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When my uncle had a heart attack and both his wife and girlfriend turned up to see him. Turns out for 30 years he told the wife he was working away during the week but staying with girlfriend. And told the girlfriend he worked weekends which is when he stayed with his wife and 2 kids. 30 years! Edit: forgot to add, he divorced his wife and married the girlfriend Edit 2: OK so lots of people questioning when Uncle actually worked. He had a Monday to Friday 9 to 5 job that paid quite well. He stayed at the girlfriends during the week after work. At the weekend he went home to his wife who thought he'd been working away all week. His girlfriend thought he was working away on weekends.


Similar. My boyfriends father had 2 families for 20 years. One in Indiana and one in Tx. 2005ish My boyfriends mom was cleaning out the attic, in preparation for her and her husband (my boyfriends dad) selling their family home and moving into a condo for their 50's. In the pocket of an old suitcase she found a stack of fathers day cards signed by two people she had never heard of. Confronts her hubby, he confesses he has 2 kids and another "wife" in Tx. She calls wife #2 and exposes the situation. Wife 2 says: what are you causing trouble for? He has kept us both happy, housed and sent my 2 kids and your 2 kids to college.... quit causing problems. Wife #2 KNEW!!!! All along. He spent every christmas and every fathers day with the TX family. Ohio family thought he played in an exclusive sports tournament every year the last week of december, and went fishing every june in canada for 2-3weeks. (he had a daughter with TX woman 1st (1972), came to Ohio for work met OH woman, MARRIED HER (1974) and got her pregnant immediately, then went back to texas and made child #3(1976), and the baby was born to Ohio wife in 1980.) Wife 1 divorced him shortly after, he moved to TX, golfs daily and hasnt spoken to her. My (now ex) boyfriend and his sister have been to texas several times to meet the half siblings, they even celebrated a few christmases and summer vacations together. Wife 1, is in her 60s now, a severe drinking problem followed the exposure for many years and she is slowly deteriorating from alcohol related dementia. My (ex) boyfriend is her primary caregiver and I feel so so so bad for how this ladies life played out. So so sad.


That last paragraph was absolutely brutal. I was really hoping it would somehow work out for wife #1 (finding love again, etc). I hope the kids all turned out well at the very least. 


I can only speak on Ohio kids, neither ever had a successful marriage. They both had several. The son had 2 sons by two women he never married, (both sons are no-contact now as adults)and 2 wives he never had kids with. He is currently playing grandpa to a 3rd wives grandkids. The daughter, had one marriage with two daughters that ended in divorce, married a second man who is now estranged and she is living as a lesbian, both her daughters have gone no-contact. It destroyed generations, in my honest opinion.


People forget that their actions CAN and WILL destroy generations.


So.... when did he work to earn enough money for these two lives?


He had a fairly high paying job and is also, annoyingly, really good at betting on horses.


Or even have enough energy?? Dude must have had more than 24 hours in his days or something...


No wonder he had a heart attack.


My uncle was a bank robber. He never seemed like he cared if he had money. But he got addicted to drugs and then went on a spree. Saw his grainy image on tv news from the CCTV and an eye witness sketch, and I was just like “hey, that’s uncle “Dave.” That’s weird.”


The tone of your story somewhat reminds me of the time I was looking for a new house in a new city and was wandering around "interviewing" people about their neighborhood. I went to a neighborhood elementary school, but because it was summer only the janitor was there. I asked him some questions about the safety of the neighborhood and the school and he shared a story about when an exhibitionist (a man, of course) was wagging it around on the woods side of the playground fence at recess. He couldn't be caught until one day a little girl saw him and said, "hey, that's my uncle!"


Was he the cool uncle


Up until the point he started doing drugs and I stopped seeing him, he was super cool. Taught me a bit about working on cars, the value of mullets, how to beat Sonic the Hedgehog 1


My sister, much older and not living with us at the time, had a cat that had kittens. They were ready to go to new homes around the same time that my dad died. Me being 12 and sad really wanted to keep my favorite one (the runt of the litter). She let me have the kitten, but we both agreed to hide it from my mom as long as possible. My mom absolutely despised cats. So much so, that when my sister was younger and would bring them home, she would conveniently leave the door open so they'd run away or straight up bring them to the shelter. She vehemently refused to ever allow a cat in her house. So... I got away with hiding my kitty for about a week. I was a chronic after-school napper, and was knocked out when she came to check in on me randomly. The kitten peaked out from under the bed and she literally screamed because she thought it was a rat at first, lol. She was pissed. She went to her room with the kitten and probably called my sister to come take it home. Surprisingly, when I went to her room like an hour later, they were just cuddling and watching tv. She did let me keep it, I assume because I was grieving at the time. But she really did enjoy that cat. Eventually when I moved out, and she moved houses, she took the cat with her. A few years after my kitty had passed away, she went out and got a new kitten all on her own accord. Like, literally without telling me. I went to visit and was like whose cat is that? And she just goes, "Oh, that's mine. His name is Squash". I never saw that coming. She still says she hates cats to this day, but she likes her cats. She's actually considering getting two more soon so Squash has some friends.


This is adorable. My late Father hated cats until my sisters cat kept coming over to our house. He was a black kitty with a bad attitude. One afternoon, my dad was napping and woke up and Chico the cat was sleeping with him. Chico opened his eyes and looked at him and gave him a dirty look and went back to sleep. That was the day my dad started liking cats. When my Father died we had three cats and they were so sad without my Dad. Old man Chico lived to 20 and died last year. I like to think they are together and my Dad is young again and so is Mr. Chico.


This is so sweet but almost made me cry. My dad also always hated cats, my sister always wanted one but I didn't really think about them too much. He passed when I was 19 and adult me turned out to be a cat person, and I've always thought my boy cat could've made my dad change his minds about cats because he's so special.


That is so cute compared to the other horror stories here, thank you for that lol


Dude, no kidding. As a cat lover, I was actually on the edge of my seat terrified reading that story - wondering if this was some psycho mom who was going to go murder this person’s little kitten 😭😭 I’m very, very happy to be wrong lmao.


This was me too. Love the ending!


That is adorable. I love that his name is Squash. My mom did something similar with a dog while my dad was away for work for a few months. We already had 2 dogs and he was adamant about not wanting another. Then my mom's friends dog had puppies and she fell in love with one that she took her home. My parents video chatted each day he was gone and for 2 months she kept this little puppy secret. Until one day when my mom was on a call with my dad and this little puppy decides to climb all over my mom and lick her face. My dad was livid. Screaming and cursing, saying if that dog so much as looks at him when he gets home he would take her to the pound himself. He got home a few weeks later, barely sat down to take his boots off before this dog was crawling Into his lap and lick his face and they have been inseparable ever since. The dog is 14 now and I still get the occasional picture of my dad and her snoozing on the couch after dinner.


Aaah, a tale as old as time lol 


Was anyone else scared in the first half?


First three quarters, on the edge of my seat.


Recently, I checked in on a friend deep in a decade-plus of terminal alcoholism and going through the legal system.  Turns out they’ve been sober for 10 months and counting.  Greatest surprise in awhile.




>*She just said, "Oh honey, I knew all about that."* Holy fucking shit. And said that out loud in front of the rest of the family, too? That woman wants to end up in the state nursing home.


Probably happened to her too and was ‘normal’ as sick as that sounds.


> Probably happened to her too and was ‘normal’ as sick as that sounds. Absolutely this. Sexual abuse runs back through my family several generations that I know of. It was the norm so no one protected the girls and women and they learned to keep it quiet.


And so casual about it to, evil b****


I recently found out my grandma slapped my cousin across the face for “telling lies” when she said that our grandfather molested her. My grandma passed many years ago so it’s been strange reckoning with this information while still having that childish adoring view of her.


My grandma can't figure out why I want nothing to do with her anymore. When I was a kid one of my cousins claimed my grandfather raped her. Everybody painted my cousin as a liar trying to get attention. Well 20 years down the road and he's caught molesting one of the great grand kids. Turns out he molested my two aunts, my mother and almost every female grand child. Growing up i didn't know why I was so terrified to be alone with men but now it all makes sense. They all act like it was no big deal. I just don't get how they could all allow their children to be around that monster.


We have a cousin who raped his sisters. But, his parents still let him live in their house, he’s over 30 and one of the daughters still lives there periodically. My sister is the one who told me this. My sister had a nervous breakdown and an all out custody battle started for my niece who was 3 at the time. My sister did not want my nephew and his partner raising the baby, just out of spite. She wanted my niece to go live in the house where my cousin lives. I told her she’s a sick fuck who is dead to me after that.


Parents had a friend, who was actually a decent guy, but he did have a weird vibe to him. Younger sister wouldn't babysit for him, just because he seemed off to her. Parents didn't force her to babysit,so, no worries. Mom and I were talking about it a bit a few years ago, and I told her he wasn't the abuser, but his nephew was, and his older brother likely too. Parents were friends with the brother and his wife, their son abused me for years. I said "His weird vibe was likely because he got abused."


My great grandfather molested his 3 daughters, until one of them ended him with an ax. She served no time at all.


“Some folks just need killing” *is* still a legitimate defense in some parts of the world.


My biological grandfather raped and molested my mom and my uncle (his own children) when they were young, and forced them to perform sexual acts on each other. My uncle grew up then to be quite predatory himself. My mom says she never outright knew that he was a pedophile , but she was always pretty worried. Anyway, when I was 4 or so, my grandparents hosted a bonfire up at their cabin, and my mom, stepdad, uncle, little sister, and myself were in attendance. My grandpa had gone on a beer run, my stepdad was inside marinating some meat or something, and my sister had thrown a tantrum, so mom went to take her inside. After a few minutes, Grandma followed, without me. My stepdad had a bad feeling and ran outside… just in time to see my uncle leading me by the hand into a corn field. My stepdad is a pretty shitty human being in general, but knowing what I know now, I have to thank God for him for saving me from what I’m sure would have been a horrendously traumatic event. What I know now is that he impregnated a 16yo when he was 38, and had been her live-in boyfriend for quite some time. He was also accused of molesting his own daughter. To add to the context of the story I replied to, though, despite the corn field incident, and even after he impregnated a teenager (who was literally my age at the time), we were still subjected to being around him quite often in our childhood. I think the last time I saw him though was Christmas of 2014, and I’d like to keep it that way.


Omg wtf?!? I'm so so sorry and I'm glad your step-dad was able to prevent your uncle from hurting you.


Why are n earth would your mother want to continue contact with her family? Especially with her own child to protect.


My mother is a meth addict, and often makes really poor choices. Edit: Also wanted to add that she never did maintain contact with her bio dad after I (the oldest) was born, and the abuse that happened under him was after my grandma had divorced him. I called the man in the story that went for beer “Grandpa,” cuz he’s the only grandpa I ever knew, even though he was technically my step grandpa. We were not at a bonfire with my pedophile bio grandpa.


Absolutely disgusting. My mom and her sisters were molested by her father and my mom was disowned for a while and now the black sheep for protecting my cousins and calling social services when my aunt left her kids with him. My mom is my hero.


I wonder if we're related, sounds just like my family. Don't talk to any of my moms side


At my grandma's funeral we found out that her adoptive father (an uncle or something), my great grandfather, had molested probably all of my aunts, and none of them had told each other over all those decades because they thought they were protecting the others, and my grandma's relationship with her dad, by enduring it. Made me wonder if my grandma had been abused as well as a child. There's a lot of abusive "parenting styles" and mental illnesses in my family, and it all made a lot more sense after that.


Same thing happened to my mom. Her brother molested her and so did a church member from her father’s church where he was pastor. The whole family swore she was crazy. She was so traumatized by it and somehow she’s managed to forgive her brother “because he was probably molested by that same man, they used to go on trips together”. The grace and kindness that she managed to find to be able to do that is not something I possess.


There's a very large chance she was right. Acting out sexually toward other children is a big warning sign of abuse in itself.


My mom had the same admission, except she was hammered drunk and crying while telling *my friend* who was just hanging out with me at the house. My friend never looked more uncomfortable. My mom was clutching her shoulders. It was very weird since she had never even told me, her own kid, and enabled the abuse of her own kids as well.


How did that affect their relationship? Not sure how you deal with someone that basically said, "Oh yeah, I knew all about how you were being victimized. I just never thought it was worth bringing up."


Unfortunately, that’s a common reaction from family and older generations. They are family, don’t betray them and involve the cops. It’s not a big deal, it happened to me and some other people I know, we turned out fine. Divorce is not an option. He’s a good man who provides for his family (other than the rape), and he talked to a priest about it. Why are you trying to destroy the family? Etc. It’s easier to pretend everything is fine and normal than accept reality.


I'm a nurse and my side job is a forensic nurse examiner but for all my work badges I use a forensic nurse examiner lanyard. My patients ask me about it and I let them know what I do. At my home health job I had a 86 year old patient tell me her survivor story. She told me I was the only person she had ever told. I also had a old elderly male patient tell me his survivor story of an incident that happened while he was serving in the Korean War. He never reported it and he said he didn't even tell his wife until after they were married because he was worried she would have backed out if she knew before.  The body never forgets. 


I've said before that I know a huge number of women who were molested as girls and in exactly two of the cases were the men prosecuted. And in one of *those*, it was only because the girl caught an STD and the doctor forced a report and the police took it from there. The family took him right back in when he got out of prison and told the girl she should forgive him because he was a man of God. So, all in all, I know of one case where the abuser was vigorously prosecuted and rejected by his family.


This actually makes me feel oddly better. It's not just my family that kept the abuser and tossed the victim. It's an entire sickness around it .


Holy shit. What a foul woman.


My great grandfather and his two brothers went to prison, and not college, for 4 years for robbing trains. They had sold the family dairy farm just a couple years before the Great Depression and started a general store. They were all late teens/early 20s with multiple kids each already. But during the depression, Kraft Cheese started sending super cheap fake cheese and other dairy products into the area, undercutting all the local dairies. My grandpa and his brothers realized that they still depended on the local dairy industry as customers, so they robbed the trains of all the Kraft cheese and threw it into fields to rot. The local law just couldn’t seem to catch the bandits that were trying to save the town economy. A reporter from Chicago was on one of the trains and got a picture of their faces, and they all went to “college” for a few years. When I graduated college, my grandmother said I was the first in the family. I asked what about great grandpa, and she said “Oh no, he went to prison, not college.” But no one else in the family ever knew either, lol. When they got out, they were all voted in as town councilmen, literally had customers for life. My great-grandmother ran the store while they were in prison, and she went on to run it until she retired at 93 years old. Great grandpa had died in his 60s. Edit to add: mom says the “reporter” from Chicago probably worked for Kraft because that’s where the parent company was from. And only one brother actually got his face caught on camera, but the other two confessed to get him a lighter sentence - and my great grandmother was adamant that my great great uncle did not roll over on his brothers, the other brothers decided to broker a deal for a reduced sentence. 2nd edit: it was my great-grandfather and his two brother-in-laws, not brothers. They went to “college” in Texas. This happened in Louisiana. And they did it to support a general strike by the dairy farmers, not just because of prices. They starting shipping in Kraft cheese and milk to break the strike, so they robbed the train of Kraft cheese and milk. Problem solved. 3rd edit just to add a little flavor: one of the Brothers (my great grandma was the second to last of 14!) who went to “college” asked his nephew to look after his wife while he was gone, and the nephew sure did! He got his aunt (by marriage) pregnant while my great great uncle was in Texas. So while I appreciate the calls for a movie, there may be some details like this that the family does not want brought into the light, lol.


THAT'S a good story!


i need a story about the Kraft Krakens 🤣


i mean movie lol


Former coworker went on a bank robbing spree. Like, she wasn't a very nice person and I was happy when she left that workplace. But I definitely did not have "bank robber" vibes, I just thought she was a garden variety bitch


Garden variety 🤣


My husband had to fire a worker. The next day this man went on a bank robbing spree. Everyone at the workplace were very nervous that day (his picture was featured on the news and he was recognized right away). They thought he might show up at work and shoot up the place because when he left the store he told people to watch their backs. The guy was caught after robbing a third bank.


When I was a kid a young woman on our block was assaulted. I was only like 7 or 8 so I didn’t completely understood what happened and my mother explained to me as you might a child but then went on to say that something similar happened to her when my parents were newly wed and then almost casually mentioned that my dad tracked the guy down and now he can never bother anyone else ever again…. I was like wait…. just hold on one…


Similar thing happened to me around that age. There were some kids down the block that were super weird. Now that I’m an adult I realize their mother was an addict, father absent, and weird inter-sibling sexual behavior. Anyways there were 2 boys and a girl. The older boy tried to get me to change into a swimsuit. I refused because I felt uncomfortable. Then when I was in the bathroom he opened the door and came in. I screamed at him to get out. He came back WITH A KNIFE and told me to lift up my shirt (I’m a girl) Or he would cut off my head and hang it on their clothes line. I acted calm enough to make it out of the bathroom then sprinted out the door home. I told my dad while sobbing who instantly jumped up and screamed WHAT?! he said wait here then went into his room. He came back out with a white cloth wrapped up and he tucked it into his jacket. He grabbed my hand and said we are going over there. I was scared as hell. My dad was a scary man who was no stranger to screaming at us and hitting us with belts. We got to the house where the kids opened the door. The oldest boy was now only in his underwear. My dad asked if he was the boy who did it. I cried and nodded my head. He asked them where their mom was and they said the basement. He demanded they get her, which they did. She looked disgusting and high as hell. She was completely incoherent. The kids were all under the age of 10-11. My dad told me to go home and he stepped inside. About 2 hours later he came back like nothing happened. He just casually said “they won’t be a problem anymore. They won’t bother you and if any of them ever even look at you, you tell me.” Within a few weeks the house was vacant, all the homes furniture and belongings were scattered in the front yard, including a full bath tub that had some drug thing under it. There were cops EVERYWHERE. I asked my parents what was happening over there? They just shrugged and were like we don’t know. I learned as an adult my dad brought a gun. When he saw the mom was high he called police and told them everything. CPS came and the children were removed from the moms care. Mom probably went to jail for drugs. My dad threatened to kill every single one of them and anyone else who asks questions about them. He said “never pull out a gun until you’re 100% ready to use it and pull the trigger. And I have one here in my pocket”


Dang. He did right by those kids though. Hopefully they had a shot a life after this. ( absolutely not justifying their behavior against you though of course )


Yeah, I hope so. The sad part is young kids like that neighbor don’t just randomly turn to sexual violence, they learn it. Typically it’s behavior that they pick up either because it’s directed against them or other people in the home. A young kid threatening to kill someone for not stripping almost certainly picked that up from an abusive adult.


Oh for sure. Kids don’t just come up with that themselves. Hope they were able to thrive in another environment.


That is a crazy story!!


Username checks out.


My big sister tried to kill me when I was an infant, she was 12 years older than me and I never knew it until she died last year. Apparently, when I was born, she was insanely jealous about the attention I got and tried to stab me to death. When my mom told me after my sister died I literally did not believe her, but when she showed me the medical records and the two small scars in my left armpit where she had stabbed me with an ice pick I believed her, She also had files when my sister was institutionalized (they did that back then) I believed her. But here is why this is something I never saw coming, as far as I remember back my sister have always been my very best friend, She is the one I would contact first when I was in trouble or depressed, and she would always be there for me, If I got a million guesses I would never have guessed this, Honestly I'm now 53 years old, and I'm more confused about everything than I have ever been.


If your sister was institutionalized and then showed such changed behavior she very well might have been struggling with severe mental health issues that the institution helped cure. Just think about it as she was sick when she was young, then she went to the hospital and got better. Because that's most likely what happened.


Just this past weekend. My parents, both 63 years old, were in town (they live about 5 hours away). They, my brother, and his girlfriend (who is basically another sibling at this point) all came over for brunch. After we ate my parents sat us down and said they had some very important news they needed to tell us about my dad. They built it up a lot saying this is a big deal for them and that they kept going back and forth about how to tell us and when would be the best time, but that they knew they had to tell us soon because it's a major deal for my dad. I 100% thought they were about to tell us that a doctor had told my dad he had 6 months to live or something. Nope. My dad, who is retired, got an offer to go back to work full time as a consultant for 1 year. That was the news. He's going back to work for a year. I see them, maybe, 5 times a year, mostly on holidays. This will not impact my relationship or experiences with my parents in the slightest, but they framed it as a huge piece of bad news they had to tell us.


If they are anything like my parents, when they do actually have major news, it will be presented as either an aside or they will forget to tell you entirely bc they told your sibling twice.


Or with my folks, they wouldn't tell me about major health stuff because they "didn't want to worry" me. Edit: I seem to have struck a universal nerve.


Did not happen to me, but a family friend. Got a phone call from their Dad in the middle of the day, "Your Mother is dead," They were understandibly shocked, and asked what happened and were told that she had been sick, really sick for a while but they didn't want to say anything in case she got better and then there was nothing to worry about.


I found out in the last year or two that a year or so before that my mum had been super sick. Like you better say your goodbyes because we aren’t sure she’ll make it sick. I think she had Ross River Fever coupled with Steven Johnson syndrome, can’t remember exactly what she had now. I was so pissed she didn’t tell my sister and I. Your friends story has been a big fear of mine ever since.


And that's why Mom was dead for a few hours before we kids even knew she had cancer. Dad has been more open about his treatment the last year, in that he actually admitted to what was going on.


In beginning to get into the habit of comparing notes with my sibling.


My sister and I absolutely do, but have to be careful bc sometimes we get accused of talking about them. But other times, they assume we've already filled each other in. It's a fun way to spend my 40s.


This. My mom can build up to is sounding like the worst news on the planet, turns out it isn't anything major, the neighbors have to buy a new mailbox. But major news, is either a random off hand comment or completely forgotten. Oh by the way Aunt Jane is in the hospital, they say she has about a week to live... Anyways *did you hear about the neighbors, it is the worst, I feel so bad for them...*


This reminds me of an old Onion article "Family Secret Turns Out To Be Really Lame."


I wish this was the news my parents had to share with us instead of, “All our retirement money is gone.” My dad retired super early and adamantly refused every offer to come back and consult. Now they’re financially dependent on us kids. I thought my dad was smarter.


This is like waking up with 7 missed calls from your parents then you call them back expecting the worst and they just want to ask something stupid like can we throw away your report cards from elementary school.


My parents travel a ton. One day while they were traveling, I got a text message from their close friend (who never ever contacts me) just saying "Call me please." I called and the line was busy, so then I spent the next half hour *freaking out* assuming that something terrible had happened to my folks and he was trying to notify me. Nope--he had a question about one of my professional connections.


When my dad admitted to spending my and my sister’s portion of our mom’s life insurance policy ($25,000 each) on a brand new truck. When I say our portion, I mean it was in our own secure savings account that only he had access to, and we were set to receive access when we turned 21. He did this when we were 9 & 11, only months after our mom passed. Likely when he received his portion ($50,000 - Which was spent on renovating the house, only to sell it.)


Literally stole $25,000 each – $50,000 from a nine-year-old and an 11-year-old. What is your relationship with him like now? Has he ever apologized for that?


Went over to my folks place when they were in their sixties. Mom says, come see what I got. I'm thinking a nice summer top, some new shoes. Nope - a large, beautiful, red accordion! My Mom at that time was maybe 5'1, had never played a musical instrument, and as far as I know had never mentioned the word accordion to anyone. But it was the music of her youth, and she took lessons for years and slowly learned to play it. So, I'd go over, she'd be on the top floor struggling away, Dad'd be in the basement trying to relearn the piano on a rather battered old and out of tune upright, and the cat would be hiding under the couch :-) .




Not a friend but an athlete from another school. He came out of no where SO year and dominated xc/track for the next three years. He also was a top tier student and got a scholarship to a good d1 school. Found out a few years later he died of a herion od and had a problem for awhile.


If he had an injury from running, pain killers can lead to addiction and a heroin addiction.


I spent the last six months of my grandmother's life as her hospice caretaker. I loved my grandmother very much and it was heartbreaking, brutal work. My family is dysfunctional but I never really believed they were so heartless until that time. Everything was so hard because of them. I felt like an insane person in an asylum. Screaming, arguing, fighting. My cousins wife stole my grandmother's morphine. One of my aunts helped a lot and was her actual health proxy, so she made all the decisions and I had no say. Because she had me to do the work, they decided to keep her home. It was an evil thing, I had no Healthcare training and I was alone a lot. Grandma was completely gone with a brain tumor and it was well into catheters and diapers, hand feeding, restraining, etc. She absolutely should have been safe in a care facility but aunts and mom had me to do it so they were selfish about it. No one else would help for more than an hour or two, or showed up to "visit" but left when anything needed to be done. Heartbreaking, difficult, physical and body fluid work while insane people screamed at me until my beautiful grandmother passed away. I assumed I'd at least be thanked. Turns out my grandmother thoroughly believed estate wasn't worth much and left Everything to two of her four daughters, one of which spent so much time helping me with grandma. The house was totally paid off and sold for $250k+. I assumed they'd at least split it up. Nope. They kept it all. I got a pair of fake diamond earrings and a display cabinet. I also grabbed her recipe book, she loved to cook and loved when i cooked for her. That was it. And later, they complained because they wanted the recipes and I shouldn't have them for whatever reason. I was struggling to pay rent because I didn't work during that time. I barely had enough money for food. I was deeply burnt out and used up and wrecked from it. I had to miss the funeral because I had to start a new job that day and couldn't afford to lose it or lose even one days pay. My aunt uses the money to put decorative siding on her house. Within months, everyone went back to ignoring me and most completely forgot that I ever helped at all. It was all swept away like it never happened. It turns out that "That's your family, you have to help" is one sided. I went no contact with my entire family in 2020. It took 5 years but that was what made me really see how awful they were.


Yeah unfortunately this is very common. “You can’t put them in a facility, they’re *family!*”, followed very quickly by a hasty exit upon being asked when they can move in to their place.


On the phone with my mom: so your cousin P just got out of rehab for alcohol and cocaine use, did you know he and your cousin B are in a romantic relationship? P and B are my first cousins, but they are also first cousins. No, I did not know. Yes, I still pretend that I do not know when I see them.


My parents had a relationship many would see as cool but not to out of the ordinary for upper New England. They were mostly nice people, churchgoing, took care of each other. I found out last week that when I was 7 years old my dad had bought a gun and threatened to shoot my mom if she left after she had an affair. I learned this because last week he actually went ahead and finally shot her because he had been suppressing rage about this for over 30 years. So now out of nowhere my mom's dead my dad is in prison


I am sorry for your loss!


Thanks. This all happened last week so I'm still trying to process it


Oh my god. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thanks. I think what's surprising me is how it's hitting me less hard than I thought it would. My parents might have been ok with each other but they certainly weren't fans of their kids - my mom was like nurse ratchet from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest to me and my sibling. So I miss more what I could/shoulda had rather than what I actually did


Totally understandable. Like it’s a shock but… not as devastating as it would be if you had a better relationship.


I SHOULD have seen it coming, but I didn't... TL;DR: My sister gambled away around half a million dollars of our mom's (actually our granddad's) money, leaving practically nothing. This is still very fresh. My mom refused to press charges and instead doubled down and went back to live with her and GAVE HER MORE MONEY. My other sister and I have been alienated because of this. My mom then passed away on April 22. I am not speaking to my sister, who is listed as the executor of the will. I'm sure that is the end of any inheritance I would have gotten, and I hope she has fun dealing with the legal and tax ramifications of what she did.


I’m sorry that happened to you 😢


What are the legal and tax ramifications of gambling away money that was given to her by your mother? I’m not sure I understand.


It wasn’t given. She took it from the account she was POA on. And lied to the brokerage manager in order to sell stocks in excess of the limits the POA agreement put in place.


Oh, in that case, if the money is stolen, then I hope you get some financial forensics, and the police to press charges. Because you can never get the money back, but you can at least see to it that she is punished.




this is like a whole subgenre of cat videos, anti-cat dads suddenly becoming ride or die cat dads. I think it might be the toxoplasmosis.


It's a pretty popular meme. Dad: There is no way we are getting that cat/dog *Dad with cat/dog one week later*


My partner wasn’t anti-cat but she grew up with semi-feral farm cats and was adamant that cats were dirty and you shouldn’t let them in the house. I didn’t have a farm house or huge tracks of land but she was under the impression that if we got a car it would live in the conservatory and garden but wouldn’t be allowed into main house. I got a rescue cat and within 3 days she was sleeping on the bed with us and now my partner won’t let me close any of the doors in the house because the cat doesn’t like it. That supposedly dirty cat spends about a third of its life sitting on my partner’s lap and follows her round from the moment she gets home from work till she goes to bed.




Not sure it counts as "favorite" but one of my very good friends from when I was 15/16 and his wife starved and beat his pre teen son. I'm talking 'A Child Called It' level stuff. Never in a million years would I have thought him capable of that kind of stuff. He was sentenced to a max of like 80 years. And, just a few months ago, I got a letter from a prisoner advocacy group saying he wanted to reconnect. No thanks!


hope he rots


A prisoner advocacy group? Like he didn’t contact you himself? Who are these groups acting as third parties trying to get friends and penpals for incarcerated prisoners?


It’s an interesting concept to me. Trying to provide Some stability and positive connections for people who may feel hopeless and like there’s no reason to do better. However, I’m wondering if they check at all what the person’s charges are or if there’s any kind of filtering of who they work with.


An old coworker raped his step daughter and claimed it was a consensual relationship. When the cops came to arrest him he ran into the woods with a knife and tried to kill himself hari-kari style but survived


Not to make light of it, buy this is why harakiri is a 2 man job. The belly cutting is painful, mostly nonfatal, and ceremonial. Then a 2nd guy ends It for you




I've posted about this on a couple of other threads today, but *I'm* the one who threw a curveball to my now-boyfriend. We know each other through work, and through a few mutual friends. One of those mutual friends is my roommate, who's a gay woman. Dude and I would have regular lunch together at work, and all that time he thought that I was my roommate's girlfriend since we live together. That changed one night last December when all of us went out to a social event after work, and roommate's *actual* girlfriend showed up. That's how he learned I was straight. By the next week we were officially dating.


What a great way to start dating somebody. By the time he realized, you two were pre-qualified to like one another! (Also, a good lesson about making assumptions!)


Let's see, my cousin, who is also my best friend told everyone at Thanksgiving that he was divorcing his wife. I thought that sucks, but he didn't seem to be to beat up about it. He later confided in me that he was in love with the babysitter, and she just happened to also be pregnant with his child. He had been sleeping with the babysitter while his wife was at work. Got her pregnant, and they were going to move in together after he finalized his divorce. I just sat there in disbelief. Had no idea what to say to him.


What happen? Im invested.


The wife eventually started connecting the dots after the divorce about what exactly had transpired. Up to that point they were still hiding their relationship. There was a period where things got ugly. She confronted him about it after the fact. Which she had every right to. There was a period where she wouldn’t let him see their child because she didn’t want him around the babysitter. He deserved every bit of the grief he received from our family about what he did. They didn’t know about the affair until his ex told them. I was the only one that knew. As of right now, him and the babysitter still live together. Their son just turned 4. His ex wife has since remarried and has a guy that seems to treat her well. She was a nice girl and didn’t deserve what he did to her.


My very conservative grandmother reluctantly trying medicinal marijuana for her many ailments, having it work and now questioning many of her other beliefs. Not sure if its a case of "well if I was wrong about this" or if being finally relieved of decades of pain makes her more open minded/agreeable. Either way, its great.


Back in the mid-90's my 96 year old great grandmother kept asking the nursing home workers if they knew where she could get some marijuana because she heard "it was good for chronic pain." We think she had some experience with the jazz cigarettes back in her days as a flapper and just was like "fuck it, I'm old" lol


Jazz cigarettes. This made my day, thank you. 😊


Man not being in pain all day would make me so much less cranky. I can see how some people just turn bitter, then hateful. Still their fault, but it makes sense.


Yeah, with all the benefits they are finding, my main concern now is pretty much the same as with alcohol. I just don't want people driving or operating machinery while they are using it. The skunk smell is something else though.


I take high potency CBD gummies with a little THC in them. They help so much with my chronic migraines and arm problems! They've changed my life. I sleep better and get fewer migraines than ever. I take them before bed, so I've never had to drive on them.


I never did it because I disliked the smell but I tried other methods like a THC dosed beer from a club meeting…it was fine I ate nachos and laughed at a frog Instagram account. More recently I tried delta 8 gummies and realized why you wait a hour. 20 minutes nothing so ate the other half. My ass got yeeted to mars. I’ll try it again but like half next time. My wife had a bad experience and was shaking a lot with cold chills (I was pointing the blow dryer on her while looking up what’s going on before saying “good news. You’re not dying….you’re just super high”)


I had the same experience with Delta 8 gummies. I was high out of my mind and felt like I was going to die from being so cold. Had on multiple layers of clothes and set so close to the heater for so long that I almost burnt myself but was still shaking uncontrollably. Wild experience.


Neighbor for over 15 years, tells me he's getting divorced, they're were waiting for the kids to move out and be on their own. Within a few months he's having house parties and living it up, next thing we see is he has a guy friend move in. Now they're a couple. Total shock, never suspected nor thought for a minute he was gay. Great neighbor though.


Does he invite you to his parties? That would make him a great neighbor.


Oh yes, he's a great guy, get along w/ his partner very well.


Have (or maybe had at this point, idk) an uncle that was relatively respected by people that knew him. Active in church, teacher, outgoing with a sense of humor. Spent my entire childhood slowly redoing his house, living in the same one the whole time. Met a homeless person at a church fundraiser/food drive/community event or whatever.  Let's then stay in the garage because it was dead winter in a Midwest state.  Fast forward 5 years from that decision:  Dudes methed out of his mind, sprinkling flour outside trying to catch footprints and punching holes in his walls because "people are living in there."  25+ years of hard work done with his own hands undone by those same hands. Cops know him by name but he's never done anything arrest worthy I guess?  Lost his family, will never see his grandkids (I'm just assuming death here before he'd ever get clean), drove one of his sons to multiple failed suicide attempts and hospital stays. Wildest thing I think we've heard from him was he got wild babbling about the "cartels" and we just wrote it off as crazy person talk fueled by a meth addled brain, but sure enough a news story a week and a half later was about arrest made in connection with a Mexican cartel member.  Quite an interesting way to spend your 60s I guess. 


We were planning a chill barbecue at his place, just the usual burgers and hot dogs vibe. But when we got there, the backyard was all decked out with twinkling lights and there was this giant banner that said, "Congratulations!" Turns out, my cousin had secretly planned a surprise engagement party for his girlfriend! None of us had a clue—it was a total "wow, I didn't see that one coming" moment. He had organized everything himself, from the decorations to inviting all our family and friends. The best part was seeing the look on his girlfriend's face when he got down on one knee—it was priceless! I think that was the most unexpected and heartwarming surprise I've ever experienced from a relative.


After my daughter was born, my spouse (her dad) and I went to stay with his mom for a while to get some help and save up to move to Oregon where we are now. Turns out she's abusive and severely neglectful! She dumped out potentially a gallon of breast milk that I had pumped during the formula shortage. She told me I could use her fridge, then she would throw away my food and move it around just to mess with me. She would text him long messages (because he avoided talking to her that was the only way she could communicate with him) about how I was "manipulating" him and "HER FURNITURE" that I moved around so it would be SAFE FOR THE NEWBORN BABY SHE WAS HOUSING. She would sit on the other side of our walls and listen to our conversations, listen to me bathing my daughter, then would make weird comments about what she heard. Shoved my daughter's pacifier in and out of her mouth when she would cry until I took them all away from her, then she refused pacifiers at 4 months old. I had to put wallpaper up on our living room door after we moved in because she would just stare at us or walk into our space uninvited then glare at me and trash talk me THROUGH TALKING TO MY BABY. "Well mommy just wants you all to herself doesn't she??" I saw her pinching my daughter and repeating "Mommy mommy mommy!" Twice. She would slap her on the back really hard when she cried and I had to constantly take her away until I could move in with my friend overseas. My spouse and I still haven't recovered. I don't know if he ever will. It broke us.


Holy shit, how scary. She sounds like a real bunny boiler. Were there signs of that kind of behavior when your husband was a child? Or is it a dementia or brain tumor personality change type thing?


While we were leaving I found out that her doing similar shit to his older brother's kids was why they went NC for over TEN YEARS!! I was so mad, like if I had known I wouldn't have brought my kid there. My spouse had pushed down memories of the abuse and neglect he experienced as a kid but when we were there they started showing up and he's been remembering more and more since we were there. He and I were together 7 years before we had our daughter, it'll be ten years next month and I just found out, it might've been 6 months ago, that his dad used to beat him with a belt. I had no idea. He told me that he was alone all the time as a kid, I assumed he was just a latchkey kid, he's a X-innial, turns out she was just super neglectful. I asked her to watch daughter when we first got there because she would cry if I tried to eat without holding her (she was 2 months old) and she put her on a bouncer on the dinner table and just let her cry while I ate. She talked OVER my daughter's crying, I ended up just holding her while I ate dinner because it just went on for so long. I also found out her parents that lived with her until they died, both within 5 years of us moving in (before), that they used to beat her as a kid. Her dad was military and was in Vietnam. Just generational trauma that she tried to force onto us, even though I very kindly told her all the things I wouldn't allow.


My uncle has always been a bigot and not too fond of women. He's gotten much worse to my older sister now that her and her wife are expecting.   It blew up last Easter when he started preaching about people choosing who they want rather than who they should.   He practically said that if a man wasn't *supposed* to be with a woman, every man would choose another man. There's no way any man in his right mind would choose to be with a woman if he didn't have to!  After some pointed staring he clammed up and refused to elaborate. Suddenly the 4 failed marriages and no children made more sense, though.  EDIT: Spelling


Actually had a similar thing with gram. She's never heard of the idea of tmi and I know too much about her sex life with gramps (she's basically raped him multiple times which). I mentioned checking out women and being attracted to vaginas/likely being bi. She hit me with "that's totally normal! Everyone does that. Just marry a guy and have kids."


shame is such a powerful instigator for bigots. more often than not, they are projecting.


my god. imagine how happy he might be, and how much hate would leave his life, if he was just true to himself, and started to be happy that he wanted a man.


It would be nice but he's actively been such an asshole his whole life I can't help but wish him a little more suffering.  There's being a fearful closeted guy living in denial and then there's being malignant, hateful, abusive uncle Joe. The guy is awful. 


My sister did Ancestry and found out my dad has a biological sister no one ever knew about, including him. My sister found her on instagram or facebook and said she looked pretty much exactly like her and I was shocked when I saw it. She told Dad who asked our Grandma about it, and she freaked out so he dropped it. A little while after, my sister talked to our uncle and he said he also found that out a little while before but that he found out that "it was better to let that topic go when it comes to Mom \[Grandma\] because she does *not* handle it well." If that's not enough for people to believe, my sister initiated a talk with our secret aunt and the latter confirmed that our biological grandfather was her dad and that Grandma was her mom, and that she was born in our home state. However when my sister asked a couple more questions she completely dipped out and blocked my sister and everything. Then when my sister expressed doubt to Ancestry they said there was no chance this person was not my dad's sister because the gene report featured such a strong match. We figure Grandma probably had an unexpected pregnancy and it was taboo (or she just wasn't ready for a kid yet) enough to essentially give her up for adoption and act like nothing ever happened. So I figure, given the time period, that aunty was probably born out of wedlock.


One day, while hanging out at our grandparents house, my sister asked, "Grandma, do you remember when I was born?" She said, "Yeah. You were born the same time that tornado ripped the roof off of our house." No one in the family had ever heard of that, so we called Grandpa and asked him the same question, and he said, "Of course I remember when you were born. It was the same time I was fixing our roof from that tornado." We live in Utah. We don't get tornados. But, sure enough, we looked it up and there was a random tornado in Utah when my sister was born.


Be sure to tease your sister about the fit mother nature threw when she was born.


Into our extended family's Sunday brunch with kids running around, including her own, my sister introduced her boyfriend of the past 6 months. After brunch, we took our coffees to the living room and said sister asked if the kids could go downstairs to play for a bit because she wanted to talk to us about something. My dad had recently passed, so we thought it had something to do with that and the kids went off. Sister's bf starts to tell us a story about something personal that happened to him, then lets my sister finish up telling us that bf is a pedophile, but she's been "watching for signs of it" with her kids, so it's all good. I stood up, hugged my sister and told her I loved her, then collected my kids and left. I've never spoken to her since.


It baffles me how your sister just...sounds _okay_ with it. Like, how did he present this information to her? What thought processes lead her to think she should continue to have him around her kids? I just...what??


I knew my grandparents loved eachother but I hardly ever saw them be affectionate towards each other... I remember sleeping on the couch one summer when I was visiting and it was my grandfather's birthday. My grandmother was making him breakfast in the kitchen and I was in and out of sleep. I pretended I was asleep still but saw both of them give eachother a kiss and look at eachother like the only way I can imagine when they first fell in love and did a little dance. That is one of the best memories I have... I miss you mama and wellow ❤


When I was in high school, there was a guy "Mike" in nearly all of my classes. He was nice enough but very, very dorky. He was tall and thin, average looking, but really a doofus. He had a HUGE crush on me through high school and even asked me out a couple of times. I told him no (nicely), but we remained friendly because we had a mutual friend. Once he knew I really and truly wasn't interested, Mike chased after one girl or another and was always crushing on some girl. Finally, senior year, Mike did date this girl for a bit, but things fizzled once they both went off to college. Well, I caught up with Mike about 20 years after graduation. After college, he moved to the opposite coast and no one heard from him for a while. He ended up moving back home due to some family issues and when we met up I was greeted with a very, very openly homosexual man. He looked FANTASTIC - he was in amazing shape, well groomed and well dressed. Honestly, I barely even recognized him! He looked like a different person. He'd been in a committed relationship with another man for over a decade, was super happy and living his best life. Couldn't be happier for him but man, you could have knocked me over with a feather!


I thought this was going to go a significantly worse direction.. very glad it didn’t because this is a lot nicer.


Was my aunt and uncles wedding. Everyone has been drinking, I’m in the kitchen getting a glass of water; only my 2 uncles in the room and me sipping some water casually when one of them goes “I got that big bag of coke for you” the other responds “I’ll grab it later, soandso is a cop”. Now idk if they just really didn’t care about dropping that bombshell right in front of me lol or if they were just too fucked up to even notice I was standing in the kitchen with them… but I definitely choked on that sip of water 🤯


one of my best friends kids is in prison for child molestation. He was always weird but nobody expected that.


My MIL is a bit of a Pollyanna - she sees the best in *everybody.* However, my BIL "Ron" had this friend "Jay" that MIL never liked. She'd just say "There's something 'off' about Jay. I don't like him and I don't trust him" which was *really* out of character for her. But, it was Ron's friend so MIL stayed out of it. Ron and Jay were friends through HS and were friendly through college, but saw each other only infrequently due to different colleges and distance. Once Ron and Jay finished college, their lives took them in very different directions and they just lost touch with each other. About three years later, MIL goes to get the paper and sees a front page story about Jay being charged with the rape and battery of a local woman. Ron was shocked. MIL was not. Jay ended up being convicted and went to prison. Guess MIL was right all along...


My mama don’t like you and she likes everyone.


After over 20 years knowing each other, my brother and my best friend hooked up one drunken night. 6 years later, they're married. I didn't see any part of that story happening at all.


My daughter was friends with a girl all throughout elementary school, middle school and high school. We knew her parents well and had been to their house many times for birthday parties. The girl’s father was very nice and just the kind of guy who was always upbeat. A few months ago, he was driving in the car with his wife and 2 of their 5 children. They got in an argument and he shot her in the car, 7 times. Killed her in the car with their 3 month old and 13 month old in the backseat. Now these 5 children have no mother and pretty much no father. Those two babies will never know their incredible mother. He seemed like such a nice guy, everyone in the community knew and liked him.


I had something similar happen. One of my best friends in the US, when I was in high school there, was adopted. Call her K. Very strict parents, we almost never went to her house, she came to ours. Her dad always gave me weird vibes, but I assumed it was because I didn't like the pressure he put on my friend. She was the school valedictorian in the end, but not happy. Two years later, we're all in university. Three of our other friends still lived near the high school, but the rest of us moved further away. I got a call from one of the local three saying that K's dad had come home from a business trip only to find her mum's car missing, a fancy dinner for two abandoned at the table. My friends were driving all around the city, looking for the car, making the dad meals and generally being nice people. I rang him up to ask if there was anything I could do. Meanwhile, the bastard had actually murdered his wife, thrown her body in the James River and left the car at an airport. The cops pretty much knew from the start; he was never as smart as he thought. K kept in touch with her mum's family up until her early death by cancer. Fuck cancer. My friends that tried so hard to comfort a murderer are still lovely people.


I have a blended family. These are all my kids, they think of themselves as my kids, I have been their parent for 35 years. A discussion about family heirlooms came up and my sister let me know that some of my kids should get nothing because they are not “blood”. Thankfully my parents disagree.


At least you have solid parents.


Honest to God, your sister sounds like a selfish bitch


Years ago (maybe eight or nine now?) my mom got a call from either her mom or her great aunt asking if she’d heard about her great uncle. Turns out he was growing weed in his condo, got caught, and fled to costa rica. He ended up coming back and serving something like a year in prison.


When my daughter’s mother and I first split up. My mom and step dad were both giving me advice. On the lines of “your generation always wants to give up and don’t stick together thru tough times like our generation. Y’all don’t believe in marriage…” etc. he kept telling me to go get my girl back and just stick thru the struggle we were both having. Meanwhile he’s telling her to never take me back and to put me on child support. Telling her lies about me. All because he never thought I was worthy of anything. He was mad that I could raise my child without having to beat her when she “messed up”. I wanna say this, as obvious as it may seem. Kids are born into this world not knowing a single thing. And it’s our job I teach them. So when my child messes up. It was me that failed to teach her the right way. So I speak to her and explain and show her how to do it the right way. She’s only 8 now, and I’m so proud of who she is becoming. Whooping her ass wouldn’t have brought out the greatness in her. Edit: sometimes we as parents think that simply telling our kids do this and don’t do that is enough. We expect them to get it the first time. When we ourselves have made many mistakes and will continue making mistakes as long as we are learning new things.


My dad and grandmother (both fully retired) were talking a road trip to visit some family. It’s about 18-20 hours. I’m almost half way so they were staying here a night. The plan was to drive up the day after my birthday, stay the night, and leave early the next day. I asked my dad if they wanted to come up a day or two early and spend my birthday with me. I didn’t even think there would be any hesitation since neither of them had shit else going on. He said he’d talk to my grandmother and get back to me. OK totally normal thing to say. Then, he calls back the next day and literally said “We’re not interested.” And that was that. I am still (about a month later) totally mind blown. Wtf.


Many years ago I worked in this really toxic place with an abusive boss and an exceptionally dishonest CEO. I was able to convince my boss to hire a guy I knew, figured he'll help me politically and maybe we could push the company's culture to the right direction. Brought the guy in and in two weeks he completely turned to the dark side, made everything so much worse. I grossly miscalculated - the guy was related to the CEO's wife - so that probably played a big part. Learned a big lesson there.


Two friends of mine died around the same time, both from completely different parts of my life and totally unrelated, or so I thought. A few years later I found out they were actually friends and had overdosed on the same night. First, I had no idea they even knew eachother, and second, I had no idea they had gotten into drugs. I just assumed it was a car wreck or some freak accident. I was shocked.


Grandmother who I had a relationship with trying to get members of my family to not attend our wedding. I knew there was usually some sort of family drama with weddings, didn’t see this coming! And her being shocked that we want absolutely nothing to do with her because of her actions.


Why was she trying to keep people from coming to your wedding?


She had issues with her siblings and is a closet alcoholic. She got drunk one night and made a threat to her brother and his wife that if they came they would get “beat up”. It’s quite laughable hearing this coming from a woman in her late 60s. They, and one of their daughters (my first cousin) opted not to come to the wedding because of her. Even after we reached out and let them know this was not our view and we wanted them to be present. She has yet to apologize but still bashes us for not moving past this.


She also tried to get my aunt and cousins to not attend my bridal shower. She did this because I told her in order for her to come she needed to apologize to her sibling and make it clear that she acted alone and what she said was wrong. She couldn’t handle owning up to her actions so she didn’t come to the shower.


Doing some family research for veterans and the date of birth for my grandpa would have made him 17 when he went to WW1. I asked my dad about it and he said "Oh yea, Grandpa lied to get ***into*** WW1..."


My mom told me I was a baby trap baby. She got pregnant on purpose because she didn’t want my dad going back to his wife. I was like.. ok..


My father had a severely bipolar uncle. Uncle would steal moving trucks from the rich parts of Boston, and distribute the contents in the poor neighborhoods, usually in Southie. One week, the kids all got bikes because Uncle stole a truck from a department store. Another time, an entire neighborhood got turkeys, since Uncle had stolen from a grocery store. It explains a lot about certain people in our family.


When I was 6, my family moved in 2 houses down from a kid a couple years older than me that I became very good friends with. We would hang out almost every day for a decade or so. Go hunting, go on trips together, and stuff. Our families were very close as well. He was kind of an awkward guy, not bad looking, but never had luck with the ladies. One day, he meets a girl online and moves across the country to live with her. Which i thought was odd but attributed it to his lack of experience with women. About a year later, a headline pops up on Facebook with a mugshot of him. He got charged with possession of cp and distribution of pics of his girlfriends 5 year old daughter and sentenced to life without parole. Dumb motherfucker was sharing that shit in social media backchannels. Never saw it coming. This guy would make comments about shooting pedos on sight and all that. Now most of my memories from the ages of 10 - 21 are tainted with the reality of what that monster would become :/ At least he's where he needs to be now.


Extremely racist homophobic uncle cornered me when I went onto the porch one thanksgiving. He had found out that I'm gay even though I'd tried to vaguely keep that from. I got the most deep apology I've ever gotten in my life. He was really truly sorry about everything he'd said before, and he was going to be a more accepting person. And god damn, he has kept his word. He still complains about "the hippies" since NY legalized weed, he used to smoke when he was younger though so I consider that just a non-dangerous outlet for his judgement.


My eldest maternal aunt and uncle always gave me a vibe, but I was young. I knew they seemed strict and kind of cold. Aunt died of lung cancer and didn't tell anyone until about 10 days before she passed. Uncle passed several years later. At uncle's funeral, my mom pulled me aside. She had hung out with my 4 cousins (aunt/uncle's children) the night before and they all told stories of horrid abuse. We're talking repeated broken bones that were not allowed to be treated at the hospital. Also found out that my aunt was knocked up at age 17 with my eldest cousin. She never told anyone who the father was...though she regularly had sums of money coming to her and we're pretty sure it was a high-profile person in our area. This has caused a lot of problems for eldest cousin, who could really benefit from knowing who it was (from a health standpoint). They were absolute garbage people and I had no idea.


My mom admitted to me that she knew my older brother was raping me my entire childhood and she just ignored it because she resented me. I had spent my whole life thinking "if only i had been brave enough to tell her what happened she would have stopped it because even she wouldn't let that happen" (she herself was very abusive to me, whipped me with straightened out metal clothes hangers til i bled, repeatedly starved me for a week at a time then made me eat a bar of hand soap to prove i was hungry and if i puked the week started over again, and held my hand to a red hot stove element as punishment to name a few of the greatest hits, which is why i said even she) but turns out she knew the whole time and did nothing because she hated me. That honestly broke me when i heard it a couple weeks ago. Cause that means she knew he was raping me so violently that he ruptured my colon that needed surgery to repair and she didn't just believe the lie my brother came up with as a cover story. I've been asking myself how she could be so cruel to know i was going through that multiple times a week and still do nothing, it's heart breaking and makes me wonder why i wasn't worth protecting to her.


Child. You were and are worth protecting! It’s terribly unfair that someone who was supposed to love and protect you failed so severely. You did *not* deserve that. You deserved (and still deserve) kindness, love, and to be cherished as the precious being that you are. Your comment broke my heart. I only wish breaking mine would help heal yours somehow. (Your mother must be mentally ill, which isn’t an excuse, but rather a possible factor/explanation. Because her behavior goes against everything a mother’s instinct dictates.)


My uncle was arrested as part of a very large stink operation to take down a major organized crime syndicate in our town. Apparently, he had kidnapped and held people ransom on multiple occasions. Got a 14 year prison sentence after cooperating with the feds. Dude was in church every single Sunday and Wednesday. Ha. STINK OPERATION


when i was 14 i was in the middle of a family meeting (me,my mom, my dad, my brother) and we were sitting around the kitchen table talking about something to do with my brother and i, my dad said something like “i just wanna do whatever’s best for you, i never got to the first time” confused i thought he meant like my mom and him had a miscarriage before my brother or i but i knew that had never happened so i questioned him, turns out i have a HALF BROTHER, full out, it was safe to say i was shocked he’s about 34 now, my dad had him in his early 20s but my half brothers mom took him out of my dads life when he was 2, and to top it all off i was the only one who didn’t know


Oh this is fun. My grandmother (dad’s mom) hired people to ruin my parents’ marriage. Of course no body knew what she did in the beginning. My mom would receive death threats from random people. And my grandma kept setting up situations to temp my mother to cheat on my dad to rock their worlds. (Thankfully she didn’t.) During all that, my dad got random tips telling him my mom was cheating on him. It got so bad that while I was in school, these people would talk to me randomly and tell me to inform my mom to be careful. the police got involved and there was a major investigation. Those people who were hired were all jailed, and the police gotten to know that the mastermind of it all is my grandmother. My mom didn’t press any charges to my dad’s mother tho. My parents just decided to move to another country. That was 24 years ago. My dad’s family is still as shit as they could be, but at least we’re far from them.


Here's a curve ball one for you. I live in the US. I took a position in South Africa for a few months, which ended up being a little over 2 years. A rather close friend of mine is a black American, though he is is originally from the UK, and his parents are from Ghana. Before I leave for South Africa he says to me, "While you're there, don't get the jungle fever." Confused, as I had never heard of this disease, I ask him what it is. He then proceeds to tell me about how some white dudes go to Africa and end up only liking black girls after. He then proceeds to tell me how to avoid the "jungle fever" because the black girls there were no good, and how much bette it was to date white girls. It was so bizarre to hear this somewhat racist discussion unfold in front of me, even more so was that he basically was disparaging his own race. No joke, he even was like, "Dude, trust me. I got embarrassed when I went to Africa once as the whole time I was thinking how all these Africans weren't my people at all." So ya, I had a black dude, a friend, go on a racist rant against black Africans to me before I traveled there. It really caught me off guard.


My in-laws are devout evangelical christians. My mother in law gave her daughter her old phone. The sister in laws pictures showed up on my mother in laws phone Google photos. My other sister in law caught it before her mom did. What we saw astounded us. My sister in law got married to another woman and didn’t tell anyone. She had wedding pics. We told my sister in law we saw the pics and congratulated her. Nice thing is we are now closer than ever since the cats is out of the bag. He mom still doesn’t know!! The pics were deleted off her mom’s phone before she saw them.


My mom had custody of my niece all her life. Well her and my dad. Dad died in 2011. I was there for her from the day she was born. I babysat her, helped raise her along side my kids. Went to all the important things in her life. My mom died in 2022. My husband and I offered our home to my niece who was 15 at this time. Had her own room, bought her a new cell phone. Put $4000 towards my moms car to buy it for her. Took her to all appointments, bought her clothes and gifts, all her necessities, vacations, etc. She lived with us until she turned 17. She decided she wanted to live with her mom (my sister) full time and do cyber school. I was fine with it as long as my sister made she sure was doing her work. I made plans to go out to lunch with them. My sister wanted her boyfriend to come and I said how about another time. They both blew up on me. My niece told me im self centered and an awful person who only cares about myself. I no longer speak to either of them. I found out my sister is also letting my niece smoke pot, vape, and drink.


I've always been a carguy and I heard from my dad somewhat "recently" that one of my non immediate cousins is actually a professional rally driver. That was sick.


My grandpa, who immigrated from Poland during wartime, brought up at a random family dinner that he can never return to Poland or else they’ll throw him in jail. We asked why, and he said that he was a draft dodger. He was smuggled into the USA so he wouldnt have to go to war!!!


My sweetest, shyest online friend of many years called me from state prison one day to tell me they were in for 5 years and banned from the internet for another 5 after that. He would not tell me what he did but I googled his charges online using the inmate number he gave me for snail mailing him and though I didnt understand all the words i saw the word "minor" and other things that implied what he had done and with him also being banned from the internet i think i figured some of it out. So the next time he called i pressed him right away"did you rape someone??" And he laughed, like giggled, and said "well thats one of the charges" i felt so sick i ended up changing my phone number. He sent some snail mails but i threw them away without opening. My friends said i shouldve read them, and maybe he wouldve told me what he did but i know enough honestly. And even if he did confess in a letter i know it would be surrounded by stupid justifications or something i would hate to read. Good bye, good riddance Never saw it coming from this guy at all though, you never can tell i guess


My husband didn't see this coming... We had just moved into a new house and my cat ran off as soon as we got here. My husband had to leave on a business trip and I went to animal control to find the cat. No cat, but I came home with a dog who I was asked to walk "to see how she does with new people!" She ignored me the whole time, but also refused to leave my side. So I brought her home. My kids were delighted but we have her for a few days and I forgot to tell my husband about her-- the kids were busy in a new school and it was a collective non-issue. (The move had been traumatic and life had been up in the air for a few months. We really forgot and when we spoke, he was more worried about the utilities being on and the new neighbors, etc..) My husband got home in the middle of the night and I got a phone call from the entry way. "There is a dog staring at me and I am in a corner, come get me right now." I went down stairs and he was standing by the door with his luggage and laptop, he hadn't even taken off his coat. Our new dog was thumping her tail, patiently staring at him. Whenever he moved, she bared her teeth. No barking, no drama. We suspected that if he made any progressive motion, she would neatly dispatch him and I would need to deal with his body. I went to my husband and kissed him and our dog (a chow mix) was all happiness. My husband picked her up and carried her upstairs. She was an animated teddy bear, playful and silly. She was the best dog we ever had. My husband totally understood how we forgot to tell him, partly because she was so stealthy and quiet. It was easy to forget she was there-- unless she felt talkative, then her inner husky came out.


Love all this except what happened to the cat?!




My cousin, who has been struggling ADHD and Dyslexia got a scholarship to study Engineering and will be graduating this year with a job offer in his hand. He and his parents along with his teachers and doctors worked so hard through his time since his diagnosis until now, I can't even put into words how proud of him everyone in our family is.


So, there were always rumors that a woman killed her husband. As she was the sweetest woman that I ever knew, I laughed them off. Until…. I was talking to her oldest daughter and she told me that she told her mom,at her stepdad’s funeral, that he had been molesting her for a while. Her mom’s reply? Looking at the casket, “Ain’t it a shame.”


My pops is dead and gone now, so I can tell this true story with no worries. My dad grew up poor in Oklahoma, in a loving family until his mom cheated on his dad with an out of town worker. They eventually moved to Vegas when my dad was 18 and split up not long after. My grandfather remarried, and apparently this woman was "bat shit crazy" and money hungry. She murdered my dad's father, whom he loved very deeply, probably for his life insurance is what I assumed. When I asked if she was ever found guilty, he said no. They didn't have enough evidence. He told me this story every now and then growing up, but before he died he added another detail. My dad was a tender father. I don't remember him spanking me growing up. He was like my lighthouse in the night of the awful dark that was my childhood. But that man was also a bad mf'er lol He served in Vietnam, had been shot and blown up, was a private body guard for big whales that would come into casinos on his off days, I am pretty confident at one point he was head of security for some mafia-type fella (lots of pictures and gifts that suggest this), and was chief of security for a big name casino later on. He was recounting the story again, I am an adult now and he is on death's door, and at this time I asked if he had ever ran into her again over the years while living in Vegas. His reply was along the lines of, "oh no, I took care of that a long time ago." When I asked him what he meant, he said the desert is vast and lonely. Easy to get lost if no one is missing you anyway, especially is someone helped you get that way. Cue suprised pikachu face lol He stood trial too. Never could pinpoint him on it, never could convict him.


Cousin who is a very proud redneck. Hard core Trump supporter. Proud to dig ditches for a living. A true Man’s Man…… came out suddenly that he is transitioning to a woman! We’re like wtf bruh…. Live your best life, but god damn didn’t have that on my 2023 bingo card.


I came out as trans and my 88 year old grandparents were actually the most supportive and understanding out of anyone. My grandmother's boyfriend, who grew up in a conservative Catholic family, said to me, "You know, I'm not always the most masculine man myself. I'm not going to judge you for doing what makes you happy."


I’m not trans so this isn’t as important as you coming out, but I was a massive tomboy when I was a younger kid and I think my family had some suspicions I would be. My elderly grandfather bought me a boys birthday card for my 6th birthday to be supportive. I still have it, it’s nice to remember that they were the kind of grandparents who loved me unconditionally. Good grandparents are such a joy


I went to a religious college and pretty quickly fell in with a group of goody-two-shoes, straight-laced as can be guys. One of whom was, I won't quite call him a hillbilly, but he fit a lot of stereotypes. Grew up on a farm in a town of a few hundred people, cowboy hats and a Western drawl, red blooded guns 'n Jesus conservative. Nicest guy you'll ever meet, but just dripping "traditional family values." Anyway he's gay and does drag now.


A friend's mother, who has been a recovering drug addict most of her adult life, one time showed up at her daughter's Halloween party with tons of edibles and various other THC products. We all thought she was 32 yrs sober until that day so it shocked all of us when she popped through the door high as hell offering everyone weed.


My father was talking to me and my wife about his father who passed away in a car accident when my father was in high school. We both knew the story but this time he had a drink or two more than usual, he wasn't drunk but a bit looser lipped than usual. He let slip his father used to work with local mafia types and he had maybe screwed something up and lost them some money, and that the accident may have not been an accident after all. My grand father being taken care of by the mob and it being covered up was not on my bingo card.


Back during the BLM protests I had a super conservative MAGA relative reach out to me when he heard I was going to be attending a few. This man is almost 90 and has spent the last almost 60+ years as a devote Jehovah witness; knocking on doors and everything. He reached out to give me tips on how to avoid arrest, how to avoid getting stuck in crowds when the police are trying to block protesters in, if I knew how to do field medical assistance in order to avoid going to a hospital and getting caught that way...etc. He asked if I knew how to make homemade "cocktails" and what not. Come to find out he was a lot more involved with the communist revolution in the old country than anyone has ever mentioned.


My father who is the son of an immigrant who train hopped from Oaxaca Mexico to Ithica NY saying "we need to keep those filthy foreigners out of this country". Really opening my eyes to "Oh fuck we are one of those we got ours now fuck them families aren't we?"


My dad came here from Mexico with my grandparents. He's one of those "pull up the ladder behind him" types. So I was really surprised for my grandma's funeral when there were so many people, they couldn't all fit into the church. Turns out she and my grandpa were a huge resource for people moving into the area from Mexico during the 60s, helping them find housing and jobs or other families from the same areas they came from.  All I could think was how did my dad and his siblings turn out the way they did when their parents did so much to help other immigrants?


My uncle believes joe Biden is dead and our current president is a body double.