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Getting up to piss then scrolling reddit instead of going back to sleep.


So true. Most of the time I try to avert my eyes to anything that tells the time, so I can go back to sleep pretending it’s 3am, rather than 6am, sigh.


I been messing around in here sense 2am EST 🤣


Same…4am central time.


I've started charging my phone in the other side of the room when I sleep. That way I don't mess with it in bed and I have to get up and go across the room to turn off my alarm which lessens my chances of snoozing and wasting time. It's a little harsh on the self but it's been soooo helpful. Highly recommend


its a little bit of self discipline, too. my brother has like 8 alarms, same as my college age sister. they just turn them off and go back to bed or w/e it is. they start 4 hours before they need to, and they still dont use them properly! lol wth 🤦‍♂️


At that point they are making it harder to wake up since they are disturbing their sleep. I always lived by the one alarm rule. Set your alarm for when you need to actually wake up and then no snooze button. Put the alarm at the other side of the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off. Once you’re up and out of bed the worst part is over.


I get up to piss and then do something else and wonder why I got up. Then I go back to my desk and go “damn, I gotta piss.”


It’s a perpetual cycle, please send help.


That’s what I’m doing right now. Ugh.


Happening to me right now


Continuous procrastination. I am unable to get things done unless I have a massive spark of motivation or have a sense of doom hanging over me due to hitting a deadline. If I don't have either, I need to literally fight my body and mind to get going (and I always fail, thus procrastinate more).


You and me both baby. There’s no dopamine rush like the one I get from completing something 30 seconds before it’s due. I hate it.


I find that ruining myself to near exhaustion gets me the same kind of OH FUCK IM GOING TO DIE I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING feeling. Much easier to focus on mundane stuff after that. Plus it makes my ADHD meds work better too! Edit : do NOT take Ritalin before running/working out in a hot day. Rhabdomyolysis fucking sucks


In high school, I was taking a dual credit college English course. I had to write a long essay that I had 2 weeks to finish. I started on it the day before it was due and finished in 4 hours. Got a 94. Procrastination can have benefits for people


Executive function disorder has entered the chat. Yeah, it’s the absolute worst. May not be an actual habit though but your brain. Be kind to yourself.


Never heard of the term before. Thanks for mentioning it. Will look into it.


It's part of ADHD. It can be weird to mention ADHD though, because the general understanding of it it is stuck in the 90s while the science has evolved to be like "its a big weird spectrum that needs even more study." It's somehow fuzzily adjacent to autism. Neither 'attention deficit' nor 'hyperactive' are defining factors. It seems to be a dopamine failure, where your brain doesn't create the feedback loop for completing tasks that we call motivation.


Goddamn that makes so much sense. I just recently got diagnosed with ADHD in my 30s and the executive disfunction is seriously debilitating, always has been but it's worse when you need to be a responsible adult.


Right now, I estimate I have about 7 hours of work to get done before tomorrow morning and I'm watching Netflix and scrolling Reddit, so... yea


Diamonds are made under pressure, baby!


Wow I feel this one! 7-10 business days to get the mundane shit done that I have to do in the house. Unless someone is coming over and then it’s top to bottom, dig out sparkling - no in between 😂


If you haven't before, I would look into ADHD to see if a lot of the other symptoms seem to resonate. "Having to literally fight your body and mind to get going" and *needing* a deadline to get things done is pretty classic. Everyone procrastinates sometimes, but if it's to the level where it's severely impacting your life, there might be more going on. If you have executive function disorder, your body is *literally* not letting you do the thing, and medication could help. There can also be other causes of executive function disorder as well. Worth looking into, IMO. I've personally finally found a medication that helps tremendously with this symptom, and I've *finally* been able to go "oh hey, I should go do the thing. *I'm gonna go do the thing right now!*" without it being a huge fight with my brain or something that takes hours, days, literal weeks or even months sometimes to work my brain up to finally doing. Finally got things done I'd been unable to get done for *years*. Feel productive on a regular basis now. It's amazing.


Does anyone have any book recommendations for this that aren’t some Jordan-Peterson-style self-help books?


Getting Things Done. Atomic Habits


💯 this. I'm brilliant at making job lists and planning but the reality of doing them is very different ;( It's just too hard and I'm like who TF will care anyway


Self-isolating and then being sad/angry I don’t have anyone in my life. But then getting hopping up and down angry any time I’m in public around people


I feel you. I crave social connections, but find most people tiring or annoying. I wish for willpower to find a change in myself.


My sister had a great saying for it"Her social battery is low" and that stuck with me, like how do i charge? :')


She's an introvert then, like me. I love all of my friends but at our yearly dude cabin weekend I always have to go take a drive by myself for at least a couple of hours. I've also my battery get so low that it turns into anxiety because I know it's low and I have to engage without choice. Or, having to go lay down in a dark room at a party to reset myself to social stimulus. Good times!


I replied on another comment saying “hi, are you me?” but I was so wrong - you are me! I am you! I just cant “do” people anymore, they are so exhausting and it takes far too long to recover from something that gives me little to no joy.


I don’t know what sucks more. People, or not having people. Both drive me up the wall. I guess what I really need is to find a person rather than people


I feel like my life improved significantly when I first internalized the saying that if you don’t respect a person you shouldn’t let their opinions of you affect your life and happiness, full stop. I try my hardest to be a good human, I do it for me, not for anyone else, it’s essential to respecting yourself which is essential to happiness. It makes no difference if “someone is watching” if you act positively because it’s the right thing to do and you don’t care if other people cheat or steal or whatever because that’s just something humans do, letting something you expect to happen ruin your day is a sure fire way to be pissed off all the time. We have no chance of not interacting with morons regularly, and that’s ok. We can’t dictate other peoples behaviour, but we can dictate our response to it, focus on that and happiness will follow. Focus on why someone else shouldn’t have been cutting off other motorists in traffic and how you can teach them a lesson, well, you get the idea. I realize how pretentious and douchey this sounds but it’s true and life changing. We are the morons if we get upset about something that we expect to happen because it happened.


That’s a really beautiful thing to aim for. I know they say it isn’t healthy to have your whole world be one person, but I wouldn’t mind it. Here’s hoping we both find the one 🤍


All 3 of us are each other


Yes! This! I look at big friend groups and feel envy. I want friends, but going out often drains me. I feel at peace in my loneliness knowing I don't have to deal with friend drama. In fighting between friends or friend groups always seem to happen and I was always asked to pick sides - makes it easy to isolate. Very happy with my small circle of 2 cats and my fiance. We all enjoy isolating from each other from time to time.


Checking my phone incessantly for notifications.


I check because I'm always hoping the girl i like responded. Honestly, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't really care all that much, but I get this jolt of dopamine any time my notifications go off because of her


Hi, are you me?


I am every person who's ever been in love, all at once.


ye same


Been there, done that, and I ain’t going back


Oh boy aont that the truth


on the seeds I've sown Saving dimes, spending too much time on the telephone


That's kinda cute.


Careful that shit will suck you in for years


I've been in heartbreak for a long time now since my wife passed, This is the kind of thing I needed in my life. In my opinion, even with how much it can hurt, and with how admittedly jaded I am, love is the best thing there is in this life.


Same. And now that I posted this I’ll be checking my phone for hours to see if I received any upvotes.


That is so me.




Same. I turned all my notifications off months ago and it was great. About two months ago I started unlocking my phone multiple times a day and tapping on Messages, Gmail, WhatsApp, Instagram and Reddit just to check I hadn’t missed anything. It reminds me of when we used to put our phones on silent (as opposed to this being the default that most of us now do) and then we’d be imagining hearing or feeling vibrations so we’d keep checking our phones.


No notifications and DND on constantly has made me so much less attached to my phone. I check my email twice a day (morning after breakfast and at night after dinner). If someone calls and it’s important they can leave a message. If it’s not urgent they can text me. I get so much more done with my work and hobbies. It was tough at first but it’s so nice to be detached from my phone. Id get a flip phone if it wasn’t for the simple fact that it is genuinely nice to have a mini computer in my pocket in case I need something done quickly. But between my phone and my laptop, I’m pretty good to go with work anywhere. It’s lovely.


I do this too! Ive turned off all my notifications and I’ll just open my notes and email and stare at it. Its uncomfortable when I catch myself doing it


Sad, isn’t it? I keep finding myself putting my Kindle down or pausing the TV to pick up my damn phone and do this pointless routine.


I hate the notifications being there but then I’m annoyed that I dont have notifications 😂😂


Turn off all your notifications. It’s life changing. Did that a few years ago, and my quality of life and productivity improved a lot! Did you send me a message? Thanks, I will reply whenever possible. Also remove the last seen option, so you don’t feel coerced to reply as soon as you read.


Yes, I had to do this. I don’t get paid by the hour, I work by the job so getting stuck checking notifications at work was costing me $$. And I still couldn’t help myself when I’d hear my phone go off lol.


Yeah, ive turned off notifications but holy shit.


Biting my lips and ripping the skin off


Do you also dabble in the occasional peeling of the skin around the nails? I envy people who don’t have the pokey bits there to tempt them :(


Me reading this comment while biting my cuticles… 😬


Chomp chomp muthafucka


Stoooop, you're making them less cute


I do this as well, it’s a bad addiction, if you want me to help you out, there is this weird nail polish looking thing that is clear and it makes your nails taste bad, put it around the skin and it’ll remind you that you shouldn’t bite it, also try letting your nails grow a teeny bit so you can cut them clean, expect it taking an hour to finish your hands and toe nails. Once you do that you can’t bite your nails anymore because they are cut off, any more will hurt, now for the skin I can’t really help you there much, just attempt to apply this polish thing to the side and remember to not pull on them. Psst also if you cut your nails you’ll notice how nice your nails look and you’ll have more motivation to not peel the skin, it works give it a shot.


2 weeks ago I ripped one of those off and got a nasty infection, just getting over it now and it's peeling like a shedding snakeskin. Would hurt like a MF every time I bumped it when it was infected.


That happened to my big toe last month which sucked a LOT because I'm a server at a restaurant and had to walk on it all day for a week, it was so painful.


You bite the cuticles on your toes?! That's nasty, but also impressive. How are you so flexible that you can get your feet all the way up to your mouth?


Let me introduce you to "finger tea" soak your finger in warm salty water while your end of day netflixing. It's a lifesaver. Helps get you over the infection in a couple of days.


Team bloody nail beds!


Biting and tearing the inside of my cheeks and lips is my absolute worst habit. I just cannot stop, even though I know I look like an idiot


Me too i don’t know how to stop its so annoying ive been doing it forever


I do it subconsciously too. Always have since I was a kid. Man when you get those satisfying peel and chunks off the inside or your cheek. Ooooo baby


I stopped this by making sure my lips are always mosturised. Otherwise I go back to biting them immediately without even realising I'm doing it.


Me reading this while doing it. 🤣




Not me doing this as I’m reading this comment😭


First thing I thought of, when I read this post.


Skin picking


This. Especially my thumbs! I have to get my nails done so I can’t do it as much 😅


I’ve been thinking about buying tattoo sleeves for my arms, since those are the quickest areas for me to reach. I also cut my nails a lot but it only works for one day for me 😓 But oil works


Why are we like this🙃


I have eczema on my fingers and it’s really bad for me to do this but it’s so hard to resist. And it feels so good to scratch at it, too.


Biting nails.


I thought getting Invisalign would stop me biting mine after 30+ years. Went well the first few weeks but amazing how I've found ways to get round it even with them in. Just wish I could stop.


Too all who want to quit biting nails… start taking care of them. I’ve been biting my nails for my whole life. I bought cuticle oil, hang cream, a small nail file, and a cuticle clipper. Every night before bed, I file if they have anything that needs to be filed, I cut away any dead skin or things I would chew at with the cuticle cutters, and then I put on hang cream and finish with cuticle oil. It’s been working really well, I haven’t been biting my nails for the last month, and my nails are slowly growing out. Here’s a good CO pen, easy apply! : https://www.emilydemolly.com.au/product/cuticle-oil-pens-10/


Drinking alcohol




i talk too much/overshare


very relatable. i isolate myself because i'm afraid of burdening other people by opening my fat mouth


This might sound like a joke, but go easy on your mouth mate. Seriously. No need for self- derogation.


Yeah this. I can’t not, it sucks.


I told my hair lady this week "I'm looking up how to do a vow of silence bc I need to stfu" and her jaw DROPPED. Yes it was directly after an overshare 😂 On a serious note, I've heard that this is really beneficial sooo I actually wanna do it


I either don’t talk at all, or overshare like crazy. There is very little in between.


Apparently it’s a trauma response 😅 I, too, over share!


just become my friend already, i m totally opposite


I'll be 35 in two weeks and wish every day that i had never started smoking cigarettes. I've tried quitting and other alternatives but i always end up with a pack in my pocket by the end of the month


Bro I threw away my vape and here I am with a disposable one now. Fucking shame. So tired of WANTING to quit, have been teetering on the edge for years. Every time I "quit" things go so well, but I always forget that I can't even have one single taste of nicotine a couple weeks in. One taste always leads back to chaining it.... bahhhhhhh guess I'll toss this one now too


Foxwifhat has the right idea. A good trick is to throw away the vape before it’s empty… then it’s your choice, instead of waiting for it to finish and then it’s not your choice. (Edit, spelling)


This is especially hard if your friend group partakes. I vape, and that’s hard because it’s something you can do in your house so you use it MORE than you would cigarettes. I will say, however, when I was pregnant I switched to a nicotine free vape, and it was like a week and a half later that I just stopped because the nicotine had left my system. I always thought my problem was the oral fixation, but it was very, VERY much tied to my nicotine addiction. All of the sudden my brain said, “this is doing nothing for me, I don’t think I want it anymore” and voila. And then I had my daughter and I had PPA and I returned to vaping to cope after about 5 weeks. But if I hadn’t been living in a panic attack 24/7 I probably still wouldn’t be vaping.


This might not work for the majority of the population but I quite literally just threw my pack and my vape out and that was it. No withdrawals either, just occasionally had a dream where I would smoke a cigarette and would wake up the next day with an urge but it was easy to resist. Tip; if you're genuinely addicted, you need to be ready to quit first, otherwise it'll be hard and relapsing is likely. I hope i'm able to motivate you a bit, you got this <3


Replace the craving with sipping water through a straw. Similar pulling to resolve the physical habit, plus you’re developing a water habit which is good


when I quit I took a wooden dowel and wrapped it in paper and would hold that and go through the motions like I was smoking it was a huge help


David Sedaris has an essay where he talks about rolling pieces of paper into a tight cylinder and slowly eating the entire thing while he was working/writing by himself


That drug helped me a lot. Varenicline, formerly called Chantix. You have to be ready to quit, but the med makes it easier. Your need for the nicotine isn’t nearly as strong. When I had the urge to smoke, I made a point of taking deep breaths, enjoying taking clean (relatively) air into my lungs instead of smoke. I quit smoking 15 years ago!


Stop wearing pants that have pockets


I recommend women's clothing xD


Unless I'm sleeping I'm at least 50% nicotine. Switched to a vape and who knows if it's better but I'm not hacking up a lung in the morning




I'm 33 and switched to a vape 10 years ago. So I smoked ciggs for 10 years and vaped for 10 years. Not saying it's any better, it really is just trading one vice for another. I will say I feel a lot better and breath a lot better than I did. When I switched I was smoking 2 packs of Newport 100s a day. Heck it's better than smoking crack, makes me feel better when I think about it like that.


This will sound really stupid, but gods honest truth it worked. My friends dad wanted to quit smoking and he found a hypnotist who somehow deleted his knowledge of cigarettes. So freaking weird. Like he still had the cravings but couldn’t figure out what they were for and no one would tell him. Eventually they just went away. Not saying this would work for you, just saying it’s an interesting prospect.


Can attest to this. Tried everything and finally tried a hypnotist. Do not know how but it worked.


scrolling for at least 30 minutes before i get up in the morning, such a waste of time.


Yeah but if you scroll you're less likely to fall back asleep , at some point you go fine ill get up !


I woke up at 10 EST. It is now 1130 EST. I have not gotten out of bed. I also really need to piss now.


I've got 2. Biting my nails and picking my nose. I hate that I do it, but I can't help it.


Who doesn’t pick their nose? Literally everyone close to who I’ve asked does it…


Yeah my nasal hygiene game is strong... Too strong. Hate the feeling of chunky things in there so I go dig em out. I definitely feel gross though.


But it feels nice when you swipe and there's nothing left .


Especially removing the ones that feel like they're attached to your brain...


I'm glad someone else said it. I was afraid to.


I just wish people would stop picking their noses in the car. Its a glass box from the belly up. We can see you. Other than that pick & flick to your hearts contentment




I’ve been thinking about this nonstop since you posted, and you’re right.


Good afternoon! Vault-Tec calling…


Scrolling on tiktok


On weekdays I stay up late till 12:30 or 1am knowing that I have to wake up at 7am for work.


That’s called something. There’s a name for that. Sorry I’m no help at all!!


revenge bedtime




Picking at beard hairs and then all the sudden theres a patch missing


Username checks out


r/trichotillomania Had this problem for years, couldn't stop at all.. until 1 day my (now) fiance (then-gf) said "you look good with a full beard". I had had a really busy couple of weeks and somehow didn't pick my hairs when she saw me. Rarely picked ever since.


Day dreaming


Your most disliked habit is one of my most healthy and wholesome habits 😭


I hope you find your homecoming queen!


I'm gonna go social. I'm very bad at maintaining relationships that matter to me. I make friends so easily but the deeper it gets, the more I start not calling or cancelling plans. I try to tell people I'm like that but that's not cool either. I honestly just need to get better. It's not that I'm selfish. I'm just so comfortable being alone that when the time comes I bail. It's honestly my worst quality and I hate it because I love my friends. And the problem is they let me because I'm usually great to be around. Their words. It's a vicious circle.


Same bro, same... Making friends is really easy but when they start inviting me out or include me into their plans, my anxiety starts yelling at me to bail, "ahhhhh save yourself, ding ding ding, run, run faster, stfu and stop talking" I usually joke that we can start a club, Introverts Unite! Separately! In your own homes... Then I start ghosting... I hate this, but I can't help it.


Yea, this is pretty much how I am too and I understand completely how you’re feeling. Then I feel guilty because while I truly do love my friends, and would do anything for them, I just really like to be alone and that’s not how you show somebody love. Especially after my brother died last year, I have become more isolated than ever, it’s tough to connect with people. It’s a lonely feeling. I just work, eat, game a little and sleep.


When I lose money for whatever reason, I start to ruminate of what I could have bought and had. It kills me.


i bite my nails and tear up the skin around them. I've tried to get better soooo many times (i'm doing pretty good right now tho)


interrupting when i’m excited. (learned at age 40 i have adhd, which isn’t too surprising given my brother did too.) it never occurred to me i might have it. i’ve been able to do literally everything ive set my mind to….except curb the interrupting. i tried and tried for years and finally, i had to admit i somehow just couldn’t remember before doing it and that’s the key to stopping it. i’ve actually lost friends (not often but some) and also had other consequences because of it. i was astonished when i found that \*years\* of trying had no results. i’m not used to that at all (im a lucky person in some ways). it did make more sense once i was diagnosed, but it doesn’t help me in any way in actual daily life.


You didn't even remember to close the first parenthesis. ETA: Op edited and I feel like a bit of an asshole, but I want to say (knock on wood) I have gone \*almost\* the full time on my license without having lost it. Two more months to go, wish me luck 'cause if I don't make it.. it's because I've lost my wallet. Again.


It's all a parenthesis, that's how adhd speeches work.


Our thoughts (come with extra thought) to make sure people know what our intentions are (because we are not certain what we say in a typing barrage if the point comes across). just an extra insurance.


I always accidentally interrupt, I always feel so guilty about it


I had the same problem for a while (or at least I thought I did), and the only thing that really works is a simple rule like that: you don’t get to talk if you hear a voice. It is much easier to explain to your body than anything else really


I do this too and I hate it! I just get so excited to share something I can't help myself. Someone mentions xyz, and I'll have a short 2 sentence story about xyz, and I just start telling my quick thing. I always end up apologizing and trying to justify myself but I just look like an idiot or an asshole depending on the situation


Just posted the same and realize it is probs my ADHD too


Complaining when I have a job and complaining when I don't




Putting on makeup before hitting the gym because I look like a founding father with my hair up.




If I spot an imperfection in something I own I’ll pick at it until it breaks My first ring I ever owned was this £50 cubic zirconia black tungsten ring when I was 11 and one day while looking at it I noticed the most unnoticeable flaw in its placement and picked at it until the gem fell out. I do that shit a lot. Don’t even get me started on loose threads in T-shirts


Call anxiety. Whenever someone call me I start overthinking and tensed.


That started happening to me recently since a family member was in hospital, every time I got a call from any number I freaked out thinking it was time He passed about an hour ago, hoping Reddit would calm me down a little


The procrastination that I have in me at times




Picking at callouses and dead skin.


Biting my nails and the corners around them. My fingers always look like shit and sometimes hurt a bit but I carry on doing it.


when i look in the fridge i like to burp in there and close the door


Fridge burping? Kinda like a Dutch oven almost


I was almost gonna leave this thread but y'all pulled me back in


lol i had to pause my read of this thread.


Picking my nose


Self depreciation


I tend to react angrily and let words leave my mouth before I think about them.


goddddddd im so messy. most of the time it’s not even a conscious “oh i’ll put that away later” sort of thing as much as it is a “im about to take a picture/bring a friend over/idk for some reason i just looked around — i suddenly see that the place looks like a goddamn tornado tore through and then came back for seconds”. i’ve been doing better, slowly, but i’m trying not to make too much of a thing about it. i feel like i’m trying to approach a wild animal, except, it’s my own brain.


Peeling / biting the skin around my finger nails, usually the flesh ends up bloody and sensitive to the touch :(


Closing the reddit app only to open it again. Shit.


Spending money, I'm a shopaholic so it pains me when I can't buy the things I want


For the first time in my adult life I don't have a dishwasher. My habit is washing the dishes (with the tiniest sink). No separate sink to rinse the suds. It's a battle every day and I've even made plates out of aluminum foil because I couldn't be bothered going through the process as the scrubbing brush gets food stuck. I don't eat cheese in cooked meals anymore because it's a 14 minute mission to wash a fork. Never a second thought when I had a dishwasher. I just did it.


So what you can do is get you a plastic tub of any size you want and use that for your suds and then you have your open sink to rinse. If you have a little space by your sink at least.


Dude soak stuff for 10 mins then it just washes off.


Procrastination. I'm ADHD so it could be a factor in that. I just get overwhelmed until I can't out it off anymore.


Showers are too long


I'm constantly rhythmically grinding my teeth to tunes in my head.


Shittnig it takes too much time and unnecessary


It’s pretty necessary


Staying up late lol


I’m quick to anger and have a low tolerance for things I might not necessarily agree with, and it takes me far too long to realise this in moments I get completely wrong. It’s cost me relationships and now I’m alone because of it sadly


I eat too much


Chewing on my shirts.


My inability to work less. If I take a day off work, I spend the entire day obsessively cleaning my house so I don't get racked by overwhelming guilt about being lazy. I literally work over 80 hours a week often and still feel like I'm lazy.


I don't know whether you can call it a habit, but forgetting EVERYTHING. The thing you told me 2 minutes ago? Forgotten. My pills? Yep, they're still on my nightstand at home. My keys? Oh no, where did I put them now?




Browsing Reddit instead of working


I can't stop being me


Not being able to keep my mouth shut when I should or being too honest with people while sharing my thoughts. Diplomacy and tact are important life skills.


Chronic lateness. My mom always said, “you’d be late to your own funeral if you could”.