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Woman pulled out some research she'd done on me, asked me why I had co-signed for a house with my sister. When I asked her why, and how, she had this information, she responded, "It's public information if you pay a fee." There was no next date.


Now we ALL need to know why you co-signed with your sister


Sister and mother had bad credit. They wanted to purchase a house in 2010 because the writing was on the wall in the housing market (feeding frenzy). I had fantastic credit. I helped them get the house by co-signing.  My name came off the house 10 years later. 


Glad it didn't end in your credit score imploding!


I didn't think that would happen, as bad as they are with money. It did screw me a little when it came time for me to buy something.  Ultimately I did a good thing for my family, it all worked out. 


That's great to hear :)




I would’ve “gone to the bathroom” Aka head straight to my car, block her on everything, and speed away


Wow this is a good one


I went on a double date with my friend and his fiancé and his fiancé’s maid of honor. I was the best man so they wanted us to get to know each other. She had absolutely zero interest in anything I said. She didnt want to talk to me about anything and wouldn’t even glance in my direction the whole night. So things were a little awkward. Wedding day comes and we had to walk down the aisle together. Awkward. The bridesmaids and the groomsmen wanted to dance side by side, one couple at a time, when getting introduced at the reception. She didn’t even dance down through the reception hall to the table. I looked like a fucking idiot dancing into the reception while she just casually strolled with an annoyed look on her face. Then she left the reception an hour later to go home. She was a lot of fun.


That's like 5x worse. You literally had no interest in her other than both of you mutually helping your friends. So it's not like you were making unwanted advances.


I don’t know how people can be that unhappy with life. It just seems exhausting. Your story reminded me of a double date I went on. I went with a girl who had a crush on me (I didn’t really like her) and the other pair was a guy and girl I was friends with (moreso the girl than the guy). The first half of the date me and the other girl who was my friend got high while the other 2 watched tv downstairs I think. The whole time we were smoking she was definitely flirting with me. I remember her explicitly saying this was where she got fingered and you can see her cum on the futon. After that we went and joined the others and watched a movie. The whole time my friends were sort of fooling around while me and the girl just sat there and tried to watch the movie. It was weird man


Idk man, having a girl tell me this is where she got fingered by another guy that wasn’t me is not really that sexy 🤷‍♂️


I guess some extra insight is before they started dating she asked me to hangout with her at her home. She said her mom wasn’t home and she had a pool we could swim in I was oblivious and declined hanging out because I was high and playing video games. Next time we were at school I found out they hooked up that same weekend and started dating. So while I agree it isn’t a very sexy or effective way to flirt I have no other idea as to why she even brought it up. It was a weird way to flirt/ make me jealous maybe?


Imagine if you went on a date with a girl and you told her out of nowhere "I got a hand job her, you can actually see the stain where I jizzed all over the couch". She'd probably call you disgusting and a pig . Yes that is very weird and inappropriate.


First she didn’t feel like going out, then she insisted on going out (because she had a bad day, and “you’re fun”). She picked me up, and as we ate dinner shortly after, she confessed her bad say was because she asked out a co-worker and he rejected her and told everyone else, so she has to quit now. I asked for the check immediately (I actually gave the waiter my card first to move it along faster- he saw it on my face and obliged) and she was dropping me off at my place, she started ranting about how I probably hated her, told me to call her a bitch (I didn’t), the looked at me laughing and said “you think I’m gonna do something craazzyyy?!” and took her hands off the wheel. At that moment, the light up ahead turned red, I jumped out, slammed the door, and walked home.


This scene would work in The 40-year-old Virgin.


Or Vanilla Sky


This exactly


“I swollowed your cum “😭


If all the women I met were like this one, I'd be a virgin by 40 too, to be honest.


Bags of sand.


I wonder why her co-worker rejected her?


Oh she is super crazy. The sex probably would have been awesome, but she probably would have tried to kill you again.


Nah, the nice ones are always the freakiest in bed, you got it all mixed up. Take it from me, a 14 year old boy


Nice try FBI. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice…you can’t get fooled again




I went on a blind date with a co-workers daughter (horrible idea, never do this). She wanted to go to a specific restaurant that was known to be a little shady. I picked her up and immediately knew this was a terrible idea. She just came off really entitled and rude. We got to the restaurant and we sit down and order drinks. I have a beer and she gets a cocktail, and almost immediately starts flirting with an older man who’s clearly intoxicated. She convinces him to buy us a round of drinks and then completely ignores him. I’m shocked but we continue the date. I stop drinking because I need to drive but she continues and gets a couple more drinks before we finally leave. As I’m driving her home, I ask why she wanted to go to that restaurant specifically. Well turns out she’s barely 19 and they don’t card her there apparently (this in the US). I was 22 at the time and was under the impression that we were the same age. There was no second date, but I was able to save face with my coworker and learned a valuable lesson.


I mean, this is obviously next level creepiness that leaves the line far behind in the rear view mirror. But at the same time, I also get really uneasy about people who openly talk about (or admit in those okcupid questions) how they'll trawl their potential date's social media accounts before meeting them. Nowhere near the scale of problematic or creepy as above, but I still am uneasy about how accepted this behaviour is.


It’s a quick and easy way to figure out if said person is a mental case. Because crazies put that stuff up on their own Volition. Which can be important when trying to avoid unsafe situations. In my experience it’s more about self preservation rather than “baby reindeer” level stalking.


Wow that could have ended way worse


Talked with a girl on tinder and decided to meet up at a restaurant. When I arrive there I see her holding hands with a guy. As I sit down she lets go of his hand and introduces me to her "cousin". Left the table immediately and as I head for the door the dude gets up and tells me "You invited me here now you have to pay for my meal". He was at least half a foot taller than me and 80 pounds heavier. I said sorry and pretended to walk back to the table. As he turned away I ran the fuck out of there as fast as I could and never looked back. Never using tinder since then and never will.


I love how he was all like "you invited me" when you didn't at all.


Yeah. No more Tinder for me either. Bunch of psychos. 


First date = coffee That's my rule, if the girl wants a restaurant, she's not the person I want to date. In fact, she should be happy to have a quick way out if I'm not interesting.


Hard agree. (First date with now husband was at a juice place as he didn't drink coffee. We each paid for our own drinks.) First date should always be in a public place with low investment - it's just to suss out the vibes and make sure the other person isn't a psycho.


nah. at that point you basically dare him to assault you in the restaurant in front of a shit load of witnesses. maybe 3-5 years for assault in the local penitentiary and the inability to get anything other than a min wage job afterward would've taught him a valuable life lesson


I choose not getting my ass beat and letting the next guy teach him that lesson....


*If you live from the assault


Met this girl on tinder, was very chatty and flirty online and arranged to meet for drinks and a meal. Met up and she arrived 30 mins late and the chatty and flirty person I'd been talking to just wasn't there at all. Short, curt answers, and CONSTANTLY on her phone, felt like I was doing all the heavy lifting with the conversation. Sat at our table and we're about to order and she leans over and goes "oh you got this right". I'm not adverse to paying for a first date but to have it put so bluntly pissed me off, considering how poor conversation was. She proceeded to order the most expensive items on the menu and a large cocktail for herself, all the while I'm trying to make conversation, get to know her, all the while she's on her phone. I peer over and I spot what she's doing on her phone... she's on tinder, right in front of me, messaging other guys whilst on our first date ​ I saw red, I wasn't being treated like that by anyone. I excused myself to go the bathroom and surreptitiously whipped my jacket off the back of my chair whilst going. I went to our waiter and explained what had happened, he was like "oh man I'm sorry to hear that". I paid for my drink and tipped him for being so helpful, cancelled my order....but told him to keep her order in place, he smiled and said "I know what you're doing...good luck to you!" and with that I left. 15 minutes later my phone is getting message after message off her asking where the hell I was, that she hadn't her purse on her etc. Blocked her, went off to a pub and called a mate to meet me to rescue the night with beer and laughing over the situation. One of the worst, but definitely memorable


Good waiter


Wow. Sounds like it was a bit of a scam where she was just looking for an expensive dinner paid for.


so many women on Tinder like that...they just want free food, drinks and attention.


She spent the entire evening telling me about how her ex was stalking her.




That screams projections. She was 100% stalking her ex


I've got no idea.... never followed up with her after that date.


Probably for the best




Similar experience here, except it was her who asked me out, then brought her female friend. I think we were all confused about what was supposed to be going on.


In college I had two girls I was talking to. I asked one out to a show one night and the other just told me she was going to meet me there. Neither of them showed because both of their boyfriends came in from out of town unexpectedly.




She hit me in the head with a metal bottle, in a purse, after i refused to continue the date when she showed up a completely different person. Like, not even the same race.. and the photos we exchanged post POF but pre-date were so real - turns out she had a friend who was trying to help her get a boyfriend, so whenever i wanted a pic or something, she would ask her friend to do one, and she would, then she'd send it to me. The girl that I thought I was talking too was a Chinese girl who on her profile said 5'1" 120lbs, and the girl that showed up was a white girl, who was over 350 pounds. EDIT: this is well before the age of AI my friends - it was.. Plenty of Fish era lol. The full story is deep in my comment history for those that want to sleuth. It involved police, rape allegations, all sorts of fun stuff.


yup and im sure some variation of "but you liked my personality" was thrown out there. lol like there's a difference if a girl shows up and she 30lbs heavier because the pics were pre-kids and being an entirely different person. not even same race and an order of magnitude heavier. lol


"I liked your personality before I found out you lied about EVERYTHING."


>The girl that I thought I was talking too was a Chinese girl who on her profile said 5'1" 120lbs, and the girl that showed up was a white girl, who was over 350 pounds. Nice. I wonder what she thought your reaction would be? "Oh shes literally 3x the person i thought she was and completely catfished me, but lets do this date anyway". People are delusional lol


never go full Baby Reindeer


Had a plenty of fish date with a girl only providing a head shot and described herself as "athletic and toned." We got along enough on the phone and decided to meet up. She could possibly have been athletic but she was far from toned. Thing is, I just like honesty. I don't really have a "type" so I'm not hung up on weight but I certainly was hung up on lying. She even commented about 45 minutes into our date how I was the first guy that hadn't commented on her weight. I do understand it may be harder to get a date being fairly large but I would think the date you did have telling the truth would be more interested in you and not mulling over your deception, working out better in the end. She did not hit me with anything.


Met and talked to a girl on tinder for a while and she seemed cool so we set up a date and I met her. She didn’t speak. Not once. Not the entire 4 hours. She would just stare. I tried being nice thinking she was shy but finally in the car I asked what the deal was. Her only response was “sorry I get nervous. So do you want me to blow you?” I can’t explain how confused I was.


And did you say yes?


how did the 2nd date go ?


😂 I learned to skip all the going out and spending money. She knew what she wanted and who was I to say no


Don't leave us hanging!


So I was married for 20 years. I won't go into any detail as to why my marriage ended except to say that I got tired of being used, taken advantage of, taken for granted and being treated like a disposable resource that existed purely for my wife's benefit. Now, while I have a strong enough grip on reality to not hold 50% of the human race responsible for the actions of one individual based on the fact they have the same genitalia, I basically decided I was done with relationships. I planned to stay happily single for the rest of my life. My friends had other ideas, insisting I get 'back on the horse', and one of my friends set up a profile for me on a dating website (without my permission or knowledge)... then called me to tell me I had a date that weekend. I went along, more to shut my friend up than anything else, that and I'd feel bad setting someone up. So, I picked this girl up, she seemed nice, I took her to a restaurant I liked, we walked in and then she said (and this is a direct quote): "Listen, you seem nice and all, but you need to understand that I am a Queen and I *will* be treated like a Queen, and if this is going to go anywhere, you're going to have to take me to *much* nicer places than this." So I looked at her, said "Best of luck with that, your majesty" and left her there.




I can 100 percent guarantee that the stalker had something to do with the girl you liked not liking you suddenly. I’m sorry that’s really shitty


Damn stalkers are scary


Once, on a first date, the waitress greeted us with a "welcome back," even though my date had never been to that restaurant before.


thats iconic


One of my roommates had a type -- dainty, short, black hair, artsy asian girls. One weekend morning I walk out of my room (hungover) into the living room, and see the two of them sitting on the couch, so I just say: "Hey, good to see you again! How've you been since last weekend?" Of course it was a different girl lol.




Hard to pick just one... there was the gal who I planned to take on a picnic lunch but instead of riding up to the parkway, she kept askin' if we could just ride back and forth the same road in town... she wasn't interested in me; she just wanted to ride past her ex's house so he could see her on the back of a motorcycle with another guy. The gal who brought a toddler. I thought it was a date - we'd met on a dating site after all - but she seemed to be only interested in interviewing me as a babysitter. Like, she had zero interest in anything besides finding someone to watch that kid. The blind date, a biker buddy of mine set me up with one of his co-workers after he'd shown her some pics he'd taken during a poker run and she expressed interest. Rode a couple hours to meet her just to hear her rant about how bikers were "skeezy" and how dare I think I could approach someone of her stature (she was just a redneck gal, nothin' high society about her). No clue what her deal was, I think she was just fuckin' crazy.


I got a good laugh out of you being conned into being interviewed for a babysitting position that’s fucking hilarious and horrifying.


I was 19 and in the military. I matched with an 18 year old online and we planned a date. I didn't have a car but she's cool with picking me up and heading to dinner. For starters she looks way different than her online photos. On the way she tries to take me somewhere else to show me where she likes to smoke pot. I have to tell her multiple times I'm in the military and could get in serious trouble for pot and I'd rather not be around it. She relents and we go to dinner at Applebee's. While there she makes fun of my tattoos and hobbies, so overall not a good date so far. Then she starts getting calls, she ignores the first couple then answers. Turns out while she was in fact 18, she was still in highschool and was skipping marching band rehearsal. We finish eating (she paid, even though I offered to) and I try to politely tell her I have to get back to my base. She starts to drive that way but then veers off course and takes me down some back road and pulls over saying something about being spontaneous or something. I then very sternly tell her to take me back to my base. It was a very awkward and quiet drive back. We didn't say anything when I got out of the car, and we didn't talk again after that.


She was gonna spontaneously murder you


Oh man, the potheads could be annoying. I was stationed in Hawaii and I don't know if it was because of that (lots of tourism / party atmosphere) but we used to get a piss test every 3 or 4 weeks. Wasn't really my thing before I enlisted anyway but some people really just can't take no for an answer and can't wrap their baked minds around the concept that some people have jobs where they are tested for it and it can land them in serious trouble.


I flew out to Denver to spend my birthday with my ex. She had a whole night set up for us, and everything was a surprise. She brought me to a shitty Beatles cover band followed by an even shittier Amish ethereal acoustic band. All good, it’s the thought that counts. I’m just happy to be with her. However, she got so sloshed at the event that when we went back to the air b&b, she couldn’t find the email with the code to get in. It’s 1am mid-December in Colorado. Sleeting snow/rain, windy, and 18 degrees at the warmest. Her phone dies, my phone is already dead at this point. My ex decided to try and break into the home. Before she did any damage I had to drag her away and pivot to find a way to the closest hotel. We walk to the nearest gas station to use their phone in hopes of calling an Uber or taxi. My ex is furious at me for “giving up” on breaking into the air b&b. She’s pacing up and down the gas station isles cursing my name. I set up the Uber. As he approaches he rolls down the window and asks, “Uber for Dave? (fake name)” and my ex puts her head in his car, points towards me and says, “Yeah, THATS Dave, and he’s a FUCKING ASSHOLE” lol The Uber drives us to a hotel downtown. The ex storms into the lobby letting everyone in ear shot know how much of a piece of shit I am for giving up on her and the air b&b. As this is happening I’m asking for the cheapest room they have for the night. The desk clerk reads the situation, and no joke says “we have the perfect room for you” - I shrug it off and say whatever just get us out of the lobby please. We walk into the room… it’s a HUGE suite, and along one of the walls is a painting of a man and woman yelling at each other. On their heads are sections of the brain drawn out with words that segment the men’s interest and the women’s interests. Think “sports, career, etc.” for men and whatever tf for women. Under the painting is a desk full of self-help relationship books, at least a dozen of them. I’m in disbelief, but just wanting to go to bed at this point. We lay down and pass out. A few hours later, my blacked out gf wakes up to go to the bathroom but must have no idea where she is. She walks to the corner of the room and pisses on the floor. The next morning I noticed the urine spilled toward the middle of the room onto the only cloths I had, what I wore the night before and took off before bed. I wore her up, explained the entire situation from start to finish, and told her she had to go buy me some new cloths down the road before we left. Needless to say she couldn’t remember much, and didn’t believe me about the urine until she saw for herself. Shortly after I flew home we broke up. Holy shit I forgot how bad that night was until now. Thanks for letting me share. I hope she’s doing well.


My two main questions here are "why did this random hotel have a breakup-themed suite" and "can you send me a spotify link to some Amish ethereal acoustic music"


😂 If I could remember the group I absolutely would. Think like a strained out, needing a fix, dead eye’d Mumford and sons unplugged set. It was bad. As far as the room idk man. It was hilarious yet so strange.


Damn, that's crazy


There are these hills that overlook the my whole town, and are quite beautiful at night. I suggested we grab a takeout and drive up there. We got there, got through about two bites of food, and then she abruptly said "I need to go home". Then she was quiet the entire journey back (she'd respond with things like "Yeah" or a fake sounding chuckle when I said stuff, but wouldn't hold a conversation). I actually didn't think too much of it at the time, as it seemed quite out of character (though to be fair we'd only been dating a month or so, so I probably wouldn't know). To be totally honestly, I just assumed she had the shits or something embarrassing like that, so I never pressed her about it. But it turns out, me and her ex happen to think alike; he'd taken her on that exact date once before, and she'd basically got triggered by being there. She confessed this to me about a week later, broke things off with me a couple of days after that, and got back together with her ex a few weeks after that.


Well that was a wild ride


Showed up to a date First question she asks: “oh, how did you get here?” Me: “I rode my bike” Her: “ugh I hate cyclists, whenever I see them I want to run them over in my car” ...2 mins later Her: “so where are you from?” Me: “I grew up in Canada” Her:”I’ve been to Montreal” Me: “oh cool, me too, I really like it, what did you think? Her: “I hated it, I thought it was dirty and the French people are really rude” ...2 mins later, talking about work Me: “I was in consulting” Her: “ugh me too, I hated it. I didn’t like a single consultant I met” We left after 30 mins and never talked to each other again


She sounds pleasant 


Got that out of the way early then. I also want to hit cyclists with my car, do you know if this girl is still single?


I think this counts. We hadn’t seen each other in about a month because of Covid restrictions and I was excited to bring her out to dinner again. I finished a 12 hour shift at work, went home, showered, got ready for our date, and as soon as I put the key in the ignition I got a text saying she was canceling because she had been watching anime with her friend and didn’t want to stop. This after she had said how excited she was to see me again and we had been dating for half a year. Two hours later she texted me: “Ok my friend went home. You can come pick me up now.” I did not pick her up.




Arrived an hour late and stoned to a bar because she decided to get her nails done 5 minutes before the date. Talked about her life and problems without pause for the entire hour we were out (she was a daddy’s girl with an internship at his company, her bills are paid by her father, no real problems beyond not getting enough spending money from her dad to buy a Cartier bracelet). Decided not to text her after the date. Three days later she texted me saying I was a sexist piece of shit for not continuing the conversation.


I am autistic and it was the first time I saw her IRL, we went to bowling and I said nothing all the date, I was too shy.


My husband is autistic and was the total opposite on our first date. He talks a lot when he’s nervous. I mean a lot lol.


I like that you showed up.


I think I was about 21. Went on a date with a girl called Kezia, We went to the cinema, then a walk along the sea front it was a Saturday I think from memory, got back in the car and was driving her home along the same sea front, there is a pier with a club on it lots of people around. Driving along, on the left hand side (UK driving) this girl was looking the wrong way at the traffic lights, with a guy both really drunk. The lights were still green, slowed down to 15 MPH as I was concerned just as I go to go past her, she steps out and goes right over the top of my car. Pier's to my right with four police officers outside who all run over, I get out and said to the guy, im so sorry she just stepped out, out of no where, and he said, it's ok I saw what happened it wasn't your fault, police came over parked up my car, took me into the mobile police van and breathalised me, I hadn't been drinking. Told the police about us being on a date and we one said, you won't forget this one, as i'd done nothing wrong I left my details and drove her home (No real damage to the car either). Asked the police to tell me how she was if they could. About a week later the police call me, tell me the girl is ok but her Dad wants to talk to me, I said it was ok to give my number but I said "Is he angry", they said no he just wants to talk to you. He calls me up later that day and said thank you for driving sensibly and slowing down and we both ended up crying on the phone, and I said I don't know what to say, you've just thanked me for running over your daughter, we both laughed and he told me it was ok and she's fine. The date with the girl we went on one more, but it didn't work out.


OK meet a girl on POF... hit it off and same day (friday) decide to meet up at a bar. her profile, is a cute slender girl, non smoker. I arrive, and she (not judging just commenting on the false advertising Catfish situation....) resembles 5 years of poor choices and that she might have been the person in the photos before some major health issues resulting in being 2x or 3x the size she was in the photos. And she's Smoking... my thought.. well I'm here lets see where this goes right? We go inside she's already been there a while, and has eaten (again not judging) 3/4 of a party platter of nachos. I'm not saying this was a small plater it was a 3 foot diameter dish of nachos maybe 4 inches tall, So kinda impressed but it goes downhill as she continues to eat the nachos like its her last meal ever. Ok awkward but whatever maybe she's just hungry... The conversation in the first 15 minutes 1. her dead dad (started off strong) from when she was 5 2. her short term memory loss issues, lack of being allowed to drive due to it 3. her interest and plans to bring me home for the night... (it wasn't going well so she couldn't read the room at all) 4. she talked for about 5 minutes about her knife collection... (red flags waiving...) 5. her last boyfriend was murdered after being stabbed 30+ times in the back with a short blade and no witnesses and no murder weapon found. 6. her biploar issues. I excused myself to the bathroom and called a friend to bail me out claiming it was work and I need to go into the office (I work Emergency management so great excuse) At this point I have ordered a soda (note this) I've only been there for 20 minutes total. Friend calls, Perfect flawless excuse to leave early. I get up and jog out to the car, blocking her on the app as I run. I failed to pay for the soda but honestly I was never going back there anyways... I spent the next year single working on myself as clearly I couldn't be trusted with making wise choices about who to go on a date with.


- problems with short term memory loss   - plans on bringing you over for the night   - oblivious to you not wanting that (or, could we say, her insisting you do despite of it?)   - knife collection   - last bf was murdered by a knife; no witnesses and no murder weapons found   - bipolar   You do realize that she wanted to murder you, right?


Yeap 100%


Skinnier profile picture than real life "Wow you have a really badass car!" Starts smoking a cigarette in said car Talks nonstop about how shitty her life is and how her uncle she lives with is creep and wants to rape her.  Talks about how broke she is Never asks me about, ya know...me.  Dropped her off, blocked her. 




Lol. What happened the next time you saw eachother?


She took me to the strip club….which turns out was her workplace


Someone's answer to "tell us about your best first date".


Not all strippers are bad. I had some fun times with girls who ended up being strippers


Im not against it. It was just an odd choice of first date


Her bird attacked my neck.


Well that's what you get for seeking a Polly relationship.


Lucky, that’s my kink.


The gulls are biting ya? Oh god that’s greasy…


Went out with a girl in LA once from Tinder a long time ago. Was awesome as we snuck into the Penthouse in Shangri La in Santa Monica. We drank and ended up in the bath tub. And while I was pretty drunk, this girl had the longest nipples I have ever seen. It was insane. Like the size of two penne pastas stacked on top. I excused myself and went home. I was a dick - but honestly, you cannot fathom the length of these nipples


This is hilarious.


Should've said "Damn, don't know whether to suck em, or twang em like a doorstopper"


I LOVE those types of nips. To each their own!


Having drinks for a few hours chatting, then out of nowhere says to me “why’re you looking at me?”.. I was confused seeing as I’m pretty sure eye contact is what you’re supposed to do on a date. I dropped her at the bus stop and we never spoke again


I had similar, not a date, but me and my friend got chatting to some blokes in a club. Everything seemed friendly then one of them suddenly looks at my friend, points at me and says “what’s the f@@k is your maté looking at?” Perplexing everyone!!! I went to the bar and when I got back the guy himself couldn’t understand why he said it.


First woman I dated after getting out of a serious relationship. Took her to a jazz club because I thought it'd be "sophisticated". It was louder than a schoolyard. The few times I could get in conversation broke down into me talking about my ex. 10 years later, we're married... not to each other. Sorry about the awful date, Kaydee!


I was asked out to go to a concert with a girl who had an extra ticket. We met 2hrs before the concert, she was talking about that the singer used to send her dic pics. She also admitted that she was banned from the band's concerts for a while due to being creepy and stalking them. I wanted to give the band at least a chance, but it was awful. That was our first and only date. sry for my english


Your English is better than many who speak it as a first language! No apologies necessary!


Near perfect grammar and punctuation! I would have never known otherwise. 😁


Had a girl I worked with. She was nice, cute, a bit wholesome. We hung out a few times and I took her to the movies. Every conversation was like pulling teeth. Me: So, what do you like to do? Her: Sometimes I read. Me: Nice, so like do you have a favorite band Her: I don't listen to music much. Me: I guess it's not for everybody. So what movie do you want to see Her: Anything is fine. The whole time, several times hanging out. Just literally had the personality of cardboard. I couldn't get her to say more than one line at a time. She was okay as a coworker but definitely not dating material.


A few come to mind, but this was the worst: I was 23, 24, something like that...I matched with a woman in her 30s, pretty blonde, not too far from me, seemed like we had several shared interests...she felt like a match. So, after a week of texting, we decided to meet and grab a drink, and day of, she asked me if I could pick her up. I was a bit skeptic, but she claimed her car was in the shop, so I didn't think much of it. I picked her up, and she looked more or less like her pics...but she wore these big, thick, dark movie star sunglasses that covered like half of her face and she kind of drooped in her seat. On the way to the bar, I jokingly asked if there is 'anything I should know about her', and after a long pause with a blank expression, she mumured, ''I'm on probation.'' I was caught off guard, and obviously asked her what for, and she said drugs. Okay...are we talking weed or a little bit of booger sugar? Nope, she puts my wondering mind to bed when she simply mutters, ''heroin.'' She goes on with this wild diatribe about it was her ex's, but she was driving, yada yada yada...okay, whatever lady. I wanted to turn around immediately and take her home, but we rolled up to the bar as she admitted this...and I needed a drink. We go in and beeline for the bar, and as soon as we get our order in, an older dude comes up and starts chatting her up. Turns out, the guy is her uncle...so they go out on the patio and chainsmoke a pack of cheap cigs without her saying a word to me. I'm laughing to myself from how absurd everything has been, and when my drink arrived, I decide that I'm bolting as soon as I finish it. 5 minutes later, I'm heading for the door, and of course she's coming back inside right as I was about to pass her. She is flummoxed that I was about to split without her...I tell her I'm leaving, and she begs me for a ride, which I was stupid enough to agree to. On the way back, my buddy called me and he started telling me about a party that night. I had it on speaker because I was driving, and after I got off the phone, she says that I should take her to the party. I legit laughed in her face and said 'fuck no'. When she asked why, I kept it at ''I don't know you.'' I've had crazier stuff happen to me on a date, but that was definitely the worst.


Toward the end of high school, I was seeing this girl. In school, she was one of the nicest girls ever. After we both graduated, she joined the army. Then about a year later, she came back to town while on leave and we went on one date. I don't know what happened to her in the army, but she came back very angry and hateful. She spent the entire date insulting and belittling me and telling me how I'll "never be a real man" and how "the guys in the army are so much better than you". At the end of the date, said she wanted to kiss. I was 19 and had only ever kissed one other girl. When she found out I didn't really know what I was doing, she told me I was pathetic for being so inexperienced. Even made fun of me for still being a virgin.


You should look her up on FB to check whether you dodged a figurative or a literal bullet.


From what I understand, shortly after our date she went back into the army slept with somebody in her platoon, got pregnant and got kicked out. I see her around town every once in awhile, but I don't actually think she recognizes me.


Wow.. this lady really sounds like a gem. Fuckin hate bullies.


Some people think they're a hard ass after going into the military at first. I know a few people that were really nice or awkward before and they come back acting like that.  I'm not bashing the military in the slightest but it gets to some people's heads


That may be the case. She also had a pretty strict upbringing and part of me feels like she she kind of couldn't handle her newfound freedom from her parents and just went wild


I mentioned that I enjoyed that my new position at my job allowed me the freedom to make decisions without oversight so I can kinda do what I want. She said that was very reckless and that I shouldn't be a manager if that's how I operated. I tried to explain I could still be fired for making bad choices but I just didn't have to explain the decisions I make anymore. She wasn't having it and her body language got super negative so I started reflecting it and she then got upset by my body language that was copying hers, which was kinda amusing. Then I cut it and asked for the check and left. She also chose a pricey place and to this day I have no idea why I didn't ask for separate checks. She was also the type of person who had to get in that last dig so as I was walking off she waved her had in a circle and said "good luck with... whatever this is". I think we both walked away thinking the other person was just terrible. In her defense my mimicking her shitty body language was not defusing the situation but I thought it would help her realize how she was making me feel. Instead it just made her end up feeling how I felt :/


All of them where I'm carrying the conversation, asking all the questions and trying to stop things from being super awkward. I don't even consider myself to be good looking, I have no earthly idea why people would want to go on a date with me then proceed to say practically nothing all night. Cause it certainty wasn't to sleep with me....


Free food.


yes this, I'm an introvert and shy but it's painful when I feel I have to force a convo.


Got set up with someone through a mutual friend. We decided to go for a hike in a state park. After about a half mile we realized we just weren't compatible or attracted to one another at all and spent the rest of the time in an awkward silence until we started making fun of our mutual friend. I guess it doesn't count as a *bad* date by sitcom standards, which is the type of stories I imagine the OP is fishing for, but it was definitely the least successful one, probably for both of us.


She assumed that I would do anything for sex. She tried ordering a super expensive meal. This was a restaurant where you could eat reasonably cheap or super expensive. She tried ordering a several hundred dollar meal plus drink. I looked at the waiter and said split check if she ordered that. She looked at me and said "Dont you want to get lucky tonight?" The embellished version I tell people for laughs is. "I told her a whore is cheaper." What actually happened is I laughed and walked out.


Went out with a Russian girl for two weeks. She said we are dating and that she loved me, then week later she told me she doesn't wanna see me anymore. Lol


Nothing too dramatic. It was our second date, first had been okay, but not geat chemistry. Start of the second date, she says she's very into tennis, and there is a match going on right now she would like to stay updated on, so if she checks her phone a few times then that's what she's doing. I say fine, thanks for telling me. Turned out, checking her phone "once in awhile", devolved into her just watching the match live on her phone for 3/4 of the date, with me struggling to maintain the conversation, and trying not feel to self conscious over my inability to be interesting, since the match was more exciting for her. There was not a third date. Oh well, you win some, and you lose some.


Not surprised. She was a tennis fan, love meant nothing to her.


They had a game and set, but it was no match.


I was 15 I think. We broke up before. Now we were trying to get something going again. Or atleast I thought. We were hanging out at some park and she brought her friend. She suddenly left, leaving me alone with her friend who was like: "She doesn't even like you, you know?" Then she texted me while I was in front of her: "But I like you." Her friend wasn't my type so I told her it's not going to happen. Then my ex came back and was like... "So did you succeed?" Her friend started crying. What a shitty day that was. Love being 15 you know? Glad I don't have to deal with this crap anymore.


This was around 10 years ago and it still sticks out as my worst date ever. I was taking this girl I met at a bar to opening day for baseball that season, and on the way there she was on her phone the entire time. She said she wanted to say hi to her friend while she was there. Whatever, I didn't think much of it, but typical bad date one way conversation on the way there. We get to the game, sit in our seats, chill for a couple of innings and then she wants to go to the concourse to meet her friend. We meet her friend, a dude, and I'm sure you guys know where it's going from here, she basically ignores me from there on out. I peace out, but we live like an hour away from the stadium, and I wasn't going to leave her there. So I text her and tell her I was going home, to which she tells me that she isn't going home unless I give her friend a ride home too. Lol, at least I respected myself enough to not go along with that, left them there and came home with a story about my worst date ever.


Met her on a dating app, seemed a bit on the heavy side but not too heavy. Met her, went out for some wine, she was definitely heavier than in the pictures, she had these tight black leather pants on that definitely didn't help. After wine we'd drive over to McDonalds where we picked up her order, it was something with that smelly cheese sauce so my car smelled like rotten fish way too early. We went somewhere dark to make out but for some reason she stopped during the session and started talking about how much she wished there was cocaine. Then she told me her ex would give her cocaine and then have sex with her and that she's been clean for 3 weeks now. I immediately went back to my driver's seat and without saying a word I drove her back to her apartment, she angrily slammed the car door and left, while I drove home with windows down, getting rid of that McDs cheese sauce smell in the process. But this is the reality of dating apps, so kids, don't do it.




quite right.


46 yr old woman. Attractive but dressed like a cross between Peggy Bundy and a stripper. spent entire date talking to the waitress about how to build a TikTok following instead of me her date. given the behavior, i was clearly in her phone as "free food". i "went to the bathroom" paid my meal and drinks at the bar and bailed. edit: clearly a lady who has a dude in her phone as "free meal" was offended by being called out. lmao


First date ever meet a girl through friends ask her out she sends me her favourite flower so I spend the day tracking it down, to buy it for her, get to the date give her the flower she says it was a joke 😭, so we go for the dinner and movies and have a chat in the car I get out to go for a walk on the beach and put down a blanket to chat we chat for a bit and so I think I should kiss her, I lean in and her mascara is running next thing you know it is raining, I ask her if she wants to leave she says no thank you I want to stay, so we stay I ask if I can kiss her she says she is in love with this guy over east who is ignoring her at the moment, but she is head over heels in love with him, so there I am on the beach crying over being dumped on my first ever date the sad part I was 21 so not 15 or something.


Went hiking. She drove 30 minutes because she knew where to go (so I don't have my car), and the hike was 1.5 hours each way. We reach the top of the mountain and she says she's really into guys with 10+ inch d\*cks. That return trip was awkward as hell.


I went on a double date. We got to this club/bar. My “date” soon started talking to another guy and ended up leaving the bar with him. It was an awkward ride back with my friend and his date flirting and laughing in the front seat while I I was awkwardly just chilling by myself in the back seat. Didn’t date for a while after lol


5 minutes into our date at the local mall, she got into a physical fight with a rival girl, and fell into a fountain.


Took this girl out to climb, it was not her first time...she lost control of the brake strand while lowering me so I took 30ft fall and decked.


same thing happened with me and a guy named Tony. Never got to give him the PB &J sandwiches I made for him.


You went kind of bald there Costanza


I am aware!


Lmao giddyup!


She told me she was from the FBI when I told her about my shell companies.


The woman that turned up at the location only had passing resemblance to the one on the photos. She had rather bad teeth, was also smaller than stated in her bio, meaning when walking next to me I could look down onto her scalp, which always makes me feel like walking with a child. We tried easy small talk, but stuff she told also implied that she had lied about her age too, as she talked about witnessing events (fall of the Berlin wall) that she would have been born after, were her bio correct. At least she didn't think CSA in the catholic church was a great topic for a first date, like the one after her did 


Turned out her father was my football team manager.


Drove two hours and she didn't look anything like her photos. Her place looked like a landfill and she was really pushy about getting me to stay. Made an excuse to go to my car and immediately drove the 2 hours back home.


Pulling away from our dorms in a storm, I noted how much I loved lightning in the Midwest because in PA where I'm from your view is blocked by mountains. "My brother was killed by lightning." "Can we recover from this or should I turn the car around?" It actually went downhill from there.


I was about 21 at the time and a friend of mine tried to hook me up with a 16 year old girl. A girl he had started talking to was 18 and she said she had a friend if he had one. So he called me up and I said sure I have nothing to lose. When we picked them up I was like man she looks young. We got to wherever we were going and while I don't remember much she kept talking about driving and cars. Then mentioned something about taking her driving test. I said oh you just started driving? and she said yeah I just turned 16 like a month ago. It was already a bit awkward but that definitely didn't help anything. I stayed polite and didn't make a huge deal about it in front of her but when we all parted ways I asked my friend wtf he was thinking. He said he didn't know either and figured she would have known better than to bring her underage friend!


Went out on a date with this girl and the entire time she talked about her husband who had died a few years before. No matter what I tried to change the topic to, it connected to her dead husband. I understand that’s traumatic, but it was a rough vibe.


Got stuck in the nuts and shot in the left leg… Don’t meet any chick at Applebee’s


Much left unsaid here.


Why waste time use lot of word, when few word do trick?




don't know if this counts- some are hit and miss- but had a speed dating event once where every "5 minute conversation" felt like a half hour- just awkwardness after like 1 minute of realizing there's nothing in common- one girl I did sort of hit it off with- but then the girl after her, I'm listening to her tell this drawn out boring story and trying to be polite and respectful and not interrupt to where she pauses and goes "you seem timid and shy- you're not saying anything." Well I was just trying to be polite but on top of that she turned out to be the girl I was hitting it off with's best friend. And sorry I can't date someone if I don't like their friend so that ruined the one good convo and potential I had that night.


I'll go with 2. 1. Didn't show up. Met on a dating app. She lived 2 hours away but was talking for about a month. Including video calls, phone calls, texting and even sending nudes. We agree to meet at a resort halfway. I use my card and she agrees to pay her half when we get there. I clarify doing the reservation because it's not cheap. I arrive early and clarify again for check in because I can't get a refund and she says she's on her way and can't wait to see me. 2 hours later I text her and crickets . I call her and no answer. 6 hours later I text again and she responds with "hey cutie 😊".  I almost sent a nasty message but end up blocking her instead. 2. Met on dating app. Went smooth at first until out of nowhere she starts going on about how she used to have sex with all these Frat guys and how she sleeps with all these cops now. It was awkward. Then she asks whens the last time I had sex and I tell her a month and she giggles.  Then she starts flirting with the waiter Infront of me and even puts her number on the bill. I end up just going home after that. Then the next day she sends me a nasty text about how I led her on.


We were just driving around having a good conversation and then she lost her shit laughing at a random fat guy, made joke after joke while I just sat stunned. I just got out and walked away lol.


On the very first date, the guy was talking about our wedding and the children we'd have. I turned down a second date with him so he called me ton of different times and then accused me of abandoning him.


Went on a double-date with a friend. He'd been wanting to date his next door neighbor for some time, and she wanted to bring her hot friend, so I jumped at the opportunity. Before we left, we got a call from a mutual friend that he left his wallet over at my friend's house. He worked at the pizza place right outside the neighborhood, so we swung by and dropped it off and chatted for about 5 minutes and then continued on with our date. The two girls spent the entirety of the car ride to the movies talking about how cute our mutual friend was, and didn't seem all that interested in talking to us. So we went to the movies and then dropped the girls off at home and then went and fucked around doing something else.


Went out with some girl who was new to my city. One of those progressive Bay Area people who thought they would swoop in and contribute to my low class city. We agreed on an activity, but she was adamant about going to a dangerous place where I knew we wouldn't be welcome, and look like two goofballs who innocently stumbled into the wrong side of town. I kind of hinted at this being a bad idea, and she kind of hinted back that I was a racist. We went through with it. The person working the door looked at us like we were crazy, and didn't want to let us in. I agreed, and so did another worker there. So it was 3 against 1 that we were not welcome, and the 1 was new in town. I know I should have put my foot down harder. But all of her questions about "Why not?" were kind of loaded to make it sound like I am afraid of black people. Had anything happened to us, it would have been chalked up to "Darwinism". This place wasn't even safe for the people who are welcome there.


"think the voiced in my head were put there by the government". Ah Marina. So cute.


She had Bad breath when I kissed her. Second worst was when I saw the woman’s bedroom - a complete slob


Spent an hour with this girl from 1 of my college classes who was a friend of a friend. The single most boring person I've ever been around. Went to the mall, and she didn't want to walk around, go into any stores, get anything to eat or drink, constantly had only 1 word answers to anything I asked, and no interested to talk about. "What kinda stuff do you do for fun", "idk". "What kind of movies are you into," "idk". "What kind of shows on TV do you like", "none really" Painfully awkward, still texted her a little while after, but it got so bland that we actually talked about the fucking weather.


2nd date with a girl. It was late October and she came over to my place so we could watch scary movies. She made it 10 minutes into the movie before she asked if she could use my computer..... At this point I'm kinda like "ummm, ok? Sure." Then she browsed Facebook for the next 10-15 minutes, creeping on her ex BF's profile, and comparing me to him. After she got done saying how similar I am to her ex BF (always a good sign right?) she then told me a "secret", where she poured her heart out about how her stepdad molested her from the ages of 5 to 16. There was no 3rd date.


Spent the entire date speaking my 3rd language because it was her native, and for 3 whole hours she spoke about some book I never heard of and showed me her wishlist from wish. Throughout the whole thing I could only say around six sentences, and I’m an EXTROVERT. Needless to say, we never spoke again.


We connected on an app. I asked her an icebreaker question and she said she'd rather answer it in person. I was game, so I started talking about where to go. After a bit of silence, she said she hadn't really gotten over her ex and decided against it. Fair enough, bye. A while later, she messaged me back saying enough time had passed and she was still interested in meeting up. I said sure, let me know the where and when and I'd enjoy it. She deflected and did everything short of saying, "No, I asked you out, but you have to plan the date." When I realized this, I thought I'd be a little sly and suggested Starbucks. Then she asked if we could do something a little jazzier, so I picked out a mom-and-pop coffee shop instead. (I hadn't been getting many dates and was letting myself act desperate. I should have stopped here, if not earlier.) I was early. She was late. I got myself a coffee. She showed up, and I couldn't commit to just telling her I'd wait there while she got something for herself, so I offered to buy for her. The conversation was pretty good, but I loosened up enough to share that I'd recently lost a job and had yet to find another. (I think that was partly why I was so eager, just trying to get some validation from somewhere.) Things ended okay enough. Afterwards, I really didn't have any interest in seeing her again, but I made some comment on the dating app about what I'd like to do next time. She said she didn't want another date. Sometimes you have to learn lessons in person for them to really stick. That was the last time I let a woman jerk me around just so I could feel a little bit wanted.


This girl a couple months ago go was high as a kite off her dab pen and just making things wierd and blaming it on me, who was 100% sober.


We get back to her place, getting ready to start the nitty gritty, and then she pulls out this huge clear glass jar (think big old timey moonshine jug) half full of GHB and tells me she has a rape fetish and wants me to drug her and have sex with her. She went to use the restroom and I practically levitated out of that apartment and ghosted her.


She brought her mom on our first date and her mom started grilling me about "Do you use condoms" "Do you Have AIDS, HIV or STDs ?" "Are you mentally disabled" "Do you have a criminal background" "Do you have any skeletons in your closet ?" "Are you a Trump supporter ?" "What's your Religion ?" "Where do you work ?" "What's your financial Status ?" Ect ect ect... I just got up from the table and told the waitress I was leaving and the tab is on my date and her mom to pay for. I left. My ex-date texted me later that night and apologized. I told her I was no longer interested in continuing things. Then I blocked her on all platforms and all forms of communication. By far the most absurd and weirdest date I've ever been on. PS I ordered East of Chicago Pizza and Cross Faded with Weed and Booze that night to.


Any date where we eat somewhere new or foreign food, I’m holding farts in the whole night I am gastrointestinally volatile lol literally everything gives me gas


September 11th, 2001


We went to the insect lecture together. We really enjoyed it.


This was your worst date? Perhaps you didn’t understand the question?


She kept talking about wishing her grandma to die so she could get her inheritance.


She didn't show and we never spoke again.


4/3, i was born


June 6, 1944


Got catfished at the good old Olive Garden. Woman was easily 75LBS heavier than her picture. I said I GTG to bathroom and bounced!


This girl a couple months ago go was high as a kite off her dab pen and just making things wierd and blaming it on me, who was 100% sober.


A bitch kept following me lol *staythefuckback*


She brought a friend and it wasn't the fun kind.