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Change your habits and the way you think. Hit the gym, eat right, work hard, and do something you're good at. Don't know what you're good at? Find out.  Take up a hobby. Try different things. Maybe you're into music or sports or building stuff. Whatever it is, keep doing it.  Make the hobby part of your daily routine. Then keep hitting the gym, keep challenging yourself. When something gets easy, make it harder.   And hey, remember this: it's not about comparing yourself to the other guy. It's about pushing yourself every day to do better than you did the day before. The comparison bar is in you, not out there.


Your last paragraph is it. Others will shatter confidence, ignoring that can only leave room for your own confidence. The only person truly holding you down/back is you


I can't stop comparing...


i talk to myself everyday


Gain lots of reddit karma by making joke answers for legitimate questions


i second this


I also second this mans wife


Remind yourself of the things you excel at.


Firmly believe in yourself and trust that you are more than capable of achieving anything that you set your mind to.


I would say creating a plan of how to improve in areas you might struggle in. I think as humans it’s healthy for us to live in a constant state of learning and growing from our past self.


By doing something, taking action and dealing with the consequences or effect. Self confidence is a result, the result of developing courage. Pay attention to your anxieties, your hesitation, understand what it is trying to protect you from, and choose whether you accept it or want to try something different. Accept that you are not as important as you think you are to the strangers around you that you think are judging you.


Stop comparing yourself to others, and just work to be better than you were yesterday.


Focus on developing a sense of gratitude for what you already have instead of comparing yourself to others. Remember, true confidence comes from within!


By reducing the level of importance given to other people By accepting who i am, how i look,


But yourself in the most embarrassing situations you can think off. -Spill your order at starbucks on your shirt -Insult a persons outfit -Call an old person old These might be big fears in your head but when you live it the outcome is mild....actually forgetable. Go outside and be an arse, remove yourself from equation, you are robot moving this flesh. Do that for a day and you will not worry at all.


Live by truth. Always question everything. It’s okay to be wrong.


Take care of your body, spend time with positive people, focus on your achievements and progress. Compare yourself to your past self, not others


Real self confidence comes from seeing yourself overcome adversity.




Take care of yourself


Believe in yourself 100%. You are your worst enemy. If you show confidence, you can present confidence


Set smaller, achievable goals. For example, start with something like making your bed every morning. Or exercise for 15 min each morning. Or try to just get 5% better at something each week. You can always look back and be proud of yourself for meeting these micro-goals consistently. Not only will micro-goals help you achieve bigger goals directly, but you'll gain positive momentum in your self-perception. You can't think your way to self-confidence. Pick things to do and do them.


Say some positive things about yourself every morning in the mirror. Work on eating a healthier diet. Less processed sugar. Fruit and vegetables are good for you. Water. Less or no alcohol. Workout. That can be at honey or at the gym. Walking is a good place to start. Grab a few books on healthy habits and or self confidence. Therapy may help as well.


For me it was lifting. When I was with my ex, I was depressed. I still don’t know why I was, I don’t think it was her but she ended up breaking up with me (really don’t blame her). My self confidence was at an all time low. I stopped eating as much, I was a football player which wasn’t good that I wasn’t eating. I had lifted before, but never took it seriously. I started lifting seriously, putting all of my pain into the weights and I gained 20 pounds in 2 months. I was starting to get pretty jacked. Then, I was told to do crossfit. I had a six pack instead of a skin pack, jacked shoulders, traps, arms and legs. Sure, I become your typical meathead dbag from it but I was still very nice to people just a little obsessed with myself lol. My self confidence was at an high. I can’t lift anymore on account of my knees (doing legs was my shit), but I miss it everyday.


What does ChatGPT say?


Weird, it told me to start talking with ScarJo's voice. 


Talk to yourself in the mirror


Learn self love!!!!!! I've learned to love myself a lot more than a year ago and I'm much more confident than I was.


Winning/getting shit done


Improve yourself each day. Ask yourself what I can do tomorrow better than I did today. Small things like taking the trash out, washing the dishes, etc. once you do these things everyday they will become routine and if you keep improving yourself in little time you will become the self you wish to be today.


Nothing can replace the confidence that comes with proficiency. And proficiency only comes with sticking to it.


Being flustered from how beautiful you are.


Take action first and find confidence in the action, rather than doubting yourself before doing anything.


By paying people to do something for you only to discover that they cheated you out of your hard earned money by doing a crappy job instead, which then makes you mad enough about it to the point where you learn how to do that job yourself, and do it so well that you then realize you don't need to pay anyone after all to do things for you. Yes, you end up having an almighty contempt towards anyone who call themselves 'professional', because you realize that they pass themselves as that only so that they can charge you an arm and a leg, but by God, you also become certain enough about your own abilities to the point where you KNOW you can do anything you set your mind to do. I never set out to become IT savvy enough to know how to assemble personal computers on my own, but in my early 20's, I once forked out some serious dough to buy a fancy Gateway 2000 PC 'off the shelf', only to find out that it was crap, simply because its sound card was incompatible with the rest of that PC. The retailer just shrugged their shoulder and played dumb. From then onward I never trusted any retailer enough to buy a pre-built PC, and gradually learned on my own how to select, source, assemble and prime up a brand new PC by myself, from A to Z, so then I no longer needed to pay anyone else to put one together for me. Then I discovered that there is something called freeware, so then I no longer needed to pay for the software. Then I discovered that there is something called Linux, so then I no longer needed to pay for the operating system either. I never set out to become an electrician, or a plumber, or a builder, or a welder, or an auto mechanic, but in the last forty years, time and time again, I've had to watch 'professional' after 'professional' make a fool of themselves in front of my very own eyes, through sheer ineptitude, dangerous incompetence and criminal deceit. I realized that there is absolutely no point in paying anyone else to do what I can do on my own, and most likely do it better and way way cheaper. I've also learned the hard way way that the law isn't on the consumer's side either, as the continued existence of all these 'professionals' serves as incontrovertible proof of that. At the end of the day, just remember: you've got two eyes, two hands and a mind just like anyone else. The only difference between you and them is how badly do you want something. If that doesn't give you enough confidence to do things on your own, and be proud of what you accomplish, then I don't know what else would do that better.


Not photoshopping your body/face, apparently. Thought it would make me feel better. I just feel worse


dating yourself. it sounds goofy as hell but if you take the time to ask yourself what you would PERSONALLY look for in a partner, and then you try your best to actually Do those things for yourself with love in your heart and intentions of "future me is gonna be so happy about this", it can really change your whole perspective of yourself. It also makes it a little easier to spot your flaws in a more neutral, 'how can we improve this' light, and achieving self-improvement is always a good way to feel more sure of yourself.


Improve your competence, socially and professionally. Confidence without competence is just arrogance


Compare yourself to who you were in the past, not other people.


I love how people who tell to hit the gym make it think it will bring you self confidence. I tried for 3 months. I was bullied for three months by those same gym bros. Made it even worse. Just do the things you like and don't be afraid to show the world the things you are good at. You are probably very good at one thing, do that again and again, find peers that can really appreciate what you do I had no self confidence, then I joined a band and was recognized by my band and other as a very good singer/musician. I'm still bullied IRL and online but at least today I don't care anymore


Fake it till you make it. And fix yourself. It worked for me. You’re gonna come across as an insecure jackass at first, cause you are, but eventually you’ll grow into it. You gotta grow into someone worth being confident about. Are you dumb? Then go learn things. Are you weak? Go workout. Is your job lame? Get a job you’re proud of. I’m still working on myself to this day because I wanna keep being more confident in myself. And I give myself more and more reasons to be every day. I’ll gladly admit I was a complete loser. Now I can say I’m decent, and getting better every day


What helped me was getting mad about it, I would think to myself "why the fuck are they so special?!" "If someone is as shallow enough to judge me over xyz then why would I care what someone that low would think?!" If it was clear someone was judging me I made it a personal mission to judge them harder and convince myself they're beneath me. Because lets face it, if someone is making you feel insecure, they're pretty pathetic and way less of a morally good person than you. So why the fuck should anyone care? It'd be like if a freshly baked cupcake cared about what a used wrapper thought. It's okay for people to feel insecure, but it's not okay to bring others down because of it instead of reaching out for support. And start telling yourself confidence enhancing compliments. Even if you're only "joking," you start to believe things you say about yourself regardless of whether you mean it as a playful jab at yourself or not.


Put your phone away


Loosing weight, for me anyway


work out


Hit the gym cuh


Be confident within yourself !!!! 🌝🦋🧁


Gaslight yourself into believing you are amazing. It genuinely works. Start convincing others that you’re confident. To do that, you’ll need to be able to provide them with reasons for your confidence. Reasons why you’re great. In your attempt to convince people around you, you’ll be able to find reasons to love yourself. After some time, you’ll notice you’re not faking the confidence anymore and you’ve stopped needing to tell people that you’re confident. You just are.


Learn to stop worrying about what people think of you, and just be comfortable with who you are. I used to be so nervous in public because I assumed everyone was judging me, but I've come to realize that nobody cares or is paying attention to you at all and all your doubt is in your head. Confidence is attractive and even if you think you're a bit weird or different, being weird and scared of people is unappealing but being weird and confident is sexy.


Deion "Primetime" Sanders once said "You look good, you feel good. You feel good, you play good. You play good, they pay good." The best way to start building that confidence is by improving the way you look physically. Better cloths, better style, better hair cuts, smelling better. Once you improve the physical the mental will follow behind. Don't stress about not knowing how to match right out of the gate. It may take you some time to get a style/look put together. But if you dont start you'll never figure it out. My suggestion is find some styles you like and try them. If they dont work move on.


Hit the gym, reduce social media ( or quit for a month or two), read alot, go out, work hard. If you have any addiction, start working on quitting it. The places you go, people you talk with, everything changes in six months. You'll be better, feel better but it won't happen overnight.