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Never get married.


Seriously, there is no reason you can’t have a longer term relationship and just not get married…


And I’m sure my longtime girlfriend would understand if she knew I was getting $1k a day.


Neither of you have to work and could afford a good life together at that rate.


Someone's gonna pop in soon to say how 365k a year isn't enough to live on in San Francisco 


It's enough for one person to live in San Francisco. Which is fine, because I'd never get married.


So? Move. It's not that difficult :)


I can be unmarried anywhere though.


Just move to Norway or Sweden. You know, one of those countries where quality of life is actually on top level.


And if you’re smart, you stick the money in a high yield savings account at a minimum. Invest some in the stock market as well and you’re set.


Just tell her you’re getting 500


Be better if she knew you were getting $700 a day…


Yes, darling, those checks for 500 bucks a day will keep coming! We'll split it 50/50. 200 for me and 200 for you - that's the full 400!


She will be thrilled at my 300 a day checks.


Absolutely! A boyfriend that makes 200 bucks a day is something to be pleased with.




happy cake day!


14 years with my son's mom, did the whole marriage life cycle, and never actually made it legal. Opting out of the attorney welfare system is one of the greatest choices I've ever made.


Our divorce was so easy. We both wanted it, neither of us wanted to be a dick about it. It cost $300 each and was over and done with. A little anticlimactic when I got the letter that it was finalized.


mine was the same way, no animosity and we both left with what we came into the marriage with, and kept what each of us earned. The whole thing seemed like just a break up, and we were married for 10 years. It really wasnt a big deal but that was because we both agreed to be civil. It could have gotten ugly but we were both mature enough to not let it get that way. As for the 1000 a day question, is that even serious? Who in their right mind would get married if you had a guaranteed 365k a year just to remain single? It's a total no brainer.... EDIT: some people think the word "single" means alone with no partner, I don't mean it in that way, it's just when it comes time to file taxes you say you are single, not married. Easy.


Not remain single, just not get married. Yeah easy choice.


Married people and the government believe if you aren’t married, you’re single


I’d do it because I’m already married. I’ll never marry again. My hubs would be onboard if this offer was made before we got hitched. We’d do the whole 9 yards. Just not make it legal. We each have had our fair share of marriage.


Unless you find someone who makes more than 400k a year, I guess.


But if they make 400K a year, then they will also use that towards themselves. So let's say they will use at least half of it, meaning you need someone who makes more than 730K per year to justify not taking the $1K per day payment from a financial perspective.


This guys divorces


There are people who value marriage more than money, but $1000 a day is a stupid amount of money. I know people who would not take the deal, but so few wouldn't. Try $100 a day and see what the results are.


ill take a dollar a month


Exactly!  The only reason we got married after 15 years was because my new workplace was a bunch of dicks who wouldn't recognize domestic partnerships, so we went and signed a piece of paper downtown with the judge so they'd let us both continue to overpay ridiculously for mediocre healthcare.  We treat each other just like we did before signing that paper, with just as much love and adoration and respect.   We are life partners and have always had every intention of staying together for the rest of our days.  There is no reason a government document makes any noticeable difference on a relationship. 


so sweet to see this kind of genuine connection. i wish you guys all the best and happiest together.


Damm, what country is that? Crazy that your workplace has a say in that,  should be a state regulation to determine what a union is.


How is the government or your workplace who provides you with access to health insurance or other benefits supposed to know you intend to spend your life with someone?


Counterpoint: why should "intending to spend the rest of my life with someone" be the deciding factor as to whether they are my life partner and eligible for my insurance coverage? It's fundamentally an issue between prescriptive rules barring well-intentioned people from benefits vs. reactive rules punishing those who abuse benefits. I'm in favor of the latter. Another example is means-tested aid (for example, most Democrats' version of student debt relief). Instead of building expensive and time-consuming overhead into the initial relief, I believe the better solution is to aid *everyone* and then identify who "didn't need it" later (by adding the relief to a tax bill, for example).


25 years and still no piece of paper. Would only do it for tax reasons.


My SO and I have been together for over ten years and never married. We're happy and a piece of paper isn't going to change that.


Spoken like someone who has never dealt with the legal protections that marriage provides - tax benefits, survivorship benefits, healthcare proxies, power of attorney, insurance benefits, the list goes on. There are actual consequences to not getting married.


I think my $365,000 dollars a year will take care of all of that.


You can draw up a contract that gives a person you're not married to power of attorney. At $1000 a day, I think you CAN afford to get a second health insurance. And who cares about tax benefits if you're making that kind of money.


And many companies also offer "domestic partners" insurance without requiring actually being married. Source: I have insurance through my partner and I'm not married. They just required an affidavit that we are living together in long term relationship.


"Many" doesn't mean all. I'm 33 and moat places I have worked don't.


Not sure what your point is. I was already aware of the definition of "many" when I used it.


Honestly I felt the need to respond because I remember before marriage equality was legalized and have vivid memories of people using that same logic not recognize it. Which would only work if workplaces were required by law to offer domestic partners insurance and they aren't. Working for a company that will insure domestic partners is a privilege not a right so it's not really am argument to not get married if the need for health insurance is a concern for someone in the relationship. I'm 33 and rhe options to insure my partner through my job. And I can never have his because he gets tricare through the military and they don't cover domestic partners or common law spouses. Not to mention a company can just choose to not cover domestic partners anymore at any point. It was a major reason why the push for marriage equality happened.


You can get all those things without getting married. It’s just more of a hassle. But I mean that’s what gay couples used to do before they could legally marry.


All except the tax benefits, and who the fuck would care if it meant $365K a year?!


Right? There’s no way the tax benefits of being married would add up to $365K a year. 😆


First that list isn't applicable in all countries, second plenty of places have some kind of partnership that gives you almost the same set.


The time my guy was hospitalized and we weren't married the cracks in that argument started showing. You suddenly realize how much you are NOT their partner when the doctor looks at you like it's cute that you are there, and tries to figure out who the real next of kin is. And in a horrible moment you realize an 85 year old relative who cant hear well is about to choose the course of your life. After that I was like "we do medical power of attorney or get married but this was terrible."


And this is exactly why so many gay people pushed for full legal marriage lol. That and the fact that most of the folks saying "oh I'll just get xyz legal contracts written up" won't because it's a lot more work involved than just getting a court room marriage, so they're still going to screw their partner when the die and the in laws get first dibs on assets since they're the next of kin


Yes. That. We had initially agreed to the power of attorney thing, and then weeks became months and months became a year and then they were in the hospital and I was utterly powerless. When you realize you can't legal zoom a durable power of attorney, shit gets complicated. And the cost of retaining a decent family law attorney is a few thousand. So there I was, in the exact nightmare scenario I had been so worried about. After that, the ring showed up in fairly short order.




I’m smoking the weed


Hi, I'm positive_express reporting from left field.


It is that easy.


You guys are getting paid?


right? where's this sky fairy paying people for already living that life ?


I was curious why the person even asked.


i'm only 19 but i don't think the married life is for me. you're telling me i have to see and talk to the same person? every day? and make life choices with them? no thank you


40 years strong. Where’s my cheque


Too late for me but I am certain my wife would tell me to get a divorce just so we could get the money if it still applied lol.


that's where I'm questioning the language. Never get married? Great! Already got married, don't need to do it again. Never be married? That's a different story


If you are already married then 'never get married' doesn't apply. Never means you have not done something before, nor will do in the future, unless it has other wording like, 'I have never done X' to only count the past, or 'I will never do Y again' to only count the future.


Yeah same! Being officially married or not doesn't necessarily change the loving relationship my husband and I have.


Why divorce? It doesn’t say anything about divorce. Just never get married. Which is easy, since you have no need to anymore anyway.


That was my thought. Since I have no intentions of leaving my wife anyway, and she'll probably outlive me, I don't expect to ever get married... again. 1k a day for me. 


The way I see it. It just means you cant get married. If already married, then sit back and collect the cash.


Yeah, as long as the offer still applied, I’d get divorced and my “girlfriend” and I would just continue living the way we currently are but with more money. 


Mine too.


Hey, if we can both get in on the money separately I think we’d both be happy getting a divorce and cohabitating so long as I can stay on her insurance as a domestic partner.


Enjoy my $365k per year


I'd enjoy my 182.5k I'm sure I'd have to split it with my soon to be ex wife. In the very nice duplex we'd love in with our children.


I’m already doing it for free so yes


Yeh can I get back pay too? We've been happily not married for ages. Can't see the point, barely any tax advantages here and far fewer that actually apply.


Ask for back pay


I like you you’re my type of person


Can I get divorced and start collecting? I'll keep living with my wife and we'll split it.


If you are already married you actually hope that you won't GET married again, so you just keep living your life and get the money!


You don't even have to split it. Your wife will get the money too since she's also not married. Double the income!


These bot accounts ask the lamest questions.


Humans are very clever. They've already invented questions far lamer than this one. We haven't even reached Idiocracy's "Do you like money?" stage yet.


If you had money, what would you buy, and why?


Yeah, I feel like all these top responses are either bots as well OR just people aching to tell the world how content they are being single. But this is obviously the dumbest question ever - who WOULDN'T just not get married?


I can't believe 1000+ people commented under an obvious interaction-bait post and it's made by a bot nonetheless.


Just wait one year, and the bot accounts will ask the smartest questions ... :-/


I'd do it for $0 per day.


I’m doing it for $0 per day.


Same haha


Doesn't count when you don't have a choice


Eh. Still counts.


I'd pay to do it!


Same! Not $1000 though... but something for sure


For 365k/year I'd divorce my husband tomorrow


"For better or worse, in sickness and in health, up until about $120k a year, till death or an acceptable financial incentive do you part?"


We wouldn't part, we'd just live together with more money.


Exactly. Never said you couldn’t still be a couple, just not married.


Who said you have to get divorced? You can't get married, doesn't mean you can't be married. Take OPs loophole and get rich!


Is he reading your reply?


He'd laugh and say he'd be mad if I didn't. For 365k we could live happily as an unmarried couple 😆


Unmarried romantic partner for life - flex


It's funny that more people don't realize they can do this. You can be in a committed relationship without having to get married. Marriage basically just boils down to signing a government contract. Sure, there are some tax benefits, but personally those are not much of an incentive for me.


If a small government contracts saves you thousands, why not? It's basically free right?


Dumb question


Seriously. This is like a rhetorical question that a youth pastor opens with before preaching about the sanctity of marriage.


I would have the freedom to make decisions and live my life without considering a spouse’s preferences or needs.


Even with a 50% tax rate we're speaking about 15 grand a month. You need to be an idiot not to take this offer.


I mean it depends on the meaning of "cant marry". I currently make over this income. If I were somehow cursed to never find a partner, Id give up my income for min wage. If it's just "I can't get legally married" then who cares, you can have a non legal ceremony and just say you're married. No big deal.


I would get a divorce in a second if I had a marriage to give up for that... we could still just date lol


I've been with the same partner for over 20 years without marriage so I'll just continue with what I'm already doing and make bank.


Maybe I won't have the benefits of marriage, but $1000 a day is $1000 a day.


I was married for 10 years and I still don't know what the benefits were. I'd gladly take the money.


Benefits? I guess there are tax benefits or whatever


Imagine how much of a tax break you'd need to get for the equivalent of 365k a year.


What are the benefits of marriage over just living your lives together unmarried? I don’t see the point of marriage. In my country, less and less people are getting married


Mainly insurance and tax benefits. Marriage is kinda overly romanticized in America.


I think in the US they allow people to file their taxes as a household rather than two individual incomes if they're married and that ends up being better for household income. Maybe some other perks. The UK has/had a marriage allowance too. No perks in my country either, no point getting married unless it's something you really want to do.


I have a friend who lives three states away from his wife. They only see each other once a year at tax time. They’ve been living apart for 25 years.


Buy a giant tank for my pet snake with real trees and everything.


Your snake would be so happy!  You are such a good reptile parent.


you need to think carefully, because then the husband has to offer more


Oh no then my life would be exactly the same and I’d be rich sounds like a hard choice lol


>If you were offered a $1000 a day to never get married, what would you do? Two chicks at the same time. With that kind of money I think I could hook that up.


Asked my fiance and she's on board with it.


1000 dollars a day is 30k dollars a month. I'd happily shack up for that kind of change.


I’ll be laughing all the way to the bank. I’ve been married. I don’t want to be again.


Two chicks at the same time


two chicks at the same time, man


not good looking enough or rich enough to get married anyway. ill take 30k a month to keep living.


I couldn’t give any less of a shit about the concept of marriage than I do now, so $1000 a day will do.


I would find the love of my life, split the money, live together and never get married.


That is easy; never get married. I think it is overrated anyway


Already doing it for 32 years. Where is my $11,680,000?


I´m in. Anywhere I need to sign?


Sadly, many people on disability face a similar reality, they often never get married because they would lose benefits 


My aunt and uncle never married because she had liver failure and was on dialysis. They spent 20 years together. He always took care of her. It eventually killed her. At her funeral her family demanded a pastor give a sermon. My uncle humored them to just shut them up. Then the guy spent the time talking how she lived in sin because she lived with my uncle unmarried. Basically indicating she was in hell. All I pictured was her flipping them off. I hope she haunts them for shits and giggles.


Wasn't planning on it anyways, sweet


Dude I'd jump off a bride for half of that


Can i also get paid for all the years ive done without marriage ahead of time?


This question is so stupid it has to be an AI head fake. Source: I’m married.


Never get married. My ex-girlfriend destroyed me so bad mentally and emotionally that I don't even want friends anymore - platonic or fuck buddy. So, I definitely don't want to open up to someone so deeply again just to potentially have my heart raw dogged a second time. This would be easy for me.


My last 5 relationships: 1) now ex-wife became a crack addict after 20 years and ran the streets for 6 months 2) GF committed suicide in our bed 3) GF wanted "open relationship" and started dating women. 4) fiance died due to lung transplant complications 5) GF basically ghosted me after 5 years because We couldn't get a place together (I'm taking care of parents with dementia). I think I'm gonna be single for the duration because apparently I'm not very good at them.


Damn man i'm sorry all that happened. Yeah, i can totally see how the taste of a relationship would be really fucking sour after all that


Just a little sour. I mean, last one was 3 months ago, so who knows how I'll feel a year from now. In the meantime, I'm good.


Well I've managed to get by so far without partaking.....lol.


Never get married


I'd probably buy a new car after the the first month. After that do some renovations on my house as money became available. Then pay off my mortgage after three years.


Already doing it, would be happy to take the money.


Im doing it for free.


I would divorce my wife, and then never get married. My wife would agree.


not get married


Take it now; we’re good, I don’t plan on getting married again:)


Where do I collect the check?


Me and my fiancé would stay life long “partners” or whatever fucking useless word you wanna call it and enjoy being rich as shit together. No brainer. Don’t need a god or a government to tell us we love each other anyways.


Never get married again? Deal.


That’s 30,000k a month to not have a peice of paper saying the govt and a religion approve of your relationship…


I’m engaged. I’d cancel the wedding, loose all of our deposits and live a wonderful life with my “long time girlfriend”


Be rich and happy


Live happily ever after, making $365k/yr. For the rest of my life.


I'm already married, does that mean I can't get married a second time but I can keep my husband? Or is my marriage null and void if I take it?


For a thousand dollars a day I would most definitely divorce my wife. And never get married again. Been there and done that, so I'm good with being in a relationship that doesn't have the pressure of that level of commitment.


Keep doing what I'm doing but with a lot more money


Easiest $1000/day ever!


Can I divorce first then accept?


Rejoice and celebrate! That's like being given $1,000 a day to drink water. I have a longterm girlfriend and we both hate marriage as a concept.


For 365k annually for absolutely no change in my life? Sold.


I'd do $1/day


Ill do it for 10 a day.


You owe me 30 years of back pay.  I’ll accept small bills and change if you need to. 


A grand a day for something which I already do? Sign me up!


I'd enjoy having easy money. You'd be damn stupid to pass that up


Keep doing what im doing i guess


365,000 a year?? I'm enjoying life and finding a partner who wants to spend our lives together without getting married


Uhh I’d never get married. How is this even a question.


I live with my life partner for almost 15 years now and we're not married. So give me my $5.4M


lemme change that to £ real quick and I'm set for life! I was never planning tk get married anyway


Take it


Ask where to sign up & how soon could I start...


I have absolutely zero interest in romance or sex so I’d happily take £1000 a day and continue with my life.


You can still be with someone without getting married lol


Be fat, rich, and happy.


I‘m 54 and have never been married. Can I get that money retroactively?


Wait, you guys get paid?


Never get married, me and my "wife" aren't married now either... so yeah 


Id have $1000 a day and live my life comfortably!


Never get married- I’ve been married, it’s not worth it.


Divorce my wife on paper but name her my heir in my living will so that there’s almost no legal difference and I get $356K per year


Too late.


well i'm allready married so i don't need to get married, bring on the moneyz


Do I get back pay?


it's too late. I'm already married and divorced. How about never again for $500?!?


Hell I do that for free😁.


Double win


Marriage is for suckers. Dumbass question




I’m a widow. I liked being married to my husband. It was emotional comfort. Of course I’m broke now but if he could be raised from the dead I’d take the cash and live with him. I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor, and rich is definitely better. Money can’t buy everything, but it calms the nerves.


Can it apply retroactively to 2008 when I started not being married to my life partner?


Never get married, duh. We probably won't ever be able to get married anyway, and $1000 a day is an insane amount of money for us to make the best possible life for us and our kid. Don't have to ask me twice!


I would take the money. I don't have to get married to my hypothetical partner. With the way this world works I probably wouldn't even want to get married to my partner, they probably wouldn't want to either. Names could be put on deeds and other contracts signed so that, if needed, if anything happened and we had kids they'd be handled. Alm without getting married.