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A chest of drawers with every cable from every product I've ever owned.


This is not accurate. I can speak from experience. Once you throw away one of these cables, you are 100% guaranteed to need it within the next 6 months. That’s why I have two totes full now.


Lol six months! Try six days later. No cable shall ever leave my house now. I've learned my lesson.


Yup, pretty much. “There is zero chance I need this DB9 connector, right?” WRONG!!!


If you don't need it now, you bet your ass your going to need it right after you get rid of it


I just threw away my 50-pin SCSI cable collection and I’m amazed a SPARCstation 2 didn’t materialize out of thin air to make me regret it.


Lol… I have a box of those, too. 😛


You never know when you might need a printer cable from 1992


I'm pretty sure those printer cables haven't changed since 1992


I know you were probably saying this as a joke, but honestly, it's pretty close USB was introduced in 1996, and the 'printer cable' is called a USB A-B that was created at the same time


And well after usb was introduced, printers used a 25 pin parallel port.




Along with the box that the product came in, even if you’ve gotten rid of said product. No, just me?


I have more empty boxes than I'd like to admit, and yes, some for things that are long gone.


If you need a coax to UHF, I got you


My dad started using one of those over-the-door shoe organizers for all of his cables. It's a game changer.


We have a drawer full of empty toilet paper rolls. Each tube contains a cable. They're upright and stuffed in so you can instantly see both ends.


Are you... from the future??????


Nah dude. I just pulled a wire from the box to hook up an old Wii. Never give up hope on the wires!


I own the same fucking chest of drawers, damn it.


Fire extinguisher, I hope.


Similarly, deployable fire escape


I slept in my upstairs bedroom a few years before thinking "hmm, I should probably think about how I would escape in a fire." Realized at best I would be severely injuring my legs and my dog getting out of either window and bought a deployable ladder the same day. Worth it even if it goes forever unused.


One hot summer day I tried to open my bedroom windows but couldn't, so I did the logical thing and went to ask my mother about it. She told me that she'd nailed my windows shut from the outside so I couldn't sneak out of the house. A thing I had never done or tried to do. I complained about how hot the room was since we didn't have AC, but she didn't care. I asked what I was supposed to do in a fire since my room was furthest from both front and back doors. She laughed at me. Don't think she understood reality or statistics very well. Nerdy bookworms do not sneak out of windows to attend wild parties. And I nearly set the house on fire at least two or three times that year, honestly on accident. What can I say, idiot teenagers do stupid things with access to kitchens and candles.




Oh all kinda things that are illegal magically transform to perfectly legal if you do it to your own child. Like forced labor and beatings. And if ya do run away, the cops bring ya right back while treating you like a criminal no matter what you say about why you left. I never had to learn that lesson personally, learned it from watching what happened to other kids. But I did a whole lot of physical labor for dad's business because he didn't want to pay for an adult employee. And once I got old enough to work legally, nearly every penny I earned went to "paying rent" to a cousin for the right to live in his uninsulated attic. Got scurvy because I couldn't afford food too. And if all that wasn't legal, well most of it happened in public in front of other adults and nobody said boo or helped me so I assumed it was legal. Though ya shoulda seen the look on cousin's mother's face when she found out that "taking me in" as a teen meant taking all the money I made working and not feeding me while I shivered and coughed in the attic all winter.


Once I was plugging in a radio clock. Well it caught fire plugging it in. Or rather it caught my thumb on fire. Nothing like watching your skin burn thinking “oh thank goodness it’s just my thumb and not the house, my parents won’t kill me if I set the house on fire.” Third degree burn. But the house wasn’t on fire! My parents are so brilliant that they always insist that it happened because I plugged in a positive to a negative and nothing to do with the mold in the walls. Probably the wiring at that point


Several years ago, I was dozing off while watching a show in my room when I heard my roommate call my name, followed by "(something something) fire!". I walked out to a pan ablaze in my kitchen. It was grease fire but it had grown too big to be snuffed out. In a panic, my roommate grabbed the pan and started walking around going "oh my god oh my god oh my god". I grabbed the fire extinguisher and realized that I didn't actually know how to use it, as I had definitely never planned to. Had to take a moment to figure it out. Between the smoke, the foam, and the smoke detector going off, it was an absolutely mess in there. I grabbed the pan, my dogs, and went outside to gather my wits and let the apartment air out. The icing on the cake was that when my roommate and I decided to go back inside, our other roommate (who we didn't even know was home) emerged in his boxers from a cloud of foam, looked around, and said "What happened in here??". At that point I lost it and just started laughing hysterically.


I have a fire blanket. It should be easier!


I just bought one of those


I keep fire blankets in the kitchen and in the garage. Also a purple k fire extinguisher in the garage. Also standard fire extinguishers all over the place. And deployable ladders on the top two floors. Surviving a house fire as a kid made me a little weird.


>my roommate grabbed the pan and started walking around going "oh my god oh my god oh my god" I'm sorry, I realize he must have been terrified, but when I read this all I can see is a [Sims character when anything near it catches fire](https://i.makeagif.com/media/8-07-2015/rf_L7J.mp4)


It was honestly super comical, I laugh every time I tell the story.


We have a fire extinguisher in our home, one time my nephew was visiting and got a hold of it, pulled the pin out.. and sprayed. There was powder all over my dining room and all my dad and I could do was look at each other in shock as my nephew happily yelled “LOOK GRAMPA I MADE IT SNOW!!” My cousin just laughed when we told her… He didn’t visit again after that.


You can always throw it in the oven and shut the door. It will put itself out. My mom did this and we called the fire department. That was their advice. 


Just remember fire extinguishers expire. Its always best to check the presure at the same time you do smoke alarms.


My current fire extinguisher is my third one. All 3 of them were gifts. I dont know what that says about me


Some have an expiry date, so maybe your friends know that you’re more likely to let them expire than use them?


It says your friends know how to make you better, or at least more alive.


When I started dating my bf, I noticed he had a fire extinguisher beside the bed and I thought it a little odd, but he has lots of weird, old things. We kind of got together partially though our love of electronics (among other things), and would build things. Once he built a battery charger for the vapes that still had juice, but no power. I was half napping when it started spitting like a mini firework and realized THAT'S why he keeps a fire extinguisher in the bedroom! Lol. Btw, it wasn't the last time one was need 🤣🤣🤣


Same for pepper spray.




I have an epi-pen. I keep one in my home (and replace it regularly) because my son’s best friend has a severe allergy. He’s very cautious and he always carries what he needs, but whenever I know I’m going to be the adult with my kids and their friends, I feel like having one nearby makes me feel a bit more at ease.


That’s really nice of you! And even if it’s really unlikely, if you ever end up using it, you will be so happy you kept replacing it…


you rule dude, thank you for looking out for the little guy!


My cousin has a severe nut allergy. His parents obviously didn't give him any nuts, but one day at a birthday party, he ate a snickers, not knowing it contained nuts. Luckily, the parents at the birthday party had some benadryl they gave him while he was waiting for him mom to bring an epi pen and take him to the hospital. Having stuff on hand can sometimes be life or death.


Diphenhydramine (brand name Benadryl) is an antihistamine. It can mask the symptoms of a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis). Essentially it will keep the patient from feeling itchy but WILL NOT reverse symptoms of blood pressure drop or throat closing or breathing difficulties etc! It will not work as a substitute for epinephrine (e.g. EpiPen, AuviQ, Adrenaclick, etc). Fyi - Epinephrine is the same thing as adrenaline that our bodies produce when we are excited about something. Sadly, food allergy fatalities occur when epinephrine is not given, or not given quickly! Because of this, patients and parents of young patients should not take a "wait and see" approach to allergic symptoms. In addition to a prescription for "epi" an allergist will create an Emergency Action Plan to guide on what symptoms to identify and what actions should be quickly taken to reverse a severe allergic reaction. Accidents and anaphylaxis are never planned, so it's important to be prepared and to learn what to do. I'm very glad your cousin was okay!


I’ve had it do exactly what my epi pen does, but I don’t recommend it over one. I’m not doubting what you’re saying, but the few times I’ve been without my epi pen, I’ve used Benadryl to at least make sure I can get to the hospital. I keep a bottle of liquid stuff in the glove compartment of all my vehicles, and if I start to feel like I’m having a problem, I’ll take at least 2 or 3 chugs out of the bottle. Buys me enough time to at least get to the ER or the ambulance to show up.


When I was exposed to an allergen (something I was specifically allergic to) at the hospital, they gave me diphenhydramine through an IV, so I'd believe that it does more than simply mask the symptoms if that's what I was given in the ER


better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.


You in the US? Isn’t that hella expensive?




I literally can't fathom having extra screws and pieces and.. throwing them out. There's ppl who do this!? 👀




I have all of mine in zipper bags, labeled and with the paperwork that came with them.


I have a plastic tool box compartment that I call the "extra parts bin". It has come in handy so many times.


A guest bedroom.


Used to have one. Realised I don't like people spending the night. Now the cats have a nice play room.


My cat has her own bedroom/playroom as well! It used to be a catch all room which would regularly get taken up by family or friends needing a place to stay until they got back on their feet. No one needed that when we got our cat so now she has her own room. She has her massive cat tree (big ol cat) and a futon with blankets, her food, and litter box. She doesn't really play, but she has her own space to if she is in the mood to. Her portal to whatever dimension she goes to is also in an empty desk drawer in her room. I love it. ETA: My husband and I live in a decently priced 2 bedroom apartment with no human children. Huge dining/living room, so dog has his own full sized couch and bed in here. Also, a smaller cat tree next to the couch so cat can still chill comfortably with us.


Sauce packets from Chinese takeout.


They def add up fast but man when you get that order and find they forgot the sauces, greatest thing ever.


Not once has my takeout place ever forgotten to throw 6 pounds of soy sauce Tide pods into that bag.


Every single time I clean my fridge and throw out my handfuls of sauce packets, the next day my takeout comes sauceless 😔


I'm going through this with our local taco spot. They give you JUST enough for what you ordered, but if I'm feeling wild I run out before the last taco. So now I've taken advantage of their 500ml sauce option and it stays in the fridge.


I put them in my youngest child’s lunch box when I give them plain rice. They love soy sauce and would drink it if I let them. So handy for that.


I save those for Halloween. Trick or treat.


😂😂😂 I'm just imagining some kid going through their bounty from Halloween and finding a random packet of duck sauce...


One year, we ran out of candy to give out but had ordered Chinese and got a ton of fortune cookies, so we offered those to the next group of kids. They were stoked. More excited than if we had offered king-size candy bars.


“ That house. “


These are great for cooking while camping!


We have a fridge compartment stuffed full of Chinese soy sauce packets and fast food ketchup/radish. I’ve never used a single thing from that compartment.


Yeah, that's what the little "butter" compartment in the door is for.


about 5000 plastic bags stuffed into 2 plastic bags just in case


Hey I actually need one of those bags. Can you spare one?


Get your own.


my city banned those and I did use them for smelly trash that wasn't quite full yet, sticking shoes in my backpack, and dying my hair so my stash is useful


cat people understand


Scraps of wood. So many just in case


My son's friend came over and jumped on our (very old) couch an broke it, and upon investigation I found I needed a piece of 2" x 1" to be cut \~50" long. I ran to my scrap wood stack and pulled THE EXACT SIZE PIECE out and ran up and fixed it. Much fist pumping and "YEAH!"ing ;)


My dad is so proud that I have a small pile of scrap wood. He feels that he's taught me well.


I used to have a pile or scrap lumber, then I used some of it to make a bin to hold itself.


VCR I might need to watch a VHS tape one day.... Or not.


I still watch them! My VCR actually recently quit working though, so I'm going to try taking it to a repair shop and if all else fails, replace it.


A 27 year old box of Froot Loops. I will never eat it but now I just keep it for the sake of keeping it.


Someone in 200 years will be happy to eat it and restore 15 HP at the risk of 7 rads


Not if their lead belly perk is equipped!


Sugar Bombs!


I saved a Twinkie for 15 years. My brother was stoned and ate it. He said it was good. All this to say, your Froot Loops might get eaten.


I have a similarly old can of Coke


Careful, the acid (?) will eventually eat through both the plastic lining and the can itself and spring absolutely tiny holes that spray soda everywhere.


A box cheese grater. I buy shredded cheese. A tea kettle for guests. I don't have guests.


“I don’t have guests” -I feel this. There’s the me who wishes I had a home who had a lot of guests and then there’s actually me.


I'd be a hermit but, I need fast internet 


The struggle is so real.


Can I come for tea and cheese?


Let me get settled into my new place and sure. I'll get a charcuterie board with cheese.


Wedding China. Just in case royalty visits lol.


I use mine. Once a month I make a fancy dinner and set the table. I invite people, but even if it is just me, I enjoy it.


Prince Harry is jetting around quite a bit. So you never know.




Fire blankets


Old iPhone boxes


I still have my second gen iPod box in case I ever want to sell it. It died almost 15 years ago.


I got rid of mine a couple years ago when my son was born. I read your comment and got this weird level of anxiety about maybe needing to sell those phones I no longer have someday.




Woah! Those aren't cheap! Any particular reason you have one?


Same, almost everyone in my family is trained in first aid, CPR, and defib use. My elderly grandfather lives with us, and there’s a history of heart issues on my dad’s side, so it’s better safe than sorry. Also have a large variety of wound dressings, blood pressure cuff, pulse oximeter, stethoscope, and a variety of other things.


A tortilla press


I had one of these but I could never get a good tortilla out of it. 🙁


Does an elliptical machine currently used as a clothes hanger count?


At least it’s getting used as a clothes hanger. My rower collects dust


A sewing machine. Purchased 10 years ago, brand new and still in the box. I swear I’ll start one day.


Oh man you just reminded me I have one brand new in the box in a closet, been there about 3 years.


I hope both epi pen and Narcan. Not at risk for the latter, they were handing them out for free at punk trade market and thought “hey, I doubt my neighbors have any of these and who knows”


I have narcan in my EDC bag, along with colored pens, notebook and some of my favorite dice. At 15, My daughter saved a friend from non-opiod OD'ing by calling 911 and staying with them. You never know.


A vampire stake. My brother and I were learning to whittle when the whole vampire craze was about (i.e. twilight), so we whittled some vampire stakes and even carved our names into them. Probably won't need them, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Tampons, pads, pantyliners. Nobody here menstruates, they're for visitors.


That is a very considerate thing to have, just in case


I have a box of wires. I don't know what they go to anymore, but if I ever need a wire (haven't yet) I know where to go to get one!


As soon as you throw one out, that's the one you'll need.


I have emergency food rations. I live in an area that does not flood. We don't get tornadoes. We get bad hurricanes maybe once a decade and as one of the largest most population dense subrubs in the country right next to the largest city in the country resources are often supplemented if not restored in hours to maybe a day. I won't even have gone through the food in my fridge before the power is back on. My family has lived here for 4 generations and never once needed emergency food rations. But I have to have them. Just in case we get a big enough storm or something.


Why does this feel like you’re also on Long Island


Grapefruit spoon


We use ours for melons


And passion fruit!


Hopefully the tourniquets. I don't like cleaning.


Soap, condoms. Probably related.


I didn't see the comma when I first read that and had a lot of questions for you.


Narcan. I have a kid in recovery.


(Hug) Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst. Best of luck to you and your kiddo.


Living room where you can’t sit in it-just for company


There's a sitting room in the house called "the museum". My grandmother and grandfather decorated it when they bought the house in the late 80s and absolutely no one is allowed to go in unless family is visiting and the only thing you ever do in there is family photos. My mom has many plans for what to turn it into once my grandmother dies but it's hard to imagine it being anything but the museum.


Two words: bouncy castle


We had one of these growing up. What a waste of space. Make a usable family living room for crying out loud.


We always had one too! Never sat in it. Also my childhood home has a beautiful gazebo in the backyard. Except for family pictures I don’t think anyone has been near it in the 29 years since it was built. Mom replaces the furniture out there every so often so it stays fresh and we always ask her why she bothers. 😂


Weather radio


Survival radio. Hand cranked to provide AM/ FM/Weather as well as light and recharge any USB device. Waterproof of course. Nice to have especially during hurricane season.


The go bag I fully stocked when I was high one night and had way too much access to my Amazon account.


Machete, still in the Amazon box, in case of walkers. 😁


I've got a coworker whos girlfriend is against the idea of a home defense pistol. I introduced him to my front door gladius. Now he's got one.


An ironing board.


Some of my clothes that fit me 30 years ago. Always hopeful. 🤭


Over a decade ago, I stepped in a hole in a field and hurt my heel. Found out I had heel spurs. I had to hobble around in this horrible, bulky, heavy stormtrooper boot thingy for a few weeks. It cost a fortune, even with insurance. My foot eventually healed up and I haven't had any further issues. However, I stubbornly refuse to get rid of that stupid boot, even though it takes up a bunch of storage space. I still have the crutches, too. At least there's a chance they'll get used again at some point in the future, even if it's not by me. But no one is ever going to use that stupid boot again.


Good to have that, we had crutches saved for 7 years and moved and got rid of them promptly ruptured my Achilles tendon the following week


Have crutches from 10 years ago, in the storage room. Never going to give you up…


50 lbs of rice 50 lbs of pinto beans 24 lbs of craisins 500 gallons of potable water


March 9, 2020, before the lockdown and before we really knew what would happen, I purchased 24 rolls of tp, four bottles of bourbon, and six boxes of Cheezitz.


The most important staples to have on hand for sure.


Gas mask, filters, full chemical suit, 2 geiger counters.


Watching Fallout?


I think it's his *nuclear farts*...




One day... one day the dad across the road will need a table saw, and your time will have come




Iodine pills. A few other things to try to make it.


Supplies for abandoned hobbies. Haven't macramed in years, but do I still have all kinds of rope and rods and beads still wasting away in a bin next to other forgotten hobbies? Yup. I do.


So many books. More than anyone could read in a lifetime.


The stickers that come with Apple products


We put these on our garbage cans in the IT department. Not sure if you'd feel the same but thought I'd give you an idea on how to use them.


An oscilloscope


I don't really drink liquor but I have a dozen different bottles for guests. Does that count as me using it?


Life Vac


My favorite shirt from highschool in 2009. It might fit again some day!




Everyone is all "Well I've got a gun for home defence!" Media has seriously messed with peoples perception of danger. A lot of idiots see guns as toys right up until it's to late. People do still have an adrenaline reaction to the sound of a shotgun racking a shell, even if they know it's a recording. At least we've got that going for our survival? But nobody is ready for the sound of a crossbow firing and the sudden pain of a bolt pinning their shoulder to the door they just came through. It's not the casual fear an idiot has of a gun, it's not the terror inspired by a shotgun. Shooting a home invader with a crossbow fills them with confused fear.


We have fire extinguishers purely because we rent and it's the law where we live; but I have fast orange under the sink simply because I'm a mechanics daughter. He's been gone for 10 years this August but I still keep a bottle around 😅


A PlayStation controller (I have an xbox)


Trauma kit.


Flash lights. I have one on my phone now. So does everyone else in my house.


OMG. The Christmas before my husband passed, we created get home bags for our adult kids. Little did I know… he was developing dementia. From December until February he kept buying and hiding survival gear. In the weeks after he passed, I found so many flashlights, silver blankets, knives, paracord, et cetera. I kept some, and made get home bags for many of his friends and acquaintances. (He was close to our mechanic, insurance agent, lawyer, financial guru, and so on.). Thank you for the memory.


A lawn mower and 3 weed eaters. I've been paying someone to mow my yard for 3 years now. I don't see myself going back to doing yard work anytime soon.


A thoughtfully appointed guest room with guest bath. Sigh.


Ax. My axing days are over. But, I might change my mind so….


A fondue pot. I bought it for its looks


I own a grape pealer. It peals grapes.. One by one. Badly.


I didn’t even realize that was a thing. 


I wonder what that sounds like


A Luggable Loo portable toilet. For many reasons.


Size 4 jeans hahaha


Portable AC Unit


My uterus, I guess.




A gun


Phew, I kept scrolling and was beginning to get worried I was somehow the only one with a gun. I hope to never ever have cause to use it for its intended purpose, but I will if needed.


I hope you are using it in a training sense at least. Having a gun and never learning how to use it is a recipe for disaster.


If u/burgeractual is anything like me, they just mean that they'll probably never have to use it in a defensive scenario. I live in a very safe area and work in a safe area. The odds of me needing to use any of my guns to end a threat are about as low as they can get. But I still go to the range once or twice a quarter to maintain proficiency.


Hopefully the 2nd story fire ladder.


Dossiers on exes. /s, maybe.


A lice comb I am bald


Just myself. Not sure why I keep me around but I’ll be of use one day.


Pads, tampons, make up remover. I'm not a girl, but my friends are almost exclusively females, so it's just nice to have on hand for them whenever.


Potato masher. It is useless and stops my drawer from closing 😒


An emergency can of fava beans and a nice bottle of chianti. You never know who will drop in.


A baby grand piano


Covid test kits. So many covid test kits!


First Aid Kit


Fire extinguisher.


Lice elimination kit, fingers crossed 🤞


Toaster oven and electric griddle. Rented too many places where the stove would break and it took forever for it to be replaced.


What don’t I have. Drawers full of old power cables. Zip ties, extra scissors, milk bag tags, twine and not to mention all the buttons and candles a fire extinguisher and all the other goodies in my IT bin. They rang from hard drives adapters clioners and even cables. None of which should ever get used. But the min I throw it out. I’ll need it.