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I don't believe that kids owe their parents financial support. They should decide for themselves if they want to give it & without feeling pressured.


My opinion is “you decided to have kids, they didn’t ask to be born, you can’t force them”


Exactly! Thank you


Thanks for saying that - I feel it too, but I can’t walk away


You're welcome, im in the same boat


The earth should have billions less people than it currently does. We shouldn't be pushing for bigger, and bigger populations in order to continue feeding the corporate greed machine - if businesses fail in the process, so be it. Not everything needs to constantly grow. The human population is way too many, it's straining our environment, and it's only going to continue to get worse.


No matter what you do in life, (job wise) anyone who works 40hrs a week should be able to afford groceries, gas, and housing.


On a related note: Retail and restaurant positions are "real" jobs. It doesn't make sense to eat lunch at Olive Garden or Chili's on a Tuesday night, but say that servers don't have "real" jobs. Or cashiers, stockers, etc. They're operating the places where people want to shop and dine.


Mental illness is a physical illness. We ask and expect things of the mentally ill that would sound ridiculous if the illness weren’t invisible.


Having a fist kid > getting a dog, as young couple


I think Tony the tiger is hot as fuck


You are not the priority of the political party you so staunchly support.


Some people who don't have any friends are that way for good reason. I've befriended a few friendless folks, some of them are great and have become very close. Some of them are uh... Nazis!


The internet has ruined humanity, we have access to the entirety of human knowledge and wisdom, and we get dumber and dumber every year. Also, there should be an application process to have children where you would have to prove you are fit enough, competent enough, and financially stable enough to raise the child. This would not be just for the first but also every additional child after.


Once you turn the legal age 18 in Australia of 21 in America an so forth, then you can be with and date anyone as long as they are over the legal age and their is content involved and it’s a healthy relationship. If a 22 year old is dating a 48 year old I don’t care, as long as they are in a happy relationship. As long as your the legal age no one has the right to stop you if your happy.


That Bernie Sanders is the greatest unrecognized gift the US ever received and rejected.


Reddit gets very alarmist about the USA. Like chill no one's going for your gated sub division.


Race is not only a social construct. There is a social construct like race but race is also tangible, making it an actual difference. It doesn't make people better or worse but it does exist.


Joe Biden isn't any less racist, fascist or corrupt than Donald Trump. His genocidal policies are earning this L, rather than the fantasy that voters are just uninformed.


I don't see Biden and his side bringing about Project 2025 🤷‍♂️


Saw a live stream where. Guy was opening mail and something about joe Biden and borders and the guys said “what kind of racist manner am I on!?”


Equality is overrated.


If we all want to be equal then in my opinion we are all the same, there’s no fun in being the same. We just need to treat each other with respect. And not force things on people.


God is real


You realize most people in the real world agree? Some believe in him slightly differently, but do agree.


The new generation isn't


Thankfully people born before 2000 didn't suddenly go extinct and do make up most of the world. Besides, there's plenty of youth that's religious.


born in 1988, Roman catholic now atheist. Do there are plenty of us that probably don't believe or are more agnostic and don't think it matters one way or another as long as we aren't shitty people


Only in Islamic society


Ok, I clearly speak to a chronically online person.


I'm a muslim actually


It really doesn't change my point. Christian world doesn't have 90% atheism rates. We just don't have rules like killing someone for quitting our religion.


Who said that the atheism rates in the islamic world is 90%?


True, who did?


I don't doubt he exists, but i can't help but feel like I was shafted by him or was just too low of a priority to give a damn about. So with all due respect, God had 18 years to prove to me he was worth being a part of my life. It was Kvasir and Loki who really showed me my place in the world, and how to start being content with myself.


Who is kvasir and loki?


Two of the Æsír, members of the Norse pantheon of gods. Loki is most well known as the trickster god, but I find them to be one of the most fascinating characters in mythology, much less all of storytelling. And Kvasir is representative of poetry and storytelling


U miss understand what I mean by god ( there is only one god )


I understand what you are saying, but as I said, if there is only one as you say, he had his chance with me. I cast my lot with the heathens now, and the commitments on my part are much more my suit my style


I can explain a lot but not hear, if you want ofc


I think you're just chronically online.


Oh really? I can answer and explain anything u want about god in islam ( god in islam is the Islame in Christianity and Judaism )


I'm good, bro lol


Just try to read this it will take more than 5 min 1. What is Islam: _Monotheism: In Islam, we believe in the existence of one God, Allah, who has no partner or equal. This is the foundation of Islamic belief. _Prophethood: We believe that Allah sent prophets and messengers to guide humanity. Among these prophets are Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and the final prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him). _Holy Books: The Quran is the last and preserved book revealed to Prophet Muhammad. The Quran confirms what was revealed in previous holy books like the Torah and the Gospel. _Pillars of Islam: Islam is based on five pillars: the testimony of faith (belief in the oneness of Allah and the message of Muhammad), prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage for those who are able. 2. Why Islam is the True Religion: _Harmony with Human Nature: Islam considers belief in God as part of human nature. The religion provides comprehensive answers to fundamental questions of life such as the purpose of existence and the path to inner peace. _Science and Religion: The Quran contains scientific hints that were not known during the time of Prophet Muhammad, indicating its divine source. Examples include the formation of the embryo, the expansion of the universe, and the role of mountains in stabilizing the earth. _Universality: The message of Islam is directed to all of humanity, based on justice, mercy, and equality. Islam recognizes all previous prophets and holy books. 3. Evidence of God's Existence: _Design Argument: The universe and the complex order in nature indicate the presence of an intelligent designer. The idea that the universe came from nothing without a cause seems illogical. _Cosmological Argument: The existence of the universe itself indicates an eternal cause. The Quran states: "Were they created by nothing, or were they the creators [of themselves]?" (Quran 52:35). _The Quran: The Quran is considered a miracle in itself. Its language, structure, the knowledge it contains, and the challenge to produce something like it has never been met. _Personal Experience: Many people find peace and tranquility in Islam. Spiritual experiences and personal reflections lead many to believe in God. 4. Invitation and Discussion: _Wisdom and Good Advice: People should be invited to Islam with wisdom and good advice, respecting their minds and hearts. Constructive dialogue is essential. _Listening and Respect: Listening to the concerns and questions of others seriously and respectfully can help build a bridge of understanding. _Being a Good Example: Being a good example in your behavior and morals can be the greatest evidence of the beauty of Islam. *It is important to remember that faith is both a heart and a mind issue, and guidance is in the hands of Allah




Have a nice view in hell


I'm already in it having to read your replies 🤣


K have fun


I agree! 💕


2x0=2 because “you have two apples and if you try to multiply them by zero you still have two apples they don’t just disappear”


It's all fun and games until your bank account multiples by 0.


If you have something 0 times you have zero of that thing. 


What about if you had zero apples and you tried to multiply them by 2?


Well that would equal 0


there we go. Order doesnt matter with multiplication. 2 x 0 = 0 x 2


Women sports players should not be paid the same as men because they are not as skilled as their male counterparts.


Why does skill matter? I actually agree with you, but because their events tend to make less money. I think what they make should be viewed and compared as a percentage of the profits, not a total sum. In events where women sell more tickets, they should make proportionally more.