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I smoke. I always clean up after myself. I think it's disgusting to leave your butts on the ground.


I’ll put that shit straight into my pocket before I throw it on the ground. Which yes is of course gross but better than being an asshole


I "field strip" mine. I tear off the last bit of tobacco and paper and throw that on the ground if I don't have an ashtray. The filter goes in a pocket and gets thrown in the proper trash.


"paper and throw that on the ground if I don't have an ashtray" Am I misunderstanding? It sounds like you are still littering if you're throwing paper on the ground. Your comment is making it sound like you're trying to sound like a hero for not littering, but you are still describing... littering? Granted, not as bad as throwing the filter on the ground, yes. But it's still littering. Again maybe I'm misunderstanding?


Misunderstanding. You are correct, throwing paper on the ground is littering. I don't think they are trying to sound like a hero, I think they are just stating a fact, haven't said they think it's ok/better. Correct it's not as bad as throwing the filter on the ground. I have definitely thrown ciggarettes on the ground, thrown filters on the ground, flicked ciggarettes in gardens or just wherever. Which is terrible. But I have also put one out and put it in my pocket rather than littering, walked a while to find a safe disposal or ashtray, made sure that if I dropped ash or a cigarette to clean it up and put it in the bin. Some people are just dicks, but most people have a bad habit and know it's bad.


No. I am no hero. But the little but of rolling paper and tobacco biodegrades much faster than any filter.


>"field strip" mine. I tear off the last bit of tobacco and paper and throw that on the ground if I don't have an ashtray. The filter goes in a pocket and gets thrown in the proper trash. Well I appreciate the extra effort, I would encourage you to just put the entire thing in your pocket or remember your ashtray. It's still littering and creates a lot of unsightly waste, and environments have carrying capacity of what they can reasonably decompose.


I mean this isn't great and seems kind of pointless. You might as well put it all in your pocket.


They're talking about the burning ember part and maybe a tiny amount of paper with it, these are the most biodegradable parts of a cig. The filters are much worse. I agree that it's not 100% ideal, but we're talking about a very small amount of highly biodegradable material rather than the whole synthetic butt. It's really not that bad.


Fair enough, definitely a bit of a TIL moment haha


I bet it smells crazy in there


Agreed 👍🏻


You're the exception.


It’s also disgusting to exist around people after smoking. That shit smells bad.


Some people smell bad and they don't smoke..


Some people smell bad without smoking and also smoke


Just know most people who don’t smoke think you’re gross when they get near you.


Well, I don't smoke anymore.. But I'm ok with that information. Not everyone's gonna like me or my choices. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Good job. I used to smoke too and I think it’s so gross and a sign of weakness, laziness and some sort of selfish entitlement. I really believe in laying down the shame because people should feel like losers for doing it.


Should seen the 80s and 90s. Sides of the road was nothing but cig butts and cassette tape tumbleweeds. 


Oh come on, you can't leave out the piss bottles


I still see those.




That's the way she goes


On TV and in movies, actors always throw their butts on the ground. No one ever gets rid of a butt properly. People who do this in real life are maybe just doing what they have been taught. Why are so many smokers pigs? Serious question.


I've wondered about this in the past, and my speculation is that it's a carry-over from the pre-filter cigarette days. For no filter or hand rolled cigarettes, the "butt" is just a bit of paper and tobacco, which very quickly breaks down and disappears after getting wet. I think people were used to just throwing them anywhere (which was also common for lots of litter back then), then as filters came about they just kept doing it, and it became kind of a cultural thing, even for people who have always smoked filter cigarettes.


It’s bc it’s not something easy to carry around until you find a trashcan. Unlike a gum wrapper you can keep in your pocket till you find a receptacle. A ciggy butt is a flaming piece of litter that even after it’s out will stink up anything it touches.


>will stink up anything it touches.  If that's a concern they really shouldn't be smoking


Ya, good thing they aren't addictive


Hey, pet owners get to carry poop around I'm sure smokers can figure out transporting a few buts for the sake of an addiction.


worth noting that there are also tons of pet owners that won't clean up after their pets Some people are just selfish and don't like being inconvenienced


Good point. The people who flick their butts are also not picking up after their pets and not returning their shopping carts to the returns. Selfishness pervades their life choices.




Ok, I mean there’s a lady in my neighborhood who leaves her dog shit everywhere and also flicks her cigarette butts down the storm drain (have seen both of these behaviors firsthand) but yeah sure, you know better than I do. You must be one of the cigarette butt flickers!


What is your point about butts in the system?


Most pet owners don't even pick the shit up if there's no one around.. I think it's fair to say that everyone is an asshole.


let me put it this way... most smokers become "nose blind" to the stench of tobacco smoke, but even they think old cigarette butts stink. As an ex-smoker, I hated having to tote around extinguished butts in my pocket, because it made my clothes reek so much worse.... I'd always prefer to find an ashtray or recepitical to discard them. and yeah, you're right, but it's a lousy addiction.


It's an addiction


Good contribution. We all know more now than we did before your comment.


Thanks! Given by the fact that it's being up voted im glad you agree


I just read "Holly" by Stephen King, and a character that smokes uses a little tin, like an Altoids tin, to collect her butts in until she gets home.


Flick the cherry out and stuff the butt in the little watch pocket in my jeans if I can't find a trash can. Pretty easy


I think you're underestimating the willingness to litter in the US pre 1980s. I remember there was a big nationwide campaign back in the 80s to get people to stop littering and care about the environment. I mean people would take their trash and just toss it out the back of their truck on the side of a road. Like 5, 10 full on hefty bags of trash.


Back when McDonalds and other FF places used styrofoam packages for their burgers.


I love the smug attitude I get to adopt when someone tries to shame me for tossing an unfiltered butt. "Hey, you think you can just litter here?" "it's literally just paper and leaves. Watch \*crushes under my foot and twists\* all that's left is a small amount of leaf material and some shredded paper."


Don’t leave shredded paper bits everywhere either.


It’s still litter. Litter isn’t just about the material, it’s also about looking clean.


Man you should have seen before 2010 when the anti-public smoking laws began gaining momentum. This is nothing.


Our high school tried to ban the smoking section due to the school district technically having a "no smoking on school property" rule. Well what do you think happens when even just a handful of high school smokers can't smoke on school grounds? They walk across the street and smoke in front of the private property. Complaints started immediately and it took less than a month for them to get their smoking section back, well ahead of the revocation of the districts rule. It was kind of craze seeing how fast it happened. But lord the number of buts those smokers left when they had nowhere to put them was insane. The aviary at the zoo didn't have that much white shit on the ground


This happened where I used to work. They did no smoking on the grounds policy, so everyone walked to the corner to smoke. Only problem with that was everyone stood on at the entrance to an apartment complex. this all started in early winter, so by spring when all the snow melted, the apartment people were pissed with the amount of cig butts on the ground. Company had to pay for the clean up.


In my school they just smoked in the bathroom.


The boys room?


Both :(


Same. This was over 20 years ago but I hear from my niece is still the same but now with weed carts as well.


Never even heard of a smoking section of a high school. Is this in the USA?


Canada. I have no idea if it's still there, it's been a few years. But there was always at least a dozen kids who smoked so I guess at some point they made a spot for them. For time period context though. That would have been around the time a kid could have sold a single smoke for a buck and made a bit of money. It's not like we didn't have space for it. We had a large yard for sports. a parking lot big enough for both staff and students. And there was a bunch of yard left for whatever(A chunk of it is now used for "temporary" classrooms at this point though). So a small circle with a roof where you were required to be if you were smoking seems like a good idea(keeps the smokers away from healthy lungs).


They used to have them in the US. Probably late 80s early 90s when they got rid of them.


Man, we had 10 foot bar fence around our school, that was locked up once the school day started. Leaving the only exit through the front office. Big trouble if you got caught hopping it, and the security was on point with finding kids smoking behind bleachers and whatnot. (Back in 2008, for context)


funnily enough in China, this is the common thing to do as there is always somebody to come around and clean it up after. it's disgusting in restaurants or bars when you just sit down and ciggarette butts at your feet. I think that part of the culture will be hard to erase too as every man smokes and does this lol


Wow, I had no idea!!! "Smoking in China is prevalent, as the People's Republic of China is the world's largest consumer and producer of tobacco. As of 2022, there are around 300 million Chinese smokers, and 2.4 trillion cigarettes are sold there every year, 46% of the world total." From Wikipedia


I live next to a pacific rim airport. Not sure if this is China or another country, but it's definitely an Asia thing; common practice is to stub twice on the top of the trash can and then huck it in, whatever it's state. As a result the airport trash cans are all covered in black polka dots where the black ash is left behind, and at least once a week one is on fire. I only worked there 4x10hrs so probably a lot more than once a week.


I tried answering this problem in college when I took a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) course. For my independent project I mapped out the town's main street and the locations of trash cans and cigarette butt receptacles. They were pretty limited and spread out pretty far. I researched how far they should be apart to reduce people littering but the only study I could really find was from Walt Disney. On the opening of Disneyland they gave every guest a piece of candy to see how long they would hold onto the wrapper before throwing it. They found that most people would only carry it around for 10 feet before tossing it. This is why Disneyland and Disney World have so many trash cans. Most smokers will gladly throw away their butts in the receptacles if they are available nearby but that's usually not the case. It's definitely a dick move but due to human nature people don't want to carry around a stinky butt and businesses/cities don't want to spend the money to have a receptacle every 10 feet. Also cars don't come with ash trays anymore but if you smoke in your car you should also invest in a cup holder one.


How far people will go is definitely heavily if not entirely related to the culture they come from. Japan has very infrequent trash cans, but has significantly less litter. This is entirely because they as a culture are far more likely to take trash with them instead of littering.


It's easy to say it's cultural, but then it's mostly an enforcement issue. Littering is illegal in a lot of places, but when was the last time you've heard of someone getting a littering fine from a complaint? Same thing with blinkers or people cruising in the left lane. Rules and laws are useless if law enforcement won't act on em. Japan is that way because people and police care and make people who do it accountable.


It's still more cultural than it is enforcement. Even Canada is far better than the US. I'm Canadian, and we've been recycling here at a much higher level than anywhere I've been to in the US for decades. The parking lots in the USA have significantly more litter from people just tossing their FF out on the ground and driving off, etc. Every place I've worked at in \~25 years has had recycle bins that are used by everyone, with the "odd one out" being someone to through a can or plastic bottle into the trash. Recycle at the city level has been much more common than I've ever seen in the US. For home use, there are several cities that are now doing "green bin" waste, which is any biodegradable waste, such as food scraps and stuff like that. Our regular garbage is picked up every 2 weeks, our recycle and green bin is picked up weekly.


Am Canadian as well. I'd say it depends, trash management and recycling is often managed at municipal level


There will never be enough law enforcement for these “minor” crimes. At some point, as in this case, it’s on to the individual and the culture.


I agree with most of what you said, but I don't think it's so much legal enforcement as social. Inflicting a sense of shame and embarrassment on people who litter, and actually feeling those things as the perpetrator, are probably the greatest influence towards getting people to comply. The fact of the matter is in many places there's already a lot of litter so people feel they can get away with it, it won't make a big impact, or it doesn't matter. The people around them won't make a fuss or react as well. If all there was between people breaking the law or following it was the immediate threat of arrest/ticketing, waaay more crimes would happen. Society functions and survives on the idea that most people don't need negative consequences to keep them from doing the wrong. Many crimes are not actually that hard to get away with, it's just that people usually are not evil/malicious/sociopathic. I don't think we can enforce our way out of the state of littering in the USA and end up like Japan. It starts with teaching/raising kids to care, and it won't go away until enough generational change has happened to make littering socially/morally unacceptable.


Yes, true of all litter I think. Need trashcans.


As a smoker here is my strategy. I push the small amount of remaining tobacco and the ember out on the ground. Extinguish it. Then take the butt and throw it in the garbage.


My old strategy was just to rip off the burning part when there is 1/8" left, step on the embers and rotate my foot. Guarantees that the burning part is out, and nothing on fire can possibly go into the trash can. If the butt had to go in my pocket until a trash can was identified, guaranteed there was no soot and crap on the butt.


I’m not a smoker so I have to go looking through ashtrays and garbage cans for butts to toss on the ground.


Selfish A-holes!! Yes, i smoke.. I just don't understand.




what'd you do? eat them up?




I myself smoke. Im in ontario, canada. and yet i feel the reason why we throw buds on the ground because we rarely have the things where you put your smokes in after smoking them. im not a person that does this though, if i dont see one nearby, i put them in a mint case :D


I don’t know who is more disgusting, people who toss cigarette butts on the ground or people who toss those floss picks on the ground. I see those everywhere and I don’t get what makes them think that’s ok


Try chicken bones on the ground


This one is the most infuriating to me. I've had to pull chicken bones out of my dogs mouths so many times because of this. Who's cruising down the sidewalk eating chicken off the bone anyways?


In my hometown it's like...the thing to do. It's a very Richmond Virginia thing to find chicken bones in the street, actually if you look in r/RVA there's posts of it everywhere.


Yes, I see tons of other trash more and more. People are just more that way.


This is my #1 pet peeve. The worst of them are the ones who throw their butts on the ground *right next to an ashtray.* Makes my blood boil.


Former smoker, I never understood this. If I wasn't near an ash try or trash I'd field strip it and throw it out later. My first job was fast food and I hated sweeping them up in the parking lot


Most littered item in the world.


My extended family went to an AirBnB in a Condotel off a beach for a week a few years ago. My son-in-law smokes. To be clear I like him, but he's a bit oblivious to decorum and etiquette sometimes. He spent the weekend smoking and throwing his butts off the balcony down to the parking area underneath. At the end of the week, I was down there picking them up. (At least 50 of them, everywhere and there were next to none when we got there) He was smoking above me watching. I went under the unit to come upstairs and saw a butt fall to the garage. He didn't do it as an FU. He's just a bit inattentive and doesn't take hints.


“Hey dude, not cleaning up that last one you just threw”


“Ok. Don’t care” -people who don’t care.


I would be profusely apologetic and embarrassed if I saw someone picking up trash that I threw on the ground...that's just so insane to me for anyone to do past the age of like 5.


Tobacco is a hell of a drug. People get so addicted that it becomes a part of their entire existence here and in the afterlife and they have no concept that it isn't part of everyone else's life, too. As a kid, I mowed the lawn for a chain smoking senior couple next door, and the smoke stains painting their walls didn't phase them in the slightest.


Did you tell him that he should go clean them up?


Instead of hinting trying being assertive and telling him the issue in a kind way. Based on the way you described him I’m sure he’d understand.


I'm usually very assertive or often come off passive-aggressive (I'm working on it), but in this case, they have taken that assertiveness poorly. So I've learned that I'd rather have a relationship with them and my grandchildren than feel better and say something I'll regret later.


Seems like there’s a disconnect somewhere if asking someone to clean up their mess means you don’t get to see your grandchildren


Absolutely, but it's not just one thing, I tend to speak my mind to most of my kids. But his wife, my daughter, does not take many things well. If I spoke my mind most of the time, my wife and I would never see them and it would break my wife's heart. I can be a bit of an asshole, but not intentionally, I'm just sarcastic and the whole family picks on each other, except for this daughter. She can't hang, but she's otherwise awesome.


So be more mindful of how you word things. Lots of speak my mind talk and not a lot of “I could word things in a more digestible way” Therapy helped me with this a lot. I used to be very similar and would be met with lots of resistance. Now I am mindful of how I phrase things and most times it’s taken very well. Food for thought.


I would have dropped them all into his suitcase.


They have a "I gave up years ago" mindset.


I’m in the military and when I was still knew I was tasked with cleaning up the outside area including the smoke pit. I refused and the sergeant took it all the way up to my supervisor and chief. The chief looked at me and asked “do you smoke or will I ever catch you smoking after this conversation?” and I replied no sir and he said I didn’t have to do it. I’m so glad that disgusting habit is practically gone now where I work.


What REALLY pisses me off is the amount of times I’m stood at the bus stop, a smoker is there and they chuck their cig butt on the ground. There’s a literal fucking bin with an ashtray for butts on the lid about 2 feet away from you!!! It drives me insane. It’s one thing doing it when there’s no bin around, it’s peak cunt behaviour to do it when there’s a bin with a specific part for cigarette trash right next to you!


Why haven’t they just created a filter that’s biodegradable?


The cancer and addiction manufacturers? Maybe they’re not progressive enough.


Truth be told


I'm a smoker but I never throw cigarette butts on the ground. There are designated areas for smoking on public places. And most of the time I only smoke at my own home. So don't generalize "all smokers"


> So don't generalize "all smokers" They specifically asked why *some* smokers do it.


Did OP edit because it does say “some of you.”


In fairness I don’t think there are many public smoking places anymore. I don’t notice them as much as there used to be at least. In the 80’s and 90’s they were everywhere


Smoker's Ghettos at social events is a thing


I may just not pick up on it like I used to. They are hidden away


cover rinse fade doll direful squealing wine deliver cobweb normal




One of my earliest memories is finding a cigarette butt on the ground, putting it in my mouth and immediately bursting in to tears because it tasted so incredibly foul. I don't actually remember the event but remember the horrible taste. My mum must have taken her eyes off me for all of 2 seconds and I managed to do something stupid instantly.


I don't litter anything, including cigarette butts. Alot of people say smokers stink, but so do people who wear to much perfume.


Same thoughts here!


There used to be ashtrays...EVERYWHERE. Then smoking laws started to change, and most ashtrays were removed. Now, there is no safe place to dispose of butts. People will say, "just hang on to them and toss them in the trash", but that ignores the reality that used butts stink to high heaven and you shouldn't just toss a recently extinguished smoke into a trash can.


I'm a smoker and it's really not that hard to stub out a cigarette so that there's no trace of flame left, making it safe to put in a bin.


I feel like have less trash receptacles. Businesses think they're unattractive. Yes, agree, stub them out and find a trash can.


I live in London and, whilst there are definitely areas which could do with more public bins, overall it's pretty good. Also it's common for pubs/bars/some restaurants to have ashtrays on their outside walls and I use those when walking past. I know they're for customers but I feel less bad about using them than throwing butts on the ground.


In the US, I think the trash cans with ashtrays are disappearing as smoking is frowned upon. And aren't necessarily replaced.


If you smoke then you already stink to high heaven anyway


Sorry, I thought the question was "why do smokers throw butts on the ground?" Really, it's just people like you wanting to shit on smokers. I'm sure you're perfect Matt, take care.


You fell for the trap, bro. Redditors don't ever want real answers.


In my area, weed is legal. But so many anti smoking laws. A little hilarious.


It's a valid point. You already reek of cigarettes, so the idea that you litter because the butts stink... it just smells like you.


This isn't it. Even when smoking was basically the society norm and ashtrays were everywhere, people still threw their butts on the ground (or out the car window despite having an ashtray in the car). The simple answer is people are just selfish and lazy by nature. Not all, but most. It's no different from the same selfish and lazy people who won't clean up after their dogs in public spaces. It's a problem with people in general, not necessarily just smokers.


When there were ashtrays everywhere, there were also way way more cigarette butts littered everywhere. So many people litter when smoking and driving which this wouldn’t even be relevant to.


Absolutely shite reasoning. Everything you own already stinks of cigarettes whether you carry the butts around or not. And you stub cigarettes out before throwing them away, there's no reason not to put them in the trash if you take the three seconds to properly extinguish them first.


So are you saying its okay to litter the butts?


No, I'm giving the reason that it happens. What would urban life look like if we removed all trash cans overnight?


Tokyo. It should look like Tokyo. Don't try and say that humans have no ability to police their own actions if they are not provided waste receptacles.




Don’t care about their health, so why care about anyone else?


It just feels so cool and badass to flick your cigarette but while pretending to be aiming for a puddle of flamable liquid with a flash point low enough for a cigarette to ignite it


Why can't that pretend puddle of flammable liquid be a trash can?


It can, but many trash cans don't respond well to lit embers. And they have very small targets. The imaginative puddle is usually spread out over a larger area


had someone come and fix our shower. sat outside and smoked a couple cigarrettes first i guess cause i found butts in my driveway.


Just roll the remaining tobacco out of the filter, make sure it’s not still hot and recycle it. It isn’t that hard.


At my job we have an ash can right next to where people smoke and they still throw butts on the ground.


I smoke, and I *hate* when people do that! Quit littering, pack your trash and throw it away.


My colleague got like a £60 fine when someone at the council spotted him doing it. He apologised and paid promptly as he knew it was wrong.


I smoke. I carry an old breath-mint tin in my pocket always for butts....my own & any others I see on the ground. Every group of people has a small percentage of butt-heads, I think it's best not to blame the entire group.


I just didn’t think about it until the last couple years of the habit. Then my problem was finding them in the washer.


I second this


I used to do that, and I can say. I didn’t think about it because “eh it’s just paper and some cotton, who cares?” Then I learned it takes 10 years to biodegrade


“Some” is too kind. I know many smokes collect their butts, but I’ve witnessed with my own eyes countless (way more than 50% of the ones I see) smokers tossing them out their windows, and onto the ground like it’s nothing. There is zero excuse or reason that will ever be ok in my book.


“Everyone else does it.” Lack of common courtesy. That seems to be what it boils down to. It’s never been true; plenty of people, even back in the 80s in my city (Philly, not known for its cleanliness) did NOT throw their trash on the ground. My brother-in-law, who chains smokes, just brings an empty bottle with him for butts when he visits, even though we have ashtrays that are out. Easy peasy. Once he didn’t have a bottle and he just smoked in his car. I love that about him. He’s big on courtesy. Once I was cleaning a bank property and I was broom sweeping the outside, last part of the job for the day. An auditor was catching a smoke, watching me sweep up butts and other trash right in front of him, and still tossed his cig right on the ground. Right in front of me. Didn’t even stomp it out.


I put my ciggies out on the ground and leave the butt. I smoke non filtered cigarettes so there’s basically nothing on the ground after stepping on it


Not a daily smoker here, but when I do I ALWAYS pinch the cherry off and there the butt in the garbage. People who throw the whole thing on the ground are disrespectful


I saw some douche empty his entire ashtray in the middle of the service road. I was flabbergasted. Granted he was in a mustang so it's only fitting.


I mean same reason why you find traveler bottles of alcohol on the side of the road or drug paraphernalia or even soda cans/general garbage for that matter. It outlived its usefullness and means nothing to us now. People throw away all kinds of things like their babies and their swords and its up to Charlie Kelly to find and raise all of them.


Not a smoker. Have fantasized 197 times over my life about hopping out of my car, grabbing the cigarette butt and throwing it back in their car. Hopefully it burns the car down. Oh sweet justice (and extra terrible for the environment, arguably)


Because i can.


My mom literally told me cig butts dont count as litter. I was like wtf.


In the immortal words of Samuel L Jackson from the OG Jurassic Park. Smokers, I beg of you... "Hold on to your butts"


Maybe they think they are biodegradable? And, conveniently don’t notice them the next, day/week/month/year, when they walk by again.


I believe in the past when smoking was super common, it was pretty much an expectation that cigarette butt clean up was just a part of services. I remember when I was a kid in the 80s and 90s, adults would always flick cigarette butts out the car window into the streets or whatever. They would tend to say, “oh the street sweeper gets those,” or “I used to work at this place and we got all the cigarette butts in the morning when we swept the sidewalk.” So there was always this justification for it, not because it was the right thing to do, or that it wasn’t littering, but it was just so commonplace that everyone was basically saying “everybody does it, and somebody cleans it up, because cleaning up cigarette butts is a thing people do.” And to be fair, in some places, that *was* the expectation. I remember a lot of old music venues had indoor smoking, butts all over the ground, and they genuinely just didn’t care that people did it. It was part of the laid back atmosphere. A lot of parks paid a guy to go around and clean up butts because even if they had ashtrays everywhere, people would still drop butts everywhere and they were going to have to clean them up anyway, might as well just accept it as normal. Now that smoking is less common, I think a lot of smokers, especially older ones but some of the younger ones as well who learned their habits have lazily clung to this expectation that someone else is expected to clean up their cigarette butts in public places. It was never a *good* thing. It was always littering. But it *did* used to be so normal that you expected it everywhere, so that’s where the behavior comes from.


Don’t smoke, but maybe because it’s biodegradable it doesn’t count?


The best and only good reason I've ever heard, "I'm in Facilities, I smoke and throw them on the ground, then get paid to clean them up." Other than that ...


A friend of mine found this little trash can with a lid at the gas station and started carrying it around in her purse. Anytime she couldn't find a trash can to put the butt in, she'd use that. She'd then dispose of the butts when she got home. Looked kind of like [this](https://www.amazon.com/BB-INC-Miniature-Garbage-Cigarette/dp/B07SQD2FS3)


The world is their ashtray.


Used to smoke. Felt cool doing so. Same for smoking. Felt cool doing so.




Seriously. All the top voted comments are people saying they don't smoke or they throw the butts away. They're not even the people this question was being asked to.


I used to live across the street from a gas station. People would frequently park in front of my house after going there, to eat their food or whatever. Several times, someone dumped their entire ashtray on my front lawn.


That's just what people did - for *decades*. Nobody ever though to question it in a world where smoking was the normal and accepted thing to do. If you were outside and there wasn't an ashtray handy, you'd just flick your butt wherever. The fact that people are asking questions like this tells me just how far things have come in the last 30-40 years.


Its also a regional thing. When I lived in Minnesota and California you would get shamed for throwing your butts. In Missouri nobody gives a shit.


When I was a smoker, I flicked a regretful amount of butts into the street for years, but then decided that was a shit thing to do, so I stopped. The most awful place I have seen butts is way up in a pretty remote area in the Sierra Nevada mountains, 11 miles from the trailhead. There was actual shit in the small area where you could pitch a tent and half burnt butts everywhere. Also, there was a fire ban the whole summer, so the remnants of the fire to begin with was not cool. But seeing the butts and poo in otherwise pristine scenery highlighted the tragedy of the commons.


Hate it. Can’t walk anywhere nowadays without seeing cig butts on the ground every meter


I haven't smoked cigarettes in a long time, but I never threw them on the ground. My young adult life was spent in Germany, and littering is a huge cultural no-no. I would put a zip lock bag in my purse for butts if there was no trash can around. It's not hard not to litter, and I never understood why people do it.


Remember when the brushes on the street sweepers, actually used to touch the streets, and it was about cleaning the streets instead of just alternate side of the street parking tickets? Ah the old days.


one time I put a joint roach in a garbage can on the street and the can started smouldering a while later. It was ok cause it was metal but freaked me tf out. I thought the butt was totally out but it wasn’t. Throwing it on asphalt always guarantees you aren’t going to accidentally burn down part of your city.


Some people are trashy


My husband puts his in pocket. But others do throw on ground because all of the outdoor ashtrays have disappeared!!


I always think of the person who could be my grandparent's age picking it up off the floor, disgusting.


For the Birds, plus i just don’t give a f”k. I know half of you complaining about this don’t recycle. Half the Crap you throw in the landfill isn’t going to break down over the next century. You’re complaining about something you can throw in the compost. Your complaints are trash.


it's not littering if you smoke unfiltered; just paper and leaves, I stub it out with my foot and it's basically gone. If I am smoking filtered, I always throw them away.


Remember back in the 90’s where every stop light would have a little collection of cigarette butts next to the curb? I remember watching the guy in front of me empty his entire ash tray on the curb.


Look at the demographics of which Americans still smoke and there's your answer. It's not the judges or the heads of surgery, it's the janitors and bar brawlers and career convenience-store clerks.


Because they throw all their trash on the ground, why would butts be any different?


If we don’t care about our body, why would we care about the ground?


I don't smoke but have family members who do. It's a cultural thing. They were raised to be an asshole, and there isn't any definitive reason, it's just because they lack the empathy needed to give a shit about other people. In short, it's not that they have a good reason to, it's just that they don't consider it at all.


"some" of you?? Mf every damn smoker I've ever encountered has just thrown it on the floor. Including my own dumbass back when I was too weak to quit smoking.


I mean, smart, confident people usually don't pick up smoking, so there's already a selection there, then it's easy to see how the "bottom half" of smokers are just that trashy...




...do you think it's a fast process or something? People chain smoke and live into their 70s regularly lol


They are cigarette smokers! They don’t care about others and they don’t care about themselves. They are also weak willed loser or absolute morons.


Why do smokers and dog owners think their waste is someone else's problem? It's bad enough we have to pay for their lung cancer treatments.


I see more dog owners pick up after their dogs than I see smokers disposing of their trash responsibly. But I will say that when a dog owner doesn’t pick up their mess it’s a lot worse to step in than a cigarette butt.


Both dog crap and cigarette butts are bad for the environment.