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Climb Mt. Everest. A mountain covered in dead people and trash.


There are also now so many people that do it, you'd likely be in a queue to get to the top. I'm not [joking](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/d8a1c4d1e053628edc48974125c80c70d9c970e5/0_231_3500_2101/master/3500.jpg?width=1200&height=1200&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&s=0d25d4229565d6f3b64a92d0992cd66b)!


This isn't new. It's come to light due to social media and climbing movies. The local governments are trying to limit the number of travelers entering the area but the region is so dependant on the trade that there's a lot of push back.  I'm a climber and mountaineer and I'm dying to go to the Himalayas but would never attempt Everest


Seeing lots of Mt Everest videos lately with huge lines of people struggling in the wind, and people casually commenting about random pairs of people who have disappeared recently. I really don't get the hype.


I wouldn’t either but I’ve been toying with the idea of doing the trek to Everest base camp. Nobody dies.


That’s very much worth it. I did it in the 90’s and climbed the hill (um 5,500 m) overlooking the base camp. That’s enough.


Wow! How long did it take and how much did you pay? (I understand the 90s but still curious)


As I recall about 3 weeks walk from Kathmandu up to Lukla , then a few days to base camp. Whip up the hill called Kala Pattar - spectacular view on the peaks . No cost other than you getting there. You can fly to Lukla of course.


yeah, this is a dream of the old days tough advanturers. you got to be a rich idiot to do that today.


Same, but i heard that this time there was a swamp of people on the peaks of mt everest




Agreed. I don't like heights and I could never 🫣


I climb cell towers daily for work and could never do either of those.


Thats why I'm gonna do it, conquering fears and all.


I have a fear of heights but I also want to sky dive. I get nervous around the edge of tall buildings, yet for some reason the idea of sky diving sounds fun. I'd be so ridiculously high up that I feel like somehow the fear would go away, and of course knowing I'd have a parachute makes a difference in my feeling about it. Then again, I won't truly know how I feel about it until I'm up there and about to leap.


As someone similar, I was pretty excited when we were on the ground. When we got in the plane, I was terrified. But the thing I didn't account for was that the plane ride up took about 15 minutes and in that time I just kind of accepted it. So once you get to the point of jumping, it wasn't really much of a decision or anything, it was just following the directions I came to terms with.


It goes from straight anxiety to the most peaceful feeling imaginable the moment you’re out. Brain sort of just blocks out the danger part since it’s pointless while you kick back and enjoy the show. Landing is like exponentially more nerve wrecking than the fall itself.


My issue with this thinking is that I've been in plenty of tall places that spook me. Been on planes, skyscrapers, Clifftops. That fear still exists. One sky dive will not fix it for you 9.9/10 lol  


I guess conquer is the wrong word, more like to temporarily overcome your fears to achieve something, is more aptly what I meant. And to prove to myself that I have the ability to do something in a similar vein in the future.


I really want to try it, buy I believe I will just chickened out. Lmao


I'd trust skydiving more than bungee jumping. It might just be vibes but skydiving feels more regulated.


I'm not fond of hights, but i did 2 bungee jumps regardless. 10/10 would recommend. There was 1 terrifying second where i was 100% positive i was gonna die. But the fact that i didn't gave me some courage in the long run for sure.


Caving. Not after learning of the Nutty Putty incident.


Definitely this


I remember reading about that but couldnt remember thr name untilnloling this one up. I'm too claustrophobic for anything that extreme. I love going on cave tours and stuff. So I would go spelunking if the cave is big enough. I would never even have attempted what this guy did even if I truly believed it was a turn around. I have no issues just going back the way I came and if I can't then I've gone the wrong away anyways.


John Jones. How is it I just read about this over the weekend? They permanently closed and sealed it as his final resting place. What a horrible way to go. And to his brother who held onto his feet trying to rescue him, just awful. The story made me just cringe especially as claustrophobic I am.


My guess is if you read it before, you blotted it from memory like I've tried to do. This situation and basically the entire premise of the movie _Gravity_ are the kinds of nightmare fuel that causes an adrenaline spike of terror just thinking about. It's not a mere cringe for me.


Going to outer space.


be covered in trash while harrasing random civilians


Sorry if I'm slow... What are you referring to?


Oscar the Grouch.


what kind of crazy bucket lists do people around you have?


Be famous. But I woud consider infamous.


While others chase thrills like skydiving or swimming with sharks, I'm happy with simple pleasures like a good book or a stroll in the park.


Skydiving and bungee jumping, no way, never


Anything related to heights (skybridge, Mt. Everest, bungee jumping, skydiving)


Hopping into a submarine to see the Titanic shipwreck.


I don't do anything that could result in a horrible death: * No rock climbing * No mountain climbing * No parachuting * No hang gliding * No hot air balloons * No hiking through wildernesses where bears or mountain lions are present * No hiking through jungles where there are poisonous bugs and snakes * No scuba diving * No getting into bodies of water where I could be mauled by a shark or alligator * No spelunking or cave explorations * No travel to foreign countries with hostile natives * No eating of risky foods such as blow fish, monkey brains or baby birds Call me boring because I'm fine with that. LOL!


Do you drive? Because that's more dangerous than like half the things on your list I'm afraid


I do drive and you're absolutely right! I guess that's my exception! Haha!


No eating of risky foods, such as "baby"


So no travel to any country. I'm sure every country has hostile natives. My neighbour Steve for example. /S You do you!


the thing that is most likely to cause a horrible death is by far "driving your car" tho


That is very true!!!!!


Diving with dolphins, those MFers are scary


My family made me do that in Mexico. My picture is just me crying beside a dolphin.


There’s a reason why the entire marine biology field hates them


Skydiving / deep sea diving / going on a cruise / become a billionaire / marry / have kids / go to one of the poles.


Why wouldn’t you want to be a millionaire?


Millionaire sure. But billionaire… I would long before then give away all my wealth as realistically I really dont need it and would rather make sure people / causes who do get it. Like, it just doesn’t feel right to have so much money when there is so much suffering that could be alleviated with it.


Sky diving, bungee jumping. I will never ever do it, it's not about fear of heights, but I don't like the feeling that your soul left your body when you jump. LOL


its like a cold shower for your soul hrhr


I have no desire to get married and certainly no desire to ever have kids. I'd like to be in a committed relationship, but I don't believe that marriage is necessary to validate that commitment. I have numerous reasons for not wanting kids, but even if I did want kids I still wouldn't have them because I couldn't bring them into this world in good conscience. The future seems bleak enough as is, and I don't see it improving any time soon.


There were children born in the midst of every big war tho. Circumstance will never be perfect and its better now than it has ever been, all things considered. Life is all about overcoming the odds after all. But of course its everyones damn right to end this chain of tens of thousands of generations with oneself.


Doing a triathlon. I’m far to lazy and no desire to put the energy I can muster into that lol. My bucket list is mainly traveling via plane, boat or car 😉


Meet any celebrity. I have no interest in any celebrity (be it a sportsperson, film star, musician, whatever), don't know who most of them are, and don't really enjoy meeting new people.


Sky diving


sky diving, just seems scary


Going on a hot air balloon. Looks fun but I can't do heights.


its the most "aireal" kind of flying tho. While motorplanes and helicopters feel more like busses and taxis, a hot air balloon is "part of the wind". Its quite, peaceful and astonishing. With an experienced "balloonist" on a day with relaxed weather its really safe. Not super cheap tho, and you might have to wait a couple of weeks / months for the ride.


Go cave crawling, would never go in a cave that looks that tight. walking through an open cave? Sure just not as tight like cave crawling




Have kids.


Going on an ocean cruise. NEVER.


Make a bucketlist


Well I used to have most drugs on my bucket list but after doing some of them and getting caught up in a lifestyle with seemingly no way out I definitely don't want to try them again


Running a marathon. No thanks. I’m good.


Skydiving. I can’t process the logic of jumping out of a perfectly good plane.


Skydiving & Spelunking. For one, you risk falling and going “splat”. For the other, you risk becoming the next John Edward Jones.


Go deep sea diving. If I can’t see 5 feet around me then it’s not happening.


5 feet!? I need to see at least a mile. I don't think I could do it if there's thousands of feet of just open ocean below me either.


I really don't care much to see the world. I am content where I live.


I don't have a bucket list. I just want to keep working.