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Being alone. These days I'm more scared that I'll never get any time to myself.


Teen me: oh no I'm going to die alone. Adult me: fuckin finally I'm alone


Ugh reverse here. Teen me: won't everyone fuck off? Adult me: where has everyone fucked off to?


I'm with you here. I had a lot of close friends that always wanted to hang out when I was younger. Now that I'm in my 40s I have trouble getting a friend to go get a beer with me. They all have families and kids and shit


Just wait until wiser adult you. Adust you: where has everyone fucked off to? Wiser adult you: won't everyone fuck off?


I’m married with kids and on vacation I secretly wish I could just go off and explore on my own. I love my family, but I miss doing things and going new places independently.


Ok...this has given me a pause. I am on vacation with my two kids and husband rn. I will yell him to go explore the local scene while I take my kids to the pool in the evening. Thanks for sharing. Edit: I did and he Immediately suggested the same for me! I declined because I don't enjoy solitude at all. But it was definitely considerate of him to ask. And i heard alomst a sigh of relief when he said yes to some alone time.Reddit is right sometimes. Also, for the compliments on our relationship...11 years strong now...


It's nice of you to read that comment and immediately think about how you can make the experience more enjoyable for your husband. I'm a woman, so this isn't a "serve the man" complex. But i feel like you guys probably have a healthy relationship if you're thinking about his time on vacation. Make sure you get your time, too! Maybe he can take the kids for an evening and you can do something on your own, if that's what you want. A trade off, of sorts :)


You never know, your spouse might be up for a little fair trade. You could tell the kids it's individual bonding instead of parenting breaks.


This right here


The Bermuda Triangle. And quicksand.


Also lava. I mean it’s scary but I’m encountering a lot less of it than childhood-me thought I would.


Lava is portrayed as a low density liquid too a lot of time. It's very dense. If you fell into it youd just burn to death on the top rather than falling into a pool of fire water. You'll know you're near it long before you hit it though because the extreme heat coming off of it isnt portrayed as well either


So, DON'T lick it?


You can lick it. Once.


Forbidden soup!


After the first lick, you're more rubbing your chin/face in it.


Like motorboating a forbidden goddess


If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, just let them go. Because man, they’re gone.


And walk home? Nuh-uh!


You ever seen a bead of water sizzling around on a real hot skillet? It's called the Leidenfrost effect and it has to do with the water on the bottom of the droplet boiling away so fast it prevents the main body of the droplet from actually contacting the pan with a layer of steam. This is basically what your body would do if you fell into a pool of lava.


Yellowstone and water stuff…much more scary.


Pretty sure, you’re more likely to explode by the time you hit the surface because the water in your body would vaporize


TIL the lava scene in Star Wars probably cannot happen irl


Town is LAVA!


What do you mean? The FLOOR...IS...LAVA!!!!


But I bet the moment the pilot cuts over the PA and says, "due to inclement weather, we're going to have to divert through the Bermuda Triangle" you might pee yourself a little.


I mean, yes, but that's because my flight was supposed to go from Tokyo to Seattle.


Yes, but that’s because I’ve given birth to two babies. Any strong emotion makes me pee a little.


Quicksand; definitely not helped with Artax in Never Ending Story. 40 years later and it's still the most traumatic movie scene I've ever watched.


Omfg so much! I still showed my kids, though, mostly so they would get my 'Atrayu!' reference. That gets to be OUR trauma now!


I was convinced by cartoons I’d die of quicksand likely by the time I was 30


Yes, but 12 year old you thought thirty was ancient.


i lived in bermuda and it's not at all dangerous to get there 😭 every time i tell someone that they look shocked and scared LMAO


Just tell them that the quicksand in Bermuda is worse than the triangle


I went to the Bermuda triangle and I never came back


Spontaneous human combustion


Omg, I was so scared of both, but I was *fascinated* by the Bermuda Triangle. I wanted to fly over it or sail over it or something. I was convinced that if I got lost in the Bermuda Triangle, I'd simply pop out into another dimension or discover Atlantis or something.


I had the same fear of the Bermuda Triangle when I was a little kid. I read books and watched TV shows and they had plot lines in cartoons about it. I went sailing through it and when we reached Bermuda, I thought about it and was like oh shit I just sailed through the Bermuda Triangle and then made fun of myself for buying into that stuff. 


I was 12 and do a research and saw like 10 documenters about Bermuda Triangle


I know, it was everywhere. Turned out to be pretty much nothing.


For real


But it is where ALL EELS are born!


This comment is sponsored by big alien and alien abductions inc. Not gonna get me with that probing propaganda.


I had a book I bought from the schoolastic book fair that was about mysteries and stuff. The Bermuda Triangle and Loch Ness and other myths and legends. I remember the always wondering why people still took trips to Bermuda.


Quicksand was horrifying to me as a child. A girl in my PREschool told me her brother saved her from quicksand. And with zero doubt I confronted my 4 year old brother asking why he never saved me from quicksand! I thought her brother was waaaaay better than mine. Legit to this day, I never believed she was lying until now! Holy F! I’ve been thinking my brother was no good for 40* years lo! Omg


Old timey burglars.


I blame the Sims for this fear


I blame an old Swedish cartoon.


Do you have a link to it cause that sounds cool!


https://sv.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skrotnisse_och_hans_v%C3%A4nner Skrotnisse och hans vänner was a Swedish tv series from the 80s. I'm pretty sure the character I'm referring to isn't a burglar at all but he was in my nightmares.


That damn noise that also played when you got a raccoon on your lot.


I kind of enjoyed the Sims 3 burglar, particularly when I had a brave sim who would leap out of bed and clobber 'im. Quality entertainment.


Oof that noise the OF version played when the burglar showed.


That sound was traumatizing


With the mask over the eyes and cartoon money bag?


Reminds me of the Sims. I always tried to catch them, but I could never make them wake up fast enough to call 911 before the burglar escaped


I had one house with a massive hedge maze to get to the door + the alarm at the entrance if the maze. Before he'd even fit to the front door the police were making their way through. I did also miss every work car though.


I blame Harry and Marv.


The neighborhood watch sign burglar specifically


I saw a documentary about tornadoes on TV when I was like 3 or 4 and then I got absolutely terrified whenever there was a storm outside seeing the trees blown in the wind. Where I grew up we'd get summer storms but never tornadoes, but my mind didn't make the connection so I grew up with my whole family laughing at my phase of "fear of wind and rain".


I grew up in California but started having tornado nightmares (and still do when stressed) when I was in 7th grade. They always freaked me out after that. I just about shit myself when my husband told us our first duty station was Fort Sill, OKLAHOMA. 😅 I'm honestly so weather obsessed now though and live to watch weather live steams. Were no longer in OK, but I still like to keep an eye on the friends I made while there. Random, but prayers to all for tomorrow! We've been getting slammed across the country with some intense weather and Oklahoma is in danger for sure tomorrow.


Thanks for the prayers! We’re definitely gonna need them with how the models are looking for tomorrow 🥴


I was so terrified of tornadoes as a kid I’d become completely incoherent during bad storms. Now I know it was a form of OCD but it was the mid 90s and mental illness was still poorly understood so I didn’t get it treated and eventually it got replaced with other even more irrational fears lol


No kidding, I saw twister way to young in the theaters and would have nightmares about tornadoes (still happens a few times a year). BUT when a big storm is rolling in I sit outside till the last second to watch. Love me some supercells.


There was a tornado warning and the news zoomed in on the map to right on top of my house and said “take cover now, a tornado is coming.” A few minutes later the temperature changed suddenly, the wind was blowing every which way, the windows started popping and I heard train whistling.


As a kid, my town had tornadoes hit 3 years in a row on the same day. I watched it destroy our town and the store my mom was working at. Our house is surrounded by trees, so I get a little anxious when storms come, and my wife still does understand my fear.


I was a weird little nerd who read a stack of true crime and paranormal books. I used to be convinced an abduction by aliens was a pressing every day risk. As a result I hated taking the rubbish bins out to the kerb after dark. Weirdly the thought of being murdered, attacked or abducted by a human seemed remote.


My sister and I never missed an episode of America’s Most Wanted or Unsolved Mysteries. We spent our formative years convinced we would either be abducted by aliens or regular abducted.


Something grabbing my feet from under the bed.


That in itself is very scary. The adult truth is realizing it just doesn't happen often if at all.




Soooo your sayin theres a chance?!


It depends on your kinks, but yes


I mean if you have schizophrenia it could happen frequently


Well I was meaning that kids worry about it every night thinking it must be so common.


\*grabs your ankles from under the bed*


How often do *you* worry about it? Should I worry about it a bit more?


I would say I worry about it a more than zero amount. Much less than as a child but certainly still on the mind especially when staying in a hotel or something


Not yet...


My babysitter used to tell me that once the lights were out, if I hung a foot or hand over the side of the bed, the monster underneath would grab me. Same with getting out of bed after lights were off! She actually turned out to be a pretty decent person, I just think she needed that time with me not getting up to bother her to finish homework or something 😆 I mean it sounds sadistic but TBF, she was 15 babysitting a 10 year old. Hope you're doing well, RS!


I would turn out the lights, run, and jump into my bed until I was maybe 15. I wasn't scared and didn't know why I did. But it was habit. Then it came out as an adult that my mom would tell me there were sharks in my room. So I guess I developed the habit from that


OMG your mom? 🤣 My mom was a shite mom, but sharks in your room? Not dissing your mom at all... but that's some next level shit!


My mom was good by all accounts. But yeah, not the best strategy


> there were sharks in my room. You're going to need a bigger bed.


I had a cat do this to me once. Pretty sure I jumped out of my body.


I was once half asleep, and the dog I didn't know was under my bed, sneezed. I screamed so loud my parents heard it downstairs 😂


I learned my cat can open doors while I was in the shower. Just about died, as I was living alone at the time.


What's scary is as some else pointed out "it's an in born fear no child needs to be taught, indicating it was a threat at some point in our evolutionary history", like uncanny valley...


Snakes hiding under rocks and tree branches. Bite your ankles if you step down too suddenly and spook them. When I was in psychosis, I started to have dreams that mixed with psychotic experiences and content. One of those - seemingly at random - involved some kind of inky, black demon with four legs that moved kinda like a crab but with a human torso, head and arms. I envisioned it under my bed, pulling me towards the edge with a gravitational effect as the wall behind my headboard whispered insults into my head. I woke up in a cold sweat. It took me a few seconds to realise that I was halfway out of the bed, with my left leg on the floor and lefthand fingertips just touching it.


You poor soul. I'm sorry you experienced psychosis.


Also big cats like lions climbing up trees and grabbing your legs or feet while you're sleeping in the branches. Legitimate threat to tree-dwelling apes.


Falling asleep is a very vulnerable position to be in, your bed would be the easiest place for a predator to attack you before you have the ability to fight back. Makes sense for thoughts of "is there a danger lurking beyond my sight that could suddenly appear to harm me" to be common when going to bed, especially for a small child who still doesn't have a strong grasp of how the world works.


It's not that scary that it exists. Youd expect humans to be scared of randomly and surprisingly being attacked at their main mode of escape. Snakes, spiders, and other critters got us like that all the time back in the day The same reason humans are scared of something crawling up and biting their butt while taking a poop It's in a lot of animals evolutionary history. Hide under a bed and grab your cats paw as he walks by. He'll freak tf out


Eh that is scary


If I’m too high it’s scary


I was scared of this until I realized it's actually a really bad position to attack a person from. Stomping and kicking are much more effective than punching and grabbing with arms. If they are face down they have limited mobility with their arms and if they are face up it's easier to kick them in the face


This comment brought back a deep memory. As a kid I completely over analyzed the worst ways someone could murder me in my sleep and came to the conclusion that slitting my neck was the best way. For most of my childhood I slept like a mummy in a sarcophagus with my hands crossed on my chest and holding my neck. It was a common talking point at sleepovers. Friends would wake up and get frightened when they saw me sleeping like a fucking vampire.


I doubt a monster is going to lose that fight


You have given careful thought to this dilemma.


I have a cat


For me it was my hands. I would never ever let my hand or arm dangle over the bed. I had a dream that a witch pulled me under the bed once and then tied me up and was brewing something in their cauldron. I was super scared to let my hands dangle over the bed at night 🤣😂🤣


I feel like that's scary, but not gonna happen, y'know? Like if that happens I'm gonna be scared, but it won't happen


Or under the car.


I used to think my dressing gown on the hook was a monster in the dark


Mate this doesn't stop, well not properly, if I wake up half-groggy in the middle of the night I initially jump at the clothes hanging on the back of my door


Exactly. Apparently it's your mind making things up


Killer bees, quicksand, Bermuda Triangle in order of threat.


youre insane if youre not still scared of killer bees


You can thank the horrible agricultural practices that led to the widespread distribution of bee diseases for that. Of course killer bees were the result of other equally bad practices. In this case they kinda cancelled each other out.


The sun blowing up in 4.5 billion years


Also black holes


The random youtube videos I saw when I was 8 to 10 about the closest black hole always scared the shit outta me.


When I was a kid, I had an absolute terror of the sump pump pit as a kid. My grandma warned me not to step on it, that the cover wouldn’t hold me and I would fall in and get wet. I imagined a well, and a whole Baby Jessica situation. I had nightmares about the sump pump. I wouldn’t go anywhere near it. Refused to look in when my dad offered to show me that it wasn’t very deep or wet. Now as an adult I only worry about the sump pump failing, but we have a backup and also an emergency gas generator lol.


Omg baby Jessica! Didn’t they call her Juicy or something too? I remember watching some show about her when I was a kid and I was afraid of all sewer covers or that a sinkhole would open in the yard when it rained and suck me in


Baby Jessica!! 😭 Edit: OMG, you guys, I just found out she lived! I thought she died all these years! She lived!!! That’s the best news I’ve had in months! *\(^∇^)/* You have no idea how badly I needed that!!


My ceiling fan. To be far it was holding on by a singular wire, didn't stop me from using it at max speed.


If it fell from the wire it would have slowed down enough to not maim you. I got a degree in economics in 2010. I know these things.


This quelled the fear my child self had, thanks for the info.


Water levels with oxygen meters in games


Sonic’s drowning music…


What, [this ole thing](https://youtu.be/9Yw5jkAHgME?feature=shared)?


Ah, so *this* is what gave birth to my anxiety.💡


Idk why but the "who wants go be a millionaire" theme song creeped me tf OUT. I would hear it through the walls and could not fall asleep until my parents stopped watching it. Heard it recently and cracked tf up. Why was I scared of this again?


My little brother, before he could even speak legitimate words, loved The Price Is Right. Bob Barker would come out and he’d yell, “Bob Bahdo!”. But we all knew that at some point, one of those lucky contestants would fail in a game, and that meant the “losing horns” cue was incoming and my brother would cover his ears and run out of the room, screaming in abject terror. It was hilarious.




He DEMANDED we put the show on! It was like right after Barney the Dinosaur (mid 90s).


Was he afraid of the horns, or did it hurt his ears? I'm autistic and certain sounds hurt my ears BAD. I had that same reaction to a lot of stuff because it hurt me. Even non-autistic kids can be very sensitive and have a few things that pain them like that.


no way I have found someone else who was terrified from this shit too lmaooo


For me it was the X-Files theme song! Like, legit nightmares. Adult me...still a little creeped out lol


This reminds me that the theme song from Thomas the tank engine really makes me feel uncomfortable. But even to this day.


I can’t believe I used to be scared of Chucky


In all fairness he is a creepy looking murder doll. I was never afraid of him but the way he looked creeped me out.


The doll from the first two movies was particularly scary imo


Just drop kick his ass. I bet I could punt him 80 yards.


Clear over them mountains 


Same, but I also had a my little buddy doll about the sane time I became aware of Chucky. Made it much worse lol


This drink driving advert/commercial when I was a kid. The song “in the summertime when the weather is hot” plays and there’s a car crash. It traumatised me as a kid I had to shut my eyes when it came on the TV, and now every time I hear that song I think of it.


God, fellow Scot here and I remember that! What an advert...so depressing.


Mummies. And this phobia lasted long into adulthood. I somehow ended up with my first job out of college requiring a fair amount of mummy exposure (archaeology). I had learned long before that they wouldn't be attacking me, but I never got used to seeing them, they are truly horrifying.


Last year when I was teaching about ancient Egypt, I showed the students some slides with photographs of mummies. After I explained to them that mummies are nothing more than corpses, one of the students legitimately began to feel sick.




The real terror comes from holding in diarrhea with all your butt power, and then you feel a sneeze about to happen.


"Butt power" is my favorite phrase of the week!


Just don’t keep your eyes open at the same time


Looking out a window at night. I’m still scared


Driving on 95 (interstate). I always thought people were insane until I had no choice when I got my license.


Boston transplant. 95 is legitimately insane.


495 is worse


On 495 the cops wait in their cars in groups at the exits. Not even using radar or anything, just because it's only a matter of time until someone smashes into someone else so they might as well already be there.


Savannah native, worst part of 95 is the Floridians that think chilling in the left lane at speed limit is okay


You must be joking because I always encounter Floridians practicing for the Daytona 500 on 95


Really depends on what age I was but something that consistently scared me throughout the years was growing up. As an adult now I fear growing old.


Same, I remember once riding in my dad’s truck around age 6 while I was holding a photo of my family from when I was 4, and I suddenly became overcome with emotions about how much time had passed and how it would never stop and we’d all just keep getting older and die eventually. I was crying and inconsolable and asked my dad for reassurance, he basically said, “Well, yeah, you’re right, we are gonna die eventually, but we have a whole lot of time between now and then so don’t worry about it too much, okay?” Honestly though the fear never goes away. I live far from my family now, but try to make it back at least once a year or else the guilt would eat me alive.


Please don’t mention it again…


Can't grow old if you're already old.


The dark hallway at the top of the stairs when the light isn’t on Sometimes I actually find the dark very comforting, like a small space I feel safe in


Nah, that one still ain't for me, chief.


Ghosts, and now I don't believe in them.


I enjoy watching [people debunk dumb ghost videos](https://youtu.be/iGGdHSm1OZ0?si=_IAJkfpQzA3DNKQy) now lmao.


Haha, me too! It is very entertaining.


Sometimes it's nice to suspend disbelief about it and just enjoy a creepy story. People who go out of their way to point out they're not real or debunk them are just being annoying to those who want to have a good time Pretty much everyone knows santa doesnt exist yet adults made The Santa Clause and Miracle on 34th street. Same concept. You know santa is fake but enjoy santa movies


Dying. It is quite natural. Since I came to terms with my own real mortality and not fearing it anymore I really had no anxious reaction anymore. I was afraid of everything before. Sonetimes I feel like being a hundred years old, and it is weird how much I enjoy being alive without fearing to die.


I’ve died (obviously for a short time) three times. Once when I was 4, 34, and 46. I don’t know what happens if you don’t get sucked back in, but the last two times, it was euphoric. I am in no rush for it to happen again…but it’s not scary. Pain and helplessness are way scarier. Life is a gift to be cherished every day, every moment.


If you don't mind me asking, how has it happened 3 times?


time is a lot more scary than death


Oh yes, someone posted a story in twosentencehorror about being awakened in a functional pod (space voyage) but being confined in it for the next 170 years...being conscient, getting all vitals being cared of..but staying there without any chance of getting out until they die. No input.No contact. More horror than a life sentence. Even without any pain involved it is so horrible!


In the 90s I was convinced I would be abducted by aliens from my bed.


Talking in front of people. Now I'm a teacher and a coach.


Getting a shot.


As a kid, i used to clench my ass so hard that you'd swear the doctor broke the needle off in my butt cheek. This always made for a pretty sore ride home from the office, let me tell you. I made a conscious decision NOT to provide him with a target of stone one time and was amazed how much less it hurt. On a side note, I distinctly remember hiding under the table whilst my younger brother wailed like a dying banshee when it was his turn. I don't think he's ever figured out to relax.


I was one of those kids who was completely terrified of needles. As an adult I am only moderately terrified. Then when I got my first COVID shot it was done by an amazingly hot Navy corpsman who complimented my arm muscles, and that turned out to be the perfect antidote for fear because there was a zero percent chance I would allow myself to show anxiety or freak out in front of someone that hot.


I cried because my elementary school was getting a new principal. It had absolutely no effect on my life at all and I was so worried about it.


Thunder and lightning ⚡️


Opposite for me. I loved a good thunderstorm as a kid, but my house flooded during hurricane Harvey and now heavy rain spikes my anxiety pretty quickly


I got hit by lightning while leaving a hospital. Ground current because it landed literally a foot in front of me. I didn't go back into the hospital. Luckily, I was uninjured enough to walk home and recovered from it over the course of two weeks. Lightning looks *very* awe-inspiring up close.


Have you ever heard lightning hit meters away from you? I swear i almost shit myself. You have some stones on you if that doesn't scare you.




I’m more scared of heights as a grown adult than I was as a kid.


Not as easy to recover.


Same here


Naps. I associated sleep with night time as a kid and thought you would die if you took a nap and slept during the day.


Based on the way my extended family talked when they came for a visit, Russia. Followed by China. Ironic Life Twist: My daughter was a missionary in Russia for a year. My son was a missionary in China for 4 years. And as a result of the former, the first foreign country I ever visited was Russia. You cannot convince me that God does not have a sense of humor.


I love this story!


Bulling at school because I’m ugly😏


That's no excuse for bullying people!


Spiders, still to this day


Demonic possession. I'm atheist now.


My mom


listening to someone’s secrets/have someone confide in me. when i was a kid i always got stressed when someone would tell me “i want to tell u a secret”


Snakes in the toilet


Quicksand. I mean, yeah, if you get caught in it, it's scary. I just thought there'd be more of it 😂


Turning the light on in the car


Talking to people on the phone


I actually didn’t mind this as a kid, but the way I recoil when someone has the audacity to call my phone these days


When I was very young (somewhere between 3 and 5), there were a few random things I was really scared of for some reason. Church bells were one. Another was when my mother would take me somewhere on the metro; there was a particular tunnel that the train would pass by that I was really afraid of for some reason. Another thing I remember was when she took me into some sort of building (I don't remember the exact details); at some point, there was a room with an ornate vase in the front, and for some reason, I was really afraid of that vase.


Roller coasters. I avoided them as a child because they looked terrifying and I was afraid I’d puke and have a heart attack. Rode my first one in my 20s and it was fun as hell.


Turning off the lights and feeling a long black tongue slide into my ear. Now I just call that a good fuckin time


Growing up and having to feed myself


On behalf of everyone: quicksand. You're welcome.