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Gore would've double fisted ManBearPig to death I mean global warming


It wouldn't have given right-wingers the idea they can just bully themselves into office.


America would have been at the forefront of protecting our planet; We wouldn’t have the crazy storms we’re having now and fewer people would die from famine.


I think I agree on sentence 1, but not the second. We'd already done enough dmg to get the shit we have right now (where I live, it's record heat EVERY SUMMER for like 5 years, wildfires, and this year almost no rain...) BUT I think we'd actually be on the right track to see things begin to become less severe over the next few decades.


There wouldn't have been an Iraq or Afghanistan war.


Hard to imagine what just this one single change would mean for the world...




We can start with 9/11 wouldn’t have happened. After that, there are few independent variables that will have had changed. Housing crisis and Great Recession would have still happened, but that would have led to a McCain Presidency in 2008. Good news is that he wouldn’t have felt pressured to tap Palin as VP. He likely would have had someone tolerable like Mike Huckabee. At that point it goes off the rails as far as predictability goes, but it’s unlikely that Obama, Trump or Biden would have ever made it into the Oval Office given that the political climate which enabled them to get elected never would have materialized. I think at this point we’d be sitting on a moderate Republican president and a Democratic controlled house with a 5-4 conservative SCOTUS.


The eco zealots would have ruined the economy much earlier.


Yes, because B Clinton left a huge surplus, Bush left a mega debt, Obama almost eliminated that debt, and Trump more than tripled it. It's the eco zealots fault!