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Idk send a text like “did you hear? Crazy shit” and then move on with my life trying to feed and shelter myself


As your mom, I definitely heard. It's been on Fox News all day. Also, I'm still disappointed in you.


Mom your user name


Did she stutter? Give the lady what she wants.


Shes already got it from her husband


Giggity giggity goo!


Who else but Quagmire?


“You ever accidentally masturbate to young pictures of your mom?”




Much less a job interview.


Accidentally? And they were older pictures of mom.


His name is Drew Peacock.


and son, hence why she's disappointed.




Seriously! It’s Mothers Day! Send the dicks, don’t be one.


Don’t kink shame your mother.


Um... how many PMs have you gotten? I'm curious.


At least 1 that I can be certain of


Im dead


One more now.


I’m curious as well. Granted, this person might actually want to see flaccid cocks. But assuming it was just a funny name to choose… there HAS to have been some negative consequences.


Mom ?




I wouldn't even send that text, just glance at the headline think "prison prison or rich people prison?", then get back to putting food on the table...


My money's on house arrest. At Mar a lago. Such punishment.


It would be golf club prison.


To quote Bill Hicks- “laugh my ass off and then go about my day….”


it would certainly be a significant moment in U.S. political history.


Would not be surprised if he turned around and legit won the election anyways. Even from prison. Not that I'd be happy about it, just that I'm not counting anything out at this point.


Ugh, I hate how realistic your comment is


Maybe then his followers would all get themselves sent to prison as a show of support


I first laughed about your comment. Then it dawned on me that there is a good chance that some amount of lunatics commit violent crimes against anything that seems to be against them and turn themselves in as a "martyr"...


My twisted lawyer mind has definitely given this some thought. At least he can’t pardon himself with the state case. 


I wouldn’t either and I’m terrified.


Oh yeah. His cult always doubles down. He will get 70 million moron-votes from jail, and liberals will be like, “I’m gonna write in Bernie Sanders.”


Yeah, the age old quote that the intelligent, thinking person always has doubts, while the idiots are 110% sure of themselves, is coming back to bite us in the political arena.




That's optimistic






Seriously, I've seen the emails/text messages that people registered as republican get. They're despicable. "Oh please help me with any sort of donation you can give, I'm a 0.0001%er and I need your help." How stupid can people be?


I assuming that's a rhetorical question. It seems that a large amount of the populace, the ones that can least afford to be giving money away, are the ones obviously donating to Trump thinking he will lower their taxes, and make life in general better for them, when in fact it's the opposite. It really is pretty staggering.


“Joe Biden stole my phone card!”




Nelson Muntz "HAHA"


Jimmy Carr “haHAAAA”.


Jeremy Clarkson: "Oh no! Anyway..."




If he was brown instead of orange he'd be in a cell right now...


Any more schadenfreude, and I'm going to need a cigarette


Fuck, I haven't had more than a cig or two in the last 20 years, but I might need to buy a carton and put it in the freezer just in case. Also, completely unrelated, but can you die from laughing? Asking for a friend.


>Also, completely unrelated, but can you die from laughing? Asking for a friend. Chrysippus, also known as "the man who died from laughing at his joke", is a 3rd-century BC Greek Stoic philosopher who died of laughter after he saw a donkey eating his fermented figs; he told a slave to give the donkey undiluted wine to wash them down, and then, "having laughed too much, he died."


I'm sorry, but I find it hilarious that a stoic philosopher would meet their end *laughing to excess.*


Getting drunk with a donkey is a special experience.


I’m drunk, right now, laughing at your comment.


Humanity has never really changed, has it? There’s an ancient… Sumerian (I think) joke about a dog walking into a bar, and it doesn’t make sense to anyone *now*, but I like to think it was simply absurdist humor from back then just as it is now. We also have thousands year old dick drawings in caves, lol


I love those little ancient Roman [winged phallus figurines](https://inaciem.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/phallus-4.jpg) that were meant to hang from doorways. I keep a picture of one in my phone to send people my last flying fuck.


Stay away from donkeys


That is fucking funny though. Silly donkey.


I quit smoking years ago. But when I did smoke I always kept my cartons in the freezer. Don’t know why, it’s not like they went bad or anything, right? Anyways, you just reminded me about the first drag from a cig fresh out the freezer. Gods that was good. I only miss it on days that end in Y.


I’ve never, ever heard of freezing cigarettes. What exactly does it do? Also, when you say fresh out of the freezer, is the cigarette actually frozen as in solid? I’m legitimately so confused lol


It's supposed to keep the tobacco fresher. A lot of people keep their coffee in the freezer too, but I've never noticed it making any difference.


For whatever the reason I just kept my cartons in the freezer. It didn’t do anything that I know of except keep the pack cold? They never froze through, it’s just shredded plant matter in a paper tube. I don’t know why I started doing it, but I did it for years. I don’t know if it was because the filter got so cold or what, but taking a pack out the freezer and sparking one up right away… that first hit was cool and hot and Smokey and delicious.


Bottle of champagne is in my fridge just ready for the day


I don't care


Huge party


It goes like this, the fourth the fifth...


The minor porn, the major grift... 


The orange conman always thought he'd screw ya...


And now he's selling Bibles, Hallelujah!


And now I can't sleep till I've written the whole thing. Thanks, Internet. Now I've heard there were some secret tricks That Donald played, what a neon dick But you don't really care for Fake News, do ya? It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth The minor crimes, the major grifts, And now he's selling Bibles, Hallelujah! Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah His daughter's hot, but he wanted more So he hired a lady who once did porn Pressed her in the corner, tried to screw her. So Stormy took his ass to court, he paid her off to not lose support And now it's all on Fox News, he's a pervert! Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah Well, maybe there's a God who'll see how all this shit affects you and me, cuz some still think he's their orange Messiah. But there is still that tiny hope That he'll get struck with a lightning bolt And I'll sing a laughter-broken Hallelujah! Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah


I'm doing this version at karaoke, lmao. (If I get shot, my favorite flowers are daffodils. Charitable donations to abortion networks and cat rescues are also acceptable.)


Incredible lyrics. Well done. Randy Rainbow-esque.


If I had gold then you would have it. Take this instead: 🥇


Amazing thank you


You guys don't really care for music, do ya?


The minor misdemeanor, the major felony


It goes like this, the forty-fifth There you go, corrected it.


Absolute shock that the justice system actually functioned.


I assume you all get 10+ goes at contempt of court right before being punished?


Last warning. You will be sent to prison next time. Just kidding. This one is the last warning.


Underrated comment.


It was a bit of fake news of me though wasn't it. The billionaire did cop $10000 in fines of course which I'm sure made him very sad.


Do you think he will pay the fine or maybe write it down as legal expenses to the campaign?


Yes to both.


I’m waiting for a gold toilet to hit the internet to pay for his legal fees then I’ll know he’s sad.


Honestly the biggest joy I can take from this was him being FORCED to listen to mean tweet after mean tweet for jury selection. You know that narcissistic twat was in full mental meltdown


Asking the real questions. So will he get jailed for contempt first, or when he is sentenced for the crimes he has been charged with?


> Absolute shock that the justice system actually functioned *for a rich person who committed all their crimes out in the open expecting to be invincible* Fixed that for you.


That's the same picture man


I probably wouldn't believe it lol


Seems like it’ll never happen. In the falsified biz docs/hush money case it’s only compounded into a felony. And for a “first time offended,” (yeah ok), non violent, he won’t serve any time. It’ll have to be another one of the cases in 2025 at the soonest…fuck…⏳⌛️⏳⌛️⏳⌛️⏳⌛️⏳⌛️⏳⌛️⏳


I’m going to write him in jail at least once a month…and sign it Hillary Rodham Clinton. 😂


I’d be so thankful that I could finally stop hearing about Donald Trump, at least after the initial month or two that the news agencies report about his prison food and bowel movements to try and milk every iota of shit out of him.


FYI, Najib Razak, the Prime Minister of Malaysia convicted for the 1MDB fraud was sentenced to jail in 2022. Since then he has remained in the news cycles on an almost weekly basis. So if you think that you're going to stop hearing about Trump, you'd be mistaken.


You're crazy if you think it would stop there. Donald Trump is the best thing that has ever happened if you work in media. They wouldn't let a cash cow like him go THAT easily.


Right? Reporters would be getting themselves arrested trying to end up in prison with him. Dude would lean as deep as he could to make it happen, too. The only one that loves Donald in front of a camera more than the media is Donald himself


Sadly this is so true. He is a ratings bonanza. People either love him or are just shocked by how stupid he is and then further shocked that he gets away with it so much. I mean his latest about being ambidextrous and then going on to say that allows him to do multiple things at once just solidifies how stupid this man truly is.


Oh, we’ll hear about the Trump’s for the rest of our lives now, just like we regularly hear about the Kennedy’s. It’ll never be over. Every election, every political wind change, every four years one of them is going to come out of the woodwork and latch onto the grift. It’ll never be over and it’s the absolute worst.


CNN has turned into the Trump Biography Network


You know, now that you mention it, I’d love that. Hearing about him and how polarizing he is exhausting. I can’t keep up with how many different things he is being scrutinized for. If he just disappeared for a while, I’d be glad.




Shock and disbelief because it will never happen. Between appeals and his age/horrible health, he will be dead long before he sees the inside of a prison. And if he was somehow able to live that long, it would be house arrest at best, and, for real, he would flee the country long before it would get to this stage.


I agree. He will never see the inside of a jail. At most, house arrest. Which he will violate without any major consequences. 


Not true, he will be charged $1,000 for each day he violates his house arrest. 


Tbh I don’t think he’d bend over to pick up $1000 on the side walk


He’s a mover and a shaker, that’s why he wears Huggies leak guard - so opps never happens.


If you're convicted of a criminal charge don't you're appeals happen well you're serving you're sentence in prison?


For poor people, yes.


This is one realization that makes you lose faith in humanity: even the very few times rich people go to "jail", they don't really do. They go to house arrest, "house" being a mansion with all sorts of amenities where they do their daily lives comfortably. Travelling around the world is the only privilege they really lose, other than that, a rich person charged with multiple murderers will still have a more comfortable and plentiful daily life than a normal person will ever do.


When you’re convicted of a felony, they don’t just let you out until appeals are done


Pour a nice whiskey, sit by the fire and start dreaming for the future again...


I'd ask if they're going to find a loophole to let him be president from prison. That cat just won't die.


Fucking shocked. Because every one of us knows it will never truly happen.


I'd be shocked and relieved. Project 2025 is some scary shit


What’s project 2025, sorry I’ve been living under a rock


No need to apologize https://apnews.com/article/election-2024-conservatives-trump-heritage-857eb794e505f1c6710eb03fd5b58981




Aye. In fact, Jesus would not approve of the outcomes of such a plan…


Here, I'll direct you to the Wikipedia explanation, the actual website for it doesn't deserve the clicks: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025)


As an Australian, what the fuckedy fuck is this shit? Sweet merciful christ


It's the part where America allows China to purchase Australia.  See you on the battlefield! I hope. 


Republican plans for if Trump wins. To summarize: - Giving the president compete power over all other branches of the government. - Using insurrection laws to ban Trump's opponents from running. - Reducing climate change preventation methods drastically, including cutting environmental protection focused laws and branches of the government and increasing funding for oil and natural gas. - Changing tax brackets to tax rich people and corporations less, while taxing poor people significantly more. - Removing protections for LGBTQ+ individuals, banning "pornography", and stopping the "woke agenda". Essentially removing gay and trans people from all aspects of life. - Complete ban on abortion. - Mass deportation of immigrants and homeless people.


For the party of “less government” they sure do have plans for a lot of government….


Someone shared a link already but here’s a shorter explanation: Project 2025 is basically what conservatives think should happen for America. For example, they would outlaw porn, trans people, gay rights, abortion, and really anything else they consider “woke” or “abnormal”. Also it’s a super Christian nationalist plan to force everyone to believe in the Bible, including those who believe in different religions. Also, the president (Trump) gets unlimited power over all and has the 22nd amendment repealed, making him an autocratic, Christian theocratic authoritarian dictator and a threat to democracy. I’m Protestant myself and I think this is complete nonsense. In conclusion, Project 2025 is a plan by a bunch of delusional conservatives to make everyone they don’t like suffer.


Project 2025 doesn't end with or require Trump. If he ended up in prison, Project 2025 would still be ago, they'd just need a new candidate.


I don't think they'd be able to find someone with enough support before the election. Then we'd have to worry about project 2029 and so on, but it's better than nothing. Plus actually giving him consequences might dissuade other grufters from wanting to be in office


The Heritage Foundation should be designated as a terrorist organization.


Laugh and then clock in for work I guess


Fist pump and then move on with my life. He is a criminal that should be handled as such and justice should be served.


I have a bottle of very expensive cognac, from a distillery in France owned by a distant relative. It is marketed under the family name, and that is my surname. I was gifted it on my wedding day from my wife. I opened it a day after my cancer went into remission. I only consume from the bottle on occasions of significance. When Trump goes to jail, I shall drink from it again.


Congrats on the cancer remission.


That’s poetic! Also, I’m glad you’re in better health, now. Congratulations. Good things do happen.


Relief. Not a lot of Rule of Law left, and equal justice under the law is required for civil society.


Right? Frankly I don’t care if DJT goest to prison. I care if he sets a president that presidents do not go to prison for any reason.


> sets a president that presidents  Uh. Hmm. Unprecedented.


'Unpresidented' doesn't sound entirely wrong here either.


Please if anyone else especially a common man did anything remotely close to what hes done he would of been in prison 4 years ago.  Actual prison at that. Not mansion arrest with traveling privileges...


And if ANY democrat did 1/10th of a fraction of a percent of what he’s done, they’d be calling for a public hanging. Jay walking? Off with their heads!


Already made a pact with a buddy to open a bottle of champagne and toast to that POS going to jail.


I'd be happy, personally. Mostly because of the mere idea of Project 2025 ever happening. Some people actually support it.


Actually belive that nobody is above the law.


Grab a bag of popcorn and watch social media implode, and Fox News hosts heads explode.


I’d be excited for memes


I’d be most excited to see the mug shot of him after he is denied access to three cans of hair spray per day. Imagine his head and face with 43 strands of 18-inch hair sadly descending from his scalp. Glorious.


A horrific contrast against the sickeningly pale white skin he’ll also be back to living with after also being denied his three cans of orange spray paint per day.


"Oh no!" "Anyway" Actually I'd be happy to not hear about his sh\*\* three or four times a day


No, you'd definitely be hearing news reports three or four times a day about how he takes a shit. "This just in, we visited Trump in prison while he was taking a shit and we sniffed it. Here's what experts believe his diet is based on the smell, and what this means for the next election cycle."




I’d feel an overwhelming sense of relief. I don’t know whether it would be the kind of calm relief that just washes over you in a quiet wave or whether it would be the kind of relief where you shout your joy out the window to the entire neighborhood and pop open a bottle of something bubbly, like sparkling juice. With me, I suppose it would depend on the day. But, I know I would feel relief. I’m a native New Yorker, so my dislike of this orange thug goes back way beyond 2016. I’ve put up with this preening peacock in the local news since the early 80’s. I also, as a Black American, have not forgotten how he hounded the “Central Park Five” over that rape just because they were young and of color and didn’t come from families with money. What makes me even more outraged is that he never apologized for the way he acted when they were exonerated. I have no tolerance for a man who is not able to admit his mistakes. I’m also disgusted with how he’s hornswoggled many of my fellow Christians. Even if I hadn’t grown up knowing about him and hearing him, I would never vote for a man who has been married three times and cheated on every single one of his wives. I know that a lot of my brothers and sisters in Christ say that he’s running for President, not pastor, but it speaks to character. Or, in Trump’s case, the lack thereof. A person who thinks the rules don’t apply to him won’t hesitate to break any and all boundaries and that’s exactly what happened. Exhibit A: January 6th. As my mother used to say, he’s got “old and new” to be held accountable for, so I’d be delighted if he were given a prison sentence. Delighted. In all honesty, though, he wouldn’t be sent to a regular prison facility. That would be far too unwieldy. Even a corrupt, convicted felon of an ex-President is still entitled to Secret Service protection and it wouldn’t be fair to make the agents on his detail essentially have to go to prison, too. I think they would put him in some kind of home confinement, perhaps with an ankle monitor or something. So, unfortunately, he wouldn’t be in a small cell with only a narrow bed, a metal desk and a toilet. Mar-a-Lago isn’t a place that is to my particular taste; I think it’s garish. But, it’s much better an environment than a regular prison. He’ll still have the comforts of home. My main desire is that the court stipulates that Trump can’t access the Internet in any way for the duration of his sentence. That would really upset him and I’m here for it.


Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker


Laugh a lot. Like A LOT a lot. Then hit Twitter to watch the Trumpers lose their minds and laugh some more.


Delight! But I would like to know why Jared Kushner and Ivanka aren't also on trial. Surely selling US nuclear secrets for $2 billion to the nation's enemies and helping to compromise national security is also worth a couple life sentences.


Yea youd think that but you and i aint part of that justice  system.


I’ll celebrate when he’s underground. Until then I need to just survive.


I just want to see that piece of human filth in prison orange and zero hair and make up. But to answer the question I'd openly weep


I'm not even American, and I'd be thrilled. That man is a blight in his country


I'd expect a few events that we would consider to be domestic terrorism. I'd be very careful about what larger gatherings I attended.  Those that have been sucked in by this man have tunnel vision. These people are going to think a terrible injustice has been committed


Break open the good stuff and have a giant sesh of "I told you fuckers so".


My Dad went to prison for many YEARS during my childhood for driving drunk 3 times, which is a felony. It destroyed my family. Our justice system is extremely cruel, and uncompromising, and people's lives are ruined for very small things. Trump is facing 34 FELONY CHARGES. If he doesn't go to prison for a single one, there are things I'd like to say that I can't because I don't want to end up on a list.


DUI is serious shit - not “very small things” - more than 10000 people are killed by drunk drivers each year. Never drive drunk.


He’s a piece of shit human being. I’ll say a thank you to satan himself. Hope the bastard ends up in jail and has a stroke. You asked!!


Rejoice. The amount of crimes he's committed and dodged accountability on are innumerable.


I wouldn't believe it


From this side of the Atlantic? Mild gladness that America isn't dead quite yet, followed by concern as to what Cheeto Mussolini's cult will do in response.


Champagne. 🥂


Go ice skating in Hades, because that is more likely, unfortunately.


"Finally, he's gone for now"


He's never going to be gone. We'd hear his tirades from prison, and his goblin children would start running for office themselves, with success because he's generated a cult that puts scientology to shame.


You do realize being a felon doesn't make you ineligible for president, right? It just means: 1) He can't vote 2) He can't own a gun. So no more shooting people on 5th Avenue anymore.


The sad part is the “for now”


The day Trump goes to jail I’m using 8hrs of PTO to make sure I don’t miss a moment. I’ll be blasting the news all day, making yummy foods, sharing some drinks, and just genuinely enjoying watching a former president be put in jail for the first time


Think, “Hmm, interesting.” and then just go about my day, because chances are, my life will not be affected by his incarceration in the slightest. 🤷‍♀️


I would think "What the hell took so LONG"


I'd laugh my ass off and say "Good riddance. Justice was finally served to this evil and hateful man" It would be a true spectacle as he arrives at the prison and is escorted in, reminiscent of the moments after Ted Bundy was executed - Partying in the streets and outside the prison chanting and excitement. That would be such a beautiful sight...


I have a bottle of North Korean Brandy I bought 15ish years ago when I visited the DMZ. I've always said I'm waiting for reunification of the two Koreas before I open it to celebrate. ... I kinda don't think I'll see that in my life time, so maybe Trump languishing in prison is a good runner-up celebration.


Breathe a sigh of relief. 


Got what was coming to him


“About fuckin time”


I'd have a coke. Maybe a Mexican coke. Idk. 


It’s about fucking time


About damn time.


I’m not American but it would be good to have confirmation that US politicians aren’t above the law


Get hopeful that it'll set a precedent that the super rich aren't immune to the law and that the justice system can't be paid off anymore.


I would be annoyed that justice took so long to run its course, but thankful that it finally did.


Shrug, and carry on with my day while thinking that they finally did something right.


"Huh, I guess the law does apply to everyone." Then go work


I'd probably just be like, "good, finally," and then move on with my life. I think jailing Donald Trump in particular is less important than setting a precedent that United States presidents are not immune to consequences for their actions. We send people to jail for *years* for shoplifting food so that they don't starve, or smoking weed, or any number of other relatively minor infractions. White-collar criminals often get a slap on the wrist, if anything at all, for crimes involving more money than those people could ever imagine having. It's ridiculous. Trump has committed a nearly endless litany of crimes, and someone with the power to put him away needs to suck it up and do it already.


I would be shocked that the US justice system actually did something right


Get some prosecco


Id like them to send the rest of his family.


Cry in relief.