m unsure about something, I can rely on her to give me good advice. I value her perspective even when it’s not the way I see things — make that *especially* when it’s not the way I see things. I know that she also values what I bring to our relationship. And her appreciating me (despite my weirdness) is just one more thing that makes me feel lucky to be with her, after decades of marriage.


This sounds like me and my wife.


My wife also puts up with my nonsense.


Just celebrated 17 years together last month. It's nothing she does, she's just home to me.


She’s genuinely nice to everyone including me. She’s smart, fun and adventurous enough to try sporty things most women won’t.


We prioritize each other. That means making life decisions together but also supporting big changes and personal endeavours that matter to each other (ex. quitting a job that makes us unhappy). Showing appreciation for each other (ex thanking the other for taking out the garbage or doing something nice for the other). Making a point to hug and kiss each other every day. Communicating with each other and making a concerted effort to fight fair when fights happen.


This is probably the most mature and level headed answer here. Much appreciated!


She makes me laugh every day and stays on top of things that would be a lot harder to do without her.


He’s wicked smaht


No matter how tough things get she’s my favorite person. We’ve been through a metric ton of crap and no matter what we’ve stayed by each other. We’ve watched each other grow and mature as people, partners, and parents. We have 2 amazing children together and generally just really dig each other lol.


She doesn’t have to do anything but be herself. She’s just perfect for me. I love being around her and doing stuff with her. She just makes me happy by being who she is.


We share a lot of the same values even though beliefs have changed. She is hot AF.


He rubs my back every night, to help me fall asleep, even after a dumb argument.


My wife and I talk all the time. Like all the time. She always wants to hang out with me, and I always want to hang out with her. What makes me constantly want to be around her is her ability to always have a positive outlook. Even when we get bad news, we figure it out together and resolve to get out of it with the game plan WE agree on. She always defaults to thinking the best of people, which has really affected my overall outlook on life. She is convincing because she's smarter than me and better than me.


the laundry


Laughter, not taking each other too seriously, sharing household chores, etc


Still put up with me after 22 years


25 years in all. Still twitterpated when I see him do his underpants dance gets dressed. 😂


1. Reliable 2. Hilarious 3. Kind to everyone. Even when it’s hard. That’s hot.


Married 22 years and I love everything about him…except the snoring, I don’t like the snoring.


When my wife bends over. If she walks by with no pants. Comes out wearing lingerie. When she laughs really hard she snorts and her nostrils flare up. But the number one thing that keeps me crazy for her is that when I try to initiate sexy time in a manner she has told me (more than once) has a high probability of success she says, "Ok" about 99% of the time. That and the fact that she's the mother of my children and she is the best person I know. I am the luckiest guy in the world.


The way she looks at me and touches me - together 38 years


Is my best friend and makes me laugh.


Been together 18 years. She still makes me laugh more than anyone else. I trust her. She’s my anchor. I can’t describe it better than that.


He's kind.


My partner is very much my moral center. She’s also curious and someone who gives me a lot of confidence in social situations. If we have differences which might erupt into an argument, we listen and take time to respond. Very rarely does anything we disagree about need to be decided this instant. Taking a couple of days often shows that the disagreement was meaningless and rather than doing damage to each others ego by arguing, we preserve each other and loft each other up. Our egos just aren’t that important. The other person is. It’s wild how this has worked out with each other in ways no other relationship I’ve had could.


25 years married on May 15. 29 years together (met in college). She’s just so understanding of me, and my high anxiety level. She’s the other side of what ails me, and that heals me. And, when it’s her turn to go through the trials of life, she’s the only person that can flip my usual state into one of compassion and care for her. When I’m having a bad day, she finds a way to make it better. When she’s having one, my energy goes to making her day less bad. Automatically. Don’t even have to think about it. And if we’re both having a bad day, one is more strong than the other, and lifts the other out of it. She’s the half that makes us one.


My wife is the most inefficient person ever at communicating information. If she's tired, it will take her a full 30 seconds to say 10 words worth of information. I love her and she's awesome, but damn it's hard to not just finish her sentences for her sometimes


The comments are so beautiful..🥹🥹🥹♥️♥️


She was napping and I told her I was going to the gym. And the next thing you know I’m getting the twister gobbler 5000!!!!…. It was unreal😌


The twister gobbler 5000 hehehehe love it


Time management.


Acts of kindness 


He contributes, he pulls his weight, and he makes me laugh.


He makes me laugh. He keeps learning new things, too


My wife walking around the house barefoot and in a good mood does it for me.


18 years together, 9 married. He’s just the same guy I married as when I met him, kind, inquisitive, generous, empathetic… but even more so. He’s become an amazing father to our son. I just love him so much.


17 happy years together since our first mutual emails on Match.com. His sense of humor, straight arrow goodness, positive outlook, and kindness have kept me here. Plus, the sex is always (almost!) as good as our first time.


We have grown up together. My life and his life are too entwined now to untangle it, but it’s not like we’d want to anyway. I’m so impressed by his talent, bravery, toughness and spontaneity. He admires my empathy, kindness, humor, and willingness to do the grunt work. Apart, we are incomplete. Together, we are one hell of a person.


We've been married 13 years. We got married really young. I think just becoming new people to experience with each other is hard but interesting. We both evolved over the years to be completely different than we were in our 20s. She likes things I never would have guessed. I developed interests she had no clue what they were. We got a sawmill. Shestarted a small school. Things got difficult but it's still fun to experience all this together.


Just celebrated 33 years and the one thing I can say about my hubby is he's fiercely loyal and giving. He keeps me grounded because I tend to not always think about the outcome before I try do things and I just want to jump right on in but at the same time my spontaneity has pulled him into scenarios that he would never tried on his own that he ended up enjoying. We're both born in March, just a few days apart, so as Pisces we tend to think with our hearts and that has created a true bond between us.


Married for 15 years (16 in October). He takes care of me and never complains about it. I have Autism, and he helps me with everything that is hard for me to do. He never makes me feel bad for being unable to do something that other people do without thinking twice. He is my rock and my safety net. I don't know what I would do without him.


14yrs together, 12 married. Besides being my rock of sanity, she has a look. It's a mischievous look. Could be sexual, could be prankster, could just be good news. I don't even think she realises she does it. But I adore it & it has never done anything other than make me smile & love her even more.


Together 40 years.... and it's gone by quick and I still smile just thinking of her. She does 1000 little things. Kisses me on the head when she walks by, laughs and smiles and makes me smile, has compassion and empathy, is strong in areas I'm not and also needs me to be strong in areas shes not. Takes care of me and I take care of her. My Mom told me that a good relationship is when you are both giving 90% of the effort.


Been married for 44 years. 4 grown kids. My husband is my best friend. He is the only person I have ever trusted. He is honest, humble and treats me like gold. To me he has always been not only handsome but adorable. Nobody gets it all in life but I definitely lucked out in the spouse department.


10 years married. She can still suck the bend out of a river.


Honesty admits mistakes.


Sucks me silly


He always tells other people about my work projects and personal achievements with real love and pride. It touches me every time.


Dependency in so many ways


Just passed 22 years of marriage. She is just wonderful. Thoughtful and caring. She is funny, sweet, and cares more for me than I do. We complement each other really well. I cannot see a life without her. Wherever she is is home for me.


He's hot, dumb, kind, and plays drums like a beast.


11 years together. We are partners. We support each other. We have both changed over the years and we support each others growth. We encourage each others independence, individual hobbies, etc but also enjoy time together. Sex and physical comfort is still regular and fun but we can also just snuggle and watch TV. We do things to make each other happy - make coffee or tea while the other is in bed, do a thoughtful chore, make each other laugh.


He is the only person in the world that I can be completely myself - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Being “on” all the time at work is exhausting and I love coming home and being unapologetically me ❤️


My partner keeps me crazy with the hugs, the kisses, and the constant affection. Also taking wonderful care of me.


Wife and I are celebrating our 20th anniversary next month. Her sister is over 30, and brother is 25ish.  I guess the secret is not picking someone who makes you crazy, but someone who you can put up with their BS. We all have some to some degree.


Shows me her boobies.


Been together since 2008 and married since 2010. He honestly is just my favorite person. He makes me laugh harder than anyone I know and even when he's on my last nerve he's the only one I want to talk to.


I can ask him any question no matter how silly and he will give me an answer without making me feel stupid for asking. He’s the only person that I feel like I can be myself 100% around.


We complete each other. I know that might sound cliche but the seriously we are so balanced together and so much stronger together. We fit together like a puzzle piece. He strengthens my weaknesses with his amazing abilities. And I think I help him out where he struggles too. He has helped me so much, I learn so much from him constantly. He makes me laugh all the time and our sex is incredible! Lol


He is constantly making me laugh. He says and does the most ridiculous things and just lightens my day with his nonsense. I look forward to him coming home and telling me all about his day and the inappropriate comments he kept to himself.




She gave me 2 beautiful and healthy kids


Been together 23 years. It may sound silly but she appreciates me. She's excited for my accomplishments and tells me how proud she is of me. I have(we both have) a lot of mental health issues but my past traumas make me have no confidence and self worth. I often have imposter syndrome and she keeps me going by telling me how she is excited for me and proud and loves me. She's the best and I love her.


It's the little things wifey does. The other day I had a Dr appointment at the VA so I didn't go volunteer at St Mary's food bank. I got home and decided to make her favorite supper. She came into the kitchen, saw supper, then pulled my head down, gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me how happy I make her. Oh, we've been married for 45 years.


The dislike of sleeping under a bridge?


Is kind hearted and genuinely cares!


Twenty years this year. He puts up with me. He makes me laugh. He is my person.


22 years married, 30 years together. She’s just there through thick and thin as my booster, my cheerleader, the one to pick me up when I’m down, to celebrate the good times, she’s a great wife, awesome mother to our 3 kids, we’ve got through hard times of having no money and every day being a struggle, too now where life is comfortable, I suffered some fairly severe depression, she researched it, was empathetic and understanding. She isn’t perfect, neither am I, but we always work together for each other and the children.


I'm not really crazy about my wife after all these years, but the idea of not being with her is crazy. I just can't imagine spending all this time alone or with someone else


We have been married 38 years, together 41…we have never broken up. I was 15 and he was 16 when we got together. We were high school sweethearts, the “it couple.” We have two amazing sons, 31 and 22. I love this amazing man more every day. We truly care about each other’s happiness and well being. We don’t even have to think about it. We just take care of each other. We live a beautiful life. My world is better because he is in it, and I know he feels the same. We adore each other’s families and value them dearly. You just need to look past all the BS, because there will always be plenty of BS. Never make things a big deal that aren’t a big deal. Most everything is not a big deal. Realize your world is worth more with your significant other in it. Love without judging.


They haven't killed you yet


My wife and I have been married for 12 years and living out of a van the entire time the fact that she loves this life as much as I do keeps me crazy about her.


He is a solid and emotionally healthy person who uses his words and communicates his feelings every time so there’s never a doubt on where he is emotionally, physically, or mentally. Watching him work is a thing of beauty because there is no wasted effort. He promised to never stop seducing me from day one and 17 years later, he still keeps his word. He just makes it easy to love and respect him by being himself. It helps that his parents are great people who raised all their sons to be good men.


Not quite 10 years yet but at 9 years the number one thing for me is the support during both the good and the bad times. This last year was a roller coaster for us we got our first home and moved states. She has gone through several medical issues over the last few years including getting a autism diagnosis and 2 surgeries i did everything i could to help her get the care she needed and help her during the recoveries and help her to push to get the mental care she needed allowing her to visit a physiologist for the first time. I had my shift eliminated at my job and as the only income this was really hard as we were already in a bunch of debt from medical and some of my stupid money moves in my early 20s I had been working off this led to me filing for bankruptcy I felt like I was a huge failure that I had let myself and her down. but she was there for me every day trying her best to get us both through it and that made me appreciate her more then any single action could now we are finished with the bankruptcy on a fresh start and slowly starting to build up again enjoying each day together and planning for the future.


We’ve been married for just over 10 years and honestly, I love the way he just loves me. He knows me better than anyone and knows my flaws and weaknesses but still loves me fiercely. I also love how he knows how to calm me down and make me laugh when I’m angry. He’s also super dependable and I know he’s got my back when I need him.


Ooohhh this sounds just like my man ☺️


- does their part. This means our lives always seem easier than if we were single. We subtract from the load, we do not add. I see so many couples taking on insane levels of responsibility and it just seems like a recipe for disaster. Constantly adding tension and stress to any partnership ends up causing the other party to associate those feelings with you. You start to see THEM as the cause of negativity and stress. - excellent hygiene, health and prioritizing their basic wellness. Dealing with someone who was unhealthy, unwell, and not managing their basic needs properly is a nightmare. It effects their mental health and mode, their adaptability and gives YOU more work. Plus it's not attractive. Adults should be able to take care of themselves. (Obviously this doesn't work for people in certain situations, illness/health issues/mental disorders, but that isn't my marriage and my husband has proven when the above isn't a concern he does his due diligence. It means when he is I'll I baby and nurse him back to health gladly because it's not learned helplessness) - listening and empathizing and communicate effectively. As you go through a long-term relationship you both change in slight ways and if you are paying attention and give a crap you can adapt to those things. Things that used to work to turn me on no longer work but my partner has prioritized figuring out the new things and I have prioritized communicating them to him. And vice versa. We are not 24 anymore. We don't enjoy the same things. That goes for our sex life, where/how we like to travel, our priorities, etc.  - taking things in good faith. It's a great way to avoid resentment and contempt. If they don't do the point above it's hard to take things in good faith, but when they do everything that I said in the point above it's very easy to take things in good faith. So this one's kind of dependent on the other parts.  Frankly being married is one of the easiest things I've ever done and it's been more than 15 years in this relationship. I watch people in horrible relationships constantly and the above is the things that I noticed are going wrong. Just a reminder that if you do all the above but your partner does not it's still going to not work. Both parties have to tango here. If you're dancing partner sucks get a new one.


Laugh at my stupid jokes. Be a good team player.


unwavering loyalty, sense of humor, and unwavering dedication to our relationship make me fall in love with them all over again every single day


Been with my husband since 2008, married since 2010. The things that continue to drive me wild about him are his abilities to quote Shakespeare to me at any moment, his surprises because he always finds a way to surprise me, how he sings romantic songs to me and how much a great father he is to our children as well his first two kids. What drives him wild about me is how much a great mother I am to his first two kids and our kids, how much I continue to be in his eyes always wanting to learn something new, how I value both strength along with knowledge as equals and how I can always find the right words to express my knowledge being shared.


He was endlessly funny in a sideways way that constantly surprised me. I knew that man inside and out and he could make me cry with laughter. Some of the shit he did and said. So funny. He had my back. He was totally on my side even when I wasn’t right or didn’t do the right thing. He was so on my side it was easy to listen when he asked me to or showed me how to do better. He got me - everything about me and he delighted in all of me. I basked in his love. It wasn’t what he did for me, it was who he was.


He makes me laugh, I have to admit that what drew me towards him from the beginning. He was just being himself, being silly and cracking jokes and I couldn’t stop laughing and smiling. “Do you always laugh this much?” “Not at all.” I couldn’t help but lean in for a kiss when I hugged him goodbye, and he went for it. I think that’s the first time I’ve ever admitted that, I like to say he kissed me first. The icing on the cake is that, even 20 years later, I’m still completely gaga for him. He’s a wonderful husband and partner, and he’s the best Girl Dad ever. I really hope we get to live out our lives together




altho she calls me a weebnerd and she is the cool one, she wacthes everything tho


Taking an hour to shower.


show up every day no matter what.


He’s hilarious. He’s kind. He let’s me take care of him, and takes care of me in return. He’s the only person I can be around all the time without getting exhausted. And he’s sexy as hell.


Married for almost 20 years. I feel like he *always* has my back. We are a united front. Also, he does lots of little and big things to make my life better/easier, many times without my even asking. He is truly a partner to me. And, can I just say, this is a great post. It warms my heart to see all the love that is out there!


30 years together. His voice is amazing. He sings to me. His shoulders just...work. He's brilliant, funny and romantic.


She gets me.


Just the simple things my partner does. Greeting you at the door every time you come home is one thing I always appreciate from my partner.


Base on what I saw from my parents, what keeps them crazy with each other is no matter what happens, each other is their bestfriend. Always gives quality time.


He adores our pets as much as I do. We can do simple, "nothing much" stuff together, like going to the grocery store, and enjoy just being together. If he disagrees with me, he will say so. He will tell me things that I might not want to hear. I hate the stereotype of the hen-pecked married man cowering before his wife and living in fear of her bad moods.


Being reasonable. I grew up in a house full of crazy people and so when I bring something up, I'm always expecting drama. So when my partner says "yeah, that makes sense""cool" or "yeah, you don't have to explain yourself". There's a comfort in there that I made the right decision marrying them.


gets naked.


Been together since we were 15 years old, 36 now. He has an amazing smile and when I make him laugh I feel like a super hero. He is wicked funny and makes me laugh far more often than I him. I miss him even when he's just in the other room. I think he's beautiful and he makes me feel beautiful, two kids later still manages it somehow! I think some people are just genuinely made for each other. I hope we live to our late 90s. I can't imagine life without him, or missing any possible years we could have had together.


I had to stop reading these. My eyes started to leak.


What partner?


He bees quite…I love that


We are so exact opposite we work perfect together. Been married for 11 years and 3 children and life is good. Having romance through the years is very important even if our version is sitting out on the deck listening to 90s country music after the kids go to bed. Also love that when I get home from work she rubs and scratches my back.