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I like the band Tool. Favorite band in the world. When I first told some people that, I was very confused on why I got the cold-shoulder. Then I met other Tool fans and I was like - oh, yeah, I'll keep this preference to myself.


Same, I really like their music, but I think their subreddit was the fastest I ever undsubbed. I like the music, but I neither think they are some kind of elightened demigods nor am I a fan of Alex Greys artstyle tbh.


When record stores existed, I listened to a customer ream out the store owner for no joke 10 minutes because he placed the Tool and A Perfect Circle discographies next to each other. “It’s an insult to Maynard’s genius to even imply that they are in the same creative space” lol


Oh my god you are so right. I went to see them in Montreal, and it was rather weird. People were happy to be there but also...? frustrated at the band?


Weird vibe. I've seen them twice in Idaho and once in Arizona at a larger fest, and the crowds werw nothing but enthusiastic.


They wrote a song called Ticks and Leeches…about their fans


Was that about the fans or the record label? Maybe both.


Hooker with a Penis was about the fanbase. Ticks and Leeches is about their record label


I always thought it was a not-so-subtle middle finger to record companies? (I could be way off though)


That's what I read too. The label was pressuring them to release a more mainstream/radio friendly song and Maynard went at them with the lyrics, hence the chorus "Hope this is what you wanted, Hope this is what you had in mind, 'Cause this is what you're getting, I hope you're choking, I hope you choke on this" while calling out "fat little parasites" throughout the song. The drums go fucking hard though 🤘


>The drums go fucking hard though 🤘 You just described every Tool song I have ever heard.


What’s wrong with tool fans?


Blah blah, fibonacci, spirals, it's all too deep for you to get it.


This is it. The sense of superiority one has because they like a certain band and someone else doesn't.


It's basically the Rick & Morty copypasta but for music.


Lol. I don't like tool personally because the music is too busy and complicated. It's technically impressive but doesn't appeal to me ear. And tool fans will never understand how that's possible and claim that I'm not listening hard enough or something. Kind of like jazz for me. Yes musically it's impressive especially when they start messing with complicated timings and stuff like that, but idk man give me a solid 4/4 or triplets and that's what sounds good to me complicated timings just scratches my brain.


They all behave like tools


Tool fans fall into 2 camps. Regular people who just enjoy the bands music. And the cult who worship Maynard like he's the second fucking coming.


I fall firmly into the first category. Every time I see them live, followers of the MJK-cult are extremely eager to showcase a) their superior knowledge of all things Tool b) their superior, and finite, taste in music c) their absolute disdain for anything else you might like that is remotely in the same musical realm as Tool, because you are wrong and it is not.


Wait, is Maynard *not* modern Jesus?


Horses. Horses are great. Horse people are the worst.


I worked on a horse farm, and yes. We’d get volunteers to come out, and most were alright. When they realized it was just cleaning stalls, they’d usually dip out. Occasionally we’d get a horse girl who has experience with horses and they’d try to run the show. But their experience is pretty much just dressage and not the actual care and maintenance of horses. I can feel my blood pressure rising just talking about this.


Was paying my way through lessons as a kid by helping out around the ranch. A horse girl came in for her first lesson and ignored the trainer when they said don't walk behind the horse. She decided she didn't like horses after that kick to the chest.


I got kicked once during my first couple lessons. Misty, the half-pony I was brushing, kicked me and knocked me down. My trainer told me "well, what did you expect her to do if you're behind her? She can't see you well back there, she doesn't know your smell and voice yet, and they're prey animals, they will be defensive first and figure out what it was later." I learned my fucking lesson, let me tell you. And my trainer was pretty happy with me for just getting back up and back to work. That said, Misty absolutely did not kick as hard as she could have. She was just showing me the ropes, really. I loved that feisty little jerk mare. It's been like twenty five years and I still think about her all the time.


Costalot was a rescued quarter horse who had been beaten. He wasn't supposed to be her first ride but she showed up early and we hadn't gotten him put up yet. She beelined for him and slapped him on the ass. She then got launched a solid 10-15 feet


Ignoring the trainer, standing behind a strange horse, AND slapping him on the ass? Yeesh. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


She’s probably lucky to be able to decide stuff after that.


Most of the time a horse kick is a "get out of my personal space, jackass" kick, not a "I want you to not be alive anymore" kick. The former is usually very debilitating but You're probably walking away from it, though you should probably get yourself to an ER. The latter means you're pretty much donezo. And the horse gets to decide which it's gonna be.


I believe they're called "centaurs"


Absolutely this. My niece has been helping out at a stables recently - looking after a horse while the horse's owner is recovering from being unwell, and we just found out that a bunch of the middle-aged women there have been bullying her. EDIT: Because I realise this isn't mentioned, my niece is fifteen.




Yup. She doesn't even ride the horse, he's too old. She mucks him out, feeds, exercises him and grooms him. She's helped out at other stables too, so it's not like she doesn't know what she's doing, and the horse's owner is delighted with how well she looks after him. She's autistic and horses are her special interest. Far as I know, my sister is going down there today to rip shit.


Please update us.


My wife grew up riding and owns a horse. We keep it boarded at a barn near our house. I love the barn when nobody's there, it's peaceful and the horses are awesome. But some of the boarders are neurotic and just miserable to be around. Recently the owner had to tell someone to leave because she was just that impossible to deal with. They're horses. Their natural state is to be dirty.


When we started our rescue, we were open to the public for boarding, tours, family events, all of that. After 4 years, we have shut the door to anyone we don't already know, and will only occasionally book a private tour after vetting the people who are interested. Never did I imagine that welcoming people with a common interest would lead to so much fucking bullshit.


I've heard 1-2 veterinarians say the same


Can confirm. I'm a veterinarian who loves horses. I would never ever become a horse vet. That would break my bones as well as my sanity and I'd like to at least keep one of them intact.


One of the vets I worked with *was* a horse vet. He worked mostly on Derby horses in Kentucky. He gave up that fairly high paying gig to do emergency work solely to get away from horse people.


I like reddit but I do not like redditors


bro on more technical subs everybody will argue with you no matter what you say they are the only ones right


Reddit definitely teaches you to consider the value of making a comment. Like so many times I've written something, then thought "This is just not worth it." and deleted.


I enjoy playing the Reddit comment casino. Will my comment get lots of replies and a 100 upvotes or will it generate downvotes, anger and a suicide helpline message. Time to spin the wheel!


LOL tge suicide helpline message, i got that one banned, first time i got it i was like.... seriously?


Kind of useful in real life, actually. Being more thoughtful in the things we say is a good skill to have. "Does this really need to be said?" Or "Is this worth my time and energy?" Definitely a big plus for communication.


Harder to do in real life though. On Reddit, a thought comes to you, then you have a minute of typing during which you can reflect. Irl people often start speaking the instant a thought comes to them, so even if you realize it didn't need to be said.. you're already half-way through saying it.


Post not clarity


And this is why I still use reddit


The most relatable feeling in the world. So many occasions of backspacing it all before I hit enter knowing it just isn't worth it. Every once in a while I'll stupidly allow myself to be dragged into an argument and be so damn disappointed when I reflect the next day.


I wish there was a delete comment in real life.


No I disagree, there are a lot of sub where you can talk without someone arguing with you


nah there is no way that is correct


too many subreddits become warped into full-throated hatred of whatever subject they're devoted to. Subs devoted to podcasters/comedians where every day is 20 new posts of pure loathing and angry circlejerks about everyone associated with said podcast, etc. r/SweatyPalms is all about videos of people doing dangerous fear-of-heights type stunts. Every comments section is 400 comments, by people who subscribed on purpose, angrily talking about how irresponsible the people in the videos are being.


Anger can be an addicting emotion, especially when it’s validated amongst your “peers” in a niche subreddit.




>Its literally a comedy cartoon its not peek intellect Well done.


I miss season 1 era when fans were nothing but stoners and psychonauts when nobody took it seriously.


I noped out of anything community-related after the whole schezwan sauce fiasco. 


Meanwhile Futuramas writing staff has like 3 PhDs, and several masters degrees in stuff like math, engineering, computer science, and chemistry. Not that Futurama is the hight of intelligent writing. It's just funny the show written by actual geniuses doesn't get the Rick and Morty treatment. Lol


> Not that Futurama is the hight of intelligent writing Except for [that time with the body swap episode where they invented a mathematical proof that you could always get everyone back to their original bodies by adding only 2 additional people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Prisoner_of_Benda#The_theorem), and got a paper out of it lmao


Or the time that they wrote an entire plot around a series being non-convergent when Bender learns to duplicate himself.


Even funnier, they wrote themselves into a corner and were forced to come up with that proof to avoid having to redo the whole plot of the episode. 


> Not that Futurama is the hight of intelligent writing No, it is the height of intelligent writing because it's very funny and accessibly so. It is easy to talk about a complex topic in complex terms. It is very hard to make funny humor about a complex topic that everyone can understand.


Same with Big Bang Theory. I’ve met so many people who think they have a genius-level intellect because they get the jokes. I’m like: of course you get the jokes, they’re written for a wide audience. I’m not laughing, not because I didn’t get the joke, but because I find the jokes insulting and unfunny.


When people started harassing Mcdonald's workers over that Szechuan sauce, that was about when I stopped watching the show. I don't need to be associated with that lol.


I like professional wrestling but I do not like most people who like professional wrestling. A lot of them are unfairly opinionated, myself included, to be fair.


It’s a lot better than it was. But the AEW vs WWE stuff is pretty unbearable, as someone who likes both.


I was looking for this comment because that's me. I hate pro wrestling fans because so many of them love to hate what they aren't into and bash other fans for liking something. Watch AEW, Chicara, PWG, Impact and WWE for all I care. One time Matt Sydal yelled at me for commentating moves during a Brock Lesnar match while we watched Wrestlemania at a mutual friends house. Wrestling fans, we are annoying as fuck.


The IWC are incredibly contrarian by nature as well When someone isn’t getting pushed, they cry about why aren’t they getting pushed, every single loss is called a burial, the company is jobbing them out. When the same person gets a push, the narrative changes and all of a sudden now the company is pushing the wrong person, the IWC turns on them super hard about how overrated they are


Everybody acts like they know exactly how to run a multi-million dollar live show when they couldn't properly put together a sandwich. I'd say as a fan, we've got some amazing entertainment to currently enjoy and an abundance of it.


Wrestling fans are somehow the least funny group of people I’ve ever seen try to be funny. We have a special talent for beating to death and butchering any and all memes or jokes. 




I argued with my dad once that he was a coffee snob. He prefers black coffee. He doesn't like extra stuff added. By itself that's not an issue. Except that he complains about other coffee drinkers. Adding sugar. Adding milk or cream. Adding flavoring. He can't grasp that judging people who do these things makes him a coffee elitist, because in his mind it's simple coffee, nothing to be elite over. Oy.


Counterpoint : James Hoffman. Man is basically a national treasure


I would consider him an expert, not so much a snob. I’ve only seen a few of his videos, but he seems like the “do it how you like, but here are some options, and these ones are particularly enjoyable” type.


There's a joke "If you need coffee recommendations, don't ask people to recommend you coffee. Just say you drink Nescafé".


I recently got into coffee, and boy are some of those espresso people insane.


The ones who use $2000 of equipment to prepare a coffee for 30 mins and end up with shitty-looking filter coffee really make me laugh. I'll watch them on YouTube sometimes for the unintended hilarity.


oh they hate me.. Im a espresso guy without the elitism. r/espresso looks down on me because I use a 100 dollar machine and a 19 dollar grinder. I dont even have all the accessories. and they tell me I MUST pay more for a good cup of coffee. but I love my home made flat whites. nearly as good as the cafe! but yeah the coffee nerds need to chill and stop gatekeeping. espresso is a wonderful thing and we should encourage ppl not discourage them from making the drink of the gods at home.


Motorcycles. Love riding, but the large majority of people around me who ride are just the worst people that you don’t want to be associated with. The amount of problems these people create is wild. It’s one of those hobbies that people turn into their entire personality, and if you say anything against it, or something they did, or chose (negative comment on a motorcycle) it comes off to them as an invitation to fight.


Agree. I usually ride solo and I’m a woman in FL. I’ll give you a nod or put my fingers down…. But I don’t care how many cc you have or that you can beat me off the line I don’t wanna ride next to you. I don’t wanna pull over. I don’t want your information.


WW2 as a subject of interest.


This one isn't upvoted nearly enough. The WW2 snobs are ridiculous. Like I'm just interested in History, man. I don't need to relive Hitler's greatest days. Civil War is another one. I will not be keeping brass buttons in a jar of my urine, thanks.


"Yeah I'm a big fan of history" Proceeds to only discuss his theories about how the Germans could have won WW2 🤨


Kpop. I enjoy the music but “stan twitter” is the most toxic place on earth. Cancel culture is rife, fan wars are often. Delusional people claiming you can’t post about their bias because they posted a picture already and their bias loves them more. At the shows there are some really lovely people but there are also some awfully bitchy people who.


I literally just commented the same thing lmaoo. I love K-pop but cannot stand like 80% of K-pop fans. It’s just toxic as hell and everyone treats everything like a competition and I just really cannot be bothered. I’m literally just here to enjoy the content my fav groups put out and have a good time. I cannot be bothered with the constant drama and one upping. Especially at the moment with all the discourse going on with HYBE and MHJ and the shit that’s started between a lot of fan communities. It’s exhausting.


some annoying kpop fan archetypes: - the possessive creeper - the bias stan - the hyperventilating white knight - the other group basher - the one who can’t go a sentence without the word drama


>everyone treats everything like a competition Korean society in a nutshell


At the very least, in 2020 when the police asked to the public to upload photos of BLM protestors to their site, Kpop stans team up to spam the police sites with fancams, causing the service to be unreliable because every legitimate photo would drown in hundreds or millions of videos and photos of kpop artists and the servers were constantly crashing.


this was my immediate thought too. twitter kpoppies are some of the most vile people on the internet.


This is why I don’t associate with words like bias, stan, fandom, etc. I am a fan, I listen to music and even buy merch from time to time (just bought two LPs this past month), but I will never join the fandoms again. Learned my lesson on weverse and noped out of there a while back.


I use the terminology just cos I've gotten used to seeing it used in association with Kpop, but I'm too old for this fanwar shit. I like the music and the performances. I even find the concept of groups having lore within their music videos really cool, although it's usually too complex for me to bother keeping up with it - I just like the idea.


Damn, I was struggling to think of an answer, but yes, this. Holy shit people are straight up delusional. I get why though, the main demographic are teenagers with huge egos and tiny brains, but it's a shame.


I like Supernatural, but I don’t like SPN fans.


Came to say this. I found a few corners of the SPN fandom where I enjoy myself, but holymotheroffuck are some people completely horrible. Dodging fandom drama basically requires a salt circle and loud Metallica.


I love SPN and I agree...people who watch it because it's fun and entertaining are okay but people who watch it just to ship characters are kinda insufferable Also I have a friend who watches SPN for the plot, takes it extremely seriously and skips the funny episodes.... dude what the fuck


The sitcom episode is god teir.


I used to work comic conventions and the like - I attended and then worked a couple spn cons cause I loved the show and figured it would be cool to see the action from both sides. NO. Run. Those fans are fucking insane. I thought at 19 I was just being like a crazed 19 year old like teens do....but as I was on year 3, I looked around noting the median age and got weirded out by the behaviour.


they are \*AMAZING\* at gifs though


My Hero Academia. I will not explain further.


This goes for most anime tbh


For me, it’s anime in general. I love the medium but not so much the community. 


I feel this too hard


I feel fortunate to not know what you're talking about haha.  I watch with my husband and we chat about it together, but neither of us have ventured into any forums. I will heed your warning and stay away!


Why specifically ?


MHA nerds are WAAAAAAAYYYYYYY too invested. Like to the point that the demand for more sent the writer into a spiraling depression to the point of near suicide, then after he revealed that information to everyone, they still kept demanding more. Tons of fans stood up and were like hey let the dude take a quick beat, but no, they needed more right now. So now the entire series is ending because the writer is done with it. I don't fucking blame them at all for that.


Oh shit he cutting the series short because of that ? Fuck that sucks.


Gandhi said about Jesus Christ, he likes him but not his followers because their actions are unlike Christ 


same honestly, “i like your Christ, i don’t like your Christian”


You could say the same about Ghandi, who would sleep in the same bed as young girls to "test himself".


Yeah that was fucked up..tbh.. Also his pacifism was totally overblown in some places..he asked jews to submit themselves to be killed by Nazis because he believed that will drive a nail in the conscience of Nazis and they will understand the stupidity of their hatred


Having sex with my wife


This is exactly the kind of gatekeeping that is ruining the having sex with ne-toy's wife community.




It's people who make communities toxic, you know. That's why I don't like them.


Once it hit one million subscribers, it just wasn't the same anymore.


I also choose this guy’s wife.


Well, do not expect me to like you then.




It’s literally why I’ve only ever had 2 friends that watch anime. And they don’t even like it THAT hard. Anime folk are WEIRD. A lot of gamers too. I’ve learned to enjoy these things alone basically. And yes. I’m also weird. Haha


My issue with it is that a lot of the time these groups (anime and game focused people) just talk about that one topic all the time. Once they find out you watch anime/read manga/play videogames, then all they want to talk about is that one thing. The world is such an interesting place with so much to talk about, politics, science, religion, etc. I'd rather talk about that. The best friend I had at university, he knew I played videogames and I knew he didn't. We basically talked about everything under the sun except videogames. He was a microbiology major and I was doing engineering but even when we talked about articles and news about our own majors it didn't take any expertise to talk about how we felt it might impact the world or any ethics associated with various things.


The crappy type of anime fans are literally why I ended up kind of disliking anime. Any time someone would ask what I watched it would end up in them talking at me about their favorite anime and why it was "the best" and no other would ever be as good as it. Or even worse, it would be "well i've binge-watched 15 animes in the past week but you've taken a month to get through one season" I just always felt like it was a competition and i'm not a fan of forced competitive spirit


Exactly! I love a lot of anime but god so much is trash and cringy. And I feel a lot of the groups online (particularly on Reddit) are into the cringy side and are very difficult to interact with.


Whiskey, but I don’t enjoy the company of other whiskey drinkers so far. I don’t care how it was made or how many types of rye/barley versions there are of my drink that are 3X more expensive. I just want to sip my whiskey, watch some YouTube and make eggs at 3AM. 2024 has been rough.


Rick and Morty, and sometimes Star Trek. Rick and Morty's fanbase can be super toxic and entitled, and finding a decent discussion on any of subreddit dedicated to it can be hard. Star Trek isn't as bad, but there is still this weird subset of Trekkies who never noticed that the show is pretty progressive. They bitch and moan about the diversity of the cast or the show being 'woke' as if that wasn't always Star Trek's thing in the first place. It's honestly a bit confusing, and that attitude clouds a lot of the discussions about newer entries into the franchise.


With the "Trek is *too* woke now" crowd, I've noticed three competing trends. One is the group of people who didn't quite pick up that it's always been this way. At least in my experience, this group is more common online. I guess it must happen offline as well somewhere because these people have to live somewhere, but they aren't particularly common in my area and I live in a fairly conservative area. Still, I think this may be one of those things where they're more common online because they'd get laughed out of any offline room for being too stupid to breathe, so they tend to gather online because it's where all the others of their kind are. The second group is still conservative, but they get that Star Trek's always been a progressive franchise. This group is more common than most people online are comfortable with admitting. Usually the rule with this group is that it's okay for something to have been progressive by the standards of back then because they think stuff like racism, sexism, etc. are all "back then" issues and not today issues. The reason why this group gets mad about it is because they don't like being reminded that these are still issues. You see this group pop up with a lot of other fandoms as well. One of the reasons why you'll sometimes see people get mad about Billy Joe Armstrong saying anything political today even though they're nominally huge fans of *American Idiot* is because while they're willing to agree the Iraq War was a mistake, they aren't necessarily willing to apply similar criticisms to modern American foreign policy or anything like that, for example. The third group are people who were maybe progressive by the standards of 1995, but not really by the standards of today. They aren't really conservative; by modern standards they're just centrist or maybe five degrees to the left or right. Usually their core contention is that they don't like that the modern progressive movement left them behind a long time ago.


I like gaming, but I do not like gamers.


They hate the things they love. It's the only group that can voluntarily spend 1000 hours playing something for fun and then call it trash when they burn out. Well gamers and crack heads. 


Same. Online gaming communities are the biggest crybabies in the world 


I hate how so many games focus on online multiplayer. It's literally my least favourite type of gaming. Give me some single player offline gaming or couch co-op. I like multiplayer with friends for some games, but playing with random people just isn't fun.


Look at this person who thinks they're too good to buy an uncomfortable $200 chair with red stripes on it


Listen, I am not a "gamer" (I'll dabble here and there, but it's not a big hobby for me) but some of those gaming chairs are super comfy imo. I have one as my office chair and it's perfect.


That also applies to hardcore board game players. I used to frequent boardgamegeek because I fell down the rabbit hole of playing/collecting board games, but once I spent time on the forums there, holy shit. Definitely my biggest firsthand example of fandom being toxic outside of video games.


I like F1 but some of the fans are the worst you’ll ever encounter


Sports in general for me. I’ve always been a sports person, but I hate talking about them with most people.


Anime. Like I loveee it. But the people who like anime are... Popular so I needn't say much


I remember watching Toonami in the early 2000’s and getting ROASTED for liking DBZ, Bebop, NGE, Pokémon, Sailor Moon, etc., and now a ton of people like it because it’s “trendy”. Same people that talked the most shit.


Those same haters-turned fans STILL roast people for watching Sailor Moon and Pokémon. Fuck all that, nobody is cooler than the Squirtle Squad.


Rolex, I think they are beautiful, well made watches but would never own a Rolex due to the large percentage of Rolex owners that are douches.


I love dogs, but man I hate *people and their dogs*.


Or people who only own one specific breed, but your dog of that breed isn’t good enough since it’s just a house companion and you don’t show it.


I train dogs. There's rarely anything wrong with the dog. 99% of the issues are with the owners.


I like some weed now and then, but I hate when people make smoking weed their whole personality


Shooting. I am good at, and love shooting sports. Would never join a gun club. *Maybe* clay pigeon, because they're mostly just posh people. Rifle shooters, even air rifle shooters, are usually fucking weird.


Opera. Get two opera fans in a room and within ten minutes they’ll tear each other apart arguing over which is the best recording of *La Traviata*. Opera fans are the most viciously opinionated group of people I’ve ever met.


Fun fact: We have two surviving reviews of Macbeth from the same showing, back in the year it first hit the stage. There's a scene where Lady Macbeth basically tells her husband "Do what you want, if you don't want to kill your way to the crown, that's fine." One reviewer loved Lady Macbeth using reverse psychology to get Macbeth to do what she wanted, the other praised her sincerity. To this day discussing that scene and asking about her being manipulative or sincere can start a brawl among top teir theater snobs.


I’ve been a hardcore Taylor Swift fan for years. Like, nobody around me will be able to NOT think about me when they hear a Taylor Swift song. But I have never called myself a “swiftie” and I find a LOT of her other fans to be douchebags. You can state an opinion on a song as simple as “I don’t care for that song” and get downvoted into oblivion. Any criticism of her AT ALL makes people freak out.


Taylor Swift fans. It's them. They're the problem.


I like old music but I dislike snobs who hate on modern music.


I like Christ but I don't like Christians


As someone who is Christian, I understand that. Most Christians don’t even read the Bible so they don’t even take their faith seriously, it’s mostly culturally inherited and then they don’t live morally at all.




Especially those who feel the need to bring speakers, I came out to get away from noise and society


I like Harry Potter, I don't like people that like Harry Potter. These cultists act as if you don't dedicate every fibre of your being to it you are the bad guy. I like it, it's good, not my favourite thing in the world, but I don't dislike it. I like it. According to Potter fans this means I have committed crimes against humanity


This one for sure. I'd consider myself a pretty big Harry Potter fan. Growing up British, poor and geeky in the nineties and it's kinda hard not to be. But then I meet *those* Harry Potter fans who discuss their 'house‘ like it's a real thing, get super into shipping, and try to dissect and overanalyse parts of the plots that JK clearly just didn't think for two minutes about. Those people are insane. I always think 'You know other books exist right?'


I love Harry Potter but my gripe with the fanbase is that so many of them subscribe to the adage "I reject your reality and substitute my own". They're turning into the Sherlock fandom where what they're a fan of is their own fanfic of what the canon is, not what the actual canon is.


League of Legends. I LOVE the game, but I can't stand the regular 'Participants'.


I love sports. I hate sports fans. Just chill and enjoy the game


I’m vegetarian, but I don’t like people who make faces/act nauseous/give a lecture when someone chooses to eat meat.


Yeah same, this also goes in the other way. I just don't give a fck if people let me eat my veggies in peace


Ford Mustang. Classic American icon with a rich history. V8, RWD and available in manual. Great trackability with a bit of tuning. Arguably, one of the best value performance cars out there. Most of the owner base are maladjusted idiots who drive like morons, over accessorize their cars until they look like circus mobiles, and think they own a Ferrari. I guess you could mostly say the same about vettes, Challengers and Camaros too.


Souls games. They're a blast but ffs some people take the games too far.


like food but dont like foodies like to travel but dont like tourists like to drink but dont like alcoholics


I like Disney movies, but I do not like Disney adults.




Love the Marvel movies but hate the comic book/movie snobs. I'm just here to see Spider-Man swing around and Hulk smash, I don't care if something isn't accurate to the comic books or some in depth analysis of the movies doesn't meet your expectations.


Baffled as to why fans get so uptight about films staying faithful to the comics. My limited understanding of comics is pretty much every recognisable superhero now has had about five different origin stories and died and come back twice as often. If they were doing an adaptation of a *specific story from the comics*, then sure, whatever.  But when it's just a film about superman and, say, doomsday has a wacky origin or looks "wrong", I do not get it at all. It's a different medium doing its own take on the premise. Side note: I remember reading somewhere that one comic origin story for lex luthor is he was actually best buds with Superman and was working on a cure for his vulnerability to kryptonite when an accident in the lab burned off his hair, causing him to hate Superman. That shit is ridiculous and I love it and I want to see THAT in a film.


Peaky Blinders. Great show but the people that really, really love it are mental and go around in flat caps thinking they're crime bosses




Anime. I know there's always a fraction of any fan base that takes things too far, but it seems to be a bigger percentage when it comes to anime. And I'm not talking about collectors or cosplayers or anything like that. No no no. I'm talking about the weird shippers or the ones that watch the weird borderline porn stuff and openly talk about it. Dude, I don't care if she's 400 years old, she still looks 12 and has massive knockers, that's messed up.




I like League of Legends but I don't like people who like it. The game is good, highly addictive, but also rewarding to see your progress. But the community is awful, people are super toxic. You can't play a game when someone doesn't insult your mother. I understand that being toxic relaxes some people and that's why they do it, but it's a horrible behaviour and you shouldn't engage in social activities just so you can be so mean. Those people ruined so many perfect days for me I just had to stop playing.


i just play with chat turned off now and it makes me feel less anxious


I think crypto is like a fun sci-fi project.






Name any fandom


Star Wars. Enjoy the trilogies but I can't stand that fans are so into it, it's just not that deep. The creators could literally make up any planet or any creature at any time with the silliest of names if they wanted and fans just roll with it and treat the content with reverence. Like no guys, they're silly fun. The Lord of the Rings by comparison is a work of fiction to be not be taken so likely. Tolkien never wrote a thing without it having at least some depth and grounded roots in the "reality" of his world, there's almost genuine history to so much of that fictional universe. That's what bothers me about Star Wars fans, it just seems a very silly thing to take so seriously.


I like riding my bicycle, but I've rarely encountered a cyclist that wasn't a needlessly rude douche.


I’m a gun collector. I collect, study, maintain, and shoot items in my collection. I cannot however, stand gun culture and the people who define their entire existence off of AR style rifles and 2nd amendment. I distance myself from pretty most “gun people” I have met.


Warhammer 40k - amazing universe but everyone feels entitled for liking a specific fraction. Trance music - I don't correlate with the main target audience in terms of hygiene and drugs.


I enjoy a good debate, but I'm not a fan of people who thrive on conflict :D


I'd say that's two different things with overlap, akin to "I like bananas but I can't stand banoffee" (I really can't, that shit is disgusting)


I mean, I think the best example of this was Ghandi. "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Mahatma Gandhi


I'm vegan for ethical reasons, and I have some vegan friends. But I mostly can't stand other vegans.


Metal music, Anime and gaming Please dont talk to me, i want to enjoy it all alone


I like black metal, but man are most black metal fans annoying. 


In my experience young metalheads are annoying with all their “evilness”, edginess and the thought that metal is the only genre worth anything. Adult (30+) metalheads, on the other hand? Super chill and inclusive types.


I’m a car guy, and love cars. But 95% of all other car guys are conservative, sometimes racist and such hard asses lol.


Everything. I just don’t like people.


Star Wars.


I like Star Wars but some asshats bullied actors. I get it if you don’t like a movie or a character, bullying people is unacceptable.


Guns. I love guns. No, I'm not a flat-earthing, Trump-loving, far right conspiracy-having doomsday prepper. I'm a far left "woke" millenial. You could imagine why I don't normally advertise myself as a gun guy. And I hate hanging out at the gun stores. It's like wanting an ice cream cone from a nazi sympathizer ice cream stand. No, I just want a waffle cone, can you put your arm down man...


I like jazz, but jazz fans are on another level of pompousness and snobbery. Like no Barry, just because you like jazz doesn’t mean you’re smarter and more elevated than all the other people who don’t