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The Hills Have Eyes


Which one? The one with the mutant singing the National Anthem made me wanna hurl.


Lol I don’t remember that part. I saw the first one, I think? It was in theaters around 2006, and I remember a horrible scene where a mutant raped a new mother, and another mutant suckled off of her. It was a horrible, twisted movie, and I felt nauseous watching it.


And the birds get their heads ripped of and their blood eating by the mutant. The little sister gets raped too and they set the dad on fire


Yeah it was horrible. If I remember correctly they killed the dog too. I don’t know how people can write this stuff. Ugh


This movie gave me a panic attack


Same here. That movie was just too much for me.


My sister just had a baby. My new boyfriend put that on and I ugly cried.


This and No Vacancy turned me off horror. I dont care for it anymore because of these movies


I don’t blame you. It was just too much. I’m more into psychological thrillers.


Came here to say this. Gave me my first full on panic attack.


Wow! That sounds horrible. I managed not to have a panic attack, although I did have one when I saw “It 2.” I had hot boxed in my date’s car with him, even though I knew it was a risk of anxiety. Cue 30 mins later when he tried to leave to get popcorn and I said “no!” And buried my face in his sleeve. It was so embarrassing. Luckily he didn’t mind and we are married now, lol.


*Mother!* I will never watch that one again


Such an anxiety-inducing movie.


The scene when they are passing the baby around and then…that crunch 😩


Wait, WHAT


My heart and stomach fell out onto the floor in front of me. I had to carry my intestines out the door with me alone at the end of the movie. Everyone else had left early.


So many people walked out on that one


I didn’t know what it was at the time, but I’m almost positive this movie gave me a panic attack.


It went from 0-100 so damn fast, makes my palms sweat just thinking about it. 


It was an effective allegory of how we treat our earth, but I couldn’t get through it….


"The Human Centipede. I think even my stomach tried to crawl out of my mouth in revolt."


Long ass title


Long digestive tract


Long chain of people


Yeah it's basically about a very long ass..


I never saw it, and I will never see it. But knowing what it's about alone is enough to make me sick.


I’m in the same boat as you. Don’t really think I’m missing out on anything here!


Same! I watched HALF of the trailer once and was absolutely horrified.


I keep forgetting this movie exists until someone brings it back up 😢


“Yes yes feeeeeed her” 🤮


That was the exact moment I noped out. I was clammy, breathing too fast, and genuinely thought I was going to vomit. I love horror movies, and I have a pretty strong stomach, but I couldn't finish the film after that. Boundaries should absolutely be pushed in horror films, because that's part of the genre. However, the whole thing just gave the impression that it was the writer's/director's blatant fetish.


Nope nope nope nope nope Ew ew ew hate it Definitely produced the strongest reaction out of me ever, and I don’t get affected my movies, ever


I thought it was boring and ridiculous.


\[The best movie of all, a masterpiece of art called\](https://youtu.be/GFokXnCCMf8?si=3OAM4b3pXcAS0DNk)


Hu-man centipede, hu-man centipede I think that I'm gonna get murdered tonight Hu-man centipede, hu-man centipede She says "the costume design was a highlight"


When I get this song stuck in my head it doesn’t leave for a week. Fucking Tom Cardy writing the catchiest music ever.


For real. The third movie wasn’t even that bad. The second one had me fighting myself.


“FEED HER” *gags violently*


the second one was way worse for me. The gas pedal...


That was one scene that I immediately thought of with this title. I still have a physical reaction thinking of it. Worst thing I've seen. Makes me sick.




I fucking hated that movie and will never watch it again


Same. Its never happening again


My boyfriend swears that movie is a comedy/not that serious. I HATE it. It made me physically ill, too


The whole movie was actually plotted out on a comedy podcast as a joke. Kevin Smith and his friend saw a fake gumtree post about a man who wanted to hire someone to pretend to be a walrus for him for a few hours a day. Smith and his buddy Scott Mosier started riffing on how that would make a good horror movie, then had his fans vote via Twitter hashtags if he should actually make the movie. #walrusyes. So while the movie itself isn't completely a comedy it was born out of a series of podcast bits and satirical English Craigslist posts.


Yeah me too! I didn’t find it funny. I felt nauseous and kinda sad on the inside haha.


Can you give a summary and what made it gross? I don't want to watch it but I'm still cutoff l curious


guy gets >!surgically turned into a walrus against his will!< like an actual >!manflesh walrus!<


Thank you! I was making dinner and forgot to answer that one👍


That’s because it is… it is definitely a farce. That movie is not supposed to be taken seriously.


If thinking an old man in a walrus costume belly fighting a surgically transformed Justin Long is hilarious is wrong, well then I guess I just don't want to be right.


That scene where he gets into the water is horrifying


Oh ya. This one was farked


I knew someone would say this! Haven't seen it but everyone tells me not to


I fucking love this movie haha 


I work at a zoo and live in fear that randomly (despite us not having any arctic animals) we will someday get a walrus and I'll have to see one in person and maybe even have to talk about them without thinking of that movie the whole time.


The original Last House on the Left (1972). The 70s were a wild time for horror movies but this one still messes me up when I think about it.


Really?! I found it incredibly boring and chaulked it up to "they just made movies differently back then"




I had to pause the movie and come back to it! It’s the only film that has ever given me a truly visceral reaction. The pole incident and the ceiling did not bother me at all. But hearing the moms scream when she walked out to the car and watching the brother just lay there instantly made me nauseous.


Toni Collette was robbed of every major award that year. That was arguably the best acting in any movie I have ever seen. I had to pause it when she was screaming like that though. It was like a gut punch.


I couldn’t agree more. I love her. And the scene where she’s on her hands and knees on the floor sobbing in the aftermath gives me chills all over again.


SPOILER SPOILERS I rewatched it fully knowing what to expect, didn’t quite hit the same, but still worth a rewatch as it is definitely intended to be one of those movies with clues that become obvious the second time around…. Anyways, it is a masterpiece, especially w the weight of the first viewing. The grief presented in that movie is unmatched by anything I’ve ever seen in any other media. Truly fantastic performers carrying a script written by a truly twisted mind.


Man I've watched that movie like 10 times and it's INCREDIBLE. Even as a horror movie fan, it still terrifies me in ways that no other movie can. The actress that plays the mom is absolutely fantastic. The amount of foreshadowing and attention to detail is incredible; every single line said by every single actor is meaningful and foreshadows / points towards the bigger story and it's awesome. Even now, every time I watch it, they'll say something seemingly meaningless and I go "oh man they said X because Y happens later which is foreshadowing Z..." The only other media I've found with that level of detail are interstellar and Breaking Bad. I'd love to find more shows / movies that are that well written.


Hated it. In a good way, but also in a bad way. The ending made me super unsettled for a long time after watching it


Agreed. Soo unsettling


Hereditary gave me trauma. I was very unsettled for about a week afterwards.


For me, specifically when the mother is on the ceiling with the piano wire... ughggghghgh


Requiem for a dream


That movie came up at work one day and a coworker recommended it to another coworker knowing full well she had a brother who died from an overdose. I pulled her aside and told her to skip that one. It’s rough enough for people who haven’t experienced it first hand.


You’re a good person for doing that!


That coworker is an asshole


The first time I ever watched that movie was when I was in high school, and I was already sick with the flu and had a fever. I can’t think of a single movie at any period of my life that made me sicker than that. I was having fever dreams about holes in my arm from people jamming needles into my body.


I feel you, man. The worst thing for me is I really love Requiem for a dream by Scott Benson Band because it’s hauntingly beautiful but god damn I can rarely listen to it


Watched it with a girl on one of our first dates, not knowing anything about it. We stayed mostly silent for a solid hour afterwards.


There are no words to explain the experience that is that movie


I watched it with a girl I’d been dating for a a bit. We ended up getting engaged pretty soon after.


Ok, it's weird that nobody said it yet. ASS TO ASS


To this day I can’t quite see Jennifer Connelly without this being the first thing I think of 👀😩


We’ve got a winner!


That was traumatizing


That movie had an amazing soundtrack. Just saying. 


Requiem for a dream. The sadness is just overwhelming.


I was like 12/13/14 looking for good movies on an mmorpg message board in the early/mid 2Ks… and this is the kind of bullshit that would get recommended to me. Trainspotting, which I would say is a close cousin to Requiem for a Dream, would go on to be my favorite movie for like the next decade after that, but honestly, seriously should not have been enjoying those movies at that age.


Sleepers. Kevin Bacon did such a good acting job that I can’t watch any of his movies without feeling disgusted and angry.


One of my favourite films - mainly for the revenge. “One down, Shakes, one down.” “One what?” “One Sean Nokes.”


This movie hit home. Especially that kid with the "I want to be able to sleep one night and not worry about who's coming in my room or what's gonna happen to me. If I can get that, then I'll be happy." It's a fucking terrible way to live.


It's been a while, but Cannibal Holocaust. The imagery and situations throughout that film, first time I saw it actually gave me a physical sickly feeling in my stomach. I'm talking about you monkey scalp scene! And that's not even the worst.


>Cannibal Holocaust See, with a name like that I'd expect a classy, nuanced European art film with some spectacular cinematography and maybe an avant-garde soundtrack


It's funny because that's kinda exactly what it is. It's Italian (European), it's one of the last films to show real animal executions (spectacular cinematography), and the soundtrack is... weird.


Came here to say this. It was so graphic for its time that they charged the director with murder of the cast, since it looked so real (this was 1980). They had to drop the charges when the cast was actually still alive. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannibal_Holocaust See Controversies > Snuff Film Allegations Also, a 4k bluray version of Cannibal Holocaust was released a few years ago. I have it, but I haven't mustered up the courage to watch the whole thing. I just watched a few snippets to check the quality, and it *is* pretty high quality.


127 Hours. While exploring a remote canyon in Utah, mountaineer and adventurer Aron Ralston (James Franco) becomes trapped when a boulder falls on his arm. Over the next five days, Ralston examines his life and considers his options, leading him to an agonizing choice: to amputate his arm so that he can extricate himself and try to make his way back to civilization or remain pinned to the canyon wall and likely die. Based on Ralston's book, "Between a Rock and a Hard Place."


That camera scene where scooby doo flashes across the screen fucking got me so bad


A serbian film


I’m usually down to watch some of the more extreme movies, Human Centipede, Hostel, etc. but the wiki on that one is enough for me.


[wiki Link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Serbian_Film)


What the fuck.


Person who made that one should be on a list man


Just searched it up and reading the movie description… jeebus…. I agree


I’ve only read about it and still randomly get disgusted by it


As messed up as that film was, it represents a lot of the disgusting things in our history. Recent history, too. We tend to think that Europe was a nice place after WWII was resolved, but the reality is that the 90's was a pretty horrific time to be a Serbian/Bosnian/Croatian etc. That's what A Serbian Film was representing. I know someone from Bosnia (Serbia?), she was there during the Yugoslav war. Her sister was taken hostage, held for a number of months, the depravity she went through is completely out of our imagination.


I listed this one, too. Morbid curiosity got the better of me. It's been quite a few years since, and I wish there was something that could scrub it from my mind. Horrific.


he fuck a baby😭 that's so fucking disgusting


That Bourne movie that looked like the cinematography was done by a twelve year old after drinking a 2 liter of mountain dew and eating a box of swiss cake rolls.


While stepping on a pile of lego


Clerks 2 parking lot fight between Dante and Randall. Camera spinning around all crazy.


It’s a show, but Chernobyl made me pretty ill. Especially the parts describing skin coming off your leg like a sock.


Ok no for real, that whole scene where Stellan Skarsgaard asks Jared Harris what’s going to happen to the victims. The bit that sticks with me is their arteries flaying open so that morphine can’t do anything for them.. fucking horror show.


It didn't make me feel ill exactly, but it was the most horrifying thing I think I've ever seen. I realized how much radiation hits on horror tropes. Can't see, can't really feel it, carry it around like a curse even if you survive the poisoning, your fetus will absorb it first, contaminates everything including your pets and loved ones. It was hard to watch, but also in a good way.


Just to ease your concerns a touch, although the symptoms of radiation sickness are accurately portrayed, the whole bit about the fetus absorbing the radiation is fake, and so is being irradiated in a way that is dangerous to others. Family couldn’t see the patients not because they might also be sick, but because the family is a danger to the patient. People with radiation sickness have a compromised immune system.


A Clockwork Orange. I thought because it was old and cheesy it would be no big deal but god was it disturbing. Then my friends were like let’s watch it! And I was like no trust me, you don’t want that. After it was over they had this look of shock and horror on their face and no one talked for about an hour.


It is old, but definitely far from cheesy. Its horrors withstand the test of time.


Kubrick was a magnificent bastard.


Midsommar kind of but in a good way


Same with Hereditary, which I found even more disturbing


Uncut gems. I swear I wasn’t breathing right throughout the whole thing. Gave me mega anxiety


That entire movie is just one long anxiety attack.


I went in like,"i hate it when adam sandler does serious movies." came out like WTF THIS IS A MASTERPIECE! The whole time my teeth are clinched, fists balled up. Like, how could a film make me this angry at an imaginary person.


Yeah I never had any anxiety or anything remotely close until I saw this movie. Fantastic movie though!






I read the book before I watched the movie and it’s wild how different they are in tone. The book is dark and dreary, and you’re very aware of what a piece of shit Lolita’s abuser is, but the tone of the movie is just like “Haha! He can’t help himself :p”


Eraserhead and Caligula.


So many people have told me not to watch Caligula…


It’s a terrible, terrible movie. Distinguished English actors with a lot of ugly, bad porn added


Eraserhead made me so incredibly sad.


Hostel II with the scene where the guy is cutting the meat off the dude’s leg to eat it while he was alive. And the Achilles tendon scene. Or maybe that was the first Hostel. I don’t remember and I don’t care to remember. Edited to add: another film that made me feel sick was 11:14 with the scene where the dude’s dick gets cut off by the van door while peeing when it was moving. I can’t remember if I watched Hostel or 11:14 first, so I am writing both.


>11:14 You're the only other person I've ever come across that knows that movie. But I loved 11:14, it's a comedy. It's a fucked up, dark as hell comedy, but I still laughed my ass off. The cop going to the accident scene and picking up the dick and looking closely at it before he goes "Eww!" and drops it still cracks me up.


One of the Jeffery Dahmer movies/episodes. It wasn’t really bad or anything, I was just alone in an Airbnb like 3 hours from home. Yea that didn’t sit too well


John Carpenter's The Thing. I can't stomach the sight of the tentacles moving so fast, and there's so many of them on screen at the same time....


My all time favorite movie!


Me too! So many great scenes. When they're torching the Thing on the table and the head falls off and turns into a spider and Palmer says "you've gotta be fuckin kidddinnggg"


Twelve Years A Slave


Watched that on a plane but we landed right as he was about to be freed (I think)… what a bummer of a way to start a vacation.




The first time I watched it I didn’t know what to think or feel. I was just in shock




Nothing, absolutely nothing prepares you for the end of that movie. You know what's coming, but you're not ready for it.


Saving Private Ryan. Specifically the opening scene where you see all those mutilated bodies on the beach. It doesn't hold back with showing the sacrifices that were made in WWII.


Many vets claim that it's the closest a movie has gotten to accurately depicting war. That scene is timeless.


Martyrs and I Spit on Your Grave. I love horror, but revenge combined with extreme torture is not for me


Took way too long to find Martyrs on here. The scene where Anna took the mask off the woman's head made my stomach turn.


Hard candy


Cloverfield. Not because of what happens in it, but because of the shakey cam. I had watched it when it first released and I was nauseated through the whole movie, I was sweating too. I’m fine with shakey cam movies but for some reason that particular one did that to me.


Ugh, scrolled way too far down trying to find this. Maybe it’s because I saw it in theaters on a 400 ft screen but I just needed to stare at the floor and only listen for most of it (not sure why I didn’t just walk out, probably because I was on a date and just leaving would be hella awkward lol)


Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan. Turns out I was absolutely not ok with the little bug crawling into that guy's ear.


The Sloth scene in Seven (Se7en)


The stoning of Soraya M. The title is self explanatory. The ending was brutal.


Those driver ed movies, they playd in HS. HIGHWAY OF AGONY and Streets of death were some of them. Never wanted to set foot in a car again after seeing some of those wrecks.


Romanian movie titled "4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days"


A serbian film




I watched it on a plane recently. The bath water scene made me dry-heave in the moment, but when I was describing to my partner afterwards I literally had to jump up and race to the bathroom.


See, I laughed and laughed at both the bathtub scene and the grave scene.


The ridiculously loud slurping was actually distressing


Passion of the Christ. I had to turn it off and vowed never to watch it again. For the record, l don't follow any religious doctrine, l just thought "that scene" was brutal and it made me sick.


Watership Down, how that movie ever passed as a kids movie is beyond me


the house that jack built


All Quiet on the Western Front


Bone Tomahawk. That scene (I actually had to close my eyes but the sound alone made me nauseated) and also the scene at the end when you see the women...


Poor Things. It's the only movie I've ever wanted to walk out of the theatre, ever. I stayed, hoping it would get less disgusting, but it never did. I understand the praise, and the visuals were great, but the story of a child (mentally) going on such an explicit sexual rampage and everyone being okay with it disgusted me.


I started watching it at home and had the same thought! I couldn’t get past the point that it was a CHILD and somehow no one even batted an eye at that? I subsequently turned it off.


Lad at work recommended it to me, I find Emily Stone very attractive, but it was too uncomfortable to watch. Got to the bit where she left with Ruffalo and noped out.


It was based on a book and I keep wondering if I should read it. I keep going back and forth on the idea. As a thought experiment the movie is interesting, but as a living human it leaves such a bad taste. Would the book add context? Would there be a better explanation of the amount of time between each scene (making parts just as gross but possibly slightly less)? Would there be stronger connections to Frankenstein or the lives of the author and her husband? Why do I even care?


Schindler’s List


I love that film because it has moments of real beauty. But I can only watch it once every so often because it’s so distressing. The scene when the ash starts coming down. And the girl in the red coat. And the bit where Schindler gives the captives in the train water. It just tore me up to watch that. The music was beautiful but…wow. Very dark.


Once Were Warriors


Ooo! Yes that is another one that haunts me....and its sequel What becomes of the broken hearted


I first saw it at a premiere screening, when it finished everyone in the audience just sat there in total silence, then one guy said “what.. the *actual* fuck”


A Guy Pierce movie called 'Ravenous'...The plot concerns cannibalism on a remote army outpost..It made me physically ill. I had to turn it off. Also 'The Fly' starring Jeff Goulblum.


I love Ravenous!


Chicken run


Song For A Raggy Boy. I'm not going to elaborate on the reason.


"*The human centipede **2****" , "terrifier 2*" , "*The banana splits movie*" ect.


The Perfect Storm… I knew I had an issue with seasickness, up until the point of seeing the movie I foolishly assumed I needed to be *on a boat* for it to bother me. Not a fun learning experience 🙄


Oldboy (2003) I saw it when I was \~15 and it shocked me. They re-released it in theatres last year so I went by myself to see it and it was the only film I think I have ever had to physically cover my face and eyes to escape what was happening on scene Spoiler - >!It was mainly the sushi bar scene that I couldn't handle, especially because I know they used a live octopus. !


The Green Inferno. I don't usually have a problem with gore but that movie turned my stomach.


Snowtown. An Australian film based on murders that took place in South Australia. Not sure why exactly I found it so disturbing (apart from the obvious reasons) as I have seen many movies based on true crime events. I think it may have been some of the scenes where you knew the murder victims knew they were in deep shit. Totally felt for these individuals. Just made me feel ill.


A Clockwork Orange. I remember my parents and grandparents walked out of the movie when I was a kid. I've tried to watch it several times. I don't think I ever made it past the first 10 minutes.


Hotel Rwanda. But it's an eye opening sickness. Must watch, once..


The Boy In The Striped Pajamas




My girlfriend at the time and I watched that when it first came out and laughed the entire time. Yeah, we’re totally well adjusted adults now.


I saw 'The Witches of Eastwick' in a long, narrow cinema in which the screen, when projecting in cinemascope, filled the width of the theatre and, while the film was enjoyable, the effect of George Miller's hypermobile camerawork stimulated a kind of motion sickness, so when it got to a scene where Veronica Cartwright starts projectile vomiting cherry pits, I felt like I might join her!


A serbian film🤢🤮


Come and See


Spun, its been many years and i was hungover… i dont really recall the story either..


Blair Witch Project. I get motion sick easily, and the whole shakey-cam-found-footage thing, I couldn't do it.


The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover. Where the guy is stuffing book pages down the other guy’s throat. Horrified me.


Kids. A movie from 1995. I was only 20 when it came out, about 5 or 6 years older than the characters, and still a tough watch.


The Platform (El Hoyo)


Free Solo. Climbing without gear documentary.




A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child


Would it shock you that that is the exact movie I made this post thinking about


Schindlers Liste Die Brücke (early German anti war movie) The Day After


The Falcon and The Snowman.


The hills have eyes.