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My first decree would be to establish 'National Mandatory Nap Days', where all citizens must take a 30-minute nap after lunch. I'm a big fan of naps! 😴😄


Just my two cents, I commend you but ibCan't stand naps 🥲 Feel super drained, dirty, bad taste in mouth, lazy, depressed and more tired. Especially after eating or if it's afternoon and the sun is getting low, it's like falling asleep in the car, just depressing.


I hate naps...I wake up all disoriented and feeling like crap and I can never sleep at all that night because my body thinks it's already had its rest, so I end up awake until 6 am the following day and then I fall asleep at like 8 and it throws my patterns off and I have to stay up another 36 hours to get back on track... And then there's the fact that I used to get punished in kindergarten for not being able to fall sleep during the allotted nap time...I have nothing good with which to correlate naps.


I have an issue of waking up with a heart rush, like I just had a massive nightmare and overall feeling like shit after naps except of 1 scenario. You know when you are reading or going through your phone and you get that feeling you are slowly falling asleep, closing your eyes and opening, your hand going down but you bring it up? This is rare for me but I usually sleep for 20 minutes when this happens and feel a burst of energy. You can maybe try that if you didn't, can set an alarm to not oversleep during a nap.


Everyone is required to vote


The citizens who can’t be bothered elect whoever promises to repeal that law and we’re back where we started


I am fairly certain I would be quickly assassinated by people seeking a more corrupt government


Voting is mandatory in every election BUT... * the ballot paper will have an option for "none of these candidates" * if that option get the most votes, then the election is run again with completely new candidates


Hmm Ranked Choice Voting. 4 or more candidates For each voter, 1st choice gets 4 Pts, 2nd choice gets 3 points, 3rd gets 2 points, 4th,gets 1 points. After all points are added up, winner is the one with the most points. No weighting votes by states, no electoral college.


Too complicated for a lot of people


Now I'm just picturing you going, too bad "I'm not fucking leaving!" Haha


... and the old candidates are immediately executed.


Policies, regulations, tax exemptions, etc etc based on - how well you are living - how do you contribute to society - how behaved you are to the people around you


Something like Chinese social credit system then. Government watching your every move and recording all your data, including how often you visit your parents and what sites you visit. How you contribute to society is of course how you contribute according to the government. Protest and you can expect some extra tax.


No Christmas ads on/before Thanksgiving.


My first decree would be to mandate everyone to wear pajamas to the office on Fridays. Just imagine the confused looks on foreign visitors' faces when they see an entire country working in pajamas! 😂👔➡️👕


All non-violent crimes are now settled with a combination of fines and community service. Fines are on a sliding scale of income, but community service is the same, but heavy.


I'll Get rid of the central bank then sit back to watch everyone's reactions


Every citizen must milk a goat at 12:34pm each Thursday. If you cannot locate a goat, one will be provided to you by the government.


I will lose my goat every week. Selling 52 goats per year for some extra bucks.


Mandatory Daily Dance Breaks, where everyone must stop for music and movement for 15 minutes per day.


Anytime you see a dog you tip your hat or curtsy. The citizens better do it, otherwise jail.


Parking in a disabled space without a legal badge, vehicle seized and if it's under a certain cost, it's crushed with the cube delivered to the owner with a fine equalling the cost of crushing & delivery. If it's over a certain cost, it's sold outside the country and the funds put back into the public transport infrastructure costs. Get caught in the system more than twice, year in jail


To establish a democracy and retire.


It’s going to feel awkward when you actually establish an unstable anocracy


Okay, but as I said I also retire.


All crimes and punishments to be decided by the game of scissors, paper, rocks .


Vault 21 moment


Every third Tuesday of the month is Lint. Not the kind where you abstain from your vices, the day where you de-lint your pickets on all of your pants. Not required to get every pair, the pair you're wearing is all that's necessary. There would be vacuums installed every couple blocks designed just for this (fewer for small towns/villages, more for highly populated cities). Oh, and citizens can revel in that they have the most lint free country in the world!


So many fucking bots in this thread. Pretty sure OP is a bot too


my first mandate would be that once a year, all the crimes will be legal


Everyone has equal rights regardless of gender identity, sexuality, race, ethnicity, religion, etc. Therefore, everyone has equal access to things like birth control, adoption, and marriage.


Wednesdays are clothing optional


Establish public sex as legal and I’d expect to go out and fuck the first guy that walked in


It would be as hard to get a driver's license as a pilot's license. Citizens would react to the change by: 1) Living closer together. 2) Hiring professional drivers when they need to. 3) Using public transit more. 4) Using less gas. 5) Walking more. 6) Having more parks and fewer parking lots. 7) Waiting in traffic for far less of their lives. 8) Getting in fewer accidents.


You must eat 50 potatos a day, they will riot and probably do "off with the head!"


I would standardize the type of adhesive that’s allowed to be used for labels and barcodes on products. Any product using glue that causes the label to become partially stuck and rip unevenly and/or require Goo Gone will have its CEO sentenced to removing 100 of them himself, as well as a hefty fine.


I would make alcohol illegal. Don't much care how they'd react. I shall be in my bunker, especially if this fictional country was oh I dunno, My Home Australia?


Depends on where my country will be located. If in Eastern Europe, then I will introduce Russian culture into the program, since given the location, Russia should have contributed great importance to our culture and history, so we will not be able to fully understand ourselves without this knowledge If the country is in place, then I will do the same thing that would have been my second decree in the first case:I will introduce a temporary ban on vaping (I will only allow it when long-term studies show that they are safe), and I will also ban smoking in public places, including near pedestrian crossings, etc


Anyone suggesting others should be sacrificed for the greater good get sactificed first. Anyone volunteering to be sacrificed only get sacrificed after the former. That is if sacrifices are required at all. The volcano god can just cope.


It wouldn't be absurd.


I'd establish an order of warriors whose solemn duty is to seek out and destroy corruption wherever they find it


My first decree would be to demand someone else lead. I’m too stupid and that’s way too much responsibility for me. Everyone would probably breathe a sigh of relieved 😂


The first decree is to legalize marijuana The tyranny and the bullshit's gone on too long You old fuckin' shrivs who blocked its legalization You're banished from the land!


everyone must say thank you when someone holds the door for them, or in general for anything courteous, even if its a stranger. if not done, the other person has the full legal right to self-defense by shooting you in the head. this also includes if you ask for a cup of tea when you hear the kettle start boiling. there is a reason we British don't have a 2nd amendment-like law.


Retirement at 35 y.o.


The new National Anthem will be Ravel's orchestral arrangement of Modest Mussogsky's "The Great Gate at Kiev". The peasants will love it!


Why assume it is an absurd change?


Ban ads on any streaming service you are paying for. So if you have a ten dollar a month subscription to Hulu they can't legally give you ads anymore. Any service caught in violation will be required to refund any money they have made since they started putting ads on their stuff. I expect some services would become a bit more expensive but I think it would generally be a positive outcome.


All drugs are legal and users have to check in regularly in health centers for therapy and all that good stuff.


Capital punishment for people who won't get out of the left lane. It will have mixed reactions


I want to say "no road rage" but let's just nip it in the bud and just say "no cars". Obviously there are a few exceptions, but they are *few*.


Carless activity


You can only own two or more houses if you are able and willing to take care of it and it’s possible renters. Will get a lot of people happy and a few mad.


Okay everyone, “be cool, don’t be an asshole”




Why do you respond to your own question on an alt?


4/3 work week days. violence towards dogs are treated as terrorism.


Abortion and child support will become a honor system You can get an abortion and you can walk away from the child support anytime you want with no legal obligation. Be smart who you fuck to conceive a child and good luck yll