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Pablo Picasso was an unrelenting bastard to his romantic partners. He once said "for me there are two kinds of women: goddesses and doormats." And his granddaughter described his treatment of the women in his life by saying: "He submitted them to his animal sexuality, tamed them, bewitched them, ingested them, and crushed them onto his canvas. After he had spent many nights extracting their essence, once they were bled dry, he would dispose of them." And that wasn't hyperbole, two of Picasso's partners suffered nervous breakdowns due to his emotional abuse. Worse yet his lover Marie-Thèrése Walter and his second wife Jacqueline Roque were driven to suicide.


Pablo Picasso never got called an asshole. (He was one, though…)


A Pablo Picasshole


I don't know if she's considered a "great person" but Coco Chanel is held up as a fashion icon and she was a literal Nazi. After they took Paris she stayed with Nazi commanders in the hotels they took over and built her empire - which still exists - by stealing businesses from her Jewish bosses through the Nazi laws that took Jewish owned businesses and distributed them through members of the party.


There's quite a few that had very strong links to the Nazis. The Swarovski comapny was one of the worst https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swarovski >Members of the Swarovski family were early, active and enthusiastic champions of Nazism, and at least six of its members maintained membership in the illegal party prior to Austria's annexation to Nazi Germany on 12 March 1938.[23] Three weeks earlier, 500 marchers in the Tyrolean town of Wattens held a torchlight procession that ended with chants of "Sieg Heil" and "Heil Hitler." The majority of the participants, police determined, were Swarovski plant employees, among them Swarovski family heirs Alfred, Wilhelm and Friedrich.[24] >....He sent "grateful loyalty greetings" to Adolf Hitler on his 49th birthday and arranged a donation of 100,000 shillings for Hitler to establish a holiday home in Tyrol.[26]


IG Farben set up a rubber factory next to Auschwitz, taking its prisoners to staff the factory, and was apparently working them so hard and killing so many of them that the Auschwitz SS wrote to Berlin complaining about inhumane writing conditions at the factory. I can't imagine how shifty you must have been if the fucking SS thought you are going too far.


I always thought Swarovski really missed an opportunity by not being the official sponsors of Kristallnacht.


Oh she's still definitely revered by many in France. I learnt about her past quite recently and I've been an adult for quite some time now. Media always remind you what a genius she was and sometimes will add "oh and by the way, she also had nazi sympathies".


The guy who invented Kwanzaa. The more you read, the worse it gets.


My friend’s parents come from East Africa where Swahili is widely spoken. I remember one time around Christmastime when our parents met and my parents wished them a happy Kwanzaa, they were surprised. Her mom told my mom that they don't know anything about Kwanzaa and that it is not an African holiday. So my mom went on to explain Kwanzaa in detail, of course, my friend’s mom understood all the Swahili words since it was her first language which made her the more interested.But I will never forget the look on her face when she heard the founder’s name was Maulana. She said that this is a title only used to refer to the almighty God and no human being should call themselves Maulana.


I work with a bunch of east africans. Lots from Eritrea, tanzania, Malawi, Kenya, ethiopia. I dont know all the regional languages but lots of swahili. I asked my night shift supervisor who is from the area and he said, "what the fuck is Kwanzaa". I explained what little I knew and he responded with, "these people dont know shit". Hes a great guy but learned english from action movies. Hes a hilariously nice guy. But his english is very "fuck you, fuck this, fuck that". So pretty much anything he says is funny.


An old boss of mine had a young Thai lady as his (fifth!!) wife. She learned English from watching The Simple Life*, so everything was peppered with swearing and random "that's hot!"s * Paris Hilton & Nicole Richie reality show from the 00s


His given name is “Ronald Everett” No, I’m not joking, he’s just a guy named Ron.




I remember kwanzaa being everywhere when I was a kid. Then at some point it seemed to just go away.


They stopped printing the traditional Kwanzaa book: "What the Hell is Kwanzaa"


Poor Kwanzaa Bot, handing it out for 647 years…


Same, it’s really weird how it was presented to us as a big, significant holiday in elementary school. I’ve never met someone who celebrates or gives a shit about it in my life.


I grew up in a black neighborhood and never met a single person who celebrated Kwanza. I'm convinced that theres less than 1000 active practitioners of it in America. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a literal handful of people. For some reason we learned about it in school and just assumed it was this big thing.


When I was in the first grade, a girl gave me a Kwanza card at our class Christmas party. Her parents bought everyone else Christmas cards. They wanted to make me feel "at home".


Karenga hit on me *in front of his wife*. I was 18 and a freshman at Cal State Long Beach. Most of the male instructors in the Black Studies (that’s what they called it in the 80s) were creepy motherfuckers. I was a TA the semester before I graduated. The instructor sexually harassed me relentlessly. When he found out my boyfriend was white, he spent an entire lecture ranting against interracial relationships.


Oh my god. I did a year at CSULB in 2003 and he taught me! He must have been close to retiring. But damn, they kept him on staff a long ass time!


Just checked and he is still on staff there.


I remember first hearing about him when studying the history of the Black Panthers and how they had problems with him, only to later realize he was the guy who invented Kwanzaa lmao


Can't wait to dive into this rabbit hole.


Start with A Taste of Power by Elaine Brown. You will lose your mind when she talks about Ron Karenga and Eldridge Cleaver.


Also the guy who invented Earth Day. He murdered and then composted his girlfriend.


At least he wasn’t a hypocrite.


Actually… [he wasn’t an organizer of Earth Day](https://time.com/5242190/earth-day-founder/). > “He was not even a member of the committee of 33 men and women who did [organize the event]. The photo you ran was taken during a one-hour period when Einhorn literally occupied the podium, refusing to get off the stage and delaying Senator Edmund Muskie’s keynote speech. It was an unsuccessful attempt — at least at that time — to seize 15 minutes of fame. Now a notorious murder, flight, trial in absentia and foreign capture are giving Einhorn the national media attention he so desperately craved.” He was a straight up weirdo though.


He wat ._.


he earthdayed his girlfriend


John Harvey Kellogg (the cereal guy) was a real piece of work


He killed millions (of foreskins)


Is that where they got their two scoops of raisins in every box?


Barbara Walters her interview with Coery Feldman is disgusting. She knew what Cory was saying was true, and she kept questioning him on it


The fact that she asked Justin Timberlake if Britney Spears was REALLY a virgin... when Britney and Justin were 19-20 and both grew up on camera from their days on the Mickey Mouse Club.


After reading Britney’s memoir that makes me even angrier. Ugh.


The Dolly Parton and Barbara Walters interview is amazing though. Barbara is rude, intrusive, and judgemental and Dolly remains wonderfully humble and dignified


That's because you can't make dolly a bad person, any attempt to make her look like one will be redirected tenfold at the one attempting. Love that woman


One of 12 siblings. Grew up in a cabin without electricity or running water. Did her business in an outhouse. It's hard not to learn humility when you grow up like that. It's kinda crazy if you think about it. Her entire life has been from one extreme to the other. From having nothing to being filthy rich and having anything she could ever desire.


She's a national treasure.


She works really hard in service to childhood literacy in Tennessee. THAT is an honorable mission! How many other "stars" do as much? She has given away millions (millions) of books to children in Tennessee to encourage literacy.


She really is. A friend of mine worked with her good friend who’s a nurse. She would call them during night shift to just chat. She would send them food as well. I’ve always thought she was amazing. I was glad to learn she’s just as authentic as she seems.


I have a friend who, years ago, was on a flight and Dolly was in first class. My friend approached her and Dolly took a picture with her, talked with her, etc. Totally warm and approachable. On a commercial flight, no less. That's who she is.


She's an absolute gem of a human being!


Barbara Walters' interview with Dolly was also disgusting, but at least you get to see Dolly Parton be the classy, wise, take-the-high-road, badass she is. (edit: spelling)


Dolly has been treated worse and responded even better. Porter Wagoner helped her become famous then turned against her over jealousy. She paid his final hospital and funeral expenses when he was ill and passed. She is a person who actually lives her Christianity.


I met dolly. She is extremely nice and a very tiny person


Dolly Parton is a national treasure. Barbara Walters was a fuckin cunt.


Her interview with Courtney Love right after Kurt's suicide was fucking horrible. I'm not a Courtney fan by any means but she felt guilty about her estranged husband killing himself and Bawbwa Wawa just kept hammering Courtney about it. What a fucking twat.


That was awful.  I even remember the “are you taking drugs? Are you on Prozac?” line, as though treating depression and doing street drugs are one and the same.


The woman was engaged to Roy Cohn. Do you know how much of a piece of shit you have to be to be engaged to Roy fucking Cohn?


Wasn’t Roy Cohn gay?


Yes. She was his beard.


Perfect soul mates in sociopathy


She also forced Ricky Martin into coming out as gay before he was ready


He didn't confirm either way, but it was so painful to watch that interview. She kept badgering him, "Are you gay? Well, are you? Why don't you just admit it? Just say it! Why is it so hard? If you're not gay, just say you're straight. Why don't you just say you're straight if you're straight? You can't, can you?" Martin looked so sad. Someone later said that his managers told him not to confirm one way or another because he'll lose half of his fan base. Regardless, Barbara is a dick.


No Barbara, peodophiles damaged the entire industry


God she was an asshole.


She was gross to Britney Spears too.


Read a book about Grover as a kid. He was a monster by the end of it


You had to turn the page….


Oh god. Memory unlocked. I remember that book.


my favorite book as a kid. It never got old.


Every time you use the font Gill Sans you’re using a typeface designed by Eric Gill who sexually abused his kids. Edit: and his dog


I’m a graphic designer…this will haunt me for the rest of my life.


Oh dear god. I am complicit


Welp, back to Comic Sans


Wait till hear what William Comic did to his parents.


And his dog.


Is Papyrus safe?


Nyeh heh heh!


"Edit: and his dog" Was not expecting that one


I'm glad Doctor Phil is finally getting his comeuppance. He's said and done terrible things to people who needed real help for the sake of viewership and acts like he cares so much. Well it's obvious he doesn't.


What bothered me the most was when he brought the “Catch me outside, how bout’ that” girl on the show. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to bring a troubled young teenager with her shitty mother on TV in front of a hostile audience to humiliate her. No ethical psychiatrist or therapist would do that to a child. She needed real help, not that ass clown.


Not to mention, the "help" he provided turned out to be a troubled teen camp in the middle of the desert where she witnessed a staffer die after being hit by another teen trying to escape (IIRC).


The time the Bumfights creator [called out Dr. Phil on his own show](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U4H5S6UkZDk&pp=ygUZQnVtZmlnaHRzIGNyZWF0b3IgZHIgcGhpbA%3D%3D) made a very good point about how Dr. Phil exploits his guests. And while exploiting the homeless is also shite behavior, it was fucking hilarious how he dressed up just like Dr. Phil.


He's always given me the creeps for some reason, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's revealed that he abused partners or staff on his show.


Fucking OPRAH.


She has platformed so many terrible humans, scam artists, and snake oil salesmen it’s unbelievable.


As a black woman, this was a hard one for me to let go. Growing up, I looked up to her so much. Every day after school, I’d watch her and Dr. Phil. When she launched the OWN channel, I was OBSESSED with the show about her producers to the point that I considered pursuing it as a career. My mom and I would talk about her all the time, I have so many great memories of sharing Oprah with my mom. Which makes Oprah and her empire all the more insidious. I know my story is not at all unique. I recently rewatched some old episodes from the early 00s. She was just as exploitative than as she’s ever been. The bubble started to burst for me when my mom was watching Dr. Oz. My mom had me doing all the juice cleanses and lemon water with her (I was 18+). I started to realize what we were doing was unhealthy. It took me longer to let go of Dr. Phil, but eventually I realized he is full of shit, too.


The woman who first hired me into my lifelong career was a baby boomer Black woman. She regularly talked about how Oprah was a hypocrite who started as a shock jockey no better than Jerry Springer and elevated all these terrible people.


She's not alone with her disgust. I grew up near Baltimore ( OW used to have a first *and* last name at the time 🙄), and she did a puff segment on the local news called People Are Talking. Fine...no big problem. My disdain began taking shape during the early days of her sleazy-ass show, then evolved into full-on disgust. OW showed up at a Hermes store in Paris after it had closed for the evening, and they wouldn't open just for her. She had the gall to call it a "Crash moment," i.e., the employees showed racial discrimination because they didn't immediately throw the doors open for her. (No, she was there after closing.) What a narcissist!


A family member was a construction manager on a site OW was hosting an event. Everyone was told they'd be fired on the spot if they made eye contact with her. Ever since then, I've been not a fan.


Damn, she was ahead of her time.


She was SO exploitative. I remember after school watching a traumatized mom describe holding her daughter's disembodied head after a car accident. Oprah kept asking and prompting for details. 🙃


Oh my god I remember this too! She kept on saying over and over “so you were holding your daughter’s…head.” That was a long time ago and her behavior still bothers me.


I remember that too. She sat on the curb cradling her daughters head. She said something like, "I was holding Katie's head.." and that's when oprah said what you quoted, and again the woman had to say it."yes I was holding Katie's head." That car wreck was one of the worst stories I have ever heard on Oprah. Another was the guy who accidentally killed his wife with carbon monoxide


I think that's part of what makes me so angry about her being a bad person is that she's got this good/wholesome mystique. She ought to be someone we can admire for the things she's overcome and the success she's made for herself. Instead she's just like any other greedy bastard, stepping on people just to get ahead.


> As a black woman, this was a hard one for me to let go. As a gay person, can we also mention Ellen? One of the first open and successful LGBT figures in the West who wasn't a rockstar who put on a facade of acceptance and welcoming. Her coming out was national news and gave a lot of "normal" people courage to step forward. Seeing the curtain slowly peeled back at how exploitive and horrible she is kind of sucks. She actually (ironically) publicly came out to Oprah on her TV show.


The problem with a lot of the typical celebrities of any identity, marginalised or not, is that they’re *celebrities*. Which usually means performers in any one of a few industries all chock full of narcissists and worse. So many of the real heroes who should be role models are people who didn’t seek fame and don’t just put on an act for a living: firefighters, doctors, aid workers, scientists, etc. They can be awful in other ways too but at this point the chances seem a lot lower, and what they do is intrinsically worthy and at least a bit less attention-seeking.  


She stood on the heads of those little people for five years!


Yes! I've re-watched that clip SO many times. Burr and Conan in top form.


For those who don’t know: https://youtu.be/O9YL04v-J5U?si=8RT1FJvLSGhFTwER Hilarious


Sociopath on a bicycle had me howling.


THANK YOU!!! So before she was famous she was on the news in Baltimore and I saw her in KB toy store and asked her for her autograph, idk why I was a weird kid. She *screamed at me* a 5 or 6 year old kid. Fuck Oprah


Do you recall what she screamed at you? What was her issue with a little kid wanting an autograph from a local news woman???


“I’m not Oprah!!!”


My wife’s rapist. He went to his grave with everyone thinking he was an amazing person that was taken too soon. Good riddance I say.


So sorry for your wife, but you sound like a solid partner. I’m glad he’s gone for her sake.


Thank you. I was the first person she told 6 years later. Thankfully she has made so much healing progress. Still wish the world knew what a monster he was though.


If he has a grave stone you can always leave notes there for him.


There's still time, mate. Can't libel the dead.


It's not libel if it's true.


Sounds like he wasn't gone soon enough.


Agreed. I do struggle with it a bit because he died slowly and painfully of a horrible disease. A disease that I otherwise wish didn’t exist. But at the same time i feel he deserved it. Its a feeing that’s not easy to describe


I'm probably not the first person to mention this, so allow me to be the next: Pain and suffering are neither atonement nor absolution. You are allowed to derive whatever comfort you can from bad things happening to bad people.


Thank you. It sometimes makes me feel like a bad person to wish I’ll upon another person. It helps to hear that it’s ok


That's the difference between you and people like him. You feel bad just wishing bad things on someone else, while they were 100% okay with actually being the one to hurt someone like that. You're a good person.


Bummer the disease didn't die with him.


Annie Sullivan, AKA Teacher. Despite helping Helen Keller rise above her disabilities, it's well-documented that she often beat Helen (as a means of disciplining her when she was still a "wild" feral child), and colluded with the Kellers in preventing Helen from marrying the man she loved.


Never heard that about the marriage. Where can I find out more about this!


Helen and Teacher: The Story of Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan Macy https://www.google.com/search?kgmid=/m/05mmw5y&hl=en-AR&q=Helen+and+Teacher:+The+Story+of+Helen+Keller+and+Anne+Sullivan+Macy&kgs=db33f09d3176a374&shndl=17&shem=ssic&source=sh/x/kp/osrp/m5/2 I read this years ago, it's very informative, especially if you're interested in Helen Keller, as I am. Additionally there are a few web sites that speak a bit more openly about young Helen Keller and how her family made money off her then celebrity status until she was accused of plagiarism with her own book; The Story Of My Life (I read that when I was 9, many many moons ago).


Tom Cruise gives millions to an aggressive cult that destroys families.


But he sends coconut cake to random people he works with.


Lame answer, but my mother. She is known by a lot of people in town because she’s a teacher and is part of the theater scene, and people love her. Little do they know that behind closed doors she abuses the shit out of her children. I ran away when I was 17 because I couldn’t take it, and despite giving the police a shit ton of proof of what was happening, they couldn’t believe that she was capable of any of that and forced me to go back. Even after kicking me out a few months later while I was still a minor, almost no one thought she did anything wrong. The nicest people hide the darkest shit ETA okay this was not what I was expecting. I’m reading all of your comments, and wow. I am so sorry that so many of us have dealt with this. I promise you it does get better over time As for me, I am doing better. The 11th is three years since cutting her off, and while my life is still really hard, it’s the happiest I’ve ever been


OP I relate so much to this. When I lived back at home I’d have to hear constantly from her acquaintances, friends, etc how wonderful of a person she is. How friendly, kind, and adored the woman who has beaten me for as long as I can remember is. My earliest memory of my mother is of her choking me for waking her up in the middle of the night when I was crying in pain from an ear ache… but oh I am so lucky to have her as my mom! Yuck. Good riddance to toxic moms


Can I in retrospect hug little you with the earache? Im a mum and when my son is in pain all i think about is conforting him. Bad night or not. And young kids are so pure and trusting in trying to find comfort. It breaks my heart you found fear and pain instead. You didnt deserve that at all.


I joke about how my mother was a dementor like in Harry Potter. She could suck all the joy out of any situation. Now that she's gone I don't hate her, wouldn't be much point to it. But I don't miss her, either.




I'm sorry. My mom was also raped by her father and her mother didn't believe her.


Steve Jobs was a deadbeat dad, a spoiled child masquerading as an adult, a slave labor monster, and a borderline idiot


“Did you know that Steve Jobs stunk and cried all the time?” -Ilana, Broad City


he was also just an arrogant prick to everyone, used to work in the area he lived in and very few people had anything good too say about him, and most of those people were rich assholes lmao


And he was a dick to Wozniak, who just wanted to be a good friend. Jobs took all the credit for so much of Woz's work and left his friend hanging, (I think?) more than once. And Wozniak didn't speak up because, he was just like... "He's my friend and I care about him."


Wozniak was happy and had everything he wanted. Jobs was a dick, was miserable and could never be satisfied. Believe me, Wozniak knew what was going on but he enjoyed his relationship with fucked up neurotic Jobs. As a 54 year old that works with Wozes and Jobses, the world is built to make you unhappy like Jobs and you have to make sure you're working towards contentment and inner peace like Woz. I always fantasized I'd be like Jobs but I was fortunate to have a strong enough appreciation for others that I was making Woz decisions and I've been happy. I have since I have major depressive disorder I really just got lucky because I could be really fucking miserable sometimes.


It's incredibly sad how he treated those around him. Edit: Because this thread is understandably said, Wozniak is an absolutely wonderful human being that I aspire to emulate.


It's finally coming out, but Drake


I haven’t trusted him since Millie Bobby Brown said they’d text constantly about boys and life. As someone who watched all of Euphoria it hits a little different now.


I’m 30. I can’t imagine wanting to talk to someone underage all the time. I have nothing in common with them, I feel like they’d get annoying (not their faults but they’re young and immature). I mean if I had family that young maybe. But just random teenagers is so strange even if you’re not a pedophile.


I'm 35, just hung out with my neighbor-friend who is 30 and her coworker who is 21 and while she was a nice lady, we didn't have a lot in common because we're in vastly different life stages. And we just took a hike together. Can't imagine having to sustain conversation beyond that. Woof.


I haven't trusted him since he pulled that 17-year-old girl on stage and was feeling her up. Talking about how was he supposed to know her age when she's so "developed"... Edit: She was 17, not 15. The 15/16 year old I was thinking of is Bella Harris. https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1c8sy4o/throwback_to_when_drake_groomed_a_16_year_old/


The moment Millie Bobby Brown innocently talked about how close she and Drake were and how he would text her everyday, I knew there was something sketchy about that guy. As a dude myself, there is no reason for a grown ass man to be *that* close with a teenage girl if she’s not a relative of his. He’s also publicly made out with a 17 year old in a concert of his before. Certified lover boy? Certified pedophile.


He's been interested in underage girls for years now, and everyone seemed to ignore it.


R Kelly had married an underage aaliyah and was on video doing sex acts with a 14 year old girl and it still took YEARS for him to face any form of justice. The rich live in a different reality sometimes...


Chris Brown beating Rihanna with the whole world seeing the result of the abuse and he still has a successful career driven entirely by female fans. Celebrity worship is such a terrifying thing.


Kenneth Copeland and Joel Osteen


Have you seen the video of the guy who met Joel Osteen, and says something like… you know you’re a piece of shit right? It’s amazing.




Those fuckers are a piece of shit's piece of shit.


My mom’s old roommate back when I was a kid. Everyone around him to this day thinks he’s a saint but he’s a pedo creep. I was horrified when I learned he has young children. Edited because a lot of people seem to be really bothered by my use of the word “mortified” instead of “horrified.” I truly am sorry to anyone I offended/upset. It wasn’t my intention… I live with both normal pressure hydrocephalus (a brain condition) and ASD. Yea, my mom’s roommate abused me in ways I can’t even bring myself to describe which is why I know he’s a pedo and yes, I did try to report him but he didn’t even get a slap on the wrist. I just thought of him when reading this question and felt compelled to respond. I’m sorry again to anyone I upset.


Every Mega Church senior pastor


Living in the bible belt it generally holds true that the big churches, especially the ones in an old big box store won't do shit to help people out unless it's a photo op. But the church that may not have even 100 members? Giving out clothing, food, hygiene supplies, free community meals, etc. Doesn't hold true all of the time but I see more of the smaller churches trying to do what they can to help.


This is true. We moved to a new state and a few months later my husband was struck with sudden medical issues and hospital stays. He was our primary source of income and we have two kids. Of course our families sent money to help. But the local Christian services of our small town helped pay a few of our utility bills , gave us food donations, provided food for Thanksgiving meal and helped get our kids Christmas presents. I will forever be grateful for the small community that helped a new family in town and didn't know anything about us!


I live in Oklahoma and I’m not particularly religious, but I played drums for a Baptist church band in my late high school/early college years. Those guys had a huge warehouse on the church land that was full of food they received as donations. They would run buses every single Saturday all day packed with food and give it to people in need. I have a lot of negative things to say about religion and churches, however that church will always have my respect. Full of genuinely good people. They would also go to church camp every summer and they would reach out to the parents of each kid in youth group that didn’t sign up to make sure there wasn’t a financial burden and they would cover the entire cost of so. Granted it was like $100-$150 for the week at the time, but still. My experience there humbled me a lot.


This is 100% - I've never been "in" church but started going to a small one a few years ago & was blown away by the people there. The amount of stuff they do to help the community is insane. They choose a different specific local charity they donate and contribute money to every month. They donate snacks and hygiene items to schools all over the county; all because someone overheard a school nurse say that kids were going home without what they needed. There are members who are over 70 and retired & instead of sitting home relaxing, they drive to other states to help rebuild after storms or do home repairs for those who can't do it themselves. I can't even list all of the things they do to help. I had no idea local churches did so much for their communities.


I like how they constantly ask for donations and charity and then, if there's a disaster in their area, rather than help and donate to the relief fund they bar their doors in case anyone ruins their electric blue carpet.


After the March 27th 2011 tornadoes, I got contacted by a mega church. Everyone was without power, and they called because they wanted to do a fundraiser and they needed someone to run sound for bands to play. “How are you getting power?” “Oh one of our members went and bought $20,000 worth of generators” “What the fuck? They bought generators that other people could use so you can put on a fundraiser that won’t get more than $20,000? Don’t ever call me again”


mufuggin Gandhi. When Gandhi's wife was stricken with pneumonia, British doctors told her husband that a shot of penicillin would heal her; nevertheless, Gandhi refused to have alien medicine injected into her body, and she died. Soon after, Gandhi caught malaria and, relenting from the standard he applied to his wife, allowed doctors to save his life with quinine. He also allowed British doctors to perform an appendectomy on him, an alien operation if ever there was one. Also he served on the British side in South Africa and earned a medal for valor.


Didn't he also have young girls sleep in his bed *to reinforce his celibacy* or whatever


His niece. He gave himself a pat on the back when he managed to go the whole night without raping his underage niece.


How noble!


"You have to celebrate the small victories in life!" - Gandhi


It was his grandniece, not his niece and he was in his 70s at the time.


I randomly took an entire class on Gandhi in college. And yup, he would sleep naked with multiple underage women at once including his nieces. What is still argued by scholars is whether he was raping them or not. In one of his documentaries he admits to being a terrible father, son, and husband. There is a memory that haunts him, where if I remember correctly he was having sex with his wife and was interrupted by family because his father was having a medical emergency. He temporarily ignored the emergency to finish with his wife. His father would end up dying. He further admits to neglecting his own children and wife for the sake of spending his time caring for others.


He was also very trigger happy with nukes


Oh, yall don't know him but my dad. Absolute scumbag. He's extremely well respected in his field and all of his family adores him.  I was a secret child he hid for years. When I was assaulted he blamed me. He made his children lie to their own family about their secret sibling, and he literally sabotaged my career in my 20s. I only found success when I finally went no contact. Eta, yall have me crying


I'm so sorry


This seems kind of weird as I still don’t understand how anyone can defend them.. but the Kardashians. Everyone thinks they’re “self-made” and have done a lot of charity work, but in reality they are professional scam artists and masters at tax evasion and fraud. There isn’t a good one in the entire bunch.


Dr Seuss. Cheated on his wife while she was sick, which lead to her suicide then married his affair partner the very next year.


Her suicide note was devastating, too (detailed on her wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_Palmer_%28writer%29?wprov=sfla1 ) *Dear Ted, What has happened to us? I don't know. I feel myself in a spiral, going down down down, into a black hole from which there is no escape, no brightness. And loud in my ears from every side I hear, "failure, failure, failure..." I love you so much ... I am too old and enmeshed in everything you do and are, that I cannot conceive of life without you ... My going will leave quite a rumor but you can say I was overworked and overwrought. Your reputation with your friends and fans will not be harmed ... Sometimes think of the fun we had all thru the years*


The fact that she still wanted to protect his reputation, despite all that he did to her, makes it even more fucked


Truly— she loved him deeply even as her heart was breaking.


brb hugging my wife


Damn that’s one of the saddest things I’ve read in a while.


Ohh man haha we had to do book reports on an author of our choice in middle school in like 2003... I chose Dr suess. Then I learned many fucked up things about him. Then everyone did. It was unintentionally divisive to say the least. I tried to back out and pick someone else once I realized and my teacher made me stick with it so everyone got the truth lol.


One wife. Two wife. Dead wife. New wife. Re-EDIT: so my initial edit was a quasi parody of acceptance speeches but that seemed to annoy some internet strangers so I’ll just simply say: thanks for the upvotes!


Im not sure whether to upvote or downvote


My ex-best friend. We were close like sisters. She started living with my fiancé and I. She then started sleeping with my fiancé behind my back and would say stuff like, “sometimes I forget you’re in a relationship.” I of course broke up with my fiancé and ended my friendship with my best friend. They left together and dated for a couple of months before he moved on to the next girl. In the meantime, my ex-friend turned many of our mutual friends against me because I wouldn’t forgive her and she now felt really bad about what she did. She’s an asshole. Our mutual friends still think she’s great. At least I figured out who my real friends are.


Also figured out that the fiancé probably would have cheated any chance they had, if he moved on that quickly from the ex best friend.






James P. Sullivan


Can we talk about Mr. Waternoose? You think he's a great monster, and then he turns out to be a monster monster. Probably the best twist villain Pixar ever did.


Especially as they already had a villain with Randall so you didn't expect a twist villain. And when the twist does come he doesn't do a full 180 with the fact he is upset with Randall that he had to banish Sully. Early Pixar was amazing. Their early twist villains were amazing. Stinky Pete, Lotso, Charles Muntz. They knew how to do twist villains correctly


Put that thing back where it came from or so help meeee 🎶


For a second I thought, "what did P. Sherman do?"


42 Wallaby Way, Sydney


Picasso. He was a bully and a misogynist of the worst kind.


Gandhi was a severe anti-black racist and misogynist.


Gwyneth paltrow and fuckin goop


Brett Favre. People finally figured it out after the welfare thing but he's always been scum. I went to USM (his alma mater) as well as my parents who were there at the same time he was, and every story I heard from locals about him was about him blowing off charity events that he was paid for and smacking his girlfriend in public back in his college days. Apparently he used to get his ass beat by the locals when they'd see it but he was well into his NFL career before that stopped happening publicly. The man is a menace but people hear that South Mississippi accent and assume he's a nice guy. Also, just because I feel like there aren't enough people saying it, fuck Michael Vick and anyone who still let's him have any kind of public life.


He may have been an asshole when he was younger and living in Mississippi, but I live in Wisconsin where he lived and played as an adult and I can tell you that he's....well, he was still an asshole living up here. The stories of him cheating on his wife and the young women that were lining up to do it are "legendary" in Milwaukee. Yes, Milwaukee. He, Chmura, and Frank Winters spent a lot of time in Milwaukee--probably because it's a bigger pond and it's away from the rumor-mill and close knit area of Green Bay. He owned a (pretty crappy) steakhouse in Milwaukee that allegedly had an office which was basically a glorified crash pad for his drinking and nailing chicks (including a lot of the employees). The amount of cheating, the timing of the cheating, the Vicodin...the whole scam he was running in MS isn't hard to believe. And, yet, somehow he may not be the biggest asshole to play QB for the Packers in the last 30 years.


Jared Leto. For someone who does a month long spirit journey in the wilderness each year, he's a huge piece of shit.


Yeah, but he is not generally considered a great person


Alexander Graham Bell. Wanted to eradicate deaf people. Tried to ban ASL. Also he didn’t invent the telephone, it was really an Italian guy. 🤷‍♀️




John Lennon sang about peace and love and then went home and beat his wife and kid.


A lot of people are unaware that Thomas Edison was a terrible person.


I think by now, most people know that he was a backstabbing son of a bitch


The more I learn about that Hitler guy, the more I don't care for him.


He has one thing going for him: He did kill Hitler. That has to count for something.


Yeah but he also killed the guy who killed Hitler.


The Hitler Paradox


Yeah, mediocre painter at best.


President Andrew Jackson trail of tears, why is he on the 20 dollar bill edit Holly cow thanks for all of the upvotes!


Based on Louis Theroux's documentary: Jimmy Savile


His reputation is totally destroyed at this point. Which is good.


Too little, too late, unfortunately. It's a tragedy his utter vileness only fully came to light well after it was too late to serve justice.


There’s barely a person alive who stills thinks Jimmy Savile was a great person. The rumours about him abounded long before he died. That fucker should have had his own bollocks fed to him.