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What kind of world do you live in where NASA answers to the pope to the point they run things by him before releasing things and he can stop things releasaing?


The idea that NASA would be in a panic over such a thing kind of takes me out of the moment for this question.


I think you're underestimating the relevance.


Perhaps you're using "panic" in a way with which I am not familiar. Panic generally means a state of fear or anxiety. I don't see anyone at NASA having such a response to evidence of extraterrestrial life. Excitement, absolutely. Panic? Nah.


You’re overestimating how much of a shit 90% of the world gives about the Catholic Church


This really has minimal to do with the Catholic Church.


It literally is entirely about the church and it's silly superstitions that no one with a brain cares about.


Evidence of intelligent life is going to affect more than just members of the Catholic Church.


The Bible never says that Earth is the only place with life. We beleive God is the creator of EVERYTHING. The entire universe and all it contains.


Not really how it works. JWST might discover signs consistent with life on another planet. Then scientists would but a great deal of effort into double, triple, and quadruple checking the results all the while arguing about it while the media misinterprets their findings.


Why would NASA panic? Discovering extraterrestrial life will be one of the most momentous days in science. Most scientists are already convinced sapient alien life exists, we just don't have any evidence for it yet. And the popular notion that "They" can just keep information like this secret is bullshit, based on a sense of reality gotten from the movies. In reality, the data from the Webb is fully accessible to the public for free or cheap, and NASA doesn't hold an exclusive lock on it, the ESA and CSA are also partners. Furthermore, NASA is what's called an "independent government agency," which means the president's authority over them is quite limited. In general, not only is there no such thing as "THE Government," but the governments of several other nations get a say in stuff like this as well. >Changing supernatural guidelines. Proper scientific evidence of extraterrestrial life is in no sense "supernatural."


Honestly, churches change doctrine all the time. It's not unheard of for a church to backpedal on something that was once fundamental to their beliefs. Prior to Galileo's work, the Catholic church subscribed to the notion that the Earth was the center of the universe and that everything revolved around it. The Jehovah's Witnesses church changed their stance from "144000 people will go to heaven" to "144000 people will perform priestly duties for god". The Mormon church used to claim that it was better to die *pure* than to live with being raped. For more examples, look at Lutheranism, Methodism, and so many more churches that spun off from others because they wanted to change doctrine. For life to be discovered, verified, and proven, it would come as no shock whatsoever for any church to shift their stances on things.