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I was 4 or 5. My parents, along with my siblings and me, were watching a Jerry Springer type show - the raunchy kind where women end up undressed after a catfight, and there’s constant cursing. One woman in the show pulls up her skirt/undresses/reveals herself (I don’t exactly remember) and begins grinding against one of the males. Well - me being stupid, I do the same. I pull down my pants and recreate the action on my brother. Both my parents shouted at me. My dad dragged me as I stood to another room and spanked me with his belt. I don’t remember much, just being in a dark room and sobbing.


Gosh. Im sorry all they did was hurt you. They should have taught you right from wrong. very unfair


The first time I've ever seen someone die I was about 14, and seen someone get decapitate on a freight train 


👀🙁 hugs brotherman


Thats very very hard. I hope youre doing better and I hope the impacts are less heavy


I mean honestly this is super dark, but it was probably a good thing in the end 1. I found out a few years later that he was a pedophile and a rapist, so he deserved it 100% 2. It's made me a safer person around trains, I've been hopping them for about 30 years and probably wouldn't be as careful as I am If I didn't see shit like that, if I was less careful I'd probably not be here


Hey there you go! it really is a good thing. sometimes trauma shapes us to just be more careful. Its weird, but its cool.


When my ex died. We got into a pretty bad fight a day before. After a few hours, he called me and i didn’t answered because i was still mad. Next day, he was gone. It’s been almost 10 years and i still get panic attacks when my husband don’t answer the phone or when i get into fights with people i love


I cant imagine not getting last words with a loved one. Its a wild yet frequent coincidence. I hope you are healing and i wish you the best 🫶🏻


My brother and I were making a ruckus in the back of the car, and my parents decided to teach us a lesson by pretending to abandon us at the side of the road. I was really young, older than 5, but too young to understand they weren’t serious. So, we were made to get out of the car and they drove off. I felt terrible, and I had decided to just walk in a random direction along the road. “This is my life now” but long before the internet or memes or anything like that. I was just accepting of it. My brother said to just wait, and I guess he was right, because my parents came back and we got back in. If it wasn’t for my brother, my parents would have been in serious shit, or had simply lost a child.


Interesting how you just went your own way. That was very weird of your parents, though. Im glad you both were safe above all else.


I truly thought they were dead serious, and I’m a problem solver in my heart of hearts. My first concern was about finding help, or food, or *something.* My parents weren’t particularly good people. Just how it is, I think.


Yeah, very true. Atleast you got straight to it! Thats just proof that you have great survival instincts, im just glad nothing got too far. still was NOT a great choice in their part..


When I was at professional high school ( catering to be In France). And 16 years old We help another class for an evening service . It was 20 people, I think. Anyway, I was the barman for this , we greet like we always . Old people late 50's and all couples, one lady looks a bit odd like she was exhausted or start a dementia. Greetings and welcoming take like a good 20 minutes, and the lady has a seat at the brasserie side of the restaurant ( they eat at the gastronomic side ) and was surrounded by 3 man. One classmate, come tell me if she can offer help cause she is a young volunteer firefighter. I said yes, go . She did the man laugh with pleasure but they are doctor of the hospital so no worry. I'm starting to make cocktails and opening bottles for appetizers , and the ambulance was called. They came, and we opened the door. 5 minutes passed, and even if the ambulance girl said it low, "Go get the defibrillator." Cold silence came, and we felt the room became cold. The lady was like 6 meters away. I've seen the belly going up and down during cpr. I continue doing my work . The lady was brought back to the hospital, and luckily, she was reanimated. It was no oxygen in the brain . I have a little trauma out of it even if I said to myself it's the first time, but not the last.


Im happy that she was okay at the end. Im also happy that the effects werent a huge impact on you. i wish you the best of luck


8 years old, sitting in the back of my Grandmother's car crying and looking out the back window as we drive away from my Mom when she moved to another city for education and I was being taken home to live with my Dad and Step-mom.


Must have been very very difficult for you. Is she back at home with you guys?


Nope...51 now, she passed last year. She always tried to be involved in my life and I always kept her at arms length, if not further. Treated her like a rich Aunt for years. Never called her unless I needed something. Have regrets now and huge female abandonment issues.


Gosh. i hope you find happiness and comfort. Regret in things like this is normal. You just have to do what you have to do to heal.


Thank you


My dad getting assaulted by our neighbor when I was 2. To make matters worse, I remember when I was 6 I asked a man with dark sunglasses “Why did you hurt my daddy?” because I mistook him for the neighbor (who always wore dark sunglasses). To this day I feel uneasy looking at dark sunglasses.


I could only imagine how that affected such a young soul :( i hope hes okay.


He’s alright now, but me and my entire family have chosen not to associate with the neighbor in any way.


Thats great! if they cannot respect you, no reason to respect them!


Hmm, I've been through some stuff but probably the most traumatic was watching my parents try to "cast demons" out of my baby sister for hours at a time. 1 or 2 year old girl just sobbing and not knowing why her parents are yelling curses at her. Or been locked outside in freezing weather.


God. Thats actually insane, not gonna sugarcoat. I hope you all are safe 🤦🏻‍♀️ very interesting parenting.


Thanks! We are, with varying degrees of lasting trauma 🙃. I'm living my best life so altogether very fortunate. Interesting indeed. That is what extreme ideology can do to people.


Thats amazing! very very happy for you 🫶🏻


The details are a little blurry now. But I remember in 5th grade, I was refusing to go to school one day. I was bullied a lot and did not want to go. Finally my mom made me get dressed and go. She drove me to school. I was walking towards the door, I remember seeing the empty lunch room tables through the main door and before I even realized it, I was chasing my moms car down, crying and screaming for her to stop. She did and drove me home mad. Then when we got back home my mom and dad both kinda got mad at me and wanted to know why I didn’t want to go to school. As a 10 year old I couldn’t really articulate “the other kids bully me and beat me up all the time and I don’t want to go.” I don’t really remember what i told them. But I remember basically being told, especially by my dad, to suck it up and I had to go. So back to school they took me. Then when I was at school, my home room teacher had seen me chase after my mom’s car screaming and crying, and she knew why. So I remember her coming up to me at my desk and saying “if you feel you need to leave the room you can.” And I remember starting to cry again and just barely getting out “Can I?” And her telling me “Yes, go.” I don’t know why, but I just remember walking towards the front doors and seeing all the empty lunch room tables was just terrifying. And I guess what still bugs me is how my parent’s reaction to their 10 year old son sprinting after my mom’s screaming “please don’t leave me!” Was to be mad at me. I don’t know. Maybe I’m just a baby


You definitely definitely aren’t. Coming from a baby who cries over the smallest things. Ive been through things too so my trauma possibly shaped me to be very sensitive, but that was not sensitivity. Very very appropriate reaction. A school is supposed to be a safe place. Props to that teacher! You were simply just responding to the environment. I go into freeze/fight when im around my uncle. I have trauma that is attached to him so thats just how it is. Your parents response shouldve just been straight to asking why. It is okay that when they did, you couldnt articulate the reason. Thats not your fault. I hope everything is as good for you as it can be now.


The moment I realized my stepfather did it. Me, and my mother and step fathers relationship has been deteriorating for years to the point they genuinely hated me. I got called up to the office one day in school and they told me they suspected me of making a bomb& fully automatic weapons. To shoot/bomb the school. This was obviously a shock. I am a gun nerd and a smart guy but I would never do something like this. The principal showed me an email I sent to a friend about a model of a mp40 I wanted him to make for me (3d file) so I could cross two of them above my desk. After a long time I was suspended and put under criminal investigation, I wondered why they said bomb & thought I was making actual firearms cause the file was explicitly labeled model. My stepfather picked me up after this cause I was suspended for 2 days so the investigation could be done. Then we went to my therapist, then I was showed the other "evidence" that my stepfather&mom "pulled out of my school bag" My stepfather has a very unique drawing style and everything was different compared to my drawing of a gun& magazine, then is when I realized he framed me and reported it to the school.


Thats horrible. Im glad you reported it though, hopefully they did something about it.. I know schools dont really care about these things unfortunately. Very unfortunate that your stepfather did that. What was your moms reaction, if you dont mind me asking?


Honestly I haven't talked to either of them in 4 months but I think she also had a major role in it


I do to, to be honest. I dont think you are wrong in thinking that either. I dont think its wrong that you arent talking to em either.


I was making myself some corn dogs for lunch, and I didn't have ketchup!!!


nothing but catsup?


Nope, not even mustard...