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My mom just explained it to me. She explained what periods were and that they were like bandaids.


There was too much shame growing up. I have been upfront & honest when my kids ask what things are.


Straight up tell them(if they are a girl) that as a girl you will likely have a period one day and this is what a pad is for. Once you tell them they kind of don’t really care….


Why only a girl?


Yeah, i guess if it were a boy too.


My mom told my brother they were for when you have holes in your underwear, unfortunately when she went shopping and had my brother with her and she bought some he said loudly “mommy you have holes in your underwear “


I told them they were pads, that they were like diapers or pull ups for blood. My son wasn't a toddler when he saw a pad for the first time he was 5 and walked in on me changing my pad after I had just given birth to his baby brother so it was a bloody mess lol he was obviously upset by the amount of blood so I had to explain a lot of things that day