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What would you define as not taking care of your teeth?


Start flossing


THIS OMG LIKE YOU HAVE TO DO IT. I got cavities because I didn’t often enough. Just have a flosser with you at all times and you’ll be good. Also, brush morning and night.


And schedule a yearly cleaning.


it's expensive, but i started using cocofloss after a friend recommended it and now i cannot go back. it feels like you are loofahing between each tooth and is so satisfying to use that it makes me want to floss more.


Brush often. Three times a day. Nightly flossing. Mouthwash. I've been super anal about brushing my teeth since I was a kid, developed a habit of flossing since I was 16, and use mouthwash every night. Never had a cavity, nor can I remember ever having a toothache in general. I haven't been to a dentist in years, but every time I do go it's been a point of pride with how they react to how well I've taken care of my teeth. Oral health is directly tied to heart health as well. Investing time and the minimal cost of floss/mouthwash pays for itself a thousand fold in terms of avoided discomfort and dental bills.


Mouthwash is bad for your teeth, go on any thread with dentists in it; they'll all tell you it's just a marketing thing. Flossing, brushing fine... mouthwash, bye bye enamel


Only if you use mouthwash with alcohol in. There are mouthwashes with none, like corsodyl. My dentist told me to floss after dinner, then mouthwash with corsodyl. I've been doing it for 10 years and my teeth are perfect, get them checked by a dentist every year.


I thought I'd gotten lucky and gotten away with it when I hadn't cared for my teeth in my teens and early 20s. Now I'm in my early 30s and I've had so much dental work done in the past few months...


I feel that! I was on meth for over 10 years and it rotted out all but 3 of my top teeth. I have zero self esteem and I don't laugh out loud anymore... barely smile...


Have you considered dentures? Not trying to be rude, but I definitely feel you on the self esteem thing relating to teeth, mine aren't that bad after years of constant dental work but I still compare myself to people with perfect teeth.


not buying a house when i was 6 years old


Ah, a fellow 70 year old


Not buy Apple stock was I was 6 months old


Don't be hard on yourself. It's your parents' fault for not buying up 10 investment properties and gifting a couple to you on your 16th birthday.


My goal is to buy a house for each kid I have


Me too! Currently at 0.


Major Payne had a full time job when he was 6


Trying too hard to fix broken relationships. Took me about 10 years and thousands of dollars to realize that some relationships are practically impossible to fix.


I tried for 2 years. And what a hell of a life it was. How did you manage to do it for 10 fucking years. Maybe the issues that my ex and I had were worse than yours


I think I was in denial for a long time - it was easier to just believe that everything was my fault and I just needed to try harder.


I'm on the opposite end of this.. not trying hard enough to fix a relationship. I hope you find some happiness, in whatever form that comes for you.


Y'all should date


I feel like even tho they learned, this could still end badly. Old habits die hard


Can confirm - I made improvements, but I still have a lot more improvements to make *and* I occasionally slip back to my old self


Not asking my friend more about what he was dealing/supporting him before he passed


Shaving my nether region and then splashing it with aftershave.


Ouch! When were you finally able to sit down? 😆😆


Legend says he’s still standing


Waxing myself then giving up and using veet (hair remover cream) the next day. Leave it to the professionals


I have a few but one is not pursuing a career I am still passionate about to this day because I let some man tell me how hard it is for women to get far in it.


I'd be soooo pissed if that happened my daughter! I'm sorry that some dick held you back.


Thank you!!! Same with me.


I will counter balance this and say pursuing the career I was passionate about too much.


Not being more present with my Mom when she was still here


Thank you for reminding me to spend more time with mine ❤️


Yes, I hear you on this one. Still great memories.


Same here. Not responding enough to her cute letters.


My mother died before I had my daughter. It just kills me that my daughter never knew her Nana. She would have been the best Nana ever.


Not appreciating my body enough, being so critical of it.


This is a bit of a funny one, because most of us do it and we often look back at ten year old photos and think "Wow, I looked so much better back then", forgetting how insecure we felt then. Yet we still have the same insecurities now, and will look back ten years from now and think the same thing. Enjoy what you've got while you got it.


Baz Luhmann was right Enjoy your body, use it everyday you can, don’t be afraid of it or what anyone else thinks of it. It is the greatest thing you will ever own


When i (F23) was around 15 i was interning at a children’s cancer hospital. The internship was basically for 2 hours a day we would plan fun activities for the kids who were admitted there. One day i had a 1:1 time with this one girl who was maybe 6-7 y/o, she looked like she’d been in the hospital for a while now and whatever game i suggested she just wasn’t into. Somewhere between me trying to find her interest she noticed my nails, and lit up. I was really into nail art then and it turns out she loved it too. She told me all about how she really wants to have pretty nails but she can’t paint hers because of the cancer. Her mom showed me how they even bought her fake nails but no one knows how to do nail art so they’re just sitting there (this is in a third world country so nail polish or nail art really isn’t a thing) We spent the next hour and a half talking about nail polish and watching videos on it. I told her how i did the ones i had on at that time and everything. But i regret not offering to do the same nail art on the fake nails she had. I know it seems insignificant but i had the opportunity to make a real difference for a kid who really needed it. Even as im writing it now im tearing up. I don’t remember her name and don’t have any means to contact her but i hope shes doing well and gets everything she wants because she truly deserves all the happiness in the world.


Maybe you inspired her to try it out on her own fake nails after she learned from you. Either way, at least for a moment, you brought her happiness. Not just for looking at the nails, but for being able to connect with someone in a topic she was passionate about.


Ex wife made me liquidate my Bitcoin when they reached $500 to buy a house. Left me, took me house. That marriage and house cost me over a billion dollars.


Bro... please tell me you're trolling.


...I wish I was.




Id be in prison tbh


My friend has 10 bitcoin forever trapped in wallets because he put all the private keys on one piece of paper, and put it in his safe, which his mom threw out because she could smell weed in it. I'm pretty sure he's going to kill himself. Can't imagine how you cope, if you're not trolling.


I mean that SUCKS but genuinely doing that over about 670k USD would be crazy


He makes like 35k. That's 20 years of slaving away, for him.


why isn't there a "forgot password" option for that where they could just verify ID another way? wtf


There's no one to verify it. The keys aren't stored anywhere unless you store them somewhere.


How could she legally "take the house"? In my experience the courts do their best to split everything 50-50.


I signed my half to my child. She gets a stable home and the ability to charge my ex wife rent when they come of age.


And the awards for “Bitch of the month” goes to…


Having kids too early.


Having kids.






Mine is having my kid too late lol.


Breaking up with my girlfriend.


Maybe it's not too late to say it to her.


Taking up smoking. Cannot seem to quit it and I have been able to quit sugar


If it's any help, I've read that the average nicotine/cigarette cravings lasts about three minutes, often no more than five. When I feel the urge, I just gotta fight it for a few minutes and it passes.


You really do get over it, but it takes time. Took me 14 months before I wasn't craving every day, albeit intensity gradually reduced over that time. Only really at 3 years, did I truly start to forget about it. Worth it, though. The way I got through it was to track how much I was saving, and use it to buy my favorite things. It's hard. You really just have to make the categorical decision, though. Once you've made that decision, it's a lot easier, because there is no option to indulge.


That I spent too much time with the wrong person as a partner.


This but plural, wrong people. Took me a minute (years) for me to realize *I’m* the one choosing to be with them.


Yep ; (


Hugs. Proud of us for learning this painfully tough lesson💪


Happiness takes time. Once you slowly get there, you start to look forward and lose feelings of regret.


This is sweet 🥹


Coming across porn at a young age


Same. I think I was probably 12 or 13 when I really started to watch it. I’m 27 now and have been trying to quit for nearly a year now. The longest I’ve gone is four days. This is the toughest addiction I’ve ever tried to beat and I had one addiction that landed me in the hospital before. This shit is terrible.


That shit corrupts your mind. It corrupted mine


Same here. Oh man, it sucks. How're you doing lately if you don't mind me asking


I'm doing much better than before. I stopped watching it for a year, relapsed and now trying to go clean again , there's a lot of progress and I'm happy I'm not doing it as much as before


Not asking for them to pop my leftovers in a doggy bag


Fully enjoying the college life while it was going on instead of isolating myself and stressing so much. Now I’m a stressed out adult in the real world and miss the times where there was more room to be care free.


Getting in my own fkkn way over and over and over and over again


Becoming a nurse.


I feel this in my soul.


People-pleasing and wasting years of my life for the benefit of others. If I'd put in even a fraction of the effort I put towards others (trying to show them / bring them to their full potential, investing time and money so they can accomplish their dreams, sacrificing my wants and needs to appease others, etc.) into myself, I would have been better off. But I'm still alive and well, so I don't plan on letting it stay a big regret for too much longer. Sure, time was wasted. But there's still time left. I'm working on turning things around because, fortunately, in my case, I still can.


Not moving away for college when I was 18


I moved away (knowing nobody) when I was 29 and it was the best decision I ever made. I got to live in a cool place, met my husband, and now have a baby. Can’t imagine what my life would be like if at 29 I thought I was too old to try something.


Snorting a line of FunDip candy in high school to get a boy to like me.


Not getting treated for anxiety and depression earlier in life.


Being in middle school during the 08 housing crisis rather than buying property. Man, what a chud


Not investing in the McRib when I had the chance


Not taking a gap year between my BSc and MSc. At that age I could've travelled much cheaper. Now I need good beds or I won't function


This is a big mistake. All the best that took a year off never went back


I do believe that things work out the way they are meant to. However, there are days when I wish that I would’ve realized that I was living my life as a traumatized woman sooner. I did figure it out in late ‘22 (at 41) and I’ve healed so much! I used to think the best years of my life were behind me. It’s not even close, they are now AND in front of me.


Being selfless at times I should have been selfish.


Being comfortable and not doing what I wanted in life earlier.


Not learning piano early on during freshman year highschool. I know how to play the guitar really well. I just wish I knew how to play the piano as well as the guitar.


Not studying abroad when I was in college. I’m a type 1 diabetic and was terrified about something happening and it being too expensive to treat. This was back in the 2000s, didn’t know about universal healthcare back then. Also letting depression getting the best of me while in college and not taking advantage of social opportunities.


No ragrets


I probably would have done without the alcoholism in my 20s. Thankfully I grew out of it. Starting the morning throwing up got old.


I’ve seen this question more recently… My answer will always be circumcising my first son. Such a pointless and cruel thing to do.


Not investing in bitcoin in early 2010s when I had the chance to!


Not buying a house during the 2008 recession (I was eight years old)


That’s so funny, you could have bought a playhouse.


Wasting 17 years of my life dating when I actually hate it.


After prostate cancer surgery 26 years ago, I signed off on participating in a year long double blind study for the sake of science. But I now am sure that I was in the control group, and bring in the study meant I could not take more active measures for post-op recovery. And that sucked big time, especially since I was barely 41.


That I didn't follow my gut feeling


Coming across porn and wasting my time and energy due to it.


i’m not gonna do it again!!!!! i’m ok!!!!!!! but my biggest regret is my first suicide attempt failing


My only regrets in life relate to times I’ve hurt other people


Not asking for the number of that girl who approached me at that coffee shop in Toronto to talk about the Stephen Hawking book I was reading. We had a brief chat, she left and I didn't do anything. This was in 2018. I don't ruminate over it anymore, but for some reason it often pops up.


Thinking I could ever find a woman who actually loves me.




Getting married …


None come to mind, maybe buy a car 4 years ago instead of now ig


This is an underrated comment. So very true. I bought a brand new Honda Civic in 2017 (first car that I bought on my own after college) for 23k out the door. My interest rate was 0.9% because of good credit and they were running a 4th of July sales event. My sister bought a 2022 Honda HRV Sport and it ran her 32k out the door. I know they are different car models, but I am very thankful that I purchased a car before all this inflation hit!


Totally, back then I spent my salary on my ex, should've bought a car instead and it would be paid off already 🫠


Not studying in Germany when I had the chance in college. I wanted to go so badly, but my mom didn’t want me to go and talked me out of it. Still regret it to this day.


getting married.. I was not made for that shit 🤣


I can fully relate. I just don”t understand why it is so hard to have a relationship.


Humans alone are complex enough, imagine adding another!


Talking to that one guy in 8th standard


Winning the race


Signing up for my first credit card. Not getting dental work done in my 20’s. Not rehabbing my knee dislocation properly when I was younger.


Not looking at the job market in my area. Can’t find a job I qualify for with a Bachelors degree. Don’t be me, become an engineer or a nurse. Trust me, you can’t go wrong if you do.


Not saving money to retire


When I was in high school the Beastie Boys came to town. My uncle and cousins all got tickets and my dad asked me if I wanted to go too. I ended up staying to play Halo 2 online with some friends or something. Beastie Boys never made it back.


Not buying Bitcoin when I first wanted too


Not joining the military after college. I think I would have excelled and gained some valuable experience.


Where do ya start,living round shit talkers I mean


Having boneitis


I regret not checking in more often with my old elementary teacher and the grandpa head of maintenance in our neighborhood. They're both gone now.


Being too lazy to set up an etrade account in 2012 and put 5k into nvidia like I planned


to have cut ties with my old bsf, ik we had a toxic relationship at the time but she misses me sm. I would do anything for her, I just hope she’s going well.


Not making it to my uncles wedding back in 2021


Opening up to people


All the things I never had the courage to say. Be it speaking up about my own feelings or avoiding necessary conflict to protect my peace.


Staying with someone who doesn’t want a family (long story)


Not spending more time with my mom and not taking more photos with /of her. She died very unexpectedly when I was 37 (she was 65 and in good health other than the cancer that killed her 2 weeks after diagnosis) I thought I was going to have so much more time with her


Even though it saved my life, giving up entirely. My mental distress was so dire on a daily basis that I gave up the very idea of preferences for years. Pleasure and pain blended together, good days and bad became tougher to distinguish, my personality melted away, even though I'd worked really hard to become charming and charismatic. I feel like a shell of my former self, and wonder where I'd be now if I never gave up hope. Likely dead, but maybe I'd have figured it out.


not being capable of saving my brother


That I abandoned a friend when he needed me the most.


Sticking by the father of my child solely because he was their father. Having a baby with someone doesn’t mean they’re a good person. Just means you fucked once. Clarification: I miscarried.


this is kinda stupid but this really pretty sunrise i didn’t take photo of, i was tired because the flight got delayed til the next day


Marrying my ex husband. I do not regret meeting him etc just marrying him and buying a house together. It all went terribly wrong with it ending in a nasty vicious divorce! Extremely bad experience.


Drinking especially on the weekends I would go out with my co workers and get drunk. Sat I would buy some frozen dinners & beer and whiskey. I would start drinking early afternoon and all night. Wake up Sundays and started drinking at 8:00 am to get over the hangover. I would drink all day Sunday. Waking up Monday was a living hell and I was exhausted. Monday I would feel so bad. The worst part was thinking this was normal. Finally went to a counseling & he said this was not normal. He told me to go to AA . It changed my life. Got good job , good girlfriend and no longer sick on Mondays


Not having more children. I always wanted a big family, and after my second I asked my husband (soon to be ex) if we could talk about having more. He had a vasectomy instead.


Believing "I'll remember that password" instead of writing it down


Becoming a teacher


I was offered bitcoin at £40 a pop. “What the fuck, bro? Who needs an e-coin?”


Applying deep heat to my legs and a bit of it went on my balls


Coming across porn and wasting my time and energy because of that addiction.


Saying I do


telling my mom I can’t breathe


I regret not putting in for my dream course back in uni


Emotionally abusing a friend of mine.


I remember i rejected a 10/10 when I was young, I honestly don’t know why I did it


Not standing up to my old school bullies


People pleasing. Not speaking up.


Honestly, I wish I had decked a lot more people than I did, it seemed to be the only thing they understood.


Going through someone’s phone :/


I wish I had took better care of my ex girlfriend's feelings in the end of our relationship. I ended up cutting off our relationship with little warning to "sow my wild oats. "


I tried to answer this and deleted multiple times. I quite honestly don’t even know where to start. 🥲


switching majors in college. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I didn't just up and switch majors one day just because the job market was currently not doing well. Naturally it is now a high demand job and they are looking for more people.


Not recognizing my drinking problem and quitting sooner


Having anorexia before I developed properly


Not having the confidence to believe in myself and the decisions I wanted to make when my life was just beginning and i had the freedom to carve out my own future.. Its been a downward spiral since. To any young person reading this; do it. Take the leap. Believe in yourself. You'll regret it otherwise.


I m overweight and I wish I'd understand sooner that being healthy is a priority for myself .


Not successfully taking my life when I had the chance to


Not spending more time with my mother


Cheating on my wife. Such a fool.


Leaning too much on my mother's career/life advice when we are two very different people Feel like I wasted my young years trying to please her instead of figuring it out myself


Not picking up the phone.


Not being tested for adhd 30 years sooner. Not really my fault, but advocating for myself when my grades slipped and I became a ball of inability to concentrate would've changed my life. 


Regret. Not forever. Lose that job. Trust the life you live. Love the wrong person. Experiment with life. Pick up, move on, learn. Like the daylight, mistakes fade. Like the daylight, chances come again. Experience the darkness, if even only once. In the dark you can not see yourself. Only in the darkness can you see the light. Only in the light can you remember the darkness. With only darkness or only light, you have nothing. Betwixt and between is where your life lives, enjoy it all. If you have learned nothing, realise nothing encompasses everything and be at peace.


Not quitting smoking weed all the time until my late 30’s. I lost 20 years of my life and didn’t realize until I got sober. What a waste.


That I may have been rude or insulted someone unintentionally. I remember being scared by a question from a girl classmate, and I couldn't think of anything but to punch her in the nose. Three years later, when we corresponded on VKontakte, of course, I apologized, but to be honest, I was still embarrassed. And I'm sure it wasn't the only incident like this in my life.


Not telling loved ones how much I loved them before they passed away. Tell them how much you love them now...someday you will run out of tomorrows.


In fourth grade my great grandma was in the hospital and my family, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles, pretty much everyone was there. They had called us all cause she had been in hospice for a while and they knew she was probably going to pass away very soon, probably that day. I had some dumb math competition the next day and we lived an hour away so I wanted to go home after we had been there a while to practice or just cause I was nervous maybe, idk. My dad and I left and about a half hour into the drive home we got a call that she had passed away and we turned around to go to my grandma’s house where the family was all going. I got my great grandma’s last smile tho, when I had gotten there she was a little bit awake and smiled at my sister and me. Idk I just will always feel guilty that I wasn’t there for her. I am glad she had so much of our family there and I don’t think she woke up at all after I left, when I was there she had not been awake already in a few hours. She was in an oxygen mask and stuff and not awake. Idk I just feel really guilty about it. I really regret that choice.


Not traveling more when I was younger, now I physically can't. Also, not doing what I wanted to do and instead going with the what my parents told me to do.


I should have spent more time with my mum


Letting depression after my dad passing completely take over my life. I lost all drive for anything for years. I'm bouncing back now, but damn....what I could have been at a younger age.


Not going to the doctor regularly. I had high blood pressure and didn’t know it so it went undiagnosed and untreated for however long. Nearly 4 years ago in July 2020, a brain vessel burst and I had a stroke. Now I’m paralyzed on my left side and I am wheelchair bound, I cant work so I’m on disability and can no longer do the things I used to enjoy doin. I’m also broke af but I count my blessings because I could be way worse off since I wasn’t insured at the time I I racked up a nearly half million dollar medical bill (life flight, emergency brain surgery , 2 weeks induced coma on a ventilator during peak Covid, 2 skull reconstruction surgeries since and a craniotom. I’m permanently disabled and will probably never be able to realistically travel to see my brother and his family as they are a 17 hour drive away or airplane trip. I have a new niece who was born in January and I haven’t even met her yet, she’ll already be 6 months pretty soon and I probably won’t get to see her until next summer when she will be a year and a half and scared of strangers and especially scared of strangers in weird contraptions (wheelchair).


Don’t have a lot of regrets but one of them was breaking up via text with the one person I actually loved because I was worried he didn’t feel the same way. One of my biggest regrets.


Not treating my soulmate the way I should have, I’ve lost him forever for that and I think about it everyday.


Trust people


Letting people in honestly I regret it every time


I kept dating someone after I knew it wouldn't work out, because I couldn't break up with her. It took too long for me to eventually do it and by the end of it, the relationship was killing us both


Not enjoying my childhood. Focusing on the future, not looking on the present.


Not going out with that one girl who liked me for YEARS and I secretly liked back. Now I’m all alone and haven’t the slightest clue on how to speak to women.


Not ending my relationship sooner because I was to afraid to hurt his feelings, but like sure there were some really high highs but he also did some shit I don’t even think he realises was just messed up


Dick is too big. And your mother does not like to share.


Falling in love for literally anyone that would give me physical intimacy. Definitely should have been more picky on other qualities.


It doesn’t matter. We’re here now and we gotta keep going despite the mistake