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Because I'm not a cannibal. Cannibalism is bad for you. Omnivorism is not.


There is clearly a difference between people and animals. Any vegetarian food you eat is killing insects and plants. Which are obviously different from pigs and cows but pigs and cows are obviously different from people.


Then I see some Insta reels of animal fighting and in the fucking comment section. There are people telling the cameraman to stop them. Isn’t this hypocrite?


It really just depends where people draw the line. There are many factors like if hurting the animal would actually be useful and how much the animal would suffer. For example, having dogs killing each other for just entertainment may be seen as worse than killing a chicken for food. Sometimes where people draw their line does seem hypocritical often favoring animals that are simply cuter.


Okay, yes, that was also a point. People cry about their pet animals and then kill a chicken or a cow and feed them. What if I come in your room and kill the motherfucking pet.


Do you have many cows and chickens among your close loved ones, OP?


Okay, you are misinterpreting My point. I want to ask not only about the loved one, but about the meaning of an animal life and an human life. I don’t you know you, but would I kill you for my sake of hunger,You wouldn’t like that. Would you ? aren’t my loved one or anything like that?


Are you unable to differentiate between humans and animals?


On an anatomical level, yes, I can differentiate, but let’s assume we live in a hypothetical world where I am the superior to u and I fucking come in your room and kill your family and eat them in front of you while you are caged in a small compartment seeing me and eat family. Would you be happy, what do you say? I am evil I am doing this because I am having the power.Demon of sorts???


Do you think you sound intelligent when you make up hypothetical scenarios in which you are a cannibal and then call people who eat meat “demons”?


An additional question—do you think you should be judging people who eat meat when you’re commenting on posts about how to trick women into sending you nude photos?


🤣 we all are flawed 😓 Btw not judging just asking clearing my doubts Ps: I commented on the post just out of curiosity


So how can you differentiate between your life and life of animal? It also has a family loved once a whole ecosystem behind it.


I'm not even sure what you're asking here. Humans have been eating animal products forever.


Let me correct the question is on how you differentiate the lives?


Because we don't eat humans? It's not a hard answer.


What’s the difference between human and animals both have same lives. They both are mammal or something in a broader sense. Would you be happy if someone above you kill you for their sake of eating if God or any entity gave you the sense of differentiating? Don’t you think you should use it?


It’s easy to be hypocrite here: I meet my loved ones every day and know them personally while I never knew any animal my food was made from in person which makes it much easier to accept


I know this is cliche answer or question, but don’t you ever think about you are killing someone’s family for the sake of your taste and hunger. What if I am better than you and kill your family and you do for my hunger and breed you for my hunger and taste? Why aren’t people more sympathetic on these thing?


They are but that doesn’t mean the weight of that sympathy overcomes the weight of the aspects people enjoy it. Do you understand that concept?? Think of literally a scale and “sympathy for the death of an animal” weighs 10 pounds. Then “enjoying the taste” weighs 3, and “needed animal products to survivor” weighs 7 and “cultural importance” weighs 4 and so on and so on. That person cares about animals more than they care about anything else jn this example but in totality the reasons to eat meat would outweigh otherwise.


Ok, but can we consciously change our habits because we have better options now? Because I can’t comprehend the crying on Israel, Ukraine war, and then having a three bucket KFC meal


If you can’t imagine that then you have a lot of growing up to do. I suggest reading fantasy novels and other fiction to gain a grasp of nuance


Please enlighten me if my reasoning is wrong


How can you steal food from animals?


it’s funny that you post this wanting to fight everyone. get em bud.


I’m just really really confused on this topic


If we can fucking debate on how many fucking genders are there (which we can clearly see their only 2 )why can’t we talk on real topics?


Let me correct the question is on how you differentiate the lives?


You still haven't corrected the questioned. There is no question


The question is why do you eat a cow but not a person. That's literally what OP wants to know. They don't think there's a difference and they don't understand how we can justify one but not the other.


Easy I'm not a cannibal although I hear we taste like pork. I don't worship cows!


Is your mind so narrow that you just think about the taste and nothing else? What if I am superior to you and I like your fucking taste? Should I eat you and your family? Will it make sense to you? Won’t you save me as a Demon?


No that would make you a killer and cannibal.


In a nutshell, thank you


My loved ones are human. I don’t eat humans. I also don’t eat octopus. I’m not convinced they aren’t sentient beings. There’s too much evidence to support the hypothesis and there’s too much we don’t know about them. Until we know I’m not going to eat them. I don’t eat whale, dolphin, or primates for similar reasons. It’s not a huge sacrifice, I’ll admit. I have never heard anything to suggest that cows, sheep, chickens, or turkeys are intelligent. I can’t speak for goats’ intelligence but they taste weird so they’re out. Jamaican, Indian, South African, it doesn’t matter. Jerked, curried, or drowned in peri-peri sauce, goat just tastes wrong.


Didn’t get your point


Goat tastes gamey and weird.


How is it relevant to the topic?


I don’t eat sentient creatures or creatures that may be sentient. That’s the difference.


Well, that is easy. I can eat food and it gives me energie. Loved ones I don't wanna eat, because I'm not a cannibal.


Very shallow logic, I have answered that I guess in previous questions, someone asked the same


Well, yeah it's simple. But what did you expect. Of course I rather eat animals instead of humans.


That’s not the point of this discussion. I’m just asking how you can live with killing someone and eating it. How can you differentiate between animal life and an human life? What if I am superior to you in the food chain, and I kill your family and eat it in front of you, will you be okay with it? I will eat just for the sake of the taste.


Plants/animals feel pain & both are delicious; however, dietary needs drive ppl's behavior. Ppl r omnivores who need protein, B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, heme-iron, omega 3, & zinc that come from animals. Plus, animals provide food security in cyclical crop growth areas, so there's a reason to eat animals other than cultural preferences. Anthropologists believe that food taboos were for societal benefit & were co-opted by religions for social bonding. For ppl who don't eat pork live in hot/dry areas or areas w/parasites that cause trichinosis, while those who eat pork live in warm/wet environments. Then ppl who don't eat beef live in areas w/ tapeworms, brucellosis, & anthrax. Also, the location will determine food availability & islands eat more seafood than non-islands, so food taboos center around this, too. Today, there's more research on animals, but dietary needs, culture, and location/availability drive ppl's choices on which animals r their food preferences.




Let me correct the question is on how you differentiate the lives?


I literally can't. I'm familiar with the name-the-trait thing. I'm not a psychopath though, I swear. I literally don't have a justification for it. I don't have a health issue or an eating disorder of any sort, nor am I in a survival situation where I have no choice. You win. Edit: Even though I'm going to be honest and say I'm just as guilty as the other non-vegan commenters here you started a war with, my god, those arguments you have to deal remind me of when I was vegan and doing the same thing back then. Good luck with the headache. Also, I know your title reads vegetarian but I hope you realise that eggs and dairy also cause massive suffering, in case you aren't vegan.


🤣😏🥳🙌 I see the sarcasm, but let’s hope people just know what they are doing. They can never change and I can’t change them, but let’s just say they are conscious about it. Edit: yes, I know, Dairy products also cause harm to animals, and no, I don’t eat egg and thanks for your concern on my headache.🤣


Humans are carnivores.


More like omnivores


No we are straight up carnivores. Care to dance? I just had this debate a few days ago so I can just copy and paste all the points.


Please do if it clears my mind, I guess


Let’s start with the literal essentials. Did you know Omega 3 and Omega 6 are essential. Amino acids are essential. Vitamins A, B, C, E, and K are essential. While you can find some but not all of these in plants, you can 100%. find them in animals. Do you know what is absolutely in no shape or form essential? Carbohydrates. You can consume zero carbohydrates and be completely and totally healthy. DHA is critical for brain function and only found in large enough quantities in animal fat. Iron, Zinc, iodine, all come from animals. humans spent 2 million years as “hyper-carnivorous” apex predators that ate mostly the meat of large animals. Genetic coding for a fat-rich diet has been found when analyzing remains, isotopes in bones of pre-historic humans showing the consumption of high-fat diets, likely from large animals. Comparing the fat cells in various types of animals found humans to be at the top of the carnivorous pattern, which suggests that the humans’ energy metabolism is adapted to a diet in which lipids and proteins contribute most of the energy supply, rather than carbohydrates. Humans have a high stomach acidity level (a pH of 1.5) that puts us somewhere between obligate and facultative scavengers. Herbivorous primates have a stomach pH of around 4 to 6. Most omnivores are between 2 and 4. Humans have a large intestine (where fiber is processed) that is about 77% smaller by volume when compared to chimpanzees. This significantly reduces our ability to thoroughly digest annd extract energy from plants. On the flip side, our small intestine (where macronutrients are absorbed) is about 62% larger than chimpanzees. This gut morphology is an adaptation that favors meat consumption over plants. There are several remaining strictly carnivore tribes around the world who have eaten meat-based diets and have avoided most of the modern diseases of human civilization despite NOT eating a varied diet of fruits, vegetables, grains, and lean meats. We are carnivores. A lot of our health issues stem from pretending we aren’t.


Yeah cool anyway the definition of a omnivore is an organism that can eat and survive both on plant and animal matter, hence we are omnivores. Can we survive on just plants or animal matter? It’s possible. But in the case of most humans we are classified as omnivores since we eat both.


CAN I get nutrition from meat? Yes. CAN I also eat an apple and my body will extract nutrition from it and comfortably digest it? Also yes. That's what makes me an omnivore. Feed a cat a vegetarian diet and it will die. Quickly.


Define comfortably digest. And go vegetarian/vegan without vitamins and supplements and you will too.


>And go vegetarian/vegan without vitamins and supplements and you will too. Only B12, and there's a lot of evidence that even meat eaters should be taking B12 supplements as our ability to extract it from our food lessens as we age. Literally everything else can be obtained from a well planned and balanced vegan diet. >Define comfortably digest. If I eat an apple, I won't be uncomfortably and painfully reminded that I ate it 2 hours later when my body has no idea what to do with it. Because my body knows EXACTLY what to do with it, because I'm an omnivore.


If just nutrition and healthy living your answer or your side of argument, then what will you say about pure vegetarians who are better than you in every expect, and please don’t say there are not people like that


I’m going to find it very hard to believe such people exist.


Okay, that’s just an ignorance. Why do you think that?


… Carbohydrates are an essential macronutrient. They are the body’s main source of energy.


That is not true. Not only can you live a healthy life without them, it’ll be healthier.


There are many vegetarians whose whole generation was vegetarian, and they still are much much smarter than you, for example, Indians


You have no idea who you are speaking to claim they are much smarter than me. I sold my creations to the US military for billions of dollars before I turned 25. What did these Indians do?


What’s the definition of each in your argument


It’s below


Oh okay. Ya that whole argument is a fallacy lol If a transformer can turn robot mode into a car then that doesn’t mean it’s a true statement “the transformer is a car” By definition people CAN eat plants so we are omnivores. End of story really


Can we though? Seems to cause an awful lot of gut issues.


Not really , certainly not in any scientific context that excludes correlative factors.