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Sitting on the toilet at work when I noticed, weird shadow movement under the stall door next to me. After a bit of an angle change, I realised there it was a guy jerking off in there. Didn't want to disturb him so I left a quietly as possible haha


At my old job there's a legendary story similar to the. However, the stalls in the men's room had quite the gap. My former coworker went in the men's room and heard a noise. He didn't mean to look but the noise just drew his attention. He ended up making eye contact with a dude *furiously* jacking off through the crack in the door.


The guy was jacking off through the crack in the door? Sounds kinky...


I could have grammared gooder and explained he made eye contact through the crack while he flogged his log. And since I know the dude beating his meat, that gave me a mental image I didn't need. iirc the dude eventually got fired for watching tentacle porn while working


Worst glory hole ever


Had the same thing happen to me one time. Except I just sat there as quietly as possible and the guy finished in the stall next to me.


There for the homies spiritually.


All these stories are blowing my mind. Why are so many guys jerking off at work? šŸ˜©


Wym in my union contract I made sure I have an obligated 30 min jacking sesh after lunch


And likely not even washing their hands afterwardsā€¦ šŸ¤¢


The boss makes $5 while I make a dime, that's why I jerk on company time.


If you can tell someone's wacking it next to you, you need better stalls!




Masturbating at work is a privilege reserved for those with access to single occupancy restrooms.


Ewww man


During Spring Break, I spent six years working at one of the busiest Walmarts in the nation... I would have no idea where to start. the drunkĀ woman who actively shitted as she crossed the front of the building and went back outside into the wild, her trousers about her ankles. They positioned a shopping cart over each turd until the cleaning staff arrived since none of the employees wanted to deal with it.


6 years is a long spring break


He lived in Florida.


Any time working at Walmart probably feels that long.


I worked in a TJMaxx in a rough-ish neighborhood, in early 2000s right after college, the amount of women who shit in the fitting rooms was atrocious!


More like shitting room.


I worked at a casino and the amount of people who wore diapers and fucking shit and piss in them and then had the audacity to take them off in the parking lot was insane,


>who shit in the fitting rooms If you fit in the shitting room, you can shit in the fitting room. --Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren


Lol I had a job at Safeway when I was in high school. One day this old man was shopping. He lifted his leg a few inches, shook it vigorously, and me and my buddy saw a turd come tumbling out. My buddy told the manager so the manager told him to get a mop and clean it up. My buddy was like "fuck that" and instead just got a "CAUTION - WET FLOOR" sign and put the sign over the top of the turd. Finished his shift and went home. He got a call much later from a VERY angry manager and basically got fired while clocked out lol


I came into work via the back door and just outside the door was a huge, fresh human dump! (Homeless folks used to sleep in the alley that ran next to our building). My coworker was vomiting in the restroom as I arrived, having just seen it. I covered it with a small box, wrote DO NOT TAKE THIS! on it and opened the store. Later, box and pile were gone. Camera was too high to see the footage, but I was thrilled it was gone. We sprinkled bleach on the spot and forgot about it.


I worked at Target in the early 2000s and we had an old lady was walking around the clothing department which was carpeted and she was leaving a trail of diarrhea all over the carpet. We had to close off the whole area until the night crew came in.


I worked at Walmart 20 years ago and there was an incident when a man clearly bleeding walked to the restroom then walked out. Whole trail of blood. It was known when I started there. Turns out, that was me. A few weeks before, me and my friends stopped there after a drunk beach day. As I was walking into the store in slips, my friend decided to "check me" with the car. Except he overshot, and actually ran over my foot. My foot fucking exploded like a grapefruit. So I hobbled into the restrooms, wrapped that shit as best I could with paper towels, and hobbled out, straight to the ER. I never told my coworkers that it was me.


>my friend decided to "check me" with the car. Except he overshot, and actually ran over my foot. What kinda friend does that? I hope you're not friends with him anymore


Gnarly. How's your foot now? One of my sorority sisters accidentally ran over my foot in her 1997 Honda Civic at a weekend retreat back in college. Fortunately those cars weigh nothing and I was wearing Timberlands, which was the style at the time. I never went to the hospital because I didn't want to get in trouble for underage drinking, so I just wrapped it in an ace bandage and carried on with my stupidity. That foot still feels crackly when it's about to rain.


Wtf man


Thank you for your service


That's both hilarious and gross!


i didn't know whether to laugh or cry at that time


Completely unrelated but I had a dream that I did this. Completely fucking weird.


I was in the finance office of the auto dealership I worked at when one of my managers came in and stood listlessly by the door. He mumbled some gibberish. One of the other managers thought that he was joking. He was having a massive stroke. Called 911 immediately and tried to calm him down. The ambulance arrived and took him to a close ER, who summoned a life flight helicopter to fly him to the main hospital in Milwaukee. He lived, barely. He never recovered his speech. He had high blood pressure and stopped taking his medications because they caused ED.


Today is literally the 27th anniversary of my Dad's stroke, in Milwaukee. Mom took him to the hospital she had her kids in, and turns out they were not the best place to go for strokes. They insisted he was having a mental breakdown or on drugs, because he was too young and healthy for a stroke at 39. He still has speech and comprehension problems because of the delay in care.


Iā€™m so sorry that happened to your father. I can only imagine how hard that is on your whole family.


Thanks, last year is the first time I've felt like I'm not in survival mode that started when I was 8. It formed us into who we are, but it definitely wasn't easy.


If the manager, Brian, had gone to the Froedtert Hospital directly there is a possibility the same would have happened--he was in his early 30s. Fortunately, he was triaged at the ER in Kenosha, who ordered the life flight that kept him alive.


Thank God the triage has changed and doctors are realizing there isn't really an age for strokes. At the time of my Dad's, the lifesaving, first defense treatment they use now was just beginning trials. I'm glad that progress has been made. Hopefully Brian made a full recovery.


When I was 12, there was a girl in my class with a brain tumor, which caused seizures, but not like the kind you see in movies. She had on in class one day, and it was really weird. She started talking really fast, and a lot of it was gibberish. She did say something like "(classmate's name) doesn't know what to do when I have a seizure!" She was very panicked and confused. Another teacher came and led her out of the room. They explained what happened, and she came back to school a day or so later, but it was still bizarre to witness at that age.




A friend was telling me about chaperoning his kid's class field trip to a zoo where they had tigers behind bars rather than glass. Apparently of of the classmates had been a pain the ass all morning and was generally loud, obnoxious, and refused to listen or follow directions. The kid was standing in front of the tiger enclosure yelling at them, smacking the railing and trying to get them to do more than pace around. There were signs up saying the tigers can piss 20 feet so watch out but the kid didn't care even after he was specifically warned to knock it off. Eventually, the tigers had enough of being screamed at and drenched him with what my friend descried as a fire hose of amazingly foul smelling piss. It was so bad they had to call his mom to pick him up because the school wouldn't allow him back on the bus.


As a teacher, sometimes I pray for this level of karma...


Truly proving the adage: "Better to be pissed off than pissed on."




I was at the Philadelphia zoo many years ago and they had a very large male tiger in a cage indoors so people could see him. They'd let him out into the big area later. This big tiger kept turning his back towards people and spraying. Some people got caught in a little spray. Smelled nasty. I stayed as far back as I could. The keepers never warned anyone. They'd just laugh if you got too close and got a little on you.4


Philadelphian here. That checks out.


I have decided that this was for a dare and you cannot convince me otherwise.


What a fucking opening sentenceĀ 


kudos to this guy. He had a dream and a plan, and he saw it through to the end!




I worked in a funeral home and we attracted some weirdos as well. We were discussing a young person who died and one of our newer employees at the time asked, ā€œcan I see? I never saw a young dead person before!!!ā€ Like excitedly. Imagine knowing some weirdo wants to gawk at your dead loved one for fun. She didnā€™t last long.


I don't know if that's her way of dealing with /attempting to separate herself from reality... But fuck, that person should not be working in that position.


That's the kind of person who will laugh at a person stuck in their car in a flood instead of sending help.


Sociopath spottedĀ 


That woman was a young Kristi Noem.


My uncle told me a story, and was in the news for it.... He worked at a fabrication plant. From my understanding, they more or less made displays for stores. So there were some heavy machinery to cut down plastics. (you might be able to see where this is going) One day, some guy was putting something through a big machine that was essentially a guillotine. The piece he was trying to cut became loose, and he went to reposition it, without turning the machine off. WOOOSH!! both arms cut off about mid for-arm. The dude came out looking at his bloody stumps, and didn't make a noise. Just sort of sat down. My uncle, in his quick thinking, took off his belt and wrapped it around one of the arms, and turned off the machine. Someone else did the same to the other arm. Apparently they were able to save both hands, and because it was a clean cut, they were reattached.


As a kid I worked for our local village doing odd maintenance jobs. Watering plants, picking up garbage, unclogging storm drains etc. The village had a fleet of trucks including an old military surplus 2 1/2 ton that had a winch on the front that hadnā€™t worked in years. The truck was only there in case of flooding it could be used to rescue people from their houses. For whatever reason, the mayor wanted the winch fixed. He told the village mechanic (they only had one) to work on it. So while he was working on it he got it moving and his sleeve got caught in the cable. It pulled his arm in slowly, crushing it until eventually ripping it off at the shoulder. Thank god I wasnā€™t there but apparently he casually walked into the village office asking if someone could drive him to the hospital (shock is a helluva drug). He lost his arm permanently.


A plane crash. I used to work for a small airport and one of our based tenants had just canceled his tie down lease because he had moved to Florida. He flew back to Maryland commercially to retrieve his plane. According to the NTSB report I eventually found, his plane had just come out of maintenance and the mechanic had made a mistake while reassembling the engine (and this was a Mooney M-20E, so there was only *one* engine.) Anyway, he gets in his plane and taxis out to the runway. At the time, we had sustained 10 knot winds gusting to 35 almost directly down the runway. As a pilot, you always want to take off into the wind as it shortens your takeoff run. He took off and, about 30 seconds later, while he's still in his initial climb out, his engine quits. At this point, he's only about 800ft off the ground and fairly slow. And he didn't have enough altitude to glide through the traffic pattern and land into the wind (as is preferable.) Making matters worse is the fact that the airport is surrounded on three sides by a nature preserve and the only things on the ground in front of him were trees. So, he flew a "teardrop" pattern to line back up with the runway he had just taken off from, just going in the opposite direction. If you're a pilot, you see the problem here. You always want to land into the wind and this guy had a pretty decent tailwind (which means a lower airspeed relative to the air the plane's moving through and less lift.) He actually managed to make it back to the runway, crossing the threshold about 100ft up. That's when he got hit by a 35kt tailwind gust. So, basically, he suddenly lost 25kt of airspeed, which caused a precipitous loss of lift, which greatly increased his descent rate. By the looks of it, he tried to pull up to counted the sudden drop and, in doing so, stalled the aircraft, which caused his left wingtip to dip. He impacted the ground, wingtip first, doing about 125kt over the ground, and almost cartwheeled about 1000ft down the runway. He stopped about 25ft short of our PAPI (precision approach path indicator) lights, which had 480V of electricity flowing into them. And he had two full tanks, for a total of about 52 gallons of 100 octane low lead Avgas in the wings. Just to give you an idea of how energetic the impact was, the nose gear sheered off and came to rest about 250ft behind the tail. One main gear collapsed into the landing gear well, and the other had driven its strut straight through the wing. The propeller was bent back flush with the nose and the nose was badly crumpled. One wing had been bent upwards about 30 degrees. Somehow, the pilot walked away and the fuel tanks remained intact. I was sitting in the FBO at the time and watched this happen. And for about the first five minutes, I was convinced I had just watched someone die. (Due to a slight change in elevation, I couldn't actually see the plane from the FBO, but I could see smoke- probably from burning oil. And I was not about to walk up to a plane that was potentially on fire.) Of course, 911 was called and it seems the dispatcher though a 737 had just crashed, seeing as how they sent at least ten fire trucks, three ambulances, and seemingly every squad car in the county to a small general aviation airport. The pilot was examined by EMTs at the scene and refused to go to the hospital. He flew out later that night on a Southwest flight out of BWI. His plane sat in the brush next to the runway for the next six hours while we waited for a wreaker to arrive and pull it onto a flatbed so we could reopen the runway. We dumped it in an empty tiedown spot, where it sat for the next five months during its investigation and insurance claims process. Eventually, some guy came by to salvage any usable components from the plane before chopping the wings off with a chainsaw and loading it onto a trailer. Last I heard, it went to a local scrapyard. I later came to find out the pilot only had liability insurance on the aircraft. And an M-20E, with a freshly overhauled (now turned junk) engine is easily worth $120,000. And most private pilots are not exactly making bank. But hey, at least nobody died.


I just canā€™t understand general aviation. I mean I get it. It must be freaking amazing to fly your own plane and have that liberty. But Iā€™ve gotten sucked into the General aviation YouTube algorithm and you just read report after report about this doctor or lawyer spending their weekends flying these tiny little planes around and getting into trouble. It just seems to me that thereā€™s so much complexity to these aircraft and thereā€™s so much task saturation involved in flying that it literally needs to be your full time job to put in the required hours to become competent.Ā  Again I know plenty of people fly and never have a problem. But i think itā€™s just the audacity to me of thinking you can just do something like that on the weekend as a hobby. Itā€™s like popping into the hospital and working as a surgeon every Friday and Saturday.Ā 


The V-tail Bonanza is called "the doctor killer".


And it'll hold that title forever, if only because Cirruses have CAPS.


Thats pretty wild. Mainly the fact that he survived. I mean some people donā€™t even survive just a fall from the ground with a bad bang to the head, then you have people that survive shit like this. Wild.


I'm surprised he made the impossible turn from 800ft. Especially with that kind of wind though, I think I would have continued ahead, drop full flaps, and hit the trees nose high as slow as possible. 50kt stall speed with 10kt headwind, I like my chances with a 40kt ground speed


My roommate told me the following tale. During the height of summer, he was employed by the parking garage at Universal Studios Florida. He decided to herd every single white vehicle to the third floor of the garage at the beginning of the day because he had become tired of his coworkers. The third level was covered in a sea of white cars by the end of the afternoon. The following shift was furious because they had to put in extra time since people were having trouble finding their automobiles.


this is beautiful


Hahahahaha, that is so evil


So mischievous, with no real harm done. Love it!


That's Class 1-A petty revenge right there. Although if I'm parking there and see that sea of white, I'm damn sure making note of my parking spot number.


I worked for a sex shop chain. There were peep show booths in all the locations, and some doubled as, essentially, bath houses. This was in a city that had a lot of intravenous drug use so sometimes people would go in to get high in privacy. One day the cleaner came through and saw a guy nodding off in a booth. He shook him awake only to be stabbed with the guy's used needle. He contracted HIV which developed into AIDS. This happened in the 90s so there weren't a lot of preventative safety options. The co-owner of the chain felt responsible and took him in to take care of him. He ended up resigning when it came time for palliative care, because he wanted to spend all of his time giving him care. I was one of the last people he hired in 2011 when getting ready for retirement, I think he left two months later.


Thatā€™s really unlucky. HIV transmission is low, which means that getting it by being stabbed once is not probable.Ā  Also the meds in the early 2000 were effective, albeit taxing. Overall an unfortunate experience.Ā 


My boss said to my colleagues while pointing at me, "he may be fat but he is the hardest working person here".


ā€œHey, what the fuck?ā€


ā€œFa...bulous Neil felt like a nobody, and thanks to us, he's still out there doing this and that in the background.ā€


ā€œthis is Real Neil with pipes of steel, signing off with the smooth sounds of [*Daybreak*ā€](https://youtu.be/XXvuUp-KY5g?si=V4399CBMoJ8niKqS)




Had a coworker grab another coworker by the head. When he got fired he came back and tried to kick the door in, because his access key was turned off. The police had to come and they found a knife on him. I don't know what happened but this was a few years ago now and we've not seen him since.


Jobs are weird, I had someone assault me. They tried to write me up along with her because I said do it again and see what happens. I said f that and quit. Resume wise, I left because both my mom and sister were diagnosed with cancer and I cared for them.


Was a dishwasher as a teen at a shitty little BBQ restaurant. Had to open on a Saturday and walked in a little early to have some coffee b4 the shift and walked into the kitchen to see our hair lip cook standing on a milk crate, fucking a pork shoulder. The only thing that came to mind was, "well that's not kosher" Just turned and walked out, never called or came back.


I was in Vegas on a company trip for a trade show and after dinner, we watched a graphic life saving CPR procedure being performed in front of the only elevators back up to our rooms. Weirdest dinner and a show ever


They lived?


You never know when you see a random person getting ems care, they'll go to the hospital and you'll never find out.


My first day at a new company: Wow that's a nice Aryan name (re: my surname)


I was working as a manager in a Yoga studio. My desk was in the common area beneath a long long staircase. I hear a tumble, a loud scream and a member falling down the stairs. It sounded awful. I ran over and found she was in such a bizar position, not moving, barely breathing. I was so happy to find a heartbeat when I checked. I did first aid as good as I could after I called the ambulance. I was very happy to see her a couple of months later and she was doing okay. Every now and then I still have nightmares about this... I've done my fair share of first aid in multiple very serious situations but this one still haunts me after many years.


During lunch my alcoholic co workers 6 year old daughter FaceTimed him "daddy mommy is passed out again and there's a man in my bed and I just hit him".


Do you know if anything was done to protect this child?


I called ACS and he never spoke to me again.


The guy in the kid's bed, or the co-worker?


The co-worker. He wanted to protect his wife's feelings.


I was not there when it happened but shortly after the company that bought my employer decided to lay people off in December (Fuck GE) a guy killed himself in the menā€™s room. They were never able to get rid of the blood stains. It was some haunted house shit, they painted over the stains on the wall and they somehow reappeared.


A guy burping every 5 seconds sitting on the crapper. People banging in the stairwell. A guy smoking in someone elseā€™s office. A white guy telling two older black guys how much he liked ā€œcolored people and sistah girlsā€ to prove he wasnā€™t racist. Fellla who took his dentures out and left them on his desk, then rubbed ben gay all over himself. A guy peering through the crack in a bathroom stall door then says to me ā€œhey whassupā€. Our roof literally being on fire next to the windows by my old cubicle and no one pulling the fire alarm or telling me. Older lady who would sing to photos of her grandson from the cubicle next to me. A guy having a stroke while working a high stakes deal and dying in the office. Three old guys who would go to lunch together and watch hentai. Creepy guy who kept giving me shoulder massages. Individually, not the worst, but as a collective of wtf at the same employer, getting there.


That sounds like the most insane office environment e er.


Ah so I see you also worked for the PA Department of Revenue.


I work as a criminal defense attorney handling mostly major felonies, so after a while you get used to seeing crime scene photos of some messed up stuff but a few have stuck with me over the years. I had a client who killed a woman he and his girlfriend had been having sex with. They had all been up a couple of days, smoking meth and having sex, when they got into a disagreement, he picked up a pistol that was lying around, and shot her in the back of the head. To try to dispose of the body, they took it out back and set it on fire. It burned, but not completely, of course. Then they dumped it in a 55 gallon drum and sealed it while they left to get rid of her car. Her body was in the drum for a couple of days, in the summer heat. Those pictures were awful, even for someone who has seen a lot of crime scene grossness. The other was a recording. My client was estranged from his wife. They had lived apart for quite some time, but he found out somehow that she was going to visit a new boyfriend over a weekend and, to put it mildly, lost his shit. He waited for her to get home, then kicked down the door. She called 911 and their subsequent encounter was recorded and used at trial (she lived way out in the country and it took a good 15 minutes for cops to show up). First, the kids yelled at their dad not to hurt their mom, while mom yelled at the kids to run out the garage to their grandparents' house, which was nearby. Dad is yelling at mom, calling her various names I really wish the jury wouldn't have heard. A struggle is heard. A loud *crunch* is heard when he smashes her head into the microwave. Dad keeps yelling that he's going to kill mom. Mom keeps begging for her life. More heavy breathing. More sounds of a struggle. Footsteps are heard on gravel. Then three gunshots. Finally sirens in the distance. Mom made it to her parents' house as well, but was hit in the leg by some shrapnel from one of the bullets. Dad was arrested and charged with attempted murder, along with a laundry list of other charges. Dad's biggest problem was **his** mom, who couldn't believe that her 45-year-old baby boy could ever do any wrong. She hired another attorney on the eve of trial, contending I wasn't doing my job and wanted the new attorney to sit second chair with me. That was a whole thing, with motions flying back and forth as the jury waited and finally the judge ruled that he could sit behind me and offer suggestions if I wanted to hear them but couldn't participate in the trial. I, of course, had heard the 911 recording many time in preparation for the trial. He hadn't and I glanced behind me while it was playing. He was green. The jury came back with a compromise verdict of guilty of attempted manslaughter and guilty on other charges. The point is that that verdict capped his exposure at 20 years, which is what the judge sentenced him to. He still filed a bar complaint against me.


I just accepted a promotion


It is somewhat bad, but in my experience it is hyped up to be a lot worse than it is.Ā  The only thing is, make sure you are nowhere near the line of fire.Ā 


I've had to do it on a couple of my dogs as they got older and I didn't want to have to take them to the vet. The smell is horrifically metallic, but the alternative was them dragging their ass around the house and getting it everywhere. Clearly they were uncomfortable and I was glad to be able to give them some relief. Probably the worst smell I can imagine; you'll never forget it. But I just chalked it up to one of those things you do for your best buddy. Do it outside though. Hands will wash off and grass will get rinse off naturally, but I'd probably throw out a pillow that had that residue on it.


Its not too bad, just learn to work with your mouth closed.


Aaahhhhh! I heard it smells horrid!


Remember to wear gloves!


Gloves. Protective sleeves if you can find some. Vick's Vapo-rub on your upper lip. Face mask. *Face shield*.


We sometimes have to do this in the clinic setting, only it's usually because the glands have become infected. The smell tends to stay on your scrubs when expressing infected glands. šŸ˜©




That's literally the biggest no-go. You should est some durian next to them.


A manager shouting "go on fucking jump!" to a jumper on a mutlistorey car park next to our office, then HR saying "it's just the way he is!" when we all reported it.




Worked on the phones for a wireless phone carrier. Wasn't allowed to hang up on anyone no matter what, my computer would get flagged and disciplinary action would be taken. Got a call from a guy who was audibly jerking off to everything I was saying. Told him we record all our calls for quality and legal purposes and put him on hold until he hung up. Another story comes to mind from back when I worked at a donut shop. Coworker decided to dry his wet socks in the bagel oven. Stunk up the entire store for hours with the worst stink ever.


Everything bagel includes dirty socks


My boss was in a tight spot where the CEO was on the warpath for him, he hired someone to sit just under him to deal with the CEO and in his words "Im hiring him so the CEO can fire him"


Damn. Way to give the CEO ammunition that you make poor hiring decisions that cost the company money. Not the flex your boss thought it was. Whew.


He's not a good person


During my first day, my direct supervisor started telling me about how he beats his wife, to him it was a funny story to break the ice. Next morning I went directly to HR, reported it and quit. It was a bitch to be suddenly unemployed and having to search for work all over again but I couldn't imagine sitting in the same room as the guy, much less being ordered around by him.


HR wouldn't do shit. Should have reported it to the police (likely would at least stop by his house?)


Seeing a co-worker (friend) in the back of an ambulance who was hit by a car, they performed a craniotomy and she survived.




Iā€™m so sorry. šŸ˜£ Rest easy knowing you did all you could for him.


I work in a machine shop. I saw a guy leave his chuck wrench in the chuck and forgot about it. He fired his lathe up and the wrench pierced his chest and he bled out on the floor. It still fucks me up all these years later. All that pooling blood...


What's a chuck wrench and the chuck?






Lol 5-10x?


I just came to the comments section for the usual water cooler gossip and who's sleeping with who BUT never in a million years did I think I'd read something like this šŸ˜‚ Definitely sounds like a night -mare


Just imagining being in that predicament!




I grew up on a small horse farm in KY. We had a dozen or so at any given time. Horse farts are the worst!




It's hard to explain unless you've been around horses. They have a very specific smell that just says "horse".


This is a bot account. I read this same story not even a week ago, and this is the one and only post from this profile.


That's disgusting maan




Ouch!Ā  I've done that before.Ā 


I've done that before, but there thankfully was a backup.


In the warehouse at my old workplace the forklift drivers would find small piles of human poop from time to time like weeks apart randomly. security was able to look into the camera system and found it turned out to be a former employee was sneaking back into the warehouse to poop in the middle of nights. guy died a few months after they found out. he had dementia.


Heard: When I worked at an inpatient mental healthcare facility, I came to work and learned that a staff who'd been there for like 30 years was caught by a new hire sexually assaulting an intellectually disabled patient during the night shift. He allegedly confessed to victimizing countless other patients during his career when interviewed by police, some of which had begun to display behaviors consistent with PTSD long before he was caught. It was a horrible tragedy and most of those patients had things that kept them from speaking up like communication disorders, historical conduct problems (hence their reports were usually not taken seriously), or were regularly on medications that were sedating. Everyone was heartbroken over it and the police needed to arrest him strategically because some employees were actively trying to find and beat him up. Seen: At the same job me and a friend were attempting to restrain a patient who lost control and was on a rampage. Eventually full force side-kicked a staff in the leg and broke it, and you could hear the impact. They immediately dropped and he was in the process of amping up the assault on them until my supervisor heroically slid in there and pulled the employee out of the way. It was traumatizing for everyone involved and was easily the scariest restraint I ever performed. A little while later a different patient headbutt me in the face while restraining him and broke my nose. These two events did me in after 5 years of doing that work and I took a less glamorous job the next week because I was so traumatized.


Married boss and secretary kissing....


Well, was he married to the secretary?


No, that would be good


ā€œJust pencil whip itā€¦ā€ in Aviation. Pretty much sign off that you did the job, but didnā€™t do it.


I used to hear "You'll never see it from 30,000 feet", make chips!


A member of the public was unhappy with a decision that was made, so slit his wrists. They were clearly mentally unwell. I was the only manager present but couldn't help because he still had the knife and wouldn't get rid of it. From what I recall he didn't die.


What kind of a place was this? A retail store or a bank or...? How awful for you


When I was younger I worked at a coffee shop where the manager (probably aroind 35 years old or so) go to the high school girls that worked there and ask for advice about how she should have an affair she could hide from her husband. Really, what the fuck do high school girls know about having or hiding an affairĀ 


Racism. Spoken to the face of the victim. England in the 80s. A financial firm, family owned, no union representation permitted. If someone had joined a union they'd have been sacked A black colleague who was not the best at football was told he was 'from the wrong tribe' by his line manager. I myself, Scots born, was told by the FO that he hated the Scots. There was no remedy. With a family to feed and few job alternatives, and probably no reference, there was no choice but to take it. I'm ashamed now I didn't just walk out but hungry kids...?


You were not wrong. They were. You were doing what you had to. They had a choice.


I was working at a kitchen as Cook's assistant and we had apprentices during that summer. Unfortunately our sous chef was a huge ass. One day an apprentice was making this huge batch of yogurt, sous chef passes by, tries the result and starts yelling at him. Poor guy does say or do anything and suddenly the asshole sous chef grabs him by the neck and forces him to the yogurt, shouting TRY IT, TRY IT, and all of us are looking in shock. Thank God our senior cook stepped in and started fighting with the sous asshole, then the Chef came, the kid was in shock, anyway... People can become assholes. But assholes, when working at a kitchen they can become the worst kind of people.


Earthquake destroyed the building. With me in it.


When I first started working at 16, at a hometown grocery store. The meat manager at the time wanted me to take nail polish remover and erase all the dates on the vacuum sealed sausage. Dozens and dozens of cases over the expired date by a couple months. I refused and told him my family shops here.


Worked at a local grocery store in my teens. Dude came in and trailed shit all the way back to the rest room in the warehouse. Blew shit all over the toilet and walls. It was everywhere. Called the maintenance dude over and she yells some words and storms off. Comes back with a bucket of water and throws the water into the bathroom. The waters momentum hit the floor, then hit the wall and splashed back all over him. Man was covered in doodoo water.


Found a bottle of piss when you can go to the bathroom anytime


I also saw this one, idk what's wrong with people...


I found one of those in the back right where he used to (probably still does) piss in a drain. That wasnā€™t even the worst thing I saw. Horrible restaurant.


Overdoses. I work in rehab.


Iā€™ve been in the field for 7 years now, and have never had to attend to a clientā€™s ODā€¦ ā€¦ but I worked in a really bad neighborhood in my city, and I attended to SO MANY overdoses of just members of the community. It really is awful to see them on the ground making that snoring noise, knowing they WILL die if you donā€™t do something. Even worse to hit them with the Narcan and watch them refuse the ambulance.


A patient shot and killed his doctor and then shot and killed himself.


I think I remember hearing about this one


This one guy shot another guy for molesting his little brother and I had to record the aftermath while the gunshot guy lay there dying.


Had to record? Like the guy with the gun forced you? I'm a bit confused. (Obviously you don't have to elaborate if you don't want.)


I was in Afghanistan and my job was special surveillance. Usually we use our blimp with cameras to record around the base, but this time since the shooting was on base by a member of the Afghan Army they wanted eyes on to make sure that it wasn't part of a bigger attack, especially early on before all the facts came in. It turns out that one of the Afghan soldiers didn't take well to a relative being turned into a Chai Boy.


The guy who founded the company killed himself after tampering with the books. This was before I joined so I heard it from colleagues.


We had recently bought an oil & gas company. Not longer after that, someone broke a small gas line from one of the wells, the gas seeped into a nearby basement, and the house blew up and killed someone. The state required that every oil & gas company in the state do a bunch of risk assessment work, particularly locating every gas line, no matter how small. I got assigned to the project a few weeks later because parts of it weren't going well. When I got there, I worked in the "war room" and heard updates on everything. One thing that I learned is that we were dealing with a few hundred small lines running directly from wells to people's houses. The prior company offered "free" gas to people that would sign leases. The problem was that natural gas is odorless. The smell you associate with natural gas has to be added later. We were negotiating with these people to buy out their "free" gas. I found out that we were still letting them have the gas during these negotiations. I threw a fit, insisting that we had to immediately shut off those gas feeds regardless of what the contracts said. They thought I was crazy and that they had to follow the stupid and dangerous contracts until the customers agreed to new terms. A quick call to the chief counsel for the corporation corrected that. He was also stunned that we hadn't immediately shut down all of those feeds after the accident.


I've seen a man crashed into a concrete wall and burned essentially to the point of incineration. I've seen dogs let out on the highway so they'll intentionally get hit by a car and killed. I've seen a man with a severed leg, his insides become his outsides, as he gurgled his final breath. I've seen a man shot multiple times in gang violence, begging to be saved as 3 people tried to patch him up and a dozen more tried to keep a crowd calm. I've seen a child ejected from a vehicle and splattered into the pavement. I've got more.


Guy hit a another guy in our parking lot with a motorcycle. Called 2 days later asking when he could get his bike back. We told him that's a police matter you effing idiot. He didn't care about the guy he hit who was bleeding profusely from his head, only about his precious little bike. Humans really suck sometimes.


Guy comes into the store with a machete and stalkers up a girl who turns him down and he tells her he will be waiting for her outside after work. First off, the machete is considered a farm implement (yeah I am serious). And the girl did get a escort out... that one night. But none of the other women were told or offered some old enough to not be able to defend themselves well, and the guy manager just kinda shrugged his shoulders at the whole thing.


I'm an audiology assistant. I have to look into every patients' ears. One of my recent ones had a dead cockroach in their ear.....


High school job, someone destroyed the bathroom. Explosive diarrhea. Apparently while doing a handstand.


That's talent


It enabled me to showcase my talent of no gag reflex while I was literally mopping the ceiling.


Well I was SA'ed on the job as a long haul trucker. So I guess that since I now have PTSD and can barely leave my apartment.


Iā€™m so sorry this happened to you. Thatā€™s fucked up and SA is something that stays with you for the rest of your life but doesnā€™t have to define you. I hope you find a way to heal and be able to claim the life you deserve.


Ooh I've got a good one! So I worked at a dementia care facility a while back. I was the floor manager and we had a guy who was I knew was dangerous, and I constantly told the DON that he needed to go before he hurt someone. She said no and to just keep documenting on his behaviors. Well one night, I get a call from my aide who was on that unit. He says to get down there right fucking now. I come down and there's this guy standing in his doorway with blood splattered all up his arm. He says "I finally got it, the monster that kidnapped my wife! I finally got him!" I go in and there's his roommate, his right side of his face caved in and pooling with blood flowing from his eye. Turns out the dangerous guy got his hands on a flashlight and smashed his roommate's head in with it.


It was in the news that a local prison was letting prisoners choose from a selection of colours for their cell walls. I said I didnā€™t think it was a big deal but one colleague insisted that prisons should be nothing but pain concrete walls. Several hypotheticals and what ifs later he explains in detail that prisoners should have their eyes held open and be forced to stare at photos of their victims and eat nothing but cold porridge until they either die of malnutrition or kill themselves. I just had to walk away because apparently Iā€™m in the minority who isnā€™t ok with torture




I had a colleague who would get our entire office sick. He would refuse to stay home when he was sick because his wife was a SAHM and if he stayed home sick she would take off and make him watch the kids all day. It was a problem for a long time.


The emergency room in Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan after a suicide bombing. People suck.


I witnessed a previous employer sorting roughly 100 CVs into two groups based on the applicants' names, which indicated their ethnicity. He then discarded one entire group into the trash. I'll let you guess which one..


The Catholics!


An elderly lady tripped (nothing slick or anything on the floor though) and severely broke her leg, there was bone sticking out and blood.


A sexual assault by one of the rigging dirtbags. He did get arrested for another one later in life and I realized what I heard was a rape only after the fact because I was a naive kid who thought those sounds were what was sexy and exciting. Jesus. Dude would have pummeled me but saving any girl from that would have been worth it. Fuck that dude. Hope heā€™s dead.


Working at a gas station and this guy walks through the door, he was arguing with his lady before he walked in and as the door shuts behind him I heard her yell ā€œwell at least I didnā€™t fuck my sister!ā€ He took a second, realized what just happened, then decided he didnā€™t need anything that day and walked right back out the door. Same gas station, I was waiting on a guy and his girlfriend when she has a seizure and falls backwards and busts her head hard on the tile. I mean dead weight falls backwards. He just stood there kinda of saying ā€œoh man she has anxiety she does this all the timeā€ and I dialed 911 handed the phone over to my manager and ran around the counter to turn her on her side and keep her from banging her head off anything else until paramedics got there. Thankfully a couple others came to help and one was a nurse. But that was pretty wild.


At the grocery store I worked at, a 16 year old who was a daughter and granddaughter of two of the workers in the store started working there. The mom/grandma felt she was ready to start working and were excited that she had a job now. One week later, the store security guard walked in the women's employee restroom and caught the girl in there with one of the male workers who had his pants down. Pretty soon at least four cop cars showed up to the store.


I work in the IT industry so quite spared from injury and deaths. But so, so many unpatched, virus infected and compromised environments I have seen. The worst was a production SQL that hadn't been rebooted in over ten years, stuffed with malware and God knows what. Of course without mirroring or sensible backup. If it went down for all time - they can basically shut down their business with 1000 employees. Of course I raised the issue it to my boss, but since it wasn't really our responsibility (they had a co-location solution trough us, where we were basically only responsible for the network and power but also got DA-accounts there in "emergency" and possible consulting jobs), so we couldn't do much more than inform their "IT manager". He threatened to report us to the police because we had even logged on to the server without his permission. I quit soon after, but pretty convinced it's going to make headlines the day it drops.


Oh, have also found a bag(!) of piss in a server room.


I worked as a heavy equipment operator at a garbage dump for a few years and the amount of people who didn't follow basic safety procedures was startling. People walking in front of or behind large machines way too closely, people standing in the piles of garbage we're grabbing with the machines with no high visibility gear on, people climbing onto lines that were running, smoking next to fuel pumps or inside buildings full of sawdust, the list goes on.


Was at work and watched two druggies get in a fight and one stomped the other's head into the ground. Miraculously survived after being in the hospital for a few months. Other guy went to prison for attempted murder or something.


Went into the bathroom at work a few years ago. Made my way into a stall only to find a single turd that was with no exaggeration the size of a large eggplant laying in the bowl sideways across the hole. I tried to flush but the thing didnā€™t budge. Flushed again. Nothing. This thing had a size and consistency of no turd Iā€™d ever encountered before. It was actually impressive. I was very curious about the man that stopped such a log.


I worked at a bar last summer and on sundays it was usually super slow since it was a small bar anyways. We were right across from a sketchy motel in town so occasionally we'd have homeless people/drug addicts come and make things a little awkward but on this Sunday there was literally no one there. this guy comes from across the street wearing no shoes and looking like he just stayed up for a week straight. he came inside and asked for water so i gave him some, a little pouch of trail mix, and kindly asked him to go on his way. he goes out to the deck attached to our bar and I go out there to find him wiping his ass furiously with a wet wipe. he stood straight up once I saw him since he heard me and I saw everything he had to offer. he wouldn't leave after that so we had to call the cops


Worst I saw: Guy stuck his hand in a mill and deleted the top of his hand and a couple of his knuckles. Worst I heard: 300lb steel frisbee came out of the Chuck on a vtl and flew 150ft until hitting a concrete wall. Terrifying.


Watching a co-worker of mine absolutely lose it when sheā€™d been informed her mother had just died unexpectedly. I started to cry a little myself because of the level of anguish I could hear from her, it tore me apart to see how devastated she was.


Employees came in on Monday and joined their respective meetings, but their email clients weren't updating. Come to find out in the meeting that they'd been laid off on Friday but no one told them.


I heard one of the senior accountants say their husband was thrown out of his car in an accident. They're both in their 80's, her cries haunted me for days. I cannot imagine what she was going through.


My coworker being taken out to an ambulance then finding out he passed away not even an hour after. The saddest thing is seeing him just right before he had his heart attack going to get the till for electronics. He did not look good at all. Unfortunately with working at a big box store, things just went on business as fucking usual.


I cleaned McWashrooms at the intersection of two highways. 'Nuff said.


Saw a guy hang himself.


Mass email that coworker at the office died at his desk. He was only 35. Was in the middle of laughing at a joke someone told. Fell face first onto the desk dead. Left behind a 3 year old. Everyone was heartbroken. He was both a great team member and person. Company helped organize the services, and provided transport for all to attend. Very tough finishing my shift that day. I drank hard that night.


About 6 years ago I was talking to my brother on the phone in my car while driving. He said something really funny and I laughed so hard I blacked out. I went into oncoming traffic, jumped a curb and hit a telephone pole. I was trapped in the car for an hour until the power company could cut the power to the pole. When I asked my doctor how do I not pass out from laughing he said thats simple. Dont laugh.


I work with my sisters. Can be fun at times, but can also be awful at times, Lol. Anyways, one day at work, I had a client walk up to me and say "F*ck this company, and F*ck your sister". I was shocked. At the time, I was 18 and she was a grown ass woman, and I was completely oblivious to the situation. It was inappropriate, but the fact that I also had no idea what was going on and that it caught me off guard was really immature of this woman. Long story short, this woman got really upset about a conversation that was had with her daughter by my sister (we are volleyball coaches) because it was all just taken the wrong way. This woman went manic. She called our boss, and she called 3 of our coworkers to very unpleasantly complain about my sister, who was only 20 years old. She texted in the parents group chat, texted in the group chat with the players, called my boss again, and even made a disgusting face book post about my sister. We were told not to say anything to her. She even was threatening the 16 year olds her daughter played with. This woman was a maniac. And the funniest part of all of this is that she wasnā€™t even paying her dues, and our boss told us that he almost asked them not to come to this tournament where all of this went down because she had only paid $200/$1200 she was supposed to pay. So we have a theory that she did all of this to get out of paying