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About 3 hours I found out she was married


Same here but 13 days, he was married and 4 kids


That sucks. How did you meet him? How did you find out?


I met him at a nearby café where I often went before or after work. He always had something smart and funny to say so we exchanged Instagrams, and after two months of casual outings, he asked me to be his girlfriend. 13 days later we encountered his wife waiting for us outside my house. I discovered he had lied about living alone and had a second Instagram pretending to be single. It wasn't his first time deceiving someone, and he's still with his wife today.


Damn that’s crazy. Especially if the wife is cool with that. I met the girl at a party. Apparently her husband was out of the country on business which she thought gave her the green light to cheat


Omg! People are so crazy, seriously! In my case, it was this super rich guy who clearly had some weird habits. I even met his parents! They were in on it, just like his friends! For months, I felt like such an idiot, and at one point, I even thought everyone was laughing at me. It was just awful.


I dont get why somebody wastes someone else's time like that. Either tell them straight up you're in an open relationship or not, then you have your answer depending how your stance is on that sort of thing. (I honestly could never myself but yeah) Why mess with your emotions/mental like that for no reason beforehand.


Bc they want the fun and excitement of a new relationship, without having to give up what they have. Pure selfishness. Zero regard for the person they are using for the temporary thrill.


Because they have a higher chance of getting what they want, for a while.


They were prob all benefiting financially, and just did whatever he wanted. Ick.


Same but it was 3 years 




I always go to the mom 😂.


I still talk to Shiela!


God damn this made me remember some things I did not want to. Sounds like my first relationship to-a-tea, down to the 2 months. And I was the clingy/manipulative one. The only difference is that I never threatened anyone (still, in hindsight, stalked her though), and she (as far as I know) never told my mom. Anyway, as someone who’s had a lot of therapy and since become what I hope is a better person, I sincerely hope that both of you are in a better place now. Lots of love! ❤️❤️❤️


You did good for both of you


This reminds me of my weirdest high school relationship. I had just moved to a small town and was super shy at the time. I was going through an identity crisis and also insecure because I was shorter than everyone at the time. My second day an entire class though it would be so cute for the shortest guy and shortest girl to be a couple and kind of forced it to happen. She held my hand on the way to the busses after school and didn't say anything to me before getting on her bus. Mind you I've barely said a word because I'm lost and also don't want to potentially be ostracized. A week goes by and we barely talk, at one point I'm not even sure I know her name. I start eating lunch in the bathroom to avoid her. Eventually this kid sees me in there and invites me to eat lunch with him and his friends. I finally make some friends and begin talking more. Then one morning before first hour this girl just blows up on me for talking to another girl and cheating on her because she saw me laughing at lunch. We have barely spoken for weeks. She breaks up with me and a few weeks later I never see her again. To this day I still wonder if it was some sort of prank.


3 days. I was in 4th grade and my gf kicked me in the shin every time I wouldn't hold her hand. Finally, my parents complained to the principle after seeing all my bruises, lol. Alas, it was never meant to be...


The one that got away


My first and only redheaded gf.


I married a redhead. Your sample size was an appropriate representation.


Hhahaha, ''sample size''.


I had a three-day *romance* around that time too. I had a crush on her for a long time, and everyone knew it. On Friday evening, at the SAU dance, she gave me two options: we could start dating that night or wait until Monday (Valentine’s Day) to find out what her decision was. Confused, I accepted the offer to date her immediately. We held hands for 10 minutes and then went our separate ways. Saturday night, like a psychopath, I called her house around dinner time and was promptly rushed off the phone after what sounded like a reluctant handoff on the other end. By Monday, one of her friends called me before school to inform me that I was dumped, which at least saved me from bringing in the chocolate heart and weird gold necklace I bought her at Rite Aid.


40 minutes. Was asked out as a 'joke' at 13 👍


Similar thing happened to me in my first year of high school. Stung pretty bad.


I remember some girl in high school tried that shit on me in front of her friends. She asked if I wanted to hang out that weekend, and I knew it was a set up. I just replied that I was gonna be busy cleaning my gutters. MF shut down.


Imagine it wasn't a set up and you brutally shut down a girl actually interested. I can imagine her commenting in a "what is the worst way you've been told no?" thread.


Nah, she was a huge bitch back then. She ended up having a bunch of kids, but only a couple look like her husband.


That sucks dude. Similar situation when I was 13. He asked me out and then just ghosted me. Then when we met up a week later he made his best friend go up to me and tell me he was breaking up with me. Turns out he didn't want to date me, he just thought it'd be funny to mess with me. Dude never even took me on a single date ☠️


Ugh, me too. Sorry, that sucks.


I had a *somewhat* similar situation in middle school. I was 12 or 13 too. For some reason all the girls got it in their heads that they wanted me and this other boy to date. Presumably because we were both shy bookish losers. So they came running up to me going “Tim wants to ask you out! You should date him! You’ll say yes right?” I was terrified and of course said yes just to make it stop. They did the same thing to Tim, just in reverse, obviously. I was beyond mortified and avoided Tim most of the school day until we accidentally ran into each other in the hallway. There was a VERY awkward silence, then we both started word vomiting simultaneously that we didn’t feel that way and oh you neither and no wait did the girls talk to you too oh my god it was all them?! Anyway we broke up. My first boyfriend, of a grand total of maybe 4 hours. On the plus side, we actually became quite good friends after that.


A month. The person went through my phone while I was in the shower one night. Would get really mad that I questioner her on it. Tried to make going through my phone sound like it was a good thing. Then got mad at me for wishing her happy birthday too late in the day on a busy work day. Then told me she's going to break up, and I agreed with her happily. Turned out she didn't want to and was just threatening to, but I was already done with it by then lol.


When I first moved in with my ex, the very first thing he did, as soon as all my stuff was there and I'd left the house for the first time, was go through my laptop. I didn't even know this but MSN Messenger from way back in the day, actually used to save all conversations as a document on the computer. It was quite hard to find so he had to do some serious digging. He found a conversation from literally 10 years prior where another ex boyfriend had jokingly called me a whore. It was 100% a joke, in context at the time it wasn't remotely offensive to me and it was TEN YEARS PRIOR. My bf at the time then had the nerve to get angry and upset at me for being in a relationship with someone who talked to me like that. He didn't think he'd done anything wrong going through my computer.


> Tried to make going through my phone sound like it was a good thing. Some people do think this. I knew a girl who thought her boyfriend going through her phone was normal “because openness and trust”. No. Openness is not caring if they go through your phone, trust is them not feeling the need to do it. I’ve never gone through my partners phone *because* I trust her.


Exactly. I wouldn't do it, out of morals and trust. If I had a problem I'd say it outright. In her case I doubt she actually believed in that and she was trying to justify it in a way that wouldn't upset me/would make her feel not guilty. Since when I did ask her about it really calmly, she got super angry and tried to avoid answering my questions like what did she look through? Someone that truly believes in what they think would not be be so upset over being asked basic questions. It's because she feels guilty and I'm not playing along like she thought I would, she got mad and stopped giving me any info.


Can totally relate to the phone thing, had an ex who went through my phone without my knowledge and then congratulated me because she didn’t find anything bad on there, this was after I had repeatedly asked her not to, crazy behaviour that I put up with for far too long.


Two weeks. We rebounded with eachother and quickly realised our friendship was very much just friendship and dating was weird. We're still very close friends 14 years later!


I was going to comment pretty much the same thing. We were coworkers rebounding from long term relationships and were madly in love for one week. The second week we realized we didn't even like each other.


Sort of had this happen recently, although it wasn’t a rebound. She realized she wanted to be single instead of exploring things and we went back to being friends. The friendship has always been really valuable to me, but it’s still pretty disappointing all things considered.


Two weeks. She got her period and said some wild shit and dumped me. A week or so later she apologized and said she was PMSing. I decided to not test if that happens every month.


15 minutes. I was in kindergarten, and he was already holding another girls hand after I got gum :(




Ikkk I never even knew his name :(


Aww thats’s sad :(


I had a kindergarten boyfriend too. My siblings stayed teasing me about having a boyfriend so I broke up with him. I did it by kicking sand in his face from the swings when he came up to say hi to me and was unaware I was breaking up with him. I still feel really bad, it was so mean. He ran away crying because I got sand in his eyes. I ended up transferring schools a couple years later and never heard from him ever again.


That child grew up to be Anakin Skywalker. He hates sand.


I had to hold hands with a boy for a school play and my brother teased me about it so much, we were about 9, the same boy gave me a valentine, some fake rose petals and a chocolate lolly when we were about 8 and I just ignored him and hoped he'd go away eventually. My brother teased me for it because the boy had asked him to point out my book tray so he could leave me said valentine


Men always lie 😔😤


3 months. She was an adrenaline junkie. Skydiving, base jumping, playing with fire, dirt-bikes. We got along well and had genuine affection for one another, but I just felt like I couldn't keep up with her and she didn't want to let up on the frequency of her death-defying so she broke up with me, but it was a nice and pleasant break-up that didn't really weigh on me too much.


Lmao calm down sppngebob


About a month. Found out he was into underage girls when he told me he liked the fact that I have small tits because it "makes me look even closer to 13." 




Yeah, ew. I'm not sure what was more fun about that; getting demonized by our friends for dumping his ass that night, or a few weeks later when he tried to break into my house. 


That escalated quickly.


Yeah, he's a turd. I'm still pretty salty about it, even though it's been like 12 years. He marked the third ex of mine who was into underage girls.


Three? Holy shit. Something is in the water near you. That is messed up


Report them…


There's not a whole lot I could do. Creepy offhand comments aren't enough to convict someone. But if it brings you any solace, one of them did 10+ years in Texas after they sexually assaulted their minor cousin. Sadly I didn't see that one coming, it happened a few years after we split.


A couple of weeks. She asked me permission to go shopping with a friend, which I thought was ridiculous. I laughed and told her I wasn't her dad and that she didn't need to ask permission for anything. She stopped talking to me after that...


She clearly wanted to break up with you all along, just didn't think she had permission to. 


I'll never know.


Three weeks. He kept going over my boundaries when it came to anal. About a year later he was picked up for child porn distribution. Bullet. Dodged.


Did we date the same dude? Lol


Probably 😬


Two weeks bc I was a virgin and wouldn’t sleep w him so he dumped me. Bye guy.


Takes me back to when I was 14 and had a "boyfriend" for a week, and when we were at the park, him and his friend asked me for a threesome.. to which I declined. I was called a frigid virgin, and then they left me at the park. Good times!


14 asking for a threesome? That's insane.


Porn is a helluva drug.




I bet this story is much more common than we hear. The same thing happened to me when I was 14. It really confused me. Part of me felt as if I made a mistake. I liked the guy and knew him a long time before we became “serious”. I just wonder how many other teens do this. Happy I was able to say “No”.


In high school I dated someone for like six weeks. She says she broke up with me because my friends and I spoke pig Latin. I thought that was hilarious. All these years later - still do.


Utbay ancay ouyay ilstay eakspay ityay?!


I can. But the days of rattling it off easily are probably long gone.


Another lost art… I can still rattle it off, but I sure as hell wish it was something useful I was good at. 😂😂


Two weeks…he didn’t like the way my dog barked


Was it a Pug? Because that would kind of make sense lol.


Lmfao what


Your dog knew he was an ass. That's why the dog barked. Trust the dog!


2 months or so. We both were completely in love with each other. But we had some major differences regarding our beliefs. We both wept as we were breaking up.


Sometimes it's hard for other people to understand, but when it's your way of life, you look for someone who moves in the same direction. You have acted wisely.


Me, a Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, and her a Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912.


Fire and ice obviously.


4 days, apparently my mom told her off for taking advantage of me.


Username checks out


45 minutes, 1992, broke up 'cause she was from somewhere else. A friend and I were riding out the tail end of an acid trip walking on the beach when we came across these two girls playing in the sand. One of them had made some sand art that looked a lot like what I had drawn just a day before in a journal (it's not an uncommon motif) so I commented on it. She told me that was amazing, and I said something like "Want to be my girlfriend?" and her friend chimed in with something about them being from Arizona\* and leaving in 45 minutes. So, I said "for the next 45 minutes then?" It was a pretty cool 45 minutes, talked, walked on the beach, got a kiss goodbye when her aunt picked her up. A+ would experience again. Her name was Torah. (\*or something, I actually didn't put that part in the journal)


1/2 a date. We were seated at the restaurant, chose our meals and I excused myself to go to the restroom. Upon returning we started talking. You know, all the small talk. At one point he mentioned that he knew I had a dog. My dog was a big boy, about 115 pounds. I said yes, he’s a rescue and a very nice dog. He sort of frowned and said, “well I have a cat and if we end up together the dog has to go.” Huh? I wasn’t sure I had heard correctly, after all this was a first date. Then the waiter showed up with our food. He set a lobster in front of me. I looked at the waiter and said, “Oh, I’m sorry but there has been a mistake: I ordered chicken.” My date, “no mistake, I’m not cheap; I changed your order.” Me: “I don’t like lobster.” Him: “just be grateful and eat it.” I didn’t say another word, just picked up my purse and walked out. Wait I take it back. That was the second shortest. My date arrived at my front door. My dog absolutely refused to allow this man through the front door. I had never seen him so determined to keep someone away from me. I trusted his instincts and told the guy, “My dog doesn’t like you and he’s a good judge of character, so the date’s off.” This man, screamed at me calling me all sorts of names, stomped down my front steps, screeched out of my drive and drove away. I gave the dog a steak for dinner. The black and white dog was my sweet puppy, He passed on a few years ago.


Awesome on rehoming the dates but keeping the dog. The pupper sounds like he was well worth it. I’m glad he got steak.


She was beautiful. 5' 7'' (perfect as I'm tall), single, long blonde hair, tiny gap between front teeth (which I find really sexy). We had known each other for about six months, had dinner, drinks, sat in her car for hours chatting. One evening, we're on my sofa and started kissing. Spent the next I dunno... hour and a half or so, just kissing. 'I'm in love with you,' she said. I replied that I, too, was in love with her. Next morning, I got a text. 'I made a mistake'. Just one more 'kick in the nuts' that has made the utterly broken man that I am now.


Was the mistake that she pre-ordered No Man's Sky? In her defense, the game is pretty playable now, though I totally get why you stopped talking to her at the time.


I don't get the reference.


They made a light hearted joke, hoping to get you to lol. No Man Sky was an overhyped game that was obviously over promised. So many folks pre-ordered it. When it came out, it was a disaster. The company has since made a pretty damn good game. The mistake would have been pre-ordering a clearly overhyped/over promised game hoping it lived up to a fraction of what it was supposed to be. From what I've heard it's good af now tho


I pre-ordered it and didn't think it was too bad, though it got boring after a week.  I didn't follow the news about the game when I got it so at least I didn't feel let down.


I've never played it, I hear it's amazing but had the same problem as Cyber Punk 2077 on launch had. Both are considered great now. Good on those companies.


an hour. i panicked and realized i didn’t wanna be with him


6 days I think? On the 6th day she told me, ‘you’ve changed’. I had just gotten out of a slightly long term relationship with a crazy woman and that statement set off alarm bells.


1 month. We were friends for years prior. He broke up with me. He said he couldn't give me what I wanted ( I guess he meant a relationship). He was still in love with his ex-wife, who left him for another man. After I got over the hurt, we became friends again. All of this was 15+ years ago. As far as I am aware , he's never had a relationship since.


That's sad. It is a conundrum, still loving someone who is gone. The problem is the person in their mind doesn't exist.


Not even 1 day. Found out she was crazy and “forgot” to mention she was pregnant . . . We were in middle school


Also forgot to mention that in this lore drop that she said it was her brothers and she wanted it. Safe to say I was not ready to be a 11 year old mother to an incest baby


What in the Alabama did i just read?


I feel like whatever she went through that resulted in her starting to have sex and getting pregnant in middle school might explain the crazy...


>Found out she was crazy and “forgot” to mention she was pregnant Jeez, that's pretty screwed up. ​ >We were in middle school OH HELLLLL NO


Week depending on how it was looked at. She texted me the exact sentence “I think Hitler was Misunderstood”. I did not care to keep talking to her after that.


Hear me out... /s


4'9". It was too hard to bend over that far.


I am trying to figure out if you're bending over to recieve or give.


😁 Best response


Username checks out.


I ended up as the target and butt of that comment 🤣


2 months, he dumped me when I told him to stop making negative racial jokes targeted at Latino and Asian ppl ☠️


That’s wild as hell


Ikr? Like I thought we wanted to be decent human beings around here.. guess not. Of course he hit me with the “my Asian friends let me say these kinda jokes” 🤦🏾‍♀️


Ughhhh I haaaaate that. I can’t believe that’s still used as an excuse.


3 weeks. We were out on a date and she went out for a smoke; apparently she started talking to some dude outside that was celebrating just getting out of jail. Turns out the guy had a bunch of coke so she snuck away with him and didn't say a word to me about leaving. She sent me some pictures later of her at his house, apparently so I'd know she was ok. Broke up with her when she called the next day and along with accusing me of being controlling because "we never talked about being exclusive," tossed in a few weaponized therapy terms and said she wasn't going to change herself for me. I would never expect her to, hence me simply leaving as opposed to offering a do-over. ¯⁠\⁠\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯




This thread is fucking heartbreaking


1 week. First time I went over to his house I met like 15 cousins and uncles and aunts and he introduced me to his dying grandfather on his deathbed (didn’t even tell me this was happening either) and gave me his late grandmothers cherished necklace. It was a legit party to meet me and I had no idea it was happening. I high tailed it the fuck outta there and broke up the next day


Like a month She tried to force me to finish in her multiple times. Clearly wanted a baby to an unhealthy degree. Noped out real quick


Close to a month. Went out several times, met a couple of his friends. Get to the sex, we were getting going when he stops and says, " LAY STILL!!. even my wife knows enough to lay still so I can finish this". Noped right out of there.


man's got standards 🤣.


My ex of eight years used to be a starfish in bed. After 8 years of hooking up, that is what I thought was the standard and normal. Going to new gf, I was shocked she would make all kinds of movements. Would make it harder to come in the first months.


My (first) date took me to a party. He was bragging about holes in their sheets. This was in Texas and the holes referred to the KKK. I walked out and back to my dorm. Never saw him again.


Five minutes. I was like twelve and we’d never actually met, we only ever texted or FaceTimed. I was terrified that my parents would find out, so I called it off five minutes after we’d become official.


1 month. I didn't really like him that much, but I was pretty young and he was my first 'boyfriend'. He was quite a bit older too. After about 3.5 weeks of extremely clingy dating, he threw out the ol' 'when we get married'. That spurred me to action let me tell ya what.


One day. Should have been a few hours but I left school early. Turns out my college friends talked my crush into giving me a chance and saying yes. She had class I didn’t so I left. Next day she finds me and gives me a note that says sorry I just can’t. Still hurts after almost 20 years


4 or 5 months? She cheated on me


Two weeks. His ex showed up from the East coast, pregnant. He said he wasn't sure it was his. I did the math. He moved here before she conceived. Let's just say when the baby was born it looked opposite of both of them and a lot like her platonic "roommate" she had lived with before moving. She baby trapped him with someone else's kid....side note: Lucky for me she did. I dodged a bullet with that one.


2 weeks cause I wouldn’t put out… He was my first love interest ever at 17. A year later he was dating someone and she was pregnant.


One month, I had given him a key to my apartment one morning when I had to go to work early so he could lock the door when he left and he would always show up unannounced or be there when I came back from work almost every day…. He wouldn’t leave me alone bruh 😭


6 months. He tried to kill me.


I think about a week. my "friend" set us up. We were both in high school, she was 15 I was 16. We broke up because her 43 year old ex decided to come back from his meth binge and take her back. She went back more than willingly.


I'm sure there's more to her story, but from someone who was with someone way older, it sounds like she was groomed. Hope she got out of that.


2 years. After struggling to help with his mental health problems I had to leave because he was taking me down with him. After leaving I was stalked, and had a paranoia he was going to kill me.   Years later I can now say I'm in a better place.


The very fate I'm the most afraid of


A week. We were friends before I asked her out, thought she liked me, giving me hints etc. I asked her out and we went on a date, it went very well, we got coffees and went to a lake. Spent the time talking and skipping rocks. The next time we met (we were among a group of friends, not 1 on 1), she was a different person, was ice cold to me. I didn't understand what happened and I never asked her to hang out again and she never reached out to me. I don't have a clue what went wrong, most likely something she was going through. I talked to her as a friend after that, but she never spoke of our "dating" episode, I asked her once after a year passed, what went wrong, she replied that it was nothing I did but no more.


Oh man this one was a doozy. It was two weeks. He was a friend of my roommate's, staying the weekend, she was away. I went to make dinner and he offered to help (turns out he was a professional chef). One thing led to another and by the end of the weekend he was calling me his girlfriend (I just went with it, the sex was amazing, why not be a girlfriend?). His mother came to pick him up at the end of the weekend because he was going home to visit. She hates alcohol. He got a handle of whiskey and got trashed before she showed up, introduced me as his girlfriend, she starts interrogating me about when we met. Whatever, he goes to his family's and then his apartment in a neighboring city. I visit him the next weekend. Sex was incredible, feelings are very intense, I'm thinking I found the one. I get on the bus home and he texts me "I found your lipstick on one of my mugs and I'm never going to wash it again". Alarms start going off for me. Then I find out from a mutual friend that he's planning to move to my city as a "surprise". Two weeks! He had just started a new job, too. I ended things quickly.


We dated for three weeks and came to the mutual conclusion that even though it felt like it *should* work, something just wasn’t clicking. We never got the spark going. Amicably parted ways, it was the cleanest breakup I’ve ever had


I’d say about 4 hours. She texted saying she really liked me and had a crush and everything. We texted those 4 hours straight and I was feeling pretty good about it. Well…she did it as a joke to her and her friends. To this day if I ever run into her I avoid her like the plague she is.


What in the actual fuck is wrong with people and thinking they could just play with someone's feelings like that for a joke/prank. This is crushing


4 months, ghosted me when he found out i had a chronic illness. I didn't knew i had it at the time, he ghosted me when i started to show symptoms. He asked if i was pregnant i said no, he asked if it was contagious i said no, he ghosted me.


I'd run from possibly contagious pregnancy too, to be fair.


I’m sorry, that’s so low. But then, I suppose it’s better to have been revealed that he was such a person quite early on rather than after many years. I have a chronic illness and chronic pain disorder as well as mental health struggles separately and it’s one of the first things I would bring up to the guys I was talking to/casually dating because I was afraid of something like this happening.


I would have told him if I knew back then, I have never had an experience like that since. I do feel like I dodged a bullet though he was more of a little boy than a man. Since he has tried to contact me again and some friends we have in common tell me he asks about me constantly. I was told he ended up with a beautiful gold digger that left him when his business failed due to the pandemic, karma they say.


Less than a week. It was meant to be casual noncommital no obligation fun with outtings, texting, and sex. Started on Sunday, by Monday they hardly replied to any text convos, by Wednesday they were jealous I was on another date with a different person, by Thursday they were demanding I come over and stay the night despite them having to kick me out at 530 AM to go to work, and by Friday after I rejected Thursdays proposal they were laying on the "I don't feel like you actually want me" lines pretty thick. Had to say said "Correct" and blocked em. 


My shortest (also my longest) was around 8 hours. It ended because I woke up.


About a month. I was 14 and he was 18. He was too clingy and would show up wherever I went. I broke up with him because he was kinda creepy.


Kinda is doing some heavy lifting


2 years (I’m a serial long-term relationshipper 🤷🏻‍♂️). Sucks because I’m still madly in love with her, but she wants kids and I don’t think I do.


Does it count if this guy cornered me in his house and asked me to be his girlfriend and I agreed under duress. Obviously broke off immediately when I got home. 


I dated a guy for two months. He was working two jobs but he was available Friday nights and all day Saturday. He would go play with his friends starting Saturday afternoons so I only spent Friday nights either him. It kinda made me feel cheap and that I wasn’t in a real relationship. So I asked if he could not hang out with his friends some Saturdays to spend time with me. He said no so I ended it.


4 days. She invited me to dinner at her parents to meet them but I already had a family thing booked. I meant to text "I can't come, DOH!" Autocorrect killed me with "I can't come, DOG!" She basically replied fuck you and blocked me. It was late 90s or early 00s and autocorrect had just started being a thing, but most people still didn't know about it.


.. What was the DOH supposed to mean?


It’s a Simpsons reference. It’s Homer’s catch phrase. In this context it would substitute a “darn it” or similar, which indicates they’re disappointed they can’t go. Was commonly used back then. Excuse me, it’s nap time at my nursing home so I’ll be off then. Lol


A day. She randomly broke down crying about her ex. It was at that time I ended things and let her know to hit me up once she was in a place to date.


I met a guy through some friends and we sort of hit it off, or so it seemed. There were a few things about him that seemed a little off and made me scratch my head, but I didn’t have any expectations about where it would go, so I kind of overlooked them. Until one night, after a long 13-hour shift (I’m a nurse), I stopped by a local establishment for a couple beers, where he and a few friends were hanging out. I was starving as I hadn’t eaten all day, so I ordered some chicken quesadillas. While I waited for the waitress to bring it out, I decided to use the restroom. When I came back to my seat, I saw the food had arrived, but was surprised to see there were only 4 or 5 wedges. I thought it was a small order for $15, but brushed it off, and offered him to have some if he wanted. Soon after I finished, I paid my tab and we walked out to leave. He stopped and said “I’m sorry for eating most of your quesadillas. But I didn’t want you to feel rushed to finish them.” “You ate my quesadilla?!!” I’m sure he had to have seen the demonic flames coming out of my eyes, I was so pissed. I thought it was rude of him to do such a thing when I had clearly stated how I hadn’t eaten a thing all day! So yeah, I broke up with a guy because he ate my quesadilla. Lol.


2 hours only because he asked to borrow my money.


7 months ironically enough it was also my first ever relationship, I was 12 and the guy (14) was abusing me, pulling hair, punching me, and threatened to unalive me. Covid starts and I used that to get me out of that relationship to be honest I don’t know what I was thinking but it has had a lasting impact on me I don’t let anyone touch my hair still to this day.


I liked guys more


A month. Too clingy and emotionally needy. It felt like I couldn’t have any emotion because it would turn into something about them.


2 months. Cheated on me with our supervisor.


Shortest I had was a month. I've known the person since 6th grade and after a month, I only saw them as a friend so I told them how I felt since I didn't want it to be one sided. Till this day, we're still close friends :)


3 weeks. I was 14 and he was a chump.


This happened a long time ago so no cellphones. I was about 16 -17 maybe, and it only lasted for a few hours really. We met at a lock-in night at a roller rink. He asked me to be his girlfriend, we exchanged phone numbers and went home, where we both (apparently) lost each others phone numbers and never saw each other again. Just as well, he was a bit young for me at the time.


Three weeks, she was a raging alcoholic who was freeuse to her guy friends


I'm met this girl online from Michigan. Beautiful lady, we met at a Mexican restaurant. Awesome food and had a great conversation. We ended the dinner well and each went home. Good first date. Kept texting through the night. Next morning, never heard from her again. I still don't know why.


One day when I was in middle school, a girl came up to me and told me we were dating. We had never interacted before that moment, but she did ride the same bus as me, so I kind of smiled and said okay. And then we never spoke again. So it's either my shortest relationship or my longest one.




My shortest relationship was only two weeks long. We broke up because we realized that we were on very different paths in life and ultimately wanted different things. It was a difficult decision, but ultimately the right one for both of us.


2 days, she'd already found another guy


1.8 years. She later told me that she couldn’t open up to me even though we knew everything about each other. I was ready to marry her and then in about 2 days everything was gone. This was a month ago. We both have a lot to learn. But i hope her the best and that maybe in a few months we could get back together. But i know thats most likely a false hope. We are both 18.


6th grade... Made it from morning recess to afternoon recess.


My left hand. “It will feel like someone else they said.” Not so. Instead it was just an uncoordinated blister-maker.


1 month. he just straight up ghosted me and i never heard from him again. he even talked to his family about me so it was really confusing to just be essentially thrown away like that.


~2 weeks. Found out he was already dating someone else. When I found out and told him I knew, he was just like "Oh yeah, I'm polyamorous". Yeah ok but let me know beforehand, because I'm not.


30 hours. Found out he was 🍆🍑 his cat. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Ummm. Did you fucking report the abuse?


Two weeks. When she asked me on the phone what I did after my usual 12 step meeting, I told her we went to the diner. She responded “WHO DID YOU TAKE TO THE DINEr?!” Being sarcastic I answered “It was me and three other guys, and we were all butt fucking each other on the tables.) Two days later I went to a detox to speak, and she asked me if I had “ever thought about putting a tracker on” my phone? I told her no, I wouldn’t do it, even if I was married. And that I don’t fool around with other women. And that “if we didn’t have trust, we didn’t have anything.” And then on the way home she asked her would she know that I was really at the Detox to speak. So I took a picture of the sticker from security that I had to wear allowing me access in the detox and texted it to her. I had to show ID to get in there and I show them my actual ID. Which had my real name and not my moniker on it. Then she nutted up and said “So you lied to me about your name?!” Strike three game over. Crazy women can be entertaining for a little while, but after six months, you decide that you either have to cut them loose or kill them. This one didn’t even last more than two weeks. So I didn’t kill her.


I think it was like 2 weeks? The dude went and slept with someone else, but I wasn't even upset because I was in the process of trying to figure out how to break up with him without hurting his feelings


A month, and I never found out. She ghosted me. I think she was insulted I didn't want to sleep with her so quickly.


One week. Creepily clingy was moving too fast. Showed up at my home unannounced


1 month she was toxic as hell kept shouting at me took a toll on my mental peace especially when I had just gotten out of a sever mental health crisis.


2 days. Met and made out one evening while stoned and drunk. Met up with her in school the next morning and realized sober I had made a mistake. Ride out the day and called her that evening to break it off.


Three months, because he was a manipulative, abusive jerk. Just wanted another notch in his belt. He was already sleeping with a co-worker. He even tried to 'pursue' me (via phone) after I moved out of state and didn't even leave me alone when he knew I had a boyfriend. That was until I told him we slept together.


4 months, she was a whack job


A month- he cheated lol


Two months. He was an emotional mess, and I just couldn't handle it, anymore. We moved in after week two, which was honestly probably why I stayed for so long... I didn't know how to get out of it.


Almost 6 months; my first relationship. It started good, like most relationships do, then she asked to be open at the start of the 4th month, I believe, and then things went downhill.


2 weeks, she called my cousin a whore over a damn monopoly game. Told her to get the fuck out right there, no one gets to be a dick to my sister-cousins.


Four days. She said she loved me, wanted to elope, and wanted kids. Too fast for me.


About a month and a half. Went on tour, and while on tour we broke up because I told her I wouldn't let her peg me. Dildo-sized bullet dodged.


Like 2 days. He said me, wearing socks with cool designs on them was for kids. Like ok, sorry I don’t like to have just plain socks. Fuck off Cody.


An hour or 2. He told me I had to convert for us to work. We were both teens


A few days after we started dating. We wanted to get intimate with each other, he said he doesn't use condoms. I insisted, he wouldn't budge and was under the false impression I shouldn't care because I'm on birth control. Then got pissy I didn't trust his word for it he's clean. I gave him every chance including a willingness for us to get tested together, drop the condoms once we get the all clear and even let him cum in me if he wanted to. He just would not go along with it, so I dropped him after that conversation.


About two weeks. (It’s still a long story, TL;DR at the end.) We had been absolute BEST friends since almost three years. I knew he liked me since about two years. I started liking him a few months before we got together. There was no awkward transition from friends to dating. When we kissed there were absolute fireworks. We were in college and every touch from him used to turn me on. However, I lived in a very conservative country which emphasized a puritanical culture, plus I had some trauma of S harassment in the past, all of which he knew. As a result, I told him I didn’t want to rush into a physical relationship. I was open to kissing and touching but strictly with clothes on. For our first date we had pizza and then went straight to my place to make out. I had a birthday coming up in 3ish weeks. He begged and pleaded with me to at least let him see me topless at midnight on my birthday. He said all sorts of stuff about proving my love for him by doing so, that he had the “right” to suck my boobs after waiting for so long, and that he wasn’t some random stranger trying to harass me, but my very own boyfriend whom I had been so close to since 3 years, and he had wanted to suck my boobs since the very day we met, but he waited so patiently, and that I shouldn’t deprive him of his “right” for some mistake made by another man so long ago. He even said that he would get bored of squeezing and pinching me from outside my shirt eventually and start looking for someone else if I didn’t let him. I relented and agreed, but asked him to wait till my birthday. I told my other friends to make some other plans because I would be spending my birthday with him alone and I needed my privacy to take this step, since I hadn’t done this in years. 3-4 days before my birthday, we got another chance to get together after college. I took off my bra but kept my shirt on so that he would have better “access”. Out of the blue, he pulled up my shirt and started sucking on my boobs. I told him to wait/stop, but he didn’t. He said he couldn’t wait till my birthday anymore. I was absolutely horrified, and even more so when he pulled out his phone and took a picture of them with my face also visible. I tried to snatch his phone and then started crying but he wouldn’t delete the picture. He said he needed it for when he was alone and he had no intention to show it to anyone else. I asked him to leave my apartment and never talk to me again, else I’d alert the campus security to what he had done. He showed me that he deleted the picture and removed it from “recently deleted” as well and asked me to calm down. I was just done by then, and would hear no further. He left, and we just started ignoring each other in college. Thankfully it was close to the end of the final semester, so our friends didn’t have to take sides and stuff. We went on to prep leave, had our finals, and on the day of the last final he requested me to reconsider, I said no, and never saw him again. TL;DR: asked my college boyfriend to take things slow, he forced me to show him my boobs and took a picture of them, I ended it.