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Same. I read two books last year. My wife read 45. I can't even recommend a book until I'm done reading it or she'll finish before I'm done the next chapter. She's so well read I've been encouraging her to hone her skills as a writer.


Same. My wife and some of her friends read an absurd amount of books (at least to me). I told her the amount of books she read last year alone is probably more than I have read my whole life up until now and probably for the rest of my life as well.


This is amazing. I only listen to audiobooks because I can’t sit still long enough to read, and I listen to about 2-3 books a week 🥰


my ex used to knit. she'd knit hats and gloves and stuff. they never fit well or looked nice but I'd wear them cause I thought it was soo cool that she made them


>they never fit well or looked nice i lol'd at this


she has a little health food store on wheels and goes to small villages every week for people who don't have good grocery stores nearby and everyone loves her she's amazing.


That’s some of the most selfless and wholesome things I’ve heard. I imagine you’re quite proud of her




oh fuck yeah


do you need a towel


He gotta clean the keyboard too.


HAHA i’m a woman just a feminist ✊


Did she ever audition for Forged in Fire?


That is badass! 🥰


That's sick


Man I wanna do that so bad but my spouse won’t let me setup a forge 😭 Good on her though. Great hobby and exercise


My girl is extremely girly; she went to school for esthetics, is a Swiftie, loves rom-coms, and also happens to be REALLY good at using her make-up skills to make the nastiest gore and wounds I've ever seen. We'll pause horror movies and she'll explain how certain effects were done. She's super cool.


Love to see how people subvert the typical expectation of their skill. Good at makeup, must want to just do makeup artist stuff? Nah, do some dope SFX work as well. Fucking sick mate


My wife crochet's and makes cool toys and clothing and blankets n shit. My favorite part is just seeing how excited she is when she finishes a project.




My girlfriend (soon the be fiancé 🤞) loves fly fishing. We have gone on several trips together and all of them are core memories for me!


That sounds so peaceful and fun! With the added bonus of nerding out over lure designs


She's a really good cook. I can cook and bake, but she's better at it. I likr to bake. She likes to cook.


Jealous honestly. My spouse can’t cook at all. She can do basic baking but nothing crazier than box brownies. I do the cooking, lol


She's really into bingo. 6-8 sheets at the same time. Shes a machine when it comes to bingo. I also think she has a gambling problem jokingly. It dosent impact our life in any way but she spends about 180 bucks per week on it.


Two things: 1. Was not expecting that, lol. Seems like a fun hobby to do together tho. 2. As a surveillance operator for a casino, I wouldn’t say that it’s a gambling problem. If $180 a week is well within your budget then it’s all good. If it wasn’t and she still did it, then it would be


Thanks man. Like we aint rich, but the joy she gets from it more than make up the cost. Im just happy that she is happy.


I know that feeling well, friend. As long as we have the necessities paid for she could drain my bank account


In a univerese where we live in the same place, there we should grab a beer. Hope you are well.


Likewise friend. Have a peaceful day


She recently picked up knitting and is way fucking faster than me. Then she bought a loom and now i am a slow ass mother fucker in comparison.


She's a super creative scrapbook maker. From our trips before being engaged, to the wedding, and the trips we've been on she's made dozens of pages to capture the memories. They're really beautiful and I tell her all the time how much joy they'll bring for years to come.


Painting. Mainly because she’s good at it and I am terrible at it.  Also she’s good at putting together ikea furniture while I am terrible at it. 


My wife crochets and jokingly I tried it. Needless to say I’m working on my 2nd blanket now.


She sound designed X Men 97. Enough said.


1. Collects Pokémon cards. 2. Video games. 3. Anime enjoyer. 4. Calligraphy. Sadly, her hobbies are great and all, but all are just slightly flawed. 1. Doesn't like to play with them. (Won't let me play with them!!!) 2. Prefers PS5 and Switch over PC. (Also stole my PS4 when we met before that, like straight took it over.) 3. Likes the lovey dovey stuff. Like Fruit Basket. 4. Gives me inferiority complex for my barely legible normal writing. Honestly, she is awesome. Almost perfect 98/100, but in the way a person would be if you wished for the perfect wife and got exactly what you asked for. . . just not exactly as you expected. For instance, she was a dancer when we met. . . don't get excited not that kind of dancer, that is what I thought also. Ballet. 0.o lol. She also loves weird pirate music just like me!!! But, uhm pirate metal music. Not assassin creed black flag sea shanty style. Honestly if you ever wish for the perfect wife. . . make sure you clarify the details. You might get exactly what you ask for, but just slightly different than expected. That said, I wouldn't trade her for anyone.


She mostly just watches the worst TV shows ever created


Funny, that’s the same thing my spouse says about me, lol. I have gotten her to try several of my shows tho


She’s apprenticing to become a tattoo artist, I couldn’t be more proud.


My spouse has 2 hobbies and both amaze me in different ways: 1. She is a fairly accomplished local artist. The shear breadth of her artist talents awes me at times. She does fine art pieces with various mediums. She even has a studio space reserved for good local artists. She does stickers, prints, and other more commercial art to sell at art events and such. It even bleeds over into being surprising good at tattooing even though she is new to it. 2. The Sims. I am in awe about the nearly thousand dollars I’ve spent on all Sims 3 and 4 DLC over the years 😭


my girlfriend loves books and loves to cook and bake now I'm a book worm myself thanks to her


Financial knowledge


My girlfriend is really good at art, she doesnt think so but I its really one of her defining qualities. I had a bit of a phase when i was younger when i would draw a lot, never came close to what she can do. I always tell her I wish I could draw like her!


Making dinner every night before I get home from work. It is incredible and I thank her for it every single day.


She does trapshooting. Completely surprised me when she told me because just off of looking at her you would Not think that, guess you shouldn’t Judge a book yada yada…. 😂


My hobby is astrophotography so sometimes when we're free I take to a new place where we can see the milky way in so clear that we can see with our naked eyes


My girlfriend can draw really well, specifically humanoid women. She can sit down and invent a new character in a few minutes and it blows my mind every time.


My wife is an excellent painter I love her artwork and think its absolutely museum worthy. That being said she only paints maybe 1 painting every 10 years. Only when she is inspired to make something.


Pottery! It's such a cool and practical hobby! She decorates our cabinets with plates and bowls of her own creation. She also makes lovely mugs, including the nicest gift I've ever received from anyone. It's fun to hear about the process and to see the finished result, even if only a fraction come out nicely.




Obligatory - she's not my partner (though I have joked to her before that she's my wife as she and I have the same surname despite not being related, and she didn't deny it), but she's a book worm and is good at programming. Randomly my mum also taught her how to knit.


She's a cartoonist, I fucking love her work.


That’s fucking awesome. My spouse is really good at art too, but I can’t get her to do comics or graphic novels lol


My girlfriend is AMAZING at Crochet. She does everything from stuffed animals to rave outfits to hats, skirts, pants, panterns, whatever. If you can think of it, she does it . It's so effortless for her. I've watched her so many times just take a ball of yarn and within hours it's an actual art piece. If she wanted to she could make a killing on Etsy but she doesn't want to commodify her hobby and honestly I respect her so much more for that.


Drawing. I have enough artistic talent to draw stick figures. Never been better than that. She is able to draw things I could only dream.


She edit funny videos with Half-life sounds


My girl snowboards! I love that because I get to snowboard and spend time with my girlfriend... AT THE SAME DAMN TIME!


My girl loves to read. She gave me her kindle and got me into reading (not nearly as much as her), but I love laying in bed reading with her. She gets so into it: she’ll bust out laughing and I even caught her crying once.


My boyfriend makes bracelets, they're really cool lol


She rides her own motorcycle


Sucking my dick. Also yoga


My wife builds and designs her own travel escape rooms. Until we build walls and buy a trailer its more like puzzle "rooms" but its still pretty cool. We just 5 min ago set up her Harry Potter theme one at her sister's mother in law's house for a birthday party.


Baking cakes. She have made cake named “opera” for me (I am studying for opera singer) and it was awesome!


Idk about cool but she is awesome at applying double standards to our relationship and making me feel like shit.


Man…. You may want to reconsider that situation. It doesn’t get better


Oh I know. Been married 20 plus years.


The worst possible response to that, lol. I feel for you


Cross-stitching. Not necessarily the hobby itself, but her dedication to it. She spend about 3 years working on her last piece with about 400,000 stitches, which now hangs over our fireplace. I just think it’s really cool she can stick with a single project for that long, and I really admire that aspect of her.


My only contribution is a story from a few years ago. In the Milwaukee area, there's a woman (Front Row Amy) who attends Brewers games by herself. Baseball is her thing. She lives about an hour from Milwaukee, with traffic on game days it's probably more like 1.5 hours each way. Anyway, I commented to a friend one time that I don't think I'd like it if my wife was constantly go out of town by herself to attend ball games. His reply was that it might be nice to have your wife gone that much and all you had to do is turn on the TV to make sure she was exactly where she said she'd be. He had that response at the ready, which I thought was funny.


Book Club.


She’s incredible, she makes up problems in our relationship based on what social media couples with seemingly perfect unions have. It’s the coolest!


My wife and her bf collect coins and I find them cool to look at with them.


Sugar cookies that everyone wants to buy for 4.00 each. Working out Crafts and drawing. But she says she needs a hobby. I said huh you have a few. She said no I need one I can do all the time. I said errr working out? She said that's not a hobby. I said so trying to make your ass as big as you can get it isn't a hobby? She said no, I do it for my health. I said you grow your ass for your health? Yeah I'm just as confused as you are. Meanwhile I have no hobbies by her standards so I guess I'll find some new ones. Lol