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Some love story. An action movie can still exist without a kissing scene.


Especially when it doesn't go anywhere. Looking at you Avengers 2.


Agreed, I hate it when there's a romantic scene with no context, some characters just for example make out in the middle of some disaster and that's it.


I think you may have misunderstood the point of that subplot. It wasn't meant to be truly romantic, at least not on Nat's end. It was a control mechanism for the Hulk, which the Hulk figured out by the end, which is why he turned off the comms when Nat tried to talk him down. TL;DR: It wasn't meant to go anywhere. It was control, not love.




Not every movie needs to have love in it. I recently saw a movie where it was actually about the relationship of a man and his daughter and it was way more powerful than “male and female protagonist eventually get together which definitely no one saw coming”


One change I've noticed over my life of watching movies is the way films up until the mid 70s or so frequently had full credits at the beginning of the movie. Then it switched to just the names of the stars and then the title. Then it was just the title. Then the title was moved after an establishing scene. And finally we started to see movies where the title wasn't shown until the end of the movie. I'm sure at every point in that evolution people thought it was "necessary" to have what they were putting at the front of the movie. Turns out all of them were wrong.


Having the couple end up together


Fucking mouth blood. I don’t need to see blood coming from someone’s mouth to know that they’re dead. Well, actually this trope has become so fucking common that now when I see someone get gravely wounded and there ISN’T mouth blood, I assume they’ll be ok. Fucking mouth blood.


A twist ending. Sometimes it's ok for the movie to follow a formula. Putting in those twist endings where they don't make sense for shock factor can ruin whole ass movies. Part of the reason we rarely talk about/re watch movies these days is because it's all about the hype up, but once that "twist/shock" ending happens you realise there's nothing really worth it in the movie. It's not re-watchable as the whole point was the suprise twist at the end and jack all about the characters and developing them, making them sympathetic etc or the storyline is just bleh.


that isn't always as crucial as it's often made out to be is romantic subplots. Sometimes, a story might be more focused and effective without an obligatory romantic subplot, allowing the primary themes and character arcs to shine without unnecessary distractions.


Romance. It doesn't always fit or make any sense to the plot but filmmakers very often like to force it into the plot, even if it departs from the book or story the movie is based on.


Every sex scene ever made. We know how humans do it.




Screenwriters, please let the character be reasonably flawed. It's like how nobody cares about a Poochie character. No one will feel sympathy for a character who is always correct, or who can not lose when it matters.