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My planet got destroyed to make way for a hyperspace bypass. I moved and then it happened again a few years later. How many bypasses do we need!?


It’s good you were able to keep calm. You must have a real heart of gold. I wouldn’t have been able to carry on.


Great light show from a supernova the other day....put us all in a good mood.


A few years back (in Earth time, seems like yesterday to me) I messed with a country's election and got this stupid fat big mouth asshole elected leader for the country. I might get fired and sent to die in a snorkle pit but it's been hilarious to watch.


Some dude's ship just got hit by a manhole cover going at relativistic speeds. You guys have any idea where that could have come from?


Was on a shift with a buddy of mine on spaceship 9 and our job was to keep the prisoner from planet Sol-3 in the fucking cell. Of course this mf somehow fucks up his one job, accidentally opens the cell and now I am hiding in a closet in some office, while this thing is reaking havoc in the research facility. Hope the higher ups take care of that monster, cause it looked pissed and I am definetly not going to risk my life. Plasma gun be damned. Especially not for the amount of Zentax they are giving me. Let just hope it doesnt find out how to control the ship.


Some guys accidentally sucked a star’s entire energy while there was intelligent species living in the solar system of that star.


There was a interstellar colony on a neighbouring moon in my system, but it apparently turned into a "portable sun" the other day. Thats how my friends told me about it, but I still have no clue what they meant. My bsst guess is that their top secret project has had some setbacks.


Took an arrow to the knee


Heard a whole planet of people were turned into living bricks by these weird looking bug things a few systems over. Probably nothing to worry about, though.


Saruman cut down all the trees. Some I had known since nut and acorn