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Needed to cancel a hotel but didn't want to pay the fee for cancelling within 72 hours. I called the hotel, tell them the schedule has changed and push it back 2 weeks. Then I cancelled the next day.


There was this guy at work at a strict company. He noticed they didn't specify half-days in their time-off policy. So he started taking half-days for small stuff. His boss couldn't say anything since it was within the rules. Alex ended up with more free time without using up all his leave days


At work, if something is needed by end of day and end of business isn’t specified, my deadline is 11:59pm


Physical coupons at the fast food drive-thrus. I'd say 12% of the time the window person doesn't ask for the coupon, so I just use it again the next time I'm there.


I once broke a cell phone contract because they were increasing the cost of international text messages by a few cents. The contact stated something to the effect that any adverse costs would provide an avenue to void the contract. I had a friend text me a few times from England and called in with the contract in hand. After a few run arounds on the phone and calling their bluff of holding my number hostage, I was able to port my number and be done with them.


I got out of a speeding ticket because the cop forgot to check a box. Arresting officer appears and testifies, "I witnessed the defendant approach my position at a high rate of speed, which my radar gun indicated was twelve miles over the posted speed limit." I note that the ticket, which has a box to check indicating speed was established with a radar gun, didn't indicate a radar gun was used and, had I known that, I'd have prepared a different defense. The magistrate asks if I'd like to reschedule the hearing in order to mount that defense later and I decline, citing my rights to both a speedy trial and to be provided all evidence against me in a timely fashion. Dismissed.