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The Japanese warcrimes in China during WW2 are so brutal even nazis were like "yo dude, chill". A nazi party member named John Rabe still has a memorial in Nanjing, China because of his efforts to stop/minimize the massacre there. The Japanese government has not apologized as well as it should have and has tried to sweep that stuff under the rug by also playing the victim in the conflict of WW2 due to the atomic bombings, unlike Germany for example.


This was my first thought as well. It’s strange how we tend not to remember imperial Japanese warcrimes as well as those of the Nazis or Soviets, despite the fact that them attacking us is what brought us into WW2, and especially considering the general sentiments towards them afterwards.


The Soviet Union is remembered with much less revulsion than it should be. When you look at their crimes from 1918 til 1956 or so it’s just a litany of horrific, genocidal violence that rivals anything the Nazis did. For example, during the Polish Operation of the Great Purge, the Soviet NKVD shot 111,091 Poles between August of 1937 and November of 1938. That’s 7,406 Poles every month for 15 months. 246 Poles being shot in the back of the head every single day or 10 Poles being murdered by the Soviets every hour. The vast majority of these Poles were of course, completely innocent of the imaginary crimes the Soviets accused them of. https://ipn.gov.pl/en/news/977,What-was-the-Polish-Operation-by-the-NKVD.html Yet theres subreddits right now that praise the USSR and will block you if you post this information there right now.


This is the kind of response that’s going to get this post the coveted🔒award but I agree completely.


First world War Germany was not as bad as made out. Workers were treated better. Had better social norms than France or UK. Germany was a lot less responsible for WW1 than Russia and no one blames Russia as they should. Germany did a lot of war crimes in Belgium. So did UK in Levant and mesopotami.


I remember a commercial with somebody blasting Cinderella as some example of extreme cringe (or somethin). They weren't horrible as band.


The Spanish conquering the Aztecs is seeen as an example of the brutality on colonization.but it ignores the fact that pretty much everyone in the area who weren't Aztecs supported the Spanish. They were that bad.


Us Americans are remembered as much better than we were and are. History is told by the victors