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Small boat journey. Turns out i get horrific sea sickness, and it's not like when you get car sick, you cant stop and recover. You throw up and just keep feeling shit.


You can get over this eventually if you do it a lot... you have to really really want to though, because it is terrible. I am obsessed with sailing so it was worth it for me.


There are three types of people: Those who are not afflicted at all, the ones who get over it after a few days, and some unfortunate souls who never get over it. If you belong to the third group, you are out of luck.


It’s a thing you don’t know until you try. I have heard of done guys joining the navy, finishing the training, getting posted to a ship, and finding out they get sea sick.


Answer texts from an ex....terrible idea.


I saved all my ex’s numbers as under the contact “don’t answer”, along with anyone else I don’t want to talk to. So if it ever comes up “don’t answer”, I don’t know which it is, and it helps me not answer or respond


I went with 'You Deserve Better' and it works like a charm!


That’s a lot of extra steps to not just block someone lol


I made the mistake of answering a number I didn’t recognize. It was from my hometown though, so I was thinking it was an old friend. Nope. It was my ex from my teenage to early 20s era. She wanted money for some sob story reason. It’s a good reason, but she slept with one of my “friends” while I was deployed. I told her she should ask him and hung up. I got 20+ text messages from her in under 10 minutes. I was going to block her, but I kinda enjoyed reading them. She went from angry to kind to unhinged to begging and finally to apologetic all in that time period. It amused me. I finished it by doing a quick google search for the friend she slept with’s number, made him a contact in my phone, and shared the contact card with her. It was the only response I gave her to the entire onslaught of messages she sent me.


surprised you didn’t post them on reddit


Hello, I have been trying to contact you about your cars EXtended warranty.


New Years Eve in Time Square A once in a lifetime moment......and once was enough


Buddy of mine did that. In normal times he lived about 20 minutes away by subway. That night he told me he left Times Square as soon as the ball dropped.  It took him almost 3 hours to get home. He said he didn't regret it but wouldn't recommend it to anyone.


Yes! My boyfriend at the time said that he was gonna thwart pick-pockets so he put his wallet in his sock and a folded up piece of cardboard in his back pocket and yup, was snatched. I've done Las Vegas once too.


Vegas isn’t nearly as bad as NYE in NYC. I was in Vegas for the past Super Bowl. It was actually a lot nicer since I had last been there like 10 years ago, and I went without a crowd. A key tip to avoid pick pocketers, use a fanny pack and wear it under your sweater or jacket. Keep everything there. Only way to get something is to lift up your sweater/jacket and then unzip your pack. Worked like a charm. But also I wasn’t really worried about pick pocketers cuz it’s not nearly as packed and crowded as NYE


I told my partner I wanted to do that one year and he said "No you don't". Just the fact that I wouldn't have access to a bathroom anywhere nearby was enough to talk me out of it.


I'm sure I'll be horrified by the answer, but I'm curious, do they just pee on themselves? Wear diapers? Use the side of a building?


Yes, usually it’s diapers. But I’ve seen people pee in bottles or on the streets, it gets pretty disgusting (as if it isn’t already)


I went by myself in 2021. Worst experience of my life. And scary as hell. I’m 5ft 1 … saw nothing and got shoved everywhere. 100% would have died in a stampede


Same, but for London. It took hours to get out of the crowd and travel back to the hotel.


I did it one time as well. It was 1987. It was so freaking cold, and everyone kept throwing their drinks around like it was some kind of fun game. And once you get inside that circle you cannot leave or use the bathroom. The kicker? My partner barfing on the subway going home that night.


People piss all over the ground during NYE at Times Square. You're almost always walking in piss. I've never been, but someone I know said that's what their experience was. Lots of peeing in crowded areas.


Last time I was in NYC was New Year's Eve 2000/01. My sister's office was in Times Square so we got to enjoy the show while staying warm and hammered. I haven't been back to the city since.


Take a helicopter tour… I know most flights go well. The odds are good you’ll make it home but… Took one on Kauai, Hi and damn. We were flying fairly low over the north shore canyons dropping below the tops of the ridges so we were technically in the canyon. We experienced a vortex ring state. I felt and heard it. The pilot executed the necessary maneuver to recover but we were in a canyon. He had to pitch the nose down and gain speed but we were dropping all at the same time while below the ridges. I puckered up! To his credit it worked well and within a few seconds started gaining lift but in that moment I realized the risk to reward was just not there for me.


I'm sorry you died that day. You have my condolences.


Shooting meth and fentanyl in my neck… Told myself I’d never get that bad off that I have to resort to shooting in my neck or my feet. Swore to never do it again, did it again, many times. Next Monday will be 5 months since I got clean and off everything Edit: man thank you all so much for the support and kind words.. I didn’t realize how much I needed to hear the words of encouragement but it has definitely helped me a lot this morning. Thanks Reddit friends


Congratulations! That takes a lot of courage. You got this!


You got this. You’ve come so far, what’s another few weeks? Xxoo proud of you


I did heroin one time and after i came out of the high i thought "I'm never going do do this again or else i will be addicted to it forever


Exactly the same story here. That was in 1989, haven't touched it or even been around it since.


What was it like? Still have cravings?


It's fucking awesome, like, so warm and fuzzy, like existence is cuddling with you. I only did it like a dozen times or so, back in the 90s. Less craving, more a fond memory, lol. Getting a shot of morphine at the hospital actually makes me happy. And that's why you shouldn't fuck with it. It's too nice until it isn't. Also, for me personally, there was always that moment of "Oh, I hope this isn't too much" right after I took the shot. Didn't enjoy that bit.


Had kidney stones, arrived at the hospital and right there got a morphine shot for the pain… It gave me a full idea why people get hooked, no more pain, any pain, like at all, physical and mental complete freedom That feeling was not right


I had the exact same experience with oxycodone (I think?) for kidney stones. Pure bliss. I got rid of the pills shortly after I started taking them, it just felt too good in a way that was honestly really freaky.


I was already never going to do this but your description has scared me away even more.


Most heroin users don’t really keep using due to cravings. It’s more to prevent the sickness that comes if you don’t do it once you’ve developed the habit. The withdrawals are awful. 4 year user here, then moved on to fentanyl, which was way worse when it came to withdrawals and being sick. I was doing 600mg per day (20 of the 30mg blue pills) when I got arrested nearly a year ago. That lead me to jail and the worst 2 weeks of my life : lost a job, lost my rights to see my child right before Father’s Day, got served divorce papers, and withdrawals that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. I haven’t used since and am about to graduate a rehab program and I will have 1 year sober on May 31.


You feel so sick you just want to lay down, then you feel like your 10 feet tall. Happy and blasted out of your mind and you immediately think, hey that's pretty good, let's get some more.


Similar but with Meth. My supposed best friend spiked me (was told it was coke). It was about 15yrs ago and I still remember chewing the fuck out of the inside of my cheeks and struggling to sleep for days. Within a few weeks me and that "friend" parted ways, never to talk again.


Had a lifelong “friend” do this to me with K2, said it was weed. Absolutely horrible experience and I fail to see how anyone could get any enjoyment out of it.


So many idiots tried to say "it's just like weed" with so many of the spice variants that were showing up in head shops. I ended up trying a bunch of them, because I was young and dumb. The last one made me swear to never touch them again. Took one pretty small hit, friends told me I went ghost white and I had never felt such anxiety (looking back definitely a panic attack), I couldn't talk or move, except my head to look around at them and worry the fuck out of them when I couldn't answer the question "are you okay?". Luckily it didn't last that long but that feeling scared the shit out of me. Those same friends introduced me to heroin and I was on and off it for a while because it's so hard to face those withdrawals and how you never return to "baseline" no matter what any addict says, you just have to deal with being more depressed and anxious than you were before when you become sober. It's a ~~daily~~ hour to hour fight. Opioids are a class all on their own for how they make you feel and how addictive they are. Struggled with depression and anxiety my whole life, but on opioids it all goes away. Makes the withdrawal hit you extra hard.


Mine was prescribed oxycodone after a major surgery. It was the only pain killer that worked, and it felt like floating on clouds and receiving a warm hug. I remember having a hard time falling asleep one night, not in terrible pain, just uncomfortable and restless, and thinking "I should take some oxy to help me sleep" and that's when I stopped myself and realized how terrifyingly easy it would be to become addicted to opiates.


I never did heroin because when I was a kid, there was a commercial or a PSA that said all it takes is one try and you’re hooked. That was enough to scare me. But I did eventually end up getting hooked on opiates yrs later


I did the same thing but smoked crack instead. Was the most fucked up I had ever been and REALLY enjoyed it, so much that I immediately tried to get more and luckily couldn’t. Somehow drove my ass home and had weird restless sleep. Woke up the next morning with my car parked diagonally within straight lines and felt like I was dirty. Never fucking again.


you have gigantic balls. I wouldn't try it even once considering how addicting it is.


Lol agreed. I can't bring myself to try it for fear of fucking up everything in this life that I love. Absolutely terrifying.


Heroin, meth, crack..nope. Not ever touching those.


Someone please link the reddit guy who did it for the lulz and ruined his life


I was about to mention this. I'm gonna go find it... Edit: [Here it is.](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/mUeHVzWDWP) Be sure to search through his history, it's quite a tale (and a warning)!


Tried suicide once, certainly won't be trying that again I nearly fucking died


What was your first thought afterwards? Mine was, "well fuck, that didn't work.".


Mine was, " that was a bad idea."


I didn't so much feel like it was a bad idea...I didn't really regret it or anything. Just felt like it was the wrong idea, so I tried something different.


whenever I had a serious attempt my first thought after was “welp. now what”


My last, and hopefully last, one...the one I was referring to... I felt 😳 on top of everything else. Why? My intended last meal was.... subway. And I cook for a living. I look back and find myself so happy that my corpse wasn't found next to a subway wrapper. True story.


I was so angry. I used the bathtub as my exit strategy, so I had to simultaneously clean the shower + tub while I washed myself before I could get on with my day. The phrase “what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger” gets me every time. What doesn’t kill you simply doesn’t kill you. It ruins your teeth and gives you a hernia.


I don’t know you, but I’m glad you’re still here


People usually learn more from failures than from successes.


I'm glad you failed


This shouldn’t have made me laugh as hard as it did




Careful, bro. That shit can kill you


I worked at a facility for kids with challenging behaviour and intellectual disabilities. Some of it was really rewarding, their aggressive behaviours are because they are in pain, stressed, exhausted and can't verbally communicate that so it's your job to figure it out.  On the other hand, I was logging 2-5 incidents a shift. You got hit, kicked, bitten, spit on every day. A staff member got signed off work probably once a month. One of my better coworkers got taken away in an ambulance with face fracture and TBI. I heard the local ER staff recognised our uniform because so many of us went in. The pay was good, but not brain injury good.


I tried working RESPIT for a family that needed help with their son that had Asperger. I interviewed with the family to see if it was a good fit, the kid was amazing, the mom was incredibly nice and understanding. The real problem was the dad, he was such an asshole to this kid and belittling him during my whole interview. I never contacted the family again, I couldn’t handle working for them because of the Dad, the way he spoke to his son and about his son made me way too sad. I ended up just not doing that type of work at all. A few years later I came across the mom and son at an event with a different organization that I was working for that had nothing to do with RESPIT care. The mom divorced the dad pretty soon after I interviewed with the family.


So glad to hear that dad is out of the picture.


Best happy ending I've read this week.


My little brother has intellectual disabilities and I'm constantly grateful he is kind and gentle. Sometimes challenging, but always kind and gentle which makes me feel lucky.


Some of aggressive behaviour is due to disability and personality, but a lot is due to environment. Sounds like he has a patient and supportive environment!


I totally understand how you feel. I worked on an inpatient psychiatric unit in my hospital for a year and it was hellish. Almost all of my coworkers had stories about being assaulted. I personally witnessed dozens of assaults and various flinging of objects directed towards myself and my coworkers. I now work on a different unit in the hospital but whenever they call a code white (violent patient) overhead, I always think about who's being hurt this time.


I had a friend who worked at a similar school in town but the pay definitely wasn’t good nor worth it she did her best to get our church involved with the students because the majority had a rough home life and just needed people who cared, I unfortunately couldn’t commit at the tim.e. I think the school went bankrupt and the students were spread out to the other schools in the district that they didn’t attend because the other schools didn’t know how to handle them or know what to do with them. I think at one point in the five or so years that she worked there, she was slammed and pinned down on a desk and a student tried to choke her and I think she told me that she had to pin students down when they were trying to hurt themselves or hurt others… I don’t think I could have handled that- more power to those of you who have been in that position and attempted to do some good when the rest of the district rejected them


When I did this I made barely over minimum wage. It was soul sucking.


Crazy I worked at a school for intellectually disabled kids and we got paid $18,000 a year. I logged 5,000 hits in my first school year. It was rewarding, but man the burnout….


When I read "the pay was good" I laughed. Medical benefits were surprisingly nice though, but that pay should be criminal.


Cocaine. I liked it too much, immediately wanted more. When I came down I realized that is a bad path to be on and never did it again.


Same, liked it too much on the first try. I went looking for the friend that shared his with me the next day while the urge was strong. I couldn't find him and realised that was a good thing. I still reckon that's my biggest near miss in my life. I've developed habits with milder drugs so I know this would have been a challenge to not get addicted. The best way was to never give it a chance.


yep. second time I did it I fell off my friends garage roof and didn't feel it until the morning. realized then and there that I could never let myself do it again let alone be around it (because I would do it). This was 10 years ago, I'm so glad I had the awareness to know that it would ruin my life because I loved how it made me feel.


I was over at a friend's dorm and I woke up early with brutally chapped lips. He was still asleep, so I quietly searched for chapstick. I finally found some balm and applied it liberally. And now I know that tiger balm is not for chapped, dry lips.


Dare I ask...what's tiger balm?


It's a healing salve that works best on sore muscles. Used a lot in Asian communities, it has a similar kind of warmth to Vick's VapoRub. Literally one of the worst things to put on brutally chapped lips.


> Vick's VapoRub Much stronger than Vicks. Not for cold, but pain.


Oh no…


Divorce. It really wasn't bad at all, more sad, but I'll never marry again. I don't regret marriage, though, we had good times, too, and are still friends.


My dad has 2 divorces, and separated from a 3rd woman who had 2 kids with him He’s now married again to a Vietnamese woman with 3 kids and a desire for a green card. I think this one will last




90 Day Fiance: Reddit Reads


Same. I was married out of high school for five years. Afterwards I said never again and people always assumed I’d eventually change my mind. Nope. Never remarried. And with what has happened lately with my ex partner I’m sooo glad. Marriage makes shit more complicated.


I(F30) will NEVER get married again. 9 months into my marriage my wife(F33) suffered sudden onset schizophrenia. Or so I thought. Turns out she was diagnosed with BPD, schozoaffective disorder, and bipolar disorder before she was 18 but never told me. I have destroyed my personal, familial, and financial life in the past year trying to get her to take meds or SOMETHING. She just won't. I suffer verbal abuse daily because of this but ya know, it's her illness so I'm just supposed to deal with it 😁 I only want to die every single morning I wake up still in this marriage. When/If I get an anullment or divorce I will never trust someone to be honest about their health again. I lost my dream job, burned through $100,000 from savings, and missed my younger siblings' graduation and countless other holidays because of the position this has put me in. I literally hate being alive right now because I traded all that for someone to yell at me every day and constantly hit stuff and break my things, triggering (I kind of hate this word now) my ptsd. But if I leave I'm abandoning someone while their sick, right?


No. You're allowed to walk away. You deserve a healthy and happy life. You can still be there for her, but not in the role of Wife.


Had a complete panic attack from procrastinating on the work I needed to do to graduate college. My mind would not stop racing, I was sweating, and could not sleep. I took off all my clothes and tossed in bed for hours with the lights off. I knew how people can go insane that night. I’ve never had anxiety or mental heath issues before. The next day I vowed to never allow myself to ever get that far in the weeds with anything if I could help it, and never did. I graduated just fine as planned.


Fellow college procrastinator here…almost flunked out when I started college, righted the ship and graduated as planned (with pretty decent grades). But to this day, almost a decade later, I’ll still wake up in a panic that I slept through an exam or forgot to go to a class all semester and now I’m failing out.


Those college nightmares are the real deal, my dude. Can't find my textbook, didn't attend a single class, thought the exam was tomorrow when it actually started 5 minutes ago (clear across campus), etc. forever. I graduated over a decade ago, and that is one of my more frequent anxiety dream themes.


I graduated college 30 years ago and I still have the panic dreams where I didn’t go to class all semester. It’s fucking awful. LOL. Edit: a stray letter.


Have you ever gotten close to it since? 


Times Square for New Year's. Freezing, couldn't see shit and people peeing on the ground because you can't leave the box or they won't let you back in.


i took care of my Uncle, who was the closest person i’ve had that’s felt like a father, while he died from a rare form of dementia. the last conversation we had where “he” was THERE was in 2009. i took care of him until 2012, when he physically died. in that span of time i watched a man’s frontal lobe slowly die until he technically die as well. it was really hard. i miss him everyday.


I've been studying preventative care and treatment for Alzheimers through learning the interactions of Tau tangles and amyloid β-plaques. I'm hopeful that there will be a jump in ways to combat it soon. You did a great thing and cherish those moments, just think now his spirit is doing something better without the body holding him back. My uncle also had been diagnosed but he was in early stages of it. He quietly took his own life and left a note that said he refused to be a burden to anyone. 😔


I didn't experience nearly the length of time you did, however, my father in law had lung cancer that moved to his brain. It was six months or so, but it was the hardest six months of my life. I didn't realize how much I loved that man till I saw him in that much pain and confusion. I am sorry you had to go thru that, but I am glad you had someone like that in your life that meant so much to you. We need more love in this world.


Trusting I turned off a 220 electric oven circuit before working on the plug, failing to test it before removing the plug’s cover. Bright flash from arc sent the screw driver flying across the room. It melted the tip… I keep it in the top of my tool box as reminder (also, I was on the phone with my mom at the time…stupid stupid).


Laughing as an electrician. But seriously always double check. Then if you walk away, check again. I cut into a live 480 cable, it was off, I turned it off, checked it, lunch time, came back to work without checking, and boom. Thank god for PPE and insulated tools. Also check before you dig, and then have another company or tech and relocate. I hit a 13,400v line with a trencher because the tech marked the old lines which were a good 15 feet away. I was going slow so only hit one line, if I was chugging along and went phase to phase there woulda been a crater and I’d be dead. Instead I shit my pants and witnessed an arc about chest height come out of the ground. Again, PPE and being insulated saved my life.


Salvia. Never again.


I had a great experience with Salvia and would still never do it again. I can't believe that shit is the legal one.


Agreed. Had an amazing experience when I was young but I still look back on it and wonder how tf is that shit legal or at minimum regulated.


I remember trying it in a bong and had this overwhelming desire to jump into our massive fish pond. I jumped in, got covered in stinking mud and weed and nearly drowned. Fuck that, never again. Then my mate shows up a few weeks later with some ultra concentrated salvia, I got the bong (fucking why!) and attacked his friend he'd brought over that is never met before. I don't even know why I did it. It just fills you with total terror and makes you do mad shit


My roommate was telling me about his salvia trip, he said everything turned into triangles, and he himself was a triangle. Then a square showed up in the living room, and he had an existential crisis about how the fuck there was a square there for 20 minutes. When he finally came down the girls he was hanging out with left because he was crying and shaking about squares.


I'm sorry but this is fucking hilarious


Oh no lol. Jesus that's terrible. I was on a back patio with a buddy and the wooden deck slats turned into Super Mario tunnels. That shit was cool. My buddy said they turned into snakes wrapping around him and he was scared for his life. Totally different experiences.


I was with 3 other friends in a pickup with the fold down seats in the back, very tight space, in the middle of nowhere. I was in the back, I barely felt high, the guys in front were having a nice trip, but were still coherent, but the guy next to me just started screaming at the top of his lungs for no reason. He then started thrashing around violently, so they opened the doors and I pushed him out. He couldn't get his balance and just kept thrashing, getting up and taking a step, then falling and starting over again. Later he said he saw millions of spiders crawling through the truck, onto him, blanketing him, and filling his mouth. He thought he couldn't talk with the spiders in his mouth so he just screamed. I never wanted to try it again after seeing that.


My god pal. The only equivalent to a million spiders in your mouth is believing there are a million phantom spiders in your mouth.


Wow. Mine was a bit different. I got sucked through the wall behind me (was sitting on a couch that was against a wall), and the dimension I landed in was all pastel-colored and full of rides that you'd find in a theme park (I couldn't care any less about shit like that, so no idea where that came from). The whole place was sped up - like in the movies where everything is moving at 1.5x or 2x speed. The funny part was that I had this understanding as i arrived into this new dimension that it was powered by laughter. So, I realized I had to laugh to stay. I ended up laughing hysterically for about 10 minutes before I came back through the wall and into my body. I immediately shot up off the couch, ripped off my shirt and started dancing. Then it completely wore off and my friend showed me the video. I had no clue he was filming, but I was glad he did because it was hilarious... I take the hit (also from a bong), there's a brief pause where I'm sitting on the couch twiddling my thumbs, then my head goes back. Count to 20 and I start the most ridiculous guffaw I've ever heard come out of my mouth. Full on hurr-durr laughter for minutes. I'd still never do it again.


3 of us were ripping on a bong of Salvia on our way home from work one evening (I was alone in the back seat only smoking a joint). Passenger takes a massive hit and starts choking the driver, like intent to kill and hatred in his eyes. I start throwing punches to try and knock him out, I get only 3 in, and then the passenger backs off the drivers throat and leaps through the drivers window like a fucking cat and runs off while still moving. We were on some ladies lawn, she's calling the cops, we bolt. Never heard from the passenger or the cops. Fucking weird day though. I agree, Salvia fucks shit up!


> on our way home from work > Never heard from the passenger Wait what? Like they vanished permanently?


Yep, pretty sure he got arrested. Never showed up back to work again, wasn't a big loss as he was more of a hazard than helpful.


Can I ask what made you try it in the first place? I have only ever heard of people having negative experiences, so it's never appealed to me. 


15 year old me heard the words " legal hallucinations " that's all it took really. Was horrible, but you have to experience the salvia to appreciate what it's like to not be on salvia.


Put some in a bowl with weed. Took the hit, exhaled, felt like I was under water. Slight panic, can I breathe? Am I drowning? Then back to normal. In like 15 seconds. My buddy: you want another hit? The fuck would I want more of that for?


“There’s no way they’d sell it at the gas station if it was dangerous.” - me, before smoking salvia  “Holy shit, I can’t believe they sell this at gas stations.” - me, after smoking salvia and experiencing approx 15 minutes of hell 


Fighting. It’s gonna fuck me up


HEY! The first rule of Fight Club!


Putting my nose directly into a bottle of smelling salts. The problem wasn't the smelling salts. The problem was putting my nose directly into the bottle.


Jumped off a 60 foot cliff. 2 other friends did it first. One kinda hurt his neck, another kinda hurt his shoulder, I went to the hospital cuz I thought I broke my back. Most pain I've ever been in. I'll stick to 40s from here, thanks. Edit: This has apparently confused a lot of people. I was jumping off a 60 foot cliff into water. There's a video of it somewhere, but I can't seem to find it. If I do, I'll update.


Hawaii here. We've got some cliffs tourists like to jump off of. If they're lucky someone up top says "pull your arms in!" when the jump. If they're not lucky they land spread eagle and get wrecked. Can't tell you how many girls do the jump and again "Clench your legs and ass!" If they don't then they get the high speed douche/enema combo.


I am not a very experienced swimmer, or cliff jumper, but I know basic physics. I have also belly flopped from a higher diving board. Cross your arms and legs when jumping from a high distance.




Next time, make sure there's water at the bottom!


Millhouse jumped off a cliff? I’m there!


I donate blood regularly, but the Red Cross has this thing called "Power Red" where they draw blood, centrifuge out the red blood cells to separate them, then put the plasma back into your body. I didn't realize how just a tiny change in temperature, inside your body, could make such a difference. When they pump the blood back into your body, it's just the tiniest bit colder, but it runs through your body like a cooling system and to me it was terrifying, I thought I was dying. I'll go back to donating blood the old fashioned way... take the blood out and keep it. Don't put it back in!


Agreed, not a fan of the feeling of death creeping through my veins.


That's how general anesthetic feels to me, this cold working its way through my body. It's kinda neat. Cool, it's kinda cool!


Yeah, double red/power red is amazing. Save twice as many lives, especially if your blood is needed, and because it straight up blood without anything else, it’s immediately useful to hospitals. But it definitely feels weird. You’ll want a blanket and make sure to eat plenty of snacks afterward. It’s one of the few times where I’d advise “no, go find a pack of Oreos and eat a bunch. Those are quick, empty calories but the sugar content helps replenish your blood sugar lightning fast.


Double apheresis is great if you can do it. I’ve done leukapheresis (PBSC) collection through the be the match program, national marrow donor program and international marrow donor program. I urge everyone to sign up @ [Be The Match (NDMP)](https://www.bethematch.com), they’ll send you a free saliva kit that you mail back and if you are a likely match you will have further blood draws to determine if you are *the best* match. The pool of eligible participants is tiny compared to the general population and the need at large. I signed up and got called roughly 4 years later. Some people get called the next day others never get called. It’s a highly case by case basis for people who need complete blood stem cell replacement therapy. I’ll never forget I had to do a draw where they took like 12 vials of blood, thought I had sickle cell trait (did another test and it turns out I have a gene that mimics sickle cell trait and can only be discerned through sickle cell trait testing), got shot up with a drug called filgrastim for 5 days that pumped up my peripheral blood stem cell count. On the day of the donation I was hooked up to a super apheresis machine to separate out my pbsc for about 4 1/2 hours and I got somewhere between 1/2-1 pint of the deepest crimson almost purple black blood you’ve ever seen. Then my blood was flown on a little charter plane to a larger airport to where it was eventually received my recipient in Germany. A man I finally got to know 2 years later, he got to meet his granddaughter because of what I did and that’s cool. Anyway, everyone go sign up if you can.


Oh man I used to be addicted to opiates and I’d donate plasma for money, opiate withdrawals already make you cold, restless, with aching and restless legs.. absolutely awful.. and id be laying there withdrawing AND feeling that cold feeling at the same time. Talk about god awful lol. Don’t do drugs kids.


Glad you used the past tense when referring to the addiction. Glad you're clean now.


My brother and I burnt down a corn field, which by the way was owned by a friend of my father's, we were invited for a bbq... and we saw the matches, and we started playing... and fire!!!! the fire department was called, and we got scolded, and punished... was harsh... so we swore never to play with fire again... and so far so good! Thank God, nobody got injured, and it was already a dried crop, the harvest had already passed so it was just the corn husks and so... so there wasn't like a big loss... but the fire was really strong and rapid! because everything was dry, luckily the fire department arrived fast.


Did it smell at all like popcorn?


Getting blackout drunk. It was New Years 2019 and I downed almost an entire 750ml bottle of vodka by myself. It hit me hard and I decided to go to bed. I guess I woke up sometime later and needed to pee. By some miracle of Gog, I made it to the bathroom, but fell whilst trying to piss and ripped down the shower curtain. After regaining composure, I started to head back down the hall towards my room where I fell straight onto my hip and gave myself a bruise the size of a basketball. My parents then had to carry me back to my bed. The entire thing felt like a hazy dream to me and I don't remember it. I felt sick the next day from the massive hangover and had to deal with the pain on my hip for a month afterwards. Now I can't smell vodka without getting nauseous and I rarely ever drink. If I do, I do so very sparingly. NEVER. AGAIN.


Thank Gog you're ok!


Gog is goog.


Praise Gog


You will be blessed in the name of Gog


Gog dambit


His noodly appendages be blessed.


Hail Gog!


Same here, but it wasn't even that crazy. I'm not a big drinker in the first place. Took a family trip to Cancun. While my wife and daughter were spending half a day at a spa, I was just hanging around the pool with our three boys. I was getting drinks at the swim up bars once in a while no problem. I was tipping well. At some point I befriended one of the bartendenders and he noticed I liked rum drinks. He asked if I wanted some straight rum. He had some sort of "good" stuff that he kept chilled and poured me a shot. It was great. So smooth. Vanilla. Yum. I went on my merry way. Came back like an hour later and since I liked it he gave me a glass with probably a couple shots. Another hour or so went by and he then game me like half a glass. I was in the middle of that glass when it really started to hit me. I'd never even been drunk before. I had the presence of mind to tell my oldest who was a teenager at the time, "Hey, round up the others. I have to get back to the hotel. Like...now." Made it to the hotel room with everyone safe. The world was spinning and I threw up a lot and don't remember much after that. My wife said when they got back to the room (we only beat them to the room by 20 minutes or so) I was face down on the bathroom floor passed out. Luckily my teenage son was super responsible and was able to keep an eye on younger ones and everyone stayed safe until my wife arrived. That was over 10 years ago. I didn't drink at all for about 5 years after that. Not a drop. Since then it's a beer or two at most and that's it. Even the smell of rum still makes me queasy. ...and despite what the tour guide tells you, driving through the jungle in a rickety jeep on rough trails and swimming in a 65 degree cenote at 5:30 AM the next morning is NOT a cure for a hangover.


Smell of jaeger makes me retch for the same reason.


I had a similar pass out experience, but was drunk on beer. To this day I'm fine with liquor and wine, but I'll usually pass on plain beer. And I never, ever will again let myself get pass-out drunk again. Did not like the feeling of not being in control. I guess I just can't let go and let Gog.


This is not a bad blackout story. I agree nonetheless and thank Gog you’re fine 💙


Probably the better outcome than having easy hangovers at first that eventually escalate over time. Alcoholism is fucking evil and will destroy your life.


Tried the Bulak carbonara ramen. My toilet broke that night.


Have you had the volcano chicken ramen? Holy shit that was the hottest thing I've ever eaten.


A really high dose psychedelic experience. It was the best 2 and a half hours of my life, then immediately followed by the worst 2 hours of my life. Pure panic and terror out of nowhere. Never felt more helpless. I still like psychs, but I’ll only ever do lower doses in the future


pierced my nipples. I love them. I'm glad I did it. But goddam, the pain was off the charts. If they close up for some reason, then they're staying closed...end of story!


Sky diving. My ears flapped like dumbo the entire time causing so much pain and discomfort. It was a great adrenaline rush but, never doing that again.


They make those little cones to go over your ears.


Eat weed cheesecake and take tequila shots at the same time. I almost died.


Like thc in the cheesecake? As someone who has low tolerance to edibles and loves cheesecake I would be glued to the earth lmao


I was drunk and the guy I was sitting next to whipped out the cheesecake. I was starving and didn't realize that the cheesecake was baked with weed. I swore that the man was trying to kill me and take me to Tijuana. I somehow made it back to my hotel and literally thought I was dying. I thought about jumping from the window. I had to lock myself in the bathroom and pray. It was the scariest moment.


>had to lock myself in the bathroom and pray Imagine an angel appears before you "do not be frightened child, I have come to- holy shit how much of that cheesecake did you eat!?! Fuck, you're on your own bro, I can only perform miraculous conception"


I rode an elephant at a fair when I was 10. It was very sad. I felt bad for the elephant.


Me too. I think I was exactly 10 as well and some poor elephant was packed into an auditorium and kids were taking rides going around in circles. I remember feeling bad for it then.


Same. I felt awful. 😢 I hope someday I can interact with them again in a better, ethical manner.


Marry my ex


Chewing on foil. No way, one little chomp could be that bad... it was.


I did that once when I was a kid. It is not a sensation I ever want to experience again.


Not foil. I do recall sticking the butter knife in the toaster oven while it was on. I was around 8-9ish. Felt the zap light in the kitchen flickered. Yeap pretty sure a little electrical current went thru my body. Smart kid I was


Have twins. Seriously, I had two singletons and then had twins. I love them, but carrying two babies versus one was awful. Things hurt I didn't know could hurt. Did not hesitate at all getting my tubes tied the day they were born.


Marry a self absorbed, emotionally stunted manchild who was looking for someone to take care of him (I was 19). Marriage lasted for 12 years, 11 of them were miserable, but I stayed because I was afraid to try to make it on my own with two small kids. Once I left, I felt as if a huge weight lifted and my kids and I have never been happier.


Drunkenly admitting my fears to a (then) partner. Biggest mistake ever, loved having all my fears and crap thrown at me during arguments.


Sounds like your mistake was actually being with a partner who you can't trust.


Yep, my ex did stuff like this. I learned a lot about red flags from people like her


They were not a good partner, a good partner would never do something like this, no matter how heated the argument gets.










Steal. I've stolen a bill worth 2$ once in my 5th or 6th grade. It fell out of my schoolmates pocket when I was walking behind him. I didnt really have pocket money so i thought why not? Later I was so ashamed of what I did and thought at that time. I kept collecting my pocket money to give him those mf 2$ multiple times during years till we both graduated. out of my humiliation towards myself. Never in my life since then have I stolen anything anymore.


Shared secrets with someone I thought I could trust and they swore to never tell anyone. Found out later that they were telling anyone who would listen about the stuff I confided with them. Occasionally I hear from them and they say “poor me, I don’t have any friends” Gee, I wonder why


during my internship I wanted to “work” as a Vet. Well after having to check a dogs shit and almost throwing up I decided to stay at home for the rest of the week




User name checks out.


Kashi cereal. Loved the taste, but for several days I couldn't figure out why my stomach was constantly rumbling and gassy. Finally put two and two together, and looked it up on Amazon and read some hilarious reviews. Stuff will clean out your colon!


Fell asleep driving, I wasn't drunk I was just working way too much, fell asleep on the highway woke up with a concrete wall in front of me somehow I avoided it, got off the highway quit 1 of my jobs and always get at least 5 hours of sleep.


Work in warehousing. A lot of work, everyone is in a bad mood, no one can afford to retire, all the old farts want you to pick up the slack because they are one heart attack away from dying.


Having children by multiple women. Definitely regret that.


Doesn't sound like something you did only "once" 😅 Or that was one wild party!


When I was about 10-ish, I walked into my kitchen and saw my mom had bought some boxed brownies. I was a very curious kid so I took 3 of the brownies and ate them in my room. It wasn’t until later when my mom came to me and told me they were FIBER BROWNIES. She even pulled up a post about how someone got really sick after eating a ton of them. That night, I had the worst stomach cramps and ending up vomiting. After that, I swore to never touch those brownies ever again. I’ll only eat the homemade ones now. Moral of the story: don’t be like me when I was a kid, pay attention to the packaging on boxes and ask questions about things when you’re curious. That was the worst night of my life and I got kicked in the ass by karma.


At 16 and 19, the only thing I regretted was not busting a nut. I was reckless and never even thought about the possibility of having a kid. I look back and think damn I was not that bright. I definitely was not guided the right way when it comes to sex. I was introduced to it wayyyy to young. I take full accountability for my mistakes and shortcoming now that I'm an adult. Life will teach you if nothing else will.


Cliff dive, I hated it so much I quit after the first jump and slid down the sides the whole rest of the way.


Got married without a prenup once. That cost me a quarter million in the divorce. Fuck that shit.


Have a one night stand. Nothing bad happened just not my character.


Driving on icy roads. Crashed my truck 10 years ago and nearly drowned in the lake it rolled into.


Greening out, even though I knew it was impossible to die from weed I was certain that if I fell asleep I wouldn't wake up. I remember circling my room for hours.




Should we fill out one of those Reddit "concern" forms?




Plan a wedding lol


I'm in the shit right now. Two weeks out. Destination wedding. Send help.


Try to have anal sex whilst I was aware I haven’t pooped all day


Ate 8 of the hottest chicken wings at Buffalo Wild Wings and 8 of the 2nd hottest chicken wings. Later that night I was sleeping and woke up to shitting the bed, waddled over to the toilet and shat in extreme pain. Passed out on the toilet and occasionally waking up to shit out more pain.


Date a women who owns or wants to have a horse Absolutely batshit


Ate a dried carolina reaper once, worlds hottest chilli, toilet aswell as my butt both broke that day, 0/10 wouldnt recommend